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Dee, you can post pictures. If you look below the box you type in when send your next post, you will see an area called Additional Options. In that square,
there are 3 little blocks, the middle one being "Attach Files". Click on "manage Attachments", and follow the instructions. Keep in mind that there are size restrictions on the picture you post, but otherwise, it's fairly easy to do.

Kelly, I know what you mean about this time of year. I am leaving TOMORROW for Galveston, and I am wondering why I wanted to go now! Last night, I ran to the mall to get a new dress for the trip, and it was HARD to find a dress to wear in the Caribbean in all the Christmas and winter stuff. And whatever weight didn't show up last week is sure to come this week, since we've been doing leftovers (hope I'm wrong). I am a mess of stress. I thought it would be easier since we are driving, but I found all this extra stuff to take (birthday decorations, a bathtub rack, Chanukah decorations and gifts), and now I think I'll look like I've packed for a month! Today I have to run to mail Chanukah gifts, work, and tonight we have our first office Xmas party!!!!! :eek: I will really like getting on that ship Sunday.
Not sure which post you liked, but glad you can use it. :)

I know I missed something; please remind me/forgive me/give me strength!!!
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Mindy: Here's your post I liked!

[color=blue]"Every group has different people who play different roles. There is usually the Dreamer, who has to be pulled back to reality, the Counter, who always tracks things in numbers, and the Pusher, who gets the ball rolling. Sometimes there is a Peacemaker, who keeps people from drifting apart, and sometimes there is a Devil's Advocate. I think that because of your nursing background, you are now acting as the Coach and that you are trying to make sure we don't lose focus. (You have been called our Mother in the past, haven't you?)
I don't know if any of this helped Regina, but I think you A- should continue to call 'em as you see 'em, and B - should not worry as much about us losing people. (I am now acting as the group Optimist, so I may be overlooking something.) I really believe we have something very good here."[/color]
[b][size=4][color=#ff00ff]Simply Fabulous! ;) [/color][/size][/b]
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Last year, we did a Hawaii cruise in December. I was so organized. I had everything done by Thanksgiving weekend. This year, I can't even imagine. I did decide last year though, that I'd never plan a trip in December again. I'm not sick enough of the cold and it did interfere with holiday festivities. We agreed that from now on, our winter vacations will be in Feb or March.
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Crazy and busy as it is....I'm still REALLY glad I am going! When you look at the big picture, I sure need this, and it couldn't be at a better time! I have 3 weeks off for the Christmas break, and the first of those is the cruise, then we get back on Christmas Eve from the cruise and have Christmas with the family! [b]Perfect[/b]!

I have [b]no[/b] regrets and I'd do it again in a minute! It's just work that is stressing me out right now! No worries....it will all be better by Monday! :p It always is!

Believe it or not, I'm already packed for the cruise! :D (tee hee!)
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Taking a break from my busy schedule to share what we all may have experienced at one time or another.

You put on your pants
But it won't go past your leg.
What's it going to be this time?
Slim fast, WW, or Jenny Craig?

You name it, you've tried it!
You've been on diet after diet
You're going to win this battle of the bulge
Gaining willpower against desserts you indulge.

You'll be able to become thin
You'll bare the goodies with a grin.
Day by day, you'll abide by it
You won't touch a thing
By night you can't stand it
You devour everything!

You pick while you're working
Then, you'll stop for a bite
Soon you'll be munching all through the night!
Cookie & milk...pasta and bread
Changes overnight to those bulges you dread
Ice cream, cookies & key lime pie
You've cheated enough
Yet, your willpower won't die.

You'll do extra sit ups
Because you want to be thin
Just as soon as you finish
Digesting everything within

You can't zip your zipper
So, you'll think that you'll fast
You've just past up some cream puffs
Now you know you will last.

Standing in front of the scale
You can still hold fat in a pinch
You'll exercise all night
Just to lose that 1/2 inch!

Jogging down the road
You smell cookies from the bakery
To add to your sorrow
You can no longer stay bold
"Oh, Well" you say
I"ll start my diet tomorrow.

It was worth the type cause that's how I used to be and I think it helps to serve as a reminder....that's not what I want to return to.

