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Lap Band Surgery and a Carnival Cruise?


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I have just made my 1st appointment to speak with my family doctor about the lap band. To see if I can get it covered by insurance....I am looking forward to it allready


Best of luck to you..........

Also there is a weight loss board if you want to check it out



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There are so many WLS post-ops who cruise we should have a support meeting/meet & greet on board. There are Friends of Bill and Friends of Dorothy, who should we be? Friends of McDonalds?


I had a lap proximal RNY 6 years ago and lost 122 lbs. I was featured in an article in Oprah Magazine in May 2006. If anyone would like to see it, write to me at jpg1747@aol.com.


I actually called Weight Watchers and said there is a need for meetings on board ships..........(when I mentioned this at a meeting the response was tremendous)

There is a Weight board on Cruise Critic and this was brought up........(but I don't want to be a friend of McDonald's.........we used to have a close relationship but no more) :D

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Are the pills large, I have trouble taking large pills.

Thank you for sharing your information.



If you mean the My-B-Tab pills with adenosine, those are tiny and go under your tongue.


The B-6, B-12's are injections.




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There are so many WLS post-ops who cruise we should have a support meeting/meet & greet on board. There are Friends of Bill and Friends of Dorothy, who should we be? Friends of McDonalds?


I had a lap proximal RNY 6 years ago and lost 122 lbs. I was featured in an article in Oprah Magazine in May 2006. If anyone would like to see it, write to me at jpg1747@aol.com.



I would love to see. It plase e-mail it to me at ssatterly2000@yahoo.com



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I just want to make sure I understand this correctly. Do you take just the B12 tablets? Do you feel that this alone has HELPED you with weight loss?


I have a circle of lady friends and one of them has lost about 115 poundds in 1 years time. She claims it was because she had her Gallblater [ sp] out. We THINK she had lap band, she had all the common side effects you hear about. She also started taking B12 shots this past week. I don't understand why she wouldn't tell us. I wish I could afford it or that my insurance would cover it.


Thank you for your time,


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My parents have cruised twice with their best friends....one of which has had this type of surgery. She simply asks for a "to go container" each night at dinner and takes the portion she can not eat at that sitting back to her cabin to have later. She enjoys all the food but she enjoys it in smaller quantities. Happy cruising!

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your nurse sounds ultra conservative. there are actually a few schools of thought about soda, and the majority lean towards it being ok in moderation based on the studies. documented slippage cases tend to be caused by chronic over eating with the band, which stretches the esophagus. it's important to keep in mind that ANYONE can publish a book. i personally prefer my information to come from peer reviewed medical journals, as they have the checks and balances for a more factual report.


I didnt say that was the only reason for slippage, yes overeating, and also reflux, if you have too tight of a fill and are throwing up everything you eat, apparantly the constant throwing up can also cause problems.


She differed on some other information, claimed her information came from the latest medical conferences, such as you can shrink the liver significantly in 2 weeks before surgery. Some say it takes longer.


Since the band has only been in the US for about 5+ years, I think more information confirming a lot of issues is yet to come. Its also hard to come by 10 year information from people who have had the band more than 10 years, since they are all in other countries and people argue with that data and the percentage of people still banded after 10 years.


I agree, Id like more conclusive data on lots of these issues before I take it to the bank. I also pointed out that newer bands slip less.

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I just want to make sure I understand this correctly. Do you take just the B12 tablets? Do you feel that this alone has HELPED you with weight loss?


I have a circle of lady friends and one of them has lost about 115 poundds in 1 years time. She claims it was because she had her Gallblater [ sp] out. We THINK she had lap band, she had all the common side effects you hear about. She also started taking B12 shots this past week. I don't understand why she wouldn't tell us. I wish I could afford it or that my insurance would cover it.


Thank you for your time,



She was probably embarrassed. A lot of people feel like they've failed because they can't lose the weight through traditional means and think people are going to see it as a "cop out". My sister went through a stage where she was actually depressed after the surgery due to this. Her doctor referred her to a counciller, which was extremely helpful. There are a ton of psychological side-effects that come with any bariatric surgery.

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I just want to make sure I understand this correctly. Do you take just the B12 tablets?




