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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Carolyn ~ I'm so sorry you are going through this. I know it must be awful! I'm sure it is very hard to be depedent when you are the one who takes care of everyone else. I sure hope that you can get some relief soon from the pain. Bless your heart!


I do have insomnia if I don't take Ambien. I decided to get up at 4:15, which is 45 minutes earlier than I normally do. I don't think I'm cut out for it. I was so tired from it yesterday and could barely exercise last night. I'm going to just workout in the evenings and add more time to my workout.


Feel better soon!

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First off...

BABY.... have you been drinking your water?

Did the pre-op appt. with reg. MD (actually only saw a PA) and my BP is really low... was expecting somewhat low since that's "normal" for me but is was much lower... but the thing that surprised me (pleasantly) was I asked for info of my "other" pre-op" checkup which was Jan.2000 which was when I started to maintain (got stuck on permanent plateau) of Atkins... to compare to today's weight (yes, I DID manage to hobble onto scale). it was EXACTLY the same (well maybe not exact since I don't remember if I weighed myself with my sneakers on and today I had one on), close enough though.


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Sorry didn't write yesterday.

Just busy and was out most of the day/night.

Also went to the gym last night.


Carolyn..Glad you saw a doc, get your blood pressure

up a little..you here. Did they give you something for the pain?

Congrats not having a gain in FIVE years!


Shelia..SEE it's insane to get up that early to exercise! LOL

Your Really doing good to get all that exercise..your losing

weight and a lot of inches I bet. I was tired just exercising late last night.

WW is going alright so far just a little harder going out to eat

three days in a row.


Baby..Where are you? Your cruise isn't till the 29th. Come In.


Everyone have a good weekend and try to be GOOD!


Donna..Know your not here but just thinking of you you cruising..

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Great you got to gym... don't sweat the eating out..just try to make concious choices..


Hope you're having the water and enjoying the weekend ... hope you have sunshine (I know can't ask for warmth since it IS January and you DO live up North)


Hope all is well and you're doing what you need to support yourself. I know what it's like w/the insomnia... had it for way too long getting up at around 3:30AM and then awake for about 2 1/2 hrs. the MDs said it's the "age" (don't you love them ... also the difficulty to lose the pesky few lbs (the age)... and sometimes the bluesy (the age and then starts to write prescript for welbutrin -- don't want to risk weight gain etc>)


If you pop in with internet credit from X, hope you had a safe flight down and are enjoying time on Century. I could really use the t-pool now but couldn't walk in with lame foot and crutches.

As for me am trying to get pressure "up" since I do use a decent amount of salt already. Am feeling a bit off balance etc.


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Belle, I think you know me like a book! Of course the reason I haven't posted is because I gained the weight. Every ounce...back up the awful pound...2 days now. I am so DISGUSTED. And now it's time to take out travel clothes..I hope they fit!


Today...I will take the bull by the horn. I PROMISE I will be EXTRA GOOD from now until cruisetime.


So...I am on my third glass of water...and it's not even 10 am yet. After this, I will do some exercises. (whatever I do will be better than nothing! Just to get myself started).


I just finished catching up on all of your posts.


Shelia, you had me fooled. You look so young in the photo, I thought you had a baby recently!


Carolyn..I feel for you. Hope you will be "up and about" in no time. (Athough I am sure time is dragging right now) Try to "eat healthy" so that a little weight loss will lift your spirits.


Mazel Tov on your son's upcoming Bar Mitzvah. We made 2 Bar Mitzvahs...now they are 25 and 29 years old! It's a wonderful time and very special.


re:"The Age"


Yes..everything is "The Age".....more difficult to take off pounds, sleepless nights, etc. etc.....we're just lucky we reach "The Age"!


Hope you all have a good week-end. Here it's raining (the January Thaw!) Tomorrow will be -15 (Celsius).


I want to go see "The Producers" tonight. We will probably eat at an Italian restaurant first. Usually, my husband and I share a salad and a pizza. But tonight I think I will have my own salad with a piece of chicken and dressing on the side. Hope I can report a loss tomorrow.

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If I remember correctly you're sailing on X soon? Are your clothes fitting you? Please don't let the # on the scale take away from your pre-cruise excitement. Also don't get obsessed about trying to lose that 2lbs and some more... just make 'concious" choices and go with it... make choices that support you (and adapt to that wherever you are). I know where you're at since I was "there" at the end on November while waiting to go on Lirica on Dec. 17th. Once I realized that the scale was going to say things that might not "please me" I would try to use a tape measurer instead. I'd try to get a bit of exercise when you can squeeze it in... but PLEASE don't let the #s determine how you feel etc. It's just a "dumb machine" that want to drive women nuts.