Looking forward to Sunday's weigh in:)
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Hey everyone,

Sorry I've been missing for a while. I guess I've been in a little bit of a funk lately and PMSing. Really haven't ben on the computer as much as usual either.

Thanksgiving went well. I cooked, so I was able to control what went on the table. Made lots of veggies (too many actually) and of course the turkey. I also made a sweet potato pie for my FIL. Turned out I had enough filling left to make a crustless pie also so that worked out well. The real one left with my FIL so I didn't have to deal with that temptation after the meal.

I'm still maintaining between 131 and 133 depending on the day. Haven't made up my mind yet if I'm happy here or want to try to get down to 120. I'm going to increase my water intake and exercise this week and see what happens. I feel much better than I did before I started this way of eating though, so regardless I'm not changing back to my old habits.

Guess that's all for now. I'll try to get back to posting more until Christmas when I leave for my grandparents for a week.
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Hey...Welcome back Susan! So good to here from you again. Frankly, I can't wait to get down to your weight! Sounds like you have been doing good. This is a hectic time of season, so post when you can. My schedule is getting more hectic with each day and I have noticed my posting has slowed up and probably will get less as the season holidays get closer. Having family come from out of state is going to keep me on the go.

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Kelly, I will say, one of the best things about going at this time of year was that when we got back, we had Christmas and New Years to look forward to so the post cruise blues weren't quite as sharp. You do have to go when you can get away from work.

Thanks for the poem Regina. Boy can I relate! That was me too, many years ago. Scary!

Hi Susan! Sounds like you are doing well at this hectic time of year.

Well, yesterday was really tough for me because I was being 'extra good' because of our parties today and tomorrow. I did bank a total of 10 points for this weekend so I'm pumped. I really want to get on the scale but it's only been 4 days and I must wait until Tuesday. That will also help keep me on the straight and narrow over the weekend. The first week is always hardest and this is extra hard because I knew I had to be very conservative due to this 2 party weekend!

This morning, I'm going for a 10 mile training run. Then to the store to buy party food, then I plan to stop at a craft fair and off to the party. I'm excited because my sister in law is flying in from Florida and is going to show up at the party and surprise everyone. I can't wait!
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[b]Good Morning All![/b]

[color=blue][b]Ahhh! The Weekend![/b][/color]

Gonna finish some [b][color=red]Christmas[/color][/b] shopping today (I should get my 10,000 steps in) then going to a surprise birthday party. Pasta deal! I'm not worried! I'm too motivated to start breaking down now! :D

[b]Runner Ann[/b]: I WISH I could run like you! When I can, I will be coming to you for advice! What a wonderful way to start the day!

[b]Susan[/b]: Welcome back! I was always so envious, yet happy, about your weight postings...and now I'm joining you! You have been an inspiration! Hang in there! The holiday blues bug is attacking us all! Chin up!;)

[b]Mindy[/b]: If I don't have the chance later to say it...HAVE A LOVELY CRUISE! I can't wait to hear about it! Drive safely!

[b]Regina[/b]: Wonderful poem! You bring a smile to my face! Thank you! :)

[size=4][color=magenta][b]Have a SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS (did I spell that right?) SATURDAY![/b][/color][/size]
See you at weigh in tomorrow!
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Cute little rulers, but glad I'm not planning to extend my family:)

ps. Glad everyone liked the poem...will post another one next week:D
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I took this quick picture of the Fat Fairy just before kicking her butt out the front door a few months ago. She comes across "sweet" with a smile to pull you in and when you least expect it....Wham!

Hello Sweeties!
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Here's an attempt at my dress pic - now no laughing! It's a bit snug still but soon enough it'll get looser & looser.

Weighing in for my day 30 on tuesday and then I'm posting my day 1 vs. day 30 pics at beachbody.com's boards in the Power 90 photo gallery.

Lucky Mindy who gets to leave sooo soon. Ours is Jan 29 and our vacation starts on jan 17 so it's getting closer every day!

HAve a great rest of the weekend everyone!!!


p.s. had to shrink the pic big-time so i hope it's not too small.
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My Weigh-in: Up .2 pounds. Since I think I may have really gained over Thanksgiving, and it didn't show yet, I'm not unhappy with this. This was a weird week- not enough sleep, meals on the run, better but still not where I should be on water, etc. So I'll take it. Glad I went in to WW, makes me know I can NOT go overboard ;) on cruise food!

