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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Linda ~ Happy Belated Birthday!!! Did you have a great one? Details please!! :D


Baby ~ I think you're going to need a vacation after the wedding. Even a short little trip that doesn't cost a lot. My BF's DD just got married and talk about needing a vacation. LOL They actually took an Alaskan cruise BEFORE the wedding....about a month before. I told her she did it the wrong way around. LOL


Donna ~ Glad your DM is where she needs to be right now. Maybe she'll start to like it. (Keeping figers crossed!) I hope Joe is listening to you about the cruise. Men have minds of their own!


Belle ~ It has been hot as blazes here also, but we have AC. You poor dear!! Stay cool!!! Are you excited about Palm Springs? I hear it was like 112 there this past weekend. WOW!


I hope Carolyn had a good cruise. Maybe she'll check in soon to let us know how it went.


I have the house ready for my friends now. I can't wait to meet them at the airport!!! :D

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I just had to share with you girls...


I have some great news!!! DRUM ROLL PLEASE.............


After 6 weeks of busting my rear at the gym, I have achieved the following:


1. Decreased body fat percentage by 3 points!!!

2. Lost 4 lbs of pure fat!!!

3. The weight that I've gained (1 pound) is pure muscle!!!


My trainer was so proud of me. I thought I was going to cry right there in his office!! He said I made his day! OK, I'm done bragging now.

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You should be very proud. This should keep you going for many months and you are a great example for all of us. Keep up the great work.:)



Am at work so I can't write much. Just wanted you to know that dd#2 was on the computer at home and went to one of her sites and downloaded all kinds of "bugs" into our home computer so until that's fixed I will just be reading this thread from work. Don't give up on me, I'll get back on when I can.:rolleyes:

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OK.. got your attention...

last few days before I left were extremely crazy (and, of course, stressful). Kids were home, I was "trying" to pack in advance (wanted to be all done several days before) and of course Mike wasn't being "helpful"... (actually he was doing the opposite). We (kids and I) went to Bronx Zoo Wednesday before leaving (thought I had only 1 quick laundy load that I'd pop in late Weds. night and everything would be dry etc. Thursday AM). Well, got a late start (Mom wasn't feeling "well" so thought we'd pop in on her after Zoo and before driving downtown Manhattan to see my Aunt (prior to her b-day on Sat. since she was turning 92 -- she's been more of a Mom to me over the years w/o the b-s than mine -- and I wanted the kids to see her before our cruise). Well last hour at zoo the heavens opened up and it seemed like the ark was going to pull up at the entrance (I think you get the picture) -- we had umbrellas but it was pouring so heavily that they were useless.. Well we finally got to car (someone hand be shampoo) .. Libby had water shoes on, Alex took off his drenched pants and wrapped a shirt that I had lying in car around his waist (so he wouldn't get in trouble for indecent exposure lol). I thought I was following the signs to get to main road and when I got there it was the exit before the GW Bridge and heading towards Manhattan.. was a bit farther south than my Mom. Called her from car and explained that we would see her later (it was dinner time anyway). The traffic (at 4:45PM weekday) was non-existant heading south. Made excellent time, just got off highway one exit too soon so had a slight detour. Luckily got a street spot (had quarters to feed meter for 1 1/2 hrs) and had a nice visit w/aunt. We were going to leave around 8PM but found out from aunt that my cousin that I hadn't seen for over year and 1/2 was going to come to see us so we waited. Didn't leave Aunt's until after 9PM, realized it was late and called Mom who said it was "OK" that we didn't see her (actually passed her exit after 10PM). Got home late and did laundry Thursday. Didn't accomplish what I wanted to do then. Mom was OK but then I spoke w/Diane (such a dear) who told me (lectured me is more like it) that Mom was SO DISAPPOINTED... blah blah blah... and how inconsiderate I was (bet if she was as soaked as us she would have done the same if not worse.. I've learned I can't please everyone... and at times I'm finding it's less and less no matter what and I'm the one who's been put through the wringer). Have late night and packed around 1:30AM (yeah... it was LATE again, Mike wasn't helping much). Everyone's up and fed on Friday and then we're having a hard time printing up last minute things for trip (like stock recs. "just in case" for shipboard credit etc.) and leave house 1 1/2 hrs later. Didn't speak to Mom until we got on ship (I was avoiding calling). Well turns out she wasn't "well", she's dehydrated and put her on IV for 2 days (ok, I'm getting used to this.. bet it wouldn't happen if I visited her on Weds.. just too much coincidence). <I'll fast forward on this, first stop St. Thomas 2 sea days later in afternoon call Mom's room -- no answer to I call nurses station and ask if she's OK-- told she's off IV so we go on excursion...call her back at 7:30pm.. no answer in room, get nurse.. she's sent to hospital (around time I called in afternoon) and I finally get her. She's dehydrated etc. Next day St. Martin so I don't have call. Call back on Weds. in San Juan, we were going to do drive to caves but it was going to be a very early day, we wouldn't have phone signal and I didn't know what was going on. Add to this that Alex and I got killer sunburns day before... (and with 45 SPF block). Well we saw her on Friday after cruise (was very nice.. thought I'd have more time to relax but alot of time was trying to "find" Mike who was w/Alex... think I'll take trip w/just Libby and myself from now on unless I can find someone to travel with and leave Mike with kids). I'm back to the same stress, I spent that last day or so trying to get all info from doctors.. I'm SICK of all this... seems like I can NEVER relax or escape from it. I don't think this will ever end.. it's always one thing or another... not sure if anything would have been done differently if I was home when she went into hospital but it seems like they waited a full week before doing any tests. I really can't leave any responsibility to Diane 'cause nothing happens and (unf.) I can't let Mom stay in hospital too long 'cause she "likes" the attention she gets there (it's unusual 'cause the nurses have time to spend "visiting" with her) and she won't be in any hurry to go back to nursing home.. she's got less than 2 weeks before they start charging us (re-word that ME since Diane pleads poverty) $600 a day to hold her room.. at this point I don't care about her room. This life is starting to get to me... this is her 5th time in hospital since February.. t-goodness she's got medicare AND supplemental insurance (I got a look at what they've paid for her and it's startling.. her last stay for room was over $17000, and that wasn't for surgery at all).

