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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hey everyone...

I'm "ok" (I guess). Foot's been a bit of a bother... feeling really puffy... Libby's off from school for the week... (poor kid, being "stuck" with me) and Mom's being "the usual" and DS being totally unhelpful (she could really "pull strings" if she wanted to but since it's not for "herself" (being the selfish individual that she is) she's not going to "push" anyone. So I'm the one to "deal" with everything... which keeps me stuck on the phone most of the day dealing w/social workers, trying to reach doctors and then the insurance company. What a pain. Then I got a "reality" check since I just got breakdown from my insurance co. regarding surgery... seems I've "maxed out" out of pocket for year... (so we're going to be faced with $1,500 in the ded./copayments for the surgery... thought we'd save $$ by doing outpatient)... the "good news" (if there is a good side) is that I won't have any more 20% payments for services till 2007 (though will have to do copay for MDs) so now I won't think of "putting off" having thyroid tested constantly (now to find an MD who will put in scrip for drawing blood that frequently). Maybe I'll find an MD to figure out "what's going on with my system" (other than saying.. it's the age thing) and then suggest that I take wellbutrin for my "blues" (think I'm handling it fine w/o thank you).

Donna, Libby just came in room w/a BIG Nutella "smile" on her face... (was eating the cuplets from MSC that was in fridge w/spoon...)... one of the "good things" from MSC, Nutella at breakfast...

I'm SO ticked off... was going to switch the shipboard credit that I had attached to a "bogus" ressie (was from Splendour cruise that we cancelled in Dec.) wanted to switch it to Visions from LA for Xmas.. it was up on Sunday, but I couldn't decide was going to book yesterday but it wasn't coming up (which was NOT a good sign) well I was able to access the date today.. YUP they did reprising... and only 3 cabins now avail so I'm assuming a TA just blocked off a group of cabins at group rate and got all the trip/quads and now the rate has doubled... there goes any chance for Xmas for us now since we MUST stay in budget if we are going to go away. Think we may use FF miles and go to an island or Hawaii...we're sitting on a TON of miles... don't know if we'll be able to do Xmas though.

Baby, hope you're feeling better.. drink water.. it will help

Donna, where's the Chico's outlets? Maybe if I visit Diane this summer I might check them out since I really need to "update" my wardrobe... which is primarily workout pants. My "good" sweaters (cashmere) from BK (before kids) all seem to mysteriously have little "holes" (don't know where they came from... don't have moths.. does cashmere "dissintegrate) and I'm realizing I've got "nothing" to wear.

Got at least one more week with cast... don't know how I"ll "deal" with the boot since it's so cumbersome and I'll be tempted to take it off.

Belle, hope you have a great time "down south" and that your parents are well.

Sheila... hope it "warms up" for you. Are you still having the middle of the night "wakeups" (I've got them around 3ish for at least an hour.. put on TV and Mike called out "from other room" why I have it on) so didn't want to disturb him... has your MD made any more suggestions for you?

Gotta give Alex instructions on how to get dinner going .


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And with a pile of work in front of me but I'll get there eventually. Joe isn't home yet and dinner is in the oven so short break before I start working again.


Carolyn, Some things never change and I seriously think your sister and mom are two of them. Are you staying off the foot enough to let it heal? The outlets are in Gurnee Mills and the first Mall on the Wisconsin side. Gurnee is huge but I like the outside mall better since it also has Lizzie and Ann Taylor. If you get out here, I can manage to take some time away and meet you.


Baby, Where is your water and how is the cold?


Sheila, Any word on your test results yet? Sleeping any better?


Ok, gotta get on to work and get this entry done.


Have a great evening!

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Hi everyone! Glad you posted, Carolyn. Hope things improve.


Holes in sweaters...I am quite sure that means...moths...it's the larvae, not the grown up flying ones that do the damage. I use cedar in my closets..hope it helps!


My cold is full-blown..yesterday, I thought I was feeling a bit better..I washed my hair and I went grocery shopping. At night...I coughed up a storm. Now..I plan to stay in and drink, drink, drink!


