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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Brenda, you're not alone in feeling like crap:( . I feel awful. Thankfully I'm not tremendously busy at work and I can call in. I did bring my laptop home in anticipation of this. I don't think I have the nasty flu that's going around (2 people in my dept have missed every day this week), but rather a nasty cold (that my administrative assistant had last week). I have a bad headache too. No gym for me today, although I wasn't planning on going originally. Tonight is my group of friend's monthly pot-luck dinner, and guess who's hosting it...that's right me, darn it. I'm still planning on having everyone over. I'm making a pork roast, so I can just put that in the crock pot. I sent an email to everyone giving them the heads up that I'm sick. I have to make a trip down to Walgreens today - I have several cold meds in my cabinet, but I've recently been put on high blood pressure medication, so I can't take those - need to get Coricidin, and also need a refill of my asthma inhaler.

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Tag, pizza is available 24 hours on Carnival...it's so good, and I consider myself a pizza snob! I always have late seating for dinner. Around 5 or 5:30, I sometimes run and get a slice. And then I go work out:)


More Carnival food tips - as stated earlier, my parents really enjoyed all of the spa selections, including the dessert. Speaking of dessert, there are 2 don't miss desserts - warm chocolate melting cake, available every night, and the Bitter and Blanc, only available one night during the cruise. The soups are all very good, although I only order broth-based soups. Love the stuffed mushrooms too. Conquest class ships have a fish and chips station on deck 10. It's kind of hidden, but I hear it's very good. Go to the deli early in the week when the deli meats are the freshest...the sandwiches are great though. If you want to plan out your food for the day (I like to do this), you can see the dinner menus on your cabin tv. Lunch and dinner menus are posted in the dining room.


If you like chocolate, I recommend the chocolate trifecta in the supper club. It's actually 3 desserts, and they're all excellent. Won't fit into your fist plan though. Any more Carnival food questions, feel free.


PS How excited are you? I'm so excited that a month from today I'll be boarding a ship! And, I'm excited for you. Nothing like the first one. In October, I sailed with my parents, sister, and brother-in-law. I was the only one that cruised before...I loved their reactions to everything!

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Brenda, you're not alone in feeling like crap:( . I feel awful. Thankfully I'm not tremendously busy at work and I can call in. I did bring my laptop home in anticipation of this. I don't think I have the nasty flu that's going around (2 people in my dept have missed every day this week), but rather a nasty cold (that my administrative assistant had last week). I have a bad headache too. No gym for me today, although I wasn't planning on going originally. Tonight is my group of friend's monthly pot-luck dinner, and guess who's hosting it...that's right me, darn it. I'm still planning on having everyone over.


Gosh....do you think it might be better to reschedule? I am just thinking of the possibility of spreading that cold. I know that after the one I and my son just had (and I sm still not completely over it) there is no way I would go to someone's house if they were sick, or if I was. Several people in my office have had this, and it turned into bronchitis. It just seems to be really going around...so do be careful!!

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Okay...I ALMOST wimped out last night. I didn't go to the gym at lunch yesterday as I had to leave early and take my son for a physical. So we get home - he does his homework, and we eat dinner..and then his dad comes and picks him up (Wed night he spends at his dad's) and there I am left sitting on the sofa...thinking any minute I'm going to get up and head to the gym...and I almost fell asleep!!


Finally about 7:30 I kick my butt off the sofa and head out. I have a slight headache...but I go. I make a stop at the mall, and then head to Gold's across the street. I park, open the back door to get my gym bag, ...and DAMN!!! It's NOT there! Crapola. I forgot that I didn't take it to work and I am so used to always having it with me, I completely forgot to grab it. So now it is 8:30...and I am SO PISSED. I drive back home...trying to decide if I am going to go back...and I still have a headache of course. I get home...stand there for a minute or two...and think...so if I stay home...then what? Will I go to bed (which I should do to take advantage of the evening alone) or will I sit on the sofa, watch TV and risk snacking on some crap I don't need?? Well I know the answer to that. I grab the bag, and head back to the gym. I am on the step mill at 9:30...do 35 min, then 15 on the treadmill...then about 30 min to do some stretches, and abs and legs. I leave at almost 11pm, but BOY did I feel good. ;) I think that is the "kicker" that gets me there sometimes when I am considering skipping a night. I slept like a rock...so glad I went!! But I think it will be a long time before I forget my bag again!!! :rolleyes:

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Gosh....do you think it might be better to reschedule? !

