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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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I hope you get the cruise and get out of that weather..-5!

How can you stand that? It's cold here for me..30 to 40's night/ morning,

hate it, couldn't live there. Think we might go to friends in early Feb. in Arizona to get out of the cold for awhile.


Thank you, my fsther is better in one area but still some problems in

an other but thankgoodness not as bad as my sil. She looked better

yesterday when visited but sad because no cure, it spread..so in

long run it's going to get bad. Just dealwith it as it comes. What

else can you do.


Donna we think alike, just couldn't think of getting down ALL the oraments down and then putting them back. ooops told you this already!

The house does look nice with what I have, what presents I do have

wrapped and put under the tree. Have to finish shopping, cards ect.


Going out to dinner and show tomorrow night. Party on Sat. and dinner

out on Sun. and I'm going to lose weight? LOL

What are you doing this weekend?


Donna keep warm and dry..can't get sick for your cruise in Jan.!


Carolyn..Where are you? Busy packing? We want to hear from you.

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Hi all,


Belle, at least home the most immediate problems are taken care of with your Dad. I know how hard it is to be that far away when something happens! Sounds like they need to keep your sil comfortable and that they may be succeeding at this point. My Christmas tree won't fit any packages under it since it is a 3' fiber optic sitting in the bay window in the kitchen (my fancy decorating can be seen on webshots). I seriously thought about the big tree but just couldn't bring myself to spend at least two days putting it up then taking it back down just for us and the cats! You'll do fine this weekend. Just think healthy and it will limit the damage. It is warmer now. Will get into the low 30's today, however, that is only because we have 4" of new snow acting as insulation. Pathfinder is in 4 wheel drive and will be there for awhile so will have to work in a few more stops at the gas station!


Carolyn, Everyone getting excited? Are you starting to pack? Are you flying down the day before?


Ok, Boss is off in Colorado so better get moving and get something accomplished while he is gone!


If I don't make it back, have a great weekend!

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Donna have presents under mine because have my tree

on a table and then have some on the floor around it..

looks nice.


Glad your getting warmer weather with your snow.

We got in the 60's today and think rest of the week

but in 30's in the late night/morning.


Guess Carolyn is busy running around shopping, packing ect.

Hope no one is sick. If they leave the day before they cruise

the will leave next Friday.


Don't you wish it was us?


Have a good weekend.

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Donna have presents under mine because have my tree

on a table and then have some on the floor around it..

looks nice.


Glad your getting warmer weather with your snow.

We got in the 60's today and think rest of the week

but in 30's in the late night/morning.


Guess Carolyn is busy running around shopping, packing ect.

Hope no one is sick. If they leave the day before they cruise

the will leave next Friday.


Don't you wish it was us?


Have a good weekend.


Belle, Boy do I wish it was us! Forgot the cold comes right back when the snow stops. Did Xmas shopping last night and I alternated between freezing running in and out and boiling in the stores. I insisted we needed Frosties as we walked out of Best Buy but I was fine by the time we passed Wendie's and stuck with my water! Cards, wrapping and organizing this weekend so will stay quite busy without leaving the house.


Carolyn, have fun getting ready!


Have a great weekend!

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Hey ladies...

Been very busy the last couple of days.

Got a foot of snow yesterday and didn't get plowed out until close to 5PM, luckily we got a new car this summer ---Honda Pilot so Mike was able to get out of house while snow was still coming down heavily at 10AM to get to work. Had his Xmas party that I finally got to go to yesterday (missed the prior 3 years)... was an "interesting" time... had a few drinks (which I normally don't do) and was nice to be "amoungst grownups". That said, when I get a "good day" and finally let my guard down "crap" happens the next day, and of course that happened.. Not going to go into details except to say I can't find things that I'm probably going to need soon for Mom's application... had seen it in house a week or so ago, but there's a gremlin here and things "disappear".

Belle, hope your father's health is improving... it's not easy when the folks get older and your not as close geographically to just jump over. Prayers for your SIL.

So far we're all healthy. Got one suitcase filled (kids are almost totally done except socks and underpants -- stuff that they'll probably need this week) and I've got a fair amount of my stuff done too... now it's up to Mike not to overpack. Think I've got all of his summer stuff clean... I'm trying not to have to do any more laundry except last minute stuff on Wednesday. We leave our house Friday night (if weather permits) and have a 7AM flight out of LaGuardia on Saturday AM... staying at a divey -- rundown hotel near airport that we stayed at in August. Normally wouldn't stay there again but it's the only place that offers park 'n fly longer than 1 week.

