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American - $15 Charge for FIRST Bag


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I don't get it. You say the environmentalists do damage here but Peru has a dirty river and China has a brown cloud? You want to take emission devices out of cars so we can have brown air too? The people of China are suffering very high rates of asthma not to mention lung cancer and this is a high cost to pay for a cheaper car.


Economics 101, the cost of ANYTHING is SUPPLY and DEMAND. How much it costs to make said "thing" or provide said service just determines how much profit you make. Yes, the airlines are going to raise prices but only so they will eventually make a profit. (They also have management & competition issues.) If the cost of fuel were to go down, but they still had all the customers they wanted, then they would leave the price alone and the difference would be their profit. The cost of fuel is going up because the oil cartel OPEC controls how much oil is pumped, not how much it costs to pump the oil. Yes the US is at the limit of their refinery capacity, but no it's not the environmentalists who are keeping refineries from being built. The oil industry has tons of excess cash to spend building refineries but why should they? If they keep the capacity down, they can charge higher prices and make more money since the cost of refining isn't going up nearly as fast as the gas prices. Besides, since OPEC is keeping the supply down, where are they going to get the oil for the new refineries? These companies are making more then the gross national products of small industrial countries!


There is no one solution to our energy problems. We need to invest in more clean and renewable energy sources as well as energy effiecient & clean vehicles (I love my Prius). We could institute a windfall profits tax on the oil industry to pay for the investments. As to bio fuels they are fine if you use a base like grasses as opposed to a food souce such as corn. Nuclear is OK too provided that you figure out what to do with the radioactive waste and include the total cost of that waste disposal in the cost of the fuel produced. You would rapidly find it is not really economical.


Since you are an advocate of supply and demand let me ask a simple question. If we take the evil OIL INDUSTRY PROFITS (all words in all caps are by definition evil) to invest them into the finding of ways to make new energy. Why would the OIL INDUSTRY continue to produce GAS? Most BUSINESS do whatever evil thing they do to make PROFIT! O, I know we will nationalize those evil companies and let Barak, Hillary, and John run them just like they run the post office, and the IRS. It will be a perfect place soon. O soon! Nirvana awaits us all in the gulag of a perfect utopia.:D


By the way, when did Greatam suggest that what the Chinese are doing is good? :rolleyes:


Please watch the SouthPark show about smug.:D I am pretty sure they had you in mind.



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I don't get it. You say the environmentalists do damage here but Peru has a dirty river and China has a brown cloud? You want to take emission devices out of cars so we can have brown air too? The people of China are suffering very high rates of asthma not to mention lung cancer and this is a high cost to pay for a cheaper car.


Americans are suffering very high rates of asthma and lung cancer too! Just how have our environmental controls helped the problem here? When I was a little girl I never knew a single person with asthma, now it seems wherever you go people are sucking on their inhalers! Yet the cars when I was young had huge engines, burned tons of gas and the emissions were not suppressed in the least. So explain that?

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When I was a little girl I never knew a single person with asthma, now it seems wherever you go people are sucking on their inhalers! Yet the cars when I was young had huge engines, burned tons of gas and the emissions were not suppressed in the least. So explain that?


A wimpy generation of kids. When I was little, nobody was allergic to peanuts, either - we all lived on peanut butter!

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All of the talk about how the airlines need to make money...please check out http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/bus/stories/011608dnbusaabonus.297e532.html


specifically, the portion

The top five


Based on the 135 percent bonus, Mr. Arpey would be in line to receive 189,000 shares in April, worth $2.5 million at Tuesday's close. Mr. Horton and Mr. Garton would get 104,760 shares, valued at just under $1.4 million, and Mr. Reding and Mr. Kennedy would get 76,950 shares, valued at just over $1 million.



How many of you out there received this type of bonus? I guess if I received 2.5 million, $30 per trip per person would not be that much!!!

Probably the same group of us that are running a multi-billion dollar company.


If you are running a multi-billion dollar company and you are not getting those bonus or shares, then you really are getting jobbed by the board!:D


Seriously, this stuff makes me sick when I hear politicians spouting it. Do we really have to spout the populism stuff in a cruise forum???



