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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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On page 46 wrote a note to you all,

my posts weren't just about to Hawaii.


Baby forgot to say congrats about your son.

Are you all ready for cruise?


Shelia you are doing so great on your dieting/woe.

Your going to be at goal before you leave.

Thanks for the kick..hope it works.


Donna Are you ready for your trip/cruise?


Bet your all excited?


Carolyn Are you having fun planning your cruise.

That's part of the fun.


You all take care/

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Hi Everyone!


Belle, I really enjoyed reading about your cruise...it all came back to me! How did you find Celebrity compared to the other cruiseslines? It's the only one we have tried, so I always like to hear about comparisons.


I have a ton of clothes on a spare bed. Now it's elimination time! I have already had my colour (hair) done, my facial and pedicure. Tomorrow...manicure and Sat....haircut...then pack....then Sun...we're off!


Thank you all for the good wishes. The wedding will probably be next June. We are in the process of deciding where and when.



Carolyn, you're a very good trip planner! When is Alex's Bar Mitzvah? Isn't it exciting when the reply card start to come in? I remember how I used to wait for the mail each day!


Donna and Sheila...travel is SOON!!


Sheila...I am soooo jealous! I am still struggling with my weight and you are doing so well...you are going to be gorgeous in the UK!!!!!!


I will try to post again before I leave.

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Hi everyone! I feel so guilty! I haven't really exercised in 3 weeks! I keep promising that I'll do it starting Monday. I can tell it in my clothes even though I've lost more weight. The inches really do matter.


Speaking of clothes....I put on my size 10 Levi's on Saturday and they were a little big. I went to the store earlier today and tried on some 8's in Levi's and they fit! :eek: Couldn't believe it!


I doubt I'll be at goal before our trip, but that's for the vote of confidence! You guys are the best!!!!


Love ya, mean it!

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Donna and Baby you two leave soon!

So happy for you two..wish we all were

going somewhere today! We all like to travelso much!


Baby..Know your going to have so much fun traveling

around Greece. You've been there before? I can't wait

to go..you have to tell me all about Greece when you return.

The places we have to see, what we can miss. It's kind of hard

when you only have a day (me) compared to staying

longer. (you)


Donna..You'll love SF! The weather is warming for the

weekend but you'll still need a coat/jacket for the evening.

So sorry won't be home, maybe we could of met.

Enjoy your cruise and time in Seattle.

Are you still thinking of the TA on the Galaxy? Or can't

get time off for sure.


Shelia..It will be you in three weeks. It's great that you'll

have friends there to show you some of the sights.

Your friend won't know who you are! Your doing so great in your

woe/exercise.(even if took a break) A size EIGHT! Weigh to Go!

I bet you'll be at goal!


Carolyn..your not leaving yet but think you have two trips

to look foward to. A cruise and a land vacation. I think July

is fine for a cruise, seems all the probems (hurricanes) are

in Sept.and Oct. You will have great weather and a good time.

You'll love Hawaii too! What islands are you going to?


Well wanted to wish our travelers great trips and everyone a

good weekend.

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Donna & Baby ~ BON VOYAGE!!!! I hope both of you have wonderful trips. We'll try to hold the fort down while you're gone. I'm sure Belle will keep us all straight.


Again, have a blast! :D


Belle ~ Thanks as ever for being such a wonderful cheerleader. You're such a dear.

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Donna and Baby,

Bon Voyage (if I'm not too late)

Sheila.. size 8 way to go... don't sweat about the exercise since you "must" be doing something right.. this way you won't have to worry too much re-rebound weight when you're touring UK... you'll love it.

Belle, doing Explorer.. sort of impulse... got a fairly good price since it originally's considered high season (when kids out). Never did ship this size so it "should be interesting" now the hard decision... early or late seating.


As for me, been going to PT... very frustrating. Makes foot very sore and swollen. Not sure if they're doing right thing. Today I started to "panic" realizing I probably don't have much in the way of "proper" cruisewear for evening, yet I've not been good (re-eating choices and lack of formal exercise) so I really need to "get with the program" for the next 60 days (leave in 70 but know that the last week is never a time to be strict). I really don't enjoy shoping and don't want (or really can afford) to do impulse buy.

Hope everyone's got good plans for weekend. Alex has soccer game at 8:30AM and then 2 BarMitzvahs to go to (have to travel 45mins each way) one's a pool party so he has to get back home to change to go to the "Yacht Club" for party 2 -- he's got a better social life than Mike &I, I'll be traipsing around in sweats.. most things have gotten a bit tight.

