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The new age of cruising for Celebrity..The nickel and dime approach


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I just started cruising two years ago. It is absolutely a great way to travel. Celebrity is a fine cruise line with excellent service. However, I have noticed changes from that 1st cruise 2 years ago to my 6th one just last week on the Constellation.


First run movies have been replaced with fairly old movies. Last week they showed Pirates of the Caribbean, Command and Conquer and Terminator 3 over and over again for 14 days. Cappuccino is no longer free after dinner. The “Ocean Liners” dining experience costs $30 + tip per person. The soon to come Cirque Du Soleil “experience” in the soon to be transformed level 11 lounge will require a minimal fee of approximately $10 a person. Let’s see what else requires a minimal fee…some lectures, exercise classes, and computer classes.


Don’t get me wrong, service was excellent, the captain was extremely friendly and the food was very good. I am just concerned about the trend that I am seeing. Will all of these charges expand to necessary services once provided as part of the cruise? Along with RCCL’s new pricing policy (whatever that turns into) will all of this be better for the cruising crowd? I doubt it. By the way a booked cruise prior to the new policy cost me $1421 per person and when I checked on board, merely a week later, it had gone up to $1700.


Any thoughts

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I don't mind paying for the services I want...what I do mind is paying for services I don't want.


I would much rather start off with a fair price for a good service and add to it as I see fit. Paying for other people to have cappuccino after dinner, wine, yoga classes, etc., when I don't use those services would take some of the enjoyment of the cruise away from me.


Some people call it nickel and diming, I call it letting me make my own choices on how to spend my own money.

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Dessertbelle you missed the point RIGHT NOW you are paying more for your cruise than you did lets say in the passed 5 years BUT you are actually getting even less for your money NOW as services that used to be included are now being charged extra adding even more to the already higher price of cruising.

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When I first started cruising seriously (for relaxation) about 16 years ago, I used to figure my cost per person, per day to determine whether I wanted to take a particular cruise. I still do that now when considering which one to take. In that amount of time, the price has not risen significantly. This also takes into account the size of the cabins back on the "old days", the stlye of entertainment and size of the venues aboard ship, the many ports that are offered now that weren't back then and things like that. In all those years, inflation has taken hold of a lot of our lives; yet, for me, the price per person, per day has held somewhat steady. Do I miss this big midnight buffets that we used to indulge in? No, not really, but I really do enjoy the cold towels upon arrival back at the ship and that glass of champagne (so small) upon embarkation are touches that we get now that just weren't there years ago.


I don't drink cappucino, nor do I use the computer center. So, the prices that they charge for those ala carte services is fine with me. Should they ever charge for towels next to the pool, then I will squawk!

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I understand your frustation and concern........however.......it shouldn't surprise anyone.


RCCL is a public company with stockholders and a board of directors.....their job is to increase profits and return on investment to the stockholders. The only way I know you can do that is by increasing prices, cutting costs or a combination of both.


I used to work for one of those "public" companys........I actually recieved an in house memo once to develop a plan to double sales in 3 years.........eventually I chose to take early retirement rather than submit myself to the stresses of what I considered unreasonable sales and profit goals.


There is a fine line in pricing........increase the price too much and you lose customers.........there is also a fine line in services........reduce services too much and you lose customers..............that is the balance I believe ALL cruiselines are going through right now........Princess, RC........all are raising prices and cutting costs.


Where this will leave the cruise industry in the next 3-5 years will be interesting to watch and see how it plays out...........


I do understand your concerns...............but I don't see it changing in the near future.

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As for me, as long as I can have a clean cabin and three meals a day I am going to be satisfied, heck I don't even need to be entertained. I will pay for that Cappichino or Latte' if I want one, a couple of bucks is about half of what one will cost me at Starbuck's and if it takes $10 to see what the Cirque is all about, so be it. I have seen 6 shows and the average ticket price has been around $80, yes I realize this will be a much different experience but it will be my choice. I read an article in the local paper yesterday, "The Cost of Cruising, Going Up" among other things it mentioned the 62 new builds that have gone on-line in our market over the last 5 years, nice new ships, nice modern ships. Some people say too large but we do like to have all of the comforts and modern extras. I have heard some people complain because "On Celebrity we could order room service on the TV and on So-in-so we couldn't" What would happen if there was no internet?