Oh, Chigirl, I'm sorry the bug got you!! At least it's not the flu. But I think I might agree with HSM to reshedule also so you can take better care of yourself. You did the right thing though, making sure everyone knew you were not feeling well. It's just that I had a coldy type thing the end of Nov that hung around way too long & I swear the cough lasted over a month!! I thought I would NEVER stop coughing!!


Tag, pizza is available 24 hours on Carnival...it's so good, and I consider myself a pizza snob! I always have late seating for dinner. Around 5 or 5:30, I sometimes run and get a slice. And then I go work out:)


PS How excited are you? I'm so excited that a month from today I'll be boarding a ship!


Thanks for all the food tips! Yep, I booked the late dinner too knowing how to work within my fist plan AND that i would probably be staying up later than usual. What's in the Bitter and Blanc? Can't wait to try the pizza!! uh oh... you'remakingmehungry.... GRABBING WATER ASAP ;) !!


One more month for you...yippee!! It's not too bad now. Time seems to be picking up speed & I am spending WAY too much time on these boards. doh!

Take care of yourself! That's another reason, you don't want this bug to hang around and mess with your pending cruise...


Okay...I ALMOST wimped out last


but BOY did I feel good. ;) I think that is the "kicker" that gets me there sometimes when I am considering skipping a night. I slept like a rock...so glad I went!! But I think it will be a long time before I forget my bag again!!! :rolleyes:


Very motivational HSM!!! You know you're right:

1) You always feel better when you make yourself JUSTDOIT!!

2) you probably won't forget that back for a looonnnngg time!!!!






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Oh Chi....feel better! I am still feeling the effects. I know its sucks. Its probably best for you to rest tonight.


Tag....I loved the Carnival pizza. My favorite was the goat cheese and mushroom. It was so different....and yummy!!! We are going on RCCL and I have heard the pizza is just ok. :(


Happy...gotta give you credit. I probably would have stayed home.


Today I am busily washing windows and curtains! YUK!!! But when its done I love it......

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Well, to a degree I think it is a control thing..we are the only ones who can control what we put in our mouths! I think it's also a fear thing..if you mess up and eat one piece of cake, there's nothing to be afraid about "oh my god, I'm ruined I might as well eat the whole damn cake". I guess what works for me when I travel and there are too many food options is "mind games". I try to eat only things I won't get anywhere else, so it's easy to pass up the breads (my favorites!) and the starchy stuff. I just tell myself I have the rest of my life to eat it and I don't need any today.


I'm feeilng better from what I call my "pork out"..drinking the water helped a lot and also eating alot of salad!


Happy: Good for you! Half the battle is getting there. I's hard but I go early in the morning like around 6...it took months to get in the groove but now i"m used to it..for me if I go at the end of the day it won't happen ..wish I could go at lunch. I'm goign to buy a bike and start biking everywhere on the weekends.


Thanks everyone for helping me to stop worrying about this upcoming cruise & the effects it may have on my recent weight loss. All of you are soooo right & I will just be smart about it. I try and take the stairs when I can anyway and continue to try and eat smaller amounts more often. This just really seems to work for me better than anything I've tried before. I will even let myself try the pizza and other stuff. I can get the pizza at other times in the day right? And only eat 1/2 a piece! I eat many times a day... so I don't think I'll be ever having to 'wait' to eat.


I think it is a control thing. Around here, I can control what I keep around the house, control my portions that I give myself. When someone puts a lot of food in front of me, it just seems harder to control. Then, since I'll be gone for over a week.... I know I will do okay, and hopefully besides walking I'll get some Dancing in too!:D

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Thanks for the concern, but I truly think this is just a cold. I'm just VERY congested. I'm hoping I'm better for Saturday...there's a big St Patrick's Day party. My friend says there will be lots of cute, single guys there. I'm supposed to have a date on Sunday, but I haven't heard from the guy since we made the plans a week ago Tuesday. Actually, after the dinner thing at my place, I was going to go out with my friend (my cruise buddy for my cruise in a month) and her boyfriend to meet up with some of his business school buddies. I'm bummed I have to miss that:(. But, I'm getting some laundry and cleaning done today.

