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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Our hospital does a challenge thing to use the stairs...so we can free up more space for the wheelchairs...my office is on the first floor and my unit is on the 9th..so that in itself is a workout. I am going back to my routine of trying to use my bike on weekends..I can bike to just about anywhere including the beach so I really should be more frugal.


Brenda: How come you are so terrified of food? convince me youre NOT.


Whats everyone doing this weekend? I am working unfortunately, doing some writing at home. I received a small grant to write a program in England for someone so I am very excited about that..I'll have a working vacation this summer!


You know, I should add that my job is a sit-down one, I am sitting on my @ss 8 hours a day, other that going to get coffee and that sort of thing. (That is one reason I insist on spending my lunch hour at the gym. ) So this makes a big difference in what I need to eat, and someone else who is on their feet all day, or someone who is actually walking all day.


I do always take the stairs (we are on the 2nd floor) in fact I usually make people laugh because I literally run up them every morning. :p


I am home sick today with the same crud my son has had for the last 3 weeks. My nose is chapped from blowing it so much. Ugh.

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But I am listening! I ate a whole sandwich at lunch time today. I am trying very hard. I don't think anyone realizes that I am not just saying I want to lose weight.....I am determined to lose weight....and I am starting to try different things....like a small change in diet and even the change in exercise at Curves.


Brenda, yes you are trying, I agree. And determination is half the battle. ;)


One thing that I always try to do is get in some protein for breakfast. My breakfasts are usually one of the following: eggbeaters w/cheese, yougurt with Kashi, oatmeal, or a protein bar. And yes it's usually well under 200 calories. But, I do eat throughout the day...many small meals rather than 3 "squares". ( I just cannot eat much in one sitting, so big meals just don't work for me.) If I have a salad for dinner, it usually has grilled chicken in it. I rarely, if ever, have a salad and a 2nd dish. I try to always wait until I am truly hungry before eating, I figure if my body isn't asking for it, I probably don't need it. :p One thing I don't worry about is sodium. My body seems to crave it, and I don't have any related health issues to worry about, so I'm lucky in that respect.

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I am going back to my routine of trying to use my bike on weekends..I can bike to just about anywhere including the beach so I really should be more frugal.


I have a really nice Cannondale, and I swear I rode it only once last summer. I am determined to do better this summer! I guess I need to get my son a new bike...he is taller than I am and his bike is about 5 years old. When he was younger, I used to run and he and his buddies would ride their bikes along beside me. Now my son runs, and he is so fast he leaves me in the dust :p, so we've sort of neglected our bikes.



Whats everyone doing this weekend? I am working unfortunately, doing some writing at home. I received a small grant to write a program in England for someone so I am very excited about that..I'll have a working vacation this summer!


That sounds cool! I plan to go to Paris in the next couple of years - my son's idea. He is such a little culture nut.

Well, hopefully I will get over this cold, but we'll see. My boyfriend is going out of town for a couple of months on Monday, so we are going to spend the weekend just hanging out, and getting him packed I guess.

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Brenda I am not telling you to follow this exactly but I am posting this ..this guy is a nationally known expert with training the military, etc and others in weight loss. It's a good guideline to let you know that it is OK to EAT!




Get Lean Over the Summer Diet

I have been researching methods to lose weight in a healthy manner and decided to call in the “big guns” – no I actually called the BIG GUNS – the nutritionist who helped me with this diet is also a body builder who really knows how to trim the fat off every area of your body – especially the torso. If it is six-pack abs you want, combine this diet plan with cardio activity and abdominal exercises as listed in the Washboard abs and Lose the Love Handles Articles on the StewSmith.com Stew Smith Archive.

For this diet, the goal will be 5-6 meals a day, spaced out every three hours. The stomach takes about three hours to empty, so try to keep it full but never stuffed. The small meals are just enough to keep you satisfied until your next meal. Remember, when you skip meals your metabolism slows down and you will not burn calories as well. Eating and exercise actually boost your metabolism. The base of the diet will be high protein, enough complex carbohydrates for the workouts, and low fat. If you have your exercise routine all figured out – great. If not, one of the eBooks from the StewSmith.com Fitness Store, you will now have the tools to really get lean this summer. Here are the diet recommendations:

6:00 AM Meal 1 (this meal can have more fat because you have all day to burn it off)

5 egg white omelet, you can throw one whole egg in for flavor (Use a little cheese and pepper for taste) if you want add some ground turkey breast, or vegetables)

2 slices of wheat toast or small multi grain bagel (I put low fat peanut butter and sugar free jelly)

(The more grains in your bread the better – Nine Grain bread is a great toast in this case)

Avoid all white breads, pasta, flour etc…

Work out! – DO cardio in the AM.