Oh,.... good going with the water... I'm not good at that but am trying to stay hydrated by keeping large drink nearby but can't drink too much 'cause I can't keep "running" (it's bad enough to hobble-hop.

Will post later since I don't want to "leave anyone out"... need to try to get dressed and get out of house today... big "outing" going to Costco to get provisions for week... at least I know it's handicap "friendly" there (just need to call up to make sure they've got a wheelchair ready )


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Thanks for the encouragement. I will take out the clothes tomorrow and I will let you know!


Carolyn, can you get any help? I am sure you will recover more quickly if you do not "overdue it". Going through Costco in a wheelchair and pushing a cart does not sound very easy for someone who has never done it before.


I hope you don't mind my suggestion.

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Survived Costco...

Baby... you have to understand... Costco is "like a second home" everyone there (well most of the "valued employees") know me from going there for 11 years (since the day we moved to CT from California). Alot of the folks there I've "known" for a LONG time... one, for instance, we've known since Libby's 1st visit to Costco (in her infant car seat)... it was an eventful time... since the car seat got stuck in the wagon and Alex (4 years old) started asking "who could help my Mom "rescue" my baby sister... who was only about a month or so old... Bernadette came to our rescue and we're reminded about that day to now... (Mike also had a "crush" on Bernie... and we kid them both about it... she just got married this year and now I tease her about "married life" lol).

Also, I didn't go alone, had Mike and kids to help and called ahead of time to make sure there was a wheelchair available.

Well, I slid w/eating when we got home.. of the "low carb" today since Alex's oreos learned my name (Alex is an oreo addict.. he readily admits it too) so I was "helping" his addiction... ate only the tops (lol) and then had some rice when I was making it for them so they'd have spicy chicken 'n rice. Will get back on track tomorrow AM... hope I didn't do too much "damage".


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Good morning,all! We are in a deep freeze today. But...I am down 1 1/2 pounds...so ...who cares!!!


Yes, I have my glass of water with me. I don't DARE post here without it!!!! It's only #1, but I will try to continue!


I was sooo good yesterday. At the the Italian restaurant I ordered a spinach salad with grilled chicken (dressing on the side). It was delicious. We often go there before a movie because it is in the same complex, so very convenient. From now on....the spinach salad! We saw the Producers. I hadn't seen the play. It was excellent...a movie that puts a smile on your face.


Now, at least I have the courage to look at my summer clothes!


But, first, I have a book to finish. It's due at the library today and for once in my life, I would like to return a book WITHOUT paying the fine!!! It's "The Plot Against America" by Philip Roth....I don't hesitate to recommend it.


Carolyn...I misread...so easy to do on these boards! I thought you were going to Costgo alone and of course I didn't realize that you were a regular!

Glad that it went so well.


Oreos...tops only...not so terrible....of course, depending on How Many Tops!!! A bit of rice can't hurt either.



Hope you have a good day...and also anyone else who is "out there"!!




P.S. Re: Bar mitzvah.....a sure way to lose weight!!! All the excitement leading up to it.....everyone loses!

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re- Bar mitzvah... don't think I'm going to "lose" from it...

I don't think I can handle the "stress" right now... trying to plan "something"...

let me explain. we have very little family.... Mike only has 2 or 3 folks that he'd invite "if necessary" from work... Alex just started new school and few friends there... and made a "list" of all the "necessary" folks are (including us) and come out to 29 people.. that includes a family of 4 who possibly "won't" come so we're down to small numbers. since we're so busy running around w/kids and I'm sometimes "food phobic" (also trying to save $$) we don't eat out that often and when we do we rarely go to a place that I'd consider having a "festive family dinner" at. Alex is only doing the training since I "promised" my Dad before passing. Alex wants to do it for "tradition" and "NOT" the party. He doesn't care at all for it. Alex is more concerned about what Mike's family expects (etc.) since some will be coming up from Florida for it but will probably not tell us that they'll be visiting others and just "showing up" for the service. We'll probably be "STUCK" (and that's a major thing since we're far from close) with Mike's Dad since his brother and SIL have family about 35 mins away that they'll visit and bring their "bratty baby" to. And to top it off the day after BM is Father's Day so of course those who will be flying in will be flocking to other parts (Boston, Long Island or New Jersey) to see their other relatives since they've made the trip already. TO top it off I'm probably going to be laid up for at least 2 months if all goes well with the surgery and PT.

