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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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I guess I better face the music...and post.


My weight is back up there and I am not very disciplined. Gotta change my ways.



I just finished reading all of your posts.


Carolyn, you do seem to manage with your Mom, etc. Hope you have a good weekend. You have a wonderful trip to Kauai and a Bar Mitzvah to look forward to. Just plan it (like Nike...just do it!!!). It's a real High...no wine necessary!!!!.


Belle made 2 good suggestions for sight-seeing in Kauai. Also, Hanalei bay is breathtaking. And...I'm sure, at the hotel, you will find activity-tours that the kids would enjoy. When we took our kids...everything was kid-oriented!


Free air and hotel...you're my kind of traveller!


Belle, ma Belle, ca va bien? Last night we had dinner at a Greek restaurant. We had Greek striped bass, flown in from Greece. It was amazing! The Greeks do the best fish in town. I am looking forward to delicous fish at a waterfront restaurant terrace (as I look out at the remaining dirty snow!!!)


Sheila...I used to get migraines twice a year...Rosh Hashanah and Passover (do you think I stressed from preparing for company???) Sometimes I got one after a long trip, upon arrival at our destination. It would also hit my stomach and I would be really sick. The ony "cure" was time. The good news is...now that I am older, I rarely have them....something for you to look forward to in your old age!


Your trip sounds amazing. I am so excited for you. Did you say when you are leaving?


Donna...I just finished coffee (well...more milk than coffee!). We are planning to go for a walk soon, so I will take along a bottle of water.


I was sad to read about your sister and nephew. I was in a fire as a child and that has always been my fear. We have an alarm sytem in our home. Most people I know are afraid of thieves, I feel the hook-up with the fire department is more important... You may think I am nuts (my husband does), but every night I make sure the passageway to the front door is free (my son still leaves his shoes in the middle...wherever he takes them off).


If you want to go to Greece in May...why don't you look into a land trip? (like me!) You probably can do it for less...there are all kinds of accommodations at various prices. It is before high season..so not too hot. Nov. is a little late. Many places on the islands will then be closed for the winter.


Well, I caught up a little, didn't I?

Now...I MUST do better on the weight issue...spring is a-coming!


Take care, all!

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Shelia..What am I? You mention everyone except me!

Did you forget me so soon? I haven't even left yet?

How happy you must feel to be making the last

plans for your trip. What date are you leaving?

You are doing great with your weight and inches lost.

Hope your feeling better today.


Baby..Oui, tout va bien.

Just think Greece..no snow! What date are

you leaving in May? Envy of you having nicer weather

than us on our trip but I'm happy to be going.....

coat, gloves, ect and all!

Glad you had a Greek dinner, practice for the one

you will have in Greece by the sea.


Donna..You have spare time to work at another job?

I'm sorry the cruise fire brought back bad memories

for you. I know you have to wait till you feel comfortable.

I know you'll get over it and make your plans accordingly.

You know things can happen anywhere, anyday and we

just live life day by day.

Glad your cabinet is almost done or done today.

Take care and don't work so hard!


Carolyn..Hope your Mother is feeling better and for your sister..

what can you do? She's just her!!

Great you got better plane tickets and an extra day..thats even

better. So when your sister makes you "mad" just think HAWAII!

Hope your foot is getting better day by day and your resting it at

times. Will get better faster if you do.


Everyone have a GOOD week!

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I am posting first thing this morning because I am so excited that I am DOWN 1/2! (Imagine my life, if this makes me so excited!!!) Last night we ate at a new Thai restaurant...it was delicious, healthy, and obviously, not fattening! And...the good news is that it is walkable from our house. Also...yesterday, we took a 50 minute walk, so I am sure that helped.


This week the weather looks GORGEOUS. We will finally see double digits (celcius)...that means 50F. Wow!