Sheila, glad Nick's recouperating nicely.

Donna, sorry to hear about your Mom, hope she's cooperating with your wishes (don't remember whether you said your brother is of help to you or not). I know where you're at.. My Dad refused to "give up house" and go to assisted (which would have been wonderful for him... social etc., though I'm not sure if they would have been able to accomodate my Mom's issues then).

Belle, how are you making out with your weather. Understand it's unusually HOT (re-word that swealtering). Try staying cool.

Baby, hope you're enjoying your summer. Drinking your water.

Linda hope your computer's fixed soon.

oh, yeah, Sheila.. read your BRAG post... and YES... PLEASE shout it out to anyone, everyone you deserve it.. you worked SO hard for it.. it's wonderful that you've finally got to see that your hard work (and change in eating) has finally paid off... kudos to you (and trainer).

Will post more later.


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Carolyn, Only one question, did you have fun on the cruise in between phone calls and taking care of everyone else? Hope things settle down and she goes back this week.


Belle, All packed and ready to go? Bet your looking forward to both power and AC at this point!


Sheila, WTG! Floating on air and then your friends will be here Friday! Wow!


Linda, Just post when you can. They will clean up the computer mess eventually.


Baby, Water? Behaving?


Ok, just booked unexpected motivation. First off, we started trying to find a spring TA on Sunday and narrowed down to four of them including Galaxy. Spring TA is his idea. I hate losing hours while on vacation so would stick with westbound.


Anyhow, then he decided that we would need a little get away in Nov/Dec to hold us over so started looking at them. Dang computers just keep coming up with stuff and ended up finding a cruise that spends from 3PM-11:59PM in Key West during Fantasy Fest. Well, lots of crazy phone calls, misquoted prices and grief in between but we are now booked on Rhapsody of the Seas on October 22 and using the senior discount (his b'day next week) along with our transferred on board booking. He gave up and I finally took over but didn't get it totally straightened out until I call C&A. New motivation to start behaving right now (well, as soon as the headache has gone away). Of course, the headache going away may take awhile since he is going to continue whining about cruising out of Galveston again but he'll get over it. I told him that if we didn't dock in KW, I would throw him overboard and let him swim!


