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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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I'm not being mean at all..the reality is that eventually you are going to..I haven't seen any reserach based article YET that says you WON'T as it seems to be something nobody is immune to. Some just plateu longer than others! So that's why I hope you do soon...this is when it'll be a true test of your commitment to a healthy lifestyle..if you can hang in there when you don't want to or the scale doesn't move!!


Great job on the measurements and an inspiration to everyone! Slow and steady wins the race!


MEANY!!...Yeah that's for you Menina! LOL....can't believe you WANT me to plateau! Geez!!


Anyhow, I went to Curves and I got measured. I was surprised and delighted to find out that my biggest change was in my stomach. I lost 3 inches in my stomach!!!! No wonder I think I look better in dresses and pants. I lost 1/2 inch on my waist and 1 inch on my bust. Everything else....legs, arms, etc. stayed the same. All together it was 4 1/2 inch loss. I got a star on the wall too. Since I started Curves I lost exactly 6.75 pounds...that's 5 weeks....but I didn't work out for one of those weeks when I was sick. I was only able to do 50 minutes today. I was completely winded by the end of this. I guess I am still not 100% well yet.


Well gotta get a move on....time to go to the book sale at school.

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I have plateaued a couple of times. This time I have been this weight for a week now with no change. I'm not happy about that. Another time it was 1 1/2 weeks or more before I lost a pound, but then I lost a couple right away. I do admit I will get upset if I go more than 2 weeks without losing. I can tell you this. I am very committed. Maybe I'm not perfect and I talk about cheating on Easter, etc., but that in no way means that I won't go right back to the plan the following day. I really like the changes so far and I can only imagine how many more are ahead of me.

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Chi, I knew you'd say it if I didn't...I was too chicken as I already beat Brenda up today :)


Brenda..ok last week the challenge was for you to NOT weigh yourself more than one day...todays' challenge is....


TO TRY A NEW KIND OF FISH THIS WEEK! :) I'd suggest something simple like salmon steaks..you can marinate them in some low cal italian dressing and broil them...oh my...to die for! Ask your fish guy for some suggestions too. Salmon steaks are simple.


I've been thinking about my own self and I've slacked a little on the exercise realm since I returned from England so my goal is to getg back up to 1-1.5 of cardio 5 days a week instead of 3. If Brenda can do it so can I...I never fell off the wagon entirely, but I could improve a litlte. Am thinmking of getting a new bike too so I can start biking to my office!


Those aren't plateaus! I stalled out for four weeks; my mom stalled for 2 months...those are plateaus!
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MEANY!!...Yeah that's for you Menina! LOL....can't believe you WANT me to plateau! Geez!!

Too funny.!! But she is making a good point. Be prepared it WILL happen.


Brenda, You are probably losing weight faster than I did in the beginning. Did you say 12 lbs already in 7 weeks? Including the week you were sick? Girl, that's more than good enough. I am thrilled for you!!


Please be patient and kind to yourself. I think they proven that stress works against us too. So keep calm & don't stress out about a #.


It's also more about the way you are feeling & how your clothes are fitting than what that crazy # is on the scale. I like that you are not weighing yourself more often, cuz you would beat yourself up, or get discouraged. I actually started finding it funny, because when I thought I was doing so good it would go up, and a day after "cheating" it would have gone down :rolleyes: . HUH? So I think it either takes a while to show up or it really does fluctuate for some odd reason. I've decided not to panic until the scale shows I've gone up 5 lbs. I will be careful & watchful of my eating, but I will not let it get me down if it does that weird up & down stuff.


I like that they challenge you here & it's not my place to add one, but I have a suggestion for the next one (after you eat your fish!)

Could you go a whole week and not mention "the dreaded #?" You can talk about workouts, meal planning, frustrations, how you're feeling... but NOT mention your weight. Past OR current. And not just here on the cc boards but not say it out loud for one whole week to ANYONE?


Just curious. Don't know if it would help, but you are overly focused on that one thing & that one thing.... just aint the main thing!





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I went to Curves and I got measured. I was surprised and delighted to find out that my biggest change was in my stomach. I lost 3 inches in my stomach!!!! No wonder I think I look better in dresses and pants. I lost 1/2 inch on my waist and 1 inch on my bust.


Wow!! Now that's what I'm talkin' about! That is the truest measurement of success! Great job!!!! :)

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Brenda, you mentioned getting bored with chicken. Here are two quick, easy, yummy, and healthy options for you. Each recipe is 4 servings. I don't have exact nutritional info, but they are 5 WW points, so approximately 250 - 300 calories.


Crunchy Baked Chicken


4-4 oz chicken breasts

2 cups Corn Flakes

4 tsp sesame seeds

4 tsp paprika

8 tsp butter/margarine, divided into 4 2 tsp servings (can reduce to 4 tsp divided into 4 1 tsp servings, but the butter is necessary!)

