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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hear you about the posting... had a hard time trying to send several yesterday... finally gave up.

Had a revelation last night (asleep.. lol)... I just have to "let everything go"... my sanity etc. is more important than worrying what everybody wants/expects etc. .. they're going to do whatever they want anyway and not take into consideration anything about my family so I might as well just "make the best of it"...(deep breath).

Also Mom's been in the hospital almost 2 weeks now and I'm wrung out from that. Add in the fact that the scale is up even though I'm not eating much of anything... STRESS...


Hope you're having a fabulous/terrific (use all adj. necessary) time over the pond. I'm sure you're getting plenty of exercise walking/hiking going up stairs etc. that will balance any eating... looking forward to your report.


The same for you and Greece. We'd really love to do a land vacation there... but not sure how to do it since we have the kids.


Know you're "fun" schedule is keeping you busy. Prayers for your SIL.


Hope work isn't "too bad" and your preparing/having a great time with your visitors.

Think that covers everyone.

I'm going to try to reach my mother now.. hope to get her out of hospital tomorrow (if not today).


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And I should be in bed but they aren't back from Six Flags yet and I have to talk to them when they get in. They were leaving tomorrow for my Mom's but she was put in the hospital tonight. After a terrifying phone call where she told me she was having seizures and dying, got hold of the nurses station and it is the congestive heart failure acting up with a urinary tract infection. According to them, the fever is coming down and she should be just fine. Now if we could get my BP back to normal we would all be fine!


Ok, trip report is done:




Carolyn, that is the trick! Let everything go and keep the sanity! However, that is why it is a trick since most of us have a very hard time doing that!


Belle, Have a wonderful time!


Baby, Why is it that I am sure that you are home now! We are waiting to hear all about it!


Sheila, Know your having a great time so just continue as you are!


Might as well get ready for bed!


Have a great evening!

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Sorry to hear that your Mom's back in the hospital...

CHF.. know that well (with my Dad... though he was "only diagnosed" with it a year before)... is the CHF "under control" and also how's your Mom's sodium levels, since there can be some serious "complications" with this when treating CHF (which usually involves sodium restricted diet etc... , depending on your Mom's age sodium levels get really low even w/CHF).

Hope she's on the road to recovery and that you had a great "visit" with everyone.


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Hi girls! I'm back! AND I gained 7 lbs even with all of the walking and stair-climbing I did! Geez! I'd hate to see how much I wouldn't gained without all of the exercise. Oh well, I'll get it off.


We had a fabulous time and really enjoyed Scotland. London was so big and busy! We preferred the smaller village of Windsor.


Belle ~ So sorry to hear about your SIL. Enjoy your trip with your girlfriends.


Love y'all!

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Welcome back... want to hear EVERYTHING about Scotland.

Mike goes to London alot and says we should take the kids, but I really think we'd be better of "exploring" outside the city... (also too $$$-- and think kidlets would rather see other things instead of museums). Mike has some contact at either Cambridge or Oxford. Alex "could" go over in year or two (during summer) with Latin teacher to do "research" for 2-3weeks.. so that's another option.

As for me, I'm getting very discouraged. Was passed on "Michael Thurmond 6-week" package... trying to assemble it but not sure what "body type" I am.

All I know is the scale is creeping upwards and I'm not doing anything to encourage it.

HELP!!! (sure the stress I'm going through doesn't help)


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Carolyn ~ Scotland was, in one word, amazing! Everything about it was awesome except for the cold weather. LOL The people there are so warm and friendly. I loved listening to them talk. The countryside is spectacular and Edinburgh is a beautiful city. We can't wait to go back!


London is so huge! I guess if I was used to a big city like New York, it wouldn't have seemed so big. However, I didn't like taking the tube at all so we walked and walked. I guess I'm just used to getting in my car and driving somewhere. ;) London also has been taken over by other nationalities so we didn't encounter many actual English people except in Scotland. Our friends told us that the Brits are moving out of London due to all of the new immigrants. I actually got shoved out of the way at one of the castle gift shops by an Italian that wanted to look at what I was looking at. I was stunned! I don't have anything against other nationalities or cultures, but please show some courtesy and be polite. The Brits we encountered were extremely nice and polite.


