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crime on cruise ships

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I will be cruising with my boyfriend yet I will still be very careful. I don't plan on walking to and from our cabin on my own.


Now I am getting concerned, not about the crime situation but by the fact that you would not consider walking to or from your cabin on your own. This, surely, is taking things to an unnecessary level. I know I'm a bloke but my nearest and dearest would consider me paranoid if I suggested she should walk to or from our cabin alone. There are precautions that are worth taking but extremes like this would make life intolerable. Lighten up folks ....Neil



Never, would I allow my daughter to walk through the halls alone at night. :rolleyes:

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I don't think I'm being paranoid at all. It's a long walk usually to your cabin and there are all kinds of people on that ship. It wouldn't be too hard to grab somebody and force them into a cabin. No offense, buy you are a man and I don't think men fully understand the precautions women need to take.

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Wow, I'm sorry....You must live on the edge all the time and, no offence, but your nerves must be shattered, I don't think I could stand that kind of continual strain...regards Neil


Welcome to a womens world Neil. A woman always has to be on her guard & it is always in the back of her mind. The one time you let your guard down is the time something unfortunate can happen.

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uh Keith, that's a lot of generalizing on your part.






Your presumption that alcohol/drugs is the culprit is a poor generalization...It's never good to label people and it's never good to throw out generalities...


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Have just finished watching a t.v. program in Canada which talks about crime on cruise ships - apparently many sexual assaults and rape committed by crew members. We are booked in Jan./08 for our 12th cruise and have never experienced or been witness to any crime on any of the cruise ships we have been on. According to this expose cruising is not the safe vacation one thinks it is. Has anyone out there had any bad experiences while at sea. They showed some pretty convincing interviews and films but could this just be a lot of media hype and a lot of small incidents made to look like cruising is risky. Any comments?

Cruising Goldenagers:confused:


Last year on CNN I watched a live U.S. Senate Committee hearing from people who were speaking before congress telling of crimes committed against them. Everything from rape to robbery. Crime happens even on cruise ships - which is basically a floated city. One woman who spoke said she was sexually assaulted after she spent several hours sitting at the bar drinking and talking with the bar tender. She honestly though she was having a friendly conservation with him and when he offered to help her back to her room (since she wouldn't walk straight) she took him up on his offer. He then brought her down to the crew quarters, brought her in a locker room and assaulted her. She went on TV to warn other ladies that if you want to drink make sure that you have a friend or buddy that is with you who can safely help you back to your room in case you have too much to drink. It is almost like having a designated "walker" with you while cruising. This woman was brave enough to admit her mistakes and let us know theconsequencess and has given us females good advice that we should listen to and remember.

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My daughter is a beautiful girl inside and out and unaware of it. When she cruises with us, (she is 19) she always makes great friends with kids her own age onboard. She always has a few walk her to her cabin at night. If that can not be done, I will meet her and we will come back together. She was once approched by a crew member at the buffet when she was 17, on a Celebrity ship. She thought nothing of conversing with this person in a crowded room until he took the conversation to a personal level and she walked away. Some of the crew seem to be pretty brazen and it is important for young girls to be aware of this. :)

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My daughter is a beautiful girl inside and out and unaware of it. When she cruises with us, (she is 19) she always makes great friends with kids her own age onboard. She always has a few walk her to her cabin at night. If that can not be done, I will meet her and we will come back together. She was once approched by a crew member at the buffet when she was 17, on a Celebrity ship. She thought nothing of conversing with this person in a crowded room until he took the conversation to a personal level and she walked away. Some of the crew seem to be pretty brazen and it is important for young girls to be aware of this. :)


Sounds like you are raising not only a beautiful daughter on the outside but most important on the inside. You taught her great values. Congratulations.

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And most of the rapes/attempted rapes are perpetrated upon UNDERAGE GIRLS or drunk and stupid women. The underage girls-where in the h*** are their parents???? What in the h*** was a 12 yo doing with a crew member???? Parenting does count!!!


And you get drunk and stupid-"Looking for Mr. Goodbar". Oh, boy, did that tell my age!!!


And I suppose you are one of these people who have been known to say that if a rape victim was wearing a low cut top, or spent an evening at a nightclub, she was "asking for it."

