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Most embarassing moments on your cruise. What are they? :-)


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So it was our honeymoon cruise and we were uh'hem doing the honeymoon thing in our cabin mid-day. I know I didn't hear any knock on the door but all of a sudden the door opens. I pulled the sheet over my head for a second (that seems like forever) but I never heard the door close. I peak out and the room steward is just standing there. My husband is apparenly oblivious to this as he is continuing. I start screaming and slapping him, my husband. THEN the room steward leaves and my husband thinks I'm making it all up!!!!!!!!


HUMILATING Every time the room steward saw us after he would just smile.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mine was on the Jewel of the Seas when my hubby came back from the casino on the last night of the cruise and thought that the clothes I had left out for the morning was clothes I forgot to pack. He put them in the luggage then put the luggage outside our cabin.

Got up in the morning with NO CLOTHES!!!! I had slept in the buff to pack my nightgown....Long story short, someone had a way too small tshirt (bra was packed) and too small shorts that I wore off the ship.

Don't think I talked to hubby for a very long time but now can laugh about it...especially hearing my husband and father in law YELLING in the hall way if anyone had an clothes they could buy!!!!

Ahhhh, the joys of cruising!!!

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So it was our honeymoon cruise and we were uh'hem doing the honeymoon thing in our cabin mid-day. I know I didn't hear any knock on the door but all of a sudden the door opens. I pulled the sheet over my head for a second (that seems like forever) but I never heard the door close. I peak out and the room steward is just standing there. My husband is apparenly oblivious to this as he is continuing. I start screaming and slapping him, my husband. THEN the room steward leaves and my husband thinks I'm making it all up!!!!!!!!


HUMILATING Every time the room steward saw us after he would just smile.


LOL, that's a good one :)

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Probably that time when I had an assassin following me around trying to bump me off. It started with a thrown glass that nearly hit me in the head, and the last attempt was when I found a knife sticking out of a chair I was about to sit in.


Man, my face was red with embarrassment from almost falling for them!

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On our last cruise, my husband arranged all the shore excursions. In Costa Rica, he told me we were going to the beach, so I wore flip-flops. It turned out that, before the beach, we were going rainforest trekking. It had recently rained (go figure, RAINforest) and was really muddy. I trekked right into a patch of muddy, slimy leaves and my feet hydroplaned like crazy, dumping me flat-out onto the ground. (I'm really graceful like that.) Not only was I covered in mud and completely embarrassed, I got to have my torn-in-three-places shoulder rotator cuff operated on a few months later.


I'm doing the shore excursions for our next cruise.

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Hi guys,

I'm the new kid on the block. The first time i went to alaska, went on a shore excursion, then later at the salmon bake, word come filtering through, that a passenger who was on the dock joking around, when he fell into the water next to the viking serenade, the ship i was on, had to be saved by one of the captains crew. When the shore excursion was over, and I had gone back to the ship, was walking down the hallway and saw this cabin door open, i went to my cabin, put my stuff away and went back down the hallway, and into the cabin with the door open, and said, "Hi, I'm here to crash your party." The people who were eating dinner in there, looked up, and someone said, "this is the lady whose husband fell off the dock, we dont normally have dinner in here, but tonight we are." I said, i hope he's ok, they said he was taken to the hospital in juneau, i said, oh i'm sorry, and turned around and left. I left the cabin as fast as i could.

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Ok this isn't that bad, but alittle bit embarassing... my friend and I totally scored on the dessert buffet before stopping in St Thomas. We both picked desserts we wanted to try or have one bite of. So when our waiter from dinner saw us in the buffet area he came over to say hi and see how our day was going. As soon as he saw our 'HUGE' plates from the dessert buffet, he said... OH MY, ARE YOU THAT HUNGRY?! My friend and I turned red and said, no, sorry we just wanted to try a bite of different desserts.

