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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Those are super pictures of your new grandson Bonnie. We also have 7 grandchildren - the picture gallery on the mantle is pretty crowded with this update and that cute shot - LOL.


I'm pretty sure you had some rough weather in NC recently so I don't feel jealous. Believe it or not its beautiful here (near Chicago) today and supposed to be 80's tomorrow. Hooray! Spring has sprung! We really had a cold one this year and lots of snow so its such a treat to just get pretty weather. :D


Last night we discovered a huge "water bubble" in the rec room ceiling - turns out an upstairs bath was leaking and we didn't know it. Really large area of the ceiling is effected as well as subfloor in both bath & rec room. The carpet has huge ring in it - have to see if it can be saved. (Actually I would love to have hardwood floor - guess I'll have to wait and see if that is a possible) We'll likely be "under construction" for a while. Never really had a claim of any size on our house insurance - this unfortunately is going to be alot to remedy. Hope the insurance company is easy to work with etc. Any of you had this type of experience?


Judi - the high protein, low carbs, lots of veggies sounds good. Drink lots and lots of water and make sure you have high protein in the morning. Are you doing weight watchers? BTW, I am of the opinion that my metabolism holds a record as worlds slowest. Real exercise really does help me with that though. This nicer weather should motivate us all to be out and about more and there's always summer clothes to give us a reality check. Its so much nicer to feel comfortable in the heat. Looks like you are currently at 17 lbs. drop - you have to see a considerable difference in your clothes. Just keep plugging along - the cumulative effect can be amazing!


I'll try to post oftener and hope that all of you will too. Let's keep each other encouraged!


REMEMBER THIS: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels! :p:p:p


Have a good weekend - when is weigh in now anyway???????:confused:


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Hey Mango,

Yes Chicago is beautiful today and tomorrow, but what about next week???? Only 50's..We moved here from Wood Dale, (near O'Hare),and hubby is headed up next Friday to check on some rental properties. I do not miss the weather, on the other hand, I do miss the shopping!!!

Yes, I'm on weight watchers, but this is going so very slow!! I want to loose more than either 1/2 or 1 pound a week!!!!


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OK, ladies, get in shape - I'm BACK!!!!


Sorry I haven't posted the last couple weeks. I haven't been feeling well and grandkids have had me somewhere every night. I think 3 nites this whole month is all I had with nothing planned - baseball, soccer, etc. I have chatted via email with a couple of you and thanks Pam for the phone call. I love you and Weldon and miss you terribly. I'm had a headache for two weeks now and doctor has me on RX so hopefully this is going to work. We are trying to determine if it's migraines or stress. Brain scan did show inflamation of blood vessels making me more susceptible to migraines so we will see......


Weight wise - not great but could be worse. I'm sitting at a 48 lb loss (have been down as low as 51 lbs.) My goal right now is to stay in the 140's. After a wedding/reception last week - I drank and ate way too much - my weight jumped up to 153. I'm back at 149.8 today. My thoughts are if I can stay in the 140's, even if 149.9, I'm ok. Yes, I want to get to 140, but if I can just maintain right now - I'm ok.


We are taking all 3 grandkids camping next week (ages 3, 6 and 10) and Robin, her husband, daughter and her new BF are coming down for a cookout. Here's my confession: When I go camping - all dieting is out the window. LOL So like I said, if I can just maintain, I'm happy for now, although going to try hard to get back to the 147.6 (5o lb mark). I have camping the first weekend of May, Mother's Day 2nd weekend, giving a bridal luncheon the 3rd weekend and going camping at the beach the next one....if Myrtle Beach is still holding on (wildfires this week about 2 or 3 miles from the campground). I refuse to go on weekend excursions and diet. LOL My goal is to get another lb off by next Friday's camping trip though.


Welcome to the newcomers, by the way. I guess you have been wondering who I am as everyone has been fussing because I'm not on. I've be on the board since Sept 6 and lost 50 lbs before my cruise on 2/21. Now just trying hard to keep it off!


