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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Well, what a night. Right after I posted I made a phone call about tonight and found out that a close friend of ours died in an auto accident. She had a seizure they think and hit a fountain and pole in front of McDonalds. She had her three grandkids in the car with her. (age 9, 6 and 8 months) The baby is in very critical condition and touch and go. We went to see Jim (her husband) and so I didn't get to walk. This was not the night we had planned.


Time for me to go to bed.....Remember this family in your prayers.



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Hi all!


Pam, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. How horrible that must be for everyone. We're anxious to hear how the baby is doing. Bless their hearts, and yours, too. Walking can wait. Your friends NEED you in the worse kind of way right now.


When I weighed this morning, the scale said 156.2. I said "WHAT?", got back on (what an idiot I am) and it said 157.2!!! No matter how many times I weighed (I'd guess around five times), it still said 157.2. Scales and I just don't get along.


My new inspiration has found me, rather than the other way around. An old friend from work was so inspired by my weight loss that she started yesterday going to the same clinic. She's come to me with questions twice already and says that I am her inspiration, so how can I continue to do poorly when I have someone who needs me to lean on for weight loss? Boy, I hope that works!!! :) And, even if I join Marlene in the "practice to maintain" that will be alright. I want to lose another 15-20 pounds, but, let's face it, I'm in so much better shape, condition, health, and clothes size than I was a year ago that really and truly, if I just maintain, it'll be okay. I just can't GAIN anything.


I will definitely report back next Tuesday to Marlene on how many times I exercised this week. I got a new Wii game last week and, let me tell you, it is not the "sit on the couch and play" kind of game. I was sweating bullets after the one time I tried it. I just have to MAKE myself set aside the time to exercise. I always feel better after exercising; I just have to make myself do it.


Robin, there is also a weight loss clinic at Northlake Mall called "Medi Clinic". You might want to call them and see if they do all the things you're looking for. It's very conveniently located, less than a mile off of I-77. Let me know if you find the right place. Even though I don't plan to go to a clinic very much longer, I want to know that I can go back if I gain ten pounds. I never want to be as fat as I was ever again.


Well, when I chime in, I write a book. Sorry 'bout that!


Have a great Tuesday; I'll report my 157.2 again tomorrow!



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The news about the baby is not good. They were to take him off life support today. How very sad. The girls (6 & 9) should be okay physically. The 6 year old has a punchured lung and several broken bones as well as cuts and bruises. The 9 year old has several broken bones and cuts and bruises. She is the least hurt of the kids. The baby boy had head injuries and they did surgery to relieve pressure on the brain. But today they were to take him off life support.


Marlene - I received the CD in the mail today. You sure got some great pictures. Thanks. I will send you a copy of ours when I can, I promise.



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Oh, Pam, so sorry about the baby. The parents and grandfather must be devasted. Glad you got the CD - any problems opening the files, let me know.


John is feeling a lot better today. The Cipro is apparently working. He had ball practice with the kids tonight and all the little boys were coming up and asking if he was ok. He took a lot of kidding for the dads.


I went to the doctor today. He put me on a B Complex vitamin. I'm having a lot of tingling in fingers, toes, etc. He said this can be from a vitamin B deficiency, particularly B12. The fact I had been losing weight and had not been taking a good multi vitamin he felt this coudl be the reason. I had actually read the same thing on the internet before I went. I thought I would pass that info along to you that aren't taking a supplement.


Because my eye doctor discovered a retina hemmorage 2 weeks ago and my dad died of a brain aneurysm at 68 yrs old, my doctor has schedule a mri of the brain on Friday. He doesn't think they will find anything but it would be a "peace of mind" thing. I go tomorrow for blood tests to determine if anything else is going on - couldn't do them today as "stupid" me drank my protein shot on the way to the appt this morning, forgetting they would probably do blood work. Just had one of those stupid moments.......


Tomorrow is our weigh in day..............yuck! Going to look for bikes on Saturday!! I MUST START EXERCISING!!!!!



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Pam, I am so sorry to hear of your friend's losses. Being a grandmother myself, I feel like it's best that the grandmother did not survive because she may have never forgiven herself for the baby's demise. I will continue to keep this family in my prayers. I cannot imagine what they're going through.