When I first read your reference to me having better weather, I thought you meant my trip to Greece vs yours to Hawaii...and I couldn't understand the coats & gloves in Hawaii!!!(Note how brilliant I am...in the early morning!!). Of course, on second thought, I realized you meant November in Greece. You may be lucky...you know it's pure luck. As long as it doesn't rain, I feel we can always manage to enjoy. It won't be THAT cold. It isn't Canada!!!! And..if by some horrible chance...it does rain too much....get yourself a massage!!!


Have a great day, everyone!

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First off, no part time job still part of the first one. A/P person quit in December and haven't found a replacement (spelled haven't loooked). Since it feeds a good deal of what I do, it has fallen on me! This is beyond getting old!


Belle, You have got to be getting major excited. Your cruising is now coming up fast. A whole group of friends left this Sunday and will check in periodically.


Carolyn, Great job on the vacation! You'll have a wonderful time! How is PT going? Sis back in IL and out of your hair?


Baby, Where is your water? How was the walk? I will be looking forward to your trip report. Switching to land is a distinct possibility at this point. Would have to be there in the same time frame to meet our cruise friends but that would be do-able.


Sheila, One job only, it just keeps growing! Everything ready for the party? Also looking forward to your trip report since we just might need to visit HollyB if we are going to start doing land vacations again.


I was not exceptionally good this weekend so will try to be even better today than usual.


Everyone have a great Monday!

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Shelia..What am I? You mention everyone except me!

Did you forget me so soon? I haven't even left yet?

How happy you must feel to be making the last

plans for your trip. What date are you leaving?

You are doing great with your weight and inches lost.

Hope your feeling better today.

Belle ~ My apologies! I meant to say "Belle" when I said "Baby ~ When are you leaving on your trip? Not too long now!" Also, I forgot to mention your weight loss. I'm so sorry! You've done incredibly well on the Core plan. I'm so happy for you!! Forgive me? :D

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Happy Monday! NOT! LOL I didn't get ANY sleep last night. I decided to cut myself off from the Ambien so no sleep. I took a Melatonin instead, but it didn't work. My doctor says that after about 3 weeks it will work. Oh well.....


Donna ~ Glad that you're not working another job. Sorry your full-time job is now a full-time and part-time job. Hopefully, they'll hire someone soon. You just need to keep nagging them about it. I found that it works! LOL I haven't gotten everything ready for the party, but I will. My mom is doing all of the shopping for it...thank goodness!


Carolyn ~ How's your Mom doing? I'm so sorry she's not doing well. Take care of yourself!!


Baby ~ Congrats on the 1/2 lb loss!! Every little bit helps!! I get excited also when I lose 1/2 lb. :D


Belle ~ I gave you a post all of your own. ;) When are you leaving?

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Yes, Dear Donna, I am drinking my water! What would I do without you? You are my "water conscience"!!!


Coincidentally, we are meeting my cousins in Athens. They will be on a cruise and they took the transfers to and from the port and city. We will find out the exact bus stop, meet them there and spend the day with them. We are all very excited about this. We will plan it so that we save that day for whatever they want to see and do. Don't work too hard!

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Good morning, girls! How is everyone today?


Baby ~ We booked our train tickets last week from Carlisle, England to London. I received my credit card statement yesterday and the exchange rate is now 1 pound = $1.75 so it is improving.

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What "fun" yesterday was (NOT!!!).

Well, it was crazy to start with... called Mom and surgeon was there so got to talk to him. Her "levels" are screwed up... so they're hoping she'll stabilize. She's gone from being a "potential" diabetic to getting 2 shots of insilun (not good IMHO). Realizing that we can't move her back to Home when things are "holding" to reset the clock (they'll only hold bed for 20 days before they expect us to pay UGH) since the chance of things getting bad there are high. They're hoping to operate on Monday so she'll have about one full week in hospital before we have to start paying (I better start praying on that one fast... she CAN"T go longer) -- originally doctor said she'd be out after 5 days ... maybe less (would be nice). DS left NYC in evening... went to see Mom and she has a "good feeling" about the doctors (well I don't put much weight on her judgement but what can I do, I'm not in position to "shop around" and considering Mom's been on "borrowed time" -- over 12 years now-- and considering her age I really don't think I should get too caught up in it). Then Mike got home at around 6:30 with a "wonderful surprise" (NOT) a letter from IRS from 2004 saying that we owed them over $7K with some fines... seems like I omitted to put in a sale of a bond that I inherited and had transferred into my account for 1 day... I thought it was a "wash" and after pulling out all the papers (and making more of a mess) it turns out to be a loss (if they want to be technical). But who needed the aggrevation.

