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Most embarassing moments on your cruise. What are they? :-)


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I've only been on one cruise and going on 2nd in November but I found it quite comical when I would be walking and suddenly bang into the wall. Seems like many people would do this from the boat rockin.


Tracy Russell


I find it really funny, too, to watch a whole group of people do the zig zag walking down the hallway. We were at the rear of a group of people bouncing off the walls like pinballs and I was laughing pretty hard about it. The ladies ahead of us, whom I did not know, did not find it as humorous as I did.

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My partner and I were on the Celebrity Millenium. We had an aft cabin with a very deep veranda. One formal night after dinner we went back to our cabin to freshen up before going to the martini bar. While he was in the bathroom, I went to the rail on the veranda to enjoy the fresh air. Slam! I hear the door close behind me. It is locked. I knock. No answer. I knock louder. No answer. I beat on the glass with my shoe. No answer. Now I am MAD! I wait for about 30 minutes, surely my partner will miss me and come back, right? WRONG!


Above our veranda was the Sunset Bar. There was a musician up there playing guitar, several waiters, a bartender and about 2 dozen passengers. I tried yelling "Help" but could not be heard over the music and the wind. So I decide to throw a shoe up to the bar to get someone's attention. The shoe hits the rail and falls onto the veranda two cabins over. The next shoe hits the floor just in front of the musician. He doesn't even flinch. Next I wing a cuff link at him and miss. The next cuff link hits his guitar, he stops playing, and announces that people need to quit throwing things at him. He says, "I'm doing the best that I can."


I wait another 30 minutes, still trying to yell to the people above. No one hears me! I am desperate and now my feet are COLD.


I drag the table from our veranda to the canopy edge covering one half of the veranda and a put a chair on top of the table. I take my tuxedo jacket off and I climb up on the table then the chair. I climb up on the canopy which is made of canvas......dirty, dirty canvas. The canvas is not going to hold me because it is so sun-damaged and begins to tear.


(Mind you. If I fall, the farthest I fall is back onto our veranda. The aft cabins are stepped so it's not like I was going to fall off the ship or anything.)


As I am hanging half on and half off the canopy a waitress sees me and screams! All of the passengers and staff come running to the rail to see what the crazy man is doing. Now they see me! I yell for them to call security..........like they wouldn't have anyway considering the fact that I am hanging off of a balcony on a cruise ship.


I climb back down to see three security guards in my cabin with GUNS drawn . They slowly open the glass door. Here I am with no shoes on, my shirt untucked and black from the dirty canopy, no cuff links, sweat pouring down my face from all the climbing and moving of furniture, shaking at the sight of GUNS!


I explain the situation. They want to know why I didn't call security myself instead of climbing up on the canopy! "THE PHONE IS IN MY CABIN AND THE DOOR WAS LOCKED!" They wanted to know I could lock the door behind me.


Then my partner walks in the cabin. It has been over an hour and a half. He has had several martinis.........without me! He sees guns, security guards, our cabin steward, various other staff, some passengers from the bar above........ALL IN OUR CABIN! He freaks out!


He explains that he thought that I had left the cabin while he was in the bathroom. He locked the door for security reasons, just in case someone was crazy enough to climb on the balconies!!!!!!


We got everything settled. Even the security guards had a good laugh......at my expense. I changed out of my ruined tuxedo and I made it to the martini bar where I downed about 9 martinis!


The rest of the cruise I was known as the guy who was climbing up the side of the ship!



i am in my school library reading this. it is so hard to not laugh out loud right now. that one really takes the cake!!!

Edited by sleepysnr
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I have to put this delicately. Um.. I never thought my BF and I were particularly noisy during our "romantic" moments. Well this one night, evidently I was mistaken. The next morning, as we left our cabin for the day, we noticed there were 5 Do Not Disturb signs on our door handle. At the time I was mortified. Now... maybe not so much.

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DS(17) had gone to get coffee, so I was in the cabin getting dressed while DH was in the shower. DS was back a lot quicker than we expected. He flings the door open and yells he needs help getting the coffee in. I yell back that I am naked. Unfortunately, he had his iPod on and couldn't hear me. But I'm willing to bet the person who stopped to help him could. I see this strange arm helping DS pick up the coffee so he can carry it in. I almost got the robe over the girls before he walked in. Almost. He never had his iPod on that loud while entering the room again.

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My partner and I were on the Celebrity Millenium. We had an aft cabin with a very deep veranda. One formal night after dinner we went back to our cabin to freshen up before going to the martini bar. While he was in the bathroom, I went to the rail on the veranda to enjoy the fresh air. Slam! I hear the door close behind me. It is locked. I knock. No answer. I knock louder. No answer. I beat on the glass with my shoe. No answer. Now I am MAD! I wait for about 30 minutes, surely my partner will miss me and come back, right? WRONG!