Skim milk (optional)


Preheat oven to 400. Crush corn flakes in a food storage bag. Add the sesame seeds and paprika. Dip one breast in skim milk (I don't do this, the mixture sticks without it). Then dip in the corn flake mixture, covering the entire breast. Place breasts in a square baking dish. Cover breasts with any remaining corn flake mixture. Put 2 tsp of butter/margarine on each breast (or 1 tsp if you choose - reducing to 1 tsp leaves the taste intact; eliminating ruins it!). Bake for 20-25 minutes.


Chicken Parmesan


4 4 oz boneless chicken breasts

2 egg whites, slightly beaten

1/2 cup bread crumbs

1 tbsp Italian seasoning

4 tsp oil (again, this is necessary...oil is not evil)

2 cups tomato sauce (I use canned tomatoes instead)

1/2 cup part-skim shredded mozzarella cheese


Preheat oven to 350. Coat baking dish with cooking spray. Brush chicken with egg whites. Mix bread crumbs with Italian seasoning; dip chicken in bread crumbs, fully covering the breast. Heat oil in skillet. Add chicken; cook until lightly browned on both sides. Pour 1 cup of the tomato sauce in the baking dish. Add chicken. Pour remaining sauce on the chicken. Sprinkle on cheese. Bake until the cheese is bubbling, abour 15-20 minutes.

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I LOVE Tagging Along's challenge. I'm no expert, nor do I play one on TV, but you're almost obsessed with this. You keep complaining that you aren't losing fast enough, we keep telling you that you're losing at a healthy rate and that you don't want to lose faster. I've previously lost 20 pounds in 5 weeks. I was able to keep it off for several years, but the injury/illness got in the way. Now, it's taken me 9 or 10 weeks (since 1/5) to lose 19 pounds...you know what, I look better than I did when I lost it faster...it's like it came off in the right places (except for the chest, but what can you do?). As stated before, you didn't gain it overnight, you won't lose it overnight!


Funny story from the weekend. I mentioned that I lost an inch off my chest from my previous adult low (don't know what the total loss is because I foolishly didn't measure to start with). Sunday morning, I got up to work out. I came up from the workout room in my parents' basement in my shorts and workout sports tank, which of course compresses that area. My sister, who has a large chest even not pregnant started chanting "I see London, I see grits. I see Leslie's little *&^@%!" Gee, thanks:rolleyes:

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I cannot tell a lie......I doubt I will try a fish. Mostly because I cook for my family and noone else wants it. BUT, I will tell you that when the opportunity arises I will try it willingly.


Regarding that other challenge.....I'll give that a try. It won't be easy. I was told by several lately that I am obsessed and someone even suggested finding out why it was so important to me.


I am feeling sick again today!! What's up with that? This is really messing with me!!!


Well gotta get a move on......now I'm cranky because I'm feeling like this again. Uggghhhh

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My family refuses to try any fish. I will try it, I just can't say exactly when. I can tell you I recently tried tilapia....forgot about that. My daughter brought it home from work. I HATED IT! I actually gagged. So I hope other fishes are different!!


Thanks Smooth. Nice of you to say. I put on an old workout outfit today that I couldn't wear before I started this.......so I feel good about that too.

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Thanks Smooth. Nice of you to say. I put on an old workout outfit today that I couldn't wear before I started this.......so I feel good about that too.


Yes, I forgot to mention, good job on the inches. This is the true measure of success...not the number on the scale. Yes, we all have goal weights, but how our clothes fit is the number one indicator!



And at least you tried the talapia:)

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I never reheat fish...whatever I don't finish at the restaurant, stays at the restaurant. It doesn't taste good to me the second time around. Don't know what it is about fish, but to me, it is NOT a reheatable food. So...you might want to give that some consideration. :cool:

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Since when are the children in charge in your household..or your husband?




So you're saying that there are no other alternatives for your family..your 5 year old can't eat a peanut butter sandwhich if he doesn't like what is being served (what does he do if you go to someone else's house and he doesn't like the food?). Or your husband can't fix his own salad or sandwhich?


Not trying to be mean..just pointing out that there is more than one way to skin a cat.


Or like someone said..try a small piece at lunch.


Is it that you don't want to or you aren't willing to? You said something about the "opportunity". Is it on the calendar?? :)


Just prodding your thinking!


Did your son ever TRY fish? Or your husband? I'd still try the fish taco idea. Nobody cant say they don't like it if they've never made an HONEST attempt to.


My family refuses to try any fish. I will try it, I just can't say exactly when. I can tell you I recently tried tilapia....forgot about that. My daughter brought it home from work. I HATED IT! I actually gagged. So I hope other fishes are different!!


Thanks Smooth. Nice of you to say. I put on an old workout outfit today that I couldn't wear before I started this.......so I feel good about that too.