Ate too many carbs last night (not bad, but still "paying the price" with body aches etc... cereal and milk, lite yougurts etc. so not garbage but still bloat). Baby think I better join you in trying to get back on program... any program. Not sure what will work for me.

The good news is I had a "killer" PT session. A new person for me (3rd visit) and she really pressed into foot. Hurt like heck when she did it but then afterwards I was finally able to get a sneaker on and walk a bit without too much pain... and wonderful change.

Spring is peeping here.. sun is really bright. Alex isn't having too hard a time getting up at 6ish.. Seems like Libby's got a cold or allergies. She's a bear to wake up in AM.. Then she doesn't want to eat until she hugs and kisses me.. and then again... then when she goes downstairs for bus she give Mike a kiss to pass to me (he never does lol).

Will post later.. think I better drink something and get a bit of food in me since it's finally be 1 hr since I took thyroid (wonder if I'm taking correct dosaage and if it's effective).


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Hello ladies! Went to doctor yesterday and he says I've lost 7 lbs since last visit in Jan. I'm down another 1.5 lbs this morning. My doctor is doing Weight Watchers also so we had a good talk about it. He said my exercise is going great and he even took me off of my high blood pressure medicine. I'm really excited about that!


Please whisper a prayer for my Dad tomorrow. His bladder cancer came back and he's having surgery to remove it. Thanks!


Carolyn ~ So sorry to hear about your Mom. I sure do hope they stabilize her soon. Poor thing! You know she's so tired of it all. I hope the PT is doing you some good since it is so painful. And the IRS! Goodness! You have so much on you right now. {{{HUG}}}


Donna & Baby ~ How are you doing?


Belle ~ Where are you?!!!!!!

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Sorry to hear about your Dad . We have all been touched in some way by this horrible disease . My child battled cancer last year and won but it was a long road . My thoughts and prayers go out to you .

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Still here but just busy, was gone all

day yesterday..tomorrow will be gone too.


Shelia.. love ya..was teasing..you can

never forget me! LOL

So sorry about your father, my prayers for him.

Happy for your Doctor app...I'm jealous..

For your weight loss and inches. No bp medicine..

Good Job! Hope your sleeping better.



Yes no coats in Hawaii unless it's a raincoat!

Hope the rain stops by the time we get there.

Nice you get to visit with cousins in Athens.

What date are you leaving?


Carolyn..How's your Mom doing? Sorry it's so

hard for you to get things done long distance.

Your PT still going good. Hope your walking better

each day.

Why does averything happen at once, sorry about

the IRS. To much!


Donna..Tell your BOSS you want a RAISE! Your

working two jobs. Didn't you want to leave this job.

Have you heard from your friends on the Summit

this two weeks? Can't believe leave in a week

and two days. Will I be ready in time? Still have

to do everything.


Everyone..I hope we're all doing well with our diets/woes?

At least six days out of seven if we can't do seven out

of seven which is whst we should be doing.


Take care...

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Thanks everyone for your well wishes for my Dad. I'll post later today after the surgery to let you know how he did. He demanded that I not take off work to go. I shouldn't have obeyed him because I know my Mom will be a nervous wreck. I might sneak away in a little bit and surprise her.


Well, I was down 1.5 lbs yesterday and am only down 1 lb today. I'm putting the scale away again until next Thursday. I can't handle the pressure! LOL

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We've had the rainest month of March

ever! SO TIRED of it!


Shelia read in other post your father was doing good.

I'm so happy for him and you and the whole family.

Your weight loss is great! 140's!


Hope everyone is doing good..

Baby happy to see you in

weigh-in post. (Ice cream..my favorite thing!)

