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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Happy Saturday all,


Belle, Sounds like your ready to get into the exercise again. Don't overdue! Vacations are way to short and I work to hard in between, Was back at work 1 day and felt like I had never left.


Carolyn, he is doing his best but it is genetic! Hope the pain is lessening now. Will you be up to a visit with Mom by tomorrow?


Sheila, Is she running a whole battery of tests? I couldn't lose at all and then I found out my "high/normal" TSH was at 6.0 with the new standard showing a high of 3. Nailed the doctor big time and now we keep it about .5 which cleared up lots of problems including being tired all the time but not sleeping. Now the only way I end up tired all the time is if I dump in too many simple carbs. She may have a very simple answer for you and you'll be on your way.


Off to Joe's sister's today to get together with some of the cousin's. Thought we would have to cancel since it was snowing when I got up but it has stopped and the roads are clear. Only really good thing about it is that I get to stop at Trader Joe's on the way back and do some stocking up. Heck, if we get out of there early enough, I might even make it to Ikea. The cousin's are absolutely obnoxious especially when they all turn up so fingers crossed that only a couple show up today. Brought home lots of work but that will have to wait until tomorrow.


Everyone have a great day!

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Sheila.... TJs... wish there was one closer by... (it's about a 40 minute drive)... what do you usually get (know Belle MUST know TJs) <not to be confused w/ TJMax.

Ladies.. DS did it AGAIN... called me up to "chat".. she just got her med. report from her full physical and was "concerned".. (Background.. D is short (under 5'), and has a tendency to be "soft" unless she exercises and watches what she eats carefully. Well she did have success doing SB... found out that she's been "inhaling" a can of whip cream at a time as "snack" and she goes to Panera Bread and on the"whole grain" adds butter... WELL do you wonder why cholesterol is high... and weight creeping up (she's blaming death of dog, greiving... pity party blah blah blah). Why do "I" have to hear it. Then she goes on about what her "therapist" tells her about "stuff" (us t word loosely since she's having session every other week and this has been by telephone for the last 5 years... ) I then "beg" D again to get a therapist locally with face-to-face interaction... and to pay off her bills. Seems like D still is continuing to by stuff on Home Shopping and E-Bay. Her therapist doesn't "approve" that I'm taking control of D's $$ (I'm not comfortable with it either but I don't want to hear from her if I totally relinquish my control when she's gone "through" with everything.. and it will happen quicker than she realizes... she'll always "need" something. I'm trying to get her to keep a journal to "confront" what she's buying... you'd think by going to her therapist for like 7 years now she'd make some kind of suggestion like this... maybe I should "charge" D for my "services" (it's draining, stressing me) and she gets "testy" with me... and she thinks that she's "helping me" with Mom... though most of the time it's on my shoulders... OK I'm done venting. (well not quite... one more thing... how can I "get rid of her" from pulling me down.. I'm trying to make the "best" of my situation..)

Everyone have any plans for tomorrow.. I was hoping to get out of house for a bit (maybe even driving down to see Mom) but we just found out that Alex has a soccer game at 3:15PM so that kills the drive.. kills the whole day.


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Did everyone have a good weekend or did

Super Bowl get you?n I was so-so!

Haven't exercise yet, trying to go tomorrow,

decide to rest it a little more.


Carolyn hope your doing better. I have advice..

When sister calls..don't answer! LOL

Yes I know TJ's, we have one about 1/2 to 3/4 mile away.

Do not have a TJMax.


Donna how was the visit with the "cousins"? Did you

survive? Did you have fun at TJ'S?


Shelia How are you feeling? Is core working for you?


Baby's had a week of her cruise go by already, why

do cruise go by so fast? Least she has a week left.



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Hi girls! Got food poisoning from Ryan's on Sat., but am better today. I didn't gain anything over the weekend even though I went to 2 parties and then hosted one for the Super Bowl. I ate what I wanted and shouldn't have.


Carolyn ~ Sorry you're still have problems with DS. I agree with Belle, for your own good, stop answering the phone when she calls. You really need a break from her to focus on yourself.


The doctor did say that post-menopausal women cannot metobolize carbs very well. I'm focusing on whole grains and good carbs though. I can't go completely without.


Donna ~ The new doctor is checking out EVERYTHING! Hopefully she can put me on the right path.


Belle ~ Today is my first full day of Core. I had to go grocery shopping yesterday for my Core friendly foods. I'll let you know how I'm doing tomorrow. I'm really excited!


Have a fab day!

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isn't food-poisoning "the pits" (usually anything you lose is quickly regained and you feel like crap). Hope you're feeling better. What's core... think I'm going to be in the "market" for another eating regime soon... know I can't really do low-carb with Mike's cooking and also with needing to be set up "for day" at 8AM (until Alex gets home around 4:30PM...)