Trying to figure out what WOE might "work" for me. Not sure if low carb's going to work this time around. Still got 2 large bottles of Cortislim so I might try that again... had stopped using the "real" stuff a few months after my Dad passed... started using generic. Found I lost the "pesky" 10 with it.. but if might have just been "time". Oh well. We shall see.


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Just had time to skim because he will shut down the internet as soon as I wake him up which will be soon! All packed except for the last minute stuff (make up etc.) Off to the airport in a couple of hours.


Belle, Did read most of your review, just couldn't help it! There was a reason I didn't mention the ice cream. Figured you would find it and you did! Have yet to do Millie class (Summit size) but it is in the plans for some day! Hope your friend is ok. We have dinner reservations for tonight at Swiss Louis on Pier 39 (good friend recommended it). Must go to HRC and probably Rain Forest but the rest is up for grabs. Alcatraz is the evening tour tomorrow since we played it safe and have Monday if the weather cancels it on us.


Baby, have a wonderful vacation and can't wait to hear all about it! I'll have you know, all of my clothes fit into a large carryon size suitcase. The big case is all of his junk. I may be sorry since I didn't split them up this time. I was shooting for two small cases and he brought up the biggest one and started dumping stuff in it. Lots of room for shopping since he didn't fill it and I added bubble wrap to keep everything in place!


Carolyn, When I get back, I'll be right there with you! I have to get strict. There are still things in the closet that just don't fit! Hope PT goes better and looking forward to good news on the diet front when we return!


Sheila, WTG! Size 8 would have to be my ulltimate goal and I am a very long way from it! You'll be in last minute mayhem when we return.


Ok, better get my hair finished before I roust him out of bed since he will be driving me nuts once I do.


Everyone have a great weekend and behave while we are gone!

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So excited that I finally went DOWN! Imagine what one pound does to my morale!


Donna...hope this isn't too late..have a blast! We will share stories and info when we both return. Am so impressed with your packing skills!! That is for how many days?


Sheila...you,too...same message!!!


Belle...can't believe so many of us are leaving you....usually it's the other way around! You take care!


Carolyn...just eat A LITTLE LESS. Don't make a big deal about it...and you will see an improvement. Glad Alex is enjoying his social life!!!! It's his time!

Your kids will probably LOVE the activities on the big ship.


Ordered fresh fruit plate for airplane meal!!


Will try to post tomorrow!


Have a great day!




















If I can, I will post tomorrow.

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Belle, Sheila... guess we're the 3 Musketeers for a while.

It's a sunny Sunday, Mike took Libby out to practice tennis, she's taking beginner lessons on Thursday.

Well it's day 3 for me for WOE... low carb for now.. been taking cortislim for 2 days... been feeling really stressed out, not sure what I want to do... confused about alot of things...


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Hey y'all! (Thought I'd throw my Southern accent in there.) ;)


I ate like a little piggy this past weekend...good thing it is over. I'm getting stressed so it was stress eating..chocolate!


Carolyn ~ You will like the Voyager-class ships. I've never been on the Explorer, but have been on the Mariner and Navigator and loved them both. The kids will have a great time...there's sooo much to do! I'm thinking about taking Cortislim again because of the stress right now. It also helps me sleep. I haven't slept a full night since Thursday and I'm so tired! Glad PT is going well except for the pain and swelling. You poor thing!!


Belle ~ Can you fly to Alabama and slap me? How's your friend doing?


I'm taking DS to the ENT next Friday. I'm petty sure his tonsils need to come out. One side is HUGE! :eek: Just another stresser to add to my plate. I guess it could be a lot worse.

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We'll I'm happy to say I've been "good" for 3 days now.. let's see how long it'll last, though I haven't seen any results on scale. Think I'll increase the Cortislim (try to take 4). I DO find that I sleep well when I take it, which is good since I get the "age" insomnia thing at 4ish AM>


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Shelia..I'll "slap" you if you "kick me" again!

Not bad-bad but not good-good here either! LOL


My friend is doing better, thank you. Walking a little now.

Another friend of hers that isn't married might come tomorrow

or Wed. and take care of her till she's on her feet and I

can go home.


Keep thinking that Donna was so close and I was so far away.

Maybe meet her/you all some day.


