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Just Curious...Random Question


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Many celebrities live here in the San Fernando Valley, about some 10-15 miles from Hollywood/Beverly Hills. There were plenty of kids of actors going to my high school (and many kids who went on to show biz from there). Since it's suburbia, actors often prefer to live here to try to live a normal life. And I think many of us who live here try to treat them as normally as possible, as they are often with their kids. For example, we were in a mall elevator and Laura San Giacomo (not sure of the spelling) and her son rode up with us. When the door open, my hubby had the door open for them, but she said her son likes to ride up and down the elevator so they were staying in. I later read in Los Angeles magazine that other people have spotted them riding that same elevator too.


Also, I worked during the 90s for a specialty store that was oriented toward writers, even though many locals who weren't in show biz also were customers. From my experience, the actors who came in were pretty nice, and production assistants the worst.


My first time in Hawaii, we went to a luau and Bill Dana was there. I think that's it for vacation celebrity spottings for me.

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My husband saw william shatner in an airport and asked him why he was there instead of just asking scotty to beam him up (captain kirk was not amused).


LOL Not surprised....Shatner doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humor by what I have seen on talk shows and such. Good for hubby though for asking.

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Many many years ago, I think in 1979, we went to a Luau and in walked Bob Newhart and Don Rickles. Could never figure out how those two were friends. My dad was thrilled cause he loved Bob Newhart. My dad golfed with many celebrities and he said they just wanted to be treated as "plain ordinary folk". My sister waited on Lee Marvin at our grocery store not once but twice. The first time she didn't know it was him until the next person pointed him out. (She LOVED Lee Marvin). She ran out the door to chase him, leaving the customers, but missed him. The next day he returned, she followed him down the aisle, and told him she had been in love with him since she saw him in Paint Your Wagon as a kid. She said he beamed that someone so young (she was early 20) knew him. He made sure to get in her line, give her an autograph (it was her birthday on top of it), and talk to her. Me? I have only seen celebrities from a distance and not up close like her. However, if John Travolta was on my cruise, you could bet I would say hello before I fainted. LOL

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My roommate in high school (I went to a private boarding school) was Maureen Reagan, daughter of Jane Wyman and Ronald Reagan who was then married to Nancy, all of whom I met many times. We stayed in touch until she passed away of melanoma several years ago. That "celeb" enough for you? There are several others.


Very COOL! Ronald Reagan was one of my heroes! I wish he had been on some of our cruises!

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We cruised about a year ago with the Biggest Loser--they were only on for about 4 days--we had to step aside at boarding so that they and all the people working on the show could board--as we walked through the gym--there they were--notice I say walk-thru--we didn't stay--just looking



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I have had a few encounters with celebs. I live in a small town in Oregon and when I have had the opportunity I say "HI" I do! So far my experiences have been very positive:


I was at the Four Seasons in Chicago one evening with my Sister and Aunt. Who walks in but Robert Duvaul, only one of my all time favorite actors.:eek: He was in the company of two lovely ladies and a very nice looking man. We discreetly "checked them out" and went on with our cocktails. At one point the ladies left the table (as ladies often do;) ) and so I took the opportunity to go over and say hello and thank him for his quality work. WELL he asked me to join them, introduced me to his friends and we had a wonderful visit! What a great guy.


At a Boat Show in Lake Tahoe we were walking and looking and who should walk up beside me at a bulliten board but Alan Jackson (very cute by the way!!) I asked if he was playing close by and he said "No ma'm, just looking to buy a boat." He was actually playing in Nebraska that night. I said "Well I guess free tickets are out of the question then..." He cracked up and we just chatted a bit more.


I actually have more stories..:D For me shyness has never been an issue!



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I've also had my share of celebrity sightings. What's weird was that I saw all three kids of the show Different Strokes at different times in my life. First I saw Todd Bridges at a night club in the Hyatt Regency in Maui in the early 80's. Then in the early 90's I was in the America West Airlines ticketing line in Las Vegas airport and behind me in line was Dana Plato. Then to finish things off, while I was working at Princess Cruises' corporate location in Century City, somewhere about 1998 or so, there was Gary Coleman! He was at the reception desk trying to sell children's playground sets similar to those that you would see at a McDonalds.


On ship I've only seen Gavin McLeod.

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Years ago, we were on the Regal Princess, and had the pleasure of meeting and shaking hands with Captain Steuben, Gavin McCloud.


Just last year, we were on Carnival to Mexico; and met Connie Sellecca with hubby, John Tesh. It was a sailing that had a group of fans of John Tesh's on board. John Tesh was scheduled to and did private performances with his band for their special group. But towards, the end of the cruise, he generously offered to perform gratis in the theatre for the entire ship. As such, he was shown so much gratitude and appreciation by us regular passengers, and everyone gave him a standing ovation. He and his wife seemed like such wonderful, sincere people. It was a nice little perk for that sailing.

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We lived in Hancock Park (part of Los Angeles), as I was growing up-across the street from Judy Garland; around the corner from Nat King Cole and down the street from Lassie and her caretakers. "Trick or Treating", at Halloween, was such a blast!

