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Carnival's new karaoke policy...


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I almost did not start this thread because I KNEW there would be wonderfully insulting comments like this.


But I know there are many people that DO enjoy karaoke, so I went ahead and started the thread so they'd know.


But thanks for sharing....


Yes indeed, you are always going to have a few, aren't you??


Folks don't stop to think that some people who now sing karaoke (like myself) sang professionally for years. But now that I am older than dirt, karaoke is a safe and fun way to do what I love. I have two dear friends who are studio musicians in Nashville (and have been for over 30 years) and they can bring down the house!!!! :)

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Yes indeed, you are always going to have a few, aren't you??


Folks don't stop to think that some people who now sing karaoke (like myself) sang professionally for years. But now that I am older than dirt, karaoke is a safe and fun way to do what I love. I have two dear friends who are studio musicians in Nashville (and have been for over 30 years) and they can bring down the house!!!! :)


I find it funny that some of those (actually ALOT of those) that make millions can't sing without being produced to re-mix all those out of tune notes and doubled/even tripled so you can hear their voices. I have heard some awesome Karaoke singers and even some that can't sing that I respect alot more than those mentioned above. Karaoke provides a stage for anyone who wants to perform and those that attend usually respect and appreciate that. That's why it's so popular and more Clubs have Karaoke hosts than live bands nowadays.


I do love live music though, but there is a place for everyone to have the fun they enjoy.

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This is too bad. I don't sing, but my son LOVES Karaoke and I do enjoy watching. We were on the Glory, earlier this month, and there were many people using their own cd's - the karaoke girl (I forgot her name - my son would know, but he's at work), didn't say anything about them not being allowed. Oh and yes, he aft lounge was SRO, every night, for Karaoke - also, the night of the deck party, they had Karaoke on Lido and people skipped the dining room and ate from the buffet just to save seats for Karaoke. We got there at 8:30 and couldn't get a seat.

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My only thought on this is to please GET OVER IT! Whatever they have you can TRY to sing to, and that's all that matters, right? After all, who are you trying to impress?


Well...at least the last part of your name fits. :rolleyes:

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Ok - gotta put my 2 cents worth in here.....

I was truly blessed to have lived my dream - I earned my living as a singer for almost 20 years. I loved my job, I was good at my job. Obviously all my jobs were in night clubs, and after I had my girls (and they started attending private Christian school) I felt it was time to move on. So now, the only time I get to sing up a storm is when we cruise once a year. Being in the talent show on an awesome stage, with an awesome sound system is truly a rush. The second best thing is singing karaoke.

I am very much a perfectionist with my music, and take singing very seriously. I know when I do well, and when I don't. Considoring I only sing once a year anymore, I sure in the hell don't want to get up in front of an audience and "wing it" in the hopes of having a decent arrangement in the right key! Who do I have to impress? Myself and that's it - and I'd rather not sing at all if there's a chance I won't do well! (It's hard being a control freak, perfectionist type A person sometimes!) I sure hope I can use my own discs on the Pride next month.


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Ok - gotta put my 2 cents worth in here.....

I was truly blessed to have lived my dream - I earned my living as a singer for almost 20 years. I loved my job, I was good at my job. Obviously all my jobs were in night clubs, and after I had my girls (and they started attending private Christian school) I felt it was time to move on. So now, the only time I get to sing up a storm is when we cruise once a year. Being in the talent show on an awesome stage, with an awesome sound system is truly a rush. The second best thing is singing karaoke.

I am very much a perfectionist with my music, and take singing very seriously. I know when I do well, and when I don't. Considoring I only sing once a year anymore, I sure in the hell don't want to get up in front of an audience and "wing it" in the hopes of having a decent arrangement in the right key! Who do I have to impress? Myself and that's it - and I'd rather not sing at all if there's a chance I won't do well! (It's hard being a control freak, perfectionist type A person sometimes!) I sure hope I can use my own discs on the Pride next month.



AMEN Anni....I almost took the time to say the same thing...but then decided they just were not worth the effort...because they would not take the time to try to understand anyway. Their loss!!! ;)

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I'm on the Pride also on the 20th. I sing ALOT of karaoke and always provide my own cdg's to the host. Does anybody know who the host is on the Pride? Has anyone been denied the usage of their own cdg from this host?

Writing Carnival right now.


Annie, I will be the Elton John legend that week, you watch girl.

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Well, some of the "professionals" I heard last week were awful. But the worst part about Karaoke are the people who are serious about it. I much prefer the ones who are just up there to have fun, not the ones who think they should win American Idol!


