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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Hey Bonnie - soak up some warm weather for me and have a SUPER Superbowl weekend! (Its been so consistently frigid here - I came out of work the other day, it was sunny and I thought "Hmmmm - pretty nice outside for a change" Well my car thermometer read 18 degrees - Pretty pathetic when 18 degrees seems pretty nice! Hub and I really do need to think about retiring down south - I've done my time with the cold!


BTW, you are all waaaaay too late on volunteering to go on the free two day trip - you know darn well I already piped up on that! But thanks for all the info! I'll pass it on to her right away.


Been on Phase 1 of SB and weighed in today at 167. That's only two lbs down for a week of Phase 1 - certainly not the hoped for big results. But this is very like the first time I did SB - didn't drop significant amt of weight then either. Guess that's just my body/metabolism or some such thing. (And I have followed it to the letter too - UNFAIR!). Lets see if Week 2 is any better. The positive note is this - I don't feel hungry and/or crave starches and sweets.


Will see what next week brings on the scales. :rolleyes:



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Bonnie - even though you are on a plateau, look at your total amount lost - that's awesome! You know it does slow down as you lose more weight.


Donna - You can do this. Don't get discouraged. How much water are you drinking each day? Also, do you need some type of green tea type supplement or Smooth Move? You had a good week last week


Mango - Two lbs is not a bad loss and the great thing you have gotten rid of the cravings and aren't hungry. Again - drink your water - lots of water, and like I asked Donna do you need to take a little something extra (for that problem we all have when dieting)?


I bought some green tea with fat burners gel caps at Walmart. You take 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. When I take them it curbs my appetite and seems to help me a lot. Yesterday, I drank my protein shot, then mid morning took 2 pills. Was very busy at work and didn't think about eating. Then in the afternoon I took two more pills. At 5:30 I started trying to think what I had eating all day and I came up with 100 calorie protein shot! Another thing I've done for the last 3 weeks is that on Monday and Tuesdays, I try to do more of a liquid diet - lots and lots of water, flavored water, and maybe cup of soup for lunch and supper. If I start really feeling like I need more, I'll put a protein meal replacement bar in there mid afternoon. I only do this on Monday and Tuesdays! Also, if anyone is having a problem with that other issue, try Phillips tablets (more like horse pills). It says take 2 - 4 per day as needed. I take 3 and it works great! OK - so much for some tips I've been trying.


Hopefully this time next week I'm going to be in a HEALTHY BMI RANGE!!


OK, TITS, remember even if you have had a bad week - today we are starting over for another 7 days of dieting. Set yourself a weekend goal and let's "SHOOT FOR THE MOON".


Remember: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!

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:mad: Well, what I lost, I gained back. I seem to yo yo day to day.


SW 171.6 (12/30/08)

CW 165.4


Gained 1.2 lbs in two days......Guess I need to drink lots of water and now that I am feeling better, I want to eat more.......A new week so hope that I can do better. Only have two weeks before we leave on our vacation.



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:mad: Well, what I lost, I gained back. I seem to yo yo day to day.


SW 171.6 (12/30/08)

CW 165.4


Gained 1.2 lbs in two days......Guess I need to drink lots of water and now that I am feeling better, I want to eat more.......A new week so hope that I can do better. Only have two weeks before we leave on our vacation.




Pam - you probably didn't eat 4000 calories extra to really gain 1.2 lbs . I'm guessing that you ate something that is making you retain fluid or temporarily gain weight. I suggest you think back at what you've eaten differently to determine what makes you suddenly gain weight. Then you'll know what to avoid. For example, a glass of wine or one beer can make me temporarily gain weight for about 3 days. I heard someone on tv talk about that at New Years' a couple years ago. Says if you drink a couple glasses of wine/couple bears - drink lots and lots of water the nexxt few days. I can drink a carbonated diet drink, and my weight will be up the next day. Chili beans will make my weight jump up. If you monitor what you eat as well as weighing daily, you'll figure out what makes you do this. My weight also jumped up this past week and I drank water all day long yesterday and today my weight dropped 2 lbs! So water could be the trick for you too.



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Marlene - Thanks for the tip, I know that when I drink lots of water it does help. I also found that I can drop as much as 1 lb depending on the time of day I weigh. I try to weight the same each day, but don't always do it.


I'm looking forward to meeting you on our cruise. I feel like I have known you for a long time. Thanks for all your help.



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Sass - good news about being sore from weight lifting. That's really a good sign your are using those "unused" muscles and toning up! As for the 5 lbs - they'll be gone next week!


Pam - you've made a good point. You have to find the time of day that you are at your lowest and weight daily at that same time.



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Hey gals!

