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No Kids Cruise


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In all honesty, the last time I sailed in the summer (back in 04) there were 900 passengers under the age of 21 on board (that is what the CD told us). There were literally only a handful that were noticeably bad. True, those few were REALLY bad, (a few actually TP-ed the freakin ship! :rolleyes: ) but when you consider just how many kids were on board, you'd have to say that in the grand scheme of things, they weren't too noticeable. The bad kids had obnoxious or 'absent' parents so I never blame the kids. But I know in my heart that when these little 'darlings become teenagers, the crappy parenting skills will come back and bite them in the butt. It's a comfort to know that. :)


Now, I haven't cruised since '04 during the summer, and the off season cruises have few kids so I really don't think that an adult only cruise is necessary. You just have to cruise off season....there will be some kids but you never see them. The ships keep them very well occupied, I think they do a dang good job.

I'll be sailing again on a summer cruise next year. I reserve the right to change my mind after that sailing. :p


I can't stand screaming and whining and high pitched noises on a cruise either.


I vote for a "No Wives Cruise" :) *LOL*



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I don't dislike kids. Had two of my own, and now we have a foster granddaughter who comes and stays with us every other weekend.


Like I said in another thread; I like kids, but only in small doses. And that is BECAUSE I am tolerant of their behavior. I'm not joking. Our foster granddaughter is pretty well-behaved, but we are still exhausted after one of her visits. It is as if all her energy just wears us out. That's just ONE child for 48 hours.


I know Carnival will never do an "25-and-up" regular cruise, just like I know Carnival will never do an "no alcoholic beverages" cruise....but I can still wish there was one!

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I don't dislike kids. Had two of my own, and now we have a foster granddaughter who comes and stays with us every other weekend.


Like I said in another thread; I like kids, but only in small doses. And that is BECAUSE I am tolerant of their behavior. I'm not joking. Our foster granddaughter is pretty well-behaved, but we are still exhausted after one of her visits. It is as if all her energy just wears us out. That's just ONE child for 48 hours.



No one is suggesting you watch their kids for them. If you see kids "in small doses", that would not upset your cruise or wear you down, I would think.


I think we are hearing a lot of fringe opinions here. What I mean is that people are posting they dont like kids because of the very small "fringe" minority who are misbehaving to the point of being disturbing to other pax.


Personally, when I see a kid misbehaving like that, I look for the parent. Kids grow up in the direction they are led.

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So Tim, were you born an adult??? I don't dislike like people who dislike children.. I just don't understand them... and I feel sorry for them... I sorta understand not wanting the lifetime responsibility of being a parent.. but to dislike the wonder and amazement of a child, to not enjoy their joy, to forget the world that was yours when you knew no boundaries makes me sad for you.


Why should everyone like kids??? You feel sad for this poster?? You shouldn't. Feel sorry for the people who HAVE kids and don't like them...and feel REALLY sorry for kids of those parents. You will see them all the time on the ships and elsewhere; the kids run off and do their own thing (like disrupting everyone else while their parents enjoy a bucket of beer.)


Personally, I like kids but I can't tolerate bad ones and their horrid parents. Fortunately, I've been lucky on my cruises and have run into very few of those...but basically, if you look around you on any given day, you can see that parenting skills have gone right out the window. It's no wonder some people are turned off.

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I can't stand screaming and whining and high pitched noises on a cruise either.


I vote for a "No Wives Cruise" :) *LOL*


Very cute babyher.....Guess I will have to stay home next cruise..LOL ..Are you going on another cruise anytime soon ??.EJ'S Mom-Mom

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No one is suggesting you watch their kids for them. If you see kids "in small doses", that would not upset your cruise or wear you down, I would think.


I think we are hearing a lot of fringe opinions here. What I mean is that people are posting they dont like kids because of the very small "fringe" minority who are misbehaving to the point of being disturbing to other pax.


Personally, when I see a kid misbehaving like that, I look for the parent. Kids grow up in the direction they are led.

I'm not even talking about CARING for the children (why did you think I was? My son is here when the little one is; he "watches" her, she is there for a visit). I'm talking about just being exhausted around that much activity. Whether it is because it exhausts MY supply of energy to tolerate even good kids just being kids (because, in case you haven't noticed, kids are NOT little adults.), or whether it is because of the stress of so much more noise and activity going on around me....it exhausts me. It's why we cruise during school sessions. There are still children, but they are in reeeeeeeally small doses. But, IMO, it would be nice to have some time, once in a while, where I don't even have to take the small dose.