9AM Meal 2 Post workout (eat carbs now after the workout - it helps with insulin transport and recovery)

Skim milk with banana or Oatmeal with raisins in it. (You could even go with small portions of both if you want.

NO Fat Yogurt

(Still have a piece of fruit if you have oatmeal.)

12:00 Noon Meal 3

Ground Turkey Breast with a little cheese ( NO MAYO – Mustard, A1 sauce, low fast salad dressing) in a Whole wheat wrap. I often have 2 of these! (If you like peppers or vegetables like that you can throw them in since they add no fat)

Baked Lays chips regular

Broccoli (light butter you can use the spray if you truly want to avoid all fat)

Piece of fruit

3:00PM Meal 4

1 can of Tuna fish or egg whites here again with a multi-grain, whole-wheat bagel / bread.

However; since most people are at work and have to have food that is easy, settle for another wrap, yogurt, and cold carrots.

5:00 workout - Lift or calisthenics in the early evening.

Post workout Meal #5

I recommend a protein shake right after workout like a myoplex just be sure the one you get is low in fat. If you don’t want to drink supplement drinks, have a can of tuna with little to no mayo, or a piece of chicken on top of a salad and a few wheat crackers and pickles mixed in.

Dinner! Again you can have GOOD carbs here to give you energy back, but avoid fat since you are about to lay down and go to bed in the next few hours. The last thing you want is fat before you go to bed because then it is simply going to be stored.

Try the Barilla Multigrain pasta. It is THE pasta to eat since it has 10 grams of protein in a serving and almost no fat. I would have this with turkey breast in it, or lean steak, fish, or chicken breast with a sauce of your choice, just avoid fat sauces. This way post workout you are getting good carbs and protein. Use wheat bread and just use garlic on it so you have healthy garlic bread.

Now your day is done – good eating mixed with 1-2 workouts. The workouts can be as simple as walking 20-30 minutes or as tough as triathlon training. It is up to you and your fitness level and goals. The diet is great for any person trying to lose body fat.

Do not forget to drink WATER! See The Importance of Water article for more details. Water is the key. Drink it before you eat - it fills you up. Remember it takes the human body about 15-20 minutes to realize it is full so give yourself time with small portions and you will be full. Know that you just will not feel that way right away. I always tell myself to eat when the clock says to eat not when my body says to eat. This way I am never full and I am never hungry. This is a rough idea of how I eat listed below are some other meals I would try:

Salad-chicken- no fat dressing

chicken broccoli

Multi-grain Pasta-turkey sausage-peppers (red yellow & orange) fat free Italian dressing (a cold dish)

Turkey breast burger on wheat bread

Egg whites are always a good meal! (Egg whites are just so healthy)

Subway roasted chicken breast avoid mayo use the honey mustard or nothing




no fat yogurt


Just check food labels and keep the fat down. I would say below 50 grams or so. The goal is eat fruits and vegetables, multi-grain pasta and breads with chicken, lean meats, fish and avoid processed foods as much as you can.

Like most people, I eat the same things a lot over and over and over! It is boring but you get use to it like anything. Just get out of the bad habits of junk food, fast food, and sugary sweets and you will like the results.

If you are diabetic or have other medical issues, contact a doctor or registered dietician before changing your eating habits.

330pm Meal


630pm Meal


Evening Snack


egg whites, or hard boiled egg whites , whole wheat toast, jam or peanut butter

Slimfast meal bar or post workout protein shake

Green leafy lettuce Salad with roasted chicken or tuna fish,

Fruit Salad- variety

Chicken, tuna, or fish, lean meat sandwich on wheat bread, no mayo –

Water - make up for missing glasses at end of the day to be better hydrated tomorrow

Yogurt, milk, cereal (whole wheat grain cereals – multi grains s the best option)

Yogurt Smoothie

SubWay Sandwich

Turkey whole wheat wrap

Mixed salads with variety of veges – green leafy lettuce, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, onion

