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OBC for Stock Ownership?

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I've never used the shareholder OBC before.


1. Can I use it for shore excursions booked online before the cruise or is strictly for use on-board?


2. If it's stricly on-board, would I be correct it could be used for gratuities against the cabins account?




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Yes, I would rather disappear then comment every time you refer to the past and "$40.00 a share"and go on and on and on about the price of oil and advising people only to make their decisions based this price. Your supporting your stance and Iam supporting mine by having bought the stock in-spite of your expert opinion.


You're the only one calling me an expert; I never claimed to be an expert. Stocks is a hobby for me, not a profession. And once again when faced with evidence to the contrary you decide to fabricate. I did not refer to the past; I referred to RCL's own comments at their recent conference call discussing their quarter and I referred to comments made today by a renowned JP Morgan analyst. You have not supported your stance in the least. You keep claiming that RCL is not dependent on the price of oil yet when you compare the chart of oil prices versus the chart of RCL stock price during 2008 you will see they are virtually mirror images. RCL themself stated their earnings going forward are at the mercy of oil prices and the analysts covering the stock have said the same. Somehow you and your friend XPCD are the only ones who think that the price of oil is not important to the direction of RCL stock. I am still waiting for you to say anything in support of why you believe RCL is not going to go in the opposite direction of oil prices.

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I've never used the shareholder OBC before.


1. Can I use it for shore excursions booked online before the cruise or is strictly for use on-board?


2. If it's stricly on-board, would I be correct it could be used for gratuities against the cabins account?





You cannot use it for shore excursions booked before the cruise. It will appear on your on board account by about the third day of your cruise. It can therefore be used for gratuities.

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As a teen who has been researching and reading alot about stock markets and about to get his feet wet in investing in some stocks, I know this much, i wouldn't buy RCI stock just because i can get an onboard credit unless your a frequent cruiser which would probably be like 5+ times a year... but what do i know?lol

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I am hoping it will drop some before my trip. I have till early January to purchase (the trip is 1/31/09) and get my credit.


Any ideas which month might be better? Will it just depend on oil??




I think that by far oil will be the biggest factor (and a lot of the evidence supports this). Before a couple weeks ago a lot of the experts were saying oil was going to keep steadily trending upwards. In the past couple of weeks oil supply has built up as people have decreased consumption, no hurricanes have caused major destruction to the supply chain, and nothing new in the Mideast has flared up. Now many experts are saying oil may actually drop a bit further in the short term, but most are still saying long term it might not be such a pretty picture. Nobody can time the market, but if you agree that RCL is highly dependent on the price of oil and believe that the experts are correct that for the short term the price of oil is stable, RCL may be safe for the next few months. Their forecast for third quarter '08 earnings and full year '09 earnings is based on oil being higher than where it is now. That said, there is still risk. If a hurricane wrecks havor on the oil supply or some new Mideast tensions threaten supply, oil could very well shoot right back up to the $140s or higher. Likewise if we become complacent and stop conserving energy like we started to do when oil was in the $140s it also will shoot right back.


These are only my opinions though (and as I have said in previous posts, depsite what Don and XP say I am not an expert - I only research stocks as a hobby and because of my love of cruising I have been enjoying following RCL), and only you can decide when (if at all) is the right time to pull the trigger on purchasing the stock.


Good luck. :)

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I think that by far oil will be the biggest factor (and a lot of the evidence supports this). Before a couple weeks ago a lot of the experts were saying oil was going to keep steadily trending upwards. In the past couple of weeks oil supply has built up as people have decreased consumption, no hurricanes have caused major destruction to the supply chain, and nothing new in the Mideast has flared up. Now many experts are saying oil may actually drop a bit further in the short term, but most are still saying long term it might not be such a pretty picture. Nobody can time the market, but if you agree that RCL is highly dependent on the price of oil and believe that the experts are correct that for the short term the price of oil is stable, RCL may be safe for the next few months. Their forecast for third quarter '08 earnings and full year '09 earnings is based on oil being higher than where it is now. That said, there is still risk. If a hurricane wrecks havor on the oil supply or some new Mideast tensions threaten supply, oil could very well shoot right back up to the $140s or higher. Likewise if we become complacent and stop conserving energy like we started to do when oil was in the $140s it also will shoot right back.