Others may be talking "fringe"....I'm not.


There is a reason, IMO, that we were designed that our child-bearing years are usually such that by the time you reach my age, your children are grown.


I am willing to become exhausted from time to time -- we are planning a trip to Walt Disney World with our son and foster granddaughter next year. I already KNOW I'm going to be exhausted, but I've chosen to do that.


I'd just like to also have the CHOICE, occasionally, to not do that and still cruise. I realize that currently I do not have that choice; but I think this thread was about what we would wish for, not what "is."

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.My kids on the other hand . . . THEY dislike people who dislike kids. That is why they splash you in the pool, pee in the hot tub, push all the buttons on the elevator and scream in your ear. :D

Your joking here, right? That's why the smiley?



...although it would be refreshing for at least one parent to admit that their children are not absolute angels (even if they do feel the need to blame it on innocent bystanders)...*L*

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I definately think there should be adults only cruises. I love kids, I have kids, I was a kid myself, but I did go on the Liberty in May on a charter that had no kids and it was very nice. I am going on the Valor in November with my kids and I am sure that will be very nice as well. I have seen a lot of anti-children posts on these boards and if kids bother some people so much they should have the option of sailing without them.


As for the cruises that ban obnoxious drunks who scream at craps table I say NO! What would I do for vacation?:confused: :confused: :confused:

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Your joking here, right? That's why the smiley?



...although it would be refreshing for at least one parent to admit that their children are not absolute angels (even if they do feel the need to blame it on innocent bystanders)...*L*



Hell, I have three of them ( teens and 20s now) that had their moments when they could be a real nightmare. No betrr or worse than most kids . But they gave me my share of grey hairs.


Just like I did to my parents way back when.


Kids are gonna be kids.


What always astounds me is when parents tell you my kid is three and can sit through a 3 hour dinner or a 2 hour concert or they love all these adult foods .


God bless em

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Hell, I have three of them ( teens and 20s now) that had their moments when they could be a real nightmare. No betrr or worse than most kids . But they gave me my share of grey hairs.


Just like I did to my parents way back when.


Kids are gonna be kids.


What always astounds me is when parents tell you my kid is three and can sit through a 3 hour dinner or a 2 hour concert or they love all these adult foods .


God bless em


Now my kids are those who seem to love what are termed as 'adult' foods. As for them sitting through a 3 hour dinner, my 12 year old probably could. My 6 and 4 year old? I haven't tested them that long yet and there's a good reason! ;)

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Very cute babyher.....Guess I will have to stay home next cruise..LOL ..Are you going on another cruise anytime soon ??.EJ'S Mom-Mom




HI Mary Kay :)



Oh I just meant my wife *LOL* :)



Nothing on the cruise horizon yet. Trying to get the ball rolling with our cruise gang for 2009.......possibly Hawaii :)


Although your "Fire and Ice cruise" sounds pretty tempting :)

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What always astounds me is when parents tell you my kid is three and can sit through a 3 hour dinner or a 2 hour concert or they love all these adult foods .


God bless em



Ha I wish.... even when my toddler was a small baby, it was still hard to sit for that long in one spot.. now that he is 15 months, he does better than when he was younger..but I still anticipate not being about to sit through every dinner without fail... I am sure we will have to get up with him a few times and leave so he can get that energy out...but that is one sacrifice you make when you cruise with little ones, and I am completely happy to do so.



ETA: I will be asking for French fries as soon as we sit down... lol Those are his favorite food and a few of those will hold him over to when dinner is brought out

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There were literally only a handful that were noticeably bad. True, those few were REALLY bad, (a few actually TP-ed the freakin ship! :rolleyes: ) but when you consider just how many kids were on board, you'd have to say that in the grand scheme of things, they weren't too noticeable. The bad kids had obnoxious or 'absent' parents so I never blame the kids. But I know in my heart that when these little 'darlings become teenagers, the crappy parenting skills will come back and bite them in the butt. It's a comfort to know that. :)

OK, I am 44 years old, would never have done such a thing, and would never allow my kids to do so, but I have to admit, my inner 12yo got a chuckle out of the thought of TP-ing the ship! :)


I'm with you, though. I know some kids are mostly bratty, and most kids are sometimes bratty, but all in all, I rarely notice other people kids, even when surrounded by hundreds of them. I tend to notice either the extremely bratty or extremely cute ones, not all the average ones in between.


