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Dubrovnik Wall?

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Going to Dubrovnik on our cruise. Will be there on Sun., Nov 9, 2008. Ship arrives at 10am; 4 ships in port. I've gathered lots of info from this site (thanks all!), tour books, website, etc. I'm now going thru it all & typing it up to take with us. Lo & behold, I find a question :rolleyes: , naturally - actually 3 questions!


For Walking the Wall, all the data says:

1. Pile Gate is the entrance to take

2. Pile Gate is the entrance everyone takes, so it often has a line (sometimes long line)

3. Pile Gate has more & steeper steps than Ploce or Sveti Ivan Gates.


1. So, what am I missing that Ploce or Ivan Gates would be the better choices for accessing the wall? Since we will not arrive early am & over 9700 passengers may hit that port (!) on that date, wouldn't one of those be easier access?


2. I also found info (in a tour book) that states to enter at Pile Gate & walk clockwise, which takes us to the town/land side. Is this good advice or should we go counter-clockwise towards the sea side, just in case we don't get to finish the entire wall (weather, stamina, crowds, etc)? In other words, which is the best route?


3. I notice the Ploce & Ivan Gates are on the Old Harbor end. Is there wall between those 2 gates, or will we exit at one, walk thru ground level, & then go up on the wall again at the other gate?


Thanks again for help.

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Our taxi dropped us off near the Pile Gate and we went in, stairs on the left. I was not aware there was discussion on which gate is best. We went counterclockwise following someone else.

It is a wonderful walk and we had snacks and a drink at the half way point, a cafe.

There was no line when we went in, when we left there was a line but cannot imagine it took a long time to by tickets.

They accepted Euros

It was an easy self guided excursion, enjoy then go downstairs and find a restaurant for lunch.

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Was there and walked the gate last year. When you enter the walled city the main part of the wall or gate is to the left. There is a cashier there to take your money. I walked clockwise and didn't have any problems. Not a lot of people on the wall. There were three ships in port the day I was there. Some great sights and photo ops.

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Just curious. How to you find out how many ships will be in a certain port on a certain day?


Also, when flying from N.America to Italy do you sleep on the plane so as to be a little fresher when arriving or not? Thanks



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When we were there there we went in right inside the gate. There was a good sized line to go up the stairs but the crowds quickly thinned as we walked the wall. Enjoy yourself.


We took a taxi, the taxi driver "upsold" us on a short tour for an extra 20 or 30 euros or so. He took us to some great places with scenic views of the old City high in the mountains above it - I'd recommend this - about an hour's scenic driving with stops before we arrived at the old city. Our cruise line didn't take us directly to the city so you had to take a cab or the ship's shuttle and it was less expensive to take the cab (before the extra tour cost that is).


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Thanks to everyone so far. Looks like all of you took the Pile Gate. Still interested in anyone who took a different gate.


Lilianne, here is the link to find out how many ships in port. In the line with the arrow, just above "view by port", click the arrow & select the port. Then click the "view port" button. Then at the top of the calendar, click the arrow & select the month. Great site. Learned about it here on CC. http://www.porttime.com/


Regarding sleeping on the plane - we can't! Took "drugs" last time & still only slept off & on for a total of about 2 hours - and we were even flying 1st class in comfy seats! Funny thing is that even though we don't sleep, once we hit ground (usually 8-9am), we are still wired & run all over wherever we are - excited to be there, I guess. Than we run down about 2-3pm, take a 1-2 hour nap, hit the streets again, & go to bed about 9pm (I'm giving all local times for the city we are visiting). Next morning we get up early, 6-7am, go all day, and end about 10pm. We never experience jetlag with that schedule. Of course, at home we get up early & are in bed by 10pm. Some people would not like that schedule, but it works great for us. Uggghhh! Our problem is once we arrive back home - then we get jet lag for about 2 weeks! :eek: We wake up about 2am & can't go back to sleep until about 4am or not at all - hate that! (We live in Indiana - EST).


Good luck & have fun on your travels.

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I'm sure I've read the Ploce gate is better..less crowded and perhaps not as much of a steep climb.


Sorry, I can't get my brain into gear to remember where I did read this, but it was only this last week. As soon as I remember I will let you know.