Back to work!

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Carolyn ~ Glad you're back!! I do hope you had a good time on the cruise. {{{HUGS}}} to you for all of your stress. My goodness!


Donna ~ Whoo! Hoo!! You're booked again!! LOL We're going to have to dub you Traveling Princess! Good for you!! Yes, my friends arrive on Friday and I'm soooo freakin' excited!!! :D


Thanks for the encouragement!!!

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This site is getting to me..haven't been

able to get on most days. Can read, then

start to post..can't. Or post one thing and can't

post any more. Posted weigh-in, then couldn't

post here. Thiught would try one time before bed.

Hope it goes thru.

My server went down one day..CC acted up

and the heat and trying to get packed..EEEEEEK!

Going crazy!! LOL


Shelia congrats! Welcone back Carolyn! Donna another

cruise..yea! Baby hope you doing good! Linda belated Birthday wishes!


Will try to send now..talk more later!

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Shelia I'm here.

It's in the 70';s low 80's..so glad!

Now can't wait now to go to Palm Springs

and be in the 100's again! LOL

We leave July 31st back home Sept. 4th or 5th.

Not packed yet. Trying to get things together.


So happy for you that your friends

arrive Friday and go on the cruise with you,

Bon Voyage!

Your doing so good on your exercise...losing

that body fat and weight! "Weigh to go"!


Carolyn are we going to hear about your cruise?


Baby what are you doing?


Donna your so lucky you have another cruise coming

up soon!


Linda how are things?


Still here for a few days..hope to come in before I leave

if I get everything done. Got my hair cut yesterday, get nails

and toes done on Sat.

Now to get things ready, pack and clean house.


Everyone have a good August!

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Belle ~ You're going to look FAB on your trip! I would love to see a picture of you to put a face to you. You have my e-mail address if you so feel inclined to send me one. :D Have a great trip!!!! We'll miss you so much around here!


I am excited about my friends coming tonight. Their flight was delayed 3 hours out of Manchester so they'll miss their connection at JFK. Needless to say, we'll be up late tonight, but that's OK.


Carolyn ~ How's everything with you and your DM?


Donna ~ How's your DM?


Linda ~ Did you get your computer fixed?


Later, girls!!

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Well..you can guess that I haven't posted because of the "Awful Pound". My weight is really bad this summer. It took me almost a full week to get that a.p. off. It's been too hot and humid to walk much, and I am not eating less. This week I was still celebrating my birthday!( a swim, sauna, massage & lunch with a friend on Tues...I felt like I was on a cruise!..and lunch out with the ladies on Wed,). Now, I have to get serious.


Belle...you have a wonderful trip! Glad you are not in Nice right now. I hear that it is 40 degrees.


Sheila...have a wonderful time with your friends. We want to hear all about it!


Donna...thanks to you, I just ran downstairs to refill my water glass! One thing about posting here...I automatically drink water at the same time! Maybe if I posted all day, I would drink more water and eat less food!


I know that you are right about a little break after the wedding. We will probably do that...but something within driving range. There are so many wonderful places close by that we never get to, so that would be a lovely idea. One year, when we were not feeling financially flush, we drove to Quebec City and beyond...to the Charlevoix area...which is gorgeous. We took a little boatride on the Saguenay River to see the fjords and the whales. It was a wonderful trip.


Caroyn..welcome home. Hope you enjoyed the cruise. I know it is very difficult with your Mom. I feel for you and Donna.


There was so much to read since my last post.


I hope everyone has a good weekend.


What a travelling group!

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Belle, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time and you can always go straight from the pool to the air conditioning! Are you packed yet?


Sheila, It will be a long day for you but well worth it! Just relax and enjoy the fun time with friends!


Baby, See now you have found the reason to post more often. I am still working on him since I would really like to cruise the East Coast down from Quebec City. Of course, only one of many on my list but I'll manage it one of these days! His problem is that he still equates cruises with beaches and just won't give them up. All the Eastbound TA's we are looking at have heavy beach time before the crossing.


Linda, Computer working yet? Any big weekend plans?


