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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Way to go on the "loss"!! Think it migrated up here... I just can't seem to get the scale to go "south"... (and some days I "try" up to 3 days at a stretch.. I'm about to totally "give up").


Lottery... for some theaters you show up about 2 1/2 hrs prior to curtain... people line up to put names in box to be drawn 2 hrs prior... if you "win" you get to purchase 2 seats... we were 3 (the count kids entries even though they were using my ID-- helped to increase our "odds"). Some theaters have standing room (where there's an assigned "spot" to stand) which go on sale the day of show.. if show's sold out and are reasonable (about $20ish I think). Then some theaters offer "rush" tickets at theater which are like lottery but you show up there and get them first come/first served. Have done TKT but those have gotten expensive (esp. for 3 tickets) so was willing to "try something different".


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Hope I could keep it down!

Sheila...3.5 pounds...a very good start! Good luck with your Mom. It is a constant worry, I know. Here, more kids live at home and attend local universities. In the States, it's "the thing" to go away to school. I don't know how parents can afford it....and then the kids spend all of their time drinking at parties!


Carolyn...I wish we would be able to see a play when we go to NYC, but I think we will be too busy with family. Maybe the following year...who knows...the wedding will eat into our travel plans...and I just had a roofer here this morning. He said he could repair for now, but next year be prepared for $4000....ouch!


Take care...have fun, everyone!

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Where in NY is the BatMitzvah? Will it be orthodox? Know what you mean about getting the "shock" from roofer. When we moved into house we knew that there were "some" problems with roof (luckily the inspector saw some problems) but thought we had some time to take care of it. About 2 months after we moved in I noticed that we had water dripping into playroom (had to get out pots to catch)... well we had to scramble to get it repaired before the snows.. only was able to do 1/2 the house and then the rest when spring finally arrived.


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The Bat is in a shule near the Metropolitan Museum. We didn't get the invitation yet, so I don't know the name. My relatives are sooo religious (lol) that the Friday night Shabbat dinner will be in a Chinese restaurant! After the morning services, there will be a party in a nightclub! That is all I know!


It will be nice to spend time with family. The roof is not that bad. It's the Mansard that has loose and missing shingles. We will get it repaired this fall and see what we have to do next year.

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Carolyn, Hard to believe that they are already back in school! How are things going with Mike gone?


Sheila, When is the actual surgery? WTG on the WL!


Baby, Where is your water? I'm afraid I'm addicted to Chico's as in 4 times in the last two weeks. I am getting ready for the cruise in December even though I don't know what it is. Besides, I can wear a lot of the travelers to work so it makes me feel less guilty.


Belle, Hope you are having fun! Actually, think you are supposed to be back soon!


Linda, I'm sure youv'e been having a great time!


Today's plans have been rained out but part of it was picking up a new dvd recorder/vcr combo and Joe is insisting on going ahead and doing that anyhow. He can't wait to play with it. Best Buy's computer is down so he called the store and reserved it. Guess I'd better get ready to go. Just started the potato's for Roasted garlic potato salad so we will leave once they finish cooking.


Have a great afternoon!

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Hi girls! My surgery is tomorrow morning at 5:00 AM! :eek: We have to leave home at 3:30 AM. I doubt I'll be getting ANY sleep tonight. I'm excited, but very nervous!


Our holiday weekend was jam packed, but we had a good time. I'm so tired! I hope all of you had a good one! For our Canadians, do y'all celebrate Labor Day?


I hope all of you are doing well!!!!!

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Sheila..best of luck tomorrow! I can well imagine that you are both very excited and very nervous....but soon, soon, there will be a "new you"!!


Yes, we also have Labour Day (note our spelling!).


Donna..yes, I am on water glass #2! Refresh my memory...you are booked for 2 cruises at the same time???? Re: travellers. I am thinking of my next land trip...travelling light...Ho, ho, ho! For a cruise, it doesn't matter so much because we don't have to shlep the luggage. (but, of course, I will also wear these outfits on the next cruise)


Carolyn...hope it will be easier for you now that the kidlets (love that word!) are back in school.


Good news...down 1 pound (I have have reported the same pound before, but then I gained it back!).