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I joined WW online after losing some then gaining over the holidays. I've lost 11 lbs since January. I get lots of good advice on the boards there and lots of support as well.


I was only doing treadmill and it got boring and I wasn't really losing, so decided to pull out old aerobics tapes and what a difference. Strength training, weight training, burns fat, revs the metabolism.


Good luck to you. You can do it - don't get discouraged! You didn't put it on in one day, it won't come off in a day.:)

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I go early in the morning like around 6...it took months to get in the groove but now i"m used to it..for me if I go at the end of the day it won't happen


Yeah...early morning would be nice, but that's not possible for me. You get used to anything. For me, late night workouts are best - leaving the gym at 11pm is perfectly normal! :) Shoot, I've been out running at midnight many many times. :p

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I'm asleep usually by 10.....so this to me is actually funny. I guess I'm just getting old....lol :eek:


Yeah...early morning would be nice, but that's not possible for me. You get used to anything. For me, late night workouts are best - leaving the gym at 11pm is perfectly normal! :) Shoot, I've been out running at midnight many many times. :p
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I dont beleive you did this, you are amazing!!!

I go to the gym right after work because I know once I hit my home there is no way that I am going to go back out to the gym... If I was to forget to get my gym bag ready in the AM and have to go home I would never leave again.... Good for you, incredible!!

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I dont beleive you did this, you are amazing!!!

I go to the gym right after work because I know once I hit my home there is no way that I am going to go back out to the gym... If I was to forget to get my gym bag ready in the AM and have to go home I would never leave again.... Good for you, incredible!!


Thanks smooth...actually before I joined Gold's, which is near my work, I always came home first. Home is between work and Bally's...so I was used to coming home first and then leaving. Now I do about half and half...sometimes right after work, and sometimes later. Belonging to 2 gyms makes it more convenient for me, for sure!!

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So I have arrived and the day I have been working so hard for is here.... This evening we will compete, and my day is filled with a hair appointment for an upsweep, nail appointment and final costume checking, then we leave for the event around 2:00, dance at 8:00.


Up to last night I felt that we were not ready, nervous about returning. Then we had a final coaching lesson and went through a run through of all the routines and it all just fell into place. My body felt good, the extreme stretch positions came quite natural. Due to our nightly 2 hour practice sessions this week I have not been to the gym all week, still everything is ok.


I did not end up quite where I wanted to, my goal to be at 115 on this day, I am at 118, but still I did come from 125 and physically I am there. Sometimes I dont understand myself.... I am doing great, then I out of nowhere overeat, go for the carbs that is a kiiler for me and take a step backwards. It is like I am my own worst enemy and sabotage my own plans. Today I wont let anything take away my confidence but when this week-end is over I have given myself a goal that for a month I will not do this up and down to myself and stay on track for the entire month.


OK.... taking a breath and then off to a busy day, wish me luck!

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So I have arrived and the day I have been working so hard for is here.... This evening we will compete, and my day is filled with a hair appointment for an upsweep, nail appointment and final costume checking, then we leave for the event around 2:00, dance at 8:00.


Up to last night I felt that we were not ready, nervous about returning. Then we had a final coaching lesson and went through a run through of all the routines and it all just fell into place. My body felt good, the extreme stretch positions came quite natural. Due to our nightly 2 hour practice sessions this week I have not been to the gym all week, still everything is ok.


I did not end up quite where I wanted to, my goal to be at 115 on this day, I am at 118, but still I did come from 125 and physically I am there. Sometimes I dont understand myself.... I am doing great, then I out of nowhere overeat, go for the carbs that is a kiiler for me and take a step backwards. It is like I am my own worst enemy and sabotage my own plans. Today I wont let anything take away my confidence but when this week-end is over I have given myself a goal that for a month I will not do this up and down to myself and stay on track for the entire month.


OK.... taking a breath and then off to a busy day, wish me luck!


Good luck smooth!!!!! You have done very well, and I'm sure you will do great tonight!!


