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LIVE from the Oosterdam - Oct 11, 2008


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Day 4 Mazatlan – We woke up with a bang this morning. About 6:30 right outside our verandah lightning was coming down all over. The thunder was almost instantly as the bolts came out of the sky outside our room. Cindy went outside and two bolts came down really close as we heard the crackle of the lightning. Cindy came diving into the room and I mean diving! I tried to take some pictures (not of her but of the lightning!) but the lightning didn’t cooperate… Needless to say today started as a gloomy and drizzly day but soon got much better. It was warm and humid but nowhere near what we expected.


We didn’t do much today as we took it easy and went to just the shops around the ship to pick up postcards and little things. The rest of the day we relaxed on the ship walking our miles and pounds off. Spent a couple hours in the T-Pool and had a good nap there. Also ate and ate more! This is the earliest I have ever been on a cruise where I am already stuffed! Mostly the food has been very good but I have been eating too much as normally I am a good boy. Tomorrow I start watching what I eat… Famous last words…


Today’s movie is Kung Fu Panda. Tonight is the big pool party. I am a bit disappointed they now have a pool party at 10 pm and they no longer do the barbecue in PV tomorrow evening. I am not sure what it will be tonight but they are making a big setup but I know I won’t be hungry at 10 pm. We’ll watch Kung Fu Panda tonight before heading to bed.


Tonight again we ate at the lido as all the food we wanted was up there. Most people up there are dressed very casual with shorts and even slippers for some people. The food again was really good. I had the mushroom and chicken ragout which was outstanding. The pea soup was also delicious.


Not all has been great as we have had some problems. For the mariner luncheon invitations they forgot many people as some on the Cruise Critic roll call group never got theirs and even in our room only my mom had hers. When Cindy and I went to the front desk they even said they had no records of us so they apologized. Calling room service you are on hold for 5-10 minutes every time. We also ordered water everyday at 10 am as a standing order as always and it took 3 days before they did bring it. Yes, we did call each day a few hours later asking and they brought it then.


The ship has been crowded at night and some lounges are full every night. The Piano bar was filled up completely last night for the TV Trivia. Easy to get seats in the show lounge at night but I haven’t been interested. Tonight is a magician but we’ll skip that also.


The sail away from Mazatlan was really night. We pulled out first as the NCL star was in front of us. As we went around lots of people were sitting on their balconies as every waved. As soon as we passed them the Star headed out right behind us and right now it is off to the side of us. In the distance we can see the lights as I think it is headed for PV as well.


That’s it for now… Tomorrow will be Puerto Vallarta and we will book a tour on the pier. Not sure what we will do but we’ll do something there on our own.


A couple people emailed me letting me know that one of my reports I reported they I had “shrimp MOUSE”… I hate to disappoint everyone but the Oosterdam crew is not cathing the mice and serving it, yet! I meant MOUSSE… Sorry to scare you all… :D


Also it didn't look like Cabo even had a storm...



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Nobby - I am so enjoying your daily posts!

Hope you will update your smugmug webpage with new fotos form your MR cruise - we'll be there NOV 8th.

Was browsing through your beautiful fotos last night and loved those colorful Madarin duck images - so clear and focused - such bright colors. If you don't mind - can you provide some specifications about your camera and lens? Although I'm sure a lot has to do with your photography skills!:)


Thanks... I will be putting photos on after I get home and I will post a link to them. I use a Nikon D300 and D80 with various lenses. I am pretty sure the Mandarin shots were using the Nikon Nikkor 300mm f4 with a 1.4xTC. If you want to know more feel free to email me anytime... nobbync at the yahoo dot com address and we can talk more specifics. I won't answer till I get home...



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Please explain what this T-pool is? And why it costs $150.00 per person for a week. Sounds just like a big jacuzzi, so I must be wrong. Can't imagine charging that much for a big jacuzzi. My husband loves to go in the jacuzzi's. We went in a T-pool on Celebrity's Summit but it was all included so I am confused as to what this really is.