Whole wheat bagel

Lean Meat on whole wheat bagel or bread / toast

Lean Meat / cheese wrap

Vegetable beef stew

Can of tuna with water

Chicken, asparagus or broccoli, brown rice, wheat bread – fruit dessert

Whole wheat toast

Protein shake or yogurt smoothie

Assorted Nuts and berries mix – 1 cup

Whole wheat Pasta and marina sauce

Milkshake or Myoplex shake

Veggie or Turkey burger with lettuce, tomato onion – mustard – no mayo

Italian Ice

Slimfast meal replacement bar

Beans and brown rice / celery sticks and peanut butter &


Burrito or whole wheat turkey or lean meat wrap

Chopped Chicken with hard boiled egg and lettuce or rice

Lean sirloin, green or lima beans, salad, whole grain garlic bread, sherbet

Low / no fat popcorn

Banana, apple, small carrots, pears or orange

Fruit options – 1-2 cups of honeydew / watermelon, and/or cantaloupe

Spinach Salad with almonds, strawberries, lean meat

Yogurt smoothie with myoplex protein powder

Broiled Fish, steamed brown rice, salad

Remember the GOAL is to limit fat grams to under 50gms a day and lower carbs to as needed for pre – post workouts

Water – ½ - 1 qt

Water – 1 qt / or green tea (hot or cold)

Water – 1 qt / or green tea (hot or cold)

Water ½ - 1 qt

Water – 1 qt
















630am Meal


930am meal


1230 Meal


The goal of the low fat, medium carbs, and high protein and fiber diet is to keep the stomach filled by eating every three hours. If you mix in one or two short workouts in the day you can make your mini-meals protein and carb enriched to replenish your energy level and give the body needed muscle building / fat burning fuel. The chart below will help you with ideas of how to use this diet in your day with a variety of foods. Each one of the blocks represents an idea of what to do for that meal. Do not think you can eat the entire column and still be on the diet – pick a block and eat and always drink water. For more ideas you can see my motivating diet plan page. http://www.stewsmith.com/linkpages/dietplan.htm.

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A whale? that's pretty bad! A colleague treated me to the Cheescake Factory last night (we call it the "Cheescake Trough")..we didn't go out until 10 pm and it was so late so I had coffee and split some Mahi fish tacos with her. Passing up the cheesecake was easy..the price of a piece is like the price of an entire meal! Are you eating Chicago style pizza? Oh my gosh that is to die for.


Do you listen to music, a friend of mine is a musician and plays throughout Chicago..I can email you his website..he plays mostly in coffee houses and juke joint kinds of places


No, thin, crispy crust pizza. I love it like that! I'm not so into Chicago style.


What kind of music? Send me his site.


Oh, and sense we know Brenda's name, and we know you're Menina, y'all can start using my name...Leslie.

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Chi: he does a lot of acoutic , funk, folksy stuff. His website is www.michaelplishka.com


No, thin, crispy crust pizza. I love it like that! I'm not so into Chicago style.


What kind of music? Send me his site.


Oh, and sense we know Brenda's name, and we know you're Menina, y'all can start using my name...Leslie.

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So I'm getting my first glass of water for the morning, and this thought hits me. Brenda, how much water are you drinking? You should be drinking at least 48 oz a day. This is key in weight loss. I drink about 2 liters a day (except on Tuesday when I had 2 three hour meetings - didn't want to have to keep running to the bathroom).

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I found Stews meal plan quite intimadating when I first read it and thought that would be way to much food for me and a lot of work. I went back and spent the time and looked at it again and thought well maybe not.


When you take a closer look at what he is suggesting they are all pretty lo cal items, lean meats, ect and quite workable. In fact I do eat 4 times a day, all small meals and I can put together (to bring to work)what I am going to eat during the day in about 5 minutes time. I found the statment very interesting that he says he does not eat when his body is hungry but by a clock so he ends up never being hungry.


A few questions.

He refers to an article about why to drink water and I cant find it. Have you found it?

After my surgery my Dr. led me towards whites, white rice, ect to aid in digestion and I still do eat white bread and white rice yet every thing I read says to stay away from whites. Why is that?

Watermelon is on his list but I would of thought this would be high in sugar, so I dont get it.


Overall though I really enjoyed all the information once I took the time to really read it.


