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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hello Everyone - I promise to check in more often - my dress that I was kinda' trying to get into for yesterday's wedding??? --- FIT!! yahoo!

I was able to button the jacket but I didn't cuz it was hot but the dress was comfy and I felt so good! I am actually down one size from 6 months ago - maybe I can do 1/2 a size til Nov 1... I ate the full course cuz I figured, ok, this is a wedding I looked forward to - but I ate ONE cupcake - they had a cupcake tree instead of a traditional wedding cake, which was gorgeous and that's what a lot of folks are doing now - so I had ONE instead of the two I wanted -- Corkey Carol

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Corkey Carol!!!! How wonderful! (Also congratulations on eating only one cupcake!) Truly amazing --- think that has been the hardest -- for it to be ok to only have one.


Belle - I will try to post more often too. I'm hoping to have a loss this week ... so far I'm doing ok. The last few weeks have been interesting ... I've learned that if I'm not around it will be ok ... I've talked to my kids and my DH. I decided it was important that they understand that if anything really happened, that it would be ok, I've had a wonderful life, they have always been truly loved and it is ok if my DH wallows in sorrow for at least 6 months ... then he too would need to get on with his life and live and love and be happy. I am not planning on leaving for at least another 40-50 years .... I'm going to live to be very very old.


I believe being in a scary situation had meaning for all 6 of us involved. My boss is an ok person, but he does not understand and is now making what we went through as trival. Not my problem that he feels guilty and says things to make himselve feel better. Sometimes people amaze me on how self centered they can be.


I have only 27 days until we cruise ... I'm really looking forward to it. Jan

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Carol..Congrats on fitting in your dress.

"Weigh to go"!

Losing a dress size.! Great?

Did good in eating only ONE cupcake.


Jan..I bet after it was over, you really

understand what could of happen. I

believe your boss might of notknow how

bad it was then, now he does, is guilty.

Doesn't know how to deal with it. So

making light of it.

Glad you and family talked things over.

Jan I didn't know you were going on a cruise.

When? Where? What ship? Details?


Yes hope to see both of you talking more.

Sheila waiting for you to post. How's your

ankle? Better with brace?


Ate late lunch/early dinner at Olive Garden.

Had soup and salad. Plus bread and ice tea.


Did this after visiting my mother. Played bingo

with her and other lady there. Trying to keep

their minds active. A lady visiting thought I was

the activity director. LOL


See you tomorrow.

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Welcome Shielda

I read on the other site about you

having shingles. Had a friend who

had them. Not fun. Hope your feeling better.


Sheila fell down some stairs the night

before a cruise. Broke her ankke. Spent

the cruise in pain and a wheelchair.

She's a trooper.


Jan and Sheila and Corky

Are you having a good week so far?


Donna and Carolyn..I miss you two!

Come on in and say Hi..so I know your


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Belle week is ok ---- When I get a minute I'd love to tell you about our next cruise ... everyone around here is tired of listening to me talk about it :rolleyes::D:) Jan



always LOVE reading about cruises!! tell away!! corkey carol

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Ok here goes - This will be our 36th anniversary cruise (a week late) it is just Ken & I (last two times was once with DS & once with DBIL & DSIL) I'm looking forward to having my DH all to myself ... we life a very busy lives and the cell and pager goes off all the time (DH takes care of 300 or so apartments around here ... he built some of them, now they are still his babies, although owned by some other people).


23 Days from now (Friday)


We are actually flying out of Boston ... which is about 4 hours away from Bangor, Maine ... we are taking a bus from here to the airport in Boston ... its a nice ride with snacks and movies. We should get into Boston around noon and into the hotel. We are going to walk the Freedom Trail and explore Boston for the day ... have a nice dinner out and then a good night sleep. (I've never explored the city before, so I'm really excited)



At 8:30 our plane - non-stop - leaves Boston for San Juan (arrives 12:30) - we are staying right in Old San Juan at the El Convento Hotel ... It was built in the 1600's and is a converted convent. I understand it is very nice ... love the history.


At 3:00 we are taking a 2 hour segway tour of Old San Juan ... klutzy Jan on a segway ... should be good for a laugh.


We are going to try having dinner at an outdoor resturant attached to the hotel ... I want to try different tapas (dinner made up of different types of appitizers).



Going to try to have breakfast at La Bombammmm(don't know the spelling) for pastries/breakfast with my understanding very good coffee.


When onto the Adventure of the Sea RCCL for a 7 day Southern cruise. Haven't been on this ship before and most of the ports are new to us.


Will continue in a moment - want to post in case my computer shuts off. Jan

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Monday - Sea day and relaxing and going to the exercise room and whatever -- Formal night


Tuesday - Aruba - we are taking a jeep off road tour and then going to Palm beach for the rest of the day ... The ship does not leave until 8:30 so this day we have reservations at Portofino's. I've never gone there before.


