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GA/FL gas availability


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We are driving to Port Canaveral tomorrow (well, actually to Lake City, FL tomorrow then to the port on Sunday). Today after I filled up the car with gasoline there was a run on the pumps. There were long lines at the pumps and some stations were limiting purchases to 10 gallons. Prices jumped as much as $0.50/gal today at some stations. I know that our tv stations have contributed to this situation and people are buying out of panic. I was wondering how you residents of Georgia and Florida are faring through this. Will we be able to purchase to reach the port. We do have "insurance" but I don't think it covers running out of gas! :rolleyes:

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I live in NC and our gas is as much as $4.99. Most places are out of gas. The gas stations that still had gas had lines so long that you would probably run out if you waited. I have a half of a tank. I am pretty sure I will be paying $5 a gallon when I can get to the pump. I am hoping that I can last until the pumps are open again.


Good Luck!!

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I live in Daytona Beach and there is no shortage of gas here, filled up today for 3.62 per gallon, the Kanagaro stations did ask you to limit 10 gallons, but them took that llimit off.


I sure hope you have no problem. I would keep my tank no lower than 1/2 tank, everytime I saw a station open with no line I would fill up.


Good Luck and have a great cruise.

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I live in south Georgia (on I-75, right at the GA/FL border) and it was a HUGE problem here in town. Some gas was over $5.00... EVERY gas station (even the ones that don't usually do much business) had lines up and down the road. Police were having to direct traffic because it got so chaotic. A lot of our stations ran out of gas...

I'd recommed filling up before you make it to Valdosta..... :(

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Thanks, everyone, for all the info so far . Keep it coming and I will check back in the morning. I figure if we run out and can't get gas we can just rent a car that comes with a full tank and hope the crunch is over by the time we get back!:D Geeeez, what timing.

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Not that any of you would care to drive to Vienna Ohio, (Nice town, we have 1 red-light, 1 gas station), but I just pumped gas for 3.79 a gallon. It was 3.49 this morning. I think the gas gouging has started up here with the potential for hurricaine effects from the gulf.

I just pray no one get's hurt in the southern states.

And to all soon cruisers, be safe, and build memories.

Safe travels


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Well, so far I'm glad we are heading to FL instead of NC (lol). Hope it stays that way csk.




Yeah it is stupid crazy. It kills me when they take advantage of us like this. It would be different if some of these places had received a new shipment today and the price was up but no that is what is going on. I normally fill up every Saturday or Sunday. I only drive my car to work and back. I have a half of a tank and that will last a couple of days but that means I am stuck at the house all weekend long.


I hope all goes well for you. Since it seems people in other states are smart and not stupid crazy I am sure you guys will be OK.

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I live in south Georgia (on I-75, right at the GA/FL border) and it was a HUGE problem here in town. Some gas was over $5.00... EVERY gas station (even the ones that don't usually do much business) had lines up and down the road. Police were having to direct traffic because it got so chaotic. A lot of our stations ran out of gas...

I'd recommed filling up before you make it to Valdosta..... :(



It was only $3.35 this morning in Houston ahead of the hurricane. Surprised it is so expensive elsewhere...maybe because so much was redirected here for evacuations...and the mass amount of gas that will not be produced for a few days until the plants are back on-line.

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It was only $3.35 this morning in Houston ahead of the hurricane. Surprised it is so expensive elsewhere...maybe because so much was redirected here for evacuations...and the mass amount of gas that will not be produced for a few days until the plants are back on-line.



I pray you are not in harms way. Everything I am reading and viewing is just horrible.

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Yeah it is stupid crazy. It kills me when they take advantage of us like this.


Who do you think "they" are? :rolleyes:


Only one thing is responsible for the recent gas price surge, and it is called hurricane IKE.


