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Will NCL Follow ????


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As you know, Carnival tried a totally non smoking ship. It did not last. The workers said that the tips were the worst they have ever had. I don't smoke, but I never sailed on that ship. Evidently not enough non smokers did either. Nancy

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We had smokers above us on the Sun and our balcony was littered with matches and cigarette butts . . . until I had a little heart to heart conversation with the occupants above us.


On the Dream it was pretty funny to see all the people standing in front of the no-smoking signs on the Promenade Deck . . . and smoking. Most of them didn't speak English but I think NO SMOKING is not hard to figure out in any language. But at least you can move away from people doing that. The worst is trying to make the transit through the casino.

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Just because ashtrays are provided doesn't mean they are used! I've seen people sitting right next to one and still throw their butts over the side. Some smokers may feel that what they do doesn't affect anyone else, but it can. Accidents happen ~ just look at these pics of the Star. I think smoking needs to be restricted to certain areas for SAFETY sake. It's not a smokers vs. non-smokers issue.







I totally agree, those are scary pictures!!! I firmly believe there should be no smoking allowed on balconies or in cabins. Instead, there should be several dedicated smoking lounges that are well-ventilated and comfortable for smokers and monitored by staff, and perhaps fire-rated walls enclosing the space?


The second-hand smoke debate is a non-issue for me. If you are smoking, I will go elsewhere. I don't care. I just worry about safety on-board, and yes, I do think there will be another fire on a cruise ship, maybe one that will turn the cruising industry around on their smoking standards.


I'm glad that Celebrity seems to understand this issue. I wonder if their fire insurance rates dropped?


One last thing - I'm not accusing all smokers of being careless. I know many are very careful about where they put their cigarettes. But it just takes ONE person who is not thinking.

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If I hear one more person say there could be a fire becuase look what happened on the Star ,because people thowing butts overboard . Some idiot left a cig. burning in the cabin. You know they should not do laundry either,

there have been more fires caused by the laundry and kitchen than all others put together. And why hasnt some one said " Hey , I pay good money for a balcony so I can sit out there and smoke ".

If you hate smoking , call your Congressman and have it made ilegal .

Untill then hold your breath.....:rolleyes: ( no I dont smoke ).

Oh and what about the trays ???/

Rant away !!



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If I hear one more person say there could be a fire becuase look what happened on the Star ,because people thowing butts overboard . Some idiot left a cig. burning in the cabin. You know they should not do laundry either,

there have been more fires caused by the laundry and kitchen than all others put together. And why hasnt some one said " Hey , I pay good money for a balcony so I can sit out there and smoke ".

If you hate smoking , call your Congressman and have it made ilegal .

Untill then hold your breath.....:rolleyes: ( no I dont smoke ).

Oh and what about the trays ???/

Rant away !!




Huh? A rant, this surely is... :rolleyes:

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I swore I wasn't going to get involved in this conversation yet again. After all, the last time I did I was stalked on the board and was wished lung cancer to be my fate by a gem of a guy. I promise not to be that type:)


It's just that posts like the above continue to astound me, even though I should be used to it by now.


Non smokers do not want to be around smoker. I got that, I understand that. Non smokers don't want to go into a cabin that smells of stale smoke. Understand that too. So a perfectly good solution to accomodate all would be non smoking cabins. But no, thats no good enough.


"I would be pissed off if the other type had the cabin in wanted. Not a solution." Other type? Oh you mean a fellow passenger who happens to partake in something you dispise? The other passenger who paid his fare also and is just as entitled to a specific cabin as you are? The other passenger who you feel has no right whatsever to smoke even tho it is a completely legal activity? Just put them all down in steerage. Afterall they are 2nd class citizens who's money certainly isn't as good as yours so they certainly should not have a choice of a decent cabin....the damned low lifes. That's NOT what I meant and you should know that. I was a smoker for years! But I was responding to a suggestion that cabins be RESERVED for smokers & non-smokers. I don't think that would be fair for EITHER person. EVERYONE should be able to choose ANY cabin they want, that was my point, which you seem to agree with...go figure:rolleyes:


Throwing cigarette butts overboard? Exactly how did we jump from people smoking on their balcony to throwing cigarettes overboard? Ever hard of ashtrays? Oh that's right, the low life smokers just toss their butts everywhere. Dont care about fire hazzards, poluting the ocean etc. What more can you expect from such low class people? Because it happens! MANY MANY MANY people here have posted about other's' butts and matches landing on THEIR balconies! Great if you never do it...but it DOES happen and to say it doesn't is naive at best!


