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Well I've done it!!

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Hi Zetarose and fellow cruisers........


I couldn't wait any longer (the suspense was killing me!) so I've gone ahead and booked our cruise on-line this morning....woohoo!! :D :D


Line those cocktails up.....I shall be there with bells on come Thursday, 25th September 2008 for my first ever cruise. :cool:

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Hi Scarymary555:)


Have been following your messages with interest and was wondering how long it would take before you just went ahead and booked it!!!


I know once I have a cruise in mind I usually just go for it then I've got something positive to look forward to. I've already booked to go on the Destiny in the Carribbean in March next year and I can't wait. In fact I'd booked it before I'd even been on my last cruise on the Destiny in June this year.


I'm afraid once you get the cruising bug your bank balance takes a battering, but hey you can't take it with you so you may as well spend it enjoying yourself - he he!!!


I look forward to hearing all about your 1st cruise when you get back.




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Hi Zetarose and fellow cruisers........


I couldn't wait any longer (the suspense was killing me!) so I've gone ahead and booked our cruise on-line this morning....woohoo!! :D :D


Line those cocktails up.....I shall be there with bells on come Thursday, 25th September 2008 for my first ever cruise. :cool:


WELL DONE, Zetarose will have a soul mate. I'm assuming you booked on the Destiny. No doubt I'll bump in to you both. I'll just look out for those cocktails all lined up accross the bar!

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Look forward to hearing all about it! We cruised a lot in the 1990's, when the lads were young, but then did the "normal" 2 weeks in resort type. I really miss cruising, but hubby's gone off it a bit :(

Still, I did get him on the Spirit in April '08...........& he actually enjoyed it, so all is not lost! :)

Any George Clooney look-a-likes at a loose end tho? Cos I'd quite like to go again soon :rolleyes:

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Look forward to hearing all about it! We cruised a lot in the 1990's, when the lads were young, but then did the "normal" 2 weeks in resort type. I really miss cruising, but hubby's gone off it a bit :(

Still, I did get him on the Spirit in April '08...........& he actually enjoyed it, so all is not lost! :)

Any George Clooney look-a-likes at a loose end tho? Cos I'd quite like to go again soon :rolleyes:


That's my one big worry is that I'll love it and he'll hate it and this might be our first and last cruise! Sorry, but if I had a George Clooney look-a-like I'd be keeping him to myself! :p

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Woohoo!!!!!! Im so glad you managed to get your cruise booked Mary,look very much to seeing you,which part of the country are you travelling from?I will be flying from Birmingham to Palma,flight is at 7am!


How will we reconise each other,shall i wear a flower in my jacket :D or just stand there shouting ScaryMary where are you? lol.


Hope to meet RoseBaskets also,the drinks are on me seeing how they are free :p


Its my first cruise Mary so we can be newbies together,every time I finish work I tick off another day on my calender.Im even keeping an eye on the weather for the different cities,hope Im not going to need a rain coat,will just buy a posh brolly in Italy and go pose.


Chat soon,take care:)

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Woohoo!!!!!! Im so glad you managed to get your cruise booked Mary,look very much to seeing you,which part of the country are you travelling from?I will be flying from Birmingham to Palma,flight is at 7am!


How will we reconise each other,shall i wear a flower in my jacket :D or just stand there shouting ScaryMary where are you? lol.


Hope to meet RoseBaskets also,the drinks are on me seeing how they are free :p


Its my first cruise Mary so we can be newbies together,every time I finish work I tick off another day on my calender.Im even keeping an eye on the weather for the different cities,hope Im not going to need a rain coat,will just buy a posh brolly in Italy and go pose.


Chat soon,take care:)


We're going from Bristol at 6am :eek:


As for recognising me, I am very sad and already have a fairly big badge with 'Scarymary' on it so I'll wear that! I do scrapbooking and went to a meet up not long ago where we all had to make our own badges! :rolleyes:


I'm hoping we can meet up with Rosebaskets too at some stage.


