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Inappropriate Behavior from Gem Crew Member

Sick of Snow

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I am posting this here as a heads up to those who may be on the Gem in the future with a teenager. There is a crewmember on the Gem who works in the giftshop (the one adjoining the jewelery store) who I just found out crossed the line of acceptable behavior with my 13 year old daughter on our cruise.


We had seen him in the giftshop early on, we noticed him because frankly he is a nice looking kid (dark hair looks to be about 18 years old) He said some kind of comment to my daughter when she bought some stuff. I remember thinking that was rude and that she was not going to go in there without an adult. The day we went to the private island we stopped at the stand before getting to the tender to buy some bug spray. I was really sick that morning and could barely talk. There were 2 workers taking care of the sales. I was dealing with one of them, and while my head was down signing I heard the one we had seen previously say "She's staying here with me". the other adult with us made a comment to him and then said she is not going near him again. I said OK, because I hadn't appreciated the comment.


It wasn't until a few days ago that I found out that what actually happened while i was paying attention to my transaction. What took place is that the guy who made a comment in the gift shop was behind my daughter, reached his arm around her, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her into him while making the verbal comment.


I wish I had known of this while we were on board. I would have taken care of it immediately. However, I have written to NCL to report this after the fact so that they can be aware. I have not heard back from them yet, despite knowing that they have received my letter.


Like I said, a heads up from one parent who is angry beyond belief that some one put their hands on my daughter.

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Not sure who you wrote to, but I would send a copy of the letter to the president or CEO of NCL. Look on their websites to find these names. That info should not be sitting on the desk of some customer relations person!

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Report it to the desk, and where ever you come back to dock (NYC,BAYONE;not sure where you left) report it the local PD and to Port Security/Homeland Security. Thats not right, I would definitely make a deal of this. Don't let him get a way with it.

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I am posting this here as a heads up to those who may be on the Gem in the future with a teenager. There is a crewmember on the Gem who works in the giftshop (the one adjoining the jewelery store) who I just found out crossed the line of acceptable behavior with my 13 year old daughter on our cruise.


We had seen him in the giftshop early on, we noticed him because frankly he is a nice looking kid (dark hair looks to be about 18 years old) He said some kind of comment to my daughter when she bought some stuff. I remember thinking that was rude and that she was not going to go in there without an adult. The day we went to the private island we stopped at the stand before getting to the tender to buy some bug spray. I was really sick that morning and could barely talk. There were 2 workers taking care of the sales. I was dealing with one of them, and while my head was down signing I heard the one we had seen previously say "She's staying here with me". the other adult with us made a comment to him and then said she is not going near him again. I said OK, because I hadn't appreciated the comment.


It wasn't until a few days ago that I found out that what actually happened while i was paying attention to my transaction. What took place is that the guy who made a comment in the gift shop was behind my daughter, reached his arm around her, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her into him while making the verbal comment.


I wish I had known of this while we were on board. I would have taken care of it immediately. However, I have written to NCL to report this after the fact so that they can be aware. I have not heard back from them yet, despite knowing that they have received my letter.


Like I said, a heads up from one parent who is angry beyond belief that some one put their hands on my daughter.



I hope you are still reading this. Please contact the following.


Prem Kainkkara, Hotel Director, NCL Gem



He will follow up to all accusations. Please email him and he will answer you within 24 hours.

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Report it to the desk, and where ever you come back to dock (NYC,BAYONE;not sure where you left) report it the local PD and to Port Security/Homeland Security. Thats not right, I would definitely make a deal of this. Don't let him get a way with it.


It sounds to me as if he was making a joke. It may have been inappropiate and in bad taste. He needs to be trained not to touch people and not to make comments such as that, but it does not sound to me that she was actually assaulted or abused.


You could contact the FBI as she was a US citizen (unless it happened at the US port, or close to it, the local PD would have no jurisdiction), but was it really so bad you feel he needs criminally punished rather than punished/terminated by NCL?

At best, what he did was simple assult (mistermeaner), since it happened in another country or international waters it may not even qualify as that.

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I am posting this here as a heads up to those who may be on the Gem in the future with a teenager. There is a crewmember on the Gem who works in the giftshop (the one adjoining the jewelery store) who I just found out crossed the line of acceptable behavior with my 13 year old daughter on our cruise.


