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My first post and I am upset with Carnival


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As other have said, welcome to cruise critic. It is a wonderful place to vent, to give and get advise and to enjoy making new friends.


I do not condone anyone being rude and I will have to say, I think I have had more problems with rude representatives at Carnival than any other cruise line. That being said, I am having trouble understanding why you are upset with the pricing. If your rate had gone up and you were asked to pay more for the same thing, how would you re-act? Prices change and we do not always get what we want. The agent and supervisor were right in what they had to say.



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Well, I would definitely say customer service should be priority one. So, if she was rude to you ~ she was clearly in the wrong.


As far as the room rate, that is how Carnival works their pricing. Depending on when you book the price can be higher or lower than what someone else paid. So, unfortunately, I don't believe they are in the wrong in not offering you the room at the other pricing.


Enjoy your cruise, it will be awesome regardless of the room you decide to go with! :)

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While this is not cruise related I have a story of positive customer service.


We lost our beloved Springer Spaniel to cancer last month. After debating a few days about rather to get another dog I found a 4 month old Springer Spaniel for sale near Mobile , AL. We decided to drive down to purchase her.


I made reservations at the Silver Star Resort & Casino in Philadelphia, MS for one night and we were planning to get up the next morning and drive to Mobile. We arrived a the hotel, checked in and went to our room and unpacked. My DH took a shower. Right when he got out of the shower the phone rang and it was a supervisor at the front desk telling me the agent had make a mistake and had given us a room reserved for a VIP and we WOULD HAVE to move. No please or thank you. She did send up the bellman to move us and seeing how it was no fault of his of course I tipped him.


Well several days after we arrived home (with a wonderful new puppy) the resort sent me a survey. I answered most of the questions positively. In the comment section I also included that although the supervisor was not rude her demeanor could have been a little better and an apology for moving us would have been nice. I also complemented the rest of the staff because except for that one experience with the supervisor the rest of our stay/dinner was quite nice.


Two days later my phone rings and it is the supervisor that had called to move us and she was apologizing. She explained that although it was not an excuse that she had 2 different VIP host yelling at her and she was just flustered and she admitted she did not handle moving us as she should have. She also informed me (and I did not expect it) that the hotel would be comping our entire stay-room, dinner and my room service coffee that I had ordered in the morning.


So even tho I am in no way defending the supervisor you spoke with-we all have bad days now and then. Just write a nice letter of complaint and you just might get an apology. I told the lady that I did not expect to be compensated because I got what I was paid for-a nice room-but she insisted.

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While this is not cruise related I have a story of positive customer service.


We lost our beloved Springer Spaniel to cancer last month. After debating a few days about rather to get another dog I found a 4 month old Springer Spaniel for sale near Mobile , AL. We decided to drive down to purchase her.


I made reservations at the Silver Star Resort & Casino in Philadelphia, MS for one night and we were planning to get up the next morning and drive to Mobile. We arrived a the hotel, checked in and went to our room and unpacked. My DH took a shower. Right when he got out of the shower the phone rang and it was a supervisor at the front desk telling me the agent had make a mistake and had given us a room reserved for a VIP and we WOULD HAVE to move. No please or thank you. She did send up the bellman to move us and seeing how it was no fault of his of course I tipped him.


Well several days after we arrived home (with a wonderful new puppy) the resort sent me a survey. I answered most of the questions positively. In the comment section I also included that although the supervisor was not rude her demeanor could have been a little better and an apology for moving us would have been nice. I also complemented the rest of the staff because except for that one experience with the supervisor the rest of our stay/dinner was quite nice.


Two days later my phone rings and it is the supervisor that had called to move us and she was apologizing. She explained that although it was not an excuse that she had 2 different VIP host yelling at her and she was just flustered and she admitted she did not handle moving us as she should have. She also informed me (and I did not expect it) that the hotel would be comping our entire stay-room, dinner and my room service coffee that I had ordered in the morning.


So even tho I am in no way defending the supervisor you spoke with-we all have bad days now and then. Just write a nice letter of complaint and you just might get an apology. I told the lady that I did not expect to be compensated because I got what I was paid for-a nice room-but she insisted.


Great story !, its all about Karma.




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I have a question to the OP......


I know from owning my own bussiness and having people work for me....they TAKE ALOT OF calls in a day and sometimes the CALLER is not nice, friendly, damanding, out of control, rude, pissed off and just clearly not a nice person....


So my question is how were you to them? I know that anytime that I am friendly and very nice to people i usually can get them to do what i am asking...but what you were asking is or not normal to discount your cruise becasue when you booked it, you didin't do the math, and now you realized that a balcony is well worth it, but now its alot more......


sorry for your pain and frustration!