Could you please explain what you get for the $150.00.


Thank you.

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Please explain what this T-pool is? And why it costs $150.00 per person for a week. Sounds just like a big jacuzzi, so I must be wrong. Can't imagine charging that much for a big jacuzzi. My husband loves to go in the jacuzzi's. We went in a T-pool on Celebrity's Summit but it was all included so I am confused as to what this really is.


Could you please explain what you get for the $150.00.


Thank you.


We have also enjoyed the special spa pool & area on Celebrity's Summit. It was the highlight of our cruise when we were aboard the ship.

HAL's T-pool is much, much smaller but also included the heated tile beds. I have asked the same question you did, the only thing I can think of because of the size they needed to make it less available to everyone on the ship by charging a fee. Only a guess.




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If I am not mistaken the T-Pool he refers to is the Hydrotherapy pool located within the spa - a blend of saltwater and numerous minerals - good for the skin (esp psoriosis (sp?) sufferers) and very rejuvinating. Holland America sells a pass (As does Celebrity on the Galaxy & Mercury btw) for unlimited access to the Hydrotherapy pool for the week - I believe the pass (and please correct me if I am mistaken - it was this way on the Noordam last summer) also includes access to the Persian Garden (or whatever HAL calls it) which is a series of special saunas and steam rooms along w/ a relaxation area with those incredible heated loungers. Both areas are enclosed as part of the Spa and are key controlled access only. Yes - there are free jacuzzis but the hydrotherapy pools and the attendant calm in their area are well worth the price of admission if you ask me.


By contrast the T-Pool on Celebrity's M Class ships is a large Hydrotherapy pool located in a public area (serves as a secondary enclosed pool area in inclement weather). At one point "X" tried to enclose the T-pool on the Infinty, with big ugly frosted glass divider panels, and make it fee-for-use. The backlash from "X" cruisers was enormous - the fee was almost immediately dropped, but unfortunately those ugly frosted glass barriers still exist on the Infinty.

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Before I get to today’s report, last night they had the poolside party. I guess they do that now instead of the poolside barbecue they used to do on the day in Puerto Vallarta. This is a dessert party with the band playing and huge trees of anything you want to dip in chocolate as they had chocolate and white chocolate fountains. I am sure it was delicious but I couldn’t eat anything.


Day 5 Puerto Vallarta – This morning we woke up at 6:30 am and saw we were still moving but I recognized the buildings by the pier and we were already backed in to our parking space. As we looked out the window we could see the Carnival Pride and NCL Star just outside the harbor. The moon was full and out in front of us and the sun still wasn’t up yet so it was beautiful. First we watched the Carnival Pride come in and it turned around in front of us and backed in. Then the NCL Star backed in and anchored inside the harbor. I had never seen that before but they anchored right besides us. It was great for the NCL passengers since getting on and off the launches were much easier since there was no waves.


We ate breakfast on the lido deck and we were all good eating cereal and fruit. After breakfast we walked off the ship about 8:30 ships time. In Puerto Vallarta the ship does not change times so when it is 8:30 ships time it is 9:30 PV time. We walked to the pier and met a gentleman named Jose and worked out a 2 ½ hour tour in a Chevy Suburban for the 3 of us for $80. He took us to the Melacon, the old town area and the village of Mismaloya which is where the Night of the Iguana was filmed. He stopped at many great lookouts and gave us a good overview of the city. If you wanted to they would give you the city tour, jungle tour and tequila tour for $150. Overall it was well worth the $80 for the 3 of us.


In the morning the temperatures were very nice and comfortable but we were also using the AC in the car so it was comfortable. We got back to the ship about 11 and ate lunch. The barbecue short ribs were excellent and just melted in your mouth. After lunch we were going to drop my mom off for her afternoon nap and Cindy and I planned to walk over to the Krystal to spend the afternoon at the beach. On the ship there was a strong fuel smell so it gave me a minor migraine of there is such a thing. I decided to go to the t-pool and Cindy went to the beach. I felt better after an hour in there and we decided to go shopping on the pier. Most of the day it was sunny but the clouds were coming in so we thought we would be okay from the heat. I sure was wrong on that. If the clouds were blocking the sun it was okay but once the sun would come out it would get HOT and fast! We didn’t stay out long and just picked up a few tourist junk and headed back to the ship.


