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Buying Medicine in Mexico, Can I???


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When we were there in March, we bought antibiotics & acid reflux meds, as we had done many times in the past. This time ship security decided to take them and turn them over to customs, they ended up confiscating most of the antibiotcs & all the acid reflux meds, so be careful.




Thanks Doug, this is why I started this thread. I live in Southern California and in the past we have done a day trip to Tijuana to get medicine. Like I said, I never tried to conceal them. Since we always walk across the border, we have to pass through security on the way back and I always placed my medicine out in the open where they could see it and had no problems. But its been a while so I wanted to know what you can legally bring back. Can't believe they took the acid reflux meds.

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By all means buy all that you want. BUT be aware that it is illegal to have a presecription only medicine without a valid perscription and if you want to take the risk that you are stopped and searched by Homeland Security feel free to enjoy the potential felony conviction.

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I have bought muscle relaxer and penicillin in Mexico myself. What difference would it make why the OP wanted to buy it. Myself, I dont have health insurance and want it on hand for emergencies.



Because self prescribing antibiotics is one of the biggest causes of 'superbugs' that become resistant to medicine.. thats all..

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I buy it because I don't have health insurance and it works on my bronchoitis. I can tell the minute its going to flare up, I've had this for years and the amoxicillian knocks it out. I also have a touch of arthritis and take otc tylenol for arthritis, but if there is something non-narcotic but a little stronger, I would like to buy that too.



That is absolutey a good reason - my concerns were only as I stated above. .. Most people self medicate with antibiotics for ailments for which they have no effect :)

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Given that Amoxicllan is a generic drug here, if you have a script you can get it filled at many major drug outlets for 15.00 or less for a 90 day supply. If you are popping amoxicillan like aspirin, you are building immunity for the bugs that you have-not a good idea. If you get sick overseas getting a therapeutic supply from a local pharmacy is one thing but you really shouldn't be getting a generic drug overseas. Now a brand name is a different story. If you are taking a maintenance brand name drug like Lipitor for an example, and you are paying for it yourself, I see nothing wrong with picking up a years supply....its 4 90 day sealed original packages and probably will save you hundred of dollars.


Drugs that are classified as narcotics you will need to have a script for when you return or you can be arrested.


CBP also allows reasonable amount for your own use of any non nacrotic drug..




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Exactly. I cant even find a doctor who will see me for under about $180 here. Im considered uninsurable, over 50 and if your weight is over 150 lbs, you basically cant buy any insurance you could afford. Last quote was over $800 a month for just me. I can take a cruise for 2 people for the premiums for 2 - 3 months. Yes, it cost me over $4,000 to go to emergency when I broke my arm last Christmas, thats how it goes.


People getting up on their soap boxes and lecturing others not to do this, probably have insurance ..... not to mention the OP didnt ask if he SHOULD do it, just is it possible.

Well I certainly understand your position and I feel for you..... My husband did not have insurance for years.. but at the risk of sounding like a broken record, when people self medicate with antibiotics and the bug mutates and becomes super resisitant that effects all of us...

And if we are really being honest here... You cruise by choice? Expensive? $200 to see a doctor is more of a necessity to me... Also if you take insurance why not see the doctor on board- would it not be covered?

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I'm going on the Pride next month, and I have always purchased a bottle or two of amoxicillen and brought it back. I have never tried to hide it and I have never had it confiscated. Now I'm worried whether things have gotten stricter. I don't want to get in trouble or do anything that might get me in trouble. Does anyone know what medication can legally be brought back?

Last Febuary we were on the Elation to Cabo and checked out the Pharmacia....our Taxi Driver recommended the one we went to they seemed high priced on alot of things compared to what we payed about a year before that in TJ....we did check out a few others when we were walkiing around the port that were higher in price also.......We did not have any problems bringing back Soma, 800 mg IBU, Amoxacilian, and a few other things my Family wanted to pick up....we just left it in the bag when we got back on the ship with the rest of the goodies we got in town and nobody even said a word....we put what we had in our Carry-ons when we left the ship and nobody even looked at us.....

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Can you only get this in Mexico or can you get it in St Thomas as well??