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If any of you are old enough, and I'm sure many of you are, you know full well that airline fares have not risen with the rate of normal inflation over the last 50 years. Be honest Boomers, think about how everything has gone up. The price of houses has increased tenfold, (in many places even more) and cars almost that much. I was shocked recently when someone told me cigarettes cost over $5 a pack, I remember my parents buying them for a quarter, and bread was also a quarter. I can remember gas wars when you could buy it from anywhere between 19 and 25 cents. Remember nickel candy bars and a nickel pack of gum that now cost 60 cents or more, or Good Humor ice cream bars for a dime, and now cost well over a dollar. How about college tuition? Who today could possibly work a part time job and put themselves through a university? Many of us were able to because tuitions weren't astronomical. We use to go to movie theater and see a double feature, with first run movies for 50 cents, pay a dime for a coke, and a quarter for a large popcorn, try doing that today for less than a dollar. My son attends the same private high school my husband graduated from, his senior year his parents paid $500.00, we paid $16,000.00 for my son's senior year, and next year's graduates have the pleasure of paying $17,000.

Forty years ago I took my first airplane trip, Chicago to Honolulu. I stayed in Waikiki, on the beach, at the Reef Hotel. I still have my receipt in a scrapbook, I paid $7.00 a night for the room, with an ocean view on the 8th floor. That same room today is about $250.00 a night, almost 4 times more than I paid for my whole 10 day stay. I also have my airline receipt from my Pan Am flight, my parents paid almost $600.00 for my round trip fare in 1968. That same fare today hasn't even doubled, let alone gone up by the amount other things have since then.

If bringing lots of luggage for your shoes, formals, tuxes, a different outfit ever day, designer clothes, hair pieces and makeup is important to you, than pay the extra baggage fees. If need be, give up a couple of drinks (be they alcoholic beverages or sodas) for a few days on your cruise, or skip going to the Chef's Table, Sabatinis, the Crown Grill or Sterlings, forget the Ultimate Balcony Dinner, or the breakfast. Keep away from the International Cafe where many tempting items cost extra. Skip the coffee or soda card, drink water or the other free offerings for a few days. Take your own pictures and don't buy the ship's photos. Stay out of the casino. At ports of call you could forgo a full day private tour and go for only a half day, or stay on the ship, eat your lunch for free and save a bundle. Skip a visit to the spa, or the beauty parlor. If paying the $30.00RT (for that 1st bag) or $50.00 more for that (is it really necessary?) second bag, is a burden, you can see there are plenty of ways to save $130.00 on cruise. It's up to you what your priorities are, what's more important to you? Pack light or pay the price?

We are so lucky that we can afford to take vacations and cruise, some people will never be able to afford the luxury.

Do I like paying for something I use to get for free? No, of course not, but after getting over the first shock, and some anger, I'm rational enough to realize why the airlines need to charge more money to stay in business. Is it fair? Whose life experiences are always fair? As someone else stated no company can lose money continuously and stay in business.

Does it bother me that most airlines are mismanaged and when the airlines have a good year or two they give these same incompetents big bonuses instead of saving for that rainy day that they all know will eventually come? Of course! As a retired airline employee, I experienced this first hand. I took a 30% pay cut, my medical insurance tripled and I lost my retirement, all while upper management were patting themselves on the back for saving money and gave themselves fat bonuses. Was that fair? I didn't think so, but my airline survived its bankruptcy and I still had a job, unlike many friends of mine who worked for Aloha Airlines. The main fact is, we have all been spoiled by cheap or inexpensive airfares and don't like to see them come to an end. Living in Hawaii I would like cheap fares to the mainland. I don't have the alternative of driving to most places, but I realize the more airlines that go out of business the higher the prices will eventually go, and when we are down to 3 or 4 (or less) airlines who have monopolies on different parts of country, wait and see how fares go up.

So now I'll step off my soap box, and let everyone give me a bad time. I truly feel however, if people would look at this rationally, without anger and emotional outbursts, they will see that the airline's costs have increased just like all our costs, and charging extra for things that give people a choice to opt out of, (meals, checked luggage, pillows, blankets, extra leg room) is their way of making money without increasing everyone's over all ticket price.

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The airline business is a tough business. The flying public has an expectation of cheap flights. It should be no surprise to anyone that our demands for artificially low prices will force fees to pop up elsewhere.


Personally I'd prefer pricing that was in line with their costs even though that means I'd have to pay $100 or more for a flight.

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If any of you are old enough, and I'm sure many of you are, you know full well that airline fares have not risen with the rate of normal inflation over the last 50 years. Be honest Boomers, think about how everything has gone up. The price of houses has increased tenfold, (in many places even more) and cars almost that much. I was shocked recently when someone told me cigarettes cost over $5 a pack, I remember my parents buying them for a quarter, and bread was also a quarter. I can remember gas wars when you could buy it from anywhere between 19 and 25 cents. Remember nickel candy bars and a nickel pack of gum that now cost 60 cents or more, or Good Humor ice cream bars for a dime, and now cost well over a dollar. How about college tuition? Who today could possibly work a part time job and put themselves through a university? Many of us were able to because tuitions weren't astronomical. We use to go to movie theater and see a double feature, first run movies for 50 cents, pay a dime for a coke, and a quarter for a large popcorn, try doing that today for less than a dollar. My son attends the same private high school my husband graduated from, his senior year his parents paid $500.00, we paid $16,000.00 for my son's senior year, and next year's graduates have the pleasure of paying $17,000.