Wednesday - Curacao - A trolley tour of the town and then to a beach for the day (Cabana beach)


Thursday - At Sea - Second formal night


Friday - Dominica - We are doing a waterfall tour with emerald pool and other sorts of walking. It is a rain forest and is where the last "Pirates of the Caribbean" was filmed.


Saturday - is St. Thomas - Been there a few times, we are going to Emerald Beach and then taking the tram up to Paradise Point.


Sunday - back to the real world - flying to Boston


Monday - Back home


This might end up being our last cruise for awhile - DS starts college next month ... as with everyone else in the world - finances are getting tight ... but who know!!!


I'm really excited about this .... I had planned on being down about 30# - but not going to happen ... I'm doing to do my best to have a good time and not gain any weight .... Still have 3 weeks to lose .... I'm really hoping for a loss tomorrow!!! Jan

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Jan your 36th Anniversary Cruise sounds

Great! You even get a couple of extra nights

in hotels! Enjoy!


You have everything planned so nicely.

Enjoy all the beaches and waterfalls your

going to see.

Love the color of beach in Aruba.

Hear AOS is a nice ship.


Corky sound your like me..I could hear and

read about cruises and reviews..24/7!


Everyone have a good weekend!

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Where are you?

Said I would talk everyday till

you all started talking everyday!


My woe/diet/less portions/less sugar/

Whater you want to call it..is up and down.

One day good, one day bad..A NO-NO!

Depends on the stress level of the day.

Plus I need more EXERCISE!


How are you all doing?

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Ok - So I cheated Friday. It was very warm and muggy yesterday (one of the first of the year) and someone decided that they needed to go to Dairy Queen ... I thought and thought and thought. I got a very small blizzard. It was good, but I really have no desire to have another one for a very long time. How odd is that?


I am 3 weeks away from our cruise DH isn't going to be happy today. I need to have him try on some slacks and check out polo's etc. (He lives his life in blue jeans and tee's) ... then we have to go shopping to fill in the blanks ... don't really need him for that. I just need to measure him so that I can call RCCL and rent a tux. His weight has changed a little bit from last year. Need to have him try on a 40R jacket to make sure that is correct.


I'm usually packed and ready to go at this time. I really want to get started .... for me it is the most fun.


Tomorrow DD & I are playing the "closet game". I am buying a bottle of wine (something fruity for her) she's 26. We go though all my cruise clothes, I get to try them all on and decide which one's look the best. It is great fun!!


Hop[e everyone has a wonderful weekend. I am still waiting for summer around here. Think it is going to rain again this weekend. Jan

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I will come back and read the postings - Yes, I love to hear about other people's cruise adventures --


just want to comment that on weekends - I sure do eat a lot!! -- and Yes Belle - I need to exercise more too -


Hope Sheila is ok


will be back Jan ....... Corkey Carol

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I know weekends are "hard on our eating"!

So many temptations out there and I give in

to much I know.


We have to stay strong..I know it's easier

said then done!


Jan have fun with the closet game.

Isn't it fun getting clothes ready for our

husbands for cruises. I do it all because

mine wouldn't take enough! I show him

what he's taking thro! LOL


Did I tell you I'm taking a cruise in September?

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Belle = where is your cruise going? September would be a nice time to get away. One of these years I would love to do a med cruise or europe, but I have no desire to go to alaska ... Think its because the older I get the more I hate winter. DD used to live in Alaska and says it is beautiful and that I really should go, DH would love to go there.


We went shopping yesterday. I had DH try on all his clothes .... he seems to be up about 15#. He needed shorts (He will only wear cargo style and beige/tan .. to each their/own). He needed polos and a nice button down shirt. I think I did quite well. They had large sales/ I had coupons / I had a gift card they sent me for buying so much. 4 polos, 1 shirt, 3 shorts all for $52.00. (I saved $172.00) ... love when I plan comes together.


We had to take DH back to Macy's (we live in a small town and that is our biggest store! ) he tried on suit coats for size .... he lives his life in blue jeans and when we cruise he rents a tux ... funny how the size changed. I now have enough measurements to order his tux today.


I've started packing, nicked my finger on a razor blade .... that sucker wouldn't stop bleeding for hours.


Didn't make the gym yesterday and ate out twice. Salad for lunch, mini cheesburgers for dinner (with steamed vegetables). They were so good .... they come with 3, but I ate 2 ----- still too much food, will have to hit the gym today (hopefully, maybe :rolleyes: ) Always so much to do, and not enough time .... think my house is going to walk away on its own ... gotta love the "dust kangaroos" ....should be spending some time tody cleaning! Jan

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Where's everyone? Only three of us talking!