We went to a pub on Monday night and the gentleman at the bar asked my DH where we were from. DH told him Alabama and the guy said, "I thought so, I saw Forest Gump." LOL


Carolyn, I need a kick in the rear also! I just finished eating a Cadbury chocolate that I brought back from England. Their chocolate is soooo much better than ours!

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the "milk" bar?

(know Mike keeps asking me if he should bring chocolates back... like he doesn't know I can't RESIST chocolates... think he'd learn by now lol)>


Yes, the Dairy Milk Bar and the Dairy Milk Caramel. I brought back a bag of minitures of each for us and one bag of the regular for my parents. The bags were quite expensive at $6.50/each, but oh so worth it! I just wish I hadn't been introduced to them last year. I was a goner after my first bite. Thank goodness you can't buy them here. LOL

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Tomorrow it will be 2 weeks that we are back. At first I was down 1 pound. Then..I was so tired and overwhelmed with all that I had to do that I gained 4 pounds in 1 week!!!! Now, I am up the Awful Pound, and I have to start losing!


I just read through all of the posts that I had missed. I sincerely hope all of your ill loved ones are not suffering.


Sheila....glad that you enjoyed the UK. We had good experiences in London. We know people who live there...one just sold their home in the suburbs and bought a condo right in the centre. They are thrilled.


Donna...hope all is better. Your vacation was good...even if tiring???


Carolyn...PLEASE go out and buy yourself a new dress. Buy something FABULOUS. There are not too many times in life when we can do this. Take advantage of the occasion and treat yourself. You will have the new suit or gown (is it a day or evening affair?) to wear for a long time to come.Think of it as an investment!!!TREAT YOURSELF! Listen to me...I am older than you!!


Belle, you are great...always caring for others.


When we returned from our winter vacation, I got sick. If you recall, I had a cough for 8 weeks. Now DH is coughing up a storm. This weekend he had fever. I really believe we pick these bugs up on the crowded airplanes.


Greece..what can I say? It was wonderful...and May was the right time. It was cooler than usual this year, but that is better for sightseeing. Our last few days were getting hot, and I knew it was a good time to come home.


We spent 6 nights in Athens and still didn't get to see and do all of the things we wanted to. Then we were in Mykonos and Naxos, each for 4 nights and finally (the grande finale!)in Santorini for a week. There we saw the Galaxy. When we spoke with passengers and they asked if we were also, I answered (without thinking) no..we are on vacation!! How's that for a freudian slip??

We loved being on land. We loved spending more time in each place and getting the "feel" of it.


Any questions? I will be happy to answer!


Carolyn...I didn't know you were part Greek....then, one day you must visit! I know it is difficult with the kids. We didn't take ours on many sightseeing trips. They probably would have nagged us. Hope you don't mind me telling you what to do (re clothes)..I don't want you to be mad at me!


I'll check in tomorrow...and Maybe refer to my weight loss!!!!(wishful thinking!!)


Have a great day, all!

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Baby ~ I was wondering when you'd decide to post! I have you beat in the weight gain dept...so far, it is 8 lbs!! I'm back on track today so hopefully I can get it off before my cruise in Aug. Glad you enjoyed Greece. I'm sure it was totally amazing. We did have a great time on our trip. London was hectic, but nice. I guess you get used to all of the people. It is truly a beautiful city though. The parks were amazing. I just preferred Scotland because it was rolling hills after rolling hills.


Carolyn, Belle, and Donna ~ How are y'all doing? You've been so quiet.


Here's links to my U.K. trip pictures if you want to see them.


England: http://lathanuktrip.shutterfly.com/action/?a=8AYtGzFm0bNWHj


Scotland: http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8AYtGzFm0bNWFY

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Yesterday I posted...tadaaaa...and today I am down the AWFUL POUND!! Thank you all...just for being there!! Now I HAVE to try harder...because I have to account for my weight here!


Good luck, Sheila! I hope you manage to get ALL the weight off before your cruise. The food in the UK must have been good! What were some of the highlights?


We felt the crowds our one day in Dublin last summer...I never saw such crowds! Mostly young people,too!


In Greece, there were a lot of school groups at the ancient sights...both Greek children and other Europeans. Some of them were wild. There was one British group that was so well behaved. Then I noticed that they were off in a corner and kids were reading their reports to the group. Obviously, they had to prepare and do some research. There is nothing like organization and preplanning!!!! What a difference that made!