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Standby I hope you are not suggesting that it is OK for women to make mistakes under the influence but it is not OK for men to do so?? Even as a woman I would call that double standard!!


For goodness sake we women know men are not perfect therefore it is only for our own good if we use some common sence. That includes not getting completely blotto, not going anywhere with strangers who have been chatting the lady up at the bar. Unfortunately many of my gender seem to forget that - and they often end up in situations they wouldn't be in if they were sober.

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Standby I hope you are not suggesting that it is OK for women to make mistakes under the influence but it is not OK for men to do so?? Even as a woman I would call that double standard!!


For goodness sake we women know men are not perfect therefore it is only for our own good if we use some common sence. That includes not getting completely blotto, not going anywhere with strangers who have been chatting the lady up at the bar. Unfortunately many of my gender seem to forget that - and they often end up in situations they wouldn't be in if they were sober.

I am proud to live in a country that has prosecuted men who rape both female or male prostitutes.


You wish to use the word "mistake" in the context of rape, it beggars belief!

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Standby - we are not on the same track here!!! I have a lady (now friend back them I didn't know her as well) We were celebrating a mutal friends birthday. We will call her lady one was drinking quite heavily. Around midnight she started getting it on with a man - well lets say I didn't think it was the kind of person she would normally want to meet. She was being VERY brazen. I was driving the ladies so I was on soda and completely sober. Lady One was not taking any advise to stop drinking and change to coffee instead so when the two (by the way the guy wasn't sober either) started doing things I thought lady one might regret I got in to take her home. She told me NO and even tried to slap me. Eventually, with a little help from the bouncer, I had her in the car to take her home.


The next morning when I asked if she remember her actions - she went white as a sheet and asked if I was pulling her leg.... NO but she had no idea what she had done the night before!!! She would not even have been able to remember if she had even said no. She didn't even believe me when I told her she had tried to slap me. That she only believed when a colluege of her asked her about it. She now no longer drinks alcohol at all because she now understands the dangers - she knows that if I had not stopped her she would have ended up in bed with someone who she wouldn't even tell the time of day when she is sober!!! Alcohol could have gotten into such trouble but she has learn't her leason unfortunately others are not as lucky!!!

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By the way, I was watching "Law and Order, SVU" a couple hours ago. Guess what one of the VICTIMS said-"I got DRUNK AND STUPID" after her video dancing naked on a bar ended up on the internet and she was in danger of loosing her college scholarship. By no means was she a STUPID person, but drinking to excess made her loose her smarts. Sure, TV writers wrote the script, but it is pretty common terminology.



You've never had anything like this happen to you or yours, have you? Calling someone who got raped or assaulted "stupid" is simply offensive. Yes, the media and pop culture does have an overlay of many negative things (have you listened to rap music?) but that doesn't make it okay. Further, dancing naked on a bar is not the same as having someone force you to do something sexual. In one case it is a matter of a bad choice that you made. In the other, it is a case of a bad choice THEY made.


Just take a second to think about who could be reading these messages. If you had a friend that was forced sexually, would you want her to read messages like yours? I wouldn't...even if she had that extra drink, placing the blame on her does nothing. It doesn't teach anyone else anything, it doesn't teach her anything but guilt and shame, and it sure discourages people from speaking out about their situation. Please don't just react to this in anger. Please just take a moment to think about someone you care about that had something like this happen to them reading this forum. Now give that bit of empathy to a stranger.


Several people have said that it is an older way of thinking. And, yes, it is, but it still exists in the younger culture today. "Dumb bitch shouldn't have been doing X" isn't an unknown statement and it exists throughout American society (I don't have the personal experience to speak for cultures elsewhere.) Either way, it is something that needs to be countered...when a question about rape is asked, the answer should not be "you won't get raped unless you are stupid." Really, that isn't true on a hell of a lot of levels, and it shouldn't be encouraged. I suggest a bit of googling on rape and rape statistics. They are terrible - including the much quoted 1 in 4 college women have been raped or been a victim of attempted rape - really go against the "you've got to be stupid for this to happen" mentality.