These are only my opinions though (and as I have said in previous posts, depsite what Don and XP say I am not an expert - I only research stocks as a hobby and because of my love of cruising I have been enjoying following RCL), and only you can decide when (if at all) is the right time to pull the trigger on purchasing the stock.


Good luck. :)

Ok you win, oil will be at $200 a barrel in the next few years and RCL will go bankrupt. Oh wait, you have an OUT, it MAY go up,; and I May wake up tomorrow in bed with Jennifer Aniston.

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It is ok Marianne, you are just an innocent bystander. Gonzo lives in your neighborhood. :D


As far as when to buy, well you would have to be smarter than me to know that which is the source of Gonzo's ire. He seems to know these things, and he is smarter than most that are in this market, so maybe he will guide you. ;) My advice is unless you cruise a lot that buying stock just to get OBC isn't necessarily the best financial plan in the world. However, it is my opinion that buying RCI stock or CCL stock is probably better in the short run than buying Freddie Mac! That is the beauty of the stock market, we all get to place our bets and we play the game as long as we can stand the inevitable changes in stock price. If you do buy the stocks it is a nice little perk. For example on my last cruise I got a $200 OBC and on my next cruise I already have a $200 OBC applied to my account. That is better than a sharp stick in the eye.


To our member from Scotland, I believe anyone can buy stock. I do own some stock in a Canadian Company that has done very very well for me over the last 25 years, and I am still kicking myself when I didn't buy a whole lot more of it when I made the initial investment. The only downside for this is at tax time, as it is a bit more complicated to file my taxes. With the price of the dollar... the stock will seem almost free to you! :D Of course, the OBC will, also seem to be tiny to you! :D



Thank you for your prompt response to my message. Can you tell me if the brokers in Scotland can purchase rccl shares for me, or do I need to go through an international broker? Do you think the obc is a good incentive for my husband and I as we cruise about three times a year, usually for 10 days at a time? I have learned a lot from reading cruise critic and find all your patter really good.


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Ok you win, oil will be at $200 a barrel in the next few years and RCL will go bankrupt. Oh wait, you have an OUT, it MAY go up,; and I May wake up tomorrow in bed with Jennifer Aniston.


Why are you always so confused? I never said RCL will go bankrupt. I said that if oil goes beyond $200 bankruptcy may be a potential concern. Oil going over $200 within the next few years is (according to virtually all commodity experts) a very real possiblity. There are no certainties in predicting such future events. One can look at all the available information and make educated guesses, but one cannot say they are certain what will happen. There are always unexpected factors that may arise that can change the direction things are heading. It would be rather presumptuous if I was so bold as to say oil will clearly be such and such price by such and such date. Nobody can do that. Only the grossly misinformed would make a sarcastic response like yours because somebody qualifies their prediction of where a commodity is heading. Perhaps this weekend you should purchase Stocks for Dummies at a bookstore and maybe you could begin to realize how ridiculous your comments are.

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Thank you for your prompt response to my message. Can you tell me if the brokers in Scotland can purchase rccl shares for me, or do I need to go through an international broker?


You'd have to check with your broker. Here in the U.S. you can make international purchases through some but not all brokers. It likely is the same in Scotland.

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Thank you for your prompt response to my message. Can you tell me if the brokers in Scotland can purchase rccl shares for me, or do I need to go through an international broker? Do you think the obc is a good incentive for my husband and I as we cruise about three times a year, usually for 10 days at a time? I have learned a lot from reading cruise critic and find all your patter really good.