Belle, Donna how are you both doing.

I've been feeling crappy.. probably got "carbed out" by indulging on Alex's OREOs (he's a oreo junkie) and now I'm having the "crash" from it...

Mom's complaining... they "may" be sending her to hospital... .I really can't take it... she's constantly complaining about one thing or another and I don't know when it's serious vs. her being "old and crotechy" (old age aches and pains that "we all" have but she's less tolerant of them.. is always looking to pop a pill to alleviate pain and then complains that she's always sleeping, constipated (codeine), itching... you get the picture). At least on Friday my sister was a little bit involved but now she's back to being "unavailable". She's getting ready for her "new arrival" (she's getting her replacement puppy from the breeder next week and she's not ready for "him" yet... condo's not puppy/baby proof). Found out that her frenchie is from the same breeder who supplied Martha Stewart with her dog and her new one that she just got on her show on Friday (though Martha's new dog is one year old... Diane's will be about 3+months old... don't think Diane'll be prepared for a puppy, when she got Walter (dearly departed) he was a little over a year and was "rejected" from being able to show... now sure if Winston will be physically up to "showing" but Diane's not looking to show. They seem cute but my family's never had one and I don't know where Diane's got the yearning for one (except that she's lonely and looking for "unconditional love" substitute.

Thanks for letting me vent.


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Carolyn ~ I don't think I had food poisoning now. I've had "issues" with my stomach for over a year now and I think it is just acting up again. I've started back on some meds that the gastroenterologist gave me. If they don't work, I'll have to go in for an appt. :( I'm just being a baby right now. LOL


Your Mom sounds like my grandmother. She's 86 and constantly complains about EVERYTHING..never happy. I feel bad for her, but what can I do? It is really hard being around her because of her negativity.


Core is one of the plans with Weight Watchers. They give you a list of foods you can eat, how many times a day you can eat them, and 35 points a week. The foods you're allowed to eat are energy dense so you don't need to eat so much thus eating fewer calories a day. When I was on Weight Watchers flex plan, I was always hungry. With the Core plan, I'm never hungry. I just can't have the simple carbs I used to eat. Core focuses on good fats and whole grains and of course veggies and low-fat protein. So, far I like it. You can visit the WW web site for more details.


Belle ~ Correct me on what I didn't post right about Core. You've been at it a lot longer than me. Thanks!!

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Sorry wasn't on yesterday..Gone most of the day.

Today too, but both days went to the gym. First

time since hurt my knee or whatever.


Carolyn..Stay away from the "OREO'S"! Good but

bad for you! Hope your foot/heel is feeling better.


Shelia..How do you like core? I like it better than

counting points except for the extra 35. Been on

Core for 4 weeks today. Lost nine lbs. You can eat till

your satisfied. It tells you what a portion size is, (thats for

people counting points) but if we need to eat a little more

it's nice because we don't have to count it.

Most of the core food are Veggies, lean meat, FF foods.

I'm still trying not to eat to many exrta carbs. Keeping

them to veggies and the light bread. (whole grain)

Shelia I hope your feeling better today.


Donna..Are you still very busy. Quess you got to plan

another cruise to get some rest. LOL

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Good morning, girls!


Carolyn ~ I hope you're feeling better today.


Donna ~ How's work going?


Baby ~ Are you back yet?


Belle ~ Hi sweetie! I really do like Core so far. Only been "really" on it for two whole days. I haven't been using my 35 points because I ate way too much this past weekend and my weigh-in days are Thursday. I'm not hungry like I was on Flex. Last night, I made all Core recipes from the WW site except for the steamed broccoli. We had Columbus Pork Chops and Cucumber/Yogurt Salad. The pork chops are smothered in strawberries mixed with Balsamic (sp?) vinegar and basil. They are yummy. I've also been eating something that I love, but haven't had in forever and that is Cream of Wheat. That stuff really fills me up. BTW, I couldn't even finish my dinner last night because I was very satisfied. I promised myself that I would just eat enough to where I'm no longer hungry. You've done so well!! I'm so proud of you! :D

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I'm here! Hectic and then internet problems at work which did not help. I do think I have them fixed but boss was a teeny bit miffed when I told him that I wouldn't reboot (fix) till after hours! I did have to remind him that everyone else still had plenty of computer work to do and it wasn't fair to shut them all down!