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I was treated very rudely by a PVP at Carnival. Normally I would lose my temper pretty easily and be a jerk right back but this time I held my tongue and was as polite as I could be. Then I called the PVP's supv back and complained. I was on hold so long I am certain that they went back and listened to the recorded conversation. The supv couldn't have been nicer apologizing to me after that. So, you could always talk to the next higher supv if you want to address the poor customer service. They look up the calls based on the phone number you were using.


Just like you I was pretty mad and wanted nothing to do with Carnival, but it didn't take long before I was over it and more focused on my fun cruise.


Hey, there's always a chance the price will still come down if the cabins aren't all sold. You may still be able to get a better deal.

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Anyone notice that the OP has never come back to re-visit the issue.


Another of those who declare "I will never sail on (fill in the blank) again!"


Don't think you good folks need to spend any more time trying to make them feel better.

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Anyone notice that the OP has never come back to re-visit the issue.


Well considering that shortly after they posted this thread, CC went down and stayed down until a little while ago, it's not surprising they haven't been back to the thread to respond.

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In other words you made a mistake and are angry you have to pay a higher price today so you make up a lie about a rude customer services person and post it here. Got it.


Cruise castle you are just another perfect example of someone twisting words, I dont see any lies nor nothing i see someone explaining their experience, you r changing this members situation, how in the world can you disrespect someone for no reason?

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I'm so sorry you've had a bad experience. Rudeness is wrong, period. You should never have been spoken to in that manner. Unfortunately, she was correct about the pricing.


I hope you can go and enjoy your cruise.

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In other words you made a mistake and are angry you have to pay a higher price today so you make up a lie about a rude customer services person and post it here. Got it.



Wow, unbelievably rude! But, you were unsucessful in "highjacking" this thread and turning into something mean-spirited. You must be disappointed!


OP-Welcome to CC, hope things get worked out for you. I, too, wouldn't let one person spoil enjoying Carnival. It does seem correct in that quoting today's prices would be the norm. Enjoy your cruise!

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O.k. here I am. I have typed 4 responses today and I could not post them,so I gave up. Thanks for all of the great advice. I knew if I posted on here it would calm me down. I may have misspoken about not using carnival again. There is so much to address. I did not understand Carnivals policy. See in january on ncl they lat me upgrade from OV to balcony at the original rate. I just thought I could do that with carnival if I spoke to a supervisor.

Someone stated that some large businesses record phone calls,I hoped they taped this one yesterday. Also, it is a shame you are hearing only one side of the story:because I would love to what she was thinking.

The call started out like I usually deal with someone on the phone. She answered and I said how are you? Are you working hard? Are you all busy? She said "I do not have time for small talk, what is your problem?" That just set the whole tyme of this call. I stated about wanting to upgrade and her response was that there was no way.Then she started a small lecture about everyone wanting to upgrade for nothing and she was tired of it. I was still being nice and I asked how much it would be to upgrade. She said " It would be 260.00 each, That is times 4 if you didnt know". I said " 1040.00, wow" She said and I swear " oh great, You can add" I was floored. Then I began to get aggrevated and I asked her for her name and she hung-up. Yes, she hung-up. So, am I being unreasonable about her rudeness? I believe I am not.

One thing this lady did not know, I was in my company truck with two of my employees and she was on speaker phone. They heard the whole call. I have documented the call time to send in with my letter and my two employee's letters. If you say I copped an attitude with her. I did not. See,I am a christain and I try to live a christian life in front of my employee's. I tried to control my temper and I think I was especialy nice to her.

Last thing One of my employees told me "Boss, I don't even talk to my x-wife the way she talked to you."

Now let me know what you all think?

One more thing how is my business paying for our cruise, It is just a partnership write-off.

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Sorry you had a bad experience. Customer relations has to be a really demanding job, which requires the patience of Job. I admire most who are able to keep their composure. Had a somewhat similar experience a month ago. CC Rep got very rude and offensive quickly because I did not understand what he was explaining (I'm not the brightest crayon in the box). I'd guess that my lack of understanding was pretty frustrating, but not a reason for rudness. I finally told him I would not deal with him any more and asked to speak to his supervisor. Took three or four request, but he finally passed me on to her. She proceeded to answer my question so easily and was so friendly that I quickly forgot about the first guy.

Maybe you got the proverbal bad apple.

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O.k. here I am. I have typed 4 responses today and I could not post them,so I gave up. Thanks for all of the great advice. I knew if I posted on here it would calm me down. I may have misspoken about not using carnival again. There is so much to address. I did not understand Carnivals policy. See in january on ncl they lat me upgrade from OV to balcony at the original rate. I just thought I could do that with carnival if I spoke to a supervisor.

Someone stated that some large businesses record phone calls,I hoped they taped this one yesterday. Also, it is a shame you are hearing only one side of the story:because I would love to what she was thinking.