Your doing good.


Donna and Carolyn how are you doing today.


I've been busy, last minute shopping, ironing,

getting everything together that I want to pack

and then seeing what I have to leave behind.

It's hard to pack not knowing if Hawaii is thru with

the rain. I Sure hope it is! How cold it will be first

few days going and last two days coming back.

Plus I always pack to much, especially when we drive

and have no weight limit.

Next cruise will have a limit since flying. Husband

will be happy. LOL


Hope to hear from you all thru the weekend.

Let's all have a no-gainer weekend.

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Hi ladies! Yes, Dad is doing fine. He actually wanted to go back to work today. I need to call him this AM and check on him. I know he's driving my mom nuts. LOL John and I are hosting a surprise b'day party for Dad tomorrow night so I'm going to be so busy. It is a good busy though. I love doing things for other people....especially my sweet Daddy.


Belle ~ You are going to be sooooo busy! You are one lucky chick. You'll have to give us a complete rundown of Hawaii when you get back. We hope to go one day so you'll have to make some recommendations. Our little travel queen! ;)


Carolyn, Baby, Donna ~ How are y'all doing? I hope you are all well!

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Sheila...I was waiting to hear about your Dad...and I am happy to know that he is doing so well. Wish him a happy birthday from the "Losers" (We hope!!)


Belle...we leave May 7th...it's coming up soon! I barely put away my summer things from my last trip! This time, I have to pack light (or lighter!). This will be my BIG CHALLENGE because we will be gone for 23 days.


I posted yesterday, thought I hit "submit" but it got lost! I seem to be doing that a lot lately.


Have a great day, everyone

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My friends..depending when your reading this.


Shelia..I'm sure the party tonight is going to

be a hit! Especially when your father did so

well, you all will be so Thankful that he's alright!


I'm still trying to get all my stuff together I

want to take. Doing some ironing now and

laying the clothes out. Now for purses and shoes!

Have to narrow them down. Always take to

much. So easy when you drive, no weight limit.

Next cruise flying will have a weight limit then.

Oh what will I do? LOL

Think I just repeated my self from last post.


Baby..Your trip is 23 days..how great! See you'll

have the same problem, weight limit on plane for

your vacation. May 7th will be here before you know it.


Shelia leaves in May too. What date do you leave Shelia?


Donna and Carolyn..How's it going?


Everyone have a good weekend. I have a little shopping to do

and I want to go to the gym. Was going today but stayed

home it was pouring! Tired of it!

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I'm here! Feel like the MIA finally returning!


Belle, hear from them pretty much every day. Still waiting for the report on Hilo. They were all renting cars and heading out to do the sights. Your up fast and you'll have a great time! They are having a wonderful time. Almost exclusively X cruisers and Summit lives up to their expectations. I'm sure your going to enjoy your first X cruise! Don't miss the martini flights. Six sample martini's for $9.50 and I can honestly say that by the sixth, even the real martini's taste good!


Sheila, So glad you'll have a b'day and surgery celebration tonight! Glad the surgery went well and you'll all be ready to enjoy the evening! WTG on the WL! I'm sure the doc was proud of you!


Carolyn, When was your last blood test and what was your TSH? That would be your first indication though there are others. Absolutely biggest thing is not to miss medication and be consistent with it. If I feel myself going hyper, I move breakfast up 15 minutes and it puts me right back to normal. Hope the mom situation gets resolved quickly. Sounds like a tax fight but I'm sure you'll win.


Baby, where is your water? Greece is coming up really quick! Made another hit on Chico's at lunch Thursday (boss drove me to out with all his emails and phone calls) and got several more Traveler's pieces along with some others that I couldn't resist.


The raise I got last month in no way covers the additional amount of work dumped on me but seems to be making it a bit more difficult to change jobs. Will have to get over that and get moving because changing is the sensible thing to do if I look at the big picture. Media unit is just about finished so will try to get a picture this weekend and post it. Next step is to get him to replace the tall dresser with a narrow Ikea unit from floor to ceiling but that campaign will take some time. Nice thing is that I can record on dvd and then play it on my computer while I am working. Of course, that is the lead in to better get back to work. Remote desktop is up and boss is pressuring for March statements (record shipping month) so better get to valuing inventory while I can get on.


