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NCL Star - Nov. seems to have BAD Reviews


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Hello, I've just read the reviews for the month of November for NCL Star.


Please tell me that there is more than one person that enjoyed their cruise.


I'm really looking forward to my February cruise but the negativity is killing my joy.

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I understand your angst! I am sailing with NCL and the Star for the first time January 3rd and became temporarily concerned when I read the reviews for that particular voyage. I have sailed DCL/RCCL and Carnival in the past - each line unique with many positive attributes and few negativities. I remind myself that each person's experience is relative and subjective. Our time anywhere is what we choose to make of it. I am determined to have a great time and am certain that I will. I am cruising with the man that I love, escaping the cold Colorado winter for some time in the sun on the beach and I don't have to make a bed or cook a meal. That alone is the formula for a wonderful time.

An unrelated question - are you flying in the day before and have you secured a hotel in Long Beach or San Pedro? I am looking for recommendations.




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Thanks for the pick me up. You are sooooo right. My husband and I are going on this cruise as a belated anniversary gift to each other and we too will be escaping the cold, but of Upstate New York.


I decided to fly in the day before, although that turns out to be the day of the Superbowl. I figured that I'd play it safe. If we have a winter storm, that will give us an extra day to make it to LA on time for the cruise.


We are staying at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in San Pedro. I think this link will take you to their website: http://www.ichotelsgroup.com/h/d/pc/1/en/hotel/laxpv


I chose this hotel because it's reasonably priced, they are only a half mile away from the port and they have a shuttle that will drop you off there.


I hope this helps.

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I was on the Star in October and loved it. We had ok weather and missed the port of Cabo because of a sinking ship, but we still had a good time. Any specific questions I can try to answer? Otherwise I would say I would do the cruise again in a heartbeat. :)

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I saw those reviews as well, and I find it difficult to take them seriously, based on the third one... they say 'see the previous two reviews' to support their complaints - but I check the reviews every day to see if there are new Star reviews and all three (the first three of the last four) became available on the same day. How did the third poster see the other two in advance when I couldn't?


Also, the first one complained because the ship didn't wait for them when they were three hours late. They were upset because they were told they could board up until 4 pm and they arrived at the dock at 3:55 and were not allowed - but as I mentioned on another thread, arriving and being boarded are not the same thing. There is no way their group could have been processed and gotten on board, with all their luggage, in five minutes. It was a lousy experience and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but I find it hard to hold NCL responsible. Imagine what ALL the other passengers would have said if their first port had been delayed? If I thought the ship would wait until I got there, no matter how late I was, I wouldn't have booked my flights into LA a day early.


The last poster seemed to do a lot of complaining about how other passengers behaved - cutting in line during embarkation; large groups booking half the seats in a specialty restaurant at one time; having to be up early to make reservations between 6-8 to compete for a table (the most busy times)... but NCL has no control over the behaviour of passengers, and if 25 people reserve a dinner spot ahead of you, should they turn them away? They also seemed to have completely missed the main dining rooms... I'm not sure why not getting reservations at a specialty restaurant necessarily meant you had only the two choices of Blue Lagoon or Market Cafe to eat at... As for the overhead announcements, I'll bet if an activity they were interested in had been announced they would have been happy for the reminder. A LOT of people play bingo. I can't imagine why anyone would want to on a cruise, but they do. Announcing it certainly doesn't hurt me or affect my ability to enjoy myself!


Tlftlf, you're not going until February. Hopefully I'll get my act together and write a comprehensive review in time for you to read it and be reassured before you leave!! ha ha ha I'm looking forward to having someone else cook for me, clean for me, and do all the driving... everything else is gravy!!

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I understand your angst! I am sailing with NCL and the Star for the first time January 3rd and became temporarily concerned when I read the reviews for that particular voyage. I have sailed DCL/RCCL and Carnival in the past - each line unique with many positive attributes and few negativities. I remind myself that each person's experience is relative and subjective. Our time anywhere is what we choose to make of it. I am determined to have a great time and am certain that I will. I am cruising with the man that I love, escaping the cold Colorado winter for some time in the sun on the beach and I don't have to make a bed or cook a meal. That alone is the formula for a wonderful time.

An unrelated question - are you flying in the day before and have you secured a hotel in Long Beach or San Pedro? I am looking for recommendations.