The rest of the afternoon we spent relaxing and walking around the ship. As the sun was setting we had a great sunset with the Pride and Star framing the sunset. After sunset we ate again on the lido and I had the Parmesan Crusted Chicken Breast and as usual it was very good. After dinner we just talked for awhile and about 8:30 pm the rain just started coming down. I think this really was raining cats and dogs.


First out of the Harbor was the NCL Star followed by us and the Pride after. So far it’s smooth sailing even with the thunder and lightning.


Today’s movie is My Blueberry????? I forget the full name as I never heard of it…


The T-Pool is the Thelostherapy pool that others mentioned. I guess it is the same as Celebrities but on HAL is smaller but they limit how many people are in there so it is really relaxing. The temperature is body temp not hotter like a jacuzzi. The room is completely closed and has a tropcal feel to it with fresh flowers and really nice cushioned chairs. Since it is limited there are many times you can go in and have it all to yourself and they did sell out all the passes for this cruise. You also get those thermal hot chairs in another room with a great view of the ocean. I think they charge to keep it limited as the place is for relaxing and if it is full it may not be as relaxing. I think it's worth it wile others probably think gambling is worth it. I spend about 2 hours day in there and most of the time I fall alseep.


Tonight is the Crew Show at 11 so we will go watch that. One of our waiters Edy said he is in the show so we’ll go see it.


That about does it for tonight. Tomorrow night will be our second formal night. With all the food I have eaten I hope my suit still fits…




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Pool Party?? -- That late at night??


Yep, that late but it was pretty well atended as it was pretty crowded up there. I'd still rather have the barbecue but next weeks cruise leave room for the munchies. I had no idea what it was and there was no way I could eat anything else that night.


I am wondering why so many people were forgotten for the Mariner's Lunch?? HAL was supposed to have taken care of all of this this past summer.


I guess they did not as they missed a lot of us. Even today someone asked me if I got mine and I told them they should have already got it and they should go to the front desk since the lunch is tomorrow.


I did get my 25 day pin in my room today.



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Nobby, I have so enjoyed you reports and I know that you only have the last 2 Sea Days left, I do feel bad for you and know that feeling all too well but just this one time I am also a bit excited because we will take your place ;) :D . Good to know that the Mariner Brunch is on Thursday.

Thanks again for reporting in and telling us of a few of the changes/differences from last years season. The laptop for me is staying home this time but I might report in while in Mazatlan:)

Have a relaxing final two days and congrats on getting your 25 day pin.

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Nobby, thank you so much for all this great information. Many of my friends are on with you (including Cathy). If you get a chance and can find Lara and David (from Australia - sailing with Cathy and Dan), would you please tell them that Moonie says "Happy Anniversary"!!! I would appreciate it and they will be so surprised.


Thanks, even if you can't find them to say that. Love the details of your reports.

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This should have been posted last night but I forgot...and I was even here...


Hello Everyone… I can’t believe our cruise is winding down but we still have one more full day before it’s all over. I do like this part of the 7 day cruise as we have two full days at sea to do nothing but relax…or whatever you want.


Last night we had the heavy downpour as we were leaving Puerto Vallarta but overall the weather has been calm. I can’t say it was cool but it was very nice. Also the seas are as calm as can be. Today the seas are 1 foot maybe. Of my Mexican Riviera cruises this is the smoothest so far and for awhile we thought we might be getting rough seas. I hope all of you that are on the next cruise has calm seas like we had. I slept like a baby last night even on the sofa bed. I was the lucky one that got the sofa bed this cruise and really it is comfortable if you lay in the right area. There is a bar that goes across the middle so as long as I can get in the right area I can sleep all night.