You are of course welcome. I am a semi-professional at patter! :D 3 times at $200 per... that is a pretty nice rate of return. Your stock would be free in about 5 years. That is a better deal than buying flourescent light bulbs.:D Of course, as Gonzo will undoubtedly point out that RCI could remove the shareholder benefit tomorrow. (I don't think it will happen, but it is a possibility) If you truly cruise that often on either Celebrity, Azmara or RCI then I think it is a good investment for you, and worth the risks. I don't know the investment rules for Scotland at all. I imagine you have groups like Schwab or Scott trade etc. that are low transactional cost oriented, but :confused: ....


Here is the shareholder benefit from the RCI investor page. It isn't available for Celebrity Expedition to the Galapagos.


$250 Onboard Credit per Stateroom on Sailings of 14 or more nights.

$200 Onboard Credit per Stateroom on Sailings of 9 to 13 nights.

$100 Onboard Credit per Stateroom on Sailings of 6 to 8 nights.

$50 Onboard Credit per Stateroom on Sailings of 5 nights or less.



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Why are you always so confused? I never said RCL will go bankrupt. I said that if oil goes beyond $200 bankruptcy may be a potential concern. Oil going over $200 within the next few years is (according to virtually all commodity experts) a very real possiblity. There are no certainties in predicting such future events. One can look at all the available information and make educated guesses, but one cannot say they are certain what will happen. There are always unexpected factors that may arise that can change the direction things are heading. It would be rather presumptuous if I was so bold as to say oil will clearly be such and such price by such and such date. Nobody can do that. Only the grossly misinformed would make a sarcastic response like yours because somebody qualifies their prediction of where a commodity is heading. Perhaps this weekend you should purchase Stocks for Dummies at a bookstore and maybe you could begin to realize how ridiculous your comments are.


Iam confused? You make your predictions and I make mine regards RCL stock which is what these threads have been about. Anyone disagreeing with your predictions and your links are wrong ( to put it politely).


The market is about timing, buying low selling high. I could sell my stock purchased at 19 a few weeks ago and sell today at 28 and I would be right and you would be wrong -short term. I could not sell and the stock could hit 13 by the end of the year and you would be right and I would be wrong. Your predictions are based MOSTLY on the price of oil, thats fine, only time will tell how that is going to effect the stock short and long term. Can we agree on that without you being RUDE?

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Can we agree on that without you being RUDE?


Me being rude? Your the one who every time I make a post on this issues criticizes the post and then ignores it when I back up my reasoning with facts. You still have yet to admit that you were wrong about oil having a major impact on RCL's earnings. That is not my opinion, that is a fact, and you mocked me for stating it as though I was making some sort of far fetched opinion. Instead of admitting you were wrong you decide to mock another of my posts by twisting what I said and making a snide remark about sleeping with Jennifer Aniston. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you posting your opinions on RCL (that is a good thing and appropriate to this thread). Is not good for you to attack my posts, make sarcastice comments towards me, or twist what I say. You should acknowledge that you were mistaken about how important the price of oil is for the stock and move on rather than continuing to try and hide from your mistake by making off-the-wall comments about my posts.

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Oil is down today... $200 a barrel doesn't look prescient anymore.



Of course, oil will ultimately hit $200 a barrel. It's simply a question of when. It could be in December or it could be in 2020.


What's sad is to watch our presidential candidates pussyfoot around a real problem and fail to come to grips with real solutions.

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Me being rude? Your the one who every time I make a post on this issues criticizes the post and then ignores it when I back up my reasoning with facts. You still have yet to admit that you were wrong about oil having a major impact on RCL's earnings. That is not my opinion, that is a fact, and you mocked me for stating it as though I was making some sort of far fetched opinion. Instead of admitting you were wrong you decide to mock another of my posts by twisting what I said and making a snide remark about sleeping with Jennifer Aniston. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you posting your opinions on RCL (that is a good thing and appropriate to this thread). Is not good for you to attack my posts, make sarcastice comments towards me, or twist what I say. You should acknowledge that you were mistaken about how important the price of oil is for the stock and move on rather than continuing to try and hide from your mistake by making off-the-wall comments about my posts.