To treat myself, I bought frozen yogurt...ate way to much..and gained a pound. Maybe I will take it off today (or tomorrow!!)


Hope you all have a great day!


Think Warm Sunshine!!!

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Hi everyone! Glad you posted, Carolyn. Hope things improve.


Holes in sweaters...I am quite sure that means...moths...it's the larvae, not the grown up flying ones that do the damage. I use cedar in my closets..hope it helps!


My cold is full-blown..yesterday, I thought I was feeling a bit better..I washed my hair and I went grocery shopping. At night...I coughed up a storm. Now..I plan to stay in and drink, drink, drink!


To treat myself, I bought frozen yogurt...ate way to much..and gained a pound. Maybe I will take it off today (or tomorrow!!)


Hope you all have a great day!


Think Warm Sunshine!!!


And put the frozen yogurt away! It is sunny here, the only part missing is the warm though it is 30 degrees warmer than last Saturday.


Nothing new and exciting with the exception that I am trying a new tactic. I have been terrible lately with the candy machine in the morning so managed to choke down 2 bowls of oatmeal and it seems to be working. Knee is still acting up but seems a bit better right now so fingers crossed that the treadmill will be part of my evening.


Everyone have a great afternoon!

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Good morning! Still have cold and cough and I am getting fed up. I have been participating in ridiculous threads (formal nights) because I am house-bound and bored!


Weight is still the same...lucky...because I devoured cough drops and mints yesterday. Drank tea & honey. Today on water #2. I will try steam later (run hot water in sink , cover head with towel and breathe).


Donna, watch that knee. The treadmill is not friendly to knees.


Oatmeal, on the other hand, is very healthy and I think it helps with cholesterol.


Have a great day. Anyone else out there?

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Good Morning,


Baby, Water, water and more water! You must be really bored if you are getting in the formal night fray! Hope you are feeling better soon. No chance the treadmill is going to do any damage this week since I have stayed away from it. Hoping I can go back next week. Today's exercise will be Chico's at lunch time. Won't have another chance before the coupon runs out! Feel better!


Carolyn, any decision on your sisters this summer? How are you getting around? What did they figure out while your mom was in the hospital?


Sheila, How is core going? I need to get some time to take a look at it.


I am happy to report a stay the samer after the number of times I went off plan in the past week. Sticking to the two bowls of oatmeal in the morning since it worked yesterday and kept me away from high calorie munchies and snacks.


Ok, better get back to work!


Have a great day!

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Donna, it looks like it's you and me...holding up the fort! I think we need Belle!


Down 1/2 pound...so that is the good news.


The bad news is that I am still coughing away...especially at night...and today it's cold and I have to go out...where oh where is spring?


Any luck at Chico's yesterday?


Yesterday afternoon, I felt like having something soothing and warm....so I ate oatmeal! I buy the packets...now they have low-fat apple cinnamon...yummy!


Hope Shelia and Carolyn pop in!


Have a great day!

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Morning Baby and anyone else who shows up,


Your right, might just be the two of us! Hope our Mia's are having fun.


Two traveler tops, a gold,silver and bronze scarf and two pairs of cropped pants all for less than $100. Even picked out what I was going to buy with the 50% off coupon in this months catalog (waiting at home for me when I got there) but then I looked at so many other things that I forgot. No problem, I will find something to buy!


Sorry your cold is still keeping you down. However, great job on the oatmeal instead of something you would be sorry for later! Where is your water? Big weekend plans.


Carolyn, How are you?


Sheila, Busy weekend planned? Any results on the tests yet?


If the snow holds off, we are going to dinner with friends tonightso need to be ultra-good since it will be beer and pizza. Have to rely on my normal trick of getting a side salad while they eat the appetizer and hope I am talking too much so they get the most pizza.


Everyone have a great Friday and Weekend!

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wish it was for "fun"...

foot/leg's really been a bother..