Baby in Greece enjoying herself right now!


Shelia why all the extra stress or is it the same old stress?

Just think you will be on vacation soon! Wonderful vacation!

You take care...


Carolyn good work on sticking to your woe. Hope your

foot starts getting better soon after yout PT is over.


Well better go now...Have a good Tuesday you two.

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Carolyn ~ GREAT job on being so good! I'm sure the scale will move soon!! Just keep it up. You'll see results even if the scale doesn't move by way of inches lost. :D I'm not suppose to take Cortislim due to my very low cortisol levels. So, I won't be buying any. I did some research yesterday to see if Cortislim maintains your coritsol levels, but it doesn't...it lowers them. Oh well. I'll deal with my stress the best way I can.


Belle ~ I felt your slap. Thank you! I was very good yesterday. I even did 45 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weights. I just hope I can keep it up! I'm under stress to get everything done before my trip. I have full weekends until we leave and I have no idea how I'm going to get packed. I'm also stressed about DS's tonsils. I'll make it though...I always do. ;) Glad your friend is doing good and walking. That really helps the recovery process. I hope you can go home on Wed. I know you need it.


Talk to you Musketeers later!

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Wish I could find a homeopathic doc here. When I went for check up the MD was ready to right a prescript for Wellbutrin ... after my bad experience w/***** years ago (the dark ages in '89...for eating disorder... had all the less common side effects such as weight gain <which I was promised not to have> and bruised like a peach --looked like I was beaten wife lol) I got off it and I'm very leary to try any antidepressants (most family members have "blown up-- puffed out from them and I can't mentally afford that). So I try to deal with things as best I can. The scale hasn't moved. Don't really expect to see it. Not sure if Cortislim will do good but since I have 2 bottles left over from year ago didn't think it would hurt. If the scale does go down a bit I will continue to use it until after cruise.


Who knows... Mike will be going to SF for a few hours (will be in San Diego for convention) May 25th. May need to go a few more times during the summer. Libby wants to "piggy-back" with him. If we can get cheap tickets or FF maybe we'll all go and I'll visit my aunt in Petaluma. There wouldn't be any excuse not to meet except if you were traveling.


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Carolyn ~ I used to take an anti-depressant for migraines and that's when my weight gain started. I gained 30 lbs in a flash. My weight has been a constant struggle since. Needless to say, anti-deppressants are EVIL in my eyes. LOL My doctor wanted to put me on Cymbalta for my back pain last year. I said NO WAY! I've worked hard for this weight loss. I'm not taking something that might blow me up again. He agreed. Good luck and I hope the Cortislim works.


Belle ~ Are you going home today?


I didn't have a good day yesterday. The scale says I gained 4 lbs! I did an hour of high impact cardio last night to try and counteract the gain. It's not looking too promising though. DH says it is water gain so I'm going to drink tons of water!!!

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Seems like we have alot in "common"...

I'm on day 4 (or is it 5) on low carb... getting very frustrated...

scale doesn't seem to be budging.

At least the head isn't as foggy.

Not sure if I should just try to watch the cals and refined carbs.

Getting kind of frustrated. It must be age and also that I've been "at it" more or less for a long time (think I started low carb at least 6 years ago... and it wasn't even fashionable then).

Hope to post some success tomorrow.

I'm hoping to "keep on track" through week.


Hope you're on your way home and doing fine.


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Carolyn ~ I'm not trying to knock low carb at all, but I did low carb for a long time and lost initially. After awhile, my loss stopped cold. I then switched to Weight Watchers and am down 17.5 more lbs. I'm 3 lbs away from my goal now. I think the problem with low carb (for me) was that I just couldn't stick to it. My hair also started falling out like crazy and my nails are still a mess. Maybe you just need to shake things up a bit. Again, I'm not knocking low carb because I know it works for a lot of people and it did for me for awhile. Good luck and I hope you resolve it soon. It is a pain to get discouraged. You'll get through it though. :)

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I totally understand what you're saying... I think for the "initial adjustment" low carb is ok (first 3 days but I don't get the "woosh effect" I used to ... I think it's an age thing). I think for the weekend I'll try something like the "cereal" diet (2 meals of cereal/milk (or maybe a light yogurt or piece of fruit) and then a very simple low carb meal (protein and veggies) see if I can survive something like that for a few days. But I think I'm an "all or nothing" type of dieter so low carb worked (mentally at least, not necessarily scale wise) for me... it's a no brainer. Don't know if I could work with WW... might be a mental block.

