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Large man in airline seat


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I also use SeatGuru all the time. I have diabetes and suffer from edema and need the maximum leg room available. I always check to see what the seat configurations, power ports, and further information, like which seats do not recline and which armrests do not come up.


If you are on the wider side, make sure to pick a seat that the armrest is moveable, a set armset takes more "seat" room. For a taller person, don't book a window.

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I've finally found a reason to be glad I'm only 5' tall and average weight. :D

I've always hated being so short but I've never had a problem with leg room anywhere.


Good luck with getting the perfect seat and enjoy your cruise.

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If you're thinking about purchasing a first class ticket, you might want to consider 2 coach seats. Believe it or not, it might be cheaper than purchasing just one first class seat.


Although they don't fly everywhere, airlines like Spirit Airlines offer "Big Front Seats" (the same as a first class seat) but at a fraction of what it would cost you to purchase a first class seat on a major airline.


Similarly, JetBlue offers seats with more legroom (they say 4") in the front of the cabin for an extra $15-$20. At 6'4" it's worth it for me.

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I've finally found a reason to be glad I'm only 5' tall and average weight. :D

I've always hated being so short but I've never had a problem with leg room anywhere.


Good luck with getting the perfect seat and enjoy your cruise.


Thank everyone for all the help on this.


I understand your being short at times is a blessing. As stated before hubby is 6'3" but I am only 4'10". I snagged a tall one. Daughters are always thanking me for marrying a tall man as they are 5'4" and 5'10".

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I'm about 5'10" and weigh in about 240 - the wife is 6' and a little heavier:eek: - we usually book aisle seats across from each other. The first time we flew she couldn't get the seatbelt to buckle...:o When the flight attendant saw her struggling with the belt, she says, "Wait a minute sweetie!" and returned with a seatbelt extender. When we got home she found one on ebay ;) that she carries with her. Works like a charm!


Also - We have flown Frontier Airlines several times and find the Airbus planes have a little more comfortable seating than Continental or American...;)

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I'm sure he'll be fine. My brother is 6'7" and 250 and always flys coach. He did just fly Economy to Tokyo and had to have his seat moved though because of the fact a guy kept trying to put his seat down for the first three hours of the flight and couldn't. So they moved my brother to Economy Plus for no charge. He has said next time he flies abroad he won't fly anything without paying extra for more room. lol

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Ok, I will admit it, I am not skinny.....I'm 5'8" and I am not thin. I can fit comfortably in the airline seats, but after an hour or two of sitting down my tosh needs to be free, so I get up and walk up n down for a minute or two (and visit the loo!). Coach seats cram you in and anyone with broad shoulders, like me (shoulder pads in clothes made me look like I am wearing football gear!!) tend to be a wee inconvenient. It is only for a short while, so I cope....


The leg room problem I have solved. I bring my beach bag and use that as a purse, but it also has a book, magazine, my cameras, MP3 player, and cruise documentation. I can put my carry on above and my beach bag under the seat and have room to stretch my legs out. I had a gym membership for years and used it, alas, I did some stupid moves on the leg press and my knees are now paying the price (DO NOT press 150-200 lbs with one leg at a time, 10 reps only). I now find that I need to stretch my legs to keep my knees from giving me grief, so carry on goes overhead and I use the leg room to keep my knees happy!!!!!


First class would be wonderful, alas, I can't afford to spend $4000+ on airfare!!!

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Being cramped in those seats (I'm a womans size 18) plus the edema and diabetes makes my legs and ankles swell to the point that if I take my shoes off, they will not fit after the flight. I am also aware of DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and take aspirin before I fly to thin my blood and get up and walk around the cabin as much as possible and drink tons and tons of water. I've found I've only had to use a seat extender once, when I was in a modified seat, otherwise I fit fine. I always fly with my hubby, and we raise the armwest between us for maximum width.


I can't believe I just told the whole world my size, but there u have it!

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I fly every week for work. I'm a plus-sized person and strategically pick my seats for someone not next to me whenever possible and even will change my seats when checking in should there be the ability to change. My husband is 6'10" (yes, almost 7 feet tall) and because I have preferred status with US Air, I can arrange a better seat for him when booking a ticket for him, because he simply cannot fit in a regular seat--he has 40" legs. So I get him an exit row or bulkhead.


Note: The airlines do not usually release these seats until the day of departure, so go to the airport early or go on-line the day of your departure and see if you can then pick a better seat.


