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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Oh Belle ---- I know I haven't been talking. Work has been crazy and home life too! I work at a financial institution and we are going through our annual audit with the CPA firm ... and I also have a VITA site there where I do taxes for anyone and everyone for free ... it is volunteer income tax assistance --- the IRS gives me the tax software and puts me through training ... I love it, but I'll do probably 250 this year and I get really tired. I miss not being in real accounting any more - so this keeps me on my toes and happy.


Ken & I are still taking dancing lessons .... next Wednesday is our last class ... we are still getting individual instructions as we are not learning as fast (Ken says its age, I believe its because we can't figure out the beat). I want to take the beginning class over again ... Ken wants to continue on ... we need to talk with the instructor.


Kids are all good. My oldest turns 27 today ... we will go out to dinner (she and I will go shopping today).


Oops gotta run ... have to pick up one kid and take him to work .... talk later. Jan

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Thanks for coming in here and

weighing-in each Thursday.


Sounds like a busy time for you.

With the taxes you'll be busier

later this year since they get to

send us stuff by 12-15 instead

of 1-31.


So glad your enjoying the dance

lessons and want to continue.

Great for you to have the time together.


Same thing here these days. Seeing mother

most days. Had to get her a new doctor.

She has good and bad days. Then I'm just

putting up with "life" or going along with it! Whatever!!


My kids are doing all right. Husband is ok

just getting older..(aren't we all) sometimes

driving me nuts. Is that their job? LOL


OK where is everyone else?

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I'm just catching up on posts since I've been "out of touch" and off-line since Jan 11 when I went into hospital for a "routine hysto" and had a 23 day stay at the "hell hotel". Still not totally out of the woods. Have to return back at the end of March to hopefully repair the damage created in surgery (won't go into detail but I presently have a bag draining my right kidney). Hopefully I'll be somewhat "normal" by beginning of June if all goes as well but right now my health in totally compromised. Even out of surgery, being NPO and then on clears for over a week I still haven't lost anything since I went in. Top it off I had flu (or something like it/food poisoning) early Sat. AM. Luckily visiting nurse was able to come out to check out my vitals or else I'd have another trip back to Yale Hospital ER and who knows if they'd check me back in.


I'm so glad that I put off the surgery until after the new year so that the family could go on our Hawaii vacation. Now don't know if we can go back to Kauai any time soon (meaning next year or so) since the hospital there is a small community one and not sure if things go a bit off if I'd want to chance it. Also realize I won't be able to go to Rancho La Puerta as I was hoping to w/Libby when she turned 14 in August since it's Mexico and I probably won't have my total strength back then. You really take things for granted until you're thrown a curve ball.


Hope everyone's have a great New Year.


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I'm so sorry you had to go thru

all that trouble and still not feeling

well. Sorry it will take you so long

to get well.

That's really ''crappy" that you go thru

all this and you don't lose a pound.

Maybe it's all the meds and stuff and you'll

have a big "whoosh" one day. (big loss)


Glad you had a nice vacation in Hawaii

with the family before this happen.

We enjoyed our cruise there too.


You take care.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Carolyn - I hope you are doing better .... what a rough time you've had.


Guess what???? I became a grandmother for the first time yesterday .... it is a boy ... 6 pounds 9 ounces ... 20 inches long. He has my son's bottom lip which he got from my Dad .... I'm so happy ... I cried. They are in Colorado and won't be home until May or June .... I want to hold a new life .... how exciting this is. Jan

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Congratulations Jan! I noticed that you are online and wanted to pass my best wishes along.


We have a friend who had a baby boy in the fall and he is sooo sweet. We all have grown children for the most part so he is really spoiled. Our friend is a bit younger, and he married a girl who is younger than him, hence the baby in our circle of friends.


Take heart, the weight will happen if you don't give up. I have to get serious now as I have a higher blood sugar, although still within normal levels. My mother was diabetic and my dr says the new research says that they no longer consider that a 25 % chance, but a 100 % chance to develop the disease if you have a parent with it.


Onward and upward....have a great weekend!



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How wonderful! Sorry you have to

wait so long to see him. Tell them

to send lots of pictures everyday!


Carolyn how are you feeling? Better

I hope.


Mo good to see you in here. Keep

coming in.


Everyone have a good week.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry I haven't been posting but

others haven't either.


How is everyone? Same here plus

other problems added. But still here.

Taking it one day at a time.

Sure glad I have those cruises in "Fantasy Land

then I come back to the real world! LOL


Carolyn..Best Wishes for your surgery.

Then you'll feel "Tip Top" again. The waiting is

the PITTS!


Jan know this is your busy time, it's almost over?

Or do you do the late ones too? Plus think

you have other problems going on too.

Where is your cruise to in Oct?


Sheila where are you. Come back and stay back.