Hope to post a bit more tomorrow.


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Thank you for kind wishes for my father and sil.

It is hard to be so for away. Thankgoodness for the phone.


Carolyn only FOUR days left, I'm jealous...I have FOUR months!

Your going to have such a GREAT time and warm weather!

Glad everyone is healthy.


You'll find the papers but isn't "funny" how things can disappear

in the house...I think "these things" that disappear become

alive after midnight and hide on us! LOL


Donna, sounds like your been busy..

I've been busy here, parties, shopping, another party tomorrow..

Breakfast and then a lunch. Last night went out to dinner with friends

after shopping. Don't have my shopping done yet? Do you?

I just hope I don't gain this month with all this food and it's not over yet!

Thursday having friends over for dessert after the show and dinner..is this ever going to end? LOL


Today wrapping presents, cleaning house and doing my cards..better

get them mailed before Christmas is over.


You two take care...

Carolyn thinking of you getting ready...Bon Voyage!

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Belle, Tis the Season! Unfortunately, stay the samer is what I am shooting for and looks like I need to be a bit more ambitous than that. Joe is now working on booking the 2 night Century on 1/12 followed by the 7 night MSC on 1/14. Lots of pieces have to come together on this one to make it work but it will be a blast if it does. We will go from one pier to the next! Fingers and toes crossed! If all the pieces do fall into place it will actually come out cheaper than flying out on the 13th and paying for hotel and food pre-cruise.

Air is on hold so the next issue is whether we can transfer our X booking to this one. Then we will just book on board all over again.



Have fun with all those parties! You'll have time to get rid of any damage before you sail!


Carolyn, Are you ready yet? Bet you can't wait to get out of this winter weather!

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It appears to now be the day of reckoning! We have the 1/12 Century booked and the 1/14 Opera which means we will be cruising in 28 days! Now to get rid of the lbs. left over from the last one! Treadmill, here I come!


Carolyn, If I don't get here before you leave, have the best cruise ever and relax!


Belle, are those desserts all ready for tomorrow?

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You lucky person! So Happy for you!

(just a minute, have to wipe my tears before I can type) LOL


Where are you going? What ports? The weather?

What fun your going to have! Bet your excited?

You just got back from one and get to go again.


Yes desserts made for tomorrow..just have to

clean my house now. Was gone all day..another

party..ate too much food! Great time with my women friends thro.

Yes..Jan. 1st really have to get strict with my DIET and EXERCISE!


Carolyn..What are you doing? Little busy!

You leave on Friday! Excited?

Bon Voyage!


You two be good and have a good Thursday!

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You lucky person! So Happy for you!

(just a minute, have to wipe my tears before I can type) LOL


Where are you going? What ports? The weather?

What fun your going to have! Bet your excited?

You just got back from one and get to go again.


Yes desserts made for tomorrow..just have to

clean my house now. Was gone all day..another

party..ate too much food! Great time with my women friends thro.

Yes..Jan. 1st really have to get strict with my DIET and EXERCISE!


Carolyn..What are you doing? Little busy!

You leave on Friday! Excited?

Bon Voyage!


You two be good and have a good Thursday!


Belle, Airlines forced the first cruise! It was cheaper to fly out Thursday and get on a ship than to fly out Friday and get a hotel.


First cruise - Century goes to RCL private island.


Second Cruise- MSC Opera San Juan (at night), St. Martin, and La Romana, DR and Cape Levantado, DR.


Century is play on the beach, San Juan is a little shopping and Casino, St. Martin is Orient Beach and not sure what we will do in DR. One of those stops is their private area so I'm sure it will be beach and the other is up for grabs. This will be our third cruise with Tuggers and the first time any of our little group (seagulls) has cruised together. We have had land get togethers but never managed to cruise together. LlindaC will be getting off CP so we will also manage to see her before we board the MSC. Do I need to say that I can't wait!


Have fun at your party today!


Carolyn, Fingers crossed that you are not out shopping for last minute cruise gear! I'm sure you'll have a great time and look forward to hearing about Lirica before we board Opera!


Ok, better get moving!


Have a great day!

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Thank the airlines..you get a little extra cruise! SMILE!


That's great that you get to cruise with your group..what fun!

