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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Gotta make it short since it's very late (11:45PM on Tuesday) and I've tried a few times since my last post to actually post (and they've gone lost in cyberspace).

To make long story short.... had to wait for Mom for surgery (finally done yesterday... she had a colostomy.. couldn't have been avoided, actually she's been on borrowed time for many years now on that) and I've been physically sick for about week now... (think everything and stress have caught up on me). Mom's in CCU since surgery and hopefully will be in regular room tomorrow so I can actually speak with her. Gotta pray that she gets out of hospital by next Monday... otherwise they're going to let her room "go" at home (or we -- and I think I better reword that since I can't depend on my DS to help out -- I) unless we pay for the days she's still "out in hospital" since she'll be "gone" for over 20 days. I'll scream... she should have gone into surgery a few days earlier but we had to wait for surgeon since he only goes to this hospital once a week..(otherwise he goes to Columbia Presp. and he couldn't get her on surgical schedule for several weeks).

I hope to post more tomorrow AM... gotta "pray" that my mom doesn't "milk" they weakened helpless "sorry for herself" routine... Diane's not going to tolerate it.. won't be around to listen to it and then it's left to "me" to pay for it or clean up.. I'm sick and tired of being Cinderella...


Belle, are you almost ready for cruise... going to love Summit.

Sheila, hope your Dad's making a great recovery

Donna, don't work too hard (lol, easier said than done).

Baby.. have water handy... getting ready for the holiday?

Hugs to everyone.

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Carolyn ~ I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I sure hope she is doing better today and gets out of CCU. You poor dear! You deseparately need a break from all of this!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your sister will behave. Post here when you need to scream, ok? We'll listen. Take care!!


Belle ~ Glad you're feeling better today. I know you're getting excited about your trip. You lucky girl!!


Baby & Donna ~ How are y'all doing?


Things are going well here. Just plain busy with work and home. I know you all can relate. LOL

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It's weigh-in day!


Shelia your doing so good with your exercise

and diet..loose 10's! "weigh to go"!


Thank you, am feeling better.

Have most of the stuff together, will pack Friday.

Having nails done today and hair trim Friday.

Leaving Sat.


Carolyn sorry your going thru all this. Hope your

mother is getting better and gets to move in time.

Hope your foot is getting better thru all this.

You were on the Summit, you really liked it?

Everyone seems to have a good cruise on her

and hear the service is good.

I see Hawaii now, you get to see it in Dec.

Know you wish it was now!


Donna your working to much. Your not coming in here enough!

Tell them you want another raise. You need to find that perfect job!


Baby thanks, seems like I think of all these questions at

night laying in bed not sleeping, then can't think of them

in the morning! Am I getting old? LOL

II'm just so happy the rain seems to be stopping there.

If there is something you think I should know, tell me.

Something about the ship, a secret place, something not

to miss. Anything about the islands. Anything about anything.


Will talk to you again before I leave.

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First the good/bad news - stay the samer! Think the thyroid is part of the issue but symptoms aren't to the point of getting tested again. Just need to find a the new combination to lose again but no time.


Belle, Glad your feeling better. They are being very cautious on Summit and some bleaching (more than usual) going on. We hear from them almost every day and they are having a wonderful time. The weather has been beautiful so here is hoping you leave all the wet behind. They said the first 30 hours were cool and rainy but haven't been able to complain since then. I just sent a girl from Ottawa named Karin over to your roll call. We have been emailing since I posted the Galaxy TA review and she is now booked with you. Are you spending time in Rome before the first cruise?


Sheila, Yours must be coming up quick too! What we really need on here is a calendar so I can keep track of all the comings and goings. I still have to email HollyB and hope to this weekend but I'm sure she would love to hear from you. She has a little shop over there and it will be open when you are there. You can email her at cruisingpals at aol.com. Great job on on the weight loss. WW seems to really agree with you! How is your dad feeling?