Give me a mediocre live band ANY day over a "serious" Karaoke singer. Sorry, folks. JMHO.


It's supposed to be fun, not for ex-pros to relive their "glory days." Again, jmo.


Sorry if this comes across as uncaring, but sometimes it's really difficult to understand what's important to others.

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Well, some of the "professionals" I heard last week were awful. But the worst part about Karaoke are the people who are serious about it. I much prefer the ones who are just up there to have fun, not the ones who think they should win American Idol!


Give me a mediocre live band ANY day over a "serious" Karaoke singer. Sorry, folks. JMHO.


It's supposed to be fun, not for ex-pros to relive their "glory days." Again, jmo.


Sorry if this comes across as uncaring, but sometimes it's really difficult to understand what's important to others.


The Ex Pros are having fun- wouldn't you say?? There are many stages of serious Karaoke singers. It's all a personal choice. Maybe you could call me serious because I bought CDG's and practiced before getting up on stage to sing in front of others. That doesn't mean I think I should be on AI though :) I'm not great, but I have been asked if I'm in a band and was asked to be in the Idol Show while on board the ship. I would certainly not cut down anyone brave enough to get behind the microphone because it is supposed to be fun- not a professional contest.


Try it, you might just like it and have some fun too!! :p

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Well, some of the "professionals" I heard last week were awful. But the worst part about Karaoke are the people who are serious about it. I much prefer the ones who are just up there to have fun, not the ones who think they should win American Idol!


Give me a mediocre live band ANY day over a "serious" Karaoke singer. Sorry, folks. JMHO.


It's supposed to be fun, not for ex-pros to relive their "glory days." Again, jmo.


Sorry if this comes across as uncaring, but sometimes it's really difficult to understand what's important to others.


It amazes me how little some folks know about this and yet, still express their opinion. :confused:


Just because someone "sings" karaoke a lot does not make them a "professional". Getting paid to sing for many years does!


How do you know the "ex-pros" aren't having fun? "Fun" for us is getting it right. Gambling is just for fun.... so we singers (who don't gambling) should be over on the gambling post telling those folks how they should feel and what they are or are not entitled to??? I don't think so!


Since you admit no understanding of the situation...why make such a judgmental statement about "ex-pros" and glory days. As you stated yourself (and clearly proved with your post) ...you don't have a clue. :rolleyes:

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The #2 fear in the United States is death. #1 fear is public speaking.


Karaoke is a rush not because you sound good, but some people are really good at it. Its an adrenaline rush because of #1 above. There is also something gained by the support of the audience.


If you go to Karaoke to make fun of people, you are really a boob. Go lick windows instead.

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The #2 fear in the United States is death. #1 fear is public speaking.


Karaoke is a rush not because you sound good, but some people are really good at it. Its an adrenaline rush because of #1 above. There is also something gained by the support of the audience.


If you go to Karaoke to make fun of people, you are really a boob. Go lick windows instead.


That's a real pane !! :p

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Well, some of the "professionals" I heard last week were awful. But the worst part about Karaoke are the people who are serious about it. I much prefer the ones who are just up there to have fun, not the ones who think they should win American Idol!


Give me a mediocre live band ANY day over a "serious" Karaoke singer. Sorry, folks. JMHO.


It's supposed to be fun, not for ex-pros to relive their "glory days." Again, jmo.


Sorry if this comes across as uncaring, but sometimes it's really difficult to understand what's important to others.


It amazes me how little some folks know about this and yet, still express their opinion. :confused:


Just because someone "sings" karaoke a lot does not make them a "professional". Getting paid to sing for many years does!


How do you know the "ex-pros" aren't having fun? "Fun" for us is getting it right. Gambling is just for fun.... so we singers (who don't gambling) should be over on the gambling post telling those folks how they should feel and what they are or are not entitled to??? I don't think so!


Since you admit no understanding of the situation...why make such a judgmental statement about "ex-pros" and glory days. As you stated yourself (and clearly proved with your post) ...you don't have a clue. :rolleyes:


I have to sort of agree with Tribe fan on this one. I don't sing karaoke and don't profess to be an expert at what it entails. But I do know I go for the entertainment factor. That does not mean I go to laugh at amatuers. But, I love to see a person get up and sing a song and have fun. It doesn't mean they have to necessarily be good at it it means they have to have fun. Why do I like to go to karaoke...because by watching people get up and sing I get to see people do what I would never have the guts to do!:o

What I don't like (and have seen on several cruises) are the "regulars" that act like they are so much better than everyone else. You can almost predict what they are going to sing and how they are going to act. tell me you can't spot them and I will say you aren't going to the same karaoke nights! I'm not saying everyone that loves ot karaoke falls into this category, but they are out there.