I've just got alot of "stuff" going on here. I'm stressed out. THings are kind of "fluxie" at Mike's office. Alex is in the last few weeks of school. Invitation responses are dribbling in.... alot of those that we planned on being definites (Mike's close relatives) haven't sent or called in and it's ticking me off. All to that that I don't even know what I'm going to wear. Don't have anything appropriate and I really don't enjoy shopping. Having a hard time finding something for Libby that's in her size (she's 10-- find 7 but she won't be able to wear it much past June... and for the $$ I'd like to get another wear out of it). Still need to get Alex a new suit and a haircute (he's LONG overdue... it's getting wavy and curling... though he looks adorable, the copper red curls lol... he doesn't appreciate when I ruffle them -- isn't that what Mom's are supposed to do embarass him (in private most times though ... I've learned to control myself).


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Carolyn ~ I can tell by the tone of your posts that you are really stressing. I wish there was some magic pill I could send you to help you through all of this. You have been through sooo much lately and have handled it well. You'll get through this also, but might need a little help. Hopefully, the Cortislim will work. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.


I eat a lot of cereal myself. I love cereal and it really fills me up. I'm not a big veggie eater so I drink V8. I think working in a few low cal carbs in your diet will be fine. I think the reason why low carb didn't work for me was the calories. I really have to watch my caloric intake or I don't lose. You'll work it out. Good luck!!


Oh, why don't you call Mike's relatives and ask them for an answer on the party? That might relieve some of your stress. Take care!!


Belle ~ How's your friend? Are you home yet?

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I'm really not stressing on the eating... really not that hungry most of the time... and as far as Mike's relatives, RSVP card says respond by 5/19 so I'm not making any phone calls yet... also w/DSIL (and mainly BIL) it will be a "game" for them.. and I really don't care to play it with them.

I haven't tried on anything as far as clothes in a while. Thought I was going for PT today and called up this AM to reschedule next week's appointments and found out that I was "released from treatment" (well that's funny 'cause when I saw the MD on Wednesday he said I could go 2X week (so something's going on at PT office 'cause they were suggesting release... wasn't too comfortable there, had to rush to get there, interfered w/schedule a bit and the help there talked over you/gossipped and was a bit uncomfortable... also seemed like a bit of factory since it was directly associated to MDs office). So I'll play it by ear now. Just wish that I knew what was going on on Monday... like a "closure" of case. I'm still supposed to see MD in 6 weeks.. still in some pain,but will probably be.

So today I've been stuck on phone taking care of Mom's treatment. Also trying to get addresses of relatives of my Dad who my Mom think's I should send invites to, it's getting late and if I wait any longer to mail invites it won't look good. So I'll take care of it when I go pick up Libby from school.

It's raining sheets of water... it's been going on for 12 hrs straight. It's going to continue through tomorrow, at least.

Luckily my insomnia (getting up at 3ish and staying awake for one hour) has passed (for now).I'm not sure if Cortislim is working, but since I already had it (and couldn't return it) I thought I might as well try it. Know that it takes several weeks to see actual results so am waiting to see, though trying not to be anxious about it.

Belle, HOpe everything is well with you. Spoke w/Aunt and she told me that you're having nice weather (finally).

Gotta go run out to get Libby (then to post office and dance class)

Never a dull moment


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Carolyn ~ Try on some of the clothes. I bet you look great in them. Even though you hate to shop, buying a new outfit might help. Maybe you'll be released from PT and you won't have that headache any longer. Hope your foot heals faster and doesn't bother you much.

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Think they "released me" without even telling me AND not giving me specific game plan.... well that's fine w/me.

Think I'll try on my "tight" black long dinner skirt that I've been wearing the last 2 cruises tomorrow... see how snug it is. (if I'm "good" tonight it might be OK ... translate.... can probably zip up but not sit down <and of course can't wear anything underneath for fear of VPL).


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Will read posts and talk tomorrow..I promise.


Hope you Shelia/Carolyn are fine.

Hope our two travelers are having a great TIME!


Take care, in case I don't get on or you don't..

Happy Mother's Day you two!

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Happy Mother's Day everyone...

it's gloomy, rainy and Alex is at soccer (benching I believe... though soggy) and Libby's out at religious school so it's laundry time for me.

Will post more later.


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