I looked at your photos and they brought back lots of memories! Thanks.


Donna..where are you? I am drinking my water!


I think I will journal what I eat today, because I don't want to gain back the pound!!


Have a great day, all!

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Hi girls! Where is everyone?


Baby ~ I guess we're the only ones around. :confused:


I posted this on the Countdown thread, but wanted to tell y'all about it also.


We (me, DH, and DS) went to the health club after work (notice I said health club and not gym) and it was great. We met with the personal trainer who showed us around the whole club and told us what he'd do for us. He explained the difference between losing weight versus increasing muscle and decreasing fat. The trainer will access you by taking your measurements, weight, and body fat percentage. They have that expensive machine that measures the body fat. He/she will then detail a workout plan and diet specifically for you, which will include the areas you really need to work on. We will be re-accessed once a month and the program adjusted as needed. I think this will be great for all of us. DS even seems motivated by it. I will continue my Weight Watchers membership for now until I see what sort of way they want me to eat. So, we're going to sign up this week and hopefully be accessed by Friday. I'm really excited! Oh and the trainer had a prothesis on his lower leg and if he can do it, I can!


Baby ~ In Scotland, we went to Edinburgh, Stirling, Doune, and Gretna Green. Our friends live in Eastriggs, which is a little village real close to Gretna Green ont he Scottish/English border. It was a very lovely area. I enjoyed all of the quaint houses, etc. On the day we arrived, we went to a Scottish wedding a Comlongon Castle. This was my first visit to a castle and I loved it. In Edinburgh, we took a tour bus, went to Edinburgh Castle and Mary King's Close. We wanted to go to Holyrood House Palace, but Prince Charles was there so we couldn't tour it. Boo! Hoo! In Stirling, we went to the William Wallace Monument and Stirling Castle. It was a beautiful area. In Doune, we went to Doune Castle (where Monty Python and the Holy Grail was filmed). DS is a movie buff and this was his request. We all enjoyed it though. We were just about the only ones at the castle so it was really cool to explore.


While at our friend's house, they had a barbeque in our honor and most of their family and a few friends came. It was really nice to meet everyone. We had a great time. We got asked a lot of questions about our weather and our accents. LOL One of their daughters wanted to know all about Graceland. I've never been, but John has so he could fill her in.


We took the train from Carlisle, England to London. It was about a 4 hour train ride because we got stuck behind a freight train. DS actually got sick from the movement, which was odd. He's never done that before.


When we arrived in London on Thursday, we took a taxi ride from hell from Euston station to our hotel in Mayfair. The hotel was a Holiday Inn, but very nice. We had a room overlooking Green Park, which was nice. All we had to do was walk around the corner to get to the tube or bus stop. We went to Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, and Saint Martin-in-the-Fields Church this day. I made a brass rubbing for my mom that she loved.


On Friday, we took the Big Bus Tour where you can hop on and hop off at difference sites. We went to St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London. We saw a lot of stuff from the bus tour so I was satisfied.


On Saturday, we took the train to Hampton Court Palace. This was awesome! When we returned to London, we went to Madame Trussads (sp?). DS wanted to do this and it was a waste of time in my eyes. It was so crowded that you really could look at the figures in detail. As you saw, I did take my picture with a few. ;)


On Sunday, we took the train to Windsor/Eton. We toured Windsor Castle and the village. I simply loved this place!! The castle was breath-taking! I can't recommend it enough. When we returned to London, we went to the London Eye. This was great also. The views were spectacular.


On Monday (our last day), we went to Buckingham Palace, St. James Park, Green Park, Westminster Abbey, and Harrod's. Westminster Abbey was another amazing place. It gave me chills.


That was our trip in a nutshell.


I weighed this AM and am down 2 lbs of the 8 I gained. I hope I can keep it up. Today is DS's 18th birthday and we're having a "Death by Chocolate" cake with Birthday Cake ice cream tonight. Help me!! LOL

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I am glad that you are on the right track, Sheila. Keep us posted about your new programme...and good luck with it!


Your trip report sounds great! On our cruise last year, we had one port in Scotland. We opted for the Loch Loman/highlands tour. It was lovely. In London, we visited the Tower because I had never been there. We had a different Beefeater guide. He was a character!