We had seen him in the giftshop early on, we noticed him because frankly he is a nice looking kid (dark hair looks to be about 18 years old) He said some kind of comment to my daughter when she bought some stuff. I remember thinking that was rude and that she was not going to go in there without an adult. The day we went to the private island we stopped at the stand before getting to the tender to buy some bug spray. I was really sick that morning and could barely talk. There were 2 workers taking care of the sales. I was dealing with one of them, and while my head was down signing I heard the one we had seen previously say "She's staying here with me". the other adult with us made a comment to him and then said she is not going near him again. I said OK, because I hadn't appreciated the comment.


It wasn't until a few days ago that I found out that what actually happened while i was paying attention to my transaction. What took place is that the guy who made a comment in the gift shop was behind my daughter, reached his arm around her, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her into him while making the verbal comment.


I wish I had known of this while we were on board. I would have taken care of it immediately. However, I have written to NCL to report this after the fact so that they can be aware. I have not heard back from them yet, despite knowing that they have received my letter.


Like I said, a heads up from one parent who is angry beyond belief that some one put their hands on my daughter.


Do you know his name? It would be difficult for the cruise line to discipline someone without knowing their name. I have a habit of reading the name tags of every employee I come in contact with.

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for me personally in assisting this dear with a major problem. I am adding

NCL Corporation's President and CEO Colin Veitch. Both to get letters or emails from her immediately. Mail Colin's letter & email the Hotel Director onboard today!



I hope you are still reading this. Please contact the following.


Prem Kainkkara, Hotel Director, NCL Gem



He will follow up to all accusations. Please email him and he will answer you within 24 hours.

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Okay, I'm going to say something which is likely to cause many people to fire back at me. But so be it.


As the mother of two daughters, I certainly understand concern that any parent feels for their child. And, any sexual predator needs to be more then locked up with the key thrown away. We need to be wary of every second, of every day, in order to prevent our children from becoming victims. Predators are out there and it is our responsibility to protect our children.


However, having stated my opinion on that, I feel that many people go overboard in their suspicions of their fellow humans. Anyone who goes near their child is considered a threat. We live in a world where God forbid, a teacher or any adult for that matter, touch a child. Do you know how many children come into a classroom and throw their arms around their teacher for a hug? Yet the teacher can not hug back for fear of backlash and perhaps ending up on the firing line for touching a child. So they have to push the child away. I feel that the fear of sexual abuse in this country has started to outweigh common sense. And, I also believe that this is perhaps the case in the OP's situation.


When we went on our first cruise, my oldest daughter was 12 years old. When we were approaching the ship gangway at a port, after a long, tiring day, my daughter was obviously exhausted and walking slowly. We had done a ton of shopping and all of us were loaded down with packages. We were about 50 feet from the ship when one of the crew members who was standing at the gangway, yellled "stop" to us. Thinking something was wrong, we of course stopped. He jogged up to us, picked my daughter up in his arms and said "Young lady is way to exhausted to walk to the ship, let me assist". This was a young man in his early 20's I'd guess and my daughter just grinned this huge grin, threw her arms around his neck and he carried her onto the ship. We all thought it was so adorable we even took pictures. This young man had no intention of making inappropriate advances to my 12 year old daughter. But, had we been overly suspicious, we certainly could have made something out of him holding her in his arms with her arms hugging around his neck. I would wonder how many of today's parents, with young children, would react to that exact situation.


Cruise ship employee's are mostly from other countries and perhaps they are not even aware of how cautious American's are concerning child molestation. Most are also very in tune with kids and seem to enjoy catering to them, talking with them, even teasing them. And the kids love the attention.


I don't know if this 13 year old looks 13 or looks 21. If she does look like a 21 year old, then perhaps the OP has a valid point and this crew member was making advances. However, if she looks 13, he could very well just been having fun with her and giving her attention. OP said he was very cute and I'm sure the 13 year old noticed that as well. I've no doubt that the crew member knew that the 13 year old thought he was cute and he simply was being cute and kind to her and "making her day". I don't mean that in an obnoxious or predator way, if that makes any sense.