As for the weather it's going to be glorious for the whole week we're onboard with not one drop of rain!! :cool:

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Silly me,of course it will be great weather!


Will look out for the ScaryMary badge,I might make my own,might go for cocktails begin here:D


You never know Mary,we might even meet up in Palma airport desperately waiting for our cases to show up on the conveyer belt while displaying our badges:cool:


I doubt i will sleep the night before,will be too excited,Ive even been out to buy a set of scales to weigh my case when its packed!I bought loads of clothes,too many I think, hey,retail therapy is a wonderful occupation.


People will think Ive got the same trousers on for the whole of the trip,I wont tell you how many pairs of cool linen trousers Ive bought,well Im not really a shorts person,dont want to scare fellow passengers with my lily white legs(even in summer I wear jeans or trousers).


The only thing Im not going to enjoy is the flight to Palma,I hate taking off,will be gripping the seat arm for dear life!


Chat soon xxx

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I won't be able to sleep the night before either, especially as we'll have to be at the airport at about 4am! :eek:


Now it's booked I can start thinking about what to pack and it will definately include shorts, white legs or not! Got to think about im indoors too ..... left to his own devices he'd only pack a pair of trunks and a toothbrush :D


We're like a couple of excited school kids aren't we? Anyone would think we'd never been on a cruise before.........oh wait~we haven't! LOL

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Hiya Mary,Ive got butterflies in my stomach just thinking about my holiday!


Be nice if we could chat on M** messenger,dont know If I will get into trouble mentioning it,just another option because I seem to have trouble getting on here sometimes,takes forever to get in and wait then for my message to appear after clicking send.No problem if you dont want to or dont have it,


Im going to France to visit partners parents for a few days before the cruise,so will have a day to get packed and sorted before we head off for our main holiday.We are just taking hand luggage,will just put change of clothes in bag,no point taking big suitcase and paying extra for just a few days.Was reading about taking liquids in hand luggage,deodorant,perfume etc,apparently have to put these items in a clear resealable bag,dont know if they supply them at airport or where I can get them from,wonder if a freezer bag would be ok.Havent flown since they brought these rules in so bit worried about being stopped because I havent followed the rules properly.


When back from France have booked app for the essential hair trim and highlights,think I will be heading straight for bar for a cocktail after finally being able to relax and chill out.


Take care xxx

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Yes those small resealable freezer/sandwich bags size; 180mm x 200mm (7" x 8") are the ones we take and haven't had any problems at a number of different airports. You can get them at any supermarket. Make sure each container holds no more than 100ml of liquid though - even a bottle of 150ml which is only half full isn't allowed. We usually put perfume and aftershave in there as I always worry that if they leak in my luggage, all our clothes will reek! Remember they won't let you take bottled water through - if you want any, you can buy it on the departures side of security. Have a look at this link to give you an idea;




It's lovely to read how excited you both are - have a great time!

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Hi Kruzseeker,thanks for the advice,good idea about the perfume,I love my perfume but dont fancy my clothes soaked in it!


Will get some freezer bags on my next visit to the supermarket,do I need to get the ones with a zip top or will one that i can tie with those tags that come with them?stupid question I know but not having do it before I would like to make sure Im following the correct procedure.


Glad you are enjoying myself and Marys updates,I will have to start doing episodes and naming them like the soaps :D


take care xx

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Popped back on because Ive just been reading the forums on excursions,wether to pay for ships excursions or do my own thing,I would like to do some of the ships excursions as nervous of being in a unfamiliar city and not knowing where to go or what to see,think I would feel bit more relaxed if I was going on a ships excursion because I would not have to worry about getting to certain places or getting back late to ship and it sailing off into the sunset without me!


Only thing putting me off about ship excursions is that so many people have said how expensive they are,I dont mind paying slightly over the odds but dont want to pay huge amounts just to go sightseeing,for one thing I cant afford a huge bill at the end of my cruise.Dont want to sound as a penny pincher but I have to be sensible,yes I will be splashing out seeing as its my first ever cruise and I want to pack as much in as I can,but I dont want to be completely broke for the remainder of the year.