London is a wonderful city.

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just lost my post, and it's almost midnight so I'm not going to retype.

Thanks, Baby... know you mean well but w/the way I've been feeling etc. I really don't think I can subject myself to shopping... long story, from all the stress Mike's family is putting me through (and they probably don't even know it, and probably don't care... just a "gist"... on Friday they're flying out of Orlando on a 12:20PM flight and getting into LaGuardia (2 hrs away w/traffic, if not longer) at 3PM... when they "really should" be at temple at 7PM for services. Don't care if they're there for me and Libby doing candles BUT as Mike said "it would be nice if Grandfather was there for Alex's first time doing Kiddush... hearing all their excuses (they could have booked a closer airport... and earlier flight <probably wasn't good for their 2 yo kid-- it was 9AM flight> I'm sure they'll be in CT early enough when it's their nephew on SIL side's turn...) well I was hoping this could be avoided, I'm glad we weren't going to host a Friday dinner 'cause they would all be no-shows (Mike's sister and her family won't be getting into JFK until 4:20PM... had excuses their too).

I've gotten so puffy from stress (and not eating) it's not funny. Luckily I'm getting haircut on Friday and colour on Thursday and that (to me) is more important. We're going on cruise in a month and we'll take some formal family shots that will be more important to us... hopefully once this nightmare (promise to my Dad <this day was important to him... not to Alex and when he was in hospital and I asked him --while on vent -- you have to hang on Dad for Alex's Bar Mitzvah he just kept shaking his head no... > he made it off of the vent and then was mishandled by nurse/doctor in CCU.. so I'm very conflicted with everything). My sister isn't much help either (and she's a cantor) and we're not getting much guidance from the Rabbi or Cantor. Person we originally met with at restaurant is now on honeymoon so it's been difficult w/menu details.. feel like we're over hot-coals and over a barrel now).

If I make it till Sunday I'll be grateful. Luckily we've got the cruise in one month to keep my sanity.


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Oh, Carolyn, I am so sorry to read that you are so stressed. Take a deep breath. It will all turn out wonderful. You will be very proud of Alex. He is becoming a man...can you believe that? Where does the time go? Try to enjoy the moment for you and your loved ones. Try not to let the others faze you. Is Alex being called up on Friday night or on Saturday morning? Our shule is Orthodox and we went early in the AM (like 7 or so) the Thursday prior to Bar Mitzvahs. That was the "real thing" when the boys put on tvillen for the first time. Then on Sat am they did the havtorrah etc. Everything will go well and you all will have a wonderful time...and if there are any gliches, no one else will know the difference! Mazel Tov!

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We're reform... so it's "loosey goosy" with the Rabbi and Cantor. I don't even think the Rabbi knows who we are (and the Cantor barely since I drop off Alex in parking lot and he waits outside afterwards... this being so mainly because of my foot problems -- which are unfortunately acting up-- and Libby not wanting to go inside (she's getting really fussy, can't really blame her).

Service is on Saturday... 10:30AM over PROMPTLY at Noon then a quick challah blessing and on to the luncheon. Mike and I need to write a "little" speech to Alex after he's presented with the tallis (which sister got, or will use Mike's "family" tallis... not sure what we'll do... could have Mike's father present tallis but he doesn't want to "fumble" -- he's meek and creates more problems). This is "odd" since I thought the speech was after Alex was finished with most of his service and then the parents' praise him... go figure.

Also the person in charge of restaurant is not very helpful... ask "how many cups does the punch serve... she says "I don't know"... really helpful.


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That is funny about the punch! I'm sure there will be enough for every one!And..no one ever starves at these things!!! Go with the flow...and enjoy! We don't have much Reform here (only one temple...unlike the USA), but however they do it, it will be fine.

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FYI I went to Lord & Taylors tonight to return some things for Alex and took a quick look at the dress dept. and believe it or not the dress that I plan to wear is "somewhat in style" (the are now showing fluttery sleeves again... and chiffon skirts) so I think I'll be OK.. I did stop in a store to try to pick up some shoes since the dress is a pale cream.. only had white flats and white wider strapped sandals.. Was ready to give up (since foot is still swollen) but then took a chance and looked a clearance. Found a flat sandal with a little flower (slides) in cream leather for only $15... can't beat that.