I also do whatever I can as a larger person to NOT invade someone's space. I will keep my arms folded, raise the aisle armrest when possible to scootch over so as not to interfere with their space. What is really infuriating is when someone takes BOTH armrests and spreads their legs over just hanging out (if you know what I mean) when I'm trying to be conscientious.


Luckily for our cruise, we're flying first class and we get the first seats which offer even more legroom than anywhere else on the plane.


I've also found that if you TELL the airlines when you book your flight what your needs are, they do what they can to accommodate you. If you don't like what they tell you, just call back. You'll get someone else every time and can probably find someone that will accommodate what you need.


Hope that helps.

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My son is 6'2", probably 150 pounds soaking wet and still growing. He is all legs, and I have to agree with chasetf, the leg room is generally not very comfortable for someone of that size. Might want to try and get an exit row.


On another note, I was once seated next to a VERY large gentleman on a flight, luckily a shorter flight. He was already seated and I am not exaggerating when I say he spilled over into a big portion of my seat. There was no way I could even begin to put the armrest down (I am 5'5" and weight 130). Not wanting to embarrass him, I squeezed in best as I could and made do. Had that been a long flight, like the one to Puerto Rico, I might have had to say something because it was cramped and very uncomfortable.



What could you really "say?" If the flight's not full, you can ask to be moved, but otherwise what is to be done? The large person can't get smaller, and as you say, there was "no way" you could get the armrest down. I ask these questions not as a criticism, because I've wondered about this before. When I was returning from London in March, there was a very large man in the gate area. He was more like 400 lbs or so. I was wondering what in the world I was going to do if I was seated next to him for a 10 hour flight. I felt guilty for thinking of myself, and at the same time, I felt bad for him, as it must be just as difficult and awkward for him. As it was, he flew in 1st class. Our society is much larger than 40 years ago, yet the seats seem to get smaller and smaller. It doesn't appear as though one would have to be all that heavy to find these seats cramped and uncomfortable. It's one thing when you are crammed in next to your spouse, it's really awkward when you're sharing that kind of personal space with a total stranger-unpleasant for each person, I'm sure.

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Shorty. :D

BubbaQ is 6'9" and well a few pounds more than your hubby. Get to the airport earlier than normal and try to get an exit row (delta doesn't let you book these). If one isn't available at check in, they will tell you to also check with the gate agents. Delta usually puts a note on his reseravtion. We also make it clear that we do not need to sit together.


Otherwise, BubbaQ gets an aisle seat and his legs will be in the aisle and the person in front of him will not be able to recline their seat.


Since I don't like listening to h im whine I usually just upgrade him at the gate.:rolleyes:

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is 6'3 and well over 400 pounds. For our flight to our cruise this weekend I bought him two coach seats. I wasn't going to pay for first class for him and his dad and I sit in coach :) Now - the next question is will he fit in the shower :)

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A couple of years ago DH and I were flying to NOLA. I had booked early and had chosen our seats. We got notification a few days before that our seats had been changed. We ended up in center seats with DH seated in the row behind me. I was seated next to a "very large" man who was in the window seat. He was a super nice person, but there was no way to get the armrest down between us and I spent the whole flight shoulder-to-thigh (literally) with a complete stranger. Pretty uncomfortable to say the least, and I was grateful that I am not a large woman. So, just because you choose your seat, don't assume that you will end up with them. We certainly didn't. I figured that someone who paid more money than us got the seats together and we were forced into those "center" seats that no one seems to want.:(

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As a management consultant, I fly way more than I want to - enough to have preferred status on several airlines. Also being about 6'6" and a fighting 225, I've tried to learn as much as I can about the best places to sit. I agree with many of the comments written above, but there are several things to keep in mind.


1. Many times exit row seats, especially on older planes, have arm rests that do not move. This is because the arm rest is where your tray is located. If you're a plus size individual, you might want to make sure that if you do get an exit row seat that it has a movable arm rest.


2. If you are concerned about fitting well into a plane seat, try to avoid regional jets if possible. The coach sets on these smaller jets are even smaller than on regular mainline planes.


