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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Belle, Know that we are with you and have our arms around you right now. Whatever happens, he will be at peace and that is the most important. Continued prayers for you and your mother.


Hi to everyone else but running late this AM so will try to catch up on Saturday. Crazy week so far and Baby can fill you in on some of it.

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Praying for your Dad, your Mom and you. I totally know where you're at (unf) looking back on things w/my Dad 3 years ago ... especially with your trying to make your father as comfortable as possible, coming to terms yourself and trying to understand your Mom. I had almost 2 weeks going ICU w/Dad while Mom was home w/aide... "in her own little world". I wanted her to go see him at hospital, I was going to arrange an ambulette if necessary but she refused.. saying "she didn't want to see him like "that" " (on a vent etc.). I know he probably wouldn't want to see her like that too but it was almost 2 months since he saw her and it might have been "closure"... but also I was carrying on with everything on my shoulder.. I still bear some of the scars (sister getting on with her life and calling in to check while "berry picking" after I had a rough time at hospital and then at the end trying to reach her to let her know.. she's out to lunch and doesn't answer her cell and then she calls my mother to ask "what's going on" when I didn't get to tell Mom <wanted to do it in person but I had to run to bank before things were "locked down">). I know that this might not be helpful but at least you're "warned" that the end is emminant and you can say what you need to bring peace. I wish I had that "luxury" since the day before Dad passed he just got off the vent and looked like he was slowly on recovery.. I even passed on seeing him on 3rd night visit to rest up and then didn't do my 3AM check in with night nurse. I know Mike wanted to drive down and take charge of the care (like he does on the phone w/Mom) but I discouraged him since I didn't want him to jeopordize his job. I try to put strong face for everyone but have my moments still of "cracking" (just did it last night w/my aunt <Dad's sister> who still doesn't understand how things "played out" Dad's last month).

So know that we all care and love you and are praying for you during this very difficult time.


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Think my WOE (low carb and not eating much at all because of stress) is not going to do me "any good". I know that I'm at the "wall" since I am very careful, not doing late night eating and the scale still isn't budging... very aggrevating. I get the initial drop and then it's over 2 weeks later and NOTHING!!! I'm not drinking any caffeinated beverages (was having a few diet coke plus's before) and trying to drink water or very diluted crystal lights. It's almost where I was 3 years before I tried Cortislim. Don't know if I should take some vitamins since I usually gain a bit then. Think I'm going to try to start back to the gym for a bit starting next week (Libby went back to school today YEAH) when I start taking Alex to school for soccer practices.. he starts classes on Friday (too late).

I know you used to do South Beach until you started with trainer. Unf. I can't afford a trainer and I'm trying to get an appointment w/endocrin. since I'm sure my thyroid isn't working "properly"... or something else. Luckily my MD (not my reg. doc. but gyn <male surprisingly> who says "it's the age" <not necessarily encouraging but at least not saying.. well willpower/exercise etc. that the internist says>.


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Carolyn ~ I think you starting back to the gym will definitely move the scale....or at least some inches off. I always gain a little when I start lifting weights. Your muscles hold water when you break them down during strength training. Just keep that in mind. Good idea about getting your thyroid checked. Take care!

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Belle, my thoughts are with you. I just came to this site and read your latest post. I know how difficult it is and my heart goes out to you.


I haven't posted because I have been on the computer TOO MUCH, organizing a new trip! We cancelled the July Century to Norway. After reading the reviews of the cuisers this year, we decided that too much time was allotted to the North and it did look rather bleak (especially because the weather wasn't too great)


So now we are taking our first transatlantic.. ..on the Galaxy in May. Donna had booked it and encouraged me...and now poor Donna is having booking problems, which I hope will get worked out. I would love to meet her (and all of you) in person.


So...believe it or not...I have been spending WAY too many hours on a hotel in Rome for 4 meager days. You may think we were buying a house!!!! Anyway I have reserved two. One Best Western, Senior discount (love that!), but in not so nice area. The other a small hotel near the Colosseum (DH chose this one). Guess where we will stay!!!!


Weight is stable, not too bad. I stopped buying my "dangerous snacks". No more frozen yogurt (can't stop eating it!) and instead of "diet delight" birdseed (do you know what I mean?), I went to a fabulous nut shop and bought fresh, unsalted almonds, walnuts and brazils. I put a few into a little nappy bowl and that's it.


Sheila, forgive this question (it's my age!!!) Did you go to Britain yet?


Donna...where are you?


Carolyn... Aren't you glad that it's back to school! Good luck with everything.


Linda, I am glad that you lurk and thanks for the kind remarks about the wedding, etc. It seems like a long time ago! We went to visit the kids a couple of weekends ago. They had just returned from a fabulous honeymoon in Costa Rica...ecotouring. You take it easy, one day at a time.