Say Hello to everyone, Linda too!


How nice you get so much beach time and warm weather.

Think of us "being in cold weather" and your getting a tan.

I'm so envious. I know my time will come,,but your

doing it in Jan. You have less than a month to go!

Still Happy for you thro. Really I am! LOL


Carolyn..You leave tomorrow. Lets hear from you before you go.

Hope everything is going alright. Everything packed..everyone

is WELL!

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Got my cards mailed today..little late!


Went to my last lunch/party today..I've ate

at least one meal out if not more every day since Wed.

Now food free (party food) till Christmas Eve/Day!

Well almost if can ignore what's in the house!


Just have a couple of things to buy..my special candy

to make, then free.. till I have to cook Christmas breakfast and dinner.

Only nine people so not to bad. Going out Christmas Eve.


So what you been doing..what are you doing for Christmas?


Hope Carolyn is having a wonderful cruise and no one gets

sick this time. Know how that is..terrible! Hope they like the ship

and everything.


Hope to hear from you soon, if not Merry Christmas Wishes ahead of


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Hi Belle,


Unfortunately, succumbing to the goodies. No oatmeal this morning. Instead pickles and cream cheese wrapped in salami and Ghirardelli dark chocolate. It has been so bad that it is no lunch and light dinner! Our rep in California sent a 5' foot basket of Mrs. Fields, Ghirardelli and Godiva which the boss (on a diet) was nice enough to put out! Now you know why I need to get out of here!


We are going to Michigan but not sure when since it depends on the weather forecast for both sides of Lake Michigan. I am hoping Friday morning so we get there before the mayhem of Christmas Eve hits but will have to play it by ear. Should drive back Monday morning and year end mayhem will start first thing Tuesday! Do I have to say I can't wait for these cruises? Joramrose will be on both cruises with us and Seagulls and Tuggers will be on the Opera. Trying to set up a meeting time with Llindac and hoping we manage to pull it off since we didn't manage a girls get together this year!


I'm sure Carolyn is having a great time. I can't wait till she gets back since the MSC board really doesn't move very well and would love more info!


Now I am off to seriously attempt to get some work done even though it appears that everyone is already in party mode and the party isn't until tomorrow afternoon!


Stay healthy and have fun!

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I know ALL the FOOD is such a temptation

this time of the year. I'm not doing as good

as last year!

That basket at your work would be calling my NAME!


I hope you have good weather to drive to Michigan,

please have a great Christmas. Drive safely.


We're having everyone here Christmas Day, going

out Christmas Eve, short drive. So close to home this year.

We've been having lots of rain but it's makes the weather warmer,

that's nice because we were so cold which was so unusal.

Suppose be dry for Christmas, close to 60 degrees.


It's so nice you get to be with friends on your cruise.

Makes it so much better. Wish I was cruising in January!


Merry Christmas!

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Hope you had a nice Christmas and a good drive.

That weather was good to you while you were

visiting and driving.


Had a good Christmas here but been having rain

every day.


Guess you had to work today, hope it wasn't to bad.


Bet your on the countdown till your cruise! So close!

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Hi Belle,


Hope the rain stops soon so you can enjoy the rest of the holiday's! Great trip! Didn't leave until Monday morning so no time to think about the mess I was walking into at work. I think I am alternating counting down from 100 (so I don't kill my boss) and counting the seconds until I walk out of here on the 11th! It is so bad that Joe decided that we are going out for dinner. Must have been when I answered the phone with "Beam me up Scotty". He knows I am borderline homicidal when I start quoting that one! I haven't been the least bit good but will definitely have salad when we go so I get something healthy in me. Last healthy thing today was oatmeal and definitely downhill from there!


Any big plans for New Year's Eve? Bet you can't wait for 2006 so you can start counting down to the Summit!


Carolyn, are you back yet? Keep forgetting when you were disembarking.


Ok, back to work!

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Hey Belle and Donna,

Got back in house on Wednesday.. had a long drive home and stopped off at Costco for the fridge (after convincing Mike that we could go there before emptying out the hatch on Pilot.. Costco's parking lot's SO safe). Got needed items and (of course) succombed to some impulse ones (storage bags/organizers for closet ... trying to tidy up bedrooms).

Donna, you're so fortunate to go on Century.. it's our favorite ship, though I wonder how you''ll adjust to MSC afterwards, even with a shorty cruise. It's a different experience. I have the bar menu for the lounges will give you more info if you'd like. What type of cabin are you in?