I know exactly what you mean about being your own worst ememy - I can do great all day long and then once I settle in at home, a jar of peanut butter just up and walks out of the kitchen and lands in my lap!! With a spoon!! :D

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Smooth, you'll be fabulous...I'm sure you'll do 1000x better than the rest of us combined! :) I hear ya about the carb thing...I can do that when I'm stressed..like my food fiasco on Tuesday this week I am still paying for in stomach discomfort and bloat. One time I ate an entire bag of baby carrots in one sitting, figured it was better than eating a box of crackers which I would have gladly done. Still, not a good thing to do.


Happy..somehow you don't seem like the type to pig out with a jar of peanutbutter! I love PB too and that IS something I could eat a ton of with no remorse. At Whole Foods you can grind your own..I love the raw cashew butter and the almond butter. They even have a CHOCLATE peanut butter you can grind. I tried it once when I had a little sweet tooth.


I've been eating veggies, fruit, and water for two days. Ugh, I am still feeling bloated!! Tomorrow MIL and Uncle and me are going to Orlando to the Holy Land park for Easter. I'm packing my lunch, am told it's all fast food and hotdog stuff at the park.


Hey if anybody has any good brown bag ideas besides the usual piece of fruit, yogurt, sandwich that'd be great. We like to picnic a lot too.


Good luck smooth!!!!! You have done very well, and I'm sure you will do great tonight!!


I know exactly what you mean about being your own worst ememy - I can do great all day long and then once I settle in at home, a jar of peanut butter just up and walks out of the kitchen and lands in my lap!! With a spoon!! :D

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Good luck Smooth! I'm sure you'll do great (and look great too:) ). Yes, we can be our greatest enemies. It's hard to be consistently good. I've been craving carbs the past few days...gave in with some pretzels and Italian bread, which I served with olive oil and spices at my dinner last night. But, my friends are trying to sabotage me! My best friend that I'm cruising with next month brought strawberry tiramisu. I had a small piece. Half of the dish was left last night, and she left it. When I told her she was forgetting it, she said, "oh no, you can keep it." Seems like such a shame to toss it, but that's what I'll end up doing. Another friend brought beer brats (I had half of one). All the brats went, but we still had buns left. They were the white, enriched flour buns. She left those. I tossed them as I was cleaning up. She also left a loaf of Irish soda bread. I'm going to a St Patrick's Day party tomorrow (provided I'm feeling better), so I will bring that.


I still feel like crap. As soon as the decongestant wears off, I'm miserable. I'm ok now. I didn't go to work again today. I'm going to try to make it to the gym later on...it's all in my head, nothing in my chest, so maybe I can sweat some of this out! I need to go bathing suit shopping this weekend. My suits are either too big, or they just don't look right - it's almost like there's too much coverage and they aren't flattering. Even my skinny suit is too big...in the chest.

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Chi, you did a great job resisting all that junk..


Can't believe you are in such a great city and all those lovely ethnic markets! I'd have a field day. I've noticed that you can get some really good vegetables on the cheap in some of the asian markets. I love trying ethnic foods. If you can find a Brazilian market pick up some frozen Acai..not that liquid mona vie crap..Acai is a brazilian fruit SO good for you..it kinda tastes like chocolate raspberry and it's the bomb for smoothies. You can buy it frozen at Whole Foods too.


Do you like chinese food..I'd get some hot and sour soup.. low calorie and the spices will clear your sinuses..have no clue why but it does. You have to be careful and some places put a lot of cornstarch in them but I love it when I'm sick My neighbor from Singapor swears by "congri" soup..some sort of chinese soup when she's sick. I like to make my own hot and sour. There's quite a bit of vinegar in it and they say Vinegar is good for weight loss.


You know, I really need to get to Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and some of the smaller ethnic markets in the city...need to expand what I've been buying.
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Sometimes I feel some people are too tough on me here. Sometimes I do feel beat up. Other times, I feel like everyone really means well and is only trying to help. I agree that sometimes what we type does not come across exactly the way we mean it. I'm sorry about your weight gain......I say it that way only because I would like to hear it that way sometimes. To some people weight gain when you are working so hard is traumatic and can really pull you down. Try not to worry about it too much. Do a few days of extra careful fist portions....make them fat free and full of veggies. I'm sure you'll lose it again.