3. If a regional jet is your only option, try to get an aisle seat, and not a window seat.


4. If you do get on a plane, and find that your seat is being "invaded" by a larger person in an adjacent seat, say something right away to a flight attendant. If the flight attendant can't (or won't) help, ask to speak to the gate agent or gate supervisor to be reseated. Let them know, in a polite manner, that you paid for a whole seat, not a portion of a seat, and that you'd like to move. If they say that there is simply no other seats, and you have the time, ask to be accommodated on a later flight. At the end of the day, you paid for a seat, and it should be up to the airline to accommodate you in a safe manner.

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At the end of the day, you paid for a seat, and it should be up to the airline to accommodate you in a safe manner.

I agree! People have a right to become as large as they choose to be, but they do not have a right to the space for more than one seat unless they pay for more than one seat.


The logical solution is to require extra-large persons to pay extra-large fares to buy a second seat for their comfort.


If you are looking into cruising Alaska, and looking into any excursion which requires flight, you know that anyone weighing over 250 lbs must pay 150% of the fare. And that is as it should be on regular airlines also.

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I agree! People have a right to become as large as they choose to be, but they do not have a right to the space for more than one seat unless they pay for more than one seat.


The logical solution is to require extra-large persons to pay extra-large fares to buy a second seat for their comfort.


If you are looking into cruising Alaska, and looking into any excursion which requires flight, you know that anyone weighing over 250 lbs must pay 150% of the fare. And that is as it should be on regular airlines also.


uugghh. Ya know what. Im sorry when I was in that car accident and hurt both my knees and couldnt walk for those few monthes and gained weight from that and a combo of meds.


But your right... that was my choice.:mad:

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What could you really "say?" If the flight's not full, you can ask to be moved, but otherwise what is to be done? The large person can't get smaller, and as you say, there was "no way" you could get the armrest down. I ask these questions not as a criticism, because I've wondered about this before. When I was returning from London in March, there was a very large man in the gate area. He was more like 400 lbs or so. I was wondering what in the world I was going to do if I was seated next to him for a 10 hour flight. I felt guilty for thinking of myself, and at the same time, I felt bad for him, as it must be just as difficult and awkward for him. As it was, he flew in 1st class. Our society is much larger than 40 years ago, yet the seats seem to get smaller and smaller. It doesn't appear as though one would have to be all that heavy to find these seats cramped and uncomfortable. It's one thing when you are crammed in next to your spouse, it's really awkward when you're sharing that kind of personal space with a total stranger-unpleasant for each person, I'm sure.


What could I really "say"? Well for starters, I could say something to a flight attendant..I am an average size woman, there could possibly have been a smaller person on board who would have switched. My grown daughter is just under 5 feet and maybe weighs 90 pounds. Someone of her size would have been way more comfortable jammed in that seat with him. Maybe there was an available seat in first class they could have moved him too...maybe there really was nothing they could do, and if not, I could have asked for a parital refund since I was only using part of my seat. There were a lot of things I could "say", but since the flight was not that long, I chose to say nothing.

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uugghh. Ya know what. I'm sorry when I was in that car accident and hurt both my knees and couldn't walk for those few months and gained weight from that and a combo of meds.


But your right... that was my choice.:mad:



Good answer. :D


These crybabies should shut up and be thankful for the opportunity to fly anywhere in a free country like the United States of America.:rolleyes:


Here's an idea; how about an extra charge to those wearing too much perfume/cologne?


I'll take the big guy over stinky fu fu gurl any day. P. U.!!!:mad:

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Thank you all again for all of this wonderful information.

I hope it also helped others.


The information *I* got was that people still--in this society where political correctness "rules"--are prejudiced and judgmental regarding people of size. It's the last-known LEGAL prejudice.



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He'll do fine.

My DB is 6'2 and is 450# (yep, you read it right) and flies coach all the time . He has to get a seat belt extender and we always sit next to him to prevent the rest of the world from being inconvenienced.


Have a great Cruise!!!

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For years I flew frequently for work. I would get sick everytime I had to book a flight. I always tried for aisle seats or small planes with the single row. I worried so much about inconveniencing the person next to me. I would keep my arms pulled in tight and tried to make sure I gave them as much room as possible. I chose my flight soley on what seats were available (with my job parameters) and when the only seats available were middle seats I would worry for weeks.


I was flying for work and they were not about to pay for an extra seat. When I travel for pleasure I just make sure I am sitting next to my DH and there are no worries.


If you ever had the misfortune to sit next to me I apologize. I hope I did not invade your space too much.


I no longer work at that job and my stress level has greatly decreased.

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