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Terrific information; we will be there next summer.

Sammiedawg, is there a cafe up on the wall?


We both had a nice sleep on the way to Rome last summer and plan to do the same on our trip to Barcelona (via Frankfurt) next summer.

Lucky enough to book our seats in first class with points. On United last summer they were just introducing their "sleep pods" which were fabulous (photos in the link below). Air Canada now has the lie flat beds and we will have a direct flight from here to Frankfurt overnight so after we eat (and drink;) ) we will get comfortable and sleep for a few hours. We also hit the ground running when we arrive and then nap for a couple hours in the late afternoon after which we tend to be totally adjusted to local time. In our carry-on bag we pack a couple of face cloths in baggies to freshen up at the hotel if our room is not ready plus a complete change of clothes for sightseeing; saves us opening our bigger bags in the lobby.


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There was an eatery about half way around the wall, it was mid morning so we just had drinks. I didnt look at the menu, dont remember the name. They definitely had snacks, ice cream, sandwiches?


Lots of interesting outdoor restaurants in the old city. Again I dont remember the names but nice atmosphere


This was our second time in Dubrovnik, the first time we took a HAL walking tour of the old city. It was interesting but you certaintly could research and do it yourself.


When we were up on the wall, we had fun trying to figure out where the Amazing race filmed their challenges.

Fabulosu pictures.


By the way we took a cab to and from the port instead of the ship shuttle bus. It worked out to be about the same price.



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There was an eatery about half way around the wall, it was mid morning so we just had drinks. I didnt look at the menu, dont remember the name. They definitely had snacks, ice cream, sandwiches?


Lots of interesting outdoor restaurants in the old city. Again I dont remember the names but nice atmosphere


This was our second time in Dubrovnik, the first time we took a HAL walking tour of the old city. It was interesting but you certaintly could research and do it yourself.


When we were up on the wall, we had fun trying to figure out where the Amazing race filmed their challenges.

Fabulosu pictures.


By the way we took a cab to and from the port instead of the ship shuttle bus. It worked out to be about the same price.



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There was an eatery about half way around the wall, it was mid morning so we just had drinks. I didnt look at the menu, dont remember the name. They definitely had snacks, ice cream, sandwiches?


Lots of interesting outdoor restaurants in the old city. Again I dont remember the names but nice atmosphere


This was our second time in Dubrovnik, the first time we took a HAL walking tour of the old city. It was interesting but you certaintly could research and do it yourself.


When we were up on the wall, we had fun trying to figure out where the Amazing race filmed their challenges.

Fabulosu pictures.


By the way we took a cab to and from the port instead of the ship shuttle bus. It worked out to be about the same price.



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There was an eatery about half way around the wall, it was mid morning so we just had drinks. I didnt look at the menu, dont remember the name. They definitely had snacks, ice cream, sandwiches?


Lots of interesting outdoor restaurants in the old city. Again I dont remember the names but nice atmosphere


This was our second time in Dubrovnik, the first time we took a HAL walking tour of the old city. It was interesting but you certaintly could research and do it yourself.


When we were up on the wall, we had fun trying to figure out where the Amazing race filmed their challenges.

Fabulosu pictures.


By the way we took a cab to and from the port instead of the ship shuttle bus. It worked out to be about the same price.



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There was an eatery about half way around the wall, it was mid morning so we just had drinks. I didnt look at the menu, dont remember the name. They definitely had snacks, ice cream, sandwiches?


Lots of interesting outdoor restaurants in the old city. Again I dont remember the names but nice atmosphere


This was our second time in Dubrovnik, the first time we took a HAL walking tour of the old city. It was interesting but you certaintly could research and do it yourself.


When we were up on the wall, we had fun trying to figure out where the Amazing race filmed their challenges.

Fabulosu pictures.


By the way we took a cab to and from the port instead of the ship shuttle bus. It worked out to be about the same price.



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There was an eatery about half way around the wall, it was mid morning so we just had drinks. I didnt look at the menu, dont remember the name. They definitely had snacks, ice cream, sandwiches?