I am off now...This is the time of the year that I do volunteer work. I am a CPA and prepare tax returns for the Srs. at our local library and will be there most of the week-end.

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I checked out stewsmith.com. He is obviously targeting a mostly male audience, and generally, a "lean and mean" military type of program. While I agree with, and follow (to a degree) most things he says, I did notice some inconsistencies.


He advocates never dropping below 1800 calories (which would mean weight gain for me), on another page he states to eat between 1500 and 2000. In one place he says to eliminate cheese, yet he includes cheese often in his food plan. (It would never do for me to eliminate cheese anyway. :D ) So while I think he promotes healthy eating and fitness behavior, you can't follow every thing literally (and really this is true for any plan). It makes sense to tailor the food and exercise to something you can live with. Otherwise, you'll crash and burn rather quickly.


He advocates extremely low fat consumption, and while I actually agree with that, it's not been something that I have been able to succeed at, so I just do the best I can, and I am fine with that. :o For instance, I love chocolate, and have no intention of eliminating it from my diet. I am no ice cream fanatic, but when I do eat it, I eat the good stuff. (Can't stand that skinny cow crap.:cool: ) I like that he highly advocates a lot of water. My body definitely runs better on a lot of water, when I remember it! :o


Good site overaall - I'll have to show the fitness stuff to my son - he'll enjoy trying some of those. ;)


Probably no gym or cardio for me today damnit. Still under the weather, big time. Curled up on the couch right now...but I did make myself a good breakfast at least. 1/2 cup eggbeaters with 2% cheese and 3 (!!) strips of bacon. 200 calories, and 22 gms of protein. Yeah...and 10 gms of fat. :rolleyes: I could have done without the bacon, but I ate so little yesterday, I felt I needed it. By the way, the scale is down almost 2 pounds today...my appetite has been almost non-exisitent since I had this cold. See what I mean about the "starvation mode" thing? Doesn't ever work that way for me. And I have been drinking TONS of water.


Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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I posted it basically to show that it IS ok to eat..I think he is advocating what we are all trying to do anyway..except we just need to "tweak" the calorie thing a little bit. It looks intimidating I thiink because of how he spreads everythign out...the main things I wanted to emphasize was the "mini meals" and the way he portioned the foods. I wanted Brenda to see that food doesn't have to be her enemy, it is her friend.


By the way...where IS she!!


The white things...has to do with gluten I suspect..it's a killer for me..I followed Bardgals thread on here for along time and found weightloss effortless when I stuck to no wheat, gluten, or sugar. The sugar in fruits isn't bad, it's just when you go overboard. Watermelon has more water in it compared to other fruits. I like to chunk it and put it in the freezer to eat when I'm hungry..like eating sorbet.


I found Stews meal plan quite intimadating when I first read it and thought that would be way to much food for me and a lot of work. I went back and spent the time and looked at it again and thought well maybe not.


When you take a closer look at what he is suggesting they are all pretty lo cal items, lean meats, ect and quite workable. In fact I do eat 4 times a day, all small meals and I can put together (to bring to work)what I am going to eat during the day in about 5 minutes time. I found the statment very interesting that he says he does not eat when his body is hungry but by a clock so he ends up never being hungry.


A few questions.

He refers to an article about why to drink water and I cant find it. Have you found it?

After my surgery my Dr. led me towards whites, white rice, ect to aid in digestion and I still do eat white bread and white rice yet every thing I read says to stay away from whites. Why is that?

Watermelon is on his list but I would of thought this would be high in sugar, so I dont get it.


Overall though I really enjoyed all the information once I took the time to really read it.


I am off now...This is the time of the year that I do volunteer work. I am a CPA and prepare tax returns for the Srs. at our local library and will be there most of the week-end.

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Smooth, I've always read that the "white stuff" is bad because it's so processed that it takes very little effort to digest it (likely why your dr told you to eat it), and you end up hungry again shortly after eating it. Eating brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc, gives you the whole grain, so it takes a lot more effort and a lot longer to digest, leaving you fuller longer.

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Brenda, where are you? I know Sat. is your "cheat night"...I hope we didn't scare you away today..and I hope the scale didn't go up with 5lbs of water weight and you are home freaking out knowing we'll chew you out.