Mom was supposed to have cable hooked up yesterday at the nursing home but they never showed up. AT&T was supposed to transfer her phone there too but they disconnected service and still don't have it hooked up. My stepbrother is there right now but no way of getting hold of him so hoping that they hook it up quickly. She seems to be doing well with rehab and now thinks that she can advertise for someone to move in the house with her.


Since we cancelled going down to Venetian Fest, Joe has decided that we should go to Renaissance Fair on the hottest weekend of the year! We'll see! If we get as hot as they say we will, no way am I going to be hanging out in a farm field. Maybe a mall!


Ok, back to work!


Have a great day!

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Baby ~ Glad you're drinking your water! ;) Since I won't be around on Tuesday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! Many, many happy returns! :D


Donna ~ That is so funny about your DM wanting to advertise for a roommate. I guess you don't think it is too funny though. She's trying to be clever, isn't she? I've always wanted to go to a Renaissance Festival. I bet it is a lot of fun!

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Not sure if I'll "be around" on Tuesday.. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY. (Don't forget the water).

Hope everyone is staying "cool" and doing well.

I've been "stuck" with handling Mom's medical issues that last week so it's been a royal pain. Add to the mess DS (she's up to usually financial mess... and royally stuck in it now.... think I'm going to have to disconnect phone and e-mail of hers and "cut her off" .. maybe then she'll float to top and become accountable).

Donna, Hope things are calm w/your mother's health and care. Also hear you have another cruise planned. RCCL is a bit different from X.

Sheila, I wish I had your determination to follow through w/WOE and exercise.. Belle, hope you're having some cooling breeze and are enjoying the summer.

Linda, How's your summer going?

Think I've quickly covered everyone.

Gotta go get some breakfast for Libby.


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Hey there everyone..

realized I never really said how the cruise was.. think I have a minute or so before Libby wants to go on computer..

it was good, went by too quickly (esp. since at day 3 realized that Mom was in hospital and then was on phone a bit when in ports where I had coverage to find out what was going on). We did late seating this time around but had a problem with table (had been put at early at a table that was in a VERY bad location (outside of galley w/extreme handicap child w/parents and grandparent -- got Libby upset looking even though it was at distance when I was "checking out table") so got it switched to late but got the 2nd worst table on Explorer... table for 6 in corner of annex dinningroom (or as I call it the "peanut gallery" where they put families w/very young kids or large groups) w/an Indian honeymoon couple -- wife was only in country 2 months or so <wondered if it was an "arranged marriage" it was a bit stressed). Had said "if they came back 2nd night we'd stay at table, wasn't "that awful being w/them and who knows where we'd be <waiter was OK>. They came back at formal night so we stayed. Next night they were gone and following night (Carib. night) we were to go to Portofino's told waiter who said I could send Libby <and Alex if he didn't come w/us> to early seating and he'd accomodate them. That was nice. Well I found out about Mom when we were having dinner at Portofino's (went to check on Libby in OA and then I was back and forth on phone to hospital so it was stressful meal, not relaxing experience and I'm not sure if I appreciated meal) Portofino's on Exp. was nice but we had waitress who was limiting me on what I could order (I wanted to order seafood skewer w/fillet and she said "everything's prepared to order, it's tableside presentation and "maybe" you'll want it after you've been served. I didn't like this attitude since I saw the portion size and I know what my appetite is. Add to that the seafood was a bit overcooked and the lobster tail (which we tought would be a full one) was only a piece. Said that I wasn't pleased w/my dish and could I get fillet (kind of soured the dining experience esp. since the day prior they "almost lost my ressie" saying they're totally filled and couldn't find my ressie that I made personally at the desk on boarding day early (luckily the concierge fixed this mess, they were offering me a table for 9:30PM instead of by 7:30PM--prime time since CD and his staff were eating then and another table of "help" (officers). Bet they were trying to give them my table. They said they had found my ressie and it was for TUESDAY (well I kept saying over and over I wanted Monday since it was for Carib. night and that's historically the worst menu of week... and we should know since we've been on 14 RCCL cruises). Well the next night we went to same table and again it was just "us" in the corner (like we were being punished) and our waiter took forever, it was now making me go nuts (we were just staying there 'cause waiter was putting guilt on us and Alex said if we left waiter would only have table for 10 and have tips cut). Well the next day was Puerto Rico and I was calling up for Mom again. We finally asked for table change when we went to Labadee (I became a raving lunatic -- said any table would be better than sitting in corner). Got another table and it worked out fine.