Brenda, I meant to address this post sooner. I apologize if I made you feel like I was beating you up. I really do mean well and want to see you succeed. I might be a little tougher on you because I don't believe in coddling...friends, kids, employees, anybody. I want to tell people the truth (or my strong opinion:rolleyes: ). Try not to get caught up in any increases in the scale. I read yesterday that up to a 5 pound swing can be normal. I know it's hard to see the scale go up when you're working so hard, but this is almost always just temporary due to your cycle, carb intake, sodium intake, hydration level, etc. That is why nobody said "I'm sorry about your weight gain" - it's temporary. Read what you wrote to Tag...follow your own advice:) because the same applies to you. You're stronger than you think. And you ARE doing great.


At one point I thought you and I had the same goal weight. I misread and added 10 pounds because that is my goal...135. I'm 5'4". I read that Smooth was 5'5" and 160 at one point wearing 14s. I was 157 and wearing 8s. I'm now at 138 and wearing 2s, 4s, and 6 in some pants (I'm pear shaped). I even get away with 0s in some tops. My point is, I weigh more than what I look like - I have a muscular build. The scale is only one measure - don't get too hung up on it.

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Happy..somehow you don't seem like the type to pig out with a jar of peanutbutter! I love PB too and that IS something I could eat a ton of with no remorse. At Whole Foods you can grind your own..I love the raw cashew butter and the almond butter. They even have a CHOCLATE peanut butter you can grind. I tried it once when I had a little sweet tooth.


I've been eating veggies, fruit, and water for two days. Ugh, I am still feeling bloated!! Tomorrow MIL and Uncle and me are going to Orlando to the Holy Land park for Easter. I'm packing my lunch, am told it's all fast food and hotdog stuff at the park.


Hey if anybody has any good brown bag ideas besides the usual piece of fruit, yogurt, sandwich that'd be great. We like to picnic a lot too.


I just LOVE peanut butter...honestly I could just sit there and eat it even without a spoon! :p No, I don't usually pig out on it, but it certainly is a favorite food that I have to watch myself on. :rolleyes: I'm not much on the natural stuff....afraid I'm a JIF girl. :o I've tried the natural ones, and did not care for them. But, I did try the reduced fat Jif, and really like it. Unfortunately it is much harder to spread (not that I eat PB sandwiches anymore - but my son does) on a slice of bread, so not sure that I will switch completely. Also, the reduced fat version has more SUGAR in it!! Now why do they do that????? We don't have a Whole Foods here...at least not that I know of. We thought we were getting a Trader Joes last spring...but it wasn't to be.


As far as packing lunches, my son and I are both huge fans of protein bars. I know...so many people don't like them, but I guess we are just used to them. So we always pack them for trips!! The newest line of Special K protein meal and snack bars are surprisingly good, and I have always loved the Kashi bars (though I think they are an "acquired" taste!).

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I know.. my weird stomach..the choclate is too much for me on some bars. Can you recommend one that doesn't taste like cardboard? I was thinking of trying the Special K water but don't know if it's worth the extra money.


For lunch/picnic stuff was thinking something more substantial..the hummus does travelwell.


I just LOVE peanut butter...honestly I could just sit there and eat it even without a spoon! :p No, I don't usually


pig out on it, but it certainly is a favorite food that I have to watch myself on. :rolleyes: I'm not much on the natural stuff....afraid I'm a JIF girl. :o I've tried the natural ones, and did not care for them. But, I did try the reduced fat Jif, and really like it. Unfortunately it is much harder to spread (not that I eat PB sandwiches anymore - but my son does) on a slice of bread, so not sure that I will switch completely. Also, the reduced fat version has more SUGAR in it!! Now why do they do that????? We don't have a Whole Foods here...at least not that I know of. We thought we were getting a Trader Joes last spring...but it wasn't to be.


As far as packing lunches, my son and I are both huge fans of protein bars. I know...so many people don't like them, but I guess we are just used to them. So we always pack them for trips!! The newest line of Special K protein meal and snack bars are surprisingly good, and I have always loved the Kashi bars (though I think they are an "acquired" taste!).

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