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Any other Scrapbookers!!!


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I have been scrapbooking for about 5 years now. I am really looking forward to scrapbooking are upcoming cruise vacation. Just wondering if any fellow scrapbookers can give me suggestions on what to pick up on the cruise for my book. Of course i plan on taking and buying lots of pictures. I will get some post cards from the pursers desk. Any other suggestions?


How about good cruise stickets or other accessories.




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I started scrapbooking just last year. Its a great way to save your memories.

On my cruises I always have one drawer of the desk that I put all the capers, any receipts, extra luggage tags and those maps of the ship. You can get extra of some items at the pursers desk. I have also found that the small albums they sell that have pics of the ships rooms(lounges, bars etc.) are usually much better than any you could take yourself. My local scrapbook supply has lots of cool stickers. There is an entire line that have the names of ports. Also lots of fun beach type things. I could go on all day but you get the idea! Also forgot to mention that I get the extra capers and usethem for capdtioning my pages. They have the ships name plus the date so it works great! Best advice is to just save everything and then what you don't use you can toss later.

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It's amazing how many cruise related stickers there are! I get most of mine at Michael's and Hobby Lobby. Like Wildcat said, keep everything from the ship, as well as little things you find in ports. (I take a 2-gallon ziplok bag, and everything goes into that one bag.) Plus, take a lot of photos. You can get some really fun shots of the waiters in the dining room.


My sister does one scrapbook per cruise......but I have ONE very large (100+pages) scrapbook that contains ALL of my cruises. The 'title page' of each cruise is the boarding photo with the ship's name and date in the background. For some family shots, don't hesitate to ask a fellow passenger to take your picture. I do that, being a solo cruiser, and everybody's always happy to oblige.


Cruise scrapbooks can be so much fun to work on. I treasure mine.:)

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Thanks for the ideas. I don't know what I am more excited about our cruise vacation or the scrapbook pages I will be able to create. i will be sure to save everything I can get my hands on!!!


Mrs. Booboo thanks for the sites I will be sure to take a look


Cotton great idea for a cover page, we are going to be on your favorite boat the Holiday out of Mobile on March 14, 2005. Do you know of any great scrapbook stores in Mobile that I could visit before getting on the ship? I think we are going to stay at the Radisson the night before our cruise.

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......lots of pictures. I use my boarding card, invites to parties on board, pictures found in the cruise brochure or cruising magazines, maps, receipts, coasters and napkins, tickets to the ice show, menus. The possibilities are endless. I also make sure to keep a copy of each day's activities to include. I arrange my scrapbook day by day, starting at the airport to fly out. Each day we are in port includes a bit of info/history about the island. It is so much fun to look back at our past cruises. Have fun!

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HI fellow scrappers! I will be on my first family cruise 11/14 on RCCI Mariner. I plan on "collecting" everything possible also, just like I did in Disney. A friend of mine just finished her cruise album so I got a lot of ideas - she had a mixture of ship pictures and her own.

My daughter just got her own digital camera (she is 12), so we will have plenty of pictures to choose from.

Scrapping the cruise will extend the fun of the trip!



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I have been scrapbooking for quite some time now. All the ideas you have been given are great. I do a book for each cruise. Look for little things when you are in port, brochures, etc. You can use all of the brochure or just cut parts. Of course, take all the pictures you can. If you have a digital it really helps, because you don't have to print everything.

I also have been purchasing small maps, or postcards of maps of the ports. It makes for a great part of al page. The one I bought in Belize was beautiful and very inexpensive.

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I also have been scrapping for several years now. In addition to some of the items mentioned in previous posts, I also save the chocolate wrappers they put on your pillow every night and include these in my cabin page layout. I wrap mine around thin foam, so it looks like it has the chocolate still in it.


Also, if you go to any beach, don't forget to collect sand, shells, beach glass, etc.


If you keep an open mind, almost everything you see will have possibilities.


I love scrapping our cruises. You get to relive all the memories and it makes your 7 days of heaven go on for a long time.

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As another poster said, save it all, and then discard what you don't need as you're putting your pages together. All of this stuff is generally lightweight and easy to transport.