The OP can certainly pursue this is any way she sees fit, but I would hope that she would really be absolutely sure that this crew member acted in a predatory manner to her daughter before she ruins this young mans career. She mentioned an earlier comment he made to her daughter that was rude, but didn't say what the comment was. If it truly was rude and inappropriate, then that combined with his actions on the beach would certainly change my opinion.


Okay, let the flames ignite! :D

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I had to laugh when I read your " let the flame begin" and there were no responses....lol

I agree with you completely, but I too am a "Gram" and we did have a whole different mind set, when bringing up kids. Not better but different ( although that too is up for discussion ).

The only thing I disagree with is that if the child looked 21 then I would think that the young man was more "hitting on her" then acting inappropriate. So many young girls today look years older then they are and IN NO WAY, am I blaming the child but I do not think this warrents

ruining this young mans life, unless there is more then we are being told.

Now they can go after both of us, with the flames.

Have a good one.

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I agree with you also cruisingram - has the OP discussed this with her daughter? did the daughter feel that the crew member overstepped the mark or had been lewd, did he make her feel uncomftable, or was it just a case of him grabbing her wrist in a fun way and making a jokey remark?


If the crew member knew the girl was only 13 and was behaving in a sordid/suggestive manner with her then he deserves to be kicked off the ship and the situation handled by the police. If he was just being friendly and having fun (had possibly the girl been down to the gift shop without her parents and chatted to the lad and considered him 'a friend'?) then I dont think he deserves having his career ruined and his name on the sex offenders register.


Its a tough one to call, I am the mother of a soon to be 13 year old girl so I understand totally where the OP is coming from, I also know that sometimes you need to 'read between the lines' with teenagers to get to the truth of what actually went on.


I certainly hope the situation is resolved quickly for the OP and her daughter and NCL take appropriate actions if the crewmembers behaviour was deemed to be predatory.

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Okay, I'm going to say something which is likely to cause many people to fire back at me. But so be it.


As the mother of two daughters, I certainly understand concern that any parent feels for their child. And, any sexual predator needs to be more then locked up with the key thrown away. We need to be wary of every second, of every day, in order to prevent our children from becoming victims. Predators are out there and it is our responsibility to protect our children.


However, having stated my opinion on that, I feel that many people go overboard in their suspicions of their fellow humans. Anyone who goes near their child is considered a threat. We live in a world where God forbid, a teacher or any adult for that matter, touch a child. Do you know how many children come into a classroom and throw their arms around their teacher for a hug? Yet the teacher can not hug back for fear of backlash and perhaps ending up on the firing line for touching a child. So they have to push the child away. I feel that the fear of sexual abuse in this country has started to outweigh common sense. And, I also believe that this is perhaps the case in the OP's situation.


When we went on our first cruise, my oldest daughter was 12 years old. When we were approaching the ship gangway at a port, after a long, tiring day, my daughter was obviously exhausted and walking slowly. We had done a ton of shopping and all of us were loaded down with packages. We were about 50 feet from the ship when one of the crew members who was standing at the gangway, yellled "stop" to us. Thinking something was wrong, we of course stopped. He jogged up to us, picked my daughter up in his arms and said "Young lady is way to exhausted to walk to the ship, let me assist". This was a young man in his early 20's I'd guess and my daughter just grinned this huge grin, threw her arms around his neck and he carried her onto the ship. We all thought it was so adorable we even took pictures. This young man had no intention of making inappropriate advances to my 12 year old daughter. But, had we been overly suspicious, we certainly could have made something out of him holding her in his arms with her arms hugging around his neck. I would wonder how many of today's parents, with young children, would react to that exact situation.


Cruise ship employee's are mostly from other countries and perhaps they are not even aware of how cautious American's are concerning child molestation. Most are also very in tune with kids and seem to enjoy catering to them, talking with them, even teasing them. And the kids love the attention.


I don't know if this 13 year old looks 13 or looks 21. If she does look like a 21 year old, then perhaps the OP has a valid point and this crew member was making advances. However, if she looks 13, he could very well just been having fun with her and giving her attention. OP said he was very cute and I'm sure the 13 year old noticed that as well. I've no doubt that the crew member knew that the 13 year old thought he was cute and he simply was being cute and kind to her and "making her day". I don't mean that in an obnoxious or predator way, if that makes any sense.