One of our most memorable occasions was on the Triumph. We were sitting there wathcing some brothers from New York sing. They were gettign the whole room into it and just really having a blast. The next guy up hadto weigh 300 pound if he weighed an ounce. He walked up very quietly with an air of dignity and the room had a hush over it. We were all expecting this booming baritone voice to come out singing a Pavorotti knock off....instead he all of a sudden broke out in a dance and with a high pitched voice did a perfect rendition of Le Freak! He had the whole room roaring! THAT's the kind of karaoke we like to watch.

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For those who don't sing karaoke...I will try to use other analogies to explain.


Tell Tiger Woods that he is going to play St. Andrews in Scotland..but he can't use his own clubs!! Now can he still play the game with "borrowed clubs"? Of course! Is he going to play as well? Maybe, but probably not. Is he going to enjoy it as much? Definately not!


The same goes for professional sharpshooters, bass fishmen or a professional pool player. All of these folks "can" participate in their professional sport. But none will do as well without their personal equipment.


Lots of folks golf every weekend and will do fine using someone's gear. Lots of guys hunt, fish or shoot pool every weekend and will do fine using someone else's gear.


BUT when you have a professional (even after their "glory days")...they are not going to do as well and certainly are not going to enjoy it as much if they don't have their own equipment. And that is what these CDGS are to us...our personal equipment to do the "sport" we love.

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I have to sort of agree with Tribe fan on this one. I don't sing karaoke and don't profess to be an expert at what it entails. But I do know I go for the entertainment factor. That does not mean I go to laugh at amatuers. But, I love to see a person get up and sing a song and have fun. It doesn't mean they have to necessarily be good at it it means they have to have fun. Why do I like to go to karaoke...because by watching people get up and sing I get to see people do what I would never have the guts to do!:o

What I don't like (and have seen on several cruises) are the "regulars" that act like they are so much better than everyone else. You can almost predict what they are going to sing and how they are going to act. tell me you can't spot them and I will say you aren't going to the same karaoke nights! I'm not saying everyone that loves ot karaoke falls into this category, but they are out there.

One of our most memorable occasions was on the Triumph. We were sitting there wathcing some brothers from New York sing. They were gettign the whole room into it and just really having a blast. The next guy up hadto weigh 300 pound if he weighed an ounce. He walked up very quietly with an air of dignity and the room had a hush over it. We were all expecting this booming baritone voice to come out singing a Pavorotti knock off....instead he all of a sudden broke out in a dance and with a high pitched voice did a perfect rendition of Le Freak! He had the whole room roaring! THAT's the kind of karaoke we like to watch.


Actually, my FAVORITE thing by far at karaoke is getting folks up there that have never done it. On every crusie, I have gotten at least one person up there to "share" what I enjoy. On the last cruise, this lady really wanted to sing. She had never done it. I heard her singing alone the other songs and I could tell she wasn't going to win American Idol (none of us would) but she could carry a tune and she really wanted to get up there. So I talked with her and told her I would get up there with her. And as usual, she was concentrating so hard on the words and the song...she did not realize that I had turned my mic off. She did it all on her own and did very well. Now if she had needed a little help with a lead in or something, I would have been right there...but she didn't. Afterwards, I explained that she did it all on her own and she was shocked....and thrilled because NOW she knows she can.


Unfortunately, the only time I get to sing karaoke is on the cruise ship. The places that offer karaoke around where we live are not safe places that I would go to from 10:30PM to 2 AM! :eek:


Fortunately, I already have the "Pips" lined up for our upcoming cruise from our roll call. And yes, one lady has never done karaoke before...but she is game!!! I have emailed them the words to our song and we will have a blast.

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Yes indeed, you are always going to have a few, aren't you??


Folks don't stop to think that some people who now sing karaoke (like myself) sang professionally for years. But now that I am older than dirt, karaoke is a safe and fun way to do what I love. I have two dear friends who are studio musicians in Nashville (and have been for over 30 years) and they can bring down the house!!!! :)



Well, I am probably one that is guilty of looking down my nose at it. I was a professional musician for many, many years and still do some studio stuff. I sang and played for a living for many years. I am by no means a great singer, but it was what I did...a long time ago.