It's almost 1am ... think I better get some shuteye.


PS... everyone stayed healthy...

had a flood in the basement the day we were to leave 12/16 that almost had be calling up insurance... not sure if we fixed problem but at least we didn't come to a very wet basement... and supposedly we had 2 inches of rain one day we were away. On flight back Alex was sitting next to a "nut job lady" who though Mike was "harassing her" told the flight attendants who took "her side" and Mike was almost carted off by FBI (had warnings from flight attendant who said the captain would land the plane if Mike said one word or got out of seat... we had NO rights on that plane... Libby was terrified.. and this is on an airline that Mike's platinum on ... we making OUR formal complaint tomorrow... LONG story.. and the more we try to make some sense out of it them more disturbed we get... seems the head flight attendant didn't want to hear anyone's "story" other than the woman who wanted to make a formal complaint... she was offered to be moved to first class and SHE refused to move. I had to write a note in the bathroom and pass it off to Mike to warn him to keep quiet Mike 'cause he wasn't allowed to talk to anyone , he was labled an "unruly" passenger. I tried to convey the situationg to the flight attendant who said the problem was with MIke and "I" was harrasing the flight attendant. She also informed be there was an "agent" on the flight transporting a prisoner on board as well as an "agent" who would handle the problem w/Mike... in short we had NO rights at all. When I was waiting for bathroom a woman told me her husband was a criminal lawyer.. I told her Mike may need him since his rights were stripped from him.

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Carolyn, Glad you made it safe and sound though that does sound like a horrific flight back! I continue to be amazed at how thoroughly our rights are being stripped from us in the guise of security! Also glad no additional house damage while you were gone. We have done a Euro cruise before on MS Carousel and had a blast so we know what we are getting into and looking forward to it. My worry is that Jean and her friends weren't listening when I told them what to expect!


Now need more on yours. Any hints or tips? Did you do the two stops in the DR? We booked guarantee inside since Joe loves inside cabins and all I cared about was getting away after year end! Booked the same on Century and automatically got the highest level of inside cabin so MSC will be a come down either way. However, can't be worse than the Dawn Princess cabin on our last minute Alaska cruise. We have so many good friends on this trip that I doubt we will be spending an extra second in the cabin anyhow.


Belle, Big weekend plans?


Ok, better run!


Have a great day!

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The inside cabin worked out well for us. Like that it's a bear "cave" where you can rest in peace and tranquility (plus save the $$ for other things). Some folks argue with us about it but we found the Lirica's inside to be adaquate and we had 4 of us. The warned that I think the actual shower was the smallest on any we've been on, but I didn't hear any complaints from Mike (6'2") so it couldn't have been that awful. You'll probably need to tell your group that things may not be plated attractively like X but things taste better than they look. Were disappointed that the desserts at dinner were better than we had planned (lol). Found the ice cream at times were more like gelato. Really good coffee upstairs and in the dining room. Can't help you with excursions since we were on a 10 night sailing doing Eastern/Southern Carib (antigua, st. lucia, grenada, san juan, nassau, st. martin (short stop and rain most of the am-- was really hoping to get around there.. didn't work out that way).

The kids got to LOVE nutella (especially when they put it in fridge/freezer). I gained on this cruise since it was impossible to stay somewhat low carb with the pasta/risotto options... didn't drink that much water and not sure with my "age thing" if my metabolism is really messed up. Hopefully tomorrow I'll try to return to watching the carbs and see how long (if ever) it'll take to drop the 10 or so. I'm constantly cold (and bluesy) now that I'm home.. it's been gray and rainy... also been stuck on phone all day trying to figure out Mom's Medicare Part D options before year end, hoping not to get stuck with the wrong choice. I'm wondering when all of this "stuff" will be over. I'm guessing it'll be at least 3 more months if not longer.

What I really enjoyed about Lirica was the aft lounging area on every floor where we got to sit and relax and meet others... enjoying the sunset and having a somewhat private area without paying for (smallish) balcony. After our last cruise on Brilliance last year and paying at least $2K more Alex (and I he's a smart kid) realize that we're better off economizing since we have a better time and aren't set up for disappointments when we just "splurge" on going without breaking the bank. I truly regret getting the js.. would have felt more comfortable saving the $$ but I've learned.