Hope all are doing well. Scale still hasn't budged and Marlene's right.. If I see it go back to 130, It'll be back to 3 a days LOL


Little bit of discouraging news.. We won't be cruising next year like previously planned. We've decided instead of spending the money on that, we're going to put a very generous chunk towards my dad's funeral and work on other bills and stuff. This won't completely pay my dad off but it will at least get him marked and get me the deed to the plot and it's that much less I have to worry about.

However, I'm not totally ruling out going. I will be finished with my class here in the next month or so and when I start working, you never know, we may still be able to go and if we have to wait til 2011 oh well. I waited 6 years for this cruise, I'm pretty sure I can wait another few if I have to :)


Anywho, just wanted to touch base with all of you!



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Hi Everybody. I totally forgot about yesterday. I was up 6lbs when I came home from the cruise Sunday. I have lost 4 of the 6 lbs so far and hope by Sunday I have the other two pounds off and get back where i left off before the cruise. That moon seems to be getting further and further away!

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Hey TITs - need your help -


By chance would any of you know the name of new Carnival ship coming out shortly? Friend of mine was invited by her sister in law to go on a 2 day all expenses paid mini-vacation for TAs. Its in March and the ship will be in San Francisco. She doesn't know the name of the ship but its new. Thought I would try and find out the name for her so she can look it up online (she has never been on a cruise ship and of course is excited to go). Would this be the Carnival Dream? If anybody knows I would appreciate the info to pass on to her.




AKA Mango:p


Mango - It would not be the Dream. The Dream will debut in NY before moving to Florida in November. There is a special 2 night cruise to no where planned in November on the Dream. Usually when a ship first comes to US they do a mini cruise and based on the information that Marlene has posted my guess would be the Splendor. It is the same ship basically as the Liberty, Glory Conquest, and Valor, etc with the addition of a more delux spa area and a spray park for the kiddies. The Carnival Dream will be the largest ship in the Carnival line and unlike any of the others currently sailing.

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Robin - I would be in absolute heaven if I could go on a cruise - eat and drink all I want and then come back and be back to pre-cruise weight in one week. I've worked out my post cruise goals for weight loss with a 10 lb gain and a month to get it back off. OH

dear - so hope I don't get discouraged when I get back.


Jen - keep your head up. With the economy the way it is now, none of know what the next 12 mos will bring. My husband has seen one plant (of his company) announce shutting down in the past week - 75 people out of work. There are rumors more are to come. Two of his co-workers have lost their jobs in the last week. It's happening everywhere. Everyone needs to tighten their belts and ride this thing out. You are doing a smart thing by trying to get some bills paid off.

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Hi Pam! Yes I looked at the board this morning and saw no one was posting. Then I took off to watch 5 and 6 year olds play a basketball game (so cute!) and then been running around getting things ready for the cruise. I'm going to rest a little while then my 3 yr old grandson is coming to spend the night. Of course, that means a trip to McDonald's for a Happy Meal and play on the indoor playground (for him!). I may get a grilled chicken wrap and water. Oh, I am so ready for the cruise - I want to eat and drink............then eat and drink some more! LOL


I also need to work on the information I'm putting together for the

Roll Call group. That reminds me - I'm waiting for your husband to send me the information on you and him!! AND also a picture to accompany it. Actually I still need to get a picture of us for the project too. So much to do and so little time......


Hope everyone has a great weekend. My weight has been up a little for the last couple days. Hopefully it will be back down by tomorrow!!





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Thanks for sharing Sass. I thought about you today when I was trying to do "self pictures" today. Our Roll Call is sharing information and pictures that I am compiling to put in a booklet for everyone. I didn't have a picture of me (and DH) since I had lost the weight, actually not many pictures of me regardless of the weight as I'm the one who always has the camera. So on my "to do list" today was to get a picture taken. The camera has a timer but it can still be tricky. LOL


My 3 year old grandson is spending the night with me tonight. Apparently his mom is training him pretty good. My husband told him to take his shoes off as they were untied and we weren't going anywhere, so why not take them off. He sat down and took them off and looked at my DH and said, "Where's the basket?" My DH doesn't do well trying to figure out what Matthew is talking about. He kept saying "Where the basket? Where's the basket?" He was looking for the dirty clothes basket for his socks and nothing would do but he had to have a basket to put them in. I grabbed a laundry basket for him. He was kind of perplexed as apparently his "basket" is smaller than the big thing I brought out. But he put the socks in there and was a happy little fellow then. Oh, and his mom is teaching him the presidents of the United States. He came over here saying "George Washington was the first president. His picture is on the $1 bill. Abraham Lincoln was the tallest president. Barrack Obama is our president now. We don't like Richard Nixon - mom doesn't but dad does. And dad likes George Bush.... If he's awake, he's talking. LOL


Hope everyone has a good remainder of the weekend!