Ship's nice (though I prefer service etc. on smaller RCCL ships). Too many people. THink we're getting cruised out and unf. the concierge this time around wasn't that accomodating. Also realize that we're better off being cramped in one cabin than splitting up since coordinating things get a bit nutty. All in all it was nice. Gained a bit of weight. The last few days had a few drinks (sweeter than I usually imbibe in) and when we got off went to visit Mom -- so stress there as far as seeing her zoning out -- got very concerned). Realized we DON'T want to do Carib. in summertime way too strong the sun (3 of us got KILLER sunburns and that's with using SPF 45).

Libby's wanting me (and to use computer)

so I'll post later...

need some advice from the Hawaii mavins...


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Baby and Belle (not sure if anyone else from our "group" can help w/Hawaii

Trying to make some definite plans for December's trip. We're flying into Kona getting in late on Sunday Dec. 17th (around 8:30PM) after leaving JFK around 11AM so we'll be tired (have a 4 hour layover in LAX so we'll stretch our legs and get a bite then). We leave Kauaii (sp) late (10:30PM) flight on Dec. 17th (think it's Wednesday). Trying to figure out how many days we want to spend on each island. We've never been to either and now need to make arrangements for the flight between Hilo and Lihue. Originally I was thinking about doing 5 days on each island but I'm not sure enough time on the Big Island. First we're going to stay at the Hilton (probably) using points and then going to the Volcano for 2 nights flying out of Hilo possibly on Friday Dec. 22. I've got award nights for Sheraton on Kauaii BUT we also have enough points for 2 nights at Hyatt (though I'm sure I'll have to "dress nicer" if we stay there. Want this to be a relax, explore and family time vacation. The kids like to snorkel, Libby hopes to see whales, Hilton has the dolphins on property (though I hear the hotel's prop. is huge, takes forever to get around, and is somewhat fake compared to other places on island) and Alex's request is to see a volcano. Any advise. I hear Captain Zodiak is "fun" and a good excursion. I hear Kauii is beautiful and there's a bit of hiking "but" I won't know until it gets closer to time whether or not my foot's up to hikes.

If I didn't break my foot I wouldn't be concerned... BUT that's not the case. Also since we're paying SO much for Alex's tuition to school this trip really needs to be on a budget.. NO helicopter rides and probably only one "real" paid excursion on each island (and even then I'd rather do things on own, unless there's stuff you "can't see" by driving somewhat close.


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I typed out a long response yesterday and before I finished, I heard a "ping" and the whole thing disappeared. I'll try again now!


Weight is horrendous. It has been too hot to walk and that walk does make a difference.


Hope all of our travellers are enjoying!


Carolyn...we didn't do much site-seeing on the Hawaii cruise. In Honolulu, we hiked Diamond Head which was amazing. (Can't believe we did it!). We went to the Hilton Hawaiian Village around 4pm. Yes it is huge. I don't recall dolphins. |Over 30 years ago, we stayed at the Kahala Hilton. I don't know what it is called today. They did have dolphin shows. We rented a car and visited the Arizona, and drove to the North shore. I guess you should study up and choose the type of siteseeing that the kids will enjoy.


Kauai is a gorgeous island. The Waimea Canyon is spectacular. So is Hanalei Bay. We also visited the Fern Grotto. We stayed at the Poipu Sheraton, an ordinary hotel, which was fine. This year we visited the Marriott and used their beach. A beautiful hotel.


Hilo is the rainiest area. We were rained out this year. When we stayed on the Big Island, we were at a Kona hotel and took a day tour to the volcano, black beach and I don't remember what else!


We spent a morning in Lahaina this year. Didn't have time for siteseeing. Would love to return and see Maui. (Never stayed there).


Hope this helps. If you have any specific questions, I will try to answer.


Have a great day!

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Hey Baby,

Guess it's "just us" for a while...