To the OP, all I really can say is to be aware and be careful but not afraid. It is just like anywhere else you'd vacation. Frankly, I've had a hell of a lot more problems at school then I ever have on vacation. Statistically, home and dating is a crapton more scary than vacationing. I'm not sure that makes me feel any better about the world, but it does about cruising. :)

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I don't know how old most of you are but you NEED to be aware of the fact that partying now and perhaps 10 years ago are 2 completely different things!!!! The extreme use of hard liquore has become "in" especially with the younger ladies. THAT is a real problem - they get themselves SOOO bloto - they don't even know their names let alone anything else.

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You've never had anything like this happen to you or yours, have you? Calling someone who got raped or assaulted "stupid" is simply offensive. Yes, the media and pop culture does have an overlay of many negative things (have you listened to rap music?) but that doesn't make it okay. Further, dancing naked on a bar is not the same as having someone force you to do something sexual. In one case it is a matter of a bad choice that you made. In the other, it is a case of a bad choice THEY made.


Just take a second to think about who could be reading these messages. If you had a friend that was forced sexually, would you want her to read messages like yours? I wouldn't...even if she had that extra drink, placing the blame on her does nothing. It doesn't teach anyone else anything, it doesn't teach her anything but guilt and shame, and it sure discourages people from speaking out about their situation. Please don't just react to this in anger. Please just take a moment to think about someone you care about that had something like this happen to them reading this forum. Now give that bit of empathy to a stranger.


Several people have said that it is an older way of thinking. And, yes, it is, but it still exists in the younger culture today. "Dumb bitch shouldn't have been doing X" isn't an unknown statement and it exists throughout American society (I don't have the personal experience to speak for cultures elsewhere.) Either way, it is something that needs to be countered...when a question about rape is asked, the answer should not be "you won't get raped unless you are stupid." Really, that isn't true on a hell of a lot of levels, and it shouldn't be encouraged. I suggest a bit of googling on rape and rape statistics. They are terrible - including the much quoted 1 in 4 college women have been raped or been a victim of attempted rape - really go against the "you've got to be stupid for this to happen" mentality.


To the OP, all I really can say is to be aware and be careful but not afraid. It is just like anywhere else you'd vacation. Frankly, I've had a hell of a lot more problems at school then I ever have on vacation. Statistically, home and dating is a crapton more scary than vacationing. I'm not sure that makes me feel any better about the world, but it does about cruising. :)

Well said, as I have stated I find some of these people a disgace to there gender, you cannot even bring age into this as an excuse I am a 56yrs old man, who is still learning about life, but as my father said when I was of an age that I first looked at women in a sexual way.


Son, "women are the most wonderfull people invented, the must be treated with respect and dignity, they are the stronger in many ways, yet still need to be defended against scum"


So as a man when I read this crap posted by women it upsets me.



A very merry solstice to you, kind regards

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I don't know how old most of you are but you NEED to be aware of the fact that partying now and perhaps 10 years ago are 2 completely different things!!!! The extreme use of hard liquore has become "in" especially with the younger ladies. THAT is a real problem - they get themselves SOOO bloto - they don't even know their names let alone anything else.


I'm under 30. I'm a college student. In fact, I live in South Beach Miami, one of the biggest party towns anywhere. I live this world.


Getting wasted doesn't make rape okay. It doesn't make it the woman's fault.



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I'm under 30. I'm a college student. In fact, I live in South Beach Miami, one of the biggest party towns anywhere. I live this world.


Getting wasted doesn't make rape okay. It doesn't make it the woman's fault.



Dee you carry on I give up, my wife and I will buy you a drink in Jan, we visit Miami 3 times a year for about 3 wks each time, last 2 visits this year we have taken a weeks cruise as part of the breaks.


We have some good friends from the old days in Miami, I even take the odd trip back to Liberty. regards

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Wow, I'm sorry....You must live on the edge all the time and, no offence, but your nerves must be shattered, I don't think I could stand that kind of continual strain...regards Neil

How fortunate for you that, as a male, you will never have to.

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One thing I have learned over the years is "Never get myself in that situation". It doesn't matter where you are, you have to be aware of who is around you and how to react to them. It does go to show that children on a ship need to be supervised.


What disturbs me is that the Canadian government can't or won't do anything to help the millions of Canadians who travel annually no matter where they go.


What do you mean by this? That the Canadian government can't or won't do anything to help millions of Canadians who travel? Millions of Canadians don't need help first of all and yes, there might be a small percentage who needs help. What are you basing this opinion on?