I was visiting my brother in SC for the last three days. He brother is a gas/oil dealer for a well known company. He got a call from the "big guys" yesterday warning him that gas would rise as much as $1.00 more today, and that there was a strong possibility that no gasoline would be available anywhere for as much as a week. :(


The reason the gas is going up today is because the pipelines had to be shut down for the hurricane. Once the word got out that gas would go up (because of the shortage) everyone rushed to fill up, and therefore are draining the underground tanks. If the storm hits those off-shore rigs, we are in really big trouble! :eek:


I filled up my car in TN on Wednesday morning at $3.59 reg. a gallon before leaving home. Last night, I filled up in SC for $3.62. This morning, that same station was up to $3.89. Almost a 30 cent jump. When I arrived back home in TN this evening, I topped my car off at the same TN service station for $3.99 a gallon. That's 40 cents in 3 days! The gas station was packed, and the word around town was that many stations had run out of gas. This was evident when my DH and I ran out to the store tonight. We saw two stations that were closed. One was a Shell Oil station and the other an independent. My brother said that the independent stations would run out of gasoline first because they are the last to receive gasoline from the pipeline.


truffles2 - I hope you make it to your cruise safely. :)

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Since thereare no refineries on the east coast ALL of the gas for the eastern seaboard comes from the plantation pipeline out of Texas and Louisiana.The pipeline is shut down and may be for several days.If there is major damage in the refineries in Texas gas supplies could be tight for several weeks until everthing is back up and running.Of course it doesn't help that everyone is topping off.Imagine several 100 thousand cars and en extra 10 gallons per tank.That is a lot of gas sucked off the market in a short period of time.The folks in the refining business do a great job of trying to manage these kind of events just be patient and don't panic!





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Who do you think "they" are? :rolleyes:


Only one thing is responsible for the recent gas price surge, and it is called hurricane IKE.


I was visiting my brother in SC for the last three days. He brother is a gas/oil dealer for a well known company. He got a call from the "big guys" yesterday warning him that gas would rise as much as $1.00 more today, and that there was a strong possibility that no gasoline would be available anywhere for as much as a week. :(


The reason the gas is going up today is because the pipelines had to be shut down for the hurricane. Once the word got out that gas would go up (because of the shortage) everyone rushed to fill up, and therefore are draining the underground tanks. If the storm hits those off-shore rigs, we are in really big trouble! :eek:


I filled up my car in TN on Wednesday morning at $3.59 reg. a gallon before leaving home. Last night, I filled up in SC for $3.62. This morning, that same station was up to $3.89. Almost a 30 cent jump. When I arrived back home in TN this evening, I topped my car off at the same TN service station for $3.99 a gallon. That's 40 cents in 3 days! The gas station was packed, and the word around town was that many stations had run out of gas. This was evident when my DH and I ran out to the store tonight. We saw two stations that were closed. One was a Shell Oil station and the other an independent. My brother said that the independent stations would run out of gasoline first because they are the last to receive gasoline from the pipeline.


truffles2 - I hope you make it to your cruise safely. :)


I was wondering how long it would take till someone was willing to flame me. Thank you, you actually beat the time line I set.


They are the 2 gas stations in my area who did not get a new shipment today but yet they raised their prices by $1.50 a gallon. FYI that is called price gouging and it is illegal. Actually our government is now cracking down on it since it has happened today.


So keep in mind I actually know what is going on with Ike. I have a very good friend in harms way and I know the refineries are closed. I know while crude fell under $100 they cannot make gas if they are closed. I know the pipelines are having issues. Now if the gas stations had gotten a new shipment I would not have a problem but I know they did not because I asked! :(

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We are just S. of Atlanta @ I-85 & gas jumped 60 cents over nite. Word is out that it will be $7 /gal. by Mon. so the stations that haven't already run out & closed down were jammed up this eve. Fortunately we filled up yesterday. I agree...stations have not pd. the increased prices yet but are charging as tho they had. Supply & demand again! Is that "gouging"? Heard the rumor that some are not going to buy more gas to fill their tanks but that may be because it won't be available! Funny thing-to me- is the convenience stores that are always 9-15 cents higher are the same price as the "cheapies' now. Another time that I'm glad we're retired & don't have to worry about running out of gas & not making it to work like our adult kids do. What a mess. Still better than being in the eye of the storm & losing everything so we should count our blessings!

Our cruise out of Canaveral is 1 mo. away so hopefully things will be closer to normal by then.

Good luck to all!