I've been maintaining my weight for many years now... would LOVE to lose 5 ish but risk looking emaciated on top so not sure if it's going to happen. Also may gain from stress.

OK... I'm finished venting... it's 1:30PM and I haven't had a bite yet.. took my meds around 10AM so had to wait hr before eating (thyroid). SO I think I'll hobble downstairs and try to show Alex how to make "perfect" scrambled eggs. (can't have Mike do it since he refuses to use salt and right now with my low BP I NEED the stuff).

It's really windy and since we had rain, icing and then a dusting of snow know I'm not going anywhere today.

Have a great day everyone.


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Baby..Yes I do. (smiling)

Very good job at dinner. Congrats on the weight loss.

Know your clothes will fit. Aren't you at goal or all most?

You'll be beautiful on the Summit to Hawaii in two weeks.

Think the three of you are at goal or almost and then there's me!


Carolyn..Glad you made Costco..nice you had all that help.

Now your family won't starve! LOL

Hoping your feeling a little better today. On the Bar mitzvah,

just do what you can..have in a restaurant. Tell them everything

that's been going on. This is all you can do. It's your sons day,

if he's happy that's all that matters.


Shelia..What are you up to? Been quiet. Hope you feel all right.

Are you sleeping off all your early morning/late night exercise?

Your an good roll model. I'm going to the gym today.


Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. I'ts noon here, going to the gym

and out to dinner tonight..I'll be good I promise.


Remember drink that water! Eat right! Exercise!

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I crawled into bathroom w/scale and got on it... WHY... of course it "creeped up" 3 lbs. (didn't expect it THAT quickly) the carbs from yesterday just puff me out... now I need to not beat myself up on it..... don't know if I'm going to be able to do it... just having too much time on hand lying around and trying to stay out of pain (so popping Motrin which doesn't help low carb etc. and trying to stay away from the hard stuff until I will really need it <or may not need it> afterwards on Thursday). Mike and Alex were chipping away on ice on driveway and common area so there won't be potential problems w/Libby's bus for this week. I'm worried that that won't go through and then we're sunk. I'm also starting to get a bit concerned w/Mom's Medicaid application... been getting some bills from those who took care of her in hospital in Sept. and they had the wrong billing info.. Medicare had secondary bouncing to my Dad's policy (which terminated 1 1/2 yr ago when he passed away) instead of Mom's cobra... telling everyone to rebill but they're stubborn... I just don't want to deal w/it now. Also asked banks and credit card for back statements and the bank messed up and sent totally the wrong stuff (from a different account than one I asked for) and then I found out that the social work agency the elderlawyer "hires" to file the application, the "anal" woman who was compiling all the info is 72 years old... I knew she was on the "older side" but didn't expect a part-timer of that age... it didn't help my confidence. She thinks we're almost there, but the other employee who answers the phone just chuckles when I call and says it'll be done when it will and it could take 6 months or longer so I'm getting a bit worried trying to second guess what they'll be asking for since they've got everything I have.

I've got too much time on my hands.


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Yes, this morning I was thrilled to see that I was down another 1/2 pound. ..unexpected because I wasn't particularly "good" yesterday. But..I did do my exercises and I did drink my water...so something did the trick!


As I type, I am on my first glass of water of the day....I don't dare post here without my water!!!! I will do my exercises again this morning. They are mostly stretch...but I need that, too.


Belle, don't feel so bad. I am not near goal. Last year, my low was 2 pounds less than I am today. I know that doesn't sound like much to some people, but it makes a difference on how my clothes feel....and on how I feel. maybe I am neurotic about the weight....but, at least this way I can keep it under control. At my age, it is very easy to gain.


As for goal...I guess if I lost 5 pounds from what I weigh today, I would be more than happy. I wouldn't want to lose more (although in my younger days I weighed 10 pounds less!!!) because then it would show on my face, which wouldn't be good either.


Want to let you all know that it is -29, with the windshield...That's celcius and if I am correct it's about -28 F. Lovely day! As I look out of the window, the sun is shining...so it's perfect from the inside!!!!!