On a happier note, when I weighed this morning (TWICE!), I weighed an even 156.0 pounds!!!! While the difference between two weeks ago (sorry, I missed last Wednesday) and today (.4/pound...I think) isn't anything to be terribly proud of, it is again the lowest weight reported thusfar, so as slow as the loss is, it's still a loss. "Only" 13 more pounds to my original goal. I really hope I can make that goal by Memorial Day. And, I truly believe that the reason for weighing over a pound more yesterday than today was the fact that the "earth moved" (okay, it was my bowels!) yesterday. Hallelujah!


Marlene, I am sorry to say that I did not exercise last night. I had very good intentions, and never just sat on my rump doing nothing, but I did not do anything I could call exercise, either. I will try my hardest to do better today.


My son and daughter-in-law bought bikes last spring and haven't ridden them very much, especially since she ended up pregnant very shortly after they were purchased. I don't know if they'd be interested in selling them or not, but if you want me to ask, I will. I just figure slightly used bikes may be cheaper than new and, with a newborn (next month) I'm pretty sure it'll be a while before they can ride bikes together again.


I hope everyone has a great "Weigh In Wednesday"!



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Well, Bonnie, you aren't the only one who didn't exercise. I went to grandson's baseball practice with DH. I have got to do better - could even lose some weight if I would start. LOL


I didn't meet my weekly goal this week. I had hoped to reach 150 lbs (1.8 lb loss). I weighed in this morning at 151 (only .8 lb loss). But at least it's a loss. I'm concerned if the goal of 139 by Memorial Day is not realistic, especially with some camping trips planned. We are going to look at bikes this weekend - yard sales, pawn shops, etc. I don't need a fancy one - hand breaks even scare me. I'm so afraid I'll press too hard and through myself head first over the handle bars. As for gears - never used them before - wouldn't know how. We will see.......


So here are the results:


SW: 197.6 (9/6/09)

LW: 151.8 (3/11/09)

CW: 151.0 (3/18/09

GW: 139.0 (Memorial Day)

Final GW: 137.6 (6/24/09)



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Since about 10:00 this morning, I have been doing some "spring cleaning" around the office. I have cleared six shelves of 3-5" 3-ring binders full of paper, wiped down the cabinets, and put the ones still useable back on the shelves. Don't know if it's considered exercise or not, but I'm dirty, sweaty, and tired from doing it!


But, I also had a tiny piece of cake and small scoop of ice cream at our quartery b'day celebration today.:o Guess if it was exercise, it didn't do any good with that in mind!


Good luck with the MRI on Friday, Marlene. And wish John a happy birthday (belatedly?) for me.



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Well, Bonnie, it's certainly more exercise that I've gotten today. My mentality today - 7 more days before you have to weigh in - EAT. I've getting so bad......


For my fellow cruisers, I thought this would put a smile on your face:


One of the couples on our roll call/recent cruise has a couple small daughters, who also went on the cruise. When they got back home and went to a restaurant, the 7 year old daughter looked at the kids' menu and wanted to get one of each item. Her mom had to explain you can only do that on the cruise ship. Back home, you only get one choice. LOL - a kid after my own heart!!


Pam - any updates on the baby? I know they were looking at taking off life support last night. Were all 3 children from the same family (same mom/dad?)



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Marlene - Yes, the baby passed yesterday. They were all from the same family. The girls are both still at UC Davis in Sacramento (about 2 hours away).


At least you lost....I have gained so I need to really get busy this week. I will never make my goal this way. Thanks everyone for the prayers.



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I went upstairs to exercise for 30 minutes last night and ended up doing so for 45 minutes! I was "playing" my new Wii game -- Outdoor Challenge. In this game, you are running, jumping, pumping your arms (or wings, in my case), stomping your feet, pounding your arms on the floor, etc. "Play" it's not, but it sure makes exercise a lot more fun.


So, Marlene, since you're keeping track, put a tick mark beside my name for last night!!! :D


Marlene, I thought about you at lunch today. I saw 3 or 4 "just plain bikes" parked in front of a business on Morehead Street, on the right (coming from downtown) just before you get to Freedom. I assume they were for sale.


I think I must've stirred up a little more dust than my allergies could handle yesterday. I've had a pounding headache all day and it seems to have gone to my stomach now. I hope I'm not coming down with something!