Carolyn, Ok, deep breaths! Glad the surgery is over with but now it is one step at a time. Speaking of steps - how is pt going? Kids in school right now? I imagine Mike has curtailed his travelling until the foot is better but you said it might be better for him to be here anyhow with the changeover in the office.


Baby, WATER? Did you get everything you needed when you went shopping? Just keep thinking vacation and it will help you put down the things you shouldn't be having!


Ok, tv time? Not a chance! By the time I make it in there, I am ready to drop. I still have desperate housewives and gray's recorded and haven't gotten around to watching them. Problem is exercise has again gone by the wayside so I need to find a way to work it back in. Boss is making me crazy but then that is because he is certifiable. Need to get inventory to the bank (bad #'s in Feb) so that is my priority. He keeps coming up with new things every time I see him and then he gets to the end of the sentence and light dawns and he says after inventory gets done. Get real! He now has me doing 42 things after inventory is done! Looks like we are heading towards a confrontation really soon. I have nailed him before and I will again even though I would rather leave and just dump it in his lap. Will have to look at how I am looking for a job. Keep getting offers for the strangest things but not what I am looking for. Not sure this on line job hunting is worth much so will re-evaluate. Oh well, good news is he is going back to FL this month! Better run!


Everyone have a great day!

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Donna ~ Glad you checked in and you seem more busy than ever. I hope you can chill soon. Congrats on staying the same!! I'm going to check out Ruby's web site and will try to e-mail her.


Belle ~ I know you are getting so excited!!! Good for you for exercising on the ship! I wish I had your dedication. I'm sure going to miss you. As always, thanks for the encouragement! :D Are you a TA? If so, e-mail me your info!! I'm looking for a good one. Thanks!

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Donna..Why are they bleaching? Because of the trouble

on the Mercury? No one is sick on the Summit are they? Hope not!

Please let me know Friday,(wrote this Thursday evening)

so I know what is going on, to be prepared.

Won't be on here Sat. Leaving early.

I'm glad your friends are having fun. Know will a little rough

going out but hope no rain!


On the Galaxy..no we're not staying in Rome before cruise.

Wish we could but with a b2b it didn't work for us plus

be more money.


I love those two tv shows Donna. I think you better look for

another job..he's going to Fl.. great..better for you! Peace!


Glad you didn't have a gain..stay the same is better than that.


Shelia..Good job today..your getting so skinny! All that

exercise paying off for you. I'm just not consistent enough.

No I'm not a TA, Funny you asked...

I get that question a lot. Even from TA's.

Sometimes I know more than they do. LOL My friends say

I should be, I find them these good bargins.

Just think when I come back your trip will be closer.


Baby..What are you doing?


Carolyn..Hope Mom is feeling better today.

and your foot getting better too.


Will come in tomorrow so see what Donna has to say and

to tell you all Good-bye.

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Belle, Preventative only! Have the typical people with a cold and such (several in the group during the first couple of days) which you always get when air travel is involved. Are you absolutely sure you can't squeeze in a day or two before your b2b. We stayed at a really inexpensive hotel and had a ball. Think about it! Shame to go so far and not get to see the local sites! Good move to carry your own hand sanitizer with you but they are very good at having it available. Have friends getting off the Mercury today and that is an all together different story. Had friends get off on the 17th which was the first cruise that had it and one was quanteened on the last day. Things have been a mess since then. They think they have it under control and said they will probably stop bleaching by the middle of this next one. Good thing your on Summit, you'll have a great time! Have you read the Celebrity Secrets thread. Lots of info there that will make your first cruise on X even better. Don't forget (after the exercise room) that the pastries and Cova are free (not the coffee). Don't know if I will make it back before you leave so Bon Voyage!


Sheila, Your doing great! Might even motivate me to get up early and work on it! I will try to email her this weekend but I know she'll love hearing from you!


Carolyn, How are you?


Baby, Water? Big weekend plans?


Ok, gotta run!


Have a great day!