Alex is sick since Wednesday evening and seems to be getting more rundown.

Been trying to get him to take Airborne, popping extra Vit. C and also now finally having him take guafenissin on a reg. basis.. he's got a barking cough with deep chest congest. so trying to keep it there and not let it develop into anything serious. Libby's feeling a bit rundown too, though she's been stuck inside w/me for week so it doesn't help. Need to keep a keen eye on her since we can't afford for her to come down w/pneumonia again...

The food situation w/me is a bit of a problem... it's grazing (though nothing BIG) during the day. It's when Mike makes me a dinner plate that the problem starts. And I got on scale today (hobbled on) and it's up another 1 1/2...UGH.. not good.

And Mom situation is still the same (if not worse) since she's getting into her pitty party in addition to being in pain (which I attribute to her eating choices.. but she doesn't want to hear me.. and then breaks down). DS doesn't help emotionally either and decided to finally return my phone calls (after she called Mom) from Wednesday at noon this morning... yes, Donna, she's still singing the same tune and yes, I should emotionally divorce her, but if I do she'll just nag me more. So I have to handle her w/kid gloves and proceed as best as I can.

Can't wait to be more mobile and w/less pain.

Baby, where's the water. Hope you're getting a bit of relief from cough/cold.

Donna, hope you have some fun things planned for weekend.

Sheila, any info from doctor yet? Saw on your other post that you had a loss for the week.. weigh to GO!!! (I lurk on those threads since I don't post).

Well, Libby's itching to get on computer.. that will give me a break from her saying "what can WE do TODAY!!" Gotta get dressed to pick up Alex from school later and get him to classmate's house by 5:30 since it's the junior school dance tonight and they're having group dinners as ice breakers before... a BIG school function.


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Hi girls! Sorry I haven't posted. I've been really busy at work and home. For some reason, every time I've tried to post on this thread, it would sit and sit. I didn't have time to "wait it out." Anyway, here's my summation of my doctor's appt on Tuesday.


The new doctor went over all of my lab work and my cholesterol is up from 141 to 203. She threw so much at me that I can't remember all of it so if I miss-speak, I'm sorry. Anyway, there's an enzyme that they can detect in your blood that let's you know if you're at risk for heart disease. Well, I have it and my level is high. So, she has me taking 2 supplements to help reduce my cholesterol. I have no idea how it has gone up so much because I've been eating really healthy and exercising. :confused: My cortisol level is suppose to be 22 in the AM and it was 0.2. My estrogen was way too high and my progestrone and testosterone levels were way too low. I'm suppose to go back next week for a follow-up when my hormones come in. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


I did lose 2 lbs this week so I'm happy about that. Most of my size 12's are swimming! :D


Glad everyone is doing well. I still don't have a lot of time to post. I will try and post tonight. I have to bake a cake for a family reunion tomorrow. It is my highly requested chocolate cake. HELP ME!! HELP ME!! LOL Anyway, if I don't post tonight, I will on Sunday.


You guys are the best!!

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Am in Arizona in the 70's, tomorrow the 80's!

(Sorry had to say it!)


Had a good time in Palm Springs..ate at my

favorite places. Not getting near a scale!


Having a good time visiting my friends..have

some good things to do and see planned

this week but tomorrow

just sitting in the sun! Nice hot weather!

Did that in Palm Springs too. Was wonderful!

(sorry said it again) LOL


Visiting my parents after Arizona. Their doing fine.


You all take care....try to write again in a few days

and will say nothing about the warm weather!!!


Love ya all..from me!

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Great to hear from you, Belle. It alright...you can enjoy that warm sunshine...but...please...send some our way. It's cold again...for the next few days...temps in the single digits....maybe less....


Glad to read that your parents are fine.


Carolyn, always happy when you post...it sounds like Alex and I have the same thing...not too much fun.


Shelia...hope you get all those numbers under control very soon. What is the doctor going to prescribe to regulate them? The only one I understand is the cholesterol. Some bodies naturally produce high cholesterol even if you have a healthy regime. We have to be thankful that all these things can be checked out and corrected.