That night at dinner, he was kidding and said...wow..you two are still hungry! :)

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My son 8 at the time was getting some food at lunch buffet near the Pool area when an middle aged woman crowded in front of him and caused him to lose his balance and the Plate fell on the lady's shoes and pant legs. My son felt embarassed and apologized but from looking at the lady's facial expression she wasn't too happy. We left after that and went to another section for lunch.

Your little fella seemed to be the bigger of the two people there! Good for him and too bad it happened in the first place. My guard goes up for little people who get pushed around so "high five" for your son.

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On the Sun Viking in 92, going to mexico, i met 3 guys on deck, and they told me, see that guy in the deck chair over there, they said, he's mike ditka, coach of the bears, and i said no, they said yes, so i wandered over to the guy and asked, Excuse me sir, but theres a rumor going around, that you're mike ditka, and he took his sunglasses off, and said, do i look like him, i said no. A few days later these 3 guys tried to tell me that he was a player from the oakland raiders, a couple of days later, when i was leaving the dining room, this guy was outside and i asked him, are you sure you're not mike ditka, and he said yes, i then asked him, let me see some id, and with that, he pulled out his police badge. I never bothered that man again!!

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On the Sun Viking in 92, going to mexico, i met 3 guys on deck, and they told me, see that guy in the deck chair over there, they said, he's mike ditka, coach of the bears, and i said no, they said yes, so i wandered over to the guy and asked, Excuse me sir, but theres a rumor going around, that you're mike ditka, and he took his sunglasses off, and said, do i look like him, i said no. A few days later these 3 guys tried to tell me that he was a player from the oakland raiders, a couple of days later, when i was leaving the dining room, this guy was outside and i asked him, are you sure you're not mike ditka, and he said yes, i then asked him, let me see some id, and with that, he pulled out his police badge. I never bothered that man again!!


LOL! Too funny! Two years ago we met a guy on Caribbean Princess that said we looked familiar. After talking to him we learned that he lived in the same town as we do-we could not figure how we had met him-then he says-"Well I work for the police department." and LOL! we were really embarrassed. My daughter had to go to court over a traffic accident so we assume he saw my hubby and daughter there-now he had nothing to do with her case-but we guessed he had seen them when they went to court. LOL! NOT something we wanted to be reminded about while on our cruise.

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On my first cruise, while waiting to leave, my husband and I were sitting against a wall in one of the halls chatting. Some college students seemed to be having a great time down the hall from me but I didn't really pay attention.

After awhile, I did start paying attention because I noticed nobody was really saying anything but collectively, they would crack up laughing out of nowhere.

I guess they were bored too and decided to tape thread to a $20.oo bill and when someone walking by tried to reach for it, they would pull it away.

It was actually very funny to watch. Embarrassing for the guy trying to reach for it!

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  • 1 month later...
So it was our honeymoon cruise and we were uh'hem doing the honeymoon thing in our cabin mid-day. I know I didn't hear any knock on the door but all of a sudden the door opens. I pulled the sheet over my head for a second (that seems like forever) but I never heard the door close. I peak out and the room steward is just standing there. My husband is apparenly oblivious to this as he is continuing. I start screaming and slapping him, my husband. THEN the room steward leaves and my husband thinks I'm making it all up!!!!!!!!


HUMILATING Every time the room steward saw us after he would just smile.


you should have just winked and him each time going to the room DURing the day...he might have kept your ICE TUBE refilled more often

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Mildly embarrassing-


My gambling story. We were on the Star, Valparaiso to Seattle in April.I don't gamble, but my wife really enjoys it, and most evenings likes to go to the casino. She plays the slots, but very conservatively. She likes The 1 cent machines, but plays a whole 20 cents!!! per spin. Usually sets herself a limit of $20, expects to lose it,but is happy if her stake lasts a while.