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Belle ~ BON VOYAGE, sweetie! I'm sure going to miss you, but I know you'll be having tons of fun. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the weather gods are kind to you while in Hawaii. :D


How is everyone else? Thanks so much for the encouragement!!! You all mean so much to me!

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Hi all! I think I have a lot of catching up to do. First, just want to say that weight is "under control"!! That means under the "awful pound".


Next, Belle, are you leaving this weekend? Already? You must be soooo excited! Best wishes for blue skies and smooth seas!!!


What can I tell you? Don't miss the children's hula show the night you are in Honolulu. Also, in Honolulu, at the shopping centre next to the port, there are hula dancers. If Paki is still giving hula lessons on the ship...go for it! It's so much fun! Also, the Honolulu night we skipped the dining room and had sushi for dinner.


If you can avoid the long line returning to the pier in Maui, you will be happy!


Don't listen to Donna....avoid pastries in Cova Cafe....too dangerous!


Have a wonderful time!


Carolyn..hope everything is under control in your life and hope that your Mom is doing better.


Donna...yes,drinking water! Hope you find a GREAT job! You sound very qualified so I am sure you will. My food shopping doesn't stop. I have been to the supermarket 3 times this week! The first time it was a zoo...I was exhausted.


Sheila..You are so sweet! How are your trip plans coming along? Have you thought about packing yet? After Passover, I will start. Have to pack less...that is my challenge. Hope I succeed (I have to succeed!)


We are going out Sat night with the kids...to celebrate my DH's 65th birthday! So that will be fun. We are going to one of our favourite Italian restaurants. (DH loves Italian food!). Other than that..I plan to start to cook and also to walk...although it will not go up past the low 40's. We may get a little more snow tonight. Aren't you all jealous?????


Have a great weekend..

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Thanks Donna for getting back to me.

I thought it might be just a precaution

because the Mercury is out of San Diego,

a Calif. port to but a couple of hours away.

Hope they don't use to much bleach and get

the ship to smelling.

I'm taking hand sanitizer with me, know the ship

has them but other places on ship and on the

islands might need it.


Donna I love how you mention exercise and

Cova pastries in the same breath! My kind of gal! LOL


About Rome we still have 8 months, one thing now we plan

is the day when we come back to Rome before we start

the other cruise we plan to tour Rome for the day.


Shelia Thank you for wishing great weather for us!

I'll miss you too. Wonder how skinny you'll be when I come

back after two weeks!


Baby I hope Paki is still on the ship. Also heard about the

kids don't want to miss them. Also heard about Maui, told

my friends we want back early that day. Sorry the port is so

short in time.

Have a great Passover and remember you want to stay under

that pound. Just think of me torn between the "pastries"!


Carolyn I hope everything is going as best as they can

at this time.


Thank you all for the BON VOYAGES!

Have to pack, get my hair cut today and I'm ready to go!

Getting up at 3 am and leaving by 4-4:30 am, get to the

hotel early. About 8 hr drive, will stop for breakfast

along the way.

Meeting our friends there. Will go out to

dinner in the evening. Then morning, shower ect. then



You all take care, will be thinking of you all. Will miss you too!

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Dang it...

did I miss Belle? Maybe she'll be able to pop on...

if so BON VOYAGE (was thinking about you yesterday when I spoke to my Aunt in Petaluma).

Gotta venture to kitchen to get Libby something to eat... I'm being "neglectful" (she slept in late today and I think it's now "brunch").

It's hailing, rainy, gloomy. Alex had first outdoor soccer game today on arti-turf. They're just starting to play primier teams and Alex plays defense. Also, they're telling them they have to "earn" their position.. a bit of pressure. Needless to say when I called Mike second time to tell him that Libby's game is cancelled he said that Alex pulled something ('not again...) and will probably be out a bit... I can't take this stress.

Hope everyone's doing well. Hope the sun is shining where you are, ladies.


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I'd like to take a minute from my holiday cooking to say "Hi" and to wish you all a happy holiday.


Carolyn, what are you doing for seders?


Sheila and Donna...what are your Easter plans?