Belle, great job on getting right back in there! If things every quiet down, I will check out core again. I actually think it would be the only chance of working for Joe! Keep in mind, I didn't start it. Joe picked up the X magazine and stared looking at the Century Best of the Med in October. On Sunday, he was looking at a Costa Med cruise. Of course, the man will look and book 3 weeks before and I look and want to book now! Good thing I haven't had time to look!


Sheila, Glad you like core and are starting to feel better. Is the med for the gastrointestinal working?


Carolyn, Warn her that you will hang up if she starts whining then do it! Maybe you can convince her to call your mom and they can whine together! How is the foot doing? Did you get out at all over the weekend? No more Oreos!


Exercise done and time to run my bath and get ready for bed.


Everyone have a great evening!

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Watching the first hour of Biggest Loser then have to

watch Lost, watch rest of BL at commercial times of Lost.


Shelia how are you feeling? Your menu sounds good.

Your doing good on your food for Core. I love Cream of

Wheat too. I haven't eaten too much cereal so far, a

little shredded wheat or oatmeal. I still think low-carbs.

Was doing that for so long.

Thank you but your doing good too, in fact your doing

more exercise than me.

Baby comes back from cruise on Sat. Can't remember if she

was staying an extra night before coming home.


Donna Wish my husband would look at cruises and want

to book them. I find rhem then talk him into them! LOL

Yes Core would be a good one if husband wants to lose

some weight.

Sure sounds like your a busy "lady" at work.

Hope you had a nice relaxing bath.


Carolyn Hope your doing alright. Don't let your sister get

to you. You have enough going on right now.


Have a good Wed. See you at weigh-in Shelia.

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Hi girls!!


Donna ~ That was wonderful advice for Carolyn when her sister calls. Work still seems stressful for you. Good luck!


Carolyn ~ Did you listen to Donna? ;) How are you feeling today?


Belle ~ I made a white chicken chili (Core recipe) and Core cornbread last night. It was really good and filling. I brought leftovers for lunch today. DH is on a low-fat WOE and was complaining that I put Olive oil in the cornbread. I tried to explain that Olive oil is good for you. He's so stubborn! LOL

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Well, I'd LOVE to put my DS on ICE "but" (here's the big butt)... w/Mom's health and what care (or non-care) she's getting I need to have a "united-front" with Diane to try to get to the "bottom" of what's been bothering Mom for one week now... they were "threatening" of sending her to hospital last Friday... it's back to that spot now... I'm not looking forward to that...

otherwise I "plan" to "distance" myself from Diane... if only Mom would "behave" (and I wonder if that's at all possible -- they're both peas in a pod).

Hope everyone's having a good Thursday. Today I'm "hoping" to hobble out of house (w/Libby's help -- but she's not sure if she's capable) to pick Alex up at school and take him to soccer practice and then get back home. He'll get a ride home from the practice.

Now I'm going to "hobble" to bathroom and balance on scale....


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Oh well, I've got "fun" is just around the corner (NOT)

got a call from the MD (term used loosely) at Mom's nursing home right when I was trying to go pick up Alex... they're sending her to hospital for tests...

Great.. Mike's going up to Boston for day tomorrow... I'm home with Alex (he's off for LONG weekend ...) Libby's got commitments tomorrow night.. hope Mike gets back in time as to not disappoint her.. then both kids are scheduled for activities on Saturday... got a ride for Alex and Libby's got basketball in AM and a Me and My Beau (Daddy) event for Girls Scouts on Saturday night... so there's no way I can get ride down to NYC (Harlem area) to go check on Mom in hospital if she's "still there" ... it's at least a 1 1/2hr ride... and we're supposed to be getting a small amount of snow on Sat. and possibly a "fair amount" on Sat night to Sunday. I really don't NEED the stress.... it's just NOT FAIR.. (ok I'm venting now).

How's everyone doing... seems like I can't escape from my family's (DS and Mom) stuff... wish I could just enjoy "my" family.... guess it's not "in the cards"... and I guess I'm "paying" for the "blood $$" (which is paying for Alex's school now.. but was supposed to go for his&Libby's college).

It was nice to drive outside... a bit cool but clear... but was expecting my phone to ring (but was left w/practically dead battery) so I still don't know what's going on.... that's the worse part... the waiting, trying to track down MD.

Wish me luck... I really could use some.


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Shelia..You make such good dinners. I hate to cook.

I cook as little as possible! LOL

Congrats on your loss today.


Carolyn..Sorry your going thru all this stress. Wishing

you luck with the doctors and your mother.


Donna..See that your still very busy. Hope computers

are still working.


Thursday went to the gym and got my hair cut.

Today I plan to go to the gym. Trying to keep at it.

Eating core hasn't been hard. With eating my

sf ff pudding not missing the sweets. Plus get my milk having it.