This night was formal night, we had had dinner, and were in the casino, where she was at her 1 cent machines, and I was at the bar having a drink. I was in my tuxedo, and like all men when dressed in a tuxedo feeling very "James Bondish". Having had a pre dinner martini, wine with dinner, and now an after dinner drink, the stage was set for me to do something not too bright.

As it was relatively early, about 8:30, the casino was not very crowded, and 1 roulette table was empty. It was time for 'James Bond' to act. I went up to the pit boss, told him I wanted to make a single bet of $1000 on black, but I didn't have cash, wanted to do it on my card. He called over the casino manager, they called the pursers desk, and after some discussion I signed a chit, and was given 10 $100 chips.

The pit boss then informed me the table limit was $500. Had I known I would only have asked for $500, as I was only interested in the one bet, not doing any ongoing gambling.

I placed $500 in chips on black, by now a small crowd had gathered, including a number of staff, and the pit boss said to me "Sir no matter what happens, I will buy you a drink."

The roulette operator spun the wheel, dropped the ball, and BLACK!!

I didn't blink, scooped up the $1000 in chips, went to the cashier, got cash, came back, tipped the operator $100 and tipped the pit boss $100, and both were completely floored.

This was playing out exactly as it would for James Bond, as we all know he never loses., and I was really revelling in the moment. The pit boss then said "Sir, I will buy you that drink now." ..I said fine, I'll have a scotch and soda, and how about one for my wife. He said certainly, where is she?


"She's over there, at the penny slots."


So much for my charade-that really blew my cover.:D


As a post script to this story, the next day I did overhear people talking about some "high roller" who had been in the casino the previous night. As is usual with stories like that, the specifics had grown in the retelling, and was being made out as the mysterious player had won incredible amount on a single bet- in the thousands!!!

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Took my son (22) & his girlfriend (19) with me on a Mexican Riviera cruise on the Vision of the Seas. We shared a cabin. The embarrassment was not mine, but his.....

Embarrassing moment #1: the very first afternoon. Dropped my carryon at the cabin, grabbed the camera, and went to take some pictures of the ship. Came back to the cabin, opened the door, and... well, let's just say there was some very hasty movements and some very red faces..... :eek:

Embarrassing moment #2: playing Quest. The call went out for pants. He (who was located right at the edge of the dance floor) dropped his and handed them to the team leader. His girlfriend looked at him and quickly stepped right in front of him, very close. He asked her what she was doing. She replied, look down - feeling a draft? :eek::eek: WARDROBE MALFUNCTION on the boxer shorts!

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On our 1st cruise 2 years ago, being a country girl several of the "dishes" were NEW to me. I had sushi with a huge glob of WASABI.................OMG, I could not just spit it out, but right at that moment that the heat of the WASABI and taste of the fish hit me the waiter came to the table. I was in pure agony....the heat, the taste, the tears in my eyes! The waiter thought I was choking! My DARLING HUBBIE was laughing so hard he made more notice of my "condition"

To this day I try everything "new" but in bite size portions!!!!!!:eek:

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Tortola....the beach.....me wearing a tankini....in the water.....big wave.....sent me into a backward summersault....took my 500 dollar prescription Ray Bans and my tankini bottom with it. I'm kneeling in the water thinking.."do I go after my Ray Bans or my bottoms"? Dignity won out and I got the bottoms, but lost the sunglasses. Climbed out of the water and walked up to my beach chair where the elderly couple beside us said..."that was some wave huh?" Then they snickered......they saw it all.....my dignity returned when I found out they were on a different ship and I wouldn't have to see them again. Going to Tortola on the CB in March....maybe I'll find my Ray Bans!

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Took my son (22) & his girlfriend (19) with me on a Mexican Riviera cruise on the Vision of the Seas. We shared a cabin. The embarrassment was not mine, but his.....