My father owned furniture stores and who bought furniture from my father?......Benjamin Segal (better known as "Bugsy" Segal!)

He was furnishing a hotel in Las Vegas and wanted my father to do the job. He and his family came to dinner, while we played with his children, he and my father talked about furniture. My father and mother cruised with him to the Bahamas.

My memory of him was that he was such a pleasant man!!!!!

We had many, many trips to Las Vegas, where my father and my family were treated like royality.

I know for a fact that my father had no idea what this man was truly about!!!!! But, after the news came out about him....we were stunned that he had spent so much time with our family and in our home!


We saw movie stars everyday and still do......while living in L.A., you become desensitized to them!

Sometimes going shopping or dining out or going through the airport can be a struggle to get through the paparazzi, as their trying to catch a "star" in the act!!!!

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My husband saw william shatner in an airport and asked him why he was there instead of just asking scotty to beam him up (captain kirk was not amused).


That's funny-

I once drove James Doohan (Mr. Scott) to the airport . . .


Maybe you should have asked shattner if he bought his ticket on priceline?

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Many celebrities live here in the San Fernando Valley' date=' about some 10-15 miles from Hollywood/Beverly Hills. There were plenty of kids of actors going to my high school (and many kids who went on to show biz from there). Since it's suburbia, actors often prefer to live here to try to live a normal life. And I think many of us who live here try to treat them as normally as possible, as they are often with their kids. For example, we were in a mall elevator and Laura San Giacomo (not sure of the spelling) and her son rode up with us. When the door open, my hubby had the door open for them, but she said her son likes to ride up and down the elevator so they were staying in. I later read in Los Angeles magazine that other people have spotted them riding that same elevator too.


Also, I worked during the 90s for a specialty store that was oriented toward writers, even though many locals who weren't in show biz also were customers. From my experience, the actors who came in were pretty nice, and production assistants the worst.


My first time in Hawaii, we went to a luau and Bill Dana was there. I think that's it for vacation celebrity spottings for me.[/quote']


Sorry, I shoulda clarified. I'm the "other" type of SoCaler. The one who isn't desparately fascinated by celebrities. When I say "celebrity" I mean an A or B lister. Possibly down to C lister, and very rarely a D lister. The people you listed wouldn't even register as a celebrity to me cuz they're D listers at best. They don't have paparrazi or fans causing minor riots every time they're visible in public. So, I basically expect them to be very open with fans cuz they have so few left that it's flattering and of no imposition to sign some autographs or pose for some photos. There's a difference btw Angelina Jolie and whoever Bill Dana is.

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Living in the NYC area, I've had dozens of celebrity sightings. Also I'm friends with a sort of celebrity, Butch Patrick aka Eddie Munster. I met another sort of celebrity, Joe Jackson (MJ and JJ s father), he had been to my house 2xs in 2005. Speaking of Ben Vereen, in 97 we bought a house in Englewood Cliffs NJ, that he lived in for 5 years.

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On my first 4 Princess cruises I was with an S.F. Giants booster group hosted by a local radio station. There were several ball players and/or front office folks, along with spouses/significant others, on the cruises with us. We had special parties/activities for our group and on the two smaller ships, we had our own dining room.

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My first 4 Princess cruises were with an SF Giants booster group hosted by a local radio station. There were several ball players and/or front office folks, along with spouses/significant others, on the cruises with us. We had special parties/activities for our group and on the smaller ships, we had our own dining room.

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I literally bumped into the woman who played Mrs. Landingham on the West Wing as we were getting our luggage after a 2-night cruise on the Dawn back in 2005. Or did she bump into me, I can't remember.


On a 2-nighter on NCL Pearl, I saw John Carlson, who is locally famous (he ran for governor here in Washington and is/was a TV/Radio commentator). He was waiting in line to get into Cagney's for dinner.


I guess neither of those are very exciting, though!

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If you enjoy meeting and enteracting with a Celeb who cares if they are "a, b or c." Heck even some "d, e & f" folks can be fun. While I am not in the least bit "desparate"or "fasinated" it is certainly fun to see the real thing.


Here's another fun story:

The great group Three Dog Night (Jeremiah was a Bullfrog!) was performing at our local county fair several years ago. I was a 4H leader and hanging around at the end of the night taking care of wandering pre-teens. I was by the bus which was parked by our barn fanning myself with a birthday card I had received that day as it was my BD, when the band began loading up. One of the guys noticed my card and asked if it was my Birthday and prceeded to pull the entire group off the bus at which time the sang "Happy Birthday" to me! How much fun is that!:D

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I was at Foxwoods one night and Howie Mandell (pre Deal or no Deal) was dressed as a security guard and stopping people as they tried to go up the escalator. He was interacting with all of the patrons in the area. This was a few hours before his show that night.


I was at the weigh in Atlantic City for a Vinny Pazienza fight and got to meet MC Hammer who was representing Holyfield at the time.

