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Chocolate smuggling


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For my next RC cruise ~ my plan is to go out and buy one of those soft sided coolers. Next I will take an empty Pepsi 12 pack box and fill it with chocolates! It will go right through security! :rolleyes:


Then once we are in the cabin, I will slip the room steward a $20 to keep my chocolate cool so there is no melting! :eek:

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hhhhmmmmmmmmm .... I wonder, if I save an empty Vitamin container (100-pill size), I could fill it with chocolate M&Ms. Oh! my calcium supplement comes in a 300-pill size ... much better!


That would certainly be enough for a week-long cruise! and I could even put some on Mr Chew's pillow each night.


We do love our M&Ms.

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The pillow chocolates are pretty tasty, but how about if they offered a $5/night upgrade to Lindt Truffles?


Smuggling chocolate could get messy unless you put dry ice in a small collapsible lunch cooler and filled it with all sorts of chocolate. I think the Loyalty Ambassador's desk would be a great spot (during their off-hours) from which to launch your onboard chocolate hut!



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Since you all continue to persist with this evil thread much to my chagrin, I have decided to make some money off of all of you wrongdoers whose mothers didn't teach you to be unselfish, upstanding people.


I have invented "chocolate runners". They are soft sided plastic containers that will hold any type of chocolate you desire. They do not conform to any sort of shape, so they should slip through security in your checked or unchecked luggage without raising any suspicion. They can be purchased on ebay - just do a search. The cost is $19.99, but if you respond in the next 10 posts, I will send an extra at no additional charge. Shipping and handling, however, is $99.95.

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Since you all continue to persist with this evil thread much to my chagrin, I have decided to make some money off of all of you wrongdoers whose mothers didn't teach you to be unselfish, upstanding people.


I have invented "chocolate runners". They are soft sided plastic containers that will hold any type of chocolate you desire. They do not conform to any sort of shape, so they should slip through security in your checked or unchecked luggage without raising any suspicion. They can be purchased on ebay - just do a search. The cost is $19.99, but if you respond in the next 10 posts, I will send an extra at no additional charge. Shipping and handling, however, is $99.95.


Are your "chocolate runner" bags also known as Ziploc bags?:D

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Now Dana, I have just gone through our cruise docs from our recent cruise. Can you quote where it bans bringing on your own chocolate?:D Is this a new rule and I am looking at an old book.


I'm not sure why you have't been able to find the new chocolate ban in your cruise documents. It is clearly outlined in detail on all new documents for all upcoming sailings. Maybe you need to go back and read the fine print one more time!

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Are your "chocolate runner" bags also known as Ziploc bags?:D


Absolutely not! Mine are of a much better quality and you can fit twice as much in them. I'll bring some next week on the Liberty for you to see. Actually, I think I'll set up a corner at the MM and offer them for 1/2 off since people won't be able to use them at embarkation but only after we stop in port. When the staff get nosy about what I'm doing, will you cover for me, Hypo? I'll cut you in on the action!:D

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I'm not sure why you have't been able to find the new chocolate ban in your cruise documents. It is clearly outlined in detail on all new documents for all upcoming sailings. Maybe you need to go back and read the fine print one more time!



It is not polite to "yell" on this board. Next time, use a smaller type case.:p

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No need to smuggle chocolates onboard to sell. Simply order chocolate chip cookies from room service in bulk. All those little chips can be molded into some very nice pillow chocolates and sold for a tidy profit.......


And then the left over cookie "crumbs" can be packed off to corporate as a reminder of what we think of their new policies. (Whoops, did that sound a bit bitter? ;-D )

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Absolutely not! Mine are of a much better quality and you can fit twice as much in them. I'll bring some next week on the Liberty for you to see. Actually, I think I'll set up a corner at the MM and offer them for 1/2 off since people won't be able to use them at embarkation but only after we stop in port. When the staff get nosy about what I'm doing, will you cover for me, Hypo? I'll cut you in on the action!:D


If necessary, I will destroy all the evidence. I am willing to go the extra mile to protect you. (errrr....protect the chocolates, that is.)


On a related note, I just read where the Coast Guard intercepted a semi-submersible submarine, filled with cocaine. Maybe the Government will let us use it once they empty the drugs out. We could tow it behind the ship. Perhaps someone who has an aft cabin could use a dee-sea fishing pole; and, if anyone asks, they are just fishing.



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My husband and I took a tour of Europe a few years back. Each day we would stop in a little town and hunt up the condeterie (May not be spelled right) and we would buy a tiny box of chocolates to split with my sister and her friend. It became a tradtion and we started calling it "the chocolate tour of Europe." What fun to carry on the tradition in the Caribbean!

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...the Coast Guard intercepted a semi-submersible submarine, filled with cocaine...