Hell, I have three of them ( teens and 20s now) that had their moments when they could be a real nightmare. No betrr or worse than most kids . But they gave me my share of grey hairs.


Just like I did to my parents way back when.


Kids are gonna be kids.


What always astounds me is when parents tell you my kid is three and can sit through a 3 hour dinner or a 2 hour concert or they love all these adult foods .


God bless em

I also admit that my kids are not perfect angels, and the only restaurant where they can sit through a 2-3 hour dinner is the Melting Pot, because fondue keeps them busy. But my 5yo does love adult foods, and though I haven't introduced it to her yet, I loved escargot as a 2yo. :D
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I think it would be a nice option for adults only getaways.


I've never cruised without my kids since I've become a mother and I don't intend to, but that just means I wouldn't take those cruises, not that they shouldn't be offered. I have to believe they would have a high premium attached to them since very few rooms would be booked with a 3rd or 4th passenger. But, if people are willing to pay, then why not?


In fact, for those complaining about the concept of child-free cruises, I ask this question: Why?


If child free cruises were available, then you could simply say to all the "kid haters": "If you don't like kids, fork over the extra money and book a child-free cruise!"

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I love my get-away vacations when it just my DH and I. I understand why some environments are better sans children. I just don't understand people not LIKING children in the general sense. I agree some people are not made out to be parents.. and some folks are better parents than other (and than definitely includes me). I was an unskilled parent who lucked out with great kids (now that they are adults)


However, I learned the hard way, never to say "never" and I am sure that sometime, somewhere, someone thought that my children were less than perfect.


I like people watching.. I like seeing families have great times, I like seeing older couples still making memories, I like seeing friends laugh together, fuss together, experience life at its best.


I guess I feel sad for anyone who dismisses a whole group of people, whether they be because they are of a certain age, race, religion.

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How many people here would love to book a cruise without any children on it? Say, above 25 years old only. I think it would be cool!


A cruise that is decade specific would be fun too. Those born in the 40's or 50's or 60's or 70's or 80's


What do you all think?:p



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Too many tangents here. It was a simple question and yet some always take offense and feel the need to defend their children. What exactly is the problem if there was an adult's only cruise? Why do these threads always turn into "you must hate kids" which is not what it's about. It's also not about how kids behave, or dodging them or whatever. It's simply about wanting an adult cruise. There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting that and it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with anyone in particular's children. But I do love parents who think their children should be the center of everyone's universe. My kids grew up knowing they were loved and taken care of but never thinking they were more important than everyone else.


Saying I like an adult's only cruise should have no impact on anyone who doesn't.

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Yes really. Must be just YOUR experience then because you certainly cannot make such a broad generalization about an entire age bracket based on your kids. :rolleyes:


Seriously, when did age discrimination become such an ignorant, accepted stereotype? Sad really. Because in my travel experience, and I have A LOT of it in many countries...it's the misbehaving "older" adults that behave in a more shameful manner than the "young" adults.


Now where is that ignore feature?? :eek:


Seriously, why are you so offended? Especially since you are being extremely hypocritcal in your last statement? Ignore, why because I made a simple statement about differences in 18 and 25 year olds? That's a real sign of maturity btw;) I'm just trying to figure out why you took such offense? There are lots of studies that show the adult brain isn't mature until age 25. So, is that discrimmination or science?


Your statement actually made me laugh. Obviously you know so much more than I do. LOL


BTW, my boys were always very well behaved and are wonderful adults, but they are different at 22 and 24 than they were at 18, more mature.

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Carnival caters to families with kids because of all of the programs they have for them. Lots of lines don't. If you want a cruise without kids, some of the higher-end lines like Oceania and Crystal might appeal to you. There is definitely a market for the "kid-less" cruises - but Carnival doesn't seem to want to be a player in that market.


However, as others have suggested, if you want a cruise on Carnival with fewer kids - avoid summer, spring break, thanksgiving, and christmas. When the kids are in school - they are many fewer on vacation.

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