We went to a FABULOUS wedding this weekend...and I didn't gain! The h'ors d'oeuvres were fantastic...(I had A LITTLE! ). The martinis were very colourful!(Now I know why cruisers make such a fuss about them...they are so pretty!) The meal wasn't so much to my liking, so I danced more than I ate! The sweet table was sumptuous and I tried this and that...probably too much! It was such an upbeat, fun wedding. The music was great (but too loud). I am taking notes! My sons and future daughter in law were there, so it was wonderful to have everyone together.


Have lots to do...gotta go.


Take care all!

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I'm Back! I missed you ALL!

Never looked at a computer the whole

36 days! My husband said..see you

can be off the computer when your at

home Too....silly man! LOL


I've just read a couple of the posts

(will take forever to read them all) but saw

Shelia your having your tuck..sorry I'm in here

late to wish you my best (unless at computer

because you can't sleep)

Know this is what you have wanted. I'm happy

for you.


Donna, Baby, Carolyn and Linda hope you all

are doing fine too.


I had a great time, loved the hot weather..we just

rested..swam and ate..trouble is ate to much, didn't

swim enough. Don't know how many days it will take

to get my nerve up to weigh! Know I gain but enjoyed

every place we ate at. ( Big Smile.)

Now back to the "straight and narrow" cruise in 2 months

and 2 weeks.


Will talk more later, just wanted to say I'm home

safe and sound.

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Sounds like you had a wonderful time...and you are going away again...so soon!!!


Weight is not good here, either. This has to be my worst summer. Usually, I weigh less during the summer...not this year. I can't seem to "get a grip". As I write, I am waiting for DH to come home for dinner...and I am hungry. I don't want to nosh...cuz then I'll gain...so I decided to write instead! Let's help eachother LOSE!!

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Thank You for the Welcome Back!

Yes we did have a very good time..hated

to come home.


Yes this summer not good for me either.

At the river I had better control but at

the desert just to many good restaurants

to eat at.


I have more to lose than you but

yes.. lets help each other lose our weight.

Starting today (Thursday) going to start

posting my meals and exercise on the menu


Going to be hard after eating out to much. Even

ate out tonight but I'm starting to BE VERY GOOD IN




I have to..2 1/2 months is the cruise..have to wear clothes! LOL


So Baby come on each day and we will tell each other

what we're doing..good and bad...that's how we learn to be better.


Why doesn't everyone join us..we have to get a jump start

to get us going again.

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This morning I am down 1/2 from the awful pound. As far as I am concerned...that is pretty awful,too! As I am typing, I am drinking my second glass of water. Then I have to get ready to go out.


I just took a peek at the menu thread. I didn't know it existed. Tonight, when I have more time, I will have a better look. I will journal today. Sometimes I start off in the morning, but when I eat too much I stop entering!! Today the weather is fine, so tonight we will walk to a restaurant and have a light meal. That should help. My problem is that my DH comes home too late for me. I get hungry and nosh. That is my downfall.


We can do it!!!!!


Have a great day!

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Hi girls! I'm home! The surgery went very well. My surgeon said that he didn't need to do any lipo after he tightened my muscles. He said my muscles had pulled 3 inches apart. He stitched them back together. He also said he could tell that I'd been working out a lot.


I'm sort of drugged up right now so I hope that my words make sense. LOL


Belle!! ~ So glad your back! I've really missed you!!!!!!

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Sheila..So glad your home. Hope your

feeling good. Not in much pain now.

It's great you were in good shape,

Doc didn't have to do that much.

Wish I could be as good as you in eating and

exercising. You've done a Wonderful job!

Glad your happy I'm back. Missed you too.


Baby..How's it going? How was the last two days?

I tried to be good yesterday,

was better than I was before but not

as good as I wanted to be. Did lose some today,

just water weight..I'll take it thro.

Going to post on menu board tonight. (Friday)

Went to dinner and a show tonight but

had a salad and chicken. Was good during

the day too.


Donna, Carolyn and Linda..How are you doing?


Ev eryone have a Good Weekend.