When are you quitting your day job? Have you

started yours yet?


Carol what have you been up too? Your missing

in here too.


OK everyone this start posting again. I want to get on the

ball again and start losing again. Do you?

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Hi belle,

Glad you posted. I wish I had some vacation to look forward to during this horrible waiting "limbo". Luckily I've made it 3 months (been a horrible rollercoaster) and the final count down is near (a week from Monday). Hopefully by end of June I'll be somewhat "normal" and can plan the future.

Hope things are "uneventful" with your Mom.

What trips do you have lined up?

Where is everyone?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Carolyn..How are you? You had your

surgery? This was a repair of one you

had before? Think you had it just this pass Monday.

Hope you feel better faster than you think.

Know it takes time to heal.


Don't know where everyone is. Jan talks

on the weigh-in board every week. Come

join us.


Don't know when the next trip (cruise)

is but I'm always looking.


Sorry to say it's never "uneventful" with

my mother. Always something. Been over

three years now. I'm tired!


Well everyone come in and SAY HI to US

and let us know how your doing.

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Carolyn - I'm still here - How are you feeling? Things getting any better?


Been busy around here - still waiting to hear about my DH's business ... I'm really watching pennies, but I did make sure that our cruise in October is all paid for and flights, hotels, etc. I did put down a deposit on the Oasis for 10/8/11 - Anyone want to join us?


Belle how are you doing?


DH just got home so time to get off the computer for awhile. Jan

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  • 2 weeks later...

I miss everyone posting. I haven't seen Corkey in awhile - anyone heard from her?


I went out and bought a new dress for formal night - I need to lose the "shelf" for it to look better, maybe that will be my motivation. Jan

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Don't know where everyone has gone.

I miss our posts too.

Did your daughter make it home alright?

Congrats on new dress.


I just keep being the same. Not Good!

(weight wise I mean)


I wish things around here would stay the

same. My sister in-law fell and broke her hip.

I will have to be the one taking care of things

for her for awhile in between my mothers doc app's.

To many things to do! I Don't want to do this ANYMORE!!!

That's life thro!


My mother is having good and bad days.

Never know till I get there. After being in hospital all

day with sister in-law visited mother and she was having

a good day. That's a plus for me. Not having to deal

with a bad mood.


Tomorrow might have "last minute" (just found out an hour ago.)

Company and house is a Big Mess!

No way can clean in time. Just hope they wear....

"rose color glasses"!


Aren't you glad you posted Jan..I got to vent in your "ear"!

Thank you for listening! You had no choice! (if you read this) LOL



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Belle - Life always seems to be an adventure, and at times not the adventure that is wanted.


My DD has been home for awhile now, my DS is coming home the beginning of June and I will get to meet my grandson.


Sorry that your mom isn't doing the best, how old is your mom? It sounds as if you have lots of people you have to take care of ... becomes overwhelming at times.


My MIL is 84 and still driving (now that scary!) She is coming over for dinner today and my house too is a mess. I'll do a little, but would rather play on the computer! Jan

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  • 1 month later...

Most people still have tomorrow

off if their working! Enjoy!


Jan I know.. it's quiet..don't know where ALL

our talkers went to!


How are you doing? Now who is home with

you now? Think your daughter was coming back home.

Did that happen all ready?


How was your Doc App.? Everything alright?


Hello to everyone else reading this.


Welcome Back "Oldies"

Welcome To The "Newbies"

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I'm doing ok. They tell me that I am very low on Vitamin D, which is why I am so tired. I have some problems with my toes that when they get cold they "spasm", but when they are warmed they are ok ... so I just have to keep them warm as there is nothing to do for it. (air conditioning is enough cold for them to be a problem).


Still don't know why I'm not losing any weight .... DD has lost 30 pounds and I've lost 3. She is still at home, has had a boyfriend that decided they should take a break and pick up again in the future :rolleyes: She is now making sure that I walk or go to the gym on a daily basis. (all the while texting the guy back and forth ... waiting for the day he wants to actually date again). Long odd story.


Yesterday we walked in the most beautiful cemetary that is a few miles down the road ... it has winding paths and lots of interesting stones to read. Very peaceful. I think that was the first thing that I noticed when I moved to Maine was that every where you looked there are cemetaries.


I have today off. I'm having all my kids and their SO's (except DD's) and my MIL. I am making pulled chicken, cole slaw, shell salad, regular salad, a few cheeseburgers. I will be eating a touch of chicken w/o bun, cole slaw (it is low calorie receipe) and salad. I also made a cake. I will have 1/2 piece. Today is my cheat day, but won't go over board.


Tried on my cruise clothes and they are a touch tight ... so I'm going to be extra good.


Belle, I hope everything is going well for you. Jan

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I lost this thread from my favorites and found it again!! I will come back and start posting!! need to go back and read the past postings and catch up !