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Good mornin' ladies! Y'all sure were chatting over the weekend! I've been sick with a yucky cold. I'm on the antibiotics for a sinus infection, but it doesn't help a cold. I even to an Ambien CR last night and still didn't sleep. Now, that's CRAZY! I have minor complaints compared to Carolyn though.


Carolyn ~ How's the foot? Is the pain any better?


Baby ~ Congrats on drinking that water AND losing weight!! Donna will be so proud. Thanks for the compliment about me looking young. I inherited my grandmothers good genes of not looking your age. LOL I had Nick when I was 23 y/o.


Belle ~ I measured on Saturday and I lost 1/2 inch in the abs and one inch in the hips. The measuring keeps me sane and on program! Congrats on going to the gym. I haven't exercised since Thursday...too sick. I hope I can make it tonight.

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Sounds like you are having the same weather as we are... though it's not that windy and it might be a bit warmer (OK we're a bit "south" of you so it helps lol). It's sunny and a "balmy" 12 out here... nice a crisp. Glad you've been making good choices and drinking the water. You've only got a short amount of time till you head "out west" to board the cruise ... lucky you. I'm sure you're going to have a fantastic time on X. Is it round trip from CA or Escenada (TJ by the sea is what we used to call it when we lived in LA) to Honolulu?


Hope the antibiotics are doing what they need to do and you're feeling better from your cold. Do you take acidophilis when you're on antibiotics? We found that it helps with the "yuckiness" that antibiotics sometimes wreak on your system. Glad you're using measurements instead of the scale for your progress.


our cheerleader, how are things out your way? Are you experiencing any decent periods of sunshine yet? Making good food choices? You mentioned that you were going to start WW... how's it going?

Donna, hope she's having a great time on Opera

As for me I'm doing "as best to be expected"... eating is getting to be a challenge. I'm nervous about everything... mostly what is out of my control... the logistics of the kids considering I can't do much of anything from now on. I've been worried about my Mom's "situation", but have been assured that it will be coming to a close soon. I've been having "weird dreams" about my Dad being at their house and Mom there and them saying that the folks who bought the house backed out... and that my parents are staying there. OK, I know that that's freaky and I'm not sure what I'm going to be dreaming of when I'm "under"... I can just imagine... Just got back from doctor. He was going to take x-rays and I asked them to take another of my ankle. Well it seems like I have a broken heel and a chip in my ankle too... all of which will heal with imobilization... that's good. The doctor is very serious (Mike's not too fond of that) and I'm not sure if I'm going to do a 23 hr admit or not. guess it will depend on what time surgery is. Won't know that until Weds. PM. I feel like I'm falling apart. Everything with my health was "ok" until I hit the 40ish mark... then the back went, then my neck and now this. Boy, getting "old" is the pits. The doctor said I won't be fully healed for about 6 months... isn't that encouraging. Alex's Bar Mitzvah 5 months from tomorrow. It will be "fun" for me to try to get an outfit to wear and more so shoes (before this accident I couldn't wear heals 'cause my back.. now I probably couldn't wear sandals since the scar... oh my). Libby's been very caring. She wanted to come to doctor w/me this AM since she said I promised her I'd never leave her... and she'll never leave me (lets see what she says of this when she gets to be 12 lol). Since it was an early appointment she reluctantly agreed to stay home w/Alex if he'd "amuse her" (she's getting a bit demanding).

The kids are off from school today... Calgon take me away. I just need to try to get everything in order the next couple of days so that I'll be able to let Mike juggle things the first few days after surgery.

Hope everyone's having a great Monday.


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Had a pretty busy day today but I did go to

the GYM! Had a good workout! Plan to go tomorrow too.


Carolyn..How are you doing? Sounds like you had a busy day.

Kids back in school tomorrow then you can relax..lol!

Think the dreams and worrying about papers and such

are because of stress your going thru. Take a deep breath.

just get thru your surgery..get well..everything will get done.


In the high 50's here, should be the 60's. Talking about rain Wed.

In fact 50 right now after 10 pm


Shelia..Sorry you've been so sick. Hope you feeling at

least a little better today. Congrats on the inches lost.


Baby..See what water and exercise does for YOU! I know you

look great but if that 5 lb loss will make you happy..go for it.

You can do it. Baby I couldn't live in that cold of weather!

Minus weather! BRRRR


In fact I think you all live in COLD weather. How do you do it?