Lots of interesting outdoor restaurants in the old city. Again I dont remember the names but nice atmosphere


This was our second time in Dubrovnik, the first time we took a HAL walking tour of the old city. It was interesting but you certaintly could research and do it yourself.


When we were up on the wall, we had fun trying to figure out where the Amazing race filmed their challenges.

Fabulosu pictures.


By the way we took a cab to and from the port instead of the ship shuttle bus. It worked out to be about the same price.



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Thanks Sammiedawg and jms.

I have seen pictures where people were sitting eating and drinking overlooking the sea from Dubrovnik; did you see any place like this?

It seemed to be a terrace type setting.

Thanks for the tip on taking the taxi; that is usually our first inclination so glad to hear price is comparable.:)


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...is there a cafe up on the wall?


Yes - picture here (click)



I have seen pictures where people were sitting eating and drinking overlooking the sea from Dubrovnik; did you see any place like this?


There were some places at the old city where there were some cafes or restaurants that had terraces on the outside of the wall along the ocean, but at or near ground level not up on the wall. There was also a restaurant just outside the city gates that had a bar and restaurant - we ended up eating there. You had views of the outside of the city walls, the Ocean and some other pretty sights nearby there.

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We were there the end of last November and the cafe that "clings" to the cliff wall about halfway around was closed for the season. Not sure if it will still be open Nov. 9th or not.


It is just easier in my opinion to take the steps near the entrance. The others might be a little hard to find. We came down one set as we did not want to walk the "city side" of the wall.

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So sorry for all the repeat posts earlier today.


The eatery was outdoor, and there were lovely views. It was at the half way point starting at the Pile Gate. We sat for 5 minutes and had soft drinks.


BTW, our restaurant tdown in the old city ook a credit card and the first time we were there be bought some shirts and the shop took credit card

the Wall ticket office accepted Euro which is not their currency


Dubrovnik and the wall walking is a very easy self guided excursion. Dont worry too much , you will enjoy it

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So sorry for all the repeat posts earlier today.


The eatery was outdoor, and there were lovely views. It was at the half way point starting at the Pile Gate. We sat for 5 minutes and had soft drinks.


BTW, our restaurant tdown in the old city ook a credit card and the first time we were there be bought some shirts and the shop took credit card

the Wall ticket office accepted Euro which is not their currency


Dubrovnik and the wall walking is a very easy self guided excursion. Dont worry too much , you will enjoy it



Thank you -- that's perfect. Look forward to seeing it next summer.


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Yes - picture here (click)





There were some places at the old city where there were some cafes or restaurants that had terraces on the outside of the wall along the ocean, but at or near ground level not up on the wall. There was also a restaurant just outside the city gates that had a bar and restaurant - we ended up eating there. You had views of the outside of the city walls, the Ocean and some other pretty sights nearby there.


Thank you Larry, very much enjoyed your photos!


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if you take the shuttle to the pile gate, then walk through and ignore the entrance to the wall on the left and go stright ahead through the city(and it is stright and cobbled)you come to the other gate and easier access steps up to the top, it's a very small city and the walk at an easy pace with stops to look in a couple of shops should take around 10 to 15 mins


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I can't imagine not wanting to walk the entire wall, unless you can't due to fatigue. Take your time and see why I love this town so much and why I choose Dubrovnik to be my home.




I truly agree that this area is stunningly beautiful...... but we chose not to walk the entire wall. We began at the Pile Gate stairs and walked all along the water side to the stairs near the harbor area. We decided instead of taking the time to walk along the area the looks at the city and mountains to go back down and explore all the tiny staired "streets". These were very interesting and we enjoyed exploring them. We also had lunch so pretty much took up our day as we did not want to take the LAST shuttle back to the ship..... fyi : the next to the last shuttle was still quite a zoo scene....lots of people heading back at the same time.

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Croatiatravellady, I have read so many posts I am totally confused. We will be traveling to Dubrovnik on a cruise ship in April. Can you very clearly and elementarlily (sp). tell me exactly what to do, step by step from the time the ship docks to see the wall and any other sites you suggest. I know in one of your post you mentioned the Orhan restaurant. There will be about 16 of us and I really rather not take the ships shuttle. HELP!!!!!!!!!!

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