I save maps, brochures, ticket stubs, the receipt from my first cocktail, napkins/coasters, daily schedules, ships' logs, excursions lists, post cards, sign 'n' sail card, pictures of everything and everybody (so easy with digital).


You can get some great deals on paper, albums, embellishments, tools, etc. on e-bay. You can even buy layouts/kits already put together, and all you have to do is attach your photos (or whatever).


Some people bring 1 zip-lock bag for each day of the cruise, and file stuff accordingly.


If there are any scrapbook stores in your area, check to see if they offer classes. I've made dozens of adorable layouts in classes, and have learned some great techniques in order to create pages on my own too.


They sure are fun to share, and I pull them out every so often just to reminisce. It's interesting to see how I've progressed over the years. My first book, made back in 1998, was nothing but stickers.


I used to do one book per cruise too, but now I'm more 'freestyle'. I don't pressure myself to HAVE to make 20 pages per trip, just because there are 20 pages in an album. Or, in the case of the Aus/NZ trip this past January, I kept adding pages as necessary, and the book has about 38-40 pages in it. It's huge! Weighs about 10 pounds.


Whatever you decide, have fun with it. It's a great way to unleash your creative side. There's no 'wrong' way to scrapbook!



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For our first cruise I has over 400 pics and I scrapped most of them. I usually end up with one album per trip. I save anything that can be flattened and then sort everything later. I let my pix tell me how to do the album so I never know what will be the emphasis. I want to make sure I have it if I want to use it. I already have my dh trained...he knows to pick up 2 of each 'thing' we get. One to use and one for the scrapbook. Hehe.


I showed chronologically the ports we did but also lumped together each in it's own layout (regardless of date) the shipboard entertainment, towel animals, poolside entertainment, sunsets and food.


The possibilities are endless...enjoy the process.

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  • 1 month later...

I found this older thread by accident and was so excited to see other scrapbookers. We have been on 3 cruise and I have 3 seperate scrapbooks for each. Some of my cruise pages are on the net here: http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/userprofile.asp?user_id=13501&pg=4

I think there are pages from our wedding (St. Thomas) and our last cruise (Chichen Itza pics and Grand Cayman pics).

If you never been to that site check it out. So much great scrapbooking info. The gallery has layouts under vacation and beach so you can see cruise type layouts.

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I love to scrapbook, but just hard to find the time...I started doing all my kids pictures..So started with the oldest and as the years went the others got added in. So then if a picture had them all in I could scan the photo page and take turns giving the scanned one to the other kids book and wouldn't have to do as many pages it still worked out good with digital pc for sure.

I still havent done my first cruise in OCT> 02 so guess I am a little slow on it but have it all organized in dates and envelopes.

the cruise I save everything the candy wrappers also my hubby thought I was crazy, napkins match box covers even though I don't smoke alot of items given out with the cruise liner name on it.

Next cruise this Oct. 2005 so guess I better get the first one done.

Going to check out that web sites...I love a craft store we have A C Moore it is wonderful on having so many items.

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I am also from Ontario Canada, and I have been scrapbooking for about 6 years and just love it!!!! I have done 2 cruises. One idea that I got from my consultant was to take panaramic pictures and use as bordes: I took several of just the water over the ship's side and they made a great bottom border for me and even some great matts. Samples of paper money and stamps for each port will be what I will try to collect this time. Thanks for the 3 great websites for us scrapbookers. I am always in the market for great new ideas. I even know a girl who wore her clothes on her embarkation day to match the stickers and paper she had already bought! Now that's planning! Any suggestions for an easy way to keep notes on shore excursions? My cruise is on Jan 27 to the Panama Canal..I plan to take lots of pictures. One thing nice about digital cameras, is that you can discard the yucky ones. Has anyone had their digital cards saved to a cd on the ship? I wold be sick if they lost my pictures! But I only have space for 128 pictures. Suzanne

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I did the Panama Canal a couple years ago. Take a picture of your cruise mates touching the wall of the locks! I have ones of my husband doing it. Your are only 2 feet away from the walls at the rear of the ship. Don't forget pictures going under the bridge of the Americas too You might think of buying a extra memory card for you camera in case you don't find a place to download and make coppies while on ship or ports.