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I was on the Sun Princess in 1998 when they were filming the Love Boat "The Next Wave Series" which aired here in Ohio on UPN. I think only six or 8 episodes aired before it was cancelled; but I met the late Robert Urich who played Captain Stuebbing and also Michelle Phillips who played Quinn. Both stars and all the staff associated with the filming (hair dressers, make-up, cameramen, etc.) were very friendly and gracious to all passengers. It was extremely interesting watching the filming process. A lot more work than I ever imagined as they filmed the same scenes over and over to get it just right.

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Sorry, I shoulda clarified. I'm the "other" type of SoCaler. The one who isn't desparately fascinated by celebrities. When I say "celebrity" I mean an A or B lister. Possibly down to C lister, and very rarely a D lister. The people you listed wouldn't even register as a celebrity to me cuz they're D listers at best. They don't have paparrazi or fans causing minor riots every time they're visible in public. So, I basically expect them to be very open with fans cuz they have so few left that it's flattering and of no imposition to sign some autographs or pose for some photos. There's a difference btw Angelina Jolie and whoever Bill Dana is.


I'm not an autograph seeker either. As I said, I've dealt with actors, directors, writers in not only that last job I mentioned, but also when I worked in advertising and PR. But I don't try to figure out a hierachy. I did tell my daughter a few weeks ago when we were about to watch "Mamma Mia" that I met Pierce Brosnan years ago (the boss lady decided that the two of us will help him:) ) and she didn't know who that was. But I don't think she's interested in meeting any of the tween set icons. And Johnny Depp seemed nice, but definitely didn't dress up before coming into our place.

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I guess most of us dont really care if a celeb is A, B C or X listers its just fun sometimes when you bump into someone randomly instead of being knocked aside from those who are followed by their posse and the paparazzi.

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My wife and I cruised the Virgin Islands in 1997 on the Radisson Diamond (no longer in service here) and we had on board both Vanna White and Marla Maples Trump. Neither were cruising with male companions. Vanna was very friendly and not the least bit pretentious. I remember being on a couple of ship's excursions with her and she was very much like everyone else. Interestingly enough, without her makeup and fancy wardrobe, she wouldn't have been judged the most attractive woman on the excursion by most men.

Marla was traveling with a pack of 3 or 4 other girlfriends and was much more "undercover".


On another occasion, we had the opportunity to eat lunch on the Norway one Saturday morning before it sailed from Miami (when you could get entry as a special guest), and I remember sitting in a lounge talking with my friends and then realizing the person sitting next to me was Jack Jones, the original "Love Boat" singer. I always thought that was kind of a neat remembrance as the TV show was still popular (at least in re-runs) then.

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Well. it wasn't on a cruise, but they were giving away a 7 day Cruise at a

trade luncheon we attended several years ago. Does that count? Anyways..

Apparently the late actor Doug McClure was a friend of the President of the Company putting on the luncheon. He was there to sign autographs and give us a little pep talk.

The room was filled with 6 seat round tables so my wife and I picked an empty table up front. The room fills and who sits down next to my wife...?

yep..Mr. McClure, and it soon became clear he had had one too many cocktails. He was pretty messed up. He got up to give his speech and there were some whispers in the crowd, I would imagine about his condition. Anyways he finishes and comes back to our table and was pissed that people were talking. It was kinda funny,,he was going on a rant about people talking in the middle of his speech and then stops in mid rant and turns to my wife and asks.." Did I sign your picture"?? They had handed out his head shot at the door. Then goes on complaining.

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Well. it wasn't on a cruise, but they were giving away a 7 day Cruise at a

trade luncheon we attended several years ago. Does that count? Anyways..

Apparently the late actor Doug McClure was a friend of the President of the Company putting on the luncheon. He was there to sign autographs and give us a little pep talk.

The room was filled with 6 seat round tables so my wife and I picked an empty table up front. The room fills and who sits down next to my wife...?

yep..Mr. McClure, and it soon became clear he had had one too many cocktails. He was pretty messed up. He got up to give his speech and there were some whispers in the crowd, I would imagine about his condition. Anyways he finishes and comes back to our table and was pissed that people were talking. It was kinda funny,,he was going on a rant about people talking in the middle of his speech and then stops in mid rant and turns to my wife and asks.." Did I sign your picture"?? They had handed out his head shot at the door. Then goes on complaining.


This reminds me of when I was performing at a standup comedy workshop in the early 90s. I was sitting in the back, waiting my turn, with of my fellow funny people. At the next table, there was quite a bit of talking. I shushed them and got a mean stare from the short blonde, who was the noisiest. I was able to tell when the person they came to see was on the stage as this blonde was laughing loudly in that fakey type of way. Later on, I went over to my comedy teacher to see what she thought of my performance and she asked why we were talking. I said we were behaving ourselves, that the twit from "Dallas" and her friends were the noisy ones. (you can figure out from my description who the rude one was)

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These are such interesting stories! I knew there would be some really great tales of celebs, or just experiences about meeting people through cruising! I know there are some posters here who are like celebrities that I would love to meet on a cruise!

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