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I eat pretty much the same all the time...no great difference to cause my weight swings. I didn't record anything, so I may be wrong...but this week my weight really fluctuated...anyway the good news is that today I am down 1 1/2 from the AWFUL POUND (my yardstick!) I feel very encouraged this morning and hope I can carry on in the right direction. It will do wonders for my morale. Also, I haven't shopped for fall yet (except 2 cashmere cardigans I bought at our version of TJMax...I try to go there every year at this time ...they have good prices on cashmere). The sweaters are adorable..a brown ribbed and a grey with hood....both with zippers. If I can keep my weight down, I would like to do some serious shopping!!!!!!!


I am going to check out the menu board. I don't have time to read too many today, but I will read the last few.


Have a great day, everyone!

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Baby, your doing great so just keep at it! BTW, where is your water? I ended up at Chico's again and came home with 3 more tops and pair of pants for the plane. I am amazed at how much I find there since I can wear very few of their pants (my inseam is 32"). I swear I am staying out of there until the next catalog comes out.


Belle, Glad your back and had a great time! You'll get it moving in the right direction now!


Still jealous of your Galaxy cruises but I'm happy with either of our December plans. Still don't know which will win. New TA is attempting to get the cabin I want on Mercury and if she does then Mercury will win. However, I am about to strangle her since she has re-introduced the balcony cabin on the Connie TA and Joe is thinking about it. We have an oversized outside with two seating areas and it is 4' longer than the balcony cabins including balcony. Don't know if I'm willing to give that up but feel a bit guilty for slam dunking him into the cruise in the first place!


Sheila, Wow! I somehow missed it completely! How are you feeling? I imagine that it will take a bit of time for the swelling to go down but it is great that the lipo wasn't necessary!


Carolyn, Mike home yet? How do the kidlets like the new school year?


Linda, Are you back home now? How is the diet going?


Plateau is still in place but I'm thinking part of that is that I have actually managed to start exercising again. Seem to have made it past the shin splints by switching to my new shoes so intend to stick with it. If nothing else, firmer is better! Need to take measurements this weekend for a starting point since the scale isn't telling enough to stay motivated. We will be off to the Parade of Homes today if the rain holds off and out to dinner so actually stayed home last night.


Ok, better get some work done before we leave!


Everyone have a great weekend!

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Baby, you only think you are confused! You really will be after this.


Cruise one final payment 9/23/06 is on Regal Princess embarking at San Juan 12/7/06.

Dec 07 2006 SAN JUAN var arriveDisp = "

"; var departDisp = "

"; var boardDisp = "

"; departDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "11:00PM" + ""; boardDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "01:00PM" + ""; document.write(arriveDisp + boardDisp + departDisp);



Dec 08 2006 AT SEA var arriveDisp = "

"; var departDisp = "

"; var boardDisp = "

"; document.write(arriveDisp + boardDisp + departDisp);

Dec 09 2006 ARUBA var arriveDisp = "

"; var departDisp = "

"; var boardDisp = "

"; arriveDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "08:00AM" + ""; departDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "05:00PM" + ""; boardDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "04:30PM" + ""; document.write(arriveDisp + boardDisp + departDisp);




Dec 10 2006 AT SEA var arriveDisp = "

"; var departDisp = "

"; var boardDisp = "

"; document.write(arriveDisp + boardDisp + departDisp);

Dec 11 2006 PANAMA CANAL var arriveDisp = "

"; var departDisp = "

"; var boardDisp = "

"; arriveDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "07:00AM" + ""; departDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "04:30PM" + ""; boardDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "04:00PM" + ""; document.write(arriveDisp + boardDisp + departDisp);




Dec 11 2006 PUERTO AMADOR var arriveDisp = "

"; var departDisp = "

"; var boardDisp = "

"; arriveDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "05:00PM" + ""; departDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "10:00PM" + ""; boardDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "09:30PM" + ""; document.write(arriveDisp + boardDisp + departDisp);




Dec 12 2006 AT SEA var arriveDisp = "

"; var departDisp = "

"; var boardDisp = "

"; document.write(arriveDisp + boardDisp + departDisp);

Dec 13 2006 PUNTARENAS var arriveDisp = "

"; var departDisp = "

"; var boardDisp = "

"; arriveDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "07:00AM" + ""; departDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "07:00PM" + ""; boardDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "06:30PM" + ""; document.write(arriveDisp + boardDisp + departDisp);




Dec 14 2006 AT SEA var arriveDisp = "

"; var departDisp = "

"; var boardDisp = "