My wife tries to get me to participate at these places and I will not consider it. I am very impressed when I look through the songlist at the tens of thousands of songs they have, but no way in Hell am I going to sing them. I would just as soon leave my vocal memories where they are. I still get together with my old bandmates from time to time. I can't imagine any of them ever getting up and singing karaoke. Is that a snobbish attitude? Probably, but we are stubborn old men. I probably struggle with the thought of singing with prerecorded tracks. If it were a group of kids playing instruments, I would join right in probably...Its about the music I guress.


That said, that is just me and what is best for me. The most important thing is, if this is what people are interested in nowadays, they really need to provide that outlet for them. To the original point of this thread, I have to believe that each of these ships has a large arsenal of music to choose from. There has to be a ton of stuff you can sing when you look at these lists. I would also gamble that the list is not consistent from ship to ship and that it is everchanging. I doubt you will ever be provided a list beforehand. That would be pretty hard to accomodate.

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Well, I am probably one that is guilty of looking down my nose at it. I was a professional musician for many, many years and still do some studio stuff. I sang and played for a living for many years. I am by no means a great singer, but it was what I did...a long time ago.

My wife tries to get me to participate at these places and I will not consider it. I am very impressed when I look through the songlist at the tens of thousands of songs they have, but no way in Hell am I going to sing them. I would just as soon leave my vocal memories where they are. I still get together with my old bandmates from time to time. I can't imagine any of them ever getting up and singing karaoke. Is that a snobbish attitude? Probably, but we are stubborn old men. I probably struggle with the thought of singing with prerecorded tracks. If it were a group of kids playing instruments, I would join right in probably...Its about the music I guress.


That said, that is just me and what is best for me. The most important thing is, if this is what people are interested in nowadays, they really need to provide that outlet for them. To the original point of this thread, I have to believe that each of these ships has a large arsenal of music to choose from. There has to be a ton of stuff you can sing when you look at these lists. I would also gamble that the list is not consistent from ship to ship and that it is everchanging. I doubt you will ever be provided a list beforehand. That would be pretty hard to accomodate.


I know what you mean about some professionals not doing karaoke. My observation over the years are that instrumentalists are less likely than singers to join in. I have some friends that will and some friends that wouldn't for any amount of money. I don't consider them snobbish. It is just their preference. Kinda like the problem wives have getting their retired Navy husbands on a cruise ship! But for some of us who love to sing (although I also play keyboards) it is something we love to do and prefer to do it the best we can...which means using our own CDGs.


As for the "large arsenal" ... having sung on over a dozen different Carnival ships since 1998 alone...I can tell you those thick books are tricky. One whole page was children's Christmas caroles. Then they had a whole page of Patsy Cline (sorry, I don't do Pasty Cline). Then pages and pages of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin etc ....folks that I don't sing. They can have 1,000's songs that either not age appropriate or older than dirt or folks that I don't sing. Yes, they may have 5 Faith Hill songs, but it won't be the two songs from her that I do. Yes, they may have 10 Rascal Flatts...but they don't have the two of their songs that I do.


Many times I have used their music and if it was a "popular" song that a lot of people do...it is worn out....skipping or stopping altogether.


I have no problem using their music (even with the chance that the version or key will be different) as long as they offer the song and it is in playable shape. But when they don't have the song, then I should have the option of using mine.


Your post reminds me of a piano bar entertainer who was horrified that I used my own accompaniment at the Talent Show, when there was a full orchestra at my disposal. Sorry, but the orchestra (who have always been brilliant) just don't know a lot of gospel (which is what I sing) and they certainly did not know my Ray Boltz song. The funny thing was, the orchesta did not mind at all....(at least the dozen or so I have worked with).


And you be very correct about the inconsistancy from ship to ship. Think about it, the "person in charge" is only on that ship for 6 - 8 months. Then they move on to another ship after their 4 month vacation. Many of the karaoke host are doing good to know how to turn the machine on......much less maintaining their song list. I can't tell you the number of karaoke hosts I have had to show where the pitch control is!!

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Actually where karaoke is concerned...a lot of times the best "entertainers" could not hit a note with both hands...but they are great entertainers!!


I don't think of it as "mocking" ... I think of it as people laughing WITH YOU...not AT YOU. I never laugh AT anyone...but I will laugh with them. If they are trying their hardest and having a good time..so am I!!!