I see a couple of you have had a good week, losing a couple pounds. Keep it up! Keep a journal and little by little you will lose and soon you can say, "I'VE LOST 50 LBS". I for one never thought I could do that! Now the hard part - keep it off......LOL


Mango - so glad to see you posted again. Please stay in touch. We miss you!!!



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We need you here. I can't say as much about my diet. I am afraid to get on the scales. Thursday I was back at 170 lbs. Haven't been back on them since.


I promise that we will stay in touch.....What day are we now doing weigh in. I want to start over again. Had a Red Hat Bunco Party and Pot Luck today so I know I am not losing much weight this weekend. I need to get back to doing what I can to start losing again.


Where has Robin been, she needs to come back also.



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Look at me.. Posting again already! LOL. I went yesterday to get a supply of protein shots so I'm ready to have a good diet week. Just got a iphone so I can stay in touch when on weekend camping trips. Yes those same trips that I am prone to have way too much fun with eating and drinking.... I have even bookmarked this site and have an icon on my home page. So no more excuses... BUT you will have to overlook typos as it's not the same as typing on my computer. LOL


Nana #2: beautiful baby!!


Pam: no more excuses....time to get back to being serious about the diet. How can we go on another cruise until we get our weight off so we'll be nice and trim? Robin says we ought to check out the Splendor out of CA. Have you been on that one. Then again if you come to FL maybe we could get Susan and Justin to join too.


Mango: So very glad to have you back. Yikes - sorry to hear about the water damage. Sounds like a lot of headache for you. Good luck!!


Judi. You are doing great!!!! Keep it up.


Wolverine: remember even small gains help and when you add up those small loses you will see big differences.


Ok as far as weigh in day.....want to have a vote with the majority wins and we will all go with same day?


As for Robin, I'll work on getting her back.


Sorry if I missed anyone. The iPhone screen is small and a little difficult to scroll back up.


Later, TITS!!!


Remember: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!!!



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Marlene, Here is my post. What day have we decided on weigh in?

Doesn't matter to me. Hope that the medication you were to start today will help your headache. Be sure and let me know.


If our trip to Mexico with our group of friends here falls thru we will probably book a cruise (Jan 24, 2010) out of San Juan Puerto Rico on the Carnival Victory. This is also the one that Steve and Stayce are looking at to book. We would fly to Florida and then to San Juan.


Start looking......If you see something else let us know.


As for my weight this morning it was 169.6.



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This may be short cause its late and I'm tired. Did want to keep posting though so I don't fall off the thread again. Been busy weekend (baby shower, company, etc) and had to run around trying to pick out tile, shower doors, etc. When I came home from work today the bathroom is down to the studs - yikes! Need everything for the contractor guy to do his work - kind of neat though as it'll be all redone and new. Went out in real downpour tonight to look at toilets - now do I know how to have a good time or what I ask you!


Thanks for the welcome back Marlene and same to you - glad to see you hadn't abandoned ship either! You've always been the diet guru on this thread you know.


Far as weigh in day - Is Wednesday good? Gives a couple days to recoup after weekend. I'm good with whatever day actually -so if it really matters to anyone I'm good with that too. Let me know when. I'm feeling really pudgy and need to clean up my act.


Will tune in tomorrow if I get a chance at work.

Sign me as

SleepyMango ;) (more like both eyes shut though)

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Mango so glad you are hanging in with us. If the majority wants Wednesday weigh in , I'll try that next week. I need more than 2 days to lose my weekend bads. I'm having problems this week with fluid gains. Need to drink lots of water and take some fluid pills to take care of that.


Mango: is INS co working good with you on those repairs?



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Okay Girls, it's Wed and I'm weighing in! Only one pound lost (again)! I just wish I could lose two or three at a time like some people do. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with a loss of any kind (EXCEPT MONEY OR TEETH I suppose), it just seems to be going soooooo slooooow.:D

SW 169.5

LW 151.0

CW 149.5

GW 137.0


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We haven't gotten a response (amount) yet from the insurance adjuster. (cross your fingers & wish me luck) Maybe today we'll find out what they will cover on this. The plumber comes today to redo the pipes upstairs and such. Also the contractor is to start drywalling too. Decided against the tile I thought might be good - there's a huge tile store near here that I want to go to this weekend. Need some displays to help with ideas. Had no idea how much some of this stuff costs.