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Marlene, I hate taking pics of myself. I always say I'm going to get someone to take them of me, but no one is ever around when the time comes. Any how I'm trying to find out what is in the gym on the Carnival Glory. I need to keep up my routine while I'm on vacation.

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Sass - Robin (AngelKisses) just got off the Liberty (sister ship to Glory). She went to the gym so she can probably enlighten you as to what to expect. One of my roll call buddies sent me a great presentation on Glory - very detailed. I'll send it to you. I'm not sure I have your email address. Can you either post it or if you rather, send me an email and I'll attach and send back. My email is my CC User name at yahoo dot com.



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The Glory has all the State of the Art equipment that you would find in any normal gym. If you like walking on treadmills bring a set of headphones. Just plug them into the treadmill and you can watch a tv, activities on the Lido deck, cruise shows, etc while you are walking. They also have a special area you can do your aerobics. Last year they had an amazing hot tub with cascading waterfall in the gym area but they removed it to make more work out room ... I will miss it! Looks like our group will be going back on the Glory next January to the Eastern Caribbean. Don't overlook the sauna and steam room ... most people never even know its there.


Carnival also sponsors an On Deck for the Cure walk on the last sea day. You sign up in the formalities shop for $10 donation to Breast Cancer. In return they will give you an On Deck for Cure t-shirt, one of those rubber braclets, and will serve pink lemonade to the walkers.

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I'll post the damage I did while in the Bahamas this past weekend tomorrow. With any luck, I'll still be in the 150 decade, but only by the skin of my chinny chin chin! The weather was extremely cool for the Bahamas and extremely windy, so outdoor activity was at a minimum and there wasn't much else to do but EAT, so I did! I did walk up the steps to our 11th floor room at least three times, walked on the walking path one day, snorkeled the first day (only day it was warm enough) and used the treadmill in the fitness center for 20 minutes the last day, but I ate like I'd never heard the words "lifestyle change". Only drank a couple of alcoholic beverages, though.


The highlight of the trip was my husband playing blackjack for four hours (until 4:00 a.m.) Saturday night with two NFL football players...just the three of them. He was like a kid in a candy store, and they were fast friends for the remainder of the trip.


Will talk to you again tomorrow, with (poor) results.



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I've been thinking about you! Glad you got back safely Sucks that it was so cool down there. Bet your husband did have fun playing blackjack with the NFL players. Do you know which team? OK - now that you are back, you can and WILL get back on track with this diet. We will not let you work so hard to lose your weight just to gain it back. Remember we have vowed NO MORE YO YO DIETING FOR US!!!! And remember, this is "new weight" so it will come off easier. Isn't that what you've been telling us? LOL Seriously, I think a lot of weight gain on vacation is also fluids. So get out the gallon jug of water and start drinking your water, my friend. We are all in this together!!!


Walked 11 stories to your room 3X. Wow - I don't think I could be that dedicated while on vacation. LOL


I stuck on a pair of shorts today to wear around the house that I had worn on our beach trip Labor Day (the week before I started the diet). It's hilarious to see them. My husband couldn't believe how big they are. LOL


By the way - as of this morning I am now registering a HEALTHY BMI - Obese BMI to Healthy BMI in 5 mos (9/6/08 to 2/3/09). So if you heard a roar and felt the tremble this morning, it was me doing my celebration song and dance. LOL



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Sass - Robin (AngelKisses) just got off the Liberty (sister ship to Glory). She went to the gym so she can probably enlighten you as to what to expect. One of my roll call buddies sent me a great presentation on Glory - very detailed. I'll send it to you. I'm not sure I have your email address. Can you either post it or if you rather, send me an email and I'll attach and send back. My email is my CC User name at yahoo dot com.




blackandi-sass at hotmail




Oh and I'm back in P2 Marlene.

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I sent the information let me know if you don't get it. P2 South Beach? I saw you had gained a few lbs but sure it's from all that muscle you are building! Remember muscle weighs more than fat. You are one person I have no doubt about losing any weight you have as you goal. You are so dedicated and do an awesome job.



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Yes, I got it. Thanks Marllene!


I started a thread over on the Carnival section and there are mixed answers about what's in the gym on the Glory. I read they have free weights but not heavy and they have weight machines and treads, ellipticals and weight benches...no barbells. I guess it could work. I'll take my resistance bands just in case.

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Hey gals!! It's almost 3 am Texas time and yes, I'm still awake. I have nights where I just can't sleep... my brain tends to run 100 mph at times..

I weighed myself yesterday evening since we were already at the In Law's... 128.. I've lost ONE pound LOL

My in-laws seem to think I'm anorexic LMAO Funniest thing I've ever heard.


Anywho, Have a great week!

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