Forty years ago I took my first airplane trip, Chicago to Honolulu. I stayed in Waikiki, on the beach, at the Reef Hotel. I still have my receipt in a scrapbook, I paid $7.00 a night for the room, with an ocean view on the 8th floor. That same room today is about $250.00 a night, almost 4 times more than I paid for my whole 10 day stay. I also have my airline receipt from my Pan Am flight, my parents paid almost $600.00 for my round trip fare in 1968. That same fare today hasn't even doubled, let alone gone up by the amount other things have since then.

If bringing lots of luggage for your shoes, formals, tuxes, a different outfit ever day, designer clothes, hair pieces and makeup is important to you, than pay the extra baggage fees. If need be, give up a couple of drinks (be they alcoholic beverages or sodas) for a few days on your cruise, or skip going to the Chef's Table, Sabatinis, the Crown Grill or Sterlings, forget the Ultimate Balcony Dinner, or the breakfast. Keep away from the International Cafe where many tempting items cost extra. Skip the coffee or soda card, drink water or the other free offerings for a few days. Take your own pictures and don't buy the ship's photos. Stay out of the casino. At ports of call you could forgo a full day private tour and go for only a half day, or stay on the ship, eat your lunch for free and save a bundle. Skip a visit to the spa, or the beauty parlor. If paying the $30.00RT (for that 1st bag) or $50.00 more for that (is it really necessary?) second bag, is a burden, you can see there are plenty of ways to save $130.00 on cruise. It's up to you what your priorities are, what's more important to you? Pack light or pay the price?

We are so lucky that we can afford to take vacations and cruise, some people will never be able to afford the luxury.

Do I like paying for something I use to get for free? No, of course not, but after getting over the first shock, and some anger, I'm rational enough to realize why the airlines need to charge more money to stay in business. Is it fair? Whose life experiences are always fair? As someone else stated no company can lose money continuously and stay in business.

Does it bother me that most airlines are mismanaged and when the airlines have a good year or two they give these same incompetents big bonuses instead of saving for that rainy day that they all know will eventually come? Of course! As a retired airline employee, I experienced this first hand. I took a 30% pay cut, my medical insurance tripled and I lost my retirement, all while upper management were patting themselves on the back for saving money and gave themselves fat bonuses. Was that fair? I didn't think so, but my airline survived its bankruptcy and I still had a job, unlike many friends of mine who worked for Aloha Airlines. The main fact is, we have all been spoiled by cheap or inexpensive airfares and don't like to see them come to an end. Living in Hawaii I would like cheap fares to the mainland. I don't have the alternative of driving to most places, but I realize the more airlines that go out of business the higher the prices will eventually go, and when we are down to 3 or 4 (or less) airlines who have monopolies on different parts of country, wait and see how fares go up.

So now I'll step off my soap box, and let everyone give me a bad time. I truly feel however, if people would look at this rationally, without anger and emotional outbursts, they will see that the airline's costs have increased just like all our costs, and charging extra for things that give people a choice to opt out of, (meals, checked luggage, pillows, blankets, extra leg room) is their way of making money without increasing everyone's over all ticket price.


While I can see your point on some of this, I will never agree with passengers being charged for checking 1 bag. NEVER. That to me is an entitlement of paying "whatever" for the airfare ticket. If you fly somewhere, you need clothes, toiletries, etc... I was all in an uproar over charging the 2nd bag. But I could somewhat understand that. But to charge for 1 bag that we as passengers are entitled to take as we are going somewhere away from home, it's BS. And it's totally sc***ing the passenger. But that seems to be how most businesses want to operate these days. Take or leave it versus what is right.

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Let me just vent by saying I will not fly American Airlines unless it is my last possible option. If people are just willing to give in to them then the corporations will never worry about charging extras in the future. What a fall from the greatest to just another place in the world. Who is worring about the consumer?