Lucky Belle will be celebrating on the ship....no cooking there!

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Hi Belle,


I see you are on a trip. NO FAIR!!!


Would you mind e-mailing me privately? I'd like to speak to you about a project. I'm at sd1ot@aol.com. I posted some details on the countdown club thread, but it is so hard to sort through our girl/boy, talk, it might be buried by then. ;)


Hope you are having fun on your trip.


Hi to everyone else here. Good luck with the weigh-in's.

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Baby ~ I hope your Passover preparations are going okay. You're not nibbling along the way are you? ;) Have a wonderful Passover tomorrow!


We're going to my in-laws for Easter lunch. I'll be going to an Easter drama at church this weekend. It should be very good. I promise not to eat too much!! :D


How is everyone else? Y'all are being so quiet!!

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Sheila, sounds like you have great weekend plans! Enjoy!


Baby, How is it going? Tired of cooking yet? Enjoy dh's b'day! That is this Saturday, right? Where is your water.


Carolyn, How are you? How is Alex? How is PT going? Mom out of the hospital?


Ok, Crazy is not the word for it. We (as of yesterday morning) are flying to Mom's Sunday morning and flying back Tuesday night. Got an email from United with some really cheap flights so grabbed it. Only way we could get those prices was through the email link so Joe had to book it. Still need to arrange a car and find where we will have Easter dinner since we will be getting there a little too late to cook.


Next up, booked the 5/9 Dawn Princess from SFO to Vancouver. Fingers crossed (using FF), plan on getting to SFO on 5/6 and playing around until the 9th then going down to Seattle when we disembark and spending the 12th, 13th and 14th there. Lots of arrangements to be made and the airlines keep changing the FF flights available so fingers crossed that we get everything together before we leave Sunday so we can bid on hotels. This is Joe's all time favorite ship so he is even more excited than I am for a change. Oops, meeting over, better look like I'm working!


Have a great day!

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Just popped in to say "hi" and wish everyone a "Happy Holiday".

It's been crazy here.. I'm totally stressed out... no end in sight.

Luckily Mom's back at "the home" (not MY home lol couldn't take that).

Everything else is status quo... Libby's out for next week. Unf. I have to drag her to my PT appointments. Alex's off on Friday and Monday.. Mike "hits the road" on Weds. and will be going on and off... Nashville, then Cincinn./Orlando/Gainsville, then home for a few days then off again to Helsinki (overnight in Heathrow) and then back for a few days then off to SanDiego (this his "typical spring travel) then he'll be back "just in time" for Alex's BarMitzvah so I'm left "holding the bag" for details... and I really don't want to do anything (since it's mainly Mike's family ... I only have sister and elderly Aunt who will show up).


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Hey everyone...

guess we're all "caught up" with stuff.

Sheila... hope you're feeling better.

Baby, drinking the water? Make it through the holiday "OK"? (we didn't do much of anything... everyone's 2 hrs away and things have been very hairy etc to say the least w/Mom... also Mike just went away).

Donna, still terribly busy w/work. Hope spring has finally set in and you're out and about.

Belle, "our traveler" hope she's having a fantastic time on Summit in the Islands.

As for me, things have been a bit stressful. Having Libby home w/me for week doesn't help things a bit. At least weather has been sunny. They're getting me to do a bit of cardio (5 mins treadmill, 10 bike) at PT but foot is extremely painful and stiff. Also some the of the exercises they're having me do upset my back so I'm following up with my physiatrist (I sound like "ricky ricardo lol -- it's a real doctor -- physical medicine) who helped me when my back was horrible many times and hopefully he'll be able to get me the help I need to get walking /functioning w/o pain. I'm trying to be a bit more present and concientious with eating. Am trying something like the "cereal" diet... having it for breakfast (a late one since I have to wait the hr. after taking thryroid) and having the 2nd bowl more like a snack before bedtime... and having an earlier dinner. Not sure how it's going to work but I'm trying and trying not to "give up and give in". Also trying not to get into "pity party since Mike's in full swing w/travel.. Nashville now, next week Cleveland and Florida (nothing that great), then Helsinki and later in May he's out to SanDiego. He's also told he'll be needing to travel out to SF maybe 3 times before end of summer so maybe we'll be able to go w/him (if airfare isn't that terrible or ff miles -- don't know if it's doable... flights are getting full-up).