I guess I am lucky, just starting to cruise, I can't look back at the "good old days" and compare. My very first job was at a Baskin Robbins store, a cone was 14 cents, now I will not spend the dollar plus for an ice-cream, all I can say is, "back when.....

I just broke down our two future cruises with Celebrity: for two Alaska $259.83 day Hawaii $246.00. Prior to discovering the delights of a cruise, one of our favorite vacation spots was an Inn about 2 hours north of San Francisco, nice rooms, nice lodge, overlooking the Pacific, the room was $235.00 a day, give me a cruise and the 5 & dime, I'll take it.

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If you check what you are paying for gas, utilities, food, entertainment, etc in your personal life you will find everything has gone up in price. Why shouldn't that be happening to the travel industry also. What bothers me is paying for items that used to be included in the price of your cruise. That's progress and popularity:(

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Fees are a sign of the times. On a cruise, you usually get something in return, while for land based resorts, you usually get nothing. I generally avoid most of the extra fee services on the ship. My account runs high enough each trip with the alcohol and art auction expenses. My real exception are the speciality dining rooms.



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Personally, I think cruising has gotten less expensive in the past 10 years that I've been cruising. We paid as much for our Zenith cruise in 1994 as we just did for our Horizon cruise this Christmas. Back then there was no such thing as special coffees on board, specialty restaurants, lectures, sorbet at the pool, a champagne welcome, or all the premium doo dads that we find now. The cruise experience was basic with excellent service, a clean/beautiful ship, and very good food (lots of it).


I don't mind paying extra for the doo dads if my base fare was a good price. Just as I wouldn't mind paying more for the cruise if the doo dads were included.

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We have cruised Celebrity since 1992 and never were the cappucinos after dinner free. (We were on the Century maiden voyage which introduced the first coffee bar to the Celebrity line.) "First run" movies ( movies that are currently showing in theaters) were never available on the TV on our Celebrity cruises - these have always been shown in the theater on each cruise. The specialty restaurant at $30 is optional - you do not have to use it unless you want to. And even the alternative casual dining is a relatively new experience. Those were not available in the early years of Celebrity. The nickel and diming you are talking about are extras that weren't offered in the early days. What is included in the cruise price is still the same as it was when we first started cruising.

The cruise price today is still less than or the same price as 1992 - however, my income has gone up dramatically since that time so a cruise is still a bargain as it is still a lesser percentage of my income than it used to be. I consider those days of extremely low prices a bonus.

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Maybe someone will enlighten me. I've cruised Celebrity for almost five years. When did they offer complementary capochino?


Isn't the term nickle & diming the same as personal choice options?


As for the cost of cruising: The cruise industry is now recovering from two things. Massive overbuilding that has made all lines very competitive in order to fill all those new berths. And then the double whammy of a declining economy and the tradegy of 9-11. No industry has struggled more than the travel industry, especially leisure travel. Thus sustained low fares. The building boom is over. 12 new ships this year and only 3 next year. Cruising is growing at a rate of about 10% per year. Expect to pay more in the future. The economy has improved and people feel more comfortable traveling today. Prices have been equal or lower than 5 or 10 yrs ago. Ships offer more amenties and options than ever but yet prices remain relatively low We have all been spoiled over the last 5 yrs.


To me, cruising still represents a tremendous value. Leaving in 10 days for a seven day HAL cruise on a two yr old ship, cabin with a balcony all for $699 including port charges.

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I guess opinions will vary depending on the price paid but we have found that our overall cruise-related expenses have gone DOWN over the last 9 years. We always research and seek the best deal. With so many new ships and so many options available, deals are there for the taking.


Case in point, we are paying less for a sky suite this year (less than $100 pp/per day) than we have paid for standard balcony cabins in the past ($175 pp/per day). Even with the added expenses (specialty dining, ice cream, etc.) we still come out cheaper....plus we have the option of NOT paying for something we don't want.