Smoke filitering on to yout bacony? You have a point there except for the fact that common sense tells you that smoking cabins could be towards the back of the ship, on one side of the ship so that when smoke drifted, it would shift towads the rear (the boat does move forward you know, sending the smoke to the rear of the ship). But again, that's no good enough. Ban the "others" to the worst cabins to make them suffer for their activity so that the perfect people can get what they pay for. Nevermind that the smoker paid every bit as much money for their cabin as you did for yours. I like aft balconies....the smoke goes to the aft:p Again, only putting smokers in one area limits others to cabins they don't like...neither is fair and shouldn't be done.

It's posts like these that have the high and mighty attitude that enrages people. No possibe solution to the problem so that everyone can live togethe peacefully. Just judgments, harsh statements, and the "me, me" attitude. And yet people wonder why smokers get an attitude. I worked VERY HARD to become a non-smoker. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. As a result I have EVERY RIGHT to protect my health from someone else's smoke!!!! That includes when I'm on vacation. I wish my comments would enrage people enogh to get them to quite smoking!:D Everyone has a right to smoke...NO ONE has a right to make me breath it.

Hope this makes sense.
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If you hate smoking , call your Congressman and have it made ilegal Untill then hold your breath.....:rolleyes:


This is already happening all across the country....and many other countries, too. It's one reason the cruise lines are following the trends.

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If I hear one more person say there could be a fire becuase look what happened on the Star ,because people thowing butts overboard . Some idiot left a cig. burning in the cabin. You know they should not do laundry either,

there have been more fires caused by the laundry and kitchen than all others put together. And why hasnt some one said " Hey , I pay good money for a balcony so I can sit out there and smoke ".

If you hate smoking , call your Congressman and have it made ilegal .

Untill then hold your breath.....:rolleyes: ( no I dont smoke ).

Oh and what about the trays ???/

Rant away !!




Please entertain me with your statistics and causes of ship board fires which originated in the Laundry or Kitchen facilities. Also please list your sources of reference ?????

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Celebrity - Here we come!!!


We book balconies because we enjoy sitting outside. I've been beside the chain-smokesr and lots of times, the smoke seemed to blow directly onto our balcony. We paid alot for the balcony and yet, were forced inside until the smokers left.


I'm an ex-smoker. Back then, even I had to accept that there were places I just couldn't smoke.

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I realize what you are saying, but herein lies the problem. You say that having smoking and non smoking cabins wouldn't be fair to anyone. So what is the alternative? All non smoking cabins correct? So exactly who is that fair to?


I never said that there are not inconsiderate smokers. Just as I hope you know that there are inconsiderate non smokers. Those that will come into a smoking area, even if it's on an outside deck and either ask a smoker to put their cigarette out or make snide comments. There is inconsiderates on both sides. I would suggest that if smokers are invading your space, and your balcony has ashes or butts on it, you march right up to the reception desk and demand them to do something about it. You have the right to enjoy your balcony, but so do courteous smokers until the cruise ship laws change.


You should know also that any non smokers comments will never convince a smoker to quit. In fact, it is more likely to make them obstinant. As long as smoking is legal in the US everyone needs to try and come to middle ground. Absolutely no one has the right to make you breathe their smoke, but on the other side of the coin, rather you like it or not, smokers do have rights too. At least for the moment.

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I realize what you are saying, but herein lies the problem. You say that having smoking and non smoking cabins wouldn't be fair to anyone. So what is the alternative? All non smoking cabins correct? So exactly who is that fair to?


And that was the ORIGINAL point I was making when someone else suggested smoking/non-smoking cabins. It would never be fair to anyone. And I agree about non-smokers who wander into smoking areas and wave their hands about as if they are about to fly away. I don't do that. But I will ask a smoker to not blow their smoke in my direction if possible.;)

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Just FYI, go to this website for some interesting reading. Although there are many statistics of fires on board cruise ships, only 11 give an actual link with details.


http: www. cruise bruise dot com/cruise_ship_fires dot html


Of the 11:


5 Engine Room Fires

2 Arson

1 undetermined

1 cutting/welding next to chemical container

1 cleaning fluids exposed to heat

1 cigarette smoking


So it looks like everyone had start looking around for cruise ships without engines...maybe a sailboat? Cause engines cause a lot more fires then cigarette smoking.

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I would be nice if they did follow! On our cruise there was a 16 year old (yes you read that right) who smoked like a chimney on the balcony next to ours - every time we went out she was out! Did it ruin our trip........ NO WAY, but it was nasty!!!