Was 158

Wow Dee! That dress makes you look like you don't have much left to lose! Love clothes like that. You are the lucky one - you have more time to lose weight!

This week, when buying a new dress for me, the 12 was a little too big, and the 10 a little too tight. Since the 12 was red and the 10 was black, I went for the red 12, and it will be my 2nd night formal.

Thanks to all for the send off - I will try not to disappoint your faith in me. Have a great week!
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Won't be able to post tomorrow as my schedule has just been kicked up a notch. So I will post my weigh in now.

Start: 185
last week: 160
today: 158 (yippeee!)

Now, off to do some holiday shopping :)

PS. Dee, I agree with Mindy
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Dee, that dress looks great on you!! You'll surely be turning head on your cruise!

Nice job on the weigh in Regina!

Well, I made it through yesterday's party without eating like a pig. My caloric intake for the day was about 2100. My points were 40. Between what I'd banked and my excersize points for my run, I had 43 to use so that's good. I'd hoped to keep it to 33, but it was just impossible. I enjoyed some goodies, enjoyed the party and didn't walk out feeling like a stuffed sausage. Yep ladies, we can do this through the holidays!

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[b][color=yellowgreen]Start[/color][/b] (9-22-04): 149
[b][color=red]Last Sunday[/color][/b]: 132
[b][color=yellowgreen]Today[/color][/b]: 131
[b][color=red]Realistic Goal[/color][/b] (by 12-16-04): 135
[b][color=yellowgreen]Goal After I Reach the Realistic Goal[/color][/b]: 125!!

[b]Regina[/b]: Very good job! You are NOW in the 50's! WOO HOO! I told you it would happen! Way to go!

[b]Dee[/b]: Fabulous Dress! Wow! You look GREAT! I think that was a Marvelous Choice! Strut your stuff with confidence!

[b]Mindy[/b]: If you read this...Have a great cruise and congrats on your loss! Have a great time!

[b]Runner Ann[/b]: Nice job on hanging in there through the parties! I still don't get the WW points (only because I've never attempted it! :rolleyes: ) but I'm really happy for you in being able to stick to your program! Woo hoo!!! Way to go!

Here's a picture (not me in it....I WISH!) of the dress i have for my cruise! I LOVE IT! I wanted a flapper style dress!


I'll keep checking back throughout the day! Hope you all have a successful weigh in!

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Hi Everone, Sorry I missed a few days!! I am finally on the mend, still not 100% but getting there! Heres my weigh in

started on this board-168
last week-165
Ok, I am going very slow, but If I can get thru the time between Halloween and New years without gaining it will be a first for me!!
Way to go Regina and Kelly!! Kelly, I bet you will make that 125 goal!!!
Mindy and Kelly-Have a great cruise!! I know how hectic it is getting now, so I didn't want to forget to tell you.
Dee-The dress looks awesome on you!! You will definately turn some heads.
Runner Ann-Way to bank and enjoy those points!! Don't you love getting more points for your runs!! I have not been to the gym since Tuesday because of being sick, I was going to go today but my DH says I still sound terrible and wants me to wait 1 more day, so I think I will, but no matter what I am back tomorrow!!
I will check back later to see how everyone else is doing.
Oh, Kelly, I love the flapper style dress too, I had one but it is to big so I gave it to my friend, she loves it!!
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Hi everyone!
I am down three pounds for the week!
Just spent the last half hour catching up on the posts. :p I came down with Intestinal flu on Tuesday. Finally back to "normal"! I weighed myself on Thurs and was down 7lbs from last weigh in!:eek: That was scary! I basically did not eat anything on Wed or Thurs but Ritz crackers (that's another story!) and tea and water. So now that I am back to eating, I gained back 4lbs. Does that make sense to anyone but me? I did actually make it to Curves yesterday. I did 2 1/2 rds before I said enough. Then went Christmas shopping.