"; document.write(arriveDisp + boardDisp + departDisp);

Dec 15 2006 PUERTO QUETZAL var arriveDisp = "

"; var departDisp = "

"; var boardDisp = "

"; arriveDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "07:00AM" + ""; departDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "06:00PM" + ""; boardDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "05:30PM" + ""; document.write(arriveDisp + boardDisp + departDisp);




Dec 16 2006 HUATULCO var arriveDisp = "

"; var departDisp = "

"; var boardDisp = "

"; arriveDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "12:00PM" + ""; departDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "05:00PM" + ""; boardDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "04:30PM" + ""; document.write(arriveDisp + boardDisp + departDisp);




Dec 17 2006 ACAPULCO var arriveDisp = "

"; var departDisp = "

"; var boardDisp = "

"; arriveDisp = "<div align=\"center\">" + "07:00AM" + ""; document.write(arriveDisp + boardDisp + departDisp);


I have always wanted to sail on Regal and she will be going to P&O in September. It would be just my luck to fall in love with her and then she would be transferred since P&O is not on my list of lines to sail.


Ok, second cruise that is booked on contingency that we get cabin 8004 which is the fore cabin on Panorama Deck. This link should show why: http://community.webshots.com/photo/550908089/2743224470069949464eWGXEe


Fri, Dec 08

San Diego, California Boarding Depart 5:00 PM Sat, Dec 09

At Sea Sun, Dec 10

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Tendered Arrive 10:30 AM Depart 5:00 PM Mon, Dec 11

At Sea Tue, Dec 12

Acapulco, Mexico Docked Arrive 7:00 AM Depart 4:00 PM Wed, Dec 13

Huatulco, Mexico Docked Arrive 7:00 AM Depart 2:00 PM Thu, Dec 14

At Sea Fri, Dec 15

Puntarenas, Costa Rica Docked Arrive 7:30 AM Depart 7:00 PM Sat, Dec 16

At Sea Sun, Dec 17

Panama Canal (Cruising) Tendered Arrive 6:00 AM Depart 4:00 PM Sun, Dec 17

Cristobal Pier, Panama Docked Arrive 6:00 PM Depart 11:00 PM Mon, Dec 18

At Sea Tue, Dec 19

Oranjestad, Aruba Docked Arrive 12:00 PM Depart 11:00 PM Wed, Dec 20

Willemstad, Curacao Docked Arrive 7:00 AM Depart 5:00 PM Thu, Dec 21

At Sea Fri, Dec 22

At Sea Sat, Dec 23

Miami, Florida Departure Arrive 7:00 AM Princess Pros:


Much lower bar bill


Free laundry meaning much lighter luggage


Free internet


Princess cons:


Flights are by Princess and can't be good no matter what way we look at it since there are no good flights back from Acapulco. Even if Princess had the free captain club deviation (they don't) the flights are typically awful!


Acapulco will more than likely be straight to the airport and won't have time to see anything at all especially with all our luggage with us.



X advantages:


longer with a low per diem for the extra days. The additional cost overall is really low including booking our own flights


a full day in Acapulco rather than a rush to the airport


Cabo (never been) and Curacao (one of our all time favorites)


Better hours in Aruba with time for beach and a bit of casino.


This cruise plus the Connie TA put us 1 away from the next level in captain's club. Not a biggie on X but definite benefit when we eventually take RCI.


x cons:


Getting to Miami on the 23rd means fly home then drive six hours the following morning for Christmas at dd1's.


My boss is majorly sulking that I am deserting them (he'll get over it)


I am sure this is probably as clear as mud but any ideas?

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Baby, you only think you are confused! You really will be after this.


Cruise one final payment 9/23/06 is on Regal Princess embarking at San Juan 12/7/06.