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We are just S. of Atlanta @ I-85 & gas jumped 60 cents over nite. Word is out that it will be $7 /gal. by Mon. so the stations that haven't already run out & closed down were jammed up this eve. Fortunately we filled up yesterday. I agree...stations have not pd. the increased prices yet but are charging as tho they had. Supply & demand again! Is that "gouging"? Heard the rumor that some are not going to buy more gas to fill their tanks but that may be because it won't be available! Funny thing-to me- is the convenience stores that are always 9-15 cents higher are the same price as the "cheapies' now. Another time that I'm glad we're retired & don't have to worry about running out of gas & not making it to work like our adult kids do. What a mess. Still better than being in the eye of the storm & losing everything so we should count our blessings!


Our cruise out of Canaveral is 1 mo. away so hopefully things will be closer to normal by then.


Good luck to all!



In NC(or my part of NC) they are considering it gouging and we have been asked to report any gas stations who have increased more than a $1.


I have a dear friend in Port Arthur. Just heard from text so far they are OK. They did not leave but did go to relatives.

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I'm about 30 miles south of Atlanta, right off I-75. Prices jumped about 50 cents a gallon last night, and several places were running out of gas. I haven't been out this morning so I don't know if it's worse today. I'm just glad I'm retired and don't have to drive the 100 miles roundtrip to and from work like I used to!



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I live in NC and our gas is as much as $4.99. Most places are out of gas. The gas stations that still had gas had lines so long that you would probably run out if you waited. I have a half of a tank. I am pretty sure I will be paying $5 a gallon when I can get to the pump. I am hoping that I can last until the pumps are open again.


Good Luck!!


I paid $4.75 a gallon yesterday in Asheville NC

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I was wondering how long it would take till someone was willing to flame me. Thank you, you actually beat the time line I set.


They are the 2 gas stations in my area who did not get a new shipment today but yet they raised their prices by $1.50 a gallon. FYI that is called price gouging and it is illegal. Actually our government is now cracking down on it since it has happened today.


So keep in mind I actually know what is going on with Ike. I have a very good friend in harms way and I know the refineries are closed. I know while crude fell under $100 they cannot make gas if they are closed. I know the pipelines are having issues. Now if the gas stations had gotten a new shipment I would not have a problem but I know they did not because I asked! :(


Don't worry.....you got another person here that agrees with you!:D


Our gas here doesn't even come from the US and our gas went up 12cents a liter......which is about 42cents per US gallon is one day. We have plenty of refineries here in Canada and they are still busy producing and shipping yet our gas hike was blamed on the situation in Texas.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: YEP definate price gouging going on!

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We leave in the morning to travel from just north of Atlanta to Port Canaveral. I am now really worried about having enough gas to make it. Is there anyone along this route that can tell me that they still DO have gas available? At this point the price is not an issue, it's getting there that is. It would sure help in planning where we might stop. Thanks.

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I read this thread and thought you guys are crazy about a shortage of gas in Fl after I just filled up my truck yesterday at $3.69 no problem.....so anyway since my wifes car needed gas I figured I would go check it out.....got to the 7/11 and they were bagging the pumps, out of gas:eek: went to the next gas station and premium only at $3.99, figured I better go for it. I came homw and grabbed my gas tanks and headed to a quiet gas station I know....found regular at $3.59...filled em up and topped off the truck, the gas station acrosss the street from them were bagging all their pumps except for premium....so I guess it's a problem here in Tampa also right on the Pasco boarder.

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My husband and I returned from Liberty of the Seas on 9/06. We left Miami and decided to drive West and take a route around Lake Okeechobee to Orlando. We started looking for gas and couldn't find any. Upon seeing a police office we stopped her and asked for help. She basically said "Good luck".



On our three week vacation, we had outrun Faye, Gustav and Hannah with Ike on it's way and couldn't get gas due to Hannah. Well, we started heading back towards the coast and did finally find a station that had gas at........something like $3.69 a gallon. Can't remember exactly the price but it was in line with what it had been the week before.



Lesson that we learned......................Make sure that you fill up with gas before leaving your car. We were afraid to do so thinking that it might be siphoned. Won't make that mistake again.

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The prices are going up because wholesalers are not sure when they will be getting new supplies with the pipeline shut down.This may not be a bad thing because it discourages people topping off which only makes the problem worse.I would gladly pay 4-5 gallon for a week or two as long as gas is available.If you remember what happened with Rita it will be similar.Prices will spike but come down as things get back to normal.




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