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They could do smoking/non-smoking cabins. The breeze is always so brisk outside that I don't see a problem for smoking on your balcony. That is why we pay extra for them.


Recent cruise we had starboard balcony cabin. During the first leg of the b2b there were smokers in the cabin next door to our left and their smoke went our way when the ship was moving! We didn't stay out in balcony long.


No smokers either side of us during the 2nd leg.

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Just FYI, go to this website for some interesting reading. Although there are many statistics of fires on board cruise ships, only 11 give an actual link with details.


http: www. cruise bruise dot com/cruise_ship_fires dot html


Of the 11:


5 Engine Room Fires

2 Arson

1 undetermined

1 cutting/welding next to chemical container

1 cleaning fluids exposed to heat

1 cigarette smoking


So it looks like everyone had start looking around for cruise ships without engines...maybe a sailboat? Cause engines cause a lot more fires then cigarette smoking.


Googling info about ship board is a nice thing, I was referencing NFPA standard 301.

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I understand this is a sensitive subject, but even ONE fire caused by smoking is too much for me! Even one out of eleven is significant. If smoking were outlawed in cabins, that fire wouldn't have started, and all of the damage wouldn't have taken place. Could you imagine the panic if you were on that ship? I don't understand how people think it isn't a big deal!


Of course fires could start anywhere smoking is allowed, which is why I suggested comfortable, fire-rated, and ventilated public lounges (ventilated to make it less of a sea of smoke for smokers - I don't think that is pleasant for anyone).

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I understand this is a sensitive subject, but even ONE fire caused by smoking is too much for me! Even one out of eleven is significant. If smoking were outlawed in cabins, that fire wouldn't have started, and all of the damage wouldn't have taken place. Could you imagine the panic if you were on that ship? I don't understand how people think it isn't a big deal!


Of course fires could start anywhere smoking is allowed, which is why I suggested comfortable, fire-rated, and ventilated public lounges (ventilated to make it less of a sea of smoke for smokers - I don't think that is pleasant for anyone).


I do believe that you have to look at facts and facts are, smoking has not caused a lot of fires on ships. You are more at risk from a fire from the engine room. If one fire is too much from cigarettes, is one fire too much from engines? Stats show that engine fires are much, much more common.


I don't think you'd find a smoker anywhere that would disagree with you about smoking areas. Smokers in today's world are used to being restricted and know that if they want to continue feeding their habit, they are only going to be able to do it in select places. If ships offered several smoking areas, I bet hardly any would complain.


Honestly, as far as smoking in cabins, most smokers probably wouldn't be upset if that was banned either. Most travel with non-smokers and don't want to inconvenience them, so go elsewhere to smoke anyway. I do think that no smoking on balcony's would really rile a lot of people up tho. That I believe is a no win situation. While non smokers are entitled to enjoy their smoke free balconies, smokers are entitled to use theirs as a place to smoke. It's a no win situation in my opinion.

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On our last cruise on the Pearl, we had a minisuite and really couldn't use the balcony because of the chain smokers beside us. Without fail, if we went to sit out there then sure enough both people next door would step out and light up. I don't care what anyone says, but the smoke does travel and linger on others balconies. We always had to flee back inside our room and shut the door. Even still, our cabin always smelled like smoke.


It's not fair that the smokers get to enjoy their balconies but we don't. Also, it's just wrong that our room smelled like smoke the entire cruise and we don't even smoke. This is not minor and it's not whinning. We're planning our next cruise on X.

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On our last cruise on the Pearl, we had a minisuite and really couldn't use the balcony because of the chain smokers beside us. Without fail, if we went to sit out there then sure enough both people next door would step out and light up. I don't care what anyone says, but the smoke does travel and linger on others balconies. We always had to flee back inside our room and shut the door. Even still, our cabin always smelled like smoke.


It's not fair that the smokers get to enjoy their balconies but we don't. Also, it's just wrong that our room smelled like smoke the entire cruise and we don't even smoke. This is not minor and it's not whinning. We're planning our next cruise on X.



I know my wife and I are looking at Celebrity now, yeah its a little more expensive but I am will to pay a little more not to have a room that stinks.

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I know my wife and I are looking at Celebrity now, yeah its a little more expensive but I am will to pay a little more not to have a room that stinks.


I will gladly pay more to have a clean room and fresh air on the balcony and apparently lots of others feel the same. Even if we will miss freestyle.....:(

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