Can have one full cup on core.


You all have a great Friday and weekend. Have fun but no gains!

We want loss's!

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Happy Friday all,


Carolyn, If she is just going in for tests, I wouldn't kick in panic mode. As to Sis, is she adding any value or do you just end up telling her the way it is going to be. If it is the latter just email her! When she starts whining tell her why your hanging up and tell her to call back when she is done feeling sorry for herself.


Belle, Your going gangbusters on core and with the gym! Bet your glad of the results. Rough first few days of the week with system and internet problems which were totally unneeded. Way too much work without those distractions (even if that is my official title). Forgot, Boss popped up with a raise on Monday (he thinks quite generous) but not enough to keep me from looking!


Sheila, I glanced at core before but guess I will take a good look when things finally quiet down. I am losing again but now I have to get Joe moving. Managed to bully him into the treadmill once this week so now have to figure out how to get him in there regularly.


Ok, gotta run. Boss has accepted that the increase in insurance ate up the profit for last year. I actually didn't have to put up with too much whining. Think it dawned on him that he and his DD took home very generous salaries and benefits (3 cars between the 2 of them). Unfortunately, we moved from self-insured to a regular plan in January but now we have to deal with the run off from the self insured for at least 3 months so not making 2006 profit potential look too good either. Ok, time to run!


Have a great Friday!

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Good morning!


Carolyn ~ My heart goes out to you! I wish I could come to CT and give you a big hug. Since I can't, here's a virtual one {{{HUG}}}. Good luck with all of your weekend activities.


Donna ~ Nice that you got a raise. Maybe they'll give you one of those cars also! Wouldn't that be nice? I've only been on Core since Monday and I like it so far. It is nice to not to have to count points with everything I put in my mouth. It is great that you are losing again. Keep up the good work!


Belle ~ Don't be fooled....I HATE to cook also! However, we have to eat. I found all of the recipes I'm cooking right now on the WW site on the Core message board. I cooked a really good one last night called "Dirty Rice." DH and I both loved it. Thank goodness he chopped all of the veggies for me while I was exercising.


I hope Baby isn't too depressed having to come back tomorrow. I know I'm always depressed on the last day of a cruise.

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Could you "share" the dirty rice recipe.... since Mike's got plain rice "perfected"?

Belle, Bet you're hair looks great and congrats on sticking w/plan and exercise... way to go!!!

Donna, Is DH planning the next cruise/trip yet? Hope you didn't bring any work home and are enjoying your weekend.

As for me, I really "felt" the pain of being on "feet" for most of the day yesterday... first time.. arms are really sore, as is my back and leg is swollen. Hope to get a rest today, but also was nice to get "out" amoungst the living.

Have a great weekend everyone.


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Carolyn..Get off your feet.

Rest, so you'll get well faster!

Have family take care of you..

it won't last long!


Shelia..What did you cook last night?

Was it good? Did you exercise too?

Your just to perfect! LOL


Donna..Congrats on the raise! Know it's not

enough for all the work you do. Maybe he will

give a bigger one..when he knows your leaving..

Too late!!

Hope you find a better job soon.


Baby..Welcome Home! Hope you had a Great Cruise!

Hope you made it home..airport not closed because

of snow. Don't know if you fly direct or have to stop

in New York. Suppose to be bad there.


Went to the gym again today, eating right but scale

hasn't moved. Hate that! Hope my body hasn't

stopped like it always does and maintains.


Have a good Sunday.

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Happy Sunday all,


Yikes, just lost a long post since it logged me out of my user account for some reason. Middle of laundry so will try to remember what I posted and come back later when it is hopefully behaving better!


Have a great op Sunday!

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Hey everyone.

Just had a "funny" voice-response message on our phone from Alex's school (he's off till Tuesday, so it was an "unexpected one"). The lower school had a "ski trip" to Vermont that Alex decided he wasn't going to go to (since it was "optional", none of his "friends" were going (though I told him it would have been a way to "bond" with some kids) and it probably was going to be expensive. Well, we got at least 18 inches of snow here.. the message went on to say that with the storm the kids were "staying" in Vermont another day and will be back to school tomorrow around 1PM... they'll keep everyone posted... and "Welcome back Winter" (lol)

Originally I wondered "why" they were off Friday and Monday but now I'm glad they are off tomorrow since it would be a mess for commuting (they don't get make up days for snow since it's private).

I've got a MD appt. to get cast replaced tomorrow, unfortunately I had a 9:30AM appt. but got it switched to 8:30AM since I knew I'd be there for a while and didn't want Mike to be taking too much time off from work. Now Libby'll will be going to school tomorrow and I think she may have a late start. I was told when I switched the appt. that the MD "might not be there that early" (then why were they booking me then) but I guess we better be ready since we'll be the first to be seen -- get it over with...