Come out of hiding girl! :)

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Hi Guys....I'm not hiding....more like I feel like I am dying. I have been in bed most of the day. I have 102.2 fever, a cough and asthma. Oh and a yucky tummy. Now add this with the fact that I literally cannot walk down the stairs because of the pain in my muscles from Thursday's workout and I am a complete mess. How long does it take for muscles to heal from a brutal workout? When will I be able to sit on the toilet without screaming out in pain because of the bending????? :eek: Well I have eaten cereal this morning and leftover chicken soup at lunch....then I guess I was bad because I feel sick to my stomach and stuff like pretzels settles it so I had some pretzels that I am sure is something I should not have.....but honestly, who cares when you're sick? I read the diet that was posted......I will try to have snacks in between the 3 basic meals....and I know I already keep them healthy.....but today I know I have to eat based on what my body says. What I know right now is I asked DH to go to the store and buy me PUFFS tissues medicated with lotion for my boo boo nose....he went to the store and bought a different brand.....OUCH....he said they were cheaper! OH JUST WAIT!...he's gonna get it!!!


Alright, I'm dead......have a good one all.

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Brenda, hope you feel better. Let your body dictate what it needs..when I had the same thing in England this Christmas all I could do was drink hot tea and pediolite!


Kind of a personal question, so feel free to opt out...just how out of shape were you when you started exercising? I know if you are REALLY working hard then of course the muscles would hurt for awhile..but you've been working out for a few weeks now, or am I wrong? Did they really mix your routine up that much to cause so much pain??


Feel better soon...M


Hi Guys....I'm not hiding....more like I feel like I am dying. I have been in bed most of the day. I have 102.2 fever, a cough and asthma. Oh and a yucky tummy. Now add this with the fact that I literally cannot walk down the stairs because of the pain in my muscles from Thursday's workout and I am a complete mess. How long does it take for muscles to heal from a brutal workout? When will I be able to sit on the toilet without screaming out in pain because of the bending????? :eek: Well I have eaten cereal this morning and leftover chicken soup at lunch....then I guess I was bad because I feel sick to my stomach and stuff like pretzels settles it so I had some pretzels that I am sure is something I should not have.....but honestly, who cares when you're sick? I read the diet that was posted......I will try to have snacks in between the 3 basic meals....and I know I already keep them healthy.....but today I know I have to eat based on what my body says. What I know right now is I asked DH to go to the store and buy me PUFFS tissues medicated with lotion for my boo boo nose....he went to the store and bought a different brand.....OUCH....he said they were cheaper! OH JUST WAIT!...he's gonna get it!!!


Alright, I'm dead......have a good one all.

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Hi Guys....I'm not hiding....more like I feel like I am dying. I have been in bed most of the day. I have 102.2 fever, a cough and asthma. Oh and a yucky tummy. Now add this with the fact that I literally cannot walk down the stairs because of the pain in my muscles from Thursday's workout and I am a complete mess. How long does it take for muscles to heal from a brutal workout? When will I be able to sit on the toilet without screaming out in pain because of the bending????? :eek: Well I have eaten cereal this morning and leftover chicken soup at lunch....then I guess I was bad because I feel sick to my stomach and stuff like pretzels settles it so I had some pretzels that I am sure is something I should not have.....but honestly, who cares when you're sick? I read the diet that was posted......I will try to have snacks in between the 3 basic meals....and I know I already keep them healthy.....but today I know I have to eat based on what my body says. What I know right now is I asked DH to go to the store and buy me PUFFS tissues medicated with lotion for my boo boo nose....he went to the store and bought a different brand.....OUCH....he said they were cheaper! OH JUST WAIT!...he's gonna get it!!!


Oh goodness Brenda - I feel for ya. :( Pretzels are fine to eat...they have practically no fat and are often recommended when you want a little crunchy snack. I eat them all the time. (Of course I don't care about wheat and gluten and that stuff either...so that is just me.) I agree - when you are sick...eat what your body tells ya too. My body wants little of anything when I am sick, I've only had a handful of pretzels since breakfast...but I just ordered a pizza for my son and his buddy so I might try and eat a piece of that. Funny you mention the medicated tissues - i JUST BOUGHT SOME for my poor nose!! I would send DH back to the store!!! :p


As far as your muscles, tough workouts are always felt the hardest on the 2nd day after...that is why you are hurting today. Your muscles should be much better tomorrow. If you were not sick I would advise a light workout (that is always best to work out the soreness) but you should take it easy and get well first. I am hoping to go to the gym tomorrow, but we'll see. I think I would feel okay to go, but I just could not, in good conscience, go when I'm coughing and spreading germs. :o


Hope you feel better soon!!