The OP can certainly pursue this is any way she sees fit, but I would hope that she would really be absolutely sure that this crew member acted in a predatory manner to her daughter before she ruins this young mans career. She mentioned an earlier comment he made to her daughter that was rude, but didn't say what the comment was. If it truly was rude and inappropriate, then that combined with his actions on the beach would certainly change my opinion.


Okay, let the flames ignite! :D


No flames, because I believe most people have honest intentions, but if a stranger put his arms around me and drew me close to him weither I was 13 or 60, I certainly would deam that inappropriate!

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Okay, let the flames ignite! :D


Now they can go after both of us, with the flames.


You both sound pretty level headed about it to me...of course that doesn't mean there still couldn't be some flames ;)

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touching on the arm, may or may not be appropriate you weren't there. teenagers sometimes tend to exaggerate, sometimes they are right on. If it happened days ago and wasn't more than this (no groping) report it to NCL and let them take whatever action they want(remember the stores on NCL are a concession). A late report is better than none and if it has happened before they will know about it.

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I know the crew member you are talking about. When my DH & I were on the Gem in Feb. we were in the gift shop making a purchase, This young man was very socialable and outgoing. He made some jokes about the items we bought and I felt like he was flirting with me. He was having fun and making the passengers smile. I did not take him at his word. I knew he didn't want to spend the night dancing with me (I'm old enough to be his "older Sister;) "). He remembered us each time we were in the gift shop and always remembered what we bought on our first outing to the gift shop and never failed to bring it up. (An adult couple item for those wondering).


Coming from Europe I'm sure he is not aware of how Paranoid (rightfully so) we Americans are. I feel that a class should be given to make other aware of what we American feel is inappropiate behavior. Sometime an innocent remark can cause a war. We also should learn to be more tolerant not everyone is a pervert and if we are that suspicious of others then keep our children within arm distance of us.

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Okay, I'm going to say something which is likely to cause many people to fire back at me. But so be it.


As the mother of two daughters, I certainly understand concern that any parent feels for their child. And, any sexual predator needs to be more then locked up with the key thrown away. We need to be wary of every second, of every day, in order to prevent our children from becoming victims. Predators are out there and it is our responsibility to protect our children.


However, having stated my opinion on that, I feel that many people go overboard in their suspicions of their fellow humans. Anyone who goes near their child is considered a threat. We live in a world where God forbid, a teacher or any adult for that matter, touch a child. Do you know how many children come into a classroom and throw their arms around their teacher for a hug? Yet the teacher can not hug back for fear of backlash and perhaps ending up on the firing line for touching a child. So they have to push the child away. I feel that the fear of sexual abuse in this country has started to outweigh common sense. And, I also believe that this is perhaps the case in the OP's situation.


When we went on our first cruise, my oldest daughter was 12 years old. When we were approaching the ship gangway at a port, after a long, tiring day, my daughter was obviously exhausted and walking slowly. We had done a ton of shopping and all of us were loaded down with packages. We were about 50 feet from the ship when one of the crew members who was standing at the gangway, yellled "stop" to us. Thinking something was wrong, we of course stopped. He jogged up to us, picked my daughter up in his arms and said "Young lady is way to exhausted to walk to the ship, let me assist". This was a young man in his early 20's I'd guess and my daughter just grinned this huge grin, threw her arms around his neck and he carried her onto the ship. We all thought it was so adorable we even took pictures. This young man had no intention of making inappropriate advances to my 12 year old daughter. But, had we been overly suspicious, we certainly could have made something out of him holding her in his arms with her arms hugging around his neck. I would wonder how many of today's parents, with young children, would react to that exact situation.


Cruise ship employee's are mostly from other countries and perhaps they are not even aware of how cautious American's are concerning child molestation. Most are also very in tune with kids and seem to enjoy catering to them, talking with them, even teasing them. And the kids love the attention.


I don't know if this 13 year old looks 13 or looks 21. If she does look like a 21 year old, then perhaps the OP has a valid point and this crew member was making advances. However, if she looks 13, he could very well just been having fun with her and giving her attention. OP said he was very cute and I'm sure the 13 year old noticed that as well. I've no doubt that the crew member knew that the 13 year old thought he was cute and he simply was being cute and kind to her and "making her day". I don't mean that in an obnoxious or predator way, if that makes any sense.