Drinking your water? (I'm trying... was good for two days w/eating, then "blew it".. though realized that water is definitely KEY... see lumps melt away a bit).

With out planned Hawaii trip, we have 10 days to "play" flying into Kona late Sunday night and then returning back home on Wednesday (think it's that day), December 27th late (flight's at 10:30PM so have a full day there and we'll just sleep on flight back home) from Kauai so I'm trying to figure out when I should book interisland flight. We'll fly out of Hilo since we're hoping to go to Volcano for about 2 days (doing drive from Kona side across on North part of island and head to Volcano Nat. Park). In Kauii we've got ressies (using points luckily) at the Sheraton which I believe has recently went through renovation. I also think that it's a bit more "laid back" (not as dressy for me) compared to Hyatt (and right now I'm kind of "low maintainance" -- just wanting to chill out and have family time). Think if we return again to Hawaii and go any other time than over Holiday we'd go for 2 weeks and probably stay at condo as a base. Think it would work out better for us with space and $$ (eating in for at least breakfast).

Think I better start drinking water, though I've gotten to feel like I'm getting bloated. Trying to get back to eating better. Today's my Dad's yurtzeit so I'm in a very "weird space". Sister just left a voice mail on my cell (unf. missed her call -- had phone turned off-- oh well) and she had to remind my Mom. Seems as if Mom's in her "own stuff" (like I'm surprised about that) and Diane reminded Mom, so that kind of set Mom off to need Xanax...

Stay cool and sorry for my little vent (I'm trying not to post those things here... trying, but I think I do post too much about it, and then I get stuck in it)


BTW, what's doing with you're son's wedding plans?

Belle, Hope you're staying cool and enjoying the day.

Sheila, how are you and family doing?

Donna, hope you're not too overwhelmed w/work... enjoying planning your next cruise (on RCCL I believe)... staying cool (you're in a heat wave situation too) and your Mom's doing "ok" wherever she is (don't remember if you mentioned a "home or rehab".

Linda, Stay cool. Are you still trying to do 6week? My kids are playing with the arm rope thingy (you know with the grips) using it as a catapolt for launching socks at each other... they've been indoors too long lol.

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Baby, A belated Happy Birthday! Water! Water! Water! Heat should break soon and that will help!


Sheila, Bon Voyage!


Carolyn, sounds way too much like what is going on around here (spelled insanity). Deep breaths and plenty of water!


Linda, How is the summer going?


Belle, Don't know if you can get on or not but I'm sure your having fun!


I have just been in a really bad mood lately with too much going on that I have little or no control over so haven't spent much time on the boards and then they tend to act up when I try to. Good news is down 3 this morning but it is still the same 3 which puts me back to post Galaxy weight. Better get back to work now but I will try to post more over the weekend.


Have a great day!

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Thanks Donna,

BTW, how's your Mom doing? (is working "with you and your brother" <reword that... is your brother "helping situation")... hope you have something "fun" to look forward to for the weekend. Glad you're "3" is lost (hope it's a for=good loss).

I'm trying to guzzle water...

We'll see.


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Hi Carolyn & Donna,

I know that Shelia is on a cruise, hope it is a good one for her, even if it is just a four day.


Carolyn~ went back and read your posts to catch up. Am so sorry to hear that your cruise wasn't all you had hoped for. I just can't imagen having so much on your mind and then "being stuck in the corner for dining". The last cruise Karen & I did we only ate in the dining room one time. Then she & a friend did the same cruise and they didn't eat in the dining room at all. I think this works well on short cruises but am not sure I'd want to do it on a 7 day or longer cruise. Wish I had words to make sister problem go away, but I don't. Every time I hear about or read about your situation I am so thankful that Karen & I grew closer. She is now one of my best friends. I feel blest to have two very close & dear friends, both named Karen(go figure). One is my sister & other just dear close friend. We all need those friends we can count on during good and bad times. Think of you ladies, often as well, even if I've just been lurking.;)


Donna~ I know what you mean about not being able to control life. Had both daugthers home and they used computer to get onto my space. com. That's where they brought all the "bugs" into the computer from. Still battleing them and sometimes the "bugs" win and sometime we do. Now have to turn computer off after every use or computer is just flooded with "bugs". Not the same stress you are dealing with but enough to make my blood pressure rise. Girls can't understand what the problem is......asked them if they'd like to buy us new computer system and things got very quite. KIDS!!!!