Above our veranda was the Sunset Bar. There was a musician up there playing guitar, several waiters, a bartender and about 2 dozen passengers. I tried yelling "Help" but could not be heard over the music and the wind. So I decide to throw a shoe up to the bar to get someone's attention. The shoe hits the rail and falls onto the veranda two cabins over. The next shoe hits the floor just in front of the musician. He doesn't even flinch. Next I wing a cuff link at him and miss. The next cuff link hits his guitar, he stops playing, and announces that people need to quit throwing things at him. He says, "I'm doing the best that I can."


I wait another 30 minutes, still trying to yell to the people above. No one hears me! I am desperate and now my feet are COLD.


I drag the table from our veranda to the canopy edge covering one half of the veranda and a put a chair on top of the table. I take my tuxedo jacket off and I climb up on the table then the chair. I climb up on the canopy which is made of canvas......dirty, dirty canvas. The canvas is not going to hold me because it is so sun-damaged and begins to tear.


(Mind you. If I fall, the farthest I fall is back onto our veranda. The aft cabins are stepped so it's not like I was going to fall off the ship or anything.)


As I am hanging half on and half off the canopy a waitress sees me and screams! All of the passengers and staff come running to the rail to see what the crazy man is doing. Now they see me! I yell for them to call security..........like they wouldn't have anyway considering the fact that I am hanging off of a balcony on a cruise ship.


I climb back down to see three security guards in my cabin with GUNS drawn . They slowly open the glass door. Here I am with no shoes on, my shirt untucked and black from the dirty canopy, no cuff links, sweat pouring down my face from all the climbing and moving of furniture, shaking at the sight of GUNS!


I explain the situation. They want to know why I didn't call security myself instead of climbing up on the canopy! "THE PHONE IS IN MY CABIN AND THE DOOR WAS LOCKED!" They wanted to know I could lock the door behind me.


Then my partner walks in the cabin. It has been over an hour and a half. He has had several martinis.........without me! He sees guns, security guards, our cabin steward, various other staff, some passengers from the bar above........ALL IN OUR CABIN! He freaks out!


He explains that he thought that I had left the cabin while he was in the bathroom. He locked the door for security reasons, just in case someone was crazy enough to climb on the balconies!!!!!!


We got everything settled. Even the security guards had a good laugh......at my expense. I changed out of my ruined tuxedo and I made it to the martini bar where I downed about 9 martinis!


The rest of the cruise I was known as the guy who was climbing up the side of the ship!

This is so funny I have tears running down my face through laughing so much,wish I could have been there..................

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I have a problem saying certain words & sometimes they come out all drawn out. So a few years back on our 1st cruise, during dinner I wanted to order the Grand Mariner dessert. I had no idea how to say Marnier So I asked my husband how to pronounce it, but when I ordered it came out "the Grand Manure" I was so embarassed to have mentioned poop during a meal. But everyone all got a good chuckle out of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
DS(17) had gone to get coffee, so I was in the cabin getting dressed while DH was in the shower. DS was back a lot quicker than we expected. He flings the door open and yells he needs help getting the coffee in. I yell back that I am naked. Unfortunately, he had his iPod on and couldn't hear me. But I'm willing to bet the person who stopped to help him could. I see this strange arm helping DS pick up the coffee so he can carry it in. I almost got the robe over the girls before he walked in. Almost. He never had his iPod on that loud while entering the room again.


oh god...! thats really an embarrassing moment! ha ha

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  • 2 weeks later...

My husband and I were on our first cruise together. I had been sea sick and had to get an injection to help. Forward about 6 hours, I was feeling better and dressed for formal night and the captions cocktail party. I had a glass of wine, not thinking anything of it, got a second, after 2 sips, I pass out cold, falling backward, we were sitting on a bench. I woke up about a minute later the ships doc is there, saying she should of not had wine until tommorrow. Now the embarrassing part, I notice that my legs are straight up in the air, undies showing, I quickly got up and ran from the party.

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Hi Friend ,

The janitor was trying (in Spanish) to get her attention and pointed to a sign on the wall. There was a huge roll of toilet paper with a sign above it instructing you to take what you need. We thought this was hysterical (after the janitor left) and I commented that it would make a great scrapbooking page. We whipped out our cameras and video camera to capture this great moment forever on film.