I get cold here when it's in the 40's +


Everyone have a good day...Where's your water? Did you exercise?

Eat right?

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Belle, you are soooo good. It's great that you go to the gym regularly. I was at the doctor's yesterday to check my blood pressure (which is borderline high even with a diuretic) and he said I must do a "programme". (Carolyn, wouldn't it be nice if we could combine our b.p. and both have normal?!?!


Well, I know myself well enough to realize that I wouldn't go to the gym often enough, but I could do my "routine" at home on a steady basis....so now I HAVE to continue. Hope it will also help the weight a little.


Shelia and Carolyn, hope you both feel better today.


Now..the not so good news.....up 1 whole pound. Hope it comes off fast.


Have a great day, all!

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Hi girls! The cold is still kicking my butt, but I'm a wee better today. Thanks for all of your concern.


Carolyn ~ I can only offer you my thoughts and prayers. I know you are going through a trying time. My heart goes out to you. BTW, how old are your kids?


Baby ~ Are you drinking your water?


Belle ~ Thanks for always being such a sweetie! I truly do treasure you. ;)


I don't think I'll have a loss this week since I haven't been able to exercise. Sigh!

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Alex just turned 13 in November (and I'm not sure if I want to "let him" grow up-- lol -- it's a running joke with him) and Libby'll be 9 1/2 Feb. 8th (she wants to do something for her 1/2 bd... after I made the factory load of brownies for Alex, it's the least I can do for her "if" I'm doing OK w/foot... between a bit of help from her "and" my "good friend" Betty (crocker that is lol).

Had a bit of encouraging news from Elder Lawyer (who also wants to squeeze a few more $$ from me.. but I DID tell him I would if he got Mom an Aug. 1st pick up date and I think he's holding me to my word..) and social worker.. looks like the application process is almost DONE (and that's sort of a miracle since it was a complicated case filing and lots of questions could have legitimately been asked... I guess that's worth spending loads of $$ since once Mom's on we don't have to pay any more for her <except to hear her whining ugh>).

I'm trying to get my "financial" house in order in prep. for Thursday's surgery... making sure that all important bills are taken care of for the month, balances in accounts are where they should be (with buffers), and most importantly making sure that if anything "happens" there won't be problems (financially/legally)... guess I realize if it's not set up right then I might be "asking" for problems.

Baby, drinking the water...

Belle, great job w/exercise... just remember each day adds to another = success...

Sheila, Hope you're feeling a bit better and meds are doing what they should. It's a bummer having a sinus infection in addition to cold.. double yuck.


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Mom's been a "permanent" resident in a nursing home as of June 2nd... before that she was living in their house after being in rehab for 3 months "alone" (with an assortment of live in aides-- most didn't last more than two months give or take) My Dad passed away in Aug. 2004 (Mom had gotten out of rehab July 5th and Dad was in cardiac rehab and then the hospital then.. he was "supposed to" be released from rehab July 12th but Mom put it off for a week or so and then "it just wasn't meant to be" (he developed cough -->pneumonia etc.) so we knew that it would take a while to get their house "in shape" to put on market and also get things in place to try to get Mom on Medicaid. Well, I got "taken to cleaners" by estate lawyer (Dad's old friend's son... double billed for things etc). and then elder lawyer who had set a price and then asked for more $$ for filing Medicaid application... well I think we have a # but there are a few small items that need to be ironed out. It's been a very stressful 1 1/2 yrs. It's "funny" that I get the call from the lawyer telling me that it's "been approved" when I was returning from surgeon's. Just like we closed on the sale of the house one year to day of when Dad was admitted in hospital... just too "eerie". So I guess you can say I've gone "full circle"... feeling a bit "guilty" about Mom "but" I've also been put through hell. I can't take care of her here... heck my house isn't handicap friendly for me, let alone someone who can't wallk plus has other health issues.

I'm trying to resist the white carbs... actually had a "hankering" for carb yesterday so had them as "meals" oatmeal for breakfast and rice /plain pasta for dinner (did pop a carb blocker, though I doubt it does anything). OK those things weren't "that bad" but then the oreos.. but I believe I'll be able to resist that today... Today I feel a bit puffed. Of course the 3 lbs creep came back (dang it..) but I'm trying not to beat myself up for it. I'm also taking some painkillers since the foot is bothering me more so that usual (could be from carbs too) so that doesn't help w/choices. Then to top it off I've been feeling awfully COLD (physically) in the house... thermostat is set higher than I usually set it and I've got a thermal undershirt, sweat shirt and a fleesie (sp) on top and still feel chilled, go under 2 flannel quilts and a down comforter... it's probably my thyroid but I'm taking the stuff and blood levels are "ok" (got results from btest for pre-op from Friday) so I can just imagine what's going to be going on with me if I got a later OR time if I can't eat anything after midnight. I'll be a chattering basket case.