Today was the Mariners Lunch. It was at 11 am and they had a good but limited menu. The appetizers were either a seafood cocktail (squid) or a chicken caesar salad and the entrée was either a New York Steak or Salmon with a mustard sauce. They had a quiche on the menu but they did not have that and instead had some pasta. The cocktail and salmon was really good. For dessert they had a mango and banana strudel that was really good. I want more… It was warm and delicious.


Around noon today we went by Cabo and it looked like a perfect day. Wish we could stop again.


The afternoon was spent in the t-pool and thermal suite. I fell asleep for about an hour in there. Some of the afternoon we sat on the verandah watching dolphins go by.


Today’s movie is The Visitor. Tonight’s show is a production show with the ships dancers and singers. I don’t think we plan to go.


It looks like they no longer have the dessert buffet at night and it was replaced by the pool party. Guess the pool party combined the dessert buffet and the barbecue which is disappointing to say the least.


We arrived for dinner on the last formal night at 6:45 pm and did not have reservations and was seated right away. There was no tables for just the 3 of us but we were seated next to a very nice couple. For dinner tonight I had a king crab appetizer, asparagus soup and lobster x4… Very nice meal… I am still full…


Tomorrow night is the Master Chef’s Meal. I was hoping they no longer had it but it is not the farewell dinner. Even As You Wish dinning has set seating tomorrow, either 5 pm or 8 pm. I think we will be going to dinner on the Lido.


I kind of like the As You Wish dinning. It was nice to eat with different people and of the nights we ate we did nto make reservations and arrived between 6:30 and 7 and were seated almost immediately. The service was also very good.


Well, I will close for now and one more day left…



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THANKS so much, I am a bit more excited now for Nov. 22 cruise. There is so little activity on the roll call boards I've had a hard time keeping my enthusiasm up! The ship looks great, like the wood chairs!!!


So.....did you like the trip to Houstons island get away? Was it worth it? Thanks again

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Hopefully someone can answer a few questions I have about the spa:


We will be sailing on the Oosterdam in a few weeks and are possibly interested in going to the spa. But

A. How much is it for just a day pass?

B. If you get the day pass, can you go an unlimited amount of times during that day, or only once?

C. If they offer the special of 2 for $250, can a third person purchase this deal at $125 or is it more?


Thanks to any and all who answers my questions. I have learned a great deal from all you great cruisers. I can't wait for our cruise to start, and hopefully that week will last a long time!

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Day 7 at sea - I can’t believe we only have one more night sleeping on here. Last year doing the 15 days to Hawaii was really nice. 7 days is now too short…


Today was really just a relaxing day. We pretty much hung out in the cabin and watched TV. We watched Sleepless in Seattle, Jerry Maguire, Sabrina (original Audrey Hepburn) and Iron Man. We did walk out of our room to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. I also spent my two hours in the t-pool and thermal suite. I started to fall asleep on those warm tiles but just as I was drifting off the lady next to me started snoring, loudly… So no sleeping in there for me.


Today we had some excitement outside our verandah room We noticed some whales so we started to look at there must have been 25 of them. They were bubble feeding and breaching one after another. It was just a little too far to really get some good photos but it was spectacular to watch.


Dinner tonight was on the lido deck again and it was nice and casual. The salmon was excellent as usual and desserts were awesome. Our bags are packed and will be in the hall tonight by midnight and we will just wait for our call off the ship. Out scheduled time is at about 9:30.


It was sad to say goodbye to all the new friends we made but many of them we will remain in contact by email and hope to sail with them again.


Anyway, thanks for reading along and on Sunday I will post a final thoughts and once I have my pictures ready I will post a link to them.



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Yes, THANKS for sharing your vacation with us. You make the spa sound so great that I may have to check it out! Nice to hear you didn't have to wait for anytime dining. HOpe we get to see the whales, too. I thought it would be a little early for them.

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