I get the B-complex, B-6, B-12, Lipo and Adenosine injections. The B-6 and B-12 shots are daily, Monday - Friday and the Lipo, Adenosine and B-complex shots I get 3 times a week, Mon-Wed-Fri. I also take suppliments called My-B-Tab with Adenosine B-6/B-12 and Salmon Fish Oil on the weekends. On Mondays and Thursdays I get a water pill and potassium tablet. I also take Phentermine as a appetite suppressant. The phentermine pills are 30mg and with one you won't eat for 24 hours since you wont have any appetite whats so ever. I take those when I work my 16 hour shifts so I don't have to carry food, just water.


This is the place I go too, there is more info here: http://www.4weightclinics.com/index.html



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Do you do your own shots or do you go to the Dr. for them? It takes a brave soul to do their own. I feel for Diabetics. How long do you anticipate being on this regimine? do you live in the Texas area? Sorry for all the questions, just interested. I would like an alternative to surgery.People lose large amounts of weight all the time without surgery but are challenged by keeping it off.


Thanks for your patience,


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Do you do your own shots or do you go to the Dr. for them?




No Way :eek: lol, I head down to the Clinic and get my shots daily...


I found this company in your area that has the B-12 shots, they seem to have great reviews: http://austin.citysearch.com/profile/45066534/austin_tx/physician_s_way_weight_loss.html


Physician's Way Weight Loss


2416-B S. Lamar Blvd.

Austin, TX 78704


512 440-1800


Austin, Medical Weight Loss Clinic - Fast, Effective, Safe, Healthy


Medical Weight Loss Programs

Rx Appetite Suppressants

Vitamin B-12 Shots


Physician's Way offers a very affordable, safe approach to weight loss in a non-judgmental, warm and caring environment. The program is supervised by Dr. Richard Kelley, a Board Certified M.D. with extensive experience in Family & Emergency Medicine, and Medical Weight Management in Austin. Initial visit includes: physical exam, labs, BMI, and complete starter pack.


You are monitored by weekly weigh-ins, which encourage accountability during the weight-loss process. We utilize Rx appetite suppressants, B12 injections, Rx foods and other supplements to assist in the weight-loss process. We advocate life-long, healthy patterns of exercise and good nutrition. Our patients average a weight-loss of 8-12 lbs./ month (often more). We often hear that our program is the most affordable in town and we have many satisfied patients.

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I had lap-band in April of last year, and then cruised in November. My doctor removed some of the fluid from my band (not really so I could eat more, but because of the risk of having food get stuck and being out on the ocean is a little scary). I was able to eat more than I had been used to, and was able to enjoy my cruise. This might be a possibility for you.

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Here's a link to the article without the before and after pictures:


The real "after" picture: what nobody tells you about gastric bypass.



What does that mean, just curious?? Did you put the weight back on? I know a couple of sisters who lost the weight after by pass, and then put it all back on .... and more.


I dont think any surgery is a magic pill, it still takes a lot of work. It may help get you there, but if one type of surgery available now worked 100%, everyone would be doing it. Even poptart was talking about running up stairs instead of taking elevators and such. It still seems to boil down to not eating junk and exercising. I like junk food. I also have sugar issues, pre diabetes. So, Im just saying no to candy bars now, but forever? I did a low gi type diet and lost quite a bit of weight, but when my dad hit the skids and I broke my shoulder, I put it all back on when it got really hard to think about eating right..... so Im back to my low gi type diet. Only diet Iv found that works for me, weight watches and counting calories doesnt work for sugar issues, imo. le grrr to all diets.

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What does that mean, just curious?? Did you put the weight back on? I know a couple of sisters who lost the weight after by pass, and then put it all back on .... and more. .



Not sure what you're asking, but yes, like most post-ops I've had a slight regain, which is expected. The average is a regain of 10% of your excess weight loss. I'm maintaining a 100+ lb. weight loss. WLS is a tool and like all tools can be used, misused and/or abused.

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Not sure what you're asking, but yes, like most post-ops I've had a slight regain, which is expected. The average is a regain of 10% of your excess weight loss. I'm maintaining a 100+ lb. weight loss. WLS is a tool and like all tools can be used, misused and/or abused.


The part I bolded the type is what I was asking about. What is the part nobody tells you about??


The real "after" picture: what nobody tells you about gastric bypass.
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The part I bolded the type is what I was asking about. What is the part nobody tells you about??


Most people talk about the immediate, short term result - rapid weight loss. What is less talked about is the long term maintenance of that weight loss and how hard it is. In addition, there are protein and vitamin supplements and exercise for the rest of your life. It's a permanent lifestyle change, not a quick fix.