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I personally think that charging extra for some things on the ship is a good thing. That means I don't pay for what I don't want. As far as the specialty restaurant is concerned it is a good thing to charge a fee. It means that I have a chance to get a reservation for the night I want. If all were free people would complain that the venues were too crowded or they could not get in. As far as specialty coffees I like paying for them as they are 100% better than the coffee in the dining room or buffet. The prices for the cruises are a little higher than they were but remember that we had Sept 11 attack and that hurt business and people did not want to travel for awhile so empty cabins mean lower prices. Now we have more people traveling on these ship with less cabins empty, therefore the upcharge. Remember this is a business and business is supposed to make a profit.

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Cappuccino was always complimentary in the dining rooms on all Celebrity ships.

I do not remember the cappuccino being complimentary in the dining room and I have cruised Celebrity since 1992. In fact when we first cruised they didn't even offer iced coffee on the menu. I know the complimentary cappuccino at dinner was not complimentary since Dec. 1995 (the maiden voyage of the Century that had the first coffee bar in the fleet). I do have a menu from then and it is not listed. Maybe your server just didn't charge you.

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It all has to be paid for, one way or another. Front end (all-inclusive--Silversea, Seabourn,etc) or back-end (nickle and dime--HAL, Celebrity and even Crystal).



Seems to me, that crystal does both ends. Don't know how they get away with it.

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I understand your frustation and concern........however.......it shouldn't surprise anyone.


RCCL is a public company with stockholders and a board of directors.....their job is to increase profits and return on investment to the stockholders. The only way I know you can do that is by increasing prices, cutting costs or a combination of both.


I used to work for one of those "public" companys........I actually recieved an in house memo once to develop a plan to double sales in 3 years.........eventually I chose to take early retirement rather than submit myself to the stresses of what I considered unreasonable sales and profit goals.


There is a fine line in pricing........increase the price too much and you lose customers.........there is also a fine line in services........reduce services too much and you lose customers..............that is the balance I believe ALL cruiselines are going through right now........Princess, RC........all are raising prices and cutting costs.


Where this will leave the cruise industry in the next 3-5 years will be interesting to watch and see how it plays out...........


I do understand your concerns...............but I don't see it changing in the near future.

We are used to fine cruising experience ( have been on 26 cruises) which is slipping down on all cruiselines. Hate to see companies RCCL and Princess fill their ships with different type of cruisers, who are happy with any service better than McDonald and the food is better than frozen dinner and run big bar bills and do not want to dress for dinner. That is a " dream" cruiser for the cruiseline. They do not expect much- they do not get much.

I do agree, if we end up paying more for the cruise, guarantee we will not get our money's worth. We shell see.

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We are used to fine cruising experience ( have been on 26 cruises) which is slipping down on all cruiselines. Hate to see companies RCCL and Princess fill their ships with different type of cruisers, who are happy with any service better than McDonald and the food is better than frozen dinner and run big bar bills and do not want to dress for dinner.

My, my, Isabella, it must be simply dreadful for you to have to associate with such riff-raff on your cruises.


The above attitude is perhaps the very worst feature of these discussion boards. It's "cruisers" with this attitude that I want never to encounter on any cruise.

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Everyone made good points, and I agree that I would rather pay a fairly low price for the cruise, and then all of the discretionary spending is by choice (or not) I have no problem having them charge me $599 for a 7 day Caribbean cruise, and if I want a cappuchino, $2.50, if I want "alternative dining, $30, if I want to go to the cirque de soiel, $20, and if I don't, then I will go to the regular restaurant, have standard coffee and go to the free show lounge, instead of paying $1500 for that 7 day Caribbean cruise and having all of the above included. I think was does rub some folks the wrong way, especially so of us "old timers" who have been cruising for the past 30 years is that all of what is now "extra" used to be included. But then what they are charging for a 7 day Caribbean cruise is what they were charging 20 years ago. What else is the same price it was 20 years ago. "X" rebranded last year and added some shipboard perks and became a bit more shi-shi, (at least I think that was what they were trying to do). With thier new pricing policy (which is pricier) do you think they are ultimately trying to find a new nitch and ultimately be more comparable to Crystal, than say, HAL, Pricness, RCI?

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