Well said, Dawn! We're flying out of Saskatchewan, so woo hoo for warm weather in January!! We're flying in two days ahead and spending one in LA. We haven't booked our hotel room yet, because I can't decide where to book... I think we'll either do two nights near LAX where we fly in, or one night there and one night near the port. We're going to go to the Zoo on our spare day, which is northeast of the airport, while the port is southwest, so booking two nights in San Pedro would add a bunch of driving to our itinerary that I'd rather not deal with.


Cheers to all of us sailing with loved ones and caring more about our time spent with them than with the crew!! :)

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It does appear as if those were all traveling companions or "new best friends" sharing some of the same gripes and referring to previous reviews. Keep in mind that they were cruising over Thanksgiving, the ship was completely sold out and there where 100s and 100s of kids on board. You won't have those problems again until Spring Break.


One theme does seem constant in most of the reviews of this Mexican season, the really poor disembarkation procedures. It makes me somehow glad that I was not able to get an earlier flight than 2:15 pm when I cruise her in February. I can just lay around the cabin, have a liesurely breakfast and then walk off near the end.

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I wonder if it's worthwhile changing Hotels but I do see sense in not going down to San Pedro if you want to do sightseeing up in LA and Hollywood. I haven't been in years but loved that zoo when I lived there 15+ years ago (my son was little then).


Have you looked into tickets for TV show screenings? They are free, fun and give you an insiders view on how shows get produced.


If you are set on staying in two locations consider doing your first night in Santa Monica. It's right on the water (north of the airport) with lots of strolling, shopping and dining near at hand.

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Thanks for the input, Hobbsey! Our first night we're going to get in quite late, so we won't be doing any strolling, but I'll keep Santa Monica in mind in case we decide on a two nighter in one place. We're going to go to the Zoo because it's my daughter's choice... out of all the theme parks and tours, she just wants to see some live animals that we don't otherwise get to see. :) I did look into tv shows, but the only one we found that appealed to us was Craig Ferguson, and they have an age limit, so that's out. We'll no doubt spend the entire day at the zoo, then find a good restaurant for supper, and relax at the hotel in preparation for the cruise.


We also have a late flight, and I intend to relax and chill in our cabin until the last minute. I'm just not a rusher... especially when it means rushing to get in line!! ha ha ha

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Unfortunately I came to that attitude late. I used to want to be the first one on board but now try not to get to the ship until 1:30 or so. Well, in this case our flight will get in at 8:30 and I'll nothing else to do except go to the ship. Ugh.


Anyway, if you aren't really rushed for lots of sight-seeing, etc., it may be better to just get your two nighter down in San Pedro and then drive up to LA from there at about 10 am. At that time of the day you should be at Griffith Park well inside an hour and it could even be as fast as 30 min.


At that point the drive won't be too bad, you can spend the better part of the day zooing, and then (if it's before 3 pm) head back to San Pedro / Long Beach for the evening. If it's later then stay around LA/Hollywood (Griffith Park is right up at the intersection of LA, Hollywood, Burbank) get some food and shopping in, and then head back to Pedro after 7 pm. It sure will make things easier being close to the ship and not having to move luggage everywhere you go for three days.


What date are you crusing? We're going on 2/20.

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I'm glad my small input helped. We are debating in between the Crowne Plaza - (shuttle from LAX/ shuttle to Costco for a few bottles of wine to bring onboard and of course comp shuttle to the Port) and the Queen Mary (offering a good special that includes breakfast and tours and of course all of that gorgeous history).

It is lovely to find other positive people here!



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Becky and I stayed on her a few years ago and it was interesting. It's old and funcky and you do get a sense of the history. I'm not sure if it's still open but there had been a slick "amusement" concession on board that was to give you the Queen Mary Haunted experience. We didn't indulge since we were there for the nostalgia not the commercial titilation.


They also had a great 4 star restaurant on-board that we really enjoyed (it was Valentines Day).


I have no experience with the Crowne Plaza in San Pedro and havn't spent any time in SP since I was a little kid living there - my father was stationed at Long Beach. It used to feel pretty industrial. I imagine the downtown area has been cleaned up but I really don't know.

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I just checked out the rates for the night before OUR cruise and there sure are some good deals on the old girl. Better than I am seeing for the Crowne Plaza. I'm gonna have to talk to my wife about this, maybe we'll find a way to go in a day early. The restaurant I mentioned is Winston's, very good.


I also see that in addition to the "haunted" show they have added even more slick entertainment including a Star Trek show?!? Oh well, they have to make things work financially. The new burlesque show sounds fun.