Nonsense. The boat was filled with Pixy Stix filling! :p


All joking aside, I'm glad they caught the Coca-Suba. Note to self: Cannot smuggle chocolate onboard via submarine. DARN!

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I'm with Danajjj - you folks are HORRIBLE! Not only are you breaking the rules of the cruise line by smuggling your own chocolate on board - you are actually TALKING about it! On a PUBLIC message board! I think every one of you should be banned from CC, as you are openly promoting clearly immoral behavior.


Obviously the cruise line has started denying chocolate in your cabin because they expect you to buy their chocolate on board. And that's what you should do. How DARE you consider bringing your own? Would you bring your own chocolate into a movie theater? Into a restaurant? Of COURSE you wouldn't! Only lowlife cheapskate rule-breakers would do that. Those of us with morals would never consider breaking rules like this. Rules exist for a reason, y'know.


Like Danajjj pointed out, smuggling your own chocolate is an imposition on every one of us, because this means that the cruise fares for ALL of us will increase. Hey, if you're not buying it from RCI, then they aren't making the money they need to keep the prices low. They've obviously factored in a certain chocolate tab for every passenger, so if you smuggle your own, then they won't bring in the money they are expecting. It's just so selfish of you! What a bunch of cheapskates! Not to mention addicts. If you can't even consider going for a few days without your precious chocolate, obviously you are addicted, and you need help. I would recommend you go to a few Chocoholics Anonymous meetings before your next cruise.


(Wait...lemme make sure I hit them all...cheapskate? CHECK! Rule-breakers? CHECK! Inconsiderate & selfish? CHECK! Addicts? CHECK! Comparisons to restaurants & movie theaters? CHECK! Increased cruise fares due to smuggling? CHECK! Okay, I think I got them all...did I miss any? Oh wait...)


Bottom-feeders, that's what you all are! A bunch of lowlife smuggling bottom-feeders!


(Okay, I think I got 'em all now.)


:p :D :D

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I'm with Danajjj - you folks are HORRIBLE! Not only are you breaking the rules of the cruise line by smuggling your own chocolate on board - you are actually TALKING about it! On a PUBLIC message board! I think every one of you should be banned from CC, as you are openly promoting clearly immoral behavior.


Obviously the cruise line has started denying chocolate in your cabin because they expect you to buy their chocolate on board. And that's what you should do. How DARE you consider bringing your own? Would you bring your own chocolate into a movie theater? Into a restaurant? Of COURSE you wouldn't! Only lowlife cheapskate rule-breakers would do that. Those of us with morals would never consider breaking rules like this. Rules exist for a reason, y'know.


Like Danajjj pointed out, smuggling your own chocolate is an imposition on every one of us, because this means that the cruise fares for ALL of us will increase. Hey, if you're not buying it from RCI, then they aren't making the money they need to keep the prices low. They've obviously factored in a certain chocolate tab for every passenger, so if you smuggle your own, then they won't bring in the money they are expecting. It's just so selfish of you! What a bunch of cheapskates! Not to mention addicts. If you can't even consider going for a few days without your precious chocolate, obviously you are addicted, and you need help. I would recommend you go to a few Chocoholics Anonymous meetings before your next cruise.


(Wait...lemme make sure I hit them all...cheapskate? CHECK! Rule-breakers? CHECK! Inconsiderate & selfish? CHECK! Addicts? CHECK! Comparisons to restaurants & movie theaters? CHECK! Increased cruise fares due to smuggling? CHECK! Okay, I think I got them all...did I miss any? Oh wait...)


Bottom-feeders, that's what you all are! A bunch of lowlife smuggling bottom-feeders!


(Okay, I think I got 'em all now.)


:p :D :D

You tell 'em, LeeAnne.......we all know YOU would NEVER, EVER smuggle!!! Especially chocolate!!:D

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Would you bring your own chocolate into a movie theater?


Yep! Cokes and popcorn too. Its amazing what you can stuff in your wife's big ol' purse.


Have you seen the price of movie tickets lately? I have to go on a cruise just to be able to see a movie in a theatre. (At least I think that is my excuse for booking another cruise). And they don't even serve popcorn!!!


Anyone bringing their microwave oven? Could we use it to pop our popcorn? And warm up our chocolate 'smores? I would heat them up in the crock pot that we are bringing, but it will already be in use cooking the turkey we are bringing.:rolleyes:



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Darn it, I forgot one...


It's THEFT OF SERVICES, that's what it is! Yep, theft of services! And you could be denied boarding, or even kicked off the ship! It's not worth it just for a little chocolate, now is it?


You tell 'em, LeeAnne.......we all know YOU would NEVER, EVER smuggle!!! Especially chocolate!!:D


Why of course not. *I'M* not a low-life bottom-feeding scum-sucking cheapskate addict smuggler.