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Welcome Back Carolyn..what a terrible way

to end a good cruise.I sure would write a

letter to the "higher-ups" and complain!


WEll you did have a good cruise..didn't you?

The kids like it to? Did you do things in port?

On your own or with tours? Sounds like the

food was good.


Sorry you got the "bluesy" and it's cold and

rainy there. Just think of your cruise..put

yourself in a warmer place/port. A sunset.


Hate to come home from cruises. You always

have a down time. Hate it to be over.

Now you just have to plan another one!!


Donna..You have less than two weeks to go!

Yes..On Jan. 8th it makes it only THREE MONTHS

till our cruise! Same as you two..we have an inside on this

cruise..last cruise was a balcony but I'm on a cruise..So

I'm Happy!


You two have New Year's Eve plans.

We're going to the city..(San Francisco) for Sat. and Sun..

Will be lots of FOOD! Both days!

Like there's been too much around here since before Christmas

I haven't been to good. On Jan. 2nd really got

to be strict with food and exercise!


You two have a Great New Year's Eve and Day!

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And of course, I don't remember what I said!


Belle, have a great holiday and you'll be back on track Tuesday! The last 3 months go the fastest.


Carolyn, Sounds like you had a good time overall! I am looking forward to something different since X and Princess are pretty close to the same.


Ok, box of work beckoning so I had better get started! If I get buried and don't make it back, have a wonderful New Year's Eve and a Happy New Year!

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Have a wonderful time in SF...

Mike took Alex for a weekend there in April and when they returned I was jeolous. I haven't been "up north" in a long time (over 13 year now, before Alex was born) though I've been to So. Cal twice since we moved 11 years ago... kind of miss it. Mike does get out there a couple times a year though... he was supposed to go next week before Zurich but though it would be "too much" flying out to SF for 1 1/2 days and then to Zurich for week, would have racked up some nice FF miles (though now we're sitting on quite a few and need to figure out when/how to use them). Been thinking about possible getting to Hawaii or maybe flying to Alaska, renting a car and going inland. Need to figure out what to do this summer.

Donna, I'm sure you'll have a nice time on your cruises. Too bad your not doing MSC first and then following it up with Century. If you're traveling on MSC in a group you'll be fine. I bet you'll enjoy the combos etc. in the lounges.

Today is a sunny bright day t-goodness. I'm trying to watch what I put in my mouth but don't know how successful I'll be until the kids are back in school. Also I got "hooked' (by the kids) of having a bit of Nutella... kept it in the mini-fridge and we were eating it with spoon. (as you can tell I have a weakness for chocolate). Now I need to find a way to drink enough water and get back to exercising by Monday.

Unf. the scale is up now.. will try not to get on it for a while.


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I'm up and I can't blame it on a cruise! Joe got hooked on Nutella in Rome and I stayed away from it since I knew I would be in trouble if I started. Unfortunately, I can get it locally but fortunately, he doesn't realize that yet! If he ever finds out, we will both be in trouble! So what did Alex and Libby think of the cruise. I'm sure we'll have a great time! One of our favorite things to do is seek out music in different locations so will definitely enjoy the combos playing throughout the ship.


As to the water, I am going back to my old trick and pouring it in my work containers while at home so I can keep track of it. Might work for you too! Sounds like your mood is improving with the weather. When do they go back to school?


We loved the Alaskan cruise but were sorry we didn't get time to go inland. We took the southbound and we did spend 3 days in Vancouver which is a fabulous city. We'll manage to get out there again someday but only if I stop booking up all our vacations with cruises!


Better get back to checking reports. This time I am copying this before I hit send!


Have a great evening!

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You two know what I'm going to the city for New Year's..

So what are you doing to celebrate?


Whatever you do..have a great time.


Donna I'm going to tell Joe you can buy it here!

Just get back at you for taking another cruise so soon! LOL

Your going to have a great time no matter what the ship is.

Your on a cruise..not working and with friends!


Carolyn you should go with your husband once in awhile on

his trips or is it to hard with the kids? No one to watch them?

It's great your thinking of a new trip already, that's the

way it should be!


Sounds like we all haven't been doing to well with our "diets"

I'm like Donna don't have a cruise as an excuse like you Carolyn.


Ok..we all have to get back on the straight and narrow. I'm starting

back on Jan. 2nd. Have to! Feel "yucko" been eating to much sweets

and NO exercise. I've been terrible this year.


New Year.. New Start..Right?

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