Donna, enjoy the Chicos! Sounds like you were very successful!


Everyone, have a fun weekend!


I managed to gain 1 pound...boo hoo! Finally took a sudafed late last night, so got some sleep. Monday, if I am not better, I will call the doctor.


Supposed to get my colour done today (cancelled last Sat.). Hope it doesn't make me worse. Supposed to go to dinner with friends tonight...don't know if it's such a good idea. Maybe I should continue taking Sudafed?


Just finished my a.m. coffee...so now I will go and get a glass of water!


Take care, all.

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Belle, Glad to hear your having a great time! We will get all the way to 28 today but the sun is shining so I'm not even sulking at your forecast!


Carolyn, Fingers crossed that you and Libby don't get whatever Alex has at the moment! Do not let the others get to you. They won't change so you need to take it in stride. And watch what you eat but STAY OFF THE SCALE!


Sheila, Chocolate cake? Glad I am too far away! Haven't managed to get rid of the chocolate cravings from the cruise yet and it has been a month. WTG on the 2 lbs. Sounds like getting those hormones in check will be a major help!


Baby, Where is your water? You do need to call the doctor if this is still hanging on by Monday. As to the gain, our bodies just go nuts when we are sick so stick with the water and don't worry about it! I'm thinking that I am going to stay out of Chico's until the end of March to see what new stock that they get in. They are an outlet so it takes time for them to get the stuff from the current catalog and I really want the gouchos in the new catalog. I really wish their pants were longer. The longest have a 31 1/2" inseam and I need 32" so I have to stick to their crops.


Ok, better get to work. I would say back but all I have done so far is goof off!


Have a great weekend!

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Happy Monday all,


There appears to be something wrong with that statement unless you have a vacation booked and can say it is one less Monday to go.


Been a very interesting weekend but really low in the productivity area.


Sheila, Cake all gone? Tried to make the rice yesterday and discovered I was out of Worcestire sauce which is an absolute first so will stop and pick it up tonight.


Carolyn, How are you doing?


Baby, Where is your water? Feeling better yet?


Belle, not only are you having fun but you are one Monday closer to your cruise!


Better run!


Have a great Monday!

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Baby ~ Are you feeling better?


Carolyn ~ How's the foot?


Donna ~ Did you make the rice yet? I'm making it some time this week. It is so good!


Belle ~ Glad you are having a good time!!! Wish we had warmer weather. If it is not raining, it's cold and vice versa. I'm so sick of the rain!


The chocolate cake is ALL gone! It didn't last long after I put it out at the reunion. Thank goodness! None to bring home. It sure was good though. ;) Needless to say, I was awful with my WOE! I did work like a mad-woman around the house yesterday so maybe that helped.

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Hey everyone..

well, yesterday I was able to get a one day done on Atkins....

hobbled on scale and got totally disgusted...

not drinking water though... not yet

today... hobbled on scale again... (think it's broken or needs a battery... it's one of the talking scales that DS bought for my Dad... and I think it's haunting me, since I never kept a scale in our house before) and it's up another 1 1/2 lb. I'm really getting bummed... seems like I've gained 10 lbs since I broke foot... and a BIG chunk of that has only been the last 10 days...

go to doctor on Wednesday to check out things. Haven't been "good" about staying off it with crutches... been hobbling around w/o crutches.. seem to get around easier. Was OK with that until I tried to go full flight of stairs up. Now I'm feeling it... so I guess I learned my lesson (I just was impatient of getting back upstairs, didn't want to scoot on butt).

Hope everyone's having a good "Monday".


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Hi girls!