Yes,am still working with Six Weeks. Not sticking to it as strictly. We are trying to do it Mon-Fri. and then on weekends eat things not on plan. I am still paying alot of attention to my salt intake, trying to stay away from sweets, and junk food. Have lost the battle on sweets have been eating dark choc. After I finish what is in the house, no more. I can't eat just a little so if its not in the house I can't eat it. Am still drinking tons of water at least 84 oz a day. DH has lost 24lbs and I've lost 15lbs. Know we have to be healthier... all we eat is chicken, fruit, & veggies(aside from some dark choc.)Some days its easy and others....


I will try to post and keep up as long as "bugs" allow me too. Am sorry if I'm rambling just took allergy meds and think they are kicking in.


My best to all of you. Where is Belle? Is she off on one of her many trips?

Baby~hope all is well with you. When is the wedding? I never did figure that out. I assume that its your daughter whose getting married. Would love to hear all the details, even if its old news to the others.


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Linda, sounds like you are doing well on such a restrictive diet! Occasionally, I get the feeling that it is better to go that way and just get it moving then switch back to WW but I would make myself crazy within a week. Couldn't even bring myself to try the new Core program on WW for two days before it had me going nuts! My computer will be taken over next weekend and I will be running every spyware and adware program available when they walk out the door.


Carolyn, Things going any better? When do Libby and Alex go back to school?


Baby, your not here and that worries me! Get on here and have that glass of water on hand. We will do this together! Doesn't matter whether it is good or bad news since we will win in the end!


Well, Joe turned 55 on Wednesday and has had me in a bad mood ever since. The man does not do B'days well at all and goes into a horrible sulk then I get mad and it lasts forever. We stayed home last night and his punishment was tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Figures, he loved it! What a jerk! Yes, he knows he's in hot water and I am not being wheedled and cajoled out of it. Mom appears to be doing fine and no word from my step brother so it appears that he agrees that we are doing what is needed. Her phone was finally hooked up Thursday morning and now I am getting lots of busy signals when I call her so she is being entertained. Now it is time to figure out what I need to get done before the family invasion next Friday. They will be here Friday and Saturday night then may be back one night during the week so need to get everything set up.


Everyone have a great weekend!

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Returned home about one hour ago from walking...and did we walk...uphill, downhill, upstairs, downstairs. We started at 9am. We walked downtown, had a snack, checked out a couple of stores (and I looked SO SLOPPY!), then retraced our steps. It's the first time we ever walked so much...and we feel a little tired, but fine! I guess we should sleep well tonight!


The weight isn't great (I'm a poet). Hopefully the walk will help.


Donna...I thought you were on a cruise. I am so confused with everyone's plans. I am not drinking water now, because I drank so much while I walked, I need a break!


Glad that your weight is down. KEEP IT OFF!


Thanks for the birthday wishes. Happy birthday to your husband. Tell him I said he is still a baby!!! My DH is 65.


Hope you are enjoying your family this weekend. Is it your kids who are coming to visit? Is your mood up?


Carolyn..hope you are having a good weekend. As for Hawaii, I think you should look into flights as soon as possible. It seems to me that prices only go in one direction....up! Try tripadvisor.com for hotel ideas. I find them very helpful..although I don't always agree.


Linda...glad that you posted. Fifteen pounds is quite an accomplishment. Don't despair if DH lost 24. I think men have an easier time of losing weight.


My son is getting married next June. So far we have the synagogue. I thought we had the band, but we haven't signed yet and the bride's mother is having second thoughts. She wants us all to go and hear another one tomorrow night. I will go to be polite, but I don't think they are that interested in my opinion. I think the kids have chosen a photographer, but we haven't signed for that yet either...so who knows? I think I will keep out of it..or they will drive me crazy! The only problem is that they expect us to pay half, but don't concern themselves with adding costs. Such is the woe of parents-of-the-groom! People say POTG have to "keep their mouth shut and their wallets open"...but believe me, that does not come naturally.


If you are interested, I will keep you posted of further developments!


Have a great day, all!

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