The OP can certainly pursue this is any way she sees fit, but I would hope that she would really be absolutely sure that this crew member acted in a predatory manner to her daughter before she ruins this young mans career. She mentioned an earlier comment he made to her daughter that was rude, but didn't say what the comment was. If it truly was rude and inappropriate, then that combined with his actions on the beach would certainly change my opinion.


Okay, let the flames ignite! :D


Actually, I thought the same as you when I first read this post. Obviously if the employee was inappropriate it is unacceptable. But I've also had crew members pick up, cuddle and tease my children when we've been on cruises. Often saying things like "You are so adorable, I think I'll keep you". I understand that as a parent we need to protect our children, but I would also hope that the OP is very sure that the event wasn't misinterpreted.

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Actually, I thought the same as you when I first read this post. Obviously if the employee was inappropriate it is unacceptable. But I've also had crew members pick up, cuddle and tease my children when we've been on cruises. Often saying things like "You are so adorable, I think I'll keep you". I understand that as a parent we need to protect our children, but I would also hope that the OP is very sure that the event wasn't misinterpreted.


In this day and age, it is not appropriate for strangers to pick up, or cuddle any child. The OP brings up a good point. Cruiseships are not danger-free to young people. This is just another reminder. I am not saying what his particuluar employee did was criminal behavior, just that there are hundreds of employees on the cruiseship, many of them don't work in "public", but can be predators to young people.

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I am posting this here as a heads up to those who may be on the Gem in the future with a teenager. There is a crewmember on the Gem who works in the giftshop (the one adjoining the jewelery store) who I just found out crossed the line of acceptable behavior with my 13 year old daughter on our cruise.


We had seen him in the giftshop early on, we noticed him because frankly he is a nice looking kid (dark hair looks to be about 18 years old) He said some kind of comment to my daughter when she bought some stuff. I remember thinking that was rude and that she was not going to go in there without an adult. The day we went to the private island we stopped at the stand before getting to the tender to buy some bug spray. I was really sick that morning and could barely talk. There were 2 workers taking care of the sales. I was dealing with one of them, and while my head was down signing I heard the one we had seen previously say "She's staying here with me". the other adult with us made a comment to him and then said she is not going near him again. I said OK, because I hadn't appreciated the comment.


It wasn't until a few days ago that I found out that what actually happened while i was paying attention to my transaction. What took place is that the guy who made a comment in the gift shop was behind my daughter, reached his arm around her, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her into him while making the verbal comment.


I wish I had known of this while we were on board. I would have taken care of it immediately. However, I have written to NCL to report this after the fact so that they can be aware. I have not heard back from them yet, despite knowing that they have received my letter.


Like I said, a heads up from one parent who is angry beyond belief that some one put their hands on my daughter.


I think that your reaction is very appropriate. Please be sure that your report to NCL is heard by the CEO of the company, the Gem's Captain and the Gem's Hotel Director. The fact that the other adult with you fully witnessed the exchange should also be documented in your correspondence as some may think that your daughter 'didn't really understand' what was happening - and, unfortunately, at her age, she may not have.


When we are in a close and closed community such as exists on a cruise ship, those charged with our care (NCL, the Captain and his crew) hold a position of trust. Though bearing the guise of being playful, the behavior that you described is a breach of that trust.


My personal response to those who suggest that it was likely all quite innocent, is simply to say, uumm... cute 13 year old girl... 18 year old male... "Are you kidding me!"


Can there really be informed adults out there who don't realize that with several thousand people on a cruise ship, statistics tell us that assaults have likely happened while we were on board.


In any other environment, would such behavior from a total stranger not be cause for concern?


I think that you are a GREAT Mom!!!



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I want to thank you all for the responses. I have emailed my letter to both Prem and Colin. Thanks for the addresses.


I put this post out as a heads up to other parents. Not as a sky is falling type of scenario. I am not a naive person, nor am I a prude. Throughout the cruise we all joked with many male crew members (every time we ordered a virgin drink there was always a comment) but none of the others ever made any of us feel uncomfortable. That is the difference between a male crew member picking up a tired child to carry her up a gangplank and what this one did to my daughter.