Oh wait...I forgot...that's, right, I AM! :D

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I'm with Danajjj - you folks are HORRIBLE! Not only are you breaking the rules of the cruise line by smuggling your own chocolate on board - you are actually TALKING about it! On a PUBLIC message board! I think every one of you should be banned from CC, as you are openly promoting clearly immoral behavior.


Obviously the cruise line has started denying chocolate in your cabin because they expect you to buy their chocolate on board. And that's what you should do. How DARE you consider bringing your own? Would you bring your own chocolate into a movie theater? Into a restaurant? Of COURSE you wouldn't! Only lowlife cheapskate rule-breakers would do that. Those of us with morals would never consider breaking rules like this. Rules exist for a reason, y'know.


Like Danajjj pointed out, smuggling your own chocolate is an imposition on every one of us, because this means that the cruise fares for ALL of us will increase. Hey, if you're not buying it from RCI, then they aren't making the money they need to keep the prices low. They've obviously factored in a certain chocolate tab for every passenger, so if you smuggle your own, then they won't bring in the money they are expecting. It's just so selfish of you! What a bunch of cheapskates! Not to mention addicts. If you can't even consider going for a few days without your precious chocolate, obviously you are addicted, and you need help. I would recommend you go to a few Chocoholics Anonymous meetings before your next cruise.


(Wait...lemme make sure I hit them all...cheapskate? CHECK! Rule-breakers? CHECK! Inconsiderate & selfish? CHECK! Addicts? CHECK! Comparisons to restaurants & movie theaters? CHECK! Increased cruise fares due to smuggling? CHECK! Okay, I think I got them all...did I miss any? Oh wait...)


Bottom-feeders, that's what you all are! A bunch of lowlife smuggling bottom-feeders!


(Okay, I think I got 'em all now.)


:p :D :D

Finally! Someone who agrees with me. 5 pages of posts by ingrates who only care about themselves! Before you know it, we'll be paying chocolate surcharges because of all of the rule breakers.:mad:

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Yep! Cokes and popcorn too. Its amazing what you can stuff in your wife's big ol' purse.


Have you seen the price of movie tickets lately? I have to go on a cruise just to be able to see a movie in a theatre. (At least I think that is my excuse for booking another cruise). And they don't even serve popcorn!!!


Anyone bringing their microwave oven? Could we use it to pop our popcorn? And warm up our chocolate 'smores? I would heat them up in the crock pot that we are bringing, but it will already be in use cooking the turkey we are bringing.:rolleyes:




Ack!:eek: Not you! You are a smuggler? What is this world coming to?:(

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Lee Ann,

I can not believe you are comparing chocolate smuggling on a ship to restaurants and movie theaters. Isn't that oh apples and oranges?

Being an adult, I hate being treated like a child. Besides I only like certain types of chocolate. The type not served on a ship. Yep that is the ticket. The type not served on a ship.

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I am appalled that any of you are actually considering or discussing smuggling chocolate onboard.


I hope you do not have a cabin next to mine. I do not want the smell of chocolate to come across onto my balcony before I go to bed. Nor do I want to find chocolate wrappers left over from the previous passengers in my cabin.


You do realised you could be thrown off at the next port of call.


Do you not realise that the money that RCI are able to save by not supplying these chocolates enables them to keep down the cost of cruises for all of us.


If chocolates were provided on our cruise we would have to have spent another $1.50 per person for our 10 day cruise. Why should I have to pay for your addiction.



Willy Wonka

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Okay...I'm checking out CC for the first time since Hurricane Ike. We are about 45-50 miles west of Galveston so we were on the "clean" side. Minor house damage, just a neighborhood that looked like a war zone. Still without electricity....running on a generator....so I logged on to see what was going on.


And what do I find?????????????????? No more chocolates????????????? Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am appalled that any of you are actually considering or discussing smuggling chocolate onboard.


I hope you do not have a cabin next to mine. I do not want the smell of chocolate to come across onto my balcony before I go to bed. Nor do I want to find chocolate wrappers left over from the previous passengers in my cabin.


You do realised you could be thrown off at the next port of call.


Do you not realise that the money that RCI are able to save by not supplying these chocolates enables them to keep down the cost of cruises for all of us.


If chocolates were provided on our cruise we would have to have spent another $1.50 per person for our 10 day cruise. Why should I have to pay for your addiction.



Willy Wonka


BAHAHAHAHA!!!! That was priceless!


Oh, and I realized I forgot another common complaint directed to smugglers....


Hey all you chocolate smugglers - don't you realize that you could be putting OUR luggage in jeopardy? How do you know your chocolate that you packed in your suitcase won't melt and then spread all over MY luggage? How incredibly inconsiderate of you! Trust me, when I don my formal gown and find that half of it is now brown and sticky, I'll be hunting for the other person onboard wearing brown-and-sticky clothes. You better be ready to pay my dry cleaning bill!



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