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DH is a complete A--. He will not try anything. He has never even tried a pear!!! I made a salad once for a holiday and there were sliced pears in it....he pushed them aside....refusing to try. He says "I know what I like". My DS, well when he was little he loved shrimp and lobster (well he's still little, but I mean really little)....now he spits it out. DD....is she ever home to eat???? I mean simply that....when I am in the mood to try a new fish, I will....not resisting it, I am just not making a conscience date on the calendar to try it. You will all be the first to know when I do though.

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Oh...one other time I tried fish....unfortunately, I do not know what kind it was. It was at a baby shower. I hated that too.


Maybe it was sashimi!! :eek: Wouldn't blame you there! I can NOT eat raw fish. Tried it many times, tried it overseas, and here...with lots of Saki too!! :p No sushi either...I tried some at the urging of my boyfriend...and I had to spit it out!!


Hey...if you get a chance to try some fresh grilled fish one day, go for it. But if you don't like it, you don't like it. I'm not going to push as hard as the others on this...I have way too many friends and family that are not fish eaters and never will be. All you can do is try. :)


And for what it's worth - I hate pears too! :o


One more thing...on the scale issue - a good article:


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More news...at Curves today, the "regular" instructor was there....I was measured yesterday, by the part timer. Anyhow, she wanted to double check things for me, since she knows how much I worry. :rolleyes: Anyhow, turns out I lost another inch that wasn't picked up! It was on my hips!! So my total is 5 1/2 inches, not 4 1/2 inches! WOO HOO! The jeans I put on today are slipping down.....damn...I LOVE when that happens!

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Awesome! With regards to the fish thing, it sounds like you've tried a decent amount.


I agree with the article on the scale issue. HOWEVER, in Brenda's case, I don't agree with it because she's not yet at the point of accepting the fluctuations. Good point about the plateau in the article, although the muscle buildup from working out is often overestimated.

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One more thing...on the scale issue - a good article:



I like the article & the reminder that if you're working out it may seem like the #'s not changing.... But your BODY is changing.


WOO HOO! The jeans I put on today are slipping down.....damn...I LOVE when that happens!


That's what we're talking about! Let this be your focus this week. You are working hard & you ARE seeing results. Fabulous!!!


Just curious, are you trying the "fist" thing? or trying to? I know you did it the one dinner, but you never mentioned it again. You will need to pay attention & always keep "fuel" in your body while working out as often as you are. Eat more often, but eat small amounts...


BTW, thanks for all the great recipes! Have you ever tried the Orange Salmon? I'll have to look for the recipe, but you prepare it on the stove and it uses concentrated orange juice as a base for marinade & sauce. It's spectacular, very easy, and has rec'd "thumbs up" from many who thought they'd never like salmon. I remember when I didn't think I liked fish either... those days are long gone! I didn't like "fishy fish" and there are too many choices now. And marinating first CAN make a difference!

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Happy, I love sashimi. But while we're on the subject any idea how many calories in a piece of sushi? I think it's fairly ok to eat, except the rice wine vinegar they use in sushi rice has trace amounts of sugar in it. I'm thinking about the rice balls that have the fish in it..not pure sashimi.


Brenda..an ahole? surely he's not that evil :) Maybe he's just marching to the beat of his own drum.



How'd the other measurer mess your measuring up? (is that a sentence?)> I thought they all had to measure from the same place! He has a right to be who he is whether you agree with him or not, and vice verse..same with the food..he has a right to eat what he wants, you're not responsible for his weight.


In the end of things, it doesn't really matter HOW much you are losing a week..as long as you are losing something..somethign is better than nothing!


Maybe it was sashimi!! :eek: Wouldn't blame you there! I can NOT eat raw fish. Tried it many times, tried it overseas, and here...with lots of Saki too!! :p No sushi either...I tried some at the urging of my boyfriend...and I had to spit it out!!


Hey...if you get a chance to try some fresh grilled fish one day, go for it. But if you don't like it, you don't like it. I'm not going to push as hard as the others on this...I have way too many friends and family that are not fish eaters and never will be. All you can do is try. :)


And for what it's worth - I hate pears too! :o


One more thing...on the scale issue - a good article:


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Happy, I love sashimi. But while we're on the subject any idea how many calories in a piece of sushi? I think it's fairly ok to eat, except the rice wine vinegar they use in sushi rice has trace amounts of sugar in it. I'm thinking about the rice balls that have the fish in it..not pure sashimi.


Oh gosh yes...I think sushi is very low in calories. Obviously the kind with cream cheese would have more fat...but here is a link with more info.




In the end of things, it doesn't really matter HOW much you are losing a week..as long as you are losing something..somethign is better than nothing!


Isn't THAT the truth!!


By the way, I meant to tell you I made hummus this weekend and it turned out GREAT! My son and I both love it...so I will be making it quite often now that I know how easy it is.

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