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Happy.....Feel better yourself....It sucks being sick.


I still have 101.9 today. I guess that's a bit better though!!


Menina.....How out of shape was I? Unbelievably out of shape. I got winded walking up the stairs to my bedroom. Seriously, I had to catch my breath. I worked out 2 weeks riding the stationery bike for 30 minutes daily, then I switched to Curves. I did that for 4 weeks. On Thursday, the instructor had me do 3 rounds at Curves and then for 2 rounds she switched it to where I did squats....with the pulsing up and down and leg lifts for another 2 rounds. Its the muscles in the front of the thighs that I guess did not have enough of a workout normally that got beat to heck doing the squats. It is a little better today, but I still have trouble (alot of trouble) on stairs and sitting.....I still yelp. To go down the stairs I lean against the wall and try to keep my legs stretched and step tippy toe so I don't have to bend the legs too much. It really brings tears to my eyes. I am guessing its going to take another couple days before I can use my legs ok. I'm upset about this, as if I get better physically I would have liked to be able to work out. I am supposed to get weighed and measured on Wed at Curves and I am afraid I am going to mess that up now.


Pizza sounds so yummy, but I have to be good today. Even though I still don't have the good tissues, DH did get me takeout from my favorite Saturday night restaurant last night. The mushrooms were great, but nothing else tasted good.....(meaning the clams or linguine). I, of course, didn't have any wine either!!! Look at that...that makes up for the pretzel calories! LOL


Alright, I'm weak and tired...back to bed.

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Hope you continue to get better. My husband had it and it toook about 5 days to get fully better.

The way you described how you are walking down the stairs it is a good thing that you are letting thoes muscles heal. They will be better soon.


Thanks Chi for the explanation on the "whites". That made sense to me.

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OMG, the pizza was SOOO good last night. I don't feel guilty about it because I budgeted the points to eat it. I have a business dinner at a steakhouse this week, so another challenge. But filet is my favorite cut, and I just get steamed veggies as a side.


Brenda, eat what you need to eat now and get back on track when you feel better. Happy is right about the muscle soreness. I hope that feels better today. It doesn't sound right, but another workout really does help!


As for tissues, make your hubby go get you the Puffs with Vicks. They are more expensive but SOOO worth it. I used to be the buyer for facial tissue (I now buy greeting cards, gift wrap, bags, etc), and I had a cold before they were available to the public. I used some of the samples I had in my office, and OMG, it was amazing. The only bad thing is that you can really only use them when you're sick. I use my facial tissues for eye makeup removal, so the Puffs with Vicks wouldn't work for that.

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Chi..followed your lead and had pizza last night..but I was lazy and too tired to go out so I had a frozen one..DISGUSTING..I rarely eat anything boxed or frozen so to me this was a total waste of calories and a total let down! I guess that's a good thing!


I don't think the steak is so bad, as long as you get a lean cut and eat only a small piece of it...you could then bring home the rest, cut it up and have a good steak salad for lunch the next day, IMO. A big difference between here and S. America is that over there, when we serve steak we grill it and cut it into bite size pieces and PASS the plate around..a whole lot different than just sitting down here and eating a hunk of meat. A good restaruant tip I read about was to share entrees and pass around..but if everyone is eating forbidden foods then not such a good idea.


It's beautiful here today in Palm Beach..73 degrees and sunny..I already stopped at the beach for a few minutes before church, am doing my ususal Sunday routine then tonite will sit on the beach and relax .always helps clear my head for Monday...M


OMG, the pizza was SOOO good last night. I don't feel guilty about it because I budgeted the points to eat it. I have a business dinner at a steakhouse this week, so another challenge. But filet is my favorite cut, and I just get steamed veggies as a side.


Brenda, eat what you need to eat now and get back on track when you feel better. Happy is right about the muscle soreness. I hope that feels better today. It doesn't sound right, but another workout really does help!