Everyone, be well...and good wishes for all

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Baby ~ Oh, how I've missed you! I used to have your e-mail address when I was on AOL, but lost it. You would've gotten an e-mail asking where you were. ;) That is soooo exciting about your TA!!!! You ae so lucky! I want to go to Rome so bad. I know I will one day. Let me guess...y'all are staying at the small hotel by the Colosseum, right?


I leave 3 weeks from today to go to Britain! :D


Linda ~ If you're reading....HELLO! I hope you and your family are doing well.


Donna ~ Good luck getting your cruise booking sorted!


Belle ~ My prayers continue for you and your parents.


Carolyn ~ Have you made that doctor's appt yet?



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Hi Sheila! Thanks for missing me!!!!! I missed you,too. I don't want to post my e-mail here. I don't know how else to get it to you.


You are SO SMART!!!! Yes, we booked the hotel near the Colosseum. I also booked a Best Western elsewhere (not such a nice area), but DH doesn't want to stay there even though we got a great Senior's rate. C'est la vie (wrong language, but I can speak French, not Italian!!)


We have been to Rome twice and we each were there once in our young and single days. So, one of my friends asked "Why would you want to go to Rome AGAIN?? It seems to me that all my friends are taking exotic trips to the far ends of the world. DH and I...we're just happy to go to a fun and interesting place and enjoy it. I was never one to see IT ALL. The first time I went to Europe I joked that I saw whatever was on the way to the stores! I also said that what I saved on my shopping paid for my trip!!! Today it is a different story. Everything is SO EXPENSIVE.


Three weeks from today! YOU must be so excited. Tell me again exactly where you are going to be and for how long. I could go to London again in a minute. It's like going to NYC. There's never too much.


Now for serious stuff. We went for sushi last night. We were with another couple and believe me when I tell you that we were the oldest people there! It was fun. I felt like we were on dates! BUT...I got on the scale this morning...UP 1 and 1/2 pounds. AND...would you believe we WALKED to and from the restaurant. I wonder what I would weigh if we didn't walk?


Hugs to all....and good stuff ONLY.

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Baby ~ I don't understand why people always question why we go places multiple times. How can you see it all in one trip?! Just like London....we tried to do too much and we ended up not enjoying ourselves as much. We learned our lesson. Now, we want to go back and take time to walk through the parks, and just enjoy the atmosphere.


In Scotland, we're going to drive from the border up to Inverness along the East side of the country. After Inverness, we're heading to Fort William and Loch Lomond. After that, we'll go back to the border. We'll spend one day in Carlisle, England going shopping and to Carlisle Castle. This will be a whirlwind trip as far as places go, but we haven't planned anything so we won't be rushed.


What in the world was in that Sushi?


BTW, e-mail me at weirdeyes at hotmail dot com with your e-mail address. ;)

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For your prayers and kind thoughts,

hugs and everything.

My father is still hanging on, he's

not ready to go. He won't let anyone

tell him when he's going.

We just have to take it one day or hour at a time.

Main thing is I don't want him to suffer.

As you know, it's just so hard to see him each day,

not the father you knew. Not knowing how each day

is going to be.


Sheila..Baby..Donna..Carolyn..Linda...Thinking of you all.


Everyone enjoy your trips. Donna you leave first? Then

Sheila? The rest of us will just wait to hear all about them.


Baby lucky you get to go on the Galaxy in May with Donna.

Are you still going to Palm Springs?


Take care everyone.

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Will find us in London and making a desperate attempt to stay awake until a reasonable hour.


Belle, Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hoping that you were able to get a bit of downtime this past weekend.


Baby, Have fun planning! It will work one of these days. Looks like we will let RCL make it up to us on a different one. Yours eats up all my legal vacation plus and there's no way that I could hang on without using some until cabins are again available.


Sheila, Yep, your right behind us. We are supposed to see HollyB in Dublin so that is just adding to the fun.


Linda, hang in there! We'll see just how well he cruises. Seriously thinking that it will be back to the Caribbean for us since he really doesn't have to expend the energy to get off the ship.


Carolyn, Gym is a great idea and should also work off some of your stress.


OK, guest room is trashed, we have spent the last 4 days shopping and I have two weeks of work to get done before we leave next Monday! Other than that, things appear to be normal about here including looking up at the clock and realizing that I'd better get going!


Everyone have a great Tuesday!

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Belle ~ I hope you had a good birthday all things considered. How's your DM holding up? I guess your DF is playing by his own rules. I sure hope he's not suffering. Are you feeling OK?


Donna ~ I hope you have a fantastic time on your trip! Tell HollyB I said HELLO and that I've thought about her often. I guess it is easy for her to get to Dublin since she lives so close to the coast. Just a ferry ride over, right?