Obviously no one is worrying about the consumer. We're just expected to take it... It's getting really old:mad:

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Here's the letter if anyone's interested:


Dear Sir:


As a frequent flyer on American Airlines for the past 15 years, I am appalled to hear that you will be charging $15.00 for one checked bag. The nature of your business is to service people who are traveling, how does one travel without any clothing? I understand that some airlines have begun to charge for additional bags, but to charge to check one bag per person, that is absurd. Then, if we try to overfill a bag to save additional bag fees, you charge us for an overweight bag. What do you expect us to do, go on our vacations naked, shoeless and without any personal possessions? Please.


I was about to book airfare for a party of 6 on your airline to go from LAX to MIA for a cruise, but, to be frank, I am now reconsidering. I will have 3 adults and 3 children, each with at least 1, maybe 2 bags per person. If you have ever traveled anywhere with children you know than sometimes kids need a lot of stuff for a few weeks away from home. After hearing of this first bag charge, I will probably take a different airline, even though American was the only one with non-red-eye nonstop flights. If it means being gouged by American, I would rather be inconvenienced than robbed.


Perhaps, after you have received hundreds of thousands of missives such as this one, American will reconsider its position on this charge.




Very good letter. Where did you send it? What address? Email or snail mail? I plan to do the same.

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My thought also. Now instead of checking a single bag a couple can "carry on" two bags along with their laptop. Next they will start renting bin space after all it will be at a premium.


LOL - but don't give them any ideas! UGH!

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Just wondering this, also. Will they give me back the money when they lose my bag? Or, when it is delayed by two days? My luggage was lost after a direct flight from the last cruise. How do they lose luggage from a flight that does not stop? I know, I know the answer, just venting...



Excellent question!

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So now I'll step off my soap box, and let everyone give me a bad time.


I don't think too many people will give you a hard time.


I've been shocked in the last couple of years to see what some people pay for airfare - I've never expected to be able to get a long-haul domestic flight (more than one state over) for $200, and I never have (but I don't fly that much). I'd read posts on here of people asking when the sales are, because they're currently seeing a flight from the NE to FL costing a little over $200.


I fully agree that prices are going to have to go up - it's the nature of the beast, if your expenses go up, you have to bring in more revenue to offset it to stay in business. But I think AA went about this all wrong. To not allow a single checked bag to be included in your fare, when there are certain items that aren't even allowed to be carried on, is a horrible business practice. Not to mention what this is going to do to the available carryon space, which will in turn delay flights even more.


I think the other carriers have to be watching the fallout on this one very closely.

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I checked UPS for the cost to ship a 40 pound package measuring 26x20x12 with a declared/insured value of $200. From Orange County, CA the rates are:


Seattle- $26.56, 3 days.

Vancouver- $48.00, 6 days

Miami- $50.37, 4 days


Seems like a good option to me, the only downside is the transit time.

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Good grief, that is the most IDIOTIC baggage policy imaginable. You've already got people hauling on bags that stretch the definition of "carry-on". Get ready for real bin wars as soon as this goes into effect.

Seriously, do you think the airlines are gonna start initiating these first bag charges, and then let passengers get around the policy by hauling everything into the cabin with them? Just imagine a family of four ... and dad telling the cabin attendant ... those other two large carryon's belong to the kids ... the baby and the toddler ... and we paid for their seats, so they are entitled to those two large carry-ons. No, that's not gonna work. Just think about it ... if you had a few children traveling with you, you could conceivably check nothing and just carry all the luggage on the plane.


So, believe me, the airlines will be coming out with new carry-on requirements as well ... and rest assured, there will be enough room in the overhead bins for each seat to have ONE carry-on, of a specific size and no larger, in that bin for the flight ... because those bins will be redesigned that way.


Blue skies ...



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Pretty soon we will all be boarding the plane in just our undies. :p:o:D

Actually, it will be just the opposite. You ever see that commercial where the mom bundles her adult son in layers of clothes ... to the point he looks like the Michelin Man ... because he doesn't own luggage? Well, that's what people will be doing to avoid paying for an extra bag. They will layer their clothes so that they don't have to check as much, and so that their carry-ons meet the weight and size limitations ... and then once they get past the check-in point and security, stop in a restroom and peel down, stuffing the clothes into what will now be an overweight carry-on.


Blue skies ...



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Airlines are fighting for their very survival. They are just trying to stay in business unlike the oil companies who are making record profits. I don't mind paying extra for checked luggage. I suspect all the other lines will follow suit so switching won't help. Besides $15 isn't going to kill me or anyone else who has the means to travel by air.

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quote=kenish I checked UPS for the cost to ship a 40 pound package measuring 26x20x12 with a declared/insured value of $200. From Orange County, CA the rates are:


Seattle- $26.56, 3 days.