Can't wait for Thursday night.

Baby, Drinking the water... gathering up the clothes etc.

Belle, making concious choices and exercise.

Sheila.... taking care of yourself... (once you're feeling better I'll remind you of the rest)

Donna (doubt she's going to be checking in since MSC internet is $$ and connection is flaky at best) ... hope you're have a relaxing time in with lots of sunshine and warmth (we had warmth but several rain days).

Think that covers everyone.

Alex just came home from religious school with a bag full of "goodies" (plastic containers of chicken soup, brisket and kasha varnishkas... not too supportive of low carb eating but tasty, nutritious and will help Mike out after Thursday...) and for that I'm truly greatful.


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Or we try to be!


Well I'm kind of a loser today! First weigh-in

today with WW..lost 4.2 pounds.


I'm happy but lost that in the

first two days so I thought I would lose more.

What happen the other 5 days? LOL

I can't even claim it on Thursday because I lost

the weight before our weigh-in, I had a gain so

could only count 1 pound. So if don't lose the next two days

I will be a stay the samer on Thursday! Just tired of

maintaining all the time! I lose my gains fast to get back to a certain spot.

Just can't get pass that same/certain spot on the scale! Slow loser..great


Now are all of you following my long story? LOL

OK I'm thru whining, just had to have my little rant..

I'll be a Cheerleader again! Rah Rah


After meeting went to the gym again. Drinking my water and eating good.

So back to my old self! Next week will have another loss to get pass that spot! I better!

Ok enough of me..now on to you three.


Carolyn..Glad Thursday is almost here for you, to get your foot fixed.

To get it on the road to healing for you.

Also happy that you think all the papers on your mom might get cleared

up soon.


Shelia..Are you feeling better today? How are you doing on WW?

Do you find it good online? I think I need the meetings to go to

and weigh. Easy for me to cheat and not weigh if on line.


Baby..I'm proud of you..you came in even with a gain. As you know

by now us "women" our weight fluctuates so much. You'll be down

tomorrow. Sorry about bp..yes you can exercise at home.

It is hard to go to the gym sometimes.. I like it when I go. Just

have to make my self go..just don't do enough at home.


Donna if reading this..Have Fun! If reading this when you get home..

Hope you had Fun!

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Hi ladies! I'm feeling so much better today. Thanks for being so caring!


Carolyn ~ That is quite an ordeal you've been through with your parents. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. How old is your mother? Did y'all apply for Medicaid or Medicare? My mom is disabled and she's on Medicare. It was a long drawn out ordeal that took months and months and mounds and mounds of paper work and attorney's fees. So glad you have it sorted. Sorry to hear you've had to pay so much in attorney's fees. It isn't fun by any means.


Good luck with your surgery tomorrow!!!! Please post as soon as you can so we'll know you're okay. That sure was nice of Alex's schoolmates to bring in the food. I know that you all appreciate it. Nice people!


Belle ~ I haven't lost anything this week. I haven't exercised and if I don't, I can't lose anything unless I starve myself. I don't like to do that. You've done GREAT on WW so far. I lost 4 lbs my first week. After that, it is has been 1/2 lb to 1 lb week loss unless I've been horrid and then I stay the same. I have an appt on the 31st with a bioidentical hormone specialist MD so I hope she can help me get this weight off. I'm sooo tired of being the same weight. I can't seem to get past it. I guess my body is comfy here, but I'm not! LOL Good luck at the gym!!


Baby ~ Where's your water?!!! ;)

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Good morning ladies...

Mike got on computer early and said "he left it on" so I thought I'd pop in for a few minutes... check the e-mails and then try to get back to bed.