Sheila missing you. How are you feeling?


Jan you did a good job shopping. Love it when

everything is on sail! Ooops mean Sale..Where is

my mind? LOL

Hope your finger feels better.

You didn't to bad with your eating. You needed

calories for all that shopping. It's hard work.

Sure you walked alot.


So you don't want to go to Alaska? Quess where

we're going? LOL

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Really, we booked Mexico 11 day first

then saw there was a repo cruise just

before us, 7 day, same ship, got same room.

So we took it. Husband has wanted to

go to Alaska for a long time. I gave in.

Have to once in awhile, don't we? So

we have a cold cruise and a hot one.

Leave Sept. 13th


Jan we've done two Med cruises, both were

b2b's. Both Nov./Dec..2006 and 2008.

Weather better first one, there nice, less

people..on ship and shore, stores have sales.

We enjoyed both of them very much.


Hope you and everyone has a good week

I've done so-so, I have a lot of stress going on here.

I look forward to my cruises so much but that's

added stress because never know if we will make them.

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Where's everyone? Only three of us talking!

Sheila missing you. How are you feeling?


Jan you did a good job shopping. Love it when

everything is on sail! Ooops mean Sale..Where is

my mind? LOL

Hope your finger feels better.

You didn't to bad with your eating. You needed

calories for all that shopping. It's hard work.

Sure you walked alot.


So you don't want to go to Alaska? Quess where

we're going? LOL



I'll be in more often - during the summer, I am kept busy - Alaska? when are you going? food intake - not so bad -- I even had potato chips and dip but I didn't have the whole bag!! heehee! just a handful -

I am really trying to learn about portions - carol

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Belle - Alaska and then warm sounds quite nice. 'specially the warm part. Please let me know what you think of Alaska!!! I'm sorry that you have so much stress in your life ... Its so difficult that we can't make everything "perfect". Is your mom doing ok right now?


Sheila - where are you? I miss your cheering. Is everything ok? How is the foot?


Carol - How wonderful that you didn't eat the whole bag ... I have a difficult time knowing when to stop ... well, actually I know I should stop, but it seems as if I have to eat every last chip. Sounds as if portion control is starting to kick in!


Only 18 days until my cruise ... I'm so ready. Jan

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Thank You Jan. Know everyone has

stress but when it's your own, it seem

worse. My mother sorta alright. It's

dealing with all the stuff with her, changing

Meds all the time because of heart, blood tests

every week. Dr.'s app's. Dealing with people ect.

Main thing, won't get easier, just harder, as time

goes by.


Then husband had some Doc app.'s. More to come.

Stuff like that.


My cruises give me something to focus on that's nice.

Time away to relax. Then always that small doubt..

Will something happen so we can't go.

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Going to Alaska Sept. 13th. Will tell

you how it is. They say it's beautiful.

Yes I like warm cruise better but will

nice to see Alaska..especially since we

have Mexico after! LOL


Jan..18 days..will be here before you

know it! Husband and you will have a great time!

Your anniversary, your alone, what fun! "wink wink"


Carol good on the portion control. Potato Chips

are hard to stop eating. You said your kept

busy during summer, hope it's with fun stuff

and not all work.


Sheila we miss you here. Are so busy at work?

How is your ankle? Please come in and say..Hey!

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Going to Alaska Sept. 13th. Will tell

you how it is. They say it's beautiful.

Yes I like warm cruise better but will

nice to see Alaska..especially since we

have Mexico after! LOL


Jan..18 days..will be here before you

know it! Husband and you will have a great time!

Your anniversary, your alone, what fun! "wink wink"


Carol good on the portion control. Potato Chips

are hard to stop eating. You said your kept

busy during summer, hope it's with fun stuff

and not all work.


Sheila we miss you here. Are so busy at work?

How is your ankle? Please come in and say..Hey!


What ship are you going on Belle? Yes, I am doing fun stuff - like getting together with friends and going out to lunch with them also with hubby during his lunch break at work - we meet at a favorite restaurant-- I am retired - Yes, my portions are something I need to work on - like ice cream!! oh my!! one scoop? i know two scoops would be too much since I do really really full scoops so I am doing 1-1/2 scoops - and then later, 1 will be enough - oh, I am also eating frozen yogurt now and not the regular creamy ice cream...

Jan - I am so jealous you are going on a cruise now!!

you have fun - and enjoy to the fullest- carol

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Hi - I'm really ready for this cruise (only 14 days left) I'm packed except for cell phones, chargers, Ken's reading glasses, my driving glasses.... and a few odds and ends that will have to wait until we are ready to leave.


DH's DB and his DS are here for the week then next week another DB shows up ... Everything always ends up being around food .... Its difficult to try to be healthy. I really don't want to undo all my hard work before the cruise :rolleyes:


Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Jan

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