Thank you! I have been known to belt out a karaoke song or two (dozen) times, and I will tell you I am ridiculously bad! I'm not off-key but my singing ability is in negative numbers, LOL! I'm in a catch-22 situation, and I think a good many k-singers are this way--we LOVE to sing, but CAN'T!! Karaoke is the only venue where we are appreciated for our efforts, and probably largely in part due to the mass quantity of alcohol consumed :D


But I try my best to entertain. I've had people in front of the stage doing the Time Warp as I croaked it out. Several times when I sang 'Shout' the audience sang along too. They loved it when I brought a bandana on stage and tied it to the mike before belting out an Aerosmith song...and so on. Not bad for a 41-yr old woman, huh?


I never laugh at other k-singers, I laugh, and cheer and scream with them and for them. That's really what's it all about...acceptance--no matter how bad you sing.


I think the only thing I hate is following a really good singer--not because I dislike them or their voice, only because it seems to make me seem all that much more worse, LOL. One cruise, the previous singer was young, very pretty, a mom-to-be, and sang a Jewel song and sounded like Jewel. Talk about a tough act to follow...



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Actually where karaoke is concerned...a lot of times the best "entertainers" could not hit a note with both hands...but they are great entertainers!!


I don't think of it as "mocking" ... I think of it as people laughing WITH YOU...not AT YOU. I never laugh AT anyone...but I will laugh with them. If they are trying their hardest and having a good time..so am I!!!


As I always tell folks, "hey, if we were Whitney Houston...we would not be on a Carnival ship headed to Cozumel. We would be in Hollywood !!" We are just here to have fun.

I am reminded of a scene in the movie "My Best Friend's Wedding" where Julia Roberts' character arranges to go to a karaoke bar because she and her best friend always enjoyed it and Cameron Diaz' character can't sing a note. Roberts' "hope" is that Diaz' horrid singing will embarrass her and it will spoil the evening for the engaged couple. But Diaz gets up....and IS awful....but does it with such enthusiasm because she knows her fiance loves it, that everyone enjoys her "awful" performance.


I am working to get to that "fearless" place in my life, even at this last stage of the game! *L* Whitney Houston I ain't....but I did discover that it is fun. Still....I'd rather at least START by being a bit more comfortable in what I sing...

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My only thought on this is to please GET OVER IT! Whatever they have you can TRY to sing to, and that's all that matters, right? After all, who are you trying to impress?

I suppose that should be Carnival's attitude toward what passengers enjoy?


Not and keep my business, thank you very much!


What activity do YOU enjoy onboard? The casino, perhaps? So, they decide to take away one of your favorite games (poker? slots? craps?)...hey, GET OVER IT!!! You still can gamble and that's all that matters, right?


Now, in the end "get over it" may be exactly what I have to do. But not as long as other cruise lines provide a product that doesn't require me to "get over it." I'd simply prefer to stay with Carnival.

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I am reminded of a scene in the movie "My Best Friend's Wedding" where Julia Roberts' character arranges to go to a karaoke bar because she and her best friend always enjoyed it and Cameron Diaz' character can't sing a note. Roberts' "hope" is that Diaz' horrid singing will embarrass her and it will spoil the evening for the engaged couple. But Diaz gets up....and IS awful....but does it with such enthusiasm because she knows her fiance loves it, that everyone enjoys her "awful" performance.


I am working to get to that "fearless" place in my life, even at this last stage of the game! *L* Whitney Houston I ain't....but I did discover that it is fun. Still....I'd rather at least START by being a bit more comfortable in what I sing...



The ironic part about this to me me is, I keep reading the "Whitney Houston I ain't posts". It dawns on me that people that go to Karaoke do not want to hear the Whitney Houstons, Faith HIlls, or Frank Sinatras in a Karaoke bar. People would rather hear the guy above you that drinks Jaeger Bombers or just the "Average Joe" as opposed to the quality singer.

Right? I think that is what bothers me the most. I spent 30+ years developing musical skills, vocal skills, etc...They guy with the Jaeger Bombers will draw more of a crowd than the person who spent years honing his craft.

If people were interested in hearing the Whitneys and the excellent singers, wouldn't they go to the other clubs where chances are, the pros are singing? I really think that we are at a point where people no longer care about hearing quality really. I am 50(ick) now and it used to be all about going out and listening to as good of performances as you could....that is not what people do anymore.


As much as it bothers me, if people would rather hear that stuff, you have to accomodate that. Hence, the music business is not longer a passion to me....

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