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i read the review s as well..i can accept that some expectation s for a

thanksgiving feast may have fallen short..


but, how the cruise go s depend s alot on the make-up of the

passenger s ..we sail d on the star this past jan..and as you can see..we

are also scheduled on the star again this coming jan..


it depend s alot also on the time of yr you sail..right after the new yr. IMO

is a good time to sail..why?..older passenger mix ..not that everyone will be on Geritol..but, more of a middle age group to retiree s..kid s will be back to school, young adult s will be antsy to get back to class..and there will be a more sub-due croud coming off the holiday s..


this past Jan..we did nt experience the croud s at the dining venue s..made our reservation s in the specialty restraunt s without any problem..due to the age group..there is less late nite partying..though there will be..alot of the older passenger s tend to be early to bed and early to rise as ourselve s..


if any of you are planning to sail early jan..don t expect to see those problems that were mention d..


as all cruise s..if you really want to find something bad..chance s are you ll find it..if your looking for a good time..it s pretty hard to find fault with a smile on your face:D

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Unfortunately I came to that attitude late. I used to want to be the first one on board but now try not to get to the ship until 1:30 or so. Well, in this case our flight will get in at 8:30 and I'll nothing else to do except go to the ship. Ugh.


Anyway, if you aren't really rushed for lots of sight-seeing, etc., it may be better to just get your two nighter down in San Pedro and then drive up to LA from there at about 10 am. At that time of the day you should be at Griffith Park well inside an hour and it could even be as fast as 30 min.


At that point the drive won't be too bad, you can spend the better part of the day zooing, and then (if it's before 3 pm) head back to San Pedro / Long Beach for the evening. If it's later then stay around LA/Hollywood (Griffith Park is right up at the intersection of LA, Hollywood, Burbank) get some food and shopping in, and then head back to Pedro after 7 pm. It sure will make things easier being close to the ship and not having to move luggage everywhere you go for three days.


What date are you crusing? We're going on 2/20.


Thanks again for the good info. Where we come from, 'rush hour' is more like 'rush half hour'. ha ha ha


We're going to be on the Star with Deepnight sailing January 11. It's getting so close!! Yay!!

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I tend to not pay much attention to negative reviews and as a result have had great cruises with NCL ships.

We were on the Star in Sept to Alaska and was on it a couple years ago.

In Sept I felt that the ship still had a lot of newness feeling to it.

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Hello, I've just read the reviews for the month of November for NCL Star.


Please tell me that there is more than one person that enjoyed their cruise.


I'm really looking forward to my February cruise but the negativity is killing my joy.

as someone mentioned, it appears some if not all the reviews came from the same family. It could have been the same person for all we know. I sailed the ship 2 months ago; we had a great time, the crew was friendly, the food good to outstanding and the entertainment fun. go and don't worry about a few negatives.



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I understand your angst! I am sailing with NCL and the Star for the first time January 3rd and became temporarily concerned when I read the reviews for that particular voyage. I have sailed DCL/RCCL and Carnival in the past - each line unique with many positive attributes and few negativities. I remind myself that each person's experience is relative and subjective. Our time anywhere is what we choose to make of it. I am determined to have a great time and am certain that I will. I am cruising with the man that I love, escaping the cold Colorado winter for some time in the sun on the beach and I don't have to make a bed or cook a meal. That alone is the formula for a wonderful time.

An unrelated question - are you flying in the day before and have you secured a hotel in Long Beach or San Pedro? I am looking for recommendations.




You may have found only a few negatives: read recent reviews about RCI, or RCCL as you call them and check Carnival: right now there seems to be a huge influx of cruisers writing the negatives about every line. I don't know if the Thanksgiving week and previous week just brough out the worst or what, but all lines are getting flamed...



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Hello, I've just read the reviews for the month of November for NCL Star.


Please tell me that there is more than one person that enjoyed their cruise.


I'm really looking forward to my February cruise but the negativity is killing my joy.


Okay, I'll emerge from the woodwork and grant your wish. My wife and I were on the Star's Thanksgiving cruise, and had a great time! Feeling better? :D


I haven't read the reviews, and probably won't, so I'm not sure who's bent out of shape over what. As on any cruise, there were some problems.


We tendered in Puerto Vallarta, and they were an hour late getting the excursion groups off the ship. That wasn't real pretty.


The disembarkation was the worse I've ever experienced. Downright ugly.