St Thomas is American so you would need to go the British Virgin Islands or Bermuda or other non American islands!

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Just so you know...


Motrin 800 mg is IDENTICAL to ibuprofen 200 mg X 4 tablets. It is the EXACT same active ingredient.


If you are buying meds in Mexico and feel that you HAVE to buy Motrin 800 mg tablets, know that there is an OTC equivalent right here in the USA.



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Yes 4, 200 mg tabs of motrin is identical to 800 but in mexico the 800 tabs are cheaper than our 200 ones at home.


I am a registered nurse. I have heard all that and seen the stuff about super bugs. It is a shame that the price to see a doctor is so expensive for a urinary tract infection or ear ache or sore throat. In Iowa if you pay cash and go to a walk in clinic it does cost 80 to 100 bucks plus the price of medication. then can cost more if lab test are needed.


I always get antibiotics in mexico and my family does when they cruise. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to tell if you have a UTI (urinary infection) You can buy strips at drug store and do your own tests. The same for ear aches and sore throats. People are right to an extent about superbugs. The antibiotic you take may not kill the bug you have but when you go to the doctor and he gives your kids antibiotics, he doesnt know for sure they will kill that bacteria either.



Super bugs are caused from many things. Every time you eat meat the cattle and hogs are treated with antibiotics most of their life before slaughter because they gain weight faster and are less sick. The antibiotics are only stopped so many days before they are butchered. One carrier of MERSA now are hogs now from canada. Although they havent proved yet that it has jumped to people. I personally dont feel that if I take ampicillin if I have and ear ache or sore throat or some bactrim if I have an UTI will add much to the problem that already exists.



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By all means buy all that you want. BUT be aware that it is illegal to have a presecription only medicine without a valid perscription and if you want to take the risk that you are stopped and searched by Homeland Security feel free to enjoy the potential felony conviction.


2500 + people getting off a cruise ship and homeland security is going to stop and search you for no reason.. Yeah right... it just does not occur, And yes I cruise often, A LOT as in 8-10 cruises a year.

I despise some of the Chicken Little admonishments by some posters here. Its this simple, unless you are trying to smuggle in some vast amount of some heavy duty opium based pain killer or amphetamine, NO ONE CARES!

Regarding it being illegal.. so what is NOT illegal now-a-days??!!??

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Antibiotics do expire usually it is from a year to 2 years. The powders you mix may be longer.


I have never heard of anyone being prosecuted for antibiotics or stomach medication. If you bringing large amounts of narcotics you might be in a bit of trouble.


Another thing is if your really worried it only costs 20 dollars to see a Mexican doctor and get your year prescription for the medications.



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Just so you know...


Motrin 800 mg is IDENTICAL to ibuprofen 200 mg X 4 tablets. It is the EXACT same active ingredient.


If you are buying meds in Mexico and feel that you HAVE to buy Motrin 800 mg tablets, know that there is an OTC equivalent right here in the USA.




That's exactly what I was sitting here thinking.


I will say this as well. While you may be able to get drugs cheaper in foreign places, you don't really know what you are getting. This is even true here in the US when ordering through pet pharmacies. Many manufacturers will not back up a product not purchased through proper channels. As we were told, many times you are purchasing a black market product that was not sold to that online pharmacy by the manufacturer.


Just a reminder to be cautious.

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What about Lipitor? Is this available anywhere in Cozumel or Belize??? We pay a lot for my husband to get this every month but that would be awesome to save some money if it is one of the things available otc there. Has anyone seen it?


Holly :D

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We did not have any problems bringing back Soma, 800 mg IBU, Amoxacilian, and a few other things my Family wanted to pick up....we just left it in the bag when we got back on the ship with the rest of the goodies we got in town and nobody even said a word....we put what we had in our Carry-ons when we left the ship and nobody even looked at us.....


Thanks, maybe I will look for some Soma, couldnt find it at the drug store we went to in Cozumel, might have to go into the city to a local drug store.