Baby, welcome back.. was the cruise/Hawaii/X wonderful? Do you have a glass of water at hand? (think that covers everything).

Donna, Belle, Sheila... hope you are all well and enjoying a relaxing weekend.

Think I've been sitting here long enough. I "hobbled" on the scale... don't like the ## would LOVE to know how heavy the cast is.. don't think it's more than a few lbs.


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Hope you all are up and ready to face the day!


Carolyn..Careful going to the Doctor in the snow.

Glad Alex is off, won't have to worry about getting

him to school.


Donna..Don't you hate that! Write a post and it gets

lost. Hope you got the laundry all done today.


Shelia..Did you have an exciting weekend? What

new thing did you cook?


Baby..Can't wait to hear from you. First that you

got home safe. second I want to hear about the

CRUISE! Eight weeks till I GO!


I didn't do to much this weekend. Should of done

more things for our trip since I've got something

doing each day till we go. Great planning. LOL

Remember we're leaving Sunday, going to Palm Springs

and then to Arizona to visit friends and then visit my parents.


So I should of started to get clothes ready and

all that stuff. But I didn't. Went to the gym one day

and out to dinner the next and talked on the phone the

rest of the time! I'm so ambitious! LOL


Wwell you all have a good Monday..Is that possible..a

good Monday..think only on a cruise!!!


From Me

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Hi all! We had a good weekend. I pretty much stuck to Core except for a couple of things. I counted my points for those.


Carolyn ~ Sorry your arms are sore. At least you're able to get up and about now. See below for Dirty Rice recipe.


Donna ~ I've done that before...not fun! I hope you got your laundry done. Am I the only one that does laundry daily? I HATE it!


Belle ~ We went to see a play, The Bird Sanctuary, on Saturday night. It was so funny. Hayley Mills was in it and was very good. I didn't cook then, but did cook last night. It was called Slow Cooker Southern Chicken & Grits. It was actually good. I served it with cornbread. I'm boiling some shrimp with corn and new potatoes tonight.


Dirty rice


Core Recipe; 7 points on Flex

Serves 6



1 lb extra lean ground beef

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 stalks celery, chopped

1 onion, chopped

1 TBS chopped parsley

1 green bell pepper, chopped

1 red bell pepper, chopped

1 TBS Worcestershire sauce

¼ tsp. red pepper

¼ tsp pepper

1 tsp salt

1 c brown rice (either regular or instant)

1 (14.5 oz) can beef broth

1 c water


In a large skillet, add beef and all vegetables, cooking until beef is done and celery is tender. Add seasonings, stirring well. Add rice, broth, and water, mixing well. Bring to a boil and reduce heat, cover, and cook 40-45 minutes for regular rice, or 10 minutes for instant rice, cooking until rice is done.



-- Adapted from A Trim & Terrific Louisiana Kitchen (Clegg), 1993; posted by Heather (hwc1973) on the WW Core Tip exchange board


Per Serving: 320 Calories; 14g Fat (38.0% calories from fat); 20g Protein; 31g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; 52mg Cholesterol; 802mg Sodium.

Exchanges: 1 1/2 Grain(Starch); 2 1/2 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 1 1/2 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates.

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Sheila, Think you'd faint.. 'cause I usually only do about one load of laundry a week... maybe 2 on a busy week...

speaking of laundry, Mike's been getting "overwhelmed" so when I got back from Dr. today stayed downstairs and had Alex help me do a load... so I think everyone's sort of "set" for the week... at least there's not a mound of "stuff" to do... and Mike did the dishes last night so the dishwasher was empty.

On cast #2... the roads were a bit messy this AM... Libby had a late start so we took her for the appt and then dropped her off at school (she was 1/2 hr late). This way we didn't have to worry that the bus would get stuck trying to get up driveway.

Belle, 8 weeks are going to fly by. I'm trying to figure out what to do for the kids (and family too) for the summer vacation... the kids' schedule don't mesh so we have to wait until July/August to plan something. Just checked out air... was thinking about doing CA but it's a bit high.. we can get some really decent fares to Seattle...may do that for a week or so... Mike's got cousins who have kids around our's ages so it might work out well.

Gotta check on Alex's "transportation" schedule to the week.

BTW, Donna, Alex just brought up a few Nutella containers that we brought back from Lirica.. can't believe we still have a few from Dec. 28th... keep them in fridge... MMMM (I Know not on program... Libby just took a lick of mine and now wants to eat ALL of them.. gotta find a new hiding place lol)


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