As for tissues, make your hubby go get you the Puffs with Vicks. They are more expensive but SOOO worth it. I used to be the buyer for facial tissue (I now buy greeting cards, gift wrap, bags, etc), and I had a cold before they were available to the public. I used some of the samples I had in my office, and OMG, it was amazing. The only bad thing is that you can really only use them when you're sick. I use my facial tissues for eye makeup removal, so the Puffs with Vicks wouldn't work for that.

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Dang - seems like last night was pizza night for most of us! I had a slice and a half - Papa John's - pretty good. I haven't had any in a while so that makes it all the better. :p


The tissues I bought WERE the Vicks ones....too funny. I felt much better this morning...still congested, but at least I slept through the night without grabbing for tissues and drinking water and spraying Chloraseptic down my throat every half hour! :rolleyes:

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Brenda and others, I found this today on Quninona. Note how they said eating too many calories isn't good no matter how healthy. Now I don't know if eating 10 lbs of lettuce would be a bad thing, but who COULD eat that much? This answers my question regarding why I feel so FULL so quickly on the quinona.


I'm off to my late Sunday afternoon sit on the beach!



<<Quinoa is preferable to rice and potatoes as it has a lower glycemic index. This will mean that it will release it's energy slowly which won't give you a big spike in energy followed by a big drop which makes you hungry and want to eat more. So the main benefit is controlling your hunger but your pancreas with also benefit as it won't have to make sudden big releases of insulin. The reason quinoa has a low glycemic index is because of it's protein and fiber content.

The point is you can eat less calories whilst still feeling full, but if you eat too many calories how healthy the food is becomes irrelevant>>>

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OK, I'm going to brag a bit. I lost another pound! I'm actually at my original goal, but then I revised it to be down another 5 pounds so that my driver's license would be accurate, so I still have 5 pounds to go.


My sister and I went shopping today. I tried on this really cute jumpsuit that I will be bringing on my cruise in 6 weeks. I first tried on a 4, and it looked great, but I wanted to try the 6. Both the saleswoman and my sister said I didn't need to go up a size, but the saleswoman got me a six. While I was trying on the 6, I hear my sister tell the saleswoman that I just lost weight and I now think I'm bigger than I am. They convinced me to stick with the 4. My sister, who has been kind of ho hum about my weight loss because she's gaining weight with her pregnancy, said, "Leslie, you look GOOD. You're motivating me to get the weight off after Little Dude is born." I ended up getting the jumpsuit, a dress for formal night, a pair of black satin pants, a pair of wool pants for work, and 2 blouses, sizes 2 (the shirts and dress), 4 (the jumpsuit), and 6 (the pants). I'm soooo excited to be in these clothes again!


After shopping, I went to the gym. There, I had two ladies compliment me on how I look! It was a good day!


I post this because I'm excited, but also because you need to stick to it. I stalled out for four weeks and wondered why I even bothered. But then I changed things up a bit, and the weight is coming off.

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Great job!


I heard a trainer say that "No matter how much weight you lose in your mind you will always be a big fat ugly pig so you need to change your thinking".


Can you imagine??! He didn't say it to me but that would have sent even me to tears!


The beach was cold tonite for even me..68 degrees! but the sky was real pretty.



OK, I'm going to brag a bit. I lost another pound! I'm actually at my original goal, but then I revised it to be down another 5 pounds so that my driver's license would be accurate, so I still have 5 pounds to go.


My sister and I went shopping today. I tried on this really cute jumpsuit that I will be bringing on my cruise in 6 weeks. I first tried on a 4, and it looked great, but I wanted to try the 6. Both the saleswoman and my sister said I didn't need to go up a size, but the saleswoman got me a six. While I was trying on the 6, I hear my sister tell the saleswoman that I just lost weight and I now think I'm bigger than I am. They convinced me to stick with the 4. My sister, who has been kind of ho hum about my weight loss because she's gaining weight with her pregnancy, said, "Leslie, you look GOOD. You're motivating me to get the weight off after Little Dude is born." I ended up getting the jumpsuit, a dress for formal night, a pair of black satin pants, a pair of wool pants for work, and 2 blouses, sizes 2 (the shirts and dress), 4 (the jumpsuit), and 6 (the pants). I'm soooo excited to be in these clothes again!


After shopping, I went to the gym. There, I had two ladies compliment me on how I look! It was a good day!


I post this because I'm excited, but also because you need to stick to it. I stalled out for four weeks and wondered why I even bothered. But then I changed things up a bit, and the weight is coming off.

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