Embarrassing moment #1: the very first afternoon. Dropped my carryon at the cabin, grabbed the camera, and went to take some pictures of the ship. Came back to the cabin, opened the door, and... well, let's just say there was some very hasty movements and some very red faces..... :eek:

Embarrassing moment


They did that while you were sharing a cabin...and on the very first afternoon? Not to mention that they're 22 and 19, I'm surprised you weren't upset. I'd be fuming amongst other emotions.

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They did that while you were sharing a cabin...and on the very first afternoon? Not to mention that they're 22 and 19, I'm surprised you weren't upset. I'd be fuming amongst other emotions.


Or I would not share a cabin-LOL! The least they could have done is use that inside lock- when you use that-the card will not unlock the door. Now my daughter has caught hubby and I a couple of times-but she could not get in-as we had that lock on-LOL! and she never said a word either-as she knew what was going on.

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My emberassing moment was when me and hubby took our 15th anniversary cruise to Cozumel...they kept telling us on the Inspiration do not drink the water in Mexico...do not drink the water in Mexico..the day we got into port the barstaff and waiters came around with these big bottles of water for the guests to buy to carry with them.....so I bought my bottle and off we go

We are going to Chaaknaab park to snorkle... well I have Never snorkled before and thought it would be soo much easier to just put my flippers on in the sand and walk into the water...


It is Hard to walk in the sand with flippers...(.picture this) I am a rather Fluffy gal...and trying to walk in the sand with Flippers....I kept tripping sand flying evrywhere..People are just pointing and staring...


well I make it Finally to the water..(still have people watching) None told me about the Slippery steps in the water...


well I fall face first in the water....You guessed it I gulped water...


I get out rather clumisly I must add....and drag my flippered feet onto the sand...Hubby is just staring wide mouthed...has no clue what I got out


I burst into tears...just take me back to the ship..my cruise is ruined now...omg....crying...take me back....he asks me why..I said because I am gonna get Montezuma's revenge...take me back NOW..I am bawling...

People staring...some of the staff come over ask if I was hurt....very concerned nice people..

well HUbby asks me what is wrong hunny...why are you so upset..I said because I am gonna get sick..I drank the water...he says ok...you didnt choke..why are you crying..I said (almost Yelling at this point) I drank the Water....he says ok....I yell at this point...(thinking to myself...God he is being such an Idiot) I drank the water..We are in Mexico!! people at this point around us..start laughing..I have no clue why..I am crying..He says They meant the Water in Mexico...not the Sea Water..I could have died I was soo emberrassed...:D

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On our 1st cruise 2 years ago, being a country girl several of the "dishes" were NEW to me. I had sushi with a huge glob of WASABI.................OMG, I could not just spit it out, but right at that moment that the heat of the WASABI and taste of the fish hit me the waiter came to the table. I was in pure agony....the heat, the taste, the tears in my eyes! The waiter thought I was choking! My DARLING HUBBIE was laughing so hard he made more notice of my "condition"

To this day I try everything "new" but in bite size portions!!!!!!:eek:


Good one - the same thing happened to my husband's ex-boss a decade and a half ago when sushi eating was relatively new and he went for his sushi meal for the first time. He's a great fish lover and when he saw the green glob on the plate he thought it was something fishy and Japenese so he put the whole thing into his mouth. My friend and I were sitting there and laughing our a$$e$ off when he related his story - he's a BIG man - over 6 feet!!


We all are great sushi eaters, btw, and like to hear of other people's mistakes with wasabi.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It wasn't me, it was my husband on our 2002 Alaska cruise on the Sun Princess. It was our first night on the ship, and the three of us (my husband, our 10 year old son, and I) were were seated at the very end of the room against the floor to ceiling window for dinner. There were whales spotted, and my husband tried to yank back the drapes in order to see better. Next thing we knew, he was wearing several pounds of drapes, which he had ended up ripping off of their rod in his eagerness to see the whales better. My son and I almost wet our pants, we laughed so hard. The dining staff was most apologetic, but they couldn't keep straight faces either. I just wish I'd had the camera ready!

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