Have a great Thursday,


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Congratulations Bonnie! You're one tick mark ahead of me! Oh, I have got to start exercising....... Otherwise, my weight will never come off! When I do any cleaning - drawers, closets - I get very sick with allergies. I do hope it's allergies and not something else.


Pam - I keep thinking of that little baby and the poor parents/grandfather/older sisters. This has to be devasting to them.



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Where is everyone. I sure am not having a good week with my weight. I keep bouncing around but all more or the same as weigh-in last Wednesday.


Hope that someone will post soon. I miss you.



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Hi Ladies!


Looks like my one tick mark will be my only one by the time I'm supposed to report tomorrow. I was wondering if it was the kicking up of all the dust around here, but whatever it was, I have been very sick since Thursday. I thought I was sick Friday (horrific headache) and stayed out of work. I was okay Saturday, but yesterday, I was SICK. Constant diarrhea, and you all know that had not been my normal lately. According to the scales, I had GAINED (no idea how) up to 158.6 on Saturday morning, but this morning, I weighed 154!!! That a lot of trips to the bathroom! So this past weekend is called a weakend because I am WEAK from it. I'm really wondering how long I'm going to make it here at work today. I figure the first time I have to RUN to the bathroom, if it's like it was yesterday, I won't make it in time and I'll HAVE to go home at that point!!!


I definitely don't see me having the energy to do any exercising, though.


Pregnant daughter-in-law learned Friday that baby is (still) breach (sp?) and may very likely have to have a c-section. She's real upset about that, but the doctor also told her that even if he turns, since he already weighs in the neighborhood of 7.5 pounds and she has four more weeks to go, he may be too big for her to have anyway. I tried to tell her that there are definite pros to having a c-section (i.e., no labor!!!), but she's still upset at the idea. Remember her in your prayers, please.


I think I'm going to go lay my head on my desk!!!



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Bonnie - sounds like you have one of those viruses going around, definitely not the symptoms of an allergy. I hope you get to feeling better. I too felt crudy most of the weekend. From what I have read, a lot may have been from after effects of the MRI of the brain. I also kept a headache/eye ache around that eye that has the retina hemmorage. I didn't even feel like looking for those bikes we had been talking about. My doctor has been out of town for 3 1/2 days so he's behind today. So I sit and play the waiting game - hoping he will call with all my results, but knowing he probably won't get to me today.........


If child birth was the way it was back when (back when I had mine) I would definitely want a C Section. I always envied those that knew when the baby would be born and didn't have to go through natural childbirth. Today with all the new drugs (the ones they told us that would "hurt the baby" - probably all those male doctors started that rumor) it's a lot easier. I'll keep your d-in-l in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted!


Bonnie - you are one tick mark ahead of me this week! YIKES - that's really sad........



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I made it until 12:00 noon at work yesterday, then went home. Between the time I got home and the time I got up this morning was 18 hours. I slept 13 of those hours! I do feel better today, but I'd be lying if I said I feel good. Plus, even with Immodium (or CVS's brand of the same) in me, I still have the same problem. I was very surprised to see that the scales said I'd gained .2 of a pound this morning. You'd think that one protein bar, one bowl of chicken noodle soup, and one bowl of cereal wouldn't weigh that much, but adding all the trips I made to the bathroom to that, I really expected to weigh under 154 this morning, although I realize it won't "stick" like I wish it would.


Marlene, sorry to hear that you've been under the weather as well. I hope that you've gotten good results from the doctor and that you're feeling much better today.


I had two "drug free" babies myself. Totally natural. If this were her first baby, I'd understand her being upset because she'd want to have the "whole experience". However, it is her third baby, and if I were her, I'd be wanting the "easy" (although I know recuperation will take a while) way out. It took nine weeks to recuperate from her first child because he had/has an extremely large head and she had the "equivalent of a vaginal c-section" (I'm quoting the doctor that delivered Zachery). With Ryan already weight 7 1/2 pounds, it may take nine weeks to recuperate from his vaginal delivery, too!


I'll keep you posted. Have a great day.

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I guess I'm grabbing at straws now, but I'm thinking I MIGHT could claim another tick mark for exercise this week because I just had to visit the 6th floor of our building, drop something off, and return, and I used the steps both ways. Only 110 steps one way, but, believe me, in my "condition" it wasn't easy.