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Hi girls! I am feeling better, but am miserable because I gained one pound. It went straight to my belly also. Definitely NOT where I need it! LOL


Carolyn ~ How are you feeling? How's PT going?


Donna & Baby ~ How are y'all?


Belle ~ We miss you!!! :D

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Must be spring! The lawn service is right outside my window raising enough racket to keep me awake. Mom's went well and now it is crunch time. Need to get caught up and then get ahead of schedule for when we leave on the 6th. Hard to believe but Belle will be back next week!


Sheila, glad your feeling better and that lb. will be history very quickly! When are you leaving?


Baby, Water? How were the holidays and the B'day party? Are you leaving mid month?


Carolyn, Sorry Mike is going to be gone so much but I have the feeling that he is just trying to catch up. How did the week go with Libby? Shouldn't your foot be showing major improvement now? When we went to book this trip, air to SFO was outrageous and couldn't get FF to work for the dates we wanted (as usual). Ended up booing Southwest who had by far the cheapest air ($99/one way) and using our free ticket. Did hotels through Priceline and got the SFO DT Courtyard for $69.00. Had to be really careful bidding since they have a few less desirable properties. Just did SEA DoubleTree Airport for $40.00. They get decent reviews but there parking is way cheaper than downtown and we will have a car.


Ok, better get back to work!


Have a great day!

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Hi all!


Made it through the holidays O.K. Finally put away the dishes yesterday (yes, I change to Passover dishes). I was lucky to be invited to both Seders. My friend is Iraqi and the food is very different and amazing. It was an exotic feast. I said that the only thing missing was the tent!!!!


My weight has been fluctuating. Today is not so bad (not so great either). Leaving in 2 weeks, so must LOSE!!!! Tomorrow I am going for a massage. It is at a hotel, so there is also an indoor pool and sauna, both of which I intend to enjoy first.


Sheila, you must be getting excited. Have you begun to arrange your travel things yet? I think I will start today.


Donna, water is right by the computer! Refresh my memory...where are you going on the 6th?


Carolyn, hope you are feeling better. Kids must be back in school, so hope that helps. You would probably benefit from a good massage. But check with your doctor first.


Our Belle must be having a wonderful time. Looking forward to her posts.


Have a great day, all!

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Baby, glad that water is within reach. I am watered out for the moment so have switched to Crystal light lemonade. We go to SFO on the 6th, board Dawn Princess on the 9th, travel down to SEA after disembarkation on the 12th and fly home on the 15th. He wanted a land vacation so this is a workable compromise with 3 days in SFO and 3 in SEA. Looks like we will be leaving about the same time.


Sheila, Are you getting excited? I'm sure you'll have a great time and do get hold of Ruby if you have the chance. Do me a favor and let her know I'll email as soon as things quiet down a bit. Don't forget light weight rain gear since they have lots of "soft" days which we consider drizzly.


Carolyn, Kids back in school this week? Fingers crossed that the foot starts feeling better soon!


Joe is in a snit now! I suggested the Connie TA before we booked Dawn Princess and he decided on Dawn. As of today the TA is 399/person inside cabin. Of course, no vacation left to do it and can't be gone that long if I'm not there for month end so he can just go off in his corner and sulk! One more weekend and we are gone. Really looking forward to sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge but not to packing for this one. I did manage to buy black open back Mocassins at Bass yesterday and ordered two new pairs of heels which I hope get here in time to break in before we leave. According to the docs, there is a formal night but those who have taken it before said they were all listed as casual once they got on board. I am definitely sticking with the casual idea since we will be moving about too much.


Ok, better get some work done!


Have a great Sunday!

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