Before the santimonous folks pitch in, Im aware any sleeping forumula may be habit forming and dont take it all the time. My mom was taken off Tylonel PM, because its harmfull for your liver, you cant win. Cant sleep and cant take anything for it. Dont bother with the lectures. I hope we can get this thread back to facts and help. thanks all

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I have cruised with some folk who regularly purchase prescription drugs in Mexico and they have never had a problem. Just stuck it in their backpack and walked on the ship. It went through X-ray with no questions. I guess it's a personal choice. Good luck.

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Thanks, maybe I will look for some Soma, couldnt find it at the drug store we went to in Cozumel, might have to go into the city to a local drug store.


Before the santimonous folks pitch in, Im aware any sleeping forumula may be habit forming and dont take it all the time. My mom was taken off Tylonel PM, because its harmfull for your liver, you cant win. Cant sleep and cant take anything for it. Dont bother with the lectures. I hope we can get this thread back to facts and help. thanks all

Tyleno PM is Tylenol and Benadryl. The Tylenol is processed through the liver and can be damaging. This is why you should never take Tylenol if you have a hangover because the alclohol is also processed through your liver. This is also why Tylenol has commercials saying if you don't take it like it is suggested by your doctor or on the bottle they would rather you not take it. Just take the Benadryl if you need a sleep aid. Available over the counter. Have her check with her doctor though because no one on a board knows your Mothers medical history. Soma is a muscle relaxer.

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There was a drug store right by carlos and charlies at paradise beach in cozumel that sold all kinds of drugs.....we didnt buy any but i was in there looking around ...just because ...being a nurse...i was surprised at how many drugs they had for sale over the counter!!!! They really had quite a selection!

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That's exactly what I was sitting here thinking.


I will say this as well. While you may be able to get drugs cheaper in foreign places, you don't really know what you are getting. This is even true here in the US when ordering through pet pharmacies. Many manufacturers will not back up a product not purchased through proper channels. As we were told, many times you are purchasing a black market product that was not sold to that online pharmacy by the manufacturer.


Just a reminder to be cautious.


They aren't "black market", and for the most part are manufactured in the same plant as those sold in the USA.


The difference is they are subject to the onerous US drug patent laws that artificially raise the price.

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There is NO WAY I would chance buying from there. You don't know what your getting and there is no control on it like there is in the US.


I would seriously re-think that. JMHO


USA! USA! I love this argument. It comes up every time this is asked. Do you think that these medications are being made in 55 gallon drums in the jungle? It's not moonshine for crying out loud! The medicine that they are selling was made in the same place that your medicine was made. I can pretty much guarantee that some of the medicine in your house was made in Mexico!

It's called supply and demand. That $5 pill you take probably cost the drug company 10 cents to make. Research tells them what each country is able to pay before they forgo the medicine. The same research shows that US citizens will pay $5 for that pill and so that is what they charge. Basically, as a U.S. citizen you are paying for all the R&D that went into the creation of the medication. Mexican citizens are only paying for the pill itself. You paid for the development.

The only people that put out these false rumors are the drug companies, the U.S. pharmacies and people who have bought into this silly rhetoric that the U.S. is the only country on earth that knows what is best for everyone.

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USA! USA! I love this argument. It comes up every time this is asked. Do you think that these medications are being made in 55 gallon drums in the jungle? It's not moonshine for crying out loud! The medicine that they are selling was made in the same place that your medicine was made. I can pretty much guarantee that some of the medicine in your house was made in Mexico!

It's called supply and demand. That $5 pill you take probably cost the drug company 10 cents to make. Research tells them what each country is able to pay before they forgo the medicine. The same research shows that US citizens will pay $5 for that pill and so that is what they charge. Basically, as a U.S. citizen you are paying for all the R&D that went into the creation of the medication. Mexican citizens are only paying for the pill itself. You paid for the development.

The only people that put out these false rumors are the drug companies, the U.S. pharmacies and people who have bought into this silly rhetoric that the U.S. is the only country on earth that knows what is best for everyone.



Its been reported in the news recently of large shipments of counterfeit drugs made in China.. I think this is where their concern stems from....

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Its been reported in the news recently of large shipments of counterfeit drugs made in China.. I think this is where their concern stems from....


The negative propaganda has been around awhile. It goes all the way back to the Organized bust tours of Seniors ... to Canadian Pharmacys.

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