Judi: How did you happen to move from Deerfield to Alabama (or was it Arkansas) Pls excuse, can't see that info right now and unsure which. Further, do you like it? We talk about moving south when we retire but really don't know where we would go. You are right about Chicago weather - not the best (what an understatement)


Our next door neighbors were invited to someone's home on the Outer Banks for a week. They just LOVED it. They couldn't say enough good things about how beautiful it was and really hope to go back soon. When they were talking I of course thought about you and the pictures you posted some time ago Bonnie. You guys are my "North Carolina connection" LOL.


Hey Marlene - hope you don't mind me asking. By any chance are they recommending Imitrex or any of its new derivatives for your headaches? I really had an extremely bad experience with it. If so, I'll let you know what happened. Wish someone had warned me.:(


Weight yesterday was 167.4 Forgot to weigh this morning.

Gotta get to this pile of papers - Have a good one!

Think thin!:p


Mango aka Marie

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Marie..We came south for retirement after I used a search engine that you put in things that are important to you. It was called "Your Spot". Now, this was six years ago, and I don't know if it even exists any more. It asked what is important to you. I put in low property tax, small town atmosphere, antebellum homes, no cold weather, etc. It gives you about 20 places that meet your criteria. I now live in a small town, 14,000, on in in town lot, 150x200, in a house that was built in 1875 and my tax is 400 per year!! Extremely affordable!! Eufaula is the Bass Capital and we have a huge lake and the Chattahoochee river. I am on the border of Georgia and two hours south of Panama City Fl. Our winters are cold, if you call 30 degrees cold, but no snow!!!! Winter is two months long, our frost line is one inch!!! You don't have to dig up your canas every year and I have a palm tree shading my large front porch! Right now it is 87 degrees out with slight southern breeze. I bought the house six years ago and actually moved here permanently last March. DH goes golfing all the time, I socialize!! The housing runs from homes over 100 years old to new construction on the lake. There was also an article about the town in Retirement Magazine. If you want info or house books, let me know and I'll mail it to you.

Judi (I guess that will teach you guys not to ask me a qustion!):D

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Hi all. I'm headed out camping where we will be meeting up with robin and her family. Actually we are in transit and doing this from iPhone. I weighed in today at 149.4. I seem to gain over weekend to about 153 then lose back down to about 149.5 by weekend. Done this for 3 weeks now. I'm ok as long as I can stay below 150. I just have to get to point that max weight is below 150 too. Hope all have great. Weekend.

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Judi - Got a chance this morning to try Find Your Spot website - very interesting. How unlikely is this - your town was one of them on my list - what are the chances I ask you! Guess it must be high on the "escape from the snow" wish list. :p Sound like a very pretty town too.


Want to have my husband answer the questions and see what responses he gets. Then maybe we should answer them one last time together. Very interesting to go thru. THANKS for the suggestion - I bookmarked my list so I can go back to towns, etc. Had to let you know your town came up but time to run - yardwork waiting!



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Glad to see most folks back on this thread, and I apologize for not being very active on it myself. I don't have any good excuses; just not much to "talk" about.


Hubby & I went with his company (~70 people) to Myrtle Beach, SC this past weekend. Weather was beautiful, and food (paid for by his company) was wonderful (and way too much), too! All-you-can-eat seafood buffet Saturday night! YIKES! Luckily, the fried seafood line was too long to wait in because I was starving, so I ate salad, veggies, and broiled mahi mahi first. By the time I got to the fried stuff, I was full, so I ate very little of it. The Bojangles biscuit(s), Krispy Kreme doughnut(s), and pancake over the weekend were, however, not good news.