Any advice would be appreciated,dont want to be getting stressed out about money worries.If all else fails,I will stay on ship and line up the free cocktails:)


Maybe Mary would like to go halfs on some excursions,then we both get to see the sights,dont worry Mary I wont sulk into my cocktail if you say no :p

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What are your destinations? We've done a few of the Thomson Med itineraries so perhaps I can give you an idea of which ports are easy (and cheap) to do on your own. Like you I don't like to run up too big a bill and when you can DiY without much trouble, getting off ship and exploring on your own is good fun. But for peace of mind (or convenience) we also do some ship's excursions too. Some are quite reasonable - perhaps under £30 for a 5-hour trip but others can be expensive especially if they are long ones (some can be about 12 hours) and include lunch too. It's sometimes possible to organise similar trips independently. We find a mix and match suits us.


Have a look on the Thomson site and look under 'destinations' where it gives you an idea (and prices) of some of the excursions on offer. I'm not sure this is necessarily all they do but it will give you an idea of anywhere you might want to go on an excursion and then see if there are any DiY options to do it.

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Sorry, forgot to answer your question about type of bag. It's the ones with the 'zipper' type action - the wire closures pull in the bag and they want whatever you put in there to 'lie flat' (i.e. not all jumbled up in a bundle) so that they can see exactly what you've got in the bag. Having said that, it varies between trips - sometimes they are very thorough (my DH's aftershave was actually tested once - they took a drop out and put in onto some kind of paper which presumably would have reacted if it was a prohibited substance) but on other occasions, they've hardly looked at the liquids. Still, best to do it according to the book to avoid delays or being asked to 'bin' items. You wouldn't believe how much goes into the bins - 1L bottles of water, cans of pop etc. - obviously people completely unaware of the regulations.

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Hi again Kruzseeka,our itinerary for the cruise will be Palma,Trapani-Sicily,Naples,Ajaccio-Corsica,Toulon-France & Barcelona.


I would like to go to the market in Palma after we have checked on board and have freshened up in our cabin,is the market far from the ship,is it easy to get to?


I dont mind doing one long excursion but half day ones sound good because I would like to spend some time on the ship chilling and resting and also not being on a cruise before,would like to have a good look round ship and relax with my free cocktails,I sound like an alcoholic but I hardly drink at home :D


I brought some freezer bags today but think they are too big,they are zipper seal but size is 26x28 cm.


Oh before i forget,regarding paying cash upfront when we first board the ship,I read that you have to put a minimum of £200 down,is that per couple or each? Partner was debating wether to use his card or if we could just give them sterling to pay for excursions etc then top up if we find that we are getting a bit low as we see the receipts.


Chat soon xxx

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Yep, they are the next size up and security may not accept that size of bag so I'd just use them at home and get the smaller size - it will tell you on the box but I'm fairly sure they are the ones sold as the 'small' freezer/sandwich bags.


I'm not sure about the market, zetarose. I think there is a big market a bit out of Palma but I've never been so can't tell you any more about that. Perhaps someone else has been and knows how to get there. Palma itself has a lovely, quaint old quarter with lots of shops near the Cathedral. There are a lot of pearl shops and lots of leather goods.

Sorry, don't know anything about Trapani - we did Palermo in Sicily. Again, hope someone else has info for you. In Naples we did Pompeii on our own - but you have to be prepared to walk to the station (I can give you directions if you want them), which can be a bit hairy because of the traffic in Naples (or you could get a taxi) - but I did it and lived to tell the tale! If you want to do that trip, just ask and I'll give you more details.

Ajaccio is quite pretty - good for a relaxed wander & coffee at the waterfront. There is also a little road train to have a trip around the town so you get a flavour of the place. I did talk to people who had done a trip into the island and said it was beautiful.

I can thoroughly recommend the half-day trip to Cassis from Toulon. It's lovely and cost £29 I think for about 4/5 hour excursion.