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I think that if you're concerned about it that you seriously reconsider getting the surgery until you are ready to make a full and complete lifestyle change.


Before anyone slams me, I've walked in her shoes. I had an RNY 6 years ago and I can no longer eat anywhere near the amount of food I used to be able to eat. Cruiselines don't lose any money on me when it comes to eating. Nor do I feel like I'm not getting my full money's worth on a cruise. I knew the choice I was making and I don't regret it.

I have to agree if your not read to commit to the lifestyle change needed. I have been looking into have it done. But I am not sure I am ready yet. The sad thing is I don't eat alot of food now.

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Ok I am thinking about getting the Lap band Surgery. Whan I am not sure BUT I do have a cruise booked for next year in Sept. If I get it before then I am wondering how it will affect my cruise. I love the food on a cruise and I will be afraid of wasiting my time and money on it i I can not eat like beore.. What do you think?


If your primary reason to cruise, is to eat...then don't book one. If you cruise because you love to cruise, then by all means don't hesitate to get on a ship ASAP.


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I would say to go for it ...

there is no reason to not partake in a cruise ...

goodness NO !!

Cruising it not Just about food...

although it is a nice part of it .


Cruising is about relaxation & enjoyment

having a good time and enjoying the scenery :cool:

Meeting new people and exploring new places.


I had my surgery several years back

and am still able to enjoy my food ...I am just not able to big out like others may do ;)

of coarse you wont be as far out to begin with ...

but I still would do the surgery

because it is very well worth it , the end results

and I would still do the cruise

because there is just so much other stuff you would miss out on , if you didnt do it !!


My advice ....GO FOR IT ALL !!

and enjoy !!

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Which surgery do you consider the FULL baratic surgery. All three of the WLS's I know of, bypass, the sleeve and the lapband are all weight loss surgeries.


Sounds like its been a success story for you, congrats. No matter which surgery someone chooses, its still going to take work and being good on their part. I think you have to want it to work and have your head there. Congrats again.


Ok...did not read all of the posts...BUT if food is what you like...try the DS...makes the 4th surgery...I had RNY, it works for me, but I know PLENTY of DS'ers who swear by their surgery...check out www.obesityhelp.com and even BETTER www.quixoticwls.org Good luck in your choice..only YOU know your true eating habits....

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Ok...did not read all of the posts...BUT if food is what you like...try the DS...makes the 4th surgery...I had RNY, it works for me, but I know PLENTY of DS'ers who swear by their surgery...check out www.obesityhelp.com and even BETTER www.quixoticwls.org Good luck in your choice..only YOU know your true eating habits....


??? I wasnt trying to make a choice, just curious what you consider full bariatric surgery to be. I dont know what DS'ers are either lol. Sorry. I have been following the OP, since she struggled to pick a cabin on the Conquest (so I was crusing with her), then all that to change to another cruise and now she is worried if she has weight loss.


I think she should cruise no matter if she has the surgery or not, whichever surgery she picks and not worry so much..... about everything. I just want her to go on a cruise and have fun and relax. I kinda think of her as a friend.

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ISince the band has only been in the US for about 5+ years, I think more information confirming a lot of issues is yet to come. I agree, Id like more conclusive data on lots of these issues before I take it to the bank. I also pointed out that newer bands slip less.


My band is 4 1/2 years old and still working great. I had my last

fill in October of 2006 :D just a teeny bit since I seem to be eating a little more and had gained 5#.


So far no problems. I do OTC prilosec for reflux and I never eat for at least 3 hours for going to bed. So no problems with reflux.


But you're right--the lapband is the "thinking" person's weight loss surgery. You have to be willing to work with the band and it is a fantastic tool for weight loss and maintenance. And they keep improving it over the years.


Your body parts and functions remain normal.


But you can stuff yourself with ice cream and junk food and not lose weight or even gain.


If you stick to protien and veggies you do great.


I like a few treats now and then and I enjoy a drink or glass of wine SO I choose to exercise and that gives me the freedom to enjoy a few extra calories. If the scale goes up--I cut back.


I wouldn't trade the energy and good health I've gained for any food on this earth. I feel 10 or 15 years younger that I did carrying around all the excess weight.


I encourage anyone to do whatever it takes surgery or otherwise to get to a healthy weight--you just feel so much better.


And the only way my lapband affects cruising is by the fact I have so much energy to enjoy so many more activities.


Life is fun again!!!


Happy sails to all!

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