The first time this guy made a comment, I do not remember the exact words, but I remember thinking that it was a very ballsy/rude/suggestive thing to say to a child and it made me uncomfortable enough to tell my mother in law that I didn't want my daughter in there without one of us.


While we were at this little shop set up just before the tenders my daughter had her back to him, he put his right arm around the front of her, grabbed her left wrist, and pulled her into him while saying she was staying there with him. I do not care if he was joking around or not that was inappropriate to me.


The other thing someone mentioned is how old she looks. Frankly that has no bearing on anything. Unsolicited, unwanted touching that has a sexual nature to it is not appropriate. What he did made her very uncomfortable, it made my mother in law uncomfortable watching the interaction and it made me uncomfortable hearing it. That goes beyond fun flirting in my opinion.


If someone reading this is not of the same opinion then that is fine. I did not put this post up to start a debate over what is appropriate and what is not. This person's action with a young teenager I found to be out of line. I put up a post to let other parents know what happened so they could be a bit more alert around this person. I wrote to NCL to let them know of the situation. In my letter I asked that I be contacted to discuss the incident.

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My personal response to those who suggest that it was likely all quite innocent, is simply to say, uumm... cute 13 year old girl... 18 year old male... "Are you kidding me!"


Can there really be informed adults out there who don't realize that with several thousand people on a cruise ship, statistics tell us that assaults have likely happened while we were on board.


While the action sounds inappropriate, and assaults certainly happen everywhere including cruise ships, I think it is a wild stretch to equate what happened to an assault.


Has anyone seen how kids dance nowadays... ever seen them "grinding" on the dance floor? This ain't your parents' cruise ship.

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I want to thank you all for the responses. I have emailed my letter to both Prem and Colin. Thanks for the addresses.


I put this post out as a heads up to other parents. Not as a sky is falling type of scenario. I am not a naive person, nor am I a prude. Throughout the cruise we all joked with many male crew members (every time we ordered a virgin drink there was always a comment) but none of the others ever made any of us feel uncomfortable. That is the difference between a male crew member picking up a tired child to carry her up a gangplank and what this one did to my daughter.


The first time this guy made a comment, I do not remember the exact words, but I remember thinking that it was a very ballsy/rude/suggestive thing to say to a child and it made me uncomfortable enough to tell my mother in law that I didn't want my daughter in there without one of us.


While we were at this little shop set up just before the tenders my daughter had her back to him, he put his right arm around the front of her, grabbed her left wrist, and pulled her into him while saying she was staying there with him. I do not care if he was joking around or not that was inappropriate to me.


The other thing someone mentioned is how old she looks. Frankly that has no bearing on anything. Unsolicited, unwanted touching that has a sexual nature to it is not appropriate. What he did made her very uncomfortable, it made my mother in law uncomfortable watching the interaction and it made me uncomfortable hearing it. That goes beyond fun flirting in my opinion.


If someone reading this is not of the same opinion then that is fine. I did not put this post up to start a debate over what is appropriate and what is not. This person's action with a young teenager I found to be out of line. I put up a post to let other parents know what happened so they could be a bit more alert around this person. I wrote to NCL to let them know of the situation. In my letter I asked that I be contacted to discuss the incident.


A GREAT Mom!!! I agree with every word you have said!!!

It was generous of you to share a difficult experience for the sake of warning others.



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I know the crew member you are talking about. When my DH & I were on the Gem in Feb. we were in the gift shop making a purchase, This young man was very socialable and outgoing. He made some jokes about the items we bought and I felt like he was flirting with me. He was having fun and making the passengers smile. I did not take him at his word. I knew he didn't want to spend the night dancing with me (I'm old enough to be his "older Sister;) "). He remembered us each time we were in the gift shop and always remembered what we bought on our first outing to the gift shop and never failed to bring it up. (An adult couple item for those wondering).


Coming from Europe I'm sure he is not aware of how Paranoid (rightfully so) we Americans are. I feel that a class should be given to make other aware of what we American feel is inappropiate behavior. Sometime an innocent remark can cause a war. We also should learn to be more tolerant not everyone is a pervert and if we are that suspicious of others then keep our children within arm distance of us.

I think your read on the situation is probably pretty accurate, especially since you have observed the person before. Most companies have seminars on appropriate behaviour, and it sounds like this guy needs some brushing up on etiquette and company policy.



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