The call started out like I usually deal with someone on the phone. She answered and I said how are you? Are you working hard? Are you all busy? She said "I do not have time for small talk, what is your problem?" That just set the whole tyme of this call. I stated about wanting to upgrade and her response was that there was no way.Then she started a small lecture about everyone wanting to upgrade for nothing and she was tired of it. I was still being nice and I asked how much it would be to upgrade. She said " It would be 260.00 each, That is times 4 if you didnt know". I said " 1040.00, wow" She said and I swear " oh great, You can add" I was floored. Then I began to get aggrevated and I asked her for her name and she hung-up. Yes, she hung-up. So, am I being unreasonable about her rudeness? I believe I am not.

One thing this lady did not know, I was in my company truck with two of my employees and she was on speaker phone. They heard the whole call. I have documented the call time to send in with my letter and my two employee's letters. If you say I copped an attitude with her. I did not. See,I am a christain and I try to live a christian life in front of my employee's. I tried to control my temper and I think I was especialy nice to her.

Last thing One of my employees told me "Boss, I don't even talk to my x-wife the way she talked to you."

Now let me know what you all think?

One more thing how is my business paying for our cruise, It is just a partnership write-off.


A couple of things.

Since you are not a Carnival only cruiser, you should find a TA. I use an online one a thousand miles away and I've never met her. But over 60 bookings without a problem. And it saves money.


Next, Carnival has hundreds of people answering the phones. You should have been "accidentally" cut off and talked with someone else. And never take the first persons answer at Carnival, keep calling back until you get the answer you want.:)


Lastly, I'm retired now but back in the day, IRS had some real problems allowing cruise deductions. Might not be worth an audit from them.



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O.k. here I am. I have typed 4 responses today and I could not post them,so I gave up. Thanks for all of the great advice. I knew if I posted on here it would calm me down. I may have misspoken about not using carnival again. There is so much to address. I did not understand Carnivals policy. See in january on ncl they lat me upgrade from OV to balcony at the original rate. I just thought I could do that with carnival if I spoke to a supervisor.

Someone stated that some large businesses record phone calls,I hoped they taped this one yesterday. Also, it is a shame you are hearing only one side of the story:because I would love to what she was thinking.

The call started out like I usually deal with someone on the phone. She answered and I said how are you? Are you working hard? Are you all busy? She said "I do not have time for small talk, what is your problem?" That just set the whole tyme of this call. I stated about wanting to upgrade and her response was that there was no way.Then she started a small lecture about everyone wanting to upgrade for nothing and she was tired of it. I was still being nice and I asked how much it would be to upgrade. She said " It would be 260.00 each, That is times 4 if you didnt know". I said " 1040.00, wow" She said and I swear " oh great, You can add" I was floored. Then I began to get aggrevated and I asked her for her name and she hung-up. Yes, she hung-up. So, am I being unreasonable about her rudeness? I believe I am not.

One thing this lady did not know, I was in my company truck with two of my employees and she was on speaker phone. They heard the whole call. I have documented the call time to send in with my letter and my two employee's letters. If you say I copped an attitude with her. I did not. See,I am a christain and I try to live a christian life in front of my employee's. I tried to control my temper and I think I was especialy nice to her.

Last thing One of my employees told me "Boss, I don't even talk to my x-wife the way she talked to you."

Now let me know what you all think?

One more thing how is my business paying for our cruise, It is just a partnership write-off.


That is unreal!!! Noone deserves to be belittled like you were. Let us know the outcome. You will still get some people on here that will blame you just because they want to defend Carnival. It's good to hear that you are not going to let this one rep turn you away from Carnival forever.

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I'm not clear on what the problem is. . . .


Was your reservation handled by the groups department? Was your reservation simply 8 cabins?



Why did you wait almost a year to try for and upgraded cabin? . . . .


August 17' date=' 2008 - 10:22 AM[/color']

Originally Posted by G'ma viewpost.gif

I avoid ALL posts that headline "BEWARE" or "Never again" or some such language. This is usually followed by some rambling rant about "the bad food" or about "rip-off shore excursions" or some such.



Oh, my goodness, G'ma, I keep finding these. As I stated in the earlier ones as well, you really should adjust your CruiseCritic online password, as someone else is obviously accessing your account. You'll certainly not want members to have the perception that is starting. Just an FYI. Take care.

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Hey, where did everybody go?


LHP What do you think about my side of the story?


Cruisecastle have you "got-it" now?


CWcruisers I never said "I will never sail on (fill in the blank) again!", Isaid I may not use them again.


DreadPirateRobert I am not a "I hate Carnival because.........." drive by. I am still here.


Odoyal Rulez give me a break that was my first post ever on a message board.


I want to thank everyone that provided helpful advice. These boards are a great help and I hope to post many more times. But for everyone else where are you now, but I guess it was another "drive by insult".


We are looking forward to our cruise. I am looking forward to spending time with my family and friends.

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Yes, you're being unreasonable. Why should they accommodate you because you made a wrong assumption. Chalk it up to another lesson learned and don't let it set a bad tone for the cruise (tell Sis there was a mistake and the Balcony room is yours). Ken

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