Carolyn ~ I feel for you so much! My mom went through all of that with her foot when I was a teenager. It wasn't much fun. Don't worry about the weight gain. You need to concentrate on that foot right now. The weight will come off when you're able to get active again. I hope you able to become more mobile soon. {{HUG}}


My doctor has me taking some supplements right now. She has ordered my hormones. They come from a compounding pharmacy in another city. I'll go in when she receives them for more instruction, etc. The supplements I'm taking are for cholesterol (Niacin & Policosanol), something for my very low cortisol level, DHEA, and a liver cleanser. I'm only taking the liver cleanser for a month. There are WAY too many pills to take every day!! Yuck!

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Shelia and Carolyn...here I am stuck in the house. It's below zero outside and I have been suffering this *****cold and cought for way too long now...then I read about your woes....well...aren't we a bunch!!! Hope we all have better health reports very soon.


I finally called the Doctor yesterday...he's on vacation! He'll be back tomorrow, so I suppose I will go to see him. Meanwhile I have cancelled everything in my life!


My weight has been up and down....today it is down, so that is the good news!


I am drinking my water...as a matter of fact, I am very thirsty.


Hope today is a better day for all!

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Good Afternoon all,


Baby, keep drinking that water and see the doctor!


Carolyn, Behave yourself! You don't want to be stuck on crutches any longer than necessary.


Sheila, Glad they have started treating you and hope you feel the difference soon. I made the dirty rice last night and we both loved it. Definitely a keeper recipe.


Belle, I'm sure your having fun!


You know, I have been updating my B'day and Anniversary list and realize that I have nothing on any of you, not even email addresses. Mine is in my profile, so if you email me and let me know, I'll make sure I get your cards out!


Have a great afternoon!

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Baby ~ I'm sooo sorry that you are still sick! I hope the doctor can see you soon. Take care, hon! BTW, my health issues aren't really anything. I just share the info just in case any other women have th same things going on. I feel like I'm rambling sometimes. If y'all get tired of hearing about it, let me know and I'll stop. LOL


Donna ~ My e-mail address is weirdeyes at hotmail.com. I get e-mail from Belle every once in a while so I welcome any from you also. :D Glad you liked the dirty rice recipe. I just love it!


Carolyn ~ How are you today?


Belle ~ How's the trip going?


Talk to you later!

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Sheila..you are so sweet. I am glad your health issues aren't serious...I don't know much about them.


I did go to the doctor today and he said that I do not have bronchitis...my lungs are clear...the cough is from the post nasal drip. He gave me a nasal spray to use every morning...sure hope it helps.


Nobody else posted today...so hope you are all fine.


I don't have much of an appetite...the best part of being sick!


Take care, all!

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My trip is going good. Glad the weather is nice

here... had lots of rain at home.

Trying to be good, am walking some.


All of you better "start" feeling better soon.

When I get home..we're all going to walk at least

30 miles this month. What do you say?


Miss you all but will be home soon enough. In fact in

one week..gee it's going to fast! Why do vacations do that?


You all take care.

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Baby ~ Any better today? Did they give you Flonase? I use it every day for my allergies and it works pretty good.


Belle ~ Hey! I'm so glad you're posting while on vacation. :D


Donna ~ How's work going?


Carolyn ~ How are you?

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It has been so crazy that I forgot to do the corporate reale state and property taxes. Woke up at 3:00 AM and realized the deadline was yesterday. Have the real estate done and property next.


Sheila, any information is helpful since we all seem to follow a pattern. I will email this weekend since I can't seem to get anything done until then!


Belle, Glad your having a great time! Just think, when you get home you'll be that much closer to cruising!


Baby, Where is your water and is the nasal spray helping! You need to get healthy.


We have a blizzard going on outside and it was absolutely not forecasted so will have to wait and see how much we get. It is really pretty now but is starting to stick on the roads. I want summer! Joe is up to no good. In the last week he has come up to tell me about a Lirica cruise in April and a HAL cruise this month. He was the one that was saying land next so I'm just sitting back and seeing what he is going to do. Our anniversary is Monday so I had better get my act together before then and pick something up for him.


Almost forgot, stay the samer here! I'm sure it is what I deserved!


Ok, tax time!


Have a great day!

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