Lani and Kelly,Thank you for the kind words and caring.:) I think you are right. I have the holiday [b][color=blue]blues.[/color][/b] I also used to make tons of cookies and goodies for the holidays. I was raising two boys and always had them and their friends around. I had my decorations up by now. I think I miss all the hub-bub. I can remember back then wishing for some "peace". Careful what you wish for. Anyhow, we dragged out the decorations and I am starting to decorate. I worked on our Chrismas cards this morning and am in a much better frame of mind.;) I am now putting on the Christmas carols much to my DH's disgust. LOL! I live with the [color=green][b][i]"Grinch"! LOL![/i][/b][/color]

Regina, I am not sure what happened the last few days while I was sick, but I want you to know, I appreciate all your posts and advice. I don't think the thread needs any improvement. In fact, I think way back when, I said I really liked this thread as everyone was so supportive here and there was no fighting or negativity. Let's keep it that way. I feel I can come in and talk about almost anything and know there will be a kind word and encouragement. Just as there has been for me these last few weeks while in my "funk". As for losing people, I agree with whoever said that people come and go. You can start with 50 and end up with 20 "regulars".

Runner Girl! Way to go!

Everyone else keep up the good work. Beautiful red dress!

PS: Whatever works for you reward wise, Go for it. I reward myself with new clothes and sometimes that German choc cake. We all work very hard at this and we deserve to reward ourselves anyway we can, whether it be that piece of choc cake we have been dying for or a new dress. I believe in the Scarlett O'Hara syndrome "Tomorrow is another day!"
See ya later,:)
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Great Dress! I bet you look like dynamite in it! You have done so well and I am so proud of you. I will miss your posts while you are gone. I bet the ship will look beautiful all decorated for Christmas.You are going to have a wondeful time! Must try a holiday cruise. Maybe the Grinch will enjoy it too.

I have to tell you all the quick story of the Ritz crackers. I was so sick on Wed. Couldn't keep anything down, not to mention my body had rid itself of anything that had been in it before the bug attacked! All I could think was I wanted tea and crackers. My darling DH is wonderful except when I am sick. I swear he has the bedside manner of a surgeon! "OK operation was a success, see ya!" So he comes into the bedroom, where I am bundled up in bed and moaning cause my insides are on the outside,to "check on me" and says he is going to the store and did I want anything. I told him I really wanted some tea and crackers and were there any soda crackers in the cupboard? No, he had eaten them all when he had soup for lunch early in the week. So off to the store he goes. 45 minutes later, here he comes with lukewarm tea (I hate lukewarm tea and he knows it!) that he had made [i][u][b]before[/b][/u][/i] he left for the store and a box of [u][i][b]Ritz crackers[/b][/i][/u]! "Why Ritz crackers?" I croak. Because [b][u]HE[/u] [/b]really had a taste for them and figured they would be fine. Well, the man is still alive because I was too weak to get out of bed and put my hands around his throat! So I drank my yucky tea, ate the Ritz and smiled sweetly when he asked if I was ok. It gets even better, later that afternoon my sister calls and I over hear him telling her "Yes, I made her tea , Yes, I got her to eat something and Yes she is fine, but awfully cranky!"
Now that I am better, I still adore him, and want to spend the rest of my life with him, but I have made plans if I ever get truly sick, my sister will come take over. Oh by the way, he was sooooo supportive of the weight lost and had the nerve to say, "Hope you can keep off the 7lbs you lost this week!" MEN!
Hope this gave you all a smile! :)
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red]Hey Everyone, well weigh in wasn't good but not as bad as I thought 164, 1 lb. up. Oh well I didn't watch my points and I missed 3 days at Curves so I expected a lot worse. great job everyone,!!!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green]Dee, great dress you look good in it. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue]Regina way to go I am jealous can't wait to get to 158;) [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple]Kelly I love your dress too you are going to be HOT [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange]Jodie, the ritz crackers and tea were too much. sisters take much better care of each other, but Men are so cute when they try.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=teal]Runnergirl, that was smart point saving, I have to get back on track this week and stay on points!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=magenta]Well everyone got to run, Great job to all you losers and have a great night. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=sienna]Todays thought: I will rejoice at the example of others who have lost weight!!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Hi Jodie and congrats on your loss. You said you weren't sure what happened the last few days when you were sick. Well, I expressed my opinion, and with that came different interpretations of what I was saying or attempting to do. I took no offense and considered the subject closed.

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