Vancouver- $48.00, 6 days

Miami- $50.37, 4 days


Seems like a good option to me, the only downside is the transit time.


While I strongly object to being charged for the first bag, I don't understand how can you say this is a good option. Not only do I have to go to the trouble of packing everything, which in addition to the suitcase means I have to buy a carton large enough to contain the suitcase along with packing tape, I then have to hull it off to UPS and hope it arrives the same time I will and if not, that someone at my destination will know what to do with it if it gets there before me and it won't get lost. Whew! Sounds so much easier and less expensive to pay $15.

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Just curious, this has to do with weight and using more fuel correct? Then they should start to charge by passenger weight. Why should a small child of say 35 pounds pay the same as a 275 pound person? Just thought I would throw this in, maybe I should ask the airlines?

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Darn them for being successful, a leader, and pulling in a huge wage! If they made the same as me, then everything would be alright! :rolleyes:


I'm not saying some of the wages and bonuses shouldn't be looked at ... but I'm not going to trash guys or gals just because of their salaries ... companies know that they have to pay a lot to get the people they want and keep them. Just think of the great teachers we could have if pay started at 1 million per year ... but ... it doesn't work like that, right?




Believe me, I would not want all of the responsibility that these guys have. I believe that they are entitled to a fair salary and bonus. I'm by no means implying that these CEO's should be making $10/hour. BUT, bonuses in the MILLIONS are quite excessive when the company is crying because of the costs associated with doing business. I understand that their costs are going up, costs are going up for us all! It is just the way that they keep nickle and diming us to death! Next, we will have to pay a mandatory fee for the safety demonstration, pay toilets and then we will be charged to get off the plane! It just seems unreal!



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quote=Globaliser;14735888 There's nothing unlawful about this. AA is not the first airline to charge for all checked baggage. And there are plenty of people who can manage to fly without having to check any baggage, even if they are staying overnight or more at their destination. I do it all the time.


But if you find yourself unable to do this, then you might want to choose another airline. That is what choice is all about!


Sorry, it has nothing to do with choice, and frankly your response is condescending. I'm glad you've figured it out, because I haven't. I travel for business and with the regulations on liquids there is no way I can avoid a checked bag. I'm sure the other airlines will follow if American gets away with it. And the airlines that have charged for all baggage in the past have traditionally been "budget" airlines. Seriously, there is the issue of discrimination against women traveling with this policy. Men can get away a carry on all the time since they don't necessarily carry liquids when they travel. I won't debate if it is entirely necessary for women to have liquids, but the fact is a good portion of the toiletries and cosmetics we carry are, and therefore can't be included in a carry on. Just raise the price $15 and continue to allow 1 carry on. Poor PR on AA's part in a time when customers are becoming less and less satisfied with customer service at the airlines.

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So sorry, Last night when most mainlanders were sleeping the site was down . I wasn't sure what the problems was and obviously tried posting a number of times to no avail. (maybe this is when it was moved to another thread?) I then posted again this morning unaware that my last night efforts had already been posted. Excuse the excess, I promise it wasn't my way of getting across my own point of view!


I also have to agree that UPS doesn't sound like the most economical, easy, or practical alternative. How does this beat $15.00? Unless your point is to not give the money to the airlines but UPS instead. And if it means shipping over water (like from Hawaii) there is an additional charge because it must be sent by air and not ground.

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I am concerned because AA also mentioned that they were planning on canceling some flights. My luck, it will be the one I have booked for my November 8 cruise on Serenade. I hope they make their decisions soon so I can make alternate plans if necessary.



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Airlines are fighting for their very survival. They are just trying to stay in business unlike the oil companies who are making record profits. I don't mind paying extra for checked luggage. I suspect all the other lines will follow suit so switching won't help. Besides $15 isn't going to kill me or anyone else who has the means to travel by air.


As I have stated before........I agree with you. The airlines had to do something.


I think they made a major marketing mistake. If they had come out with a $15pp fuel surcharge......or called it something else.......this thread wouldn't even exist.


I agree there is something you inherintly think is wrong when they start charging for bag number one..........who the heck flys without clothes?:)


Law may prohibit them from certain types of surcharges........I really don't know about this. I have been in marketing my whole life.......I just think if they had found another way to supplement their rising costs......nobody would be in such an uproar. We seem to have accepted RC's fuel supplement charges.


The real interesting thing (and discussion) should be where both the cruiselines and airlines go from here......don't think for one minute they are done. Companies that answer to boards of directors and need to find a way to be profitable........will continue to find ways to do so. Where they all go from here should be very interesting.

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