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:eek:We were on Carribean Princess 2 years ago and got off San Juan, Puerto Rico. We were coming back from Isla Verde beach and were on line to get back on the ship, and all I remember was looking back at something, well I don't know what went wrong, but next thing I know is, I'm falling flat on my face, then I looked down to see why I fell and noticed that the pavement was shaped like diamonds, I put my foot in the hollow side of the diamond. I got up so quick and made believe I was ok, I scraped my knee, but that was it. I was so embarrassed, my husband was right next to me, asking if I was ok, but I could tell he wanted to laugh.

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Mildly embarrassing-


My gambling story. We were on the Star, Valparaiso to Seattle in April.I don't gamble, but my wife really enjoys it, and most evenings likes to go to the casino. She plays the slots, but very conservatively. She likes The 1 cent machines, but plays a whole 20 cents!!! per spin. Usually sets herself a limit of $20, expects to lose it,but is happy if her stake lasts a while.

This night was formal night, we had had dinner, and were in the casino, where she was at her 1 cent machines, and I was at the bar having a drink. I was in my tuxedo, and like all men when dressed in a tuxedo feeling very "James Bondish". Having had a pre dinner martini, wine with dinner, and now an after dinner drink, the stage was set for me to do something not too bright.

As it was relatively early, about 8:30, the casino was not very crowded, and 1 roulette table was empty. It was time for 'James Bond' to act. I went up to the pit boss, told him I wanted to make a single bet of $1000 on black, but I didn't have cash, wanted to do it on my card. He called over the casino manager, they called the pursers desk, and after some discussion I signed a chit, and was given 10 $100 chips.

The pit boss then informed me the table limit was $500. Had I known I would only have asked for $500, as I was only interested in the one bet, not doing any ongoing gambling.

I placed $500 in chips on black, by now a small crowd had gathered, including a number of staff, and the pit boss said to me "Sir no matter what happens, I will buy you a drink."

The roulette operator spun the wheel, dropped the ball, and BLACK!!

I didn't blink, scooped up the $1000 in chips, went to the cashier, got cash, came back, tipped the operator $100 and tipped the pit boss $100, and both were completely floored.

This was playing out exactly as it would for James Bond, as we all know he never loses., and I was really revelling in the moment. The pit boss then said "Sir, I will buy you that drink now." ..I said fine, I'll have a scotch and soda, and how about one for my wife. He said certainly, where is she?


"She's over there, at the penny slots."


So much for my charade-that really blew my cover.:D


As a post script to this story, the next day I did overhear people talking about some "high roller" who had been in the casino the previous night. As is usual with stories like that, the specifics had grown in the retelling, and was being made out as the mysterious player had won incredible amount on a single bet- in the thousands!!!


Too funny!!!:D

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We were on our balcony in the afternoon on a sea day and too much sun, just relaxing, reading and sipping a cold one. Our son had come into our room and was watching TV. As a joke he locked to balcony door so we could get back in. I knocked and asked him to open it and he laughed and kept watching. I said haha and went back to my book and forgot about it. Some time later, nature was calling and tried the door again and it was still locked and as I looked in he had left (he forgot it was still locked). We spent 2 hours on the balcony waiting for him to come back, the whole time me thinking how hard it would be to pee back into the beer bottle.

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On our trip to Alaska, my DH and I thought we'd be good and work out in the gym before sightseeing in Juneau. I finished the elliptical before he did, so I went down the steps to get towels and sanitizer for the both of us. I missed the bottom step and went flying. The Cha-Cha Slide was going on my Ipod in my ears, so as I was lying on the floor, I got "Ev'rybody clap your hands" singing in my head. I wondered just how long DH was going to be before he came to help me. After a minute, which seemed like hours, he showed up to help me. I ended up with a huge black eye for the rest of the cruise. DH got terrible looks from some ladies later in the trip--I'm sure they thought he was the most abusive man.

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It was the last Sea Day of my Freedom cruise last summer and we were all excited for jackpot bingo. It was a packed house and most of the theater was full. Towards the end of the game where everyone was tense and it was dead silent for a good 5 minutes we heard the sound of water hitting water. Everyone looked around and the noise started again for about 10 seconds. Then we heard a hand dryer and a door close. One of the Cruise Staff walked out of the back of the theater and the bingo caller said "Martin..did you forget to turn your mic off when you went to the bathroom?" Martin took the mic out of his pocket and said "Oops.."

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On my first cruise, RCCL, on the last day of the cruise, which was a sea day, I went to the Windjammer for an afternoon snack. I got a plate of nachos and brought them to the pool deck, as many were doing. As soon as I stepped outside a huge gust of wind carried all my nachos, (beef, cheese, tomatoes, chips) onto this older gentleman who was sitting and relaxing in a chair. I was so embrassed and felt bad, but I had to run inside before anything else was taken in the wind!:o


Just did the same thing about four weks agao - minus the toppings - all over about seven crew members - all dressed in white - watching the band at the pool. That is something you won't have happen twice. Once you've done it, you know not to do it again.