Miss you all - I promise to return - soooon!! Corkey Carol Me

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I've been lurking for a while....

thought I'd pop in (HI JAN) and think it's about time to start posting again.

I'm doing fine (finally) now that the repair surgery is over and the stent was removed (June 3rd) makes me feel the last 6 months "was all a dream" like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.

So now I can start trying to put the pieces of life back together.

Body is a bit "weird" with the many little scars that I have, guess I can't wear a bikini anymore (not that I'd have the nerve). Can't believe the weight is "ok" (I'm not happy but it could be worse, especially since I had ice cream last night). Still not at my discharge for first hospital stay but holding my own.

Trying to figure out what to eat. Sometimes think of trying a cereal diet. I just don't feel like cooking and with the heat and all don't really feel like eating much of anything and then the ice cream "knows my name".

Having a bit of stress though. It's been a rollercoaster ride with Libby (almost 14 -- teenage girl stuff and all). Alex (17 1/2) is doing research at Yale this summer and luckily is taking the bus there and back (when he doesn't miss the last bus home) which is helpful since he hasn't had time for driver's ed or getting his permit no less. Can't believe he's officially a senior now. Don't know when we're going to have the time to look at colleges. Can't believe that most don't have campus interviews anymore. He's going to be stuck at the lab until at least Aug. 8th and hope to get to west coast by the 18th to check out Harvey Muddd/CMC and possible take ride up to check out Stamford. Think he's ruled out Cal Tech (too small and limited). Don't know much about the Claremont schools. If he likes what he sees I think we'll ship him out for long weekend to sit in on classes. He's also thinking about Princeton (can't believe he can't sit on classes there) and MIT. He'll sit on classes there in October. Just wished things weren't so "cryptic" with applying to schools the last 2 years. Seems like you can't really predict things and now his counselor is saying things that should be considered possible are reaches (think it's a CYA thing from the administration). Hopefully he'll have a good experience working at the Yale lab (not a school run program) and get a great rec from the PI at the lab (might help if he applies to Yale).

Aunt (96) is driving me nuts, but what else is new. At least she's got the same aide (live in) for almost 2 years now and for that I am greatful (but she's still bitching about that).

Hope everyone is great and staying cool... boy it's hot her in Central CT (even with the central a/c running)

Take care,


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Wow - I'm so glad that both of you posted ...


Carol I had "seen" you on another thread, so knew you were around somewhere, glad to see you back here again


Carolyn - I'm glad that you are finally getting back on your feet after such a rough patch. Interesting ages for kids, sounds like your son has a good head on his shoulders ... hope he finds the perfect school for him!


I went for a walk with my DD ... Its so muggy and warm here, this morning I woke up with tons of fluid ... couldn't even get my rings off. I really should start dinner. Hopefully I'll be back on later. Jan

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm finally getting the scale to budge a wee bit!!!

I'm trying to stay somewhat low carb for how ever long.

I finally am close to my "low" weight when I was in the hospital after being on IPO/IV for a good week. Then when I started to get food weight went up a bit and after last surgery the same. Think scale has moved about 5 since June 4th. Not much but I'll take it.

Now I've got the "big decision" to make. Should I start doing a bit of HRT since I'm getting flashes, mood swings insomnia.. just don't want the weight creep.


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Carolyn and anyone else reading!


Carolyn how are you doing? Didn't

know you were going to the hospital

but you were in a long time. I

don't know what you had done. Hope

your feeling much better!



Jan and Carol hope you two are fine to!


Where is the summer going? Time flies by.

Still the same with me but more problems.

Life keeps getting in the way of living! lol


Miss you all.

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Sorry to hear of "more problems", hope it's just stuff with your Mom (hope that doesn't sound heartless). My surgery was in Jan. and then end of April. Finally 2 1/2 months since then (and 6months from first) I'm finally getting a handle on my weight and feeling "ok" (and for that I'm greatful). Weight is still higher than I'd like but it's not as high as while I was recovering from first surgery. I'm now trying to do Atkins (and low cal) and it seems to be working somewhat -- albeit a bit slow. Now I need to get some kind of exercise in.


Getting a bit stressed out thinking about Alex's upcoming college search. He's doing a research/internship at Yale and right now he's not sure when he'll be able to get away. Started the Monday right after school let out. So not sure when we're going to do the "long distance" road trip. Belle, we may be out to your neck of the woods. We're hoping to get to Harvey Mudd/CMC (et all) and if time permits get to check out Stanford and UC- B. Trying to use FF miles for air and also include a stopover to see Wash U (StL) and maybe UChicago.

Help. It's so stressful thinking about the applications and stupid essays and stuff. We had it so easy "back in the dark ages".

Hope everyone's enjoying their summer and staying cool.


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