I shopped until I dropped this past weekend buying new clothes for trip and work. I bought 5 pairs of pants, 3 pairs of jeans, numerous tops, and shoes. The shoes I bought are adorable. They are Clark Privos that look like normal shoes, but are built like tennis shoes. Love them!


Carolyn, Baby & Linda ~ How are all of you?


My WOE is going so-so. I still can't seem to stop cheating on the weekends. I'm maintaining my weight and have lost some inches so I shouldn't complain.


Hugs to you all!

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Donna..Sure you said before but please

repeat. When are you leaving? Where are you going?


Reading between the lines..Did you plan to go on

the Galaxy next May and now you can't get cabins?

Baby is going now because of you, she got cabins? You didn't?

Explain please. Or am I completly wrong? Which could

be right!


Sheila..When do you leave? Later then Donna, right?

Know your friends are counting the days till they see you.


I know you both are going to have..A Great Time!

Sounds like you both got lots of new clothes.


Baby are you still going to Palm Springs this winter?

Where are you staying if going?


Carolyn and Linda hope your fine too. Staying home like me.

I love it when people get to travel but ALL the time I wish

it was ME..ME..ME! LOL


Thank you again for all the concern for me and my parents.

Still just going day by day. I'm not doing to good.. Stress eating

and not getting everything done I should.

Hardtime dealing and seeing your parents like this. Try to do

everything I can but can't keep my father from dying or

help my mother from losing her memory or being so angry.

Life isn't easy at times..as you all know.

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Belle, We leave here next Monday and will be staying in London until we take a bus to Dover on Saturday to board Constellation then it is Le Havre, Cornwall, Dublin (and HollyB) Cork followed by 3 sea days, St. John's, sea day, St. John, Sea day and Newark. We will disembark on the 27th in Newark and fly straight home.


Now, the Galaxy mess started with having a booking on March, 08 Century which was taken to charter. Called TA and said book Galaxy (same cabin as last itme) on Friday afternoon. Following Thursday, discover that someone at X rejected the on board booking transfer and put our reservation in limbo land when they rejected the transfer or our on board booking. Wanted us to book again at the new price (more than double) and take whatever cabin. By the next day, no good cabins and price was up yet again. I waited until I calmed down and sent a letter to a director at RCL. That got apologies and a response in less than 17 hours. They said they could wait list us but Joe got cold feet about 7 sea days up front and went back to the idea of the Galaxy Southern Caribbean that Baby took last year. However, he then found the new Connie West bound TA so sent both choices through and will see what kind of deal they will give us.


Prayers and lots of virtual hugs coming your way!


Yikes, Mid morning hair cut so better get moving so Hi all and Bye all!

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Where's Baby?


Carolyn ~ You're missing also.


Belle ~ I leave on the 21st for Manchester, England. We'll drive up to Scotland and spend 7 nights and then back home on the 29th. Our friends are very excited.....and so are we. ;) I pray for you to be able to handle the stress and of course, for your DH and DM. As always, we are here for you.


Donna ~ Wow! What a mess about your cruise. However, you're going to have a great time on this first one. The itinerary is fantastic and you get to spend so much time in London. I envy you! Can't wait to hear all about it when you return.


I had a great workout last night and WOE has been good so far this week. I hope I can continue it thru the weekend.


Take care!

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Weight is up the AWFUL pound. Gained 2 whole pounds this week. BAD, BAD. Today I will have to be GOOD!!!!


Sheila...we were in Loch Lomond...very briefly, while on a cruise tour. People were taking boatrides which looked so inviting, but of course, we had no time. Then they drove us to a place called Rest and be Thankful!!! Don't you just love that name!!


You are going to have a wonderful time. We enjoy travelling at our own pace (which is slow!) and simply enjoying whatever we manage to see. We were never ones that had to see it all.


Enjoy all your new clothes and let me know how comfortable the Clarks are after your trip. I wear SAS for walking, very comfortable, but not cute!


Belle...I wish I could say something to ease your pain. This is a tough time. Two of my friends lost their Dads recently...one yesterday and one two weeks ago. It is very sad.


We are still planning on Palm Springs, end of Feb. We have 3 reservations...the Best Western Las Brisas, The Hyatt Regency and a Residence Inn (in Palm Desert, I think). Are you familiar with any of them? The Bst Western is the cheapest, of course. They say it is walkable to restaurants which is nice because we may not want to drive every night. Same for Hyatt. Tripadvisor write-ups seem better for Best Western. Pool area may be nicer there, too. Hard to tell from photos.


Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Donna...so sorry we will not be meeting you. We could have compared our Chico wardrobe!!!! My husband also complained about the 7 days. I always wanted to try a transatlantic. And the price is SO RIGHT. You know, we transferred an on-board booking for this cruise. I wonder why they didn't let you do it? We were originally on a 12 day Norwegian itinerary.


Bon voyage on Monday. Hope you have wonderful weather and a smooth crossing.


Carolyn...how are you doing?


Hi to all lurkers!


Have a great day!

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Baby ~ Hey! Glad you decided to post. ;) If it helps you feel better, my scale has been up and down lately a lot! Of course, I don't care what the scale says. LOL


This trip to Scotland will be a "see what we can" and not push it trip. We're just going to take in the beautiful scenery and spend time with our friends. I'm getting so excited!


I walked around the house in the Clarks last night and they are so comfy. I hope they do well on our trip. My aunt wears SAS and swears by them.


Have a great day!

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Enjoy, enjoy!


For me the countdown is here...the countdown for cooking! Thurs night we will be 21 people for Rosh Hashanah dinner....I better hurry up or they will starve!


Weight is up. Last night we walked over to an Italian restaurant and had such a delicious meal. I told my husband that in Rome we would not be able to afford it!!!! We will have to wait until we return home to have yummy affordable Italian cuisine! Maybe that's a good thing because even though we walked, today I am up the awful pound. I better be good today because with the Jewish holidays upon us, there will be too much food. Oy vay!!!!!!


Belle, how are you doing? I'd like your opinion on my Palm Springs hotel selections. Yesterday, I checked out Tripadvisors again and the Best Western Las Brisas seems to win over the Hyatt Regency hands down. People I know go for a longer stay and they will be at the Deauville. I think I prefer a hotel.


Take care, everyone!

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About to get him up but had to post before he distracts me again. We finally made it and will be heading to the airport in a few hours. Packing is done and rental is in the driveway. Some last minute clean up around the house along with bank and post office then we are off.


Belle, your never far from my thoughts and sending lots of virtual hugs along with prayers. Hope you are managing a bit of downtime just for you.


Sheila, Have a wonderful trip and do stop and smell those roses! Plan on taking my own advise this time for a change!


Baby, sounds like your winter vacation is coming together and I'm sure it will be wonderful and then the cruise will follow and also be wonderful. I'm thinking that your roll call may rival ours at 254 CC members.


Carolyn, How is the gym going? Bet your glad to have them back in school so you can get a bit of time for yourself.


OK, 3 bags for checking and I'm pretty sure that we will only need to open one of them for the time in London. We sail on Saturday so have plenty of time to see the sights before hand including going out to Windsor Castle and a Friday pass to Buckingham Palace. Rest will fall into place.


Hope everyone stays healthy while we are gone and will check in when we return.

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Wouldn't mind being off to London as well! There is so much to do and see there. Have a wonderful trip! And be safe and healthy!


Weight...still up AWFUL pound. We were soooo decadent last night. We went to a local deli, had a smoked meat sandwich and my own french fries. I can't tell you how many years it's been since I've done that!


I am so tired from the work and stress of having such a big dinner on Thurs. I always say it's the last time I'll do it.


Hope you are all well.

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BON VOYAGE, DONNA! Have a wonderful time. :D


Baby ~ Oh boy! You're going to be sooo busy! Take time to take care of yourself though and don't get too stressed. Just eat smaller portions and enjoy yourself.


Belle ~ How's your DF doing? Are you taking care of yourself?


I got a few things pulled out yesterday to pack. I'll start packing this weekend. I was so exhausted last night. My back was hurting so bad. John gave me a nice massage. That always makes it feel better. Getting ready for a trip is always so stressful. I'm determined not to do that this time. ;)


Talk to y'all later!

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BON VOYAGE, DONNA! Have a wonderful time. :D


Baby ~ Oh boy! You're going to be sooo busy! Take time to take care of yourself though and don't get too stressed. Just eat smaller portions and enjoy yourself.


Belle ~ How's your DF doing? Are you taking care of yourself?


I got a few things pulled out yesterday to pack. I'll start packing this weekend. I was so exhausted last night. My back was hurting so bad. John gave me a nice massage. That always makes it feel better. Getting ready for a trip is always so stressful. I'm determined not to do that this time. ;)


Talk to y'all later!


I wanted to highlight the last two sentences, but I don't know how to do that!


Why is it we stress so much about things that are supposed to add quality to our lives....such as travel and guests for dinner?????


I can't tell you how many times I arrived in a fabulous vacation venue, only to be sick as a dog with a migraine. Thank G-d I don't get them much any more (I better not talk...I used to get them Jewish holiday time, too!). With age, they seem to disappear. (One thing good about getting older!!)


Back to the kitchen!!

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