Sheila, thanks ... I needed that.

Now to have alex "check" to make sure his friends (who he hasn't heard/seen from since 1 1/2 weeks ago) don't forget.


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I'm alive and well (somewhat) and "fluffy"

in California! LOL Can't get the cruise weight

gain off! Especially when eating too much from

stress and these little trips we're/I'm are taking.


Remember one night wrote a long post..lost it.

So will try again.


Carolyn..First to you...It's almost Sat., it will be over.

It will be wonderful, you will look beautiful, dress will

be GREAT! Shoes were a good bargain.

Lunch will be fine, even thro lady needs to know her

job better.

After it's over take a deep breath and think..going on

a cruise in July.

About August..I won't be here. Will be gone the month of

August and the first week of Sept. Renting a condo and also

be visiting my parents.


Shelia..Welcome Home! Sounds like you had a great vacations.

You sure did a lot in Scotland and England. Nice you could see

some of it with the locals.

You saw so many things in such a short time. You really got to

see the sights of London. What memories you will have.

I know you will get your weight gain off soon and be at your goal.


Baby..Welcome Back. I want to hear it all. Tell me about Greece.

We will be in Santorina on our anniversary. Rhodes on our Thanksgiving.

Mykonos and Athens just regular days. lol

It was so good you got so many days at each place. Know only

have a day in each place but better than none! Right?

What do you think is a must see in each place? You saw

"our" ship. Will be on it in a little over five months.

Sorry your husband is sick. I know it's the planes all the recyle air.


Donna..Read your trip report. You should did a lot in a short time too.

Glad you liked SF. I use to take the cable cars to work when

I lived there. Loved them.

Know it was cool weather while you were there.

After you left it got hot, was hotter than where I was too. Never

fails to do that. It would of been nice for the Island.

How is your mother doing? You haven't been on for awhile.

Hope everything is alright.

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Had a good time at my "women's" time away.

Tahoe was beautiful, had great weather.

We played cards, ate , drank. Went for walks,

out to eat, casino just a little. Talked a lot.

Was a good retreat for us, away from husbands,

family problems ect.


Can you believe going away again. With husband

to Reno.

This Friday.. One reason,got a couple of free nights then

we added two nights. Good price. Will be having a Rodeo parade in

front of our hotel while there, music and dancing in the evening.

Will be fun. Planned this before I knew about Tahoe.

Now I get two trips in June, lucky me!



Then after going to visit his sister, the one that is sick.

Hope she knows who he is. They are giving her so much medicine

because there's no hope.


Will try to talk tomorrow. In case not..

We will be back next Wed.

Everyone take care.

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Belle, our traveling queen, so glad you posted. I e-mailed you yesterday because I hadn't seen you around. I always miss you! Sounds as if you're having a great time and are dealing with the stress well. I hope the family is okay. Yes, we did see a lot and do a lot in London, but we knew we probably wouldn't go back. I plan on going back to England one day, but to the smaller villages. I love the villages!


Carolyn ~ Your dress and shoes sound perfect! I'm sure you'll look great in both of them. Great deal on the shoes!! WOW!


Baby ~ Are you drinking your water?


Donna ~ Where are you, honey?!!!


Had my first appt with the personal trainer last night. I think I blew his socks off with my cardio workout capabilities. He had to tell me to slow down on the recumbent bike. LOL My heart rate and speed were way up there and I was just a pumping away! :D He increased the intensity so I'd get a better workout. I only did it for 20 minutes and I could've gone longer. I'll do that tomorrow night.

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Shelia you amaze me. A trainer now.

Wish I had your determination. Your going

to make your goal soon with no body fat!

Did I read you have another cruise this year.

(Thank you for missing me and sending e-mail)


Carolyn It's almost here, then you can relax.

Your going to look great. Your son is going

to have a great time on his day.

Just think of your July cruise!


Baby How are you doing. What's your next trip?

Know you have one planned. Still want to hear

about Greece.


Donna How are you and family doing? Hope everything

is all right. Asking everyone else..where's your next trip.


Leave tomorrow...Will talk when I come back

When I come back really have to get STRICT on my



Take care..Lov ya all!

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