Barcelona is a fantastic city. the ship docks quite close, but it's a bit tortuous getting out of the port and they had a shuttle bus. This drops you more or less at the bottom of Las Ramblas (in the centre of Barcelona) and the atmosphere here is great. We visited Casa Battlo which Gaudi designed - it was very interesting. You should also go to see the Sagrada Familia (unfinished cathedral) and Parc Guell is also good (and free entry). There is a HOHO and it gives you a good over-view of the city but isn't too cheap (about £15 for the day, I think). If you want cheap transport round Barcelona, the Metro is fantastic. A 10-trip ticket cost less than 7E when we were there. Two of you can use the same ticket - just pass it backwards after going through the turnstile. It automatically deducts the number of journeys but I think one journey allows you to travel for 1hr 15 mins provided you don't 'surface' - i.e. you can change trains to connect with a different line and still only be charged once. Whatever you decide to do in Barcelona though - make sure you just soak up the atmosphere.


We haven't ever used cash for on-board expenses. We register our credit card and then all your on-board purchases are charged to your card e.g. shop purchases, beauty treatments;), room service etc. and of course, excursions. These are all charged to your cabin number as you have to show your card (with cabin number on it) for any purchases and sign for them. They post your account under your cabin door before the end of your cruise so you can check that you agree with all the charges. Keep your receipts as you go along so that you can keep tabs on what you've spent. AI makes it a lot better though - no need to worry about drinks bills!:D You can always go to reception and ask for an up-to-date print out of your account if you want to check mid-week but we've never had any errors. At the end of your cruise TUI will take the money from your card and you can settle up your credit card account when you get home. No need to take much cash unless you prefer to use cash.


P.S. Do take care with cash/cards off the ship though - there are a lot of pick-pockets around - in all cities and tourist spots. We've never felt threatened anywhere, but you have to make sure you're not making yourself an easy target and we have witnessed someone having their bag snatched and heard of fellow travellers having money taken especially from back trouser pockets on crowded trains/buses. We don't take too much off the ship just enough cash for what we think we'll need and one of us carries the cash, and the other carries a credit card. We both take cards in case one gets lost - but leave one on board and carry the other. It's not to say we're not going to be caught out, but there's no harm in trying to cover yourselves as the last thing you want is to lose all your money and have no card either.


Anyway, enough of this gloom and doom - it will be great - just be aware take, sensible precautions and relax and enjoy.:)

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Cassis sounds a nice place to visit,would like to do Pompeii too.If we made our own way to Pompeii,would a taxi be the best options to get there,also do have to haggle a price with the taxi driver,are they ok with understanding the English accent,ive read that Italians dont speak much English and with only a phrase book to go on,I think I would struggle to prononce things correctly.


Regarding Metro travel,is it easy to get a ticket,worry about asking for the wrong one and ending up somewhere miles from anyway :(


Are places in Barcelona easy to find,I dont mind walking distances as long as I know roughly where Im going,dont want to stand out too much as a tourist checking a map or looking lost,easy target for the villians.

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Barcelona was lovely, that was my favourite destination. The atmosphere was great. The place was clean and tidy - the shops and street entertainers were wonderful.


Ajaccio was good also, taking the train around the town was good. Just try and avoid having to buy any drinks off the ship - they're EXPENSIVE! :eek:

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If you're happy to walk - there's no need to get a taxi to the station in Naples - it's about a 20/25min walk but crossing the roads is a bit nerve-wracking. My tip, look for a local ready to cross and tag on. It's a leap of faith, but despite the manic traffic, they do stop as soon as you step on a crossing - although you'd swear they wouldn't. Even mums with buggies just 'go' and the traffic stops! :eek:


You could do with a map to help with this. The port guide you get in your cabin will do but try and pick up a more detailed one if there's a tourist office at the port. Anyway, if you come out of the port, turn right on to Via C.Colombo and walk right (with the waterfront on your right - although you can't see it as such - it'a all built up and a bit industrial looking). Follow the main road (there's a aerial rail line on a kind of fly-over if I remember correctly above the road) and Via c Colombo becomes Via Nuova Marina. There's a major road on your left called Via Duomo - if you see this carry on - you're on the right track. Then you will come to another major road called Corso(or Via) Garibaldi - turn left here. Walk up this road until you see what looks like a bus station on your right. (If you get to Piazza Nolana, you've gone too far and passed it!) Go into the bus station - the rail station called Staz. Ferr. Circumvesuviano is here. Ask for a ticket to Pompeii Scavi (important - you want the ruins not the town of Pompeii). You go down an escalator and the platform is in front of you. I think it takes about 40 minutes and you get off at Pompeii Scavi and cross the road.


The ruins are just there. We bought the audio guide and did the two and a half hour 'highlights' tour (you get a map to follow) which took us about 3 hours but it was great. I'd recommend getting off the ship as quickly as you can - you'll beat the organised tours to Pompeii and have sometime there whilst it's not crowded. The trains seem to run quite frequently. I think we got back to Naples by about 2pm. I'm not too adventurous, but it is quite possible to do this on your own and save quite a bit. Just make sure you head back with plenty of time to spare. We walked round Naples for quite a bit after we got back. If you do find all this a bit more than you can be bothered with, the ship's trip was around £30 for the half day.


In Barcelona you can get your Metro ticket from a machine if you have some Euro coins or from the ticket booth - but we found there was always someone who would help and they're very used to tourists who all probably want a 10-trip ticket!!! You just follow the map like you would on the Underground - it's not as complicated as in London so I'm sure you'll be fine with that. It's all in and around the city (which is quite compact) so you'd not be miles from anywhere.


Yes, Barcelona is quite easy to find your way around. Again you get a simplified map for each port of call - but pick up a proper tourist map when you get off the ship (most places have a tourist desk and they hand out maps to you as you go ashore). Don't worry about looking obvious with your map - most people in the city centre are tourists anyway!:cool: I didn't feel worried about looking like a tourist - just make sure your bags/money aren't obvious or easy to snatch. I love Barcelona and didn't feel at all uncomfortable - just take care with valuables.

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Thanks once again for some great advice and tips Kruzseeka,will print out your directions and use them if We decide to use the train.My partner is looking forward to going to Naples,I have been looking at the excursions for Pompeii on Thomsons site but they only seem to do Pompeii and Sorrento together.We would like to do Pompeii and Vesuvius but I cant find an excursion that does those both together,also while in Naples we would like to see and explore museums or galleries but I cant see us fitting all of that in within a day,would hate to be dashing to get back to the ship before it sets sail.


Oh another question if you dont mind answering for me,how does the obligatory life jacket drill work?is it normally done on all day at sea,do they get you up early to do it and are the lifejackets in the cabin.Where do we have to go to gather on the ship.

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The life jacket drill is good fun and doesn't take too long. The staff are there and although it is a very serious routine, they make it as fun as possible. If you are lucky the ships photographer might snap you! Mind you, the pics aren't the most flattering!!


No getting up early, it was mid-morning whilst at sea.

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Pleased to be of help:)


Yes, life jackets are stowed in your cabin and as Dr Dave says, it's serious, but quite light-hearted. Instructions for your route to your muster station is stuck behind the door in your cabin (make a mental note of your muster station number) - but staff are stationed at the bottom of each staircase etc. and direct you to where you need to go. Just look for the number of your station and the staff will sort you out.

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Crikey, I've been missing for a day or two and there's been so much chat! :eek:


What a lot of catching up I had to do and all so informative too ~ thanks very much Kruzseeka. You're a mine of useful information. ;)


Welcome Dr Dave ~ I take it your really enjoyed your first cruise then? Will you be doing more?


Zetarose ~ have signed up for the messaging service you mentioned and am named as on here (teenagers can be useful sometimes!) Should be at home for most of the day so will log on again after I've done a few chores. :rolleyes:

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