Nana #1 and I are in the same boat, so to speak. As long as my middle number remains a 5, I will be happy. After this past weekend, I was at 159.2 -- way too close for comfort. So, I behaved yesterday and walked two miles at lunch and this morning I weighed 157.4. Hopefully tomorrow (Weigh-In Wednesday) I'll be back to my "standard" weight of 156.8 -- that's what I've weighed every Wednesday for as long as I can remember!


She & I are also in the same position of "things to do in the month of May". I am attending a (formal) wedding on the evening of the 15th, and am making the six hour drive to visit with my folks over the Memorial Day weekend. Road trips, weddings, etc. and dieting just don't seem to go together. I haven't seen my parents (78 & 79 years old) since last October, though, so I'd like to be as skinny as I can be when I see them again.


Robin, where are you??? I couldn't help but think of you this morning when I heard on the news that Kings Mountain is voting today for/against liquor by the drink (yes, you northerners, there are still places that do not have liquor by the drink!!!). Was wondering if soon you might get a "Kiss on the Lips" right there in Kings Mountain! I instructed the bartender at the beach on how to make a Lava Float for me Saturday night (no alcohol). It was good, but not nearly as good as the ones I had while cruising.


We got a post card from the travel agency we usually travel with yesterday telling us about a cruise out of Los Angeles, CA to the Mexican Riviera in December. I know that it'll be WAY out of our price range, but that didn't stop me from sending an e-mail this morning inquiring about it! I really need some incentive to get thinner.


Marie, the Outer Banks is absolutely wonderful. See if you can find out the name of the town that your neighbors visited. We usually stay in Duck, NC, which is on the northern end of the island. It seems (to me, anyway) the further north you go, the bigger and fancier the houses get at the Outer Banks. The one we've (well, not us, but our nice friends who invite us to go along every year) rented for the second year in a row has six bedrooms, 6 1/2 bathrooms, a huge kitchen with two dishwashers, a den, living room, and game room, and is right on the ocean. October can't get here soon enough.


Well, I guess I'll close for now. Hopefully I'll be back sooner than I have been.


Think Thin!


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I would be in total shock if kings mountain voted in liquor by the drink. I lived there for 45 years myself. Took forever before we could buy a beer in there. Lol


True to my past history I gained 4.6 pounds over the weekend - big part fluid AGAIN! Dropped 3.2 this morning. Hopefully can get to the 40's again later in the week even if it's 149.8. I'm at 150.8 today. I'm going to try hard to get back to 147.6 by memorial day. We are going camping at same place we went for labor day when I decided I had to get back and start dieting. I came home at 197.6


Robin and her daughter are on a team to raise money for relay for life. They have yard sale on Saturday. I've pulled out all my clothes that are too big and robin picking up tomorrow. So no going back to that larger size in the closet cause it won't be there next time. I just have to sure there will never be a next time of major weight gain!!

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Bonnie - My neighbors were in Cape Haderas (sp?) They were invited by some friends from their church. According to them - they were seeing how "the other half lives". They said more than once that the house was gorgeous and "way out of their league" etc. But also said the most impressive part was the beautiful natural surroundings. Sounds like a wonderful place and I know you love it there.


Know what you all mean about upcoming "occasions" - we have a wedding shower, baby shower, two family birthdays, our anniversary, Mothers Day of course, return to the lake for the first time this year (that means lots of dinner with friends) plus two weddings. Love all the fun things to do though. If only I could tape my mouth shut - such temptation round every corner!


Good for you on passing on your bigger sizes Marlene. You've done great and that will help raise money plus reinforce your commitment to THINK THIN!:D


BTW Judi - those $400 taxes are incredible.... you must know how crazy high taxes can be up here. And 87 degrees - turn the knife. Here we're thinking its nice out cause we've hit high 60's low 70's this week.---:pSigh.....

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I didn't make it back to my "standard weigh-in weight" of 156.8 this morning, but I did make it to 157, so I'm not too terribly upset about it. I have, however, exercised three out of the past four days; I'm convinced that is the secret....especially since my mouth isn't taped shut and there doesn't seem to be a tape strong enough to keep it shut!