I'm going Jan 22 on a texribbian cruise and have my baggies packed for "stuff"


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got done doing 4 cruise albums from an Oct cruise. They were Christmas gifts. I have been scrapping for around 20 years. You can see how far it has come since the beginning. But I don't have it to redo all the older ones. Mainly my son's.


I totally forgot about the stamps. I did a currency page on both with the foreign money we got in the different ports. Also, if you see anyone selling beads they make real good "fillers" for shaker boxes or seashells. You can view some of mine at http://scrapaddictinc.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=237 You can scrap "anthing" you want. Even the daily "newsletters". I did both of those cruise in pockets. With the extra ones I cut up and used on the pages.


I did everything I could get my hands on. I even did our bill. I have not done my album yet for the one we just took. We are planning our 3rd this summer. We are going back to Princess.


Here is a web site that has some really cool "cruise" things. I just spent $85 there. http://store.yahoo.com/scrapyourtrip/index.html



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I have been scrapping for about 2 and a half years, and have one that I did just of my family and friends, and recently started a new one for my new family (in May of 03 I found my biological family!!) And for Christmas I got four new scrapbooks for the cruise... Guess I better take loads of pictures!! Thanks for all the great ideas. I will be getting my ziploc baggies ready!:rolleyes:

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I have been scrapbooking for about 5 years now. I am really looking forward to scrapbooking are upcoming cruise vacation. Just wondering if any fellow scrapbookers can give me suggestions on what to pick up on the cruise for my book. Of course i plan on taking and buying lots of pictures. I will get some post cards from the pursers desk. Any other suggestions?


How about good cruise stickets or other accessories.




We just finished the Sapphire Princess LA-Sydney 30-day and I will be scrapping big-time for a while! On the ship I found and bought a lovely scrapbook in the gift shop with Princess on it and a photo of the ship matted in it. The cruise directors didn't even know they were there! Unfortunately, the size is not standard and I will have to figure out how to deal with that. Since our craft classes offerred on board were down-right terrible (a carnation made out of 2 pieces of Kleenex, etc.) I was asked to teach some scrapbooking and other paper craft classes. I would have had to provide supplies for everyone on my own, though ($$$$!), so we pretty much stuck to some little paper crafts that I was able to whip up at the last moment.


Anyway, the most important advice I would give about what to do during the cruise is to keep a detailed written journal--not just of the places you visited, but of the people you met, ship gossip, playing trivia and bingo and anything you can keep that goes along with such games. Don't worry about grammar, just take notes that you will be able to understand later. Take a photo of you and your porter, if you like him. Try to show what a typical day on the ship was like, from beginning to end. Photos without ID won't mean as much over the years, so write it all down, anyway that's easiest.


I am also trying to figure out a way for my new cruise friends who don't scrap to be able to put together a cruise scrapbook easily. If I succeed, who knows, you may be able to buy my page kits right there on the ship and finish a voyage with a nearly-completed scrapbook to show everyone right away! (don't count on it for a while!). Take note of these other suggestions, also, they are right on the money. I did all the saving of napkins, too. Good luck. We'll have to figure out a way to post our favorite pages from our scrapbooks! Can't wait to see yours.

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Good ideas. I use some of them and I'm planning to use other ideas seen here too. I also buy postcards in every port of the different places that I visit there so I can remember later. I usually use the ones with the big name of that city or port as part of the cover for that section.

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DH and I are on a second marraige..and since we knew each other as teens but 30+ years lapsed before we re-connected and married, I have a scrapbook of each year. since we've ben togehter..the order of trips we took..misc photos...current event headlines that we want to remember...cause now as years go by ... AND we get older :) it is hard to remember what cruise we took when and where ..along with other trips and household projects that mark our time together....

My hope is that someday when we are no longer able to travel we can take these out and re-live our experiences..help keep our minds sharp and have a few laughs!

My scrapbooks aren't real fancy but they have pics, mementos and phrases to jog our memories of good times.

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