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Well, I was playing guitar on the Celebrity Mellinium and this guy keeps throwing shoes and cuff links at me.... Hey, I was doing the best I could!


Great story Joe! You win the grand prize (a cruise line key ring) for funniest story so far.


I think maybe the lady who, shall we say "shared her cookies" with the Captain might have to get the key ring for most embarassing story, though.

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On the last night of the cruise me and my roommate were packing in our

pajamas. We both set our luggage by the door at the same time and the

door locked.Our room keys inside the room. She went next door to call

the desk for someone to come open our door. It was a while before anyone came. Meantime, every person on the ship walked down our hallway and laughed. We had to sit outside the door for quite a while before anyone came. Our traveling friends were in the room next door and during this time they walked up. Of course they had to take a picture of us and send to everyone we know.

Edited by Texaswinediva
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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually have two - one not so funny at the time and one that was hilarious at the time.


My DH and I were married on the ship while it was in port. The next day we are standing in line getting our hamburgers for lunch, when I started feeling funny. Luckily I put my tray of food down and told my new husband that I needed to sit down. Well down I went! Passed out cold for a minute. Came too with a bunch of people around me! Then to add to the embarrassment, one of our table mates walks by as well. A few days later, my DH lets me know that in his attempt to keep me from going down, I also flashed everyone at the Grill as my bathing suit top slid up! Thank goodness I don't remember that! The only thing we could come up with was that the anxiety and stress of the wedding caught up with me!


This next story is my all time favorite! We took a snorkel/pirate boat excursion that took us to a beach at the end of the tour. You could swim to the shore or take the dingy. Being slightly drunk, we all said that we could swim it. Well it was quite a long swim, so when it came time to go back to the boat, we said we would take the dingy. Mind you we have been drinking the entire time we were on the beach. So a few of us get into the dingy, and I am sitting on the side (as I was told to do) with a beer in each hand. As the tour guide takes off, I do an amazing back flip right off the dingy! The best part is that I made sure that the beers came up first as I announced that the beers were fine! The tour guide offered to help me back in the dingy, but needless to say I swam back to the boat!

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Many, many years ago, a girlfriend and I took a long cruise on the old Sitmar Fairwind. We were the youngest (and, in our own minds, the cutest) women on a ship crewed by very cute young Italian guys who treated us like royalty!


  • Our cabin was directly across the passageway from the Steward's panty and we quickly learned to keep our key in the door lock on the inside. They would knock and pop in the door so quickly that we got caught undressed once or twice - which I suspect was the point of the exercise!
  • My friend took up with one of the ship's officers, and I found romance with a young and dashing member of the entertainment staff. Mary's friend was senior enough to have a private cabin; but my friend was not. We spent a rather lengthy breakfast negotiating who was going to be where at what times. When we got it all figured out, my friend Jim stood up, leered around the quite small breakfast room, and told everyone there that he was thrilled to announce that we had solved our "scheduling difficulties" - leaving no doubt in anyone's mind of what he was talking about!
  • The best part, however, was when Mary returned to our cabin about 2:00 AM one morning, and she, Jim, and I sat down to have a snack. It was a formal night and we had all been dressed to the nines. In the middle of a sandwich, I looked down at Mary's feet and saw these "poochy" things on top of her insteps. It took me a couple of seconds to figure out that she had put her panty hose back on with the heels on the top! Jim caught on about the time I figured it out; then Mary looked to see why we were staring at her feet. She turned soooooooo red! And we laughed so hard!

This was more than 30 years ago, and Mary and I are still friends. To this day, we can look at each other and say "scheduling difficulties" and fall down laughing. And, if I mention backwards pantyhose, she still turns just about as red as she did that night - but she also giggles.


That was my first cruise and I've been on many since - but none of them were ever as great as that one!



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My partner and I were on the Norwegian Gem on a Western Med/Transatlantic cruise in November 2008. We had made friends with a Portuguese gentleman who was not "out" to his mother, with whom he was traveling. However, late at night, he would join us for drinks in Bliss.


On our last night on the cruise, I was mentioning that when we left one of the European ports (can't remember which one, but I think it might have been Civitavecchia [Rome]), we watched as a couple of people raced to the dock in a taxi, only to see the ship, which had been untied not one minute before they arrived, leave them on the dock. I said I felt bad for the couple, but it was also funny.


He responded, "Not nearly as funny as having to climb a ladder behind my mother from the pilot boat to the opening in the side of the ship once they got us alongside."


The couple were he and his mother. Needless to say, I apologized all over myself. He wasn't upset at all, but I was still embarrassed.

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