Marie, I think Cape Hatteras (can't swear that's the right spelling either, but it looks right to me) is about mid-way on the island. Very popular lighthouse there that had to be moved back from the shore several years ago. It was a long, arduous process, but they were able to do it. I've never stayed there; just driven through and, of course, stopped at the lighthouse. I may even have a picture; I'll look. I know exactly what your neighbors are talking about "WAY out of our league". You could sit two of my house inside the one we're staying in, not to mention its "fanciness" on the inside, too.


Marlene, did I hear correctly that Kings Mountain DID pass the liquor by the drink vote yesterday? I don't think I ever heard "Kings Mountain", but I did hear that it was passed somewhere, so I assumed it was in Kings Mountain. Is there even a restaurant in Kings Mountain??? (Sorry, never been there.)


Happy Wednesday!



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Yes Bonnie, it did pass by 60 votes. I'm sure there will be a challenge and recount. There is not much in the way of restaurants, not nice ones who will serve drinks. I think they hope this will bring in a nicer place. Most people go out of town to a restaurant.



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Yes Bonnie, it did pass by 60 votes. I'm sure there will be a challenge and recount. There is not much in the way of restaurants, not nice ones who will serve drinks. I think they hope this will bring in a nicer place. Most people go out of town to a restaurant.



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Yes Bonnie, it did pass by 60 votes. I'm sure there will be a challenge and recount. There is not much in the way of restaurants, not nice ones who will serve drinks. I think they hope this will bring in a nicer place. Most people go out of town to a restaurant.



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You know, I remember seeing pictures on the news and/or online of them moving that lighthouse. So neat and quite a procedure --- That black & white is so distinctive looking. Thanks for posting that pic B. Hope to see it in person someday.


BTW does that mean without this law being passed that you were unable to buy liquor in a restaurant unless you buy a whole bottle (say of wine) or unable to buy liquor at all? You're right its different here - pretty much any dinner type restaurant has a bar you can order from. (Then there's lots of sports bars w/food & drinks too) Are you allowed to bring liquor in with you if you want? How's it work there?


Got up late (as in waaaaay late) and had to charge out the door to get to work even anywhere near on time. Forgot my lunch and didn't even give the scale a thought this morning. Will try to do better tomorrow - have to stop using that snooze alarm. (They call it a snooze alarm cause you end up alarmed that you snoozed so long :rolleyes:).


Have a good day!:p



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No kidding - that's REALLY different from here. I would have been majorly surprised in a restaurant there. Is that what's called "blue laws" or is that something else?


Hey - anyone have great ideas on site with hairdo(s)? (don't know how to spell the plural - it just looks wrong any way I do it!) The hair is awful and I need a change yesterday. Any suggestions appreciated. (starting with a bob with medium long sides that taper to shorter back) Have STRAIGHT hair. My hairdresser is very nice but not really helpful on new ideas. Also hesitant about trying someone new with so many things upcoming----- going thru the hair angst - HELP!

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Mango, in Charlotte, we do have liquor by the drink. Kings Mountain is about 30 or 40 miles away from Charlotte and it doesn't allow any alcohol in its restaurants. I don't think you'd feel out of place here in Charlotte at all. I think it's called "dry county" here. "Blue laws" prevent certain things being sold on Sundays, and they're still really strict with blue laws in South Carolina (Charlotte is much closer to the SC line than it is to Kings Mountain!). Here in NC (I assume it's state-wide), you can't buy beer before noon on Sundays, and I may be wrong, but I think that is our only blue law restriction. I can almost understand "dry counties" in mountainous terrain, but Kings Mountain is more like a big hill than it is an actual mountain. Remember, we're sitting right in the middle of the "Bible Belt" (not that there's anything wrong with that), too, so that doesn't help get this kind of laws passed.


I'm glad I weighed Wednesday because I weighed more this morning! So far, I've exercised every day this week, starting Saturday....except Sunday.


Happy Mother's Day, Ladies!



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