I have never said that the cost of fuel does not have an impact on the earnings and subsequent stock price. I have said that the ability to counter the added expenses of oil by layoffs, revised itieraries etc. is important as stated by the co. Yes, if oil does hit $200 in the near future we are all in trouble along with RCL.

If you continue to make the comments of " if I were you I would load up on RCL and while you are at it buy some airlines stocks (sarcasm)" and " you are foolish to believe RCL is a solid company with growth potential" than you will be "attacked". I have said it before and I will say it again, "if you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen."

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Yogi, if oil were an investment and I bought it at 115 and in 2020 it was only worth 200. I would not be too happy. What is that a rate of return of 3 or 4%? If you think it really will be $200 by December you must know something that nobody else knows. You are not a nuclear scientist for Iran are you?:D ;)



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I have never said that the cost of fuel does not have an impact on the earnings and subsequent stock price. I have said that the ability to counter the added expenses of oil by layoffs, revised itieraries etc. is important as stated by the co. Yes, if oil does hit $200 in the near future we are all in trouble along with RCL.

If you continue to make the comments of " if I were you I would load up on RCL and while you are at it buy some airlines stocks (sarcasm)" and " you are foolish to believe RCL is a solid company with growth potential" than you will be "attacked". I have said it before and I will say it again, "if you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen."


I can take the heat just fine. What is obnoxious is dealing with someone who is uninformed making erroneous commentary about my posts and taking things out of context that I say. Again, you stating your opinions is a good thing. You "attacking" my posts based on misconeptions is inappropriate.


Anyways I am done responding to your posts. Take all the free pot shots you want since this seems to be what floats your boat. Sadly trying to have an intelligent conversation with you is futile.

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Talks down to people and then wonders why it rebounds to him... Gotta laugh.:D Good grief. :rolleyes: Can't have an intelligent conversation what is so intelligent about repeating the same thing on every thread on the topic? :D



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I can take the heat just fine. What is obnoxious is dealing with someone who is uninformed making erroneous commentary about my posts and taking things out of context that I say. Again, you stating your opinions is a good thing. You "attacking" my posts based on misconeptions is inappropriate.


Anyways I am done responding to your posts. Take all the free pot shots you want since this seems to be what floats your boat. Sadly trying to have an intelligent conversation with you is futile.


No, whats obnoxious is anyone who disagrees with you is "uninformed". Hence "go to the bookstore and buy a book on investing" (not taken out of context) I will miss your posts as you leave the "kitchen".

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Talks down to people and then wonders why it rebounds to him... Gotta laugh.:D Good grief. :rolleyes: Can't have an intelligent conversation what is so intelligent about repeating the same thing on every thread on the topic? :D




He is having serious withdrawls since there hasn't been a smoking thread in about 4 weeks.

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He is having serious withdrawls since there hasn't been a smoking thread in about 4 weeks.


So, you have an interesting new theory. Anti smoking zealots are addicted to spouting their point of view, and when they can't share their brilliance they go into withdrawal symptoms. :D I love it!:D



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Loving this one, but just trying to resist the urge to jump in. Just sittin back and watching my profit from those golden RC shares I bought at $21. And I bought them without any of that there "book learnin" either!

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Yogi, if oil were an investment and I bought it at 115 and in 2020 it was only worth 200. I would not be too happy. What is that a rate of return of 3 or 4%? If you think it really will be $200 by December you must know something that nobody else knows. You are not a nuclear scientist for Iran are you?:D ;)




o.k. here's the real danger....


A presidential candidate is elected who wants to "talk" and Israel decides to take matters into their own hands and take out whatever they perceive to be Iran's nuclear capability.




No, I am not a nuclear scientist from Iran, but I do worry about the geopolitical realities of the world which can easily lead to $200 oil by December.

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