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Well said, as I have stated I find some of these people a disgace to there gender, you cannot even bring age into this as an excuse



And posts such as your make it appear that it is PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE to go on vacation and loose all your smarts. NO ONE is condoning rape or sexual assault. NO ONE IS BLAMING women when something bad happens.


What a few of us are preaching is lack of self control (and loss of smarts, which makes people STUPID). The party hardy attitude that soooo many women have when they go to bars, on vacation or leave their tightly controlled home environment is a recipe for trouble. So just one final question-WHY IN THE HELL WOULD YOU PUT YOURSELF IN THAT POSITION???? You need all your smarts about you in an unfamiliar environment. Without them, you are likely to act STUPID!!!

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Dee you carry on I give up, my wife and I will buy you a drink in Jan, we visit Miami 3 times a year for about 3 wks each time, last 2 visits this year we have taken a weeks cruise as part of the breaks.



Hi hi! South Beach is lovely today - coming home from UM on my scooter I got to race the NCL Pearl home. "Racing" is a joke, as they go so slowly coming out of port I can beat them by a mile. Literally. The Fascination (maybe the Imagination, I couldn't really read and drive) was making a crazy tight u-turn out of port and I got to look right down her bow going over the bridge of 395. It was really awesome.


Now I'm going to get ready to go out and "put myself in a situation" and "get stupid" and then get raped! It is all my fault! Yay! Some days I wish I was a guy. That way I could drink and have fun and wear what I want without worrying my actions are going to force some guy to take advantage of me. Since, you know, they don't have any free will and my drunken high heeled stumble turns off their brain and makes them animals!


Sigh. There is a huge difference between being careful and switching blame onto the woman. It makes me really sad - rather than angry, which is why I doubt the thread will scare me off - that some people can't see the difference.


Take back the night.

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And posts such as your make it appear that it is PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE to go on vacation and loose all your smarts. NO ONE is condoning rape or sexual assault. NO ONE IS BLAMING women when something bad happens.


What a few of us are preaching is lack of self control (and loss of smarts, which makes people STUPID). The party hardy attitude that soooo many women have when they go to bars, on vacation or leave their tightly controlled home environment is a recipe for trouble. So just one final question-WHY IN THE HELL WOULD YOU PUT YOURSELF IN THAT POSITION???? You need all your smarts about you in an unfamiliar environment. Without them, you are likely to act STUPID!!!




You, are the only one preaching. :cool:

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Dee, the problem I have with either male or female apologists is that these people may one day sit on a jury and use the same perverted logic.


That they may be in a place that they could give assistance, but walk past because the victim is not a victim in their eye's due to the "she asked for it concept".


That women who have been raped do not report it for fear of this attitude.


I cant remember when in my country we changed the law so that if a woman does not consent to sex with her husband, that a charge of rape can be brought, it is not to long ago!


To return to the context of cruising, and after listening to the BBC prog on this problem, the statement made by the ex security chief for one of the lines that predatory groups of both passengers and crew patrol the ships looking for vunerable women to rape.


They take advantage without doubt of the lack of interest by the lines and the pax, because of the "she asked for it" syndrome. This then leads to in my opinion under reporting of this crime by the victim.


When it is reported as this man stated, cabins that were sealed by him with the Captains permission, were opened ( I have slight dyslexia sorry for any errors) and cleaned! in one case he stated the bed and bedding was thrown overboard!


It is not about wether a cruise ship is more or less safe than another place, it is about the active supression and denial of information by cruise lines.


The reason is obvious.


It is cold and wet over here, my fun bike a Honda Blackbird was put away 2 months ago.


In Jan I hired a Harley in Miami for a few days but I ate to many insects on the back road through the Everglades, I swapped it for a soft top Mustang got carried away and received a $232 citation for speeding.

Your Cops are charming. I hired a soft top Seebring in August which was more sedate, in Jan next year my wife says I can only hire one of those jelly like SUV's, little does she know I am trying to get a vintage Corvette.


Regards keep safe! day and night. Kalo Taxidi

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Thanks, Standby. I happen to pretty much agree with your take whole heartedly. I wish there was a way to give empathy without experience.


As for our cops, well, I love them when they are keeping us safe...but really don't like them so much when I'm the one being caught by them. :)

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