Have a great weekend!

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Donna..Media cabinet.."looking good"!

You two did a good job!

Did you hear from your friends on the Summit?

How was the weather treating them?

Says it's suppose to clear up by the end of

the week there. Hope so.

We're having rain here all week..don't want it there too!

(They don't either..they have had unusual rain

like we're having)

Hope your work has slowed down some.


Shelia..How did the party go? Bet it was wonderful

and your father had a great time.

Now time to start getting ready for your trip!


Baby..Water? Your like Shelia you get to start getting

ready for your trip too.


Carolyn..How are you feeling? Your mother doing better,

I hope.


I've been trying to get ready but all this rain we've been

having and all the rain Hawaii is having is getting to me.

Still need to get a few things, I don't want to go out.

(Suppose to get depressed after a cruise not before) LOL

Then deciding what to pack if cold on ship or rainy on islands.

Know it will still be warm but maybe wet too.

So I keep changing my mind on clothes!


I know everyone should have these problems.


Have a good week you four.

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Hello! Weekend was great except way too short. I'm soooo tired today!!! Dad's party was a hit. Daddy was so surprised. I even bought him a hat that said, "Old Dude - made with achey, breaky parts!" LOL He wore it the whole party.


Baby ~ Wow! You leave way before I do on your trip. Lucky girl!! I started getting my shampoos, etc. together yesterday in the travel bottles. DH thought it was ridiculous starting so soon. I'm the queen of organization though so I like to start early. ;)


Belle ~ We leave for our trip on May 26th. Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait! Where are you going next? When is Hawaii?


Donna ~ The media center looks great!!! Fantastic job! You are a lot braver than I am doing it yourself.


Well, I ate like a pig over the weekend so I know I won't show a loss this week. It was my very last splurge weekend for a long time. I'm back in business! :D

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Hi everyone! Weight is still up there (the awful pound!). Gotta get a grip. Drinking water now...walked yesterday..today it is going to rain..so will walk in supermarket!!!!!


Belle...first I have to get through Passover...then I will pack. I change my dishes, so it is a humungous job...but this year I am not making a Seder, so I am not stressed. It will be much easier. Today I will buy my Passover groceries. It is very expensive to be Jewish! They sure know how to jack up the prices! Each year I wonder how the poor people manage.


Donna...glad that you were successful at Chico's. Wear everything in good health!


Sheila..you are the Queen of organization? I am your rival the Queen of disorganization!!!! I wish you could come over and train me! I get caught up on small projects and leave the big picture a mess! eg. My drawers are neat, but the overflow is on top of the dresser! And...I am a packrat...I find it so difficult to get rid of things. So, now with your inspiration, I am going to try to conquer my clutter....and with Donna's inspiration, I am going to replenish my water!


Have a great day, all!


P.S. Carolyn...you haven't posted in a while...hope all is going well.


P.P.S. Envy4U...are you with us?

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Baby ~ LOL! I can't stand clutter. Disorganization stresses me so! I have a touch of obsessive/compulsive disorder. I'm even picky about how my towels and underwear are folded. Maybe I should go into the organization business. ;) Good luck with Passover.


Carolyn ~ How are you doing?

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How's everyone doing?

I wasn't feeling good yesterday..think I

feel better today. Least it is before the

cruise and not on it!


Baby and Shelia I'm half and half..

Organize and disorganize depending on

what it is! LOL


Baby glad your Holiday won't be as busy

for you this year. You'll enjoy it more.

Don't they raise the prices of everything

on any holiday?


Shelia glad your party was a success.

Sure your father loved it. Now you can think of

your trip. We leave for Hawaii the 8th, cruise the 9th.

Next one in Nov.


Donna Are you still working to hard? Or watching to much

TV in your new cabinet?


Carolyn Write us so we know your alright.


Have a good week everyone.

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