That's it.


The rest of the cruise was fantastic.


Lot of kids, but duh, what do you expect over Thanksgiving?


NCL doesn't offer the food they once did in the main dining rooms, but it's still excellently prepared. Far and away better than what most of us typically dine on.


Entertainment was up to NCLs usually high standards.


The ship is spotlessly maintained and the crew among the best I've experienced.


The captain even smokes cigars - what else could a person want? ;)


Any specific questions or concerns, let me know and I'll try to give an honest answer. Don't worry - unless you're the type that starts preparing a mental list of slights the second you board, you'll have a great time!

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We sailed NCL Star last February and loved our Mexican Riviera cruise far more than the one we took on RCCL a couple years ago.


First of all, the ship is great and the restaurants are fantastic. We especially enjoyed the movie theater. A couple weeks ago we sailed on NCL Pearl and were so disappointed that there was no movie theater.


NCL's Mexican Riviera cruise is the best because it goes much further south in Mexico than other cruiselines. This is important during the winter months because it is so warm in Alcapulco compared to Cabo San Lucas or Mazatlan. Our favorite Mexican port is Zihuantenjo/Ixtapa, which is a little north of Alcapulco. It makes me feel like I am in Hawaii for half the cost.


Don't miss the Asian restaurant. We loved the steak terriyaki and tempura. LeBistro has a great beef tenderloin with braised ribs, but be sure to request the chocolate fondue because it is not listed on the menu. These are two great restaurants cheap (Asian $10pp LeBistro $15pp).

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never did november (sorry) did 2 cruises with her, both in march, 1 with our son and 1 before, second had an itenerary change due to engine issues. Both were FABULOUS! loved the ship, the crew, the stops. Definately my favorite cruise. We are going on the jewel in january but if the west coast wasn't a long plane ride with a 2 year old (yuck) we would definately consider a 3rd go round on the star


relax and ENJOY!

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Okay, I'll emerge from the woodwork and grant your wish. My wife and I were on the Star's Thanksgiving cruise, and had a great time! Feeling better? :D


I haven't read the reviews, and probably won't, so I'm not sure who's bent out of shape over what. As on any cruise, there were some problems.


We tendered in Puerto Vallarta, and they were an hour late getting the excursion groups off the ship. That wasn't real pretty.


The disembarkation was the worse I've ever experienced. Downright ugly.


That's it.


The rest of the cruise was fantastic.


Lot of kids, but duh, what do you expect over Thanksgiving?


NCL doesn't offer the food they once did in the main dining rooms, but it's still excellently prepared. Far and away better than what most of us typically dine on.


Entertainment was up to NCLs usually high standards.


The ship is spotlessly maintained and the crew among the best I've experienced.


The captain even smokes cigars - what else could a person want? ;)


Any specific questions or concerns, let me know and I'll try to give an honest answer. Don't worry - unless you're the type that starts preparing a mental list of slights the second you board, you'll have a great time!

loved the captain period. There is something about NCLs captains, they are always so much friendlier than on any other line plus seem to have so much more personality. As for disembarking< what is this all about? I thought by now they would have solved the problems. We were on the first sailing after they left Alaska and their first using the new terminal. It was awful.....



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You may have found only a few negatives: read recent reviews about RCI, or RCCL as you call them and check Carnival: right now there seems to be a huge influx of cruisers writing the negatives about every line. I don't know if the Thanksgiving week and previous week just brough out the worst or what, but all lines are getting flamed...



It's a well know fact around all the cruise lines, when it rains and rains and rains on a cruise, the customer satisfaction scoring drops faster than an anchor.


So what, it rained, but don't blame the crew for what Mother Nature does.

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Hello, I've just read the reviews for the month of November for NCL Star.


Please tell me that there is more than one person that enjoyed their cruise.


I'm really looking forward to my February cruise but the negativity is killing my joy.

I know a lot has already been said about the negative reviews and I said something about it in another thread. One of the points that stuck out to me was these people were complaining about having to check their children in and out of the kids program. When I saw that I took the review with a grain of salt. Why would you not sign your kids in and out of a program.. it is for their safety!

I am sailing in Jan and am excited to sail on NCL for the first time.

Vacations are to relax and have a good time away from the usual everyday life... so do it and have fun, relax and stop stressing.

I am hoping some of the people who were on the same cruise post a more positive review... I know there is at least one . :)

(You can't please all the people all of the time)

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