So far I haven't gotten to add to the exercise by RUNNING to the bathroom since I got back (yet) either! :p

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Bonnie - glad you are beginning to feel better. Well, you get two tick marks more than me this week. I do go to the camper Sunday afternoon and give it a spring cleaning, but other than that - zip, none, zero exercise. I am so bad...... Tomorrow weigh in and then another week to start off counting. Bonnie you have been sick and probably still win the exercise count for the week. LOL


Doctor called this afternoon to say lab work was good except my cholesterol which was really funky & high. He's wants me back in 90 days and he'll check again (after fasting). He says he knows I've been dieting and eating better so he's confused unless it's just hereditary. My DH asked about my Protein Shots and what cholesterol would be in that. I also eat those Protein bars. I eat an occasional egg but not more than once or twice a week. Brain MRI was ok except they could see some vessels in once section that look prone to migraine headaches.....so I may have that to look forward to one day. Dang its rough getting older......


Chat with everyone tomorrow - hopefully everyone has lost at least a little weight.....



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Hi everyone, I weigh in tomorrow, I hope I loose something!!! I don't feel very thin...I feel very fat actually- maybe I'm just full from dinner! What are the protein shots you take, and what are they for? I'll be back tomorrow!!

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don't want to weigh in the morning. The last three days my weight has gone up some each day.....ugh


Marlene, I hope that John is feeling better and also hope that you are no longer sick. What is the doctor going to do about your eye? Getting old is no fun.


Sounds like everyone is having a rough week......Let's hope that this next week is better for everyone.


Memorial services for Bev and Jayden are Saturday (Bev) and the baby on Monday. Probably will blow my diet this weekend so don't know how much it will affect my weight.


We are still working on the pictures. I promise to send some to you soon.



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Protein shots? These are liquid protein we drink the morning's to boost metabolism. This is one of those helpful things we have learned from those going to a weight loss doctor. You need certain amount of protein first thing in the morning, before eating anything else, and within 3 hours of getting up. I think it's 32 grams. Robin and Bonnie - do you remember the grams? The ones we get are at Walmart which are 28 grams and cost $1.97. They come in 3 oz containers (actually they are large - thick plastic containers) that look like test tubes. Actually that's not what we say they look like, but you get the picture. The ones at Walmart are fruit flavor - reddish/orange.


Pam - I've been thinking of you two and that poor family. I assumed the services had already been by now.


My weight loss is very slow since I've been back from the cruisee, but I keep telling myself I knew it would slow down after a certain amount of pounds came off. I will do my official weigh in later this morning.


Bonnie - John is feeling better now. Thank goodness!!! I'm suppose to have another eye dialation/pictures of eye in May to make sure it's better and not getting worse.


We are still looking for bikes - none at yard sales this week and none at the local pawn shops. Walmart has some pretty good deals and husband is going by another store to check prices (normally has good deals) this afternoon. At least DH is still dedicated to get bikes. I hope we can get by Easter so we can take camping with us. DH has finally decided to lose some weight (although I can't see the dieting when he's at home - says he's walking 45 minutes a day at lunch and not eating anything all day. He lost 6 lbs first week. It totally sucks how easy men can do it.......)


Later, T.I.T.S.!


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As promised, here's my totals. Remember - even when we have a bad week (which I had last week), we still have to post and be accountable, as hard as it is and as easy as it would be to just "missed posting a week here and there". Last week I dropped .8 lb - this week better at 2.0 lbs. I'm still not close to my pre cruise weight. I told you guys I wouldn't be one of the lucky ones to lose my cruise weight gain in 7 - 10 days.


SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

lowest weight - before cruise: 146.4

LW: 151.0 (3/18/09)

CW: 149.0 (3/25/09)

Short Term Goal: 139 by Memorial Day

Ultimate Goal: 137.6 by 6/24/09

(Doctor's goal for me: 140)


Obstacles: We have 4 camping trips and 2 wedding/receptions planned between now and 6/24/09. 5th camping trip a possibility - That's at least 6 weekends (some extended weekends) that I will have a hard time sticking to the diet. I would like to change my goals but will keep them the same to at least try to challenge myself for now. I guess changing goals would actually be cheating.....right? :D Maybe I'll start exercising sometime and can give myself a boost!



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