The foot's been a real "pain" and unf. Mike didn't fill the prescript. yet for the percocet (I would have taken it last night). I'm good with eating during the day and then I slip... I get starving... Mike "finally" gets around to getting something for the kids to eat (the kids are SO PATIENT) at around 7ish (too late for them since I really think we need to get them to bed a bit earlier) and so I have what they do .... it's just easier... not supportive of me, but I need to put my "food needs" on hold I guess. Then I get into the viscious cycle (Alex brought home some munchkins and left it in his room... at 8:30 I'm nibbling on several... know I shouldn't but "what the heck" (not good attitude). Mike gets into "sloth mode" (starts watching American Idol w/Libby in our room when he should be taking care of work... so he does it in AM after Libby gets on bus, instead of making sure I'm taken care of w/stuff for the day... being left alone). Mom's 76 (I think) so she's been on Medicare for years.. was Dad's plan and had Cobra (which will be avail. for life instead of 18 months) for the supplemental...Dad was trying to have things set up "just in case" they were going to do spousal refusal for medicaid a year before he passed. so half of their "things" were taking care of... just the bank accounts, not the house and other "little bits". So it was getting the little bits in order for getting Mom eligible for Medicaid... since she's going to be in nursing home for rest of life... and it's outrageous what they get (she's in Riverdale... the Bronx and I "thought" it was going to be around $10K before she went in... when she was admitted it was $13K per month (that was a shock.. the difference) and then when she went to the "new building" <which she HAD TO DO... it's like a motel.. I can't call it a hotel since the rooms themselves are utilitarian but the hallways are carpeted and nicely furnished w/nooks with seating and living room areas etc. and all the rooms are private. now it's $18 per month). Luckily we only had to "put up" 2 months when she rolled in (can't say stepped in). All the headaches of everything has been on my shoulders... nothing shared at all by my single sister. I don't live "that close" (I'm 1 1/2hrs away with NO traffic). Diane gives "support" by calling up and say "I'm sorry, I'd love to help but I can't....blah blah blah <job, commitments etc. you get the picture>" and then constantly calls me with "her problems". (at this point in my life once Mom's taken care of I'd love to "divorce" myself from Diane for a while to let myself "heal"... I'm sure Diane sees this as selfish).Now with my foot I can't plan or look forward to anything.. Don't know what the future holds for me or what my limits will be either. Things started to slide for me when I turned 40 and I'm concerned that unless I take some sort of control I might "end up" like my mother.. . and that scares the crap out of me.. my sister had always been bailed out by my Dad and has transferred that to me.. (when Dad passed she owed $$ for taxes.. who did she expect to get $$ me and then aunt <she actually double dipped> OK enough of my venting about "her" I really need to move on).

OK.. sorry I've vented about "D" long enough...

I think my problem with eating right now is that alot of "stuff" is coming up in my head since I'm having too much time lying around to "think"... guess I'm doing my own therapy... and since nobody's going to change except me I guess that it's up to me to not transfer this "stuff" on my kids... (guess I've been watching Starting Over too much lately). Guess I should start thinking positively and trying to kick on the "happy <grateful> gene" I'm concerned that we're setting things up with Alex that will be like what my parents did for Diane... and Alex sees what happened. He's concerned too.

Baby, Drink that water.. good luck with the packing.

Belle, great you went to gym and had a good start with WW.. Keep with program but also live your life... everything will fall into place.

Sheila, hope you feel better enough to get a bit of exercise. Also good luck with starting with new MD who will "look into" alternative things for you. I wish I could find an MD Like that since I know that my system is "out of kilter" (age, thyroid etc) and sometimes when I'm really being careful w/eating and exercising and the rest, the scale stays the same or even goes up for no reason (this is past though since I know why it will creep now lol, no excuses). Sometimes I'd find that I'd get the scale to move if I didn't go to gym... and then have a gain if I did.. was really crazy.

Think I'm going to check e-mails now and then hobble back to bedroom.

It's grey, rainy and windy... very heavy rain,, pray it's not flooding the basement but right now I can't even hobble down to check it out. At least it's "warm" (50s I think) and not snow.


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The weather outside is frightful....first it was freezing rain, now heavy rain and they are threatening high winds this afternoon...yuck!


Ladies, ladies...the awful pound is back. Yesterday was hectic and I didn't drink as much water and I didn't do my exercises...


So, I have already done my exercises today and I am on glass #2. I am trying..but very frustrated. I haven't done my clothes yet. I hate to do it when my weight is so high.


Belle...a slow loser and a good maintainer...actually that's the best way to go. It's better for your bod.


Shelia...glad you are on the mend.


Carolyn..hang in there. Good luck tomorrow.


Have a great day, all

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