Thu, 12/7/06 San Juan, Puerto Rico -- 11:00 PM

Fri, 12/8/06 At Sea -- --

Sat, 12/09/06 Aruba, Caribbean 08:00 AM 05:00 PM

Sun, 12/10/06 At Sea -- --

Mon, 12/11/06 Panama Canal, Panama 07:00 AM 04:30 PM

Mon, 12/11/06 Fuerte Amador, Panama 05:00 PM 10:00 PM

Tue, 12/12/06 At Sea -- --

Wed, 12/13/06 Puntarenas, Costa Rica 07:00 AM 07:00 PM

Thu, 12/14/06 At Sea -- --

Fri, 12/15/06 Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala 07:00 AM 06:00 PM

Sat, 12/16/06 Santa Cruz Huatulco, Mexico 12:00 PM 05:00 PM

Sun, 12/17/06 Acapulco, Mexico 07:00 AM --

I have always wanted to sail on Regal and she will be going to P&O in September. It would be just my luck to fall in love with her and then she would be transferred since P&O is not on my list of lines to sail.


Ok, second cruise that is booked on contingency that we get cabin 8004 which is the fore cabin on Panorama Deck. This link should show why: http://community.webshots.com/photo/550908089/2743224470069949464eWGXEe


Fri, 12/8/06 San Diego, California -- 05:00 PM

Sat, 12/9/06 At Sea -- --

Sun, 12/10/06 Cabo San Lucas, Mexico 10:30 AM 05:00 PM

Mon, 12/11/06 At Sea -- --

Tue, 12/12/06 Acapulco, Mexico 07:00 AM 04:00 PM

Wed, 12/13/06 Santa Cruz Huatulco, Mexico 07:00 AM 02:00 PM

Thu, 12/14/06 At Sea -- --

Fri, 12/15/06 Puntarenas, Costa Rica 07:30 AM 07:00 PM

Sat, 12/16/06 At Sea -- --

Sun, 12/17/06 Panama Canal (Cruising) 06:00 AM 04:00 PM

Sun 12/17/06 Cristobal Pier, Panama 06:00 AM 11:00 PM

Mon 12/18/06 At Sea -- --

Tue, 12/19/06 Oranjestad, Aruba 12:00 PM 11:00 PM

Wed, 12/20/06 Willemstad, Curacao 07:00 AM 05:00 PM

Thu, 12/21/06 At Sea - - --

Fri 12/22/06 At Sea -- --

Sat, 12/23/06 Miami, Florida 07:00 AM --



Princess Pros:


Much lower bar bill


Free laundry meaning much lighter luggage


Free internet


Princess cons:


Flights are by Princess and can't be good no matter what way we look at it since there are no good flights back from Acapulco. Even if Princess had the free captain club deviation (they don't) the flights are typically awful!


Acapulco will more than likely be straight to the airport and won't have time to see anything at all especially with all our luggage with us.



X advantages:


longer with a low per diem for the extra days. The additional cost overall is really low including booking our own flights


a full day in Acapulco rather than a rush to the airport


Cabo (never been) and Curacao (one of our all time favorites)


Better hours in Aruba with time for beach and a bit of casino.


This cruise plus the Connie TA put us 1 away from the next level in captain's club. Not a biggie on X but definite benefit when we eventually take RCI.


x cons:


Getting to Miami on the 23rd means fly home then drive six hours the following morning for Christmas at dd1's.


My boss is majorly sulking that I am deserting them (he'll get over it)


I am sure this is probably as clear as mud but any ideas?

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First, I don't know which cruise you prefer and which your DH prefers....so I am not taking sides!


I would choose the longer cruise. I have never been on Princess, so I can't comment. Why would you have a lower bar bill on that line? The laundry wouldn't make a difference to me. You don't have to shlep your luggage. You go from plane to ship and vice versa (besides what would you do with all of your Chicos if you didn't take them????)

Free internet may be nice, but I wouldn't choose a cruise for that. You can use the cheaper internet facilities at the ports.


When we sailed on the Infinity to Alaska, we had 6002 (It was Vista Deck, don't remember the floor number). It was a fun room. You could sit in bed and look straight ahead out the window. But I would base my decision on that either. I like the longer itinerary. If you arrive in San Diego a day early, it's always fun. We like Cabo. You can take a good walk around the harbour and oogle at all of the yachts! We took a boatride to the arches and we visited the hotel across from the tender pier ..I think it was Finisterra...a gorgeous beach...not swimmable, but very scenic.


If you haven't been to Acapulco, there's a fort and a museum across the street from the dock. We have always left that port late at night, so that they would bring on folkloric dancers. I don't know what they do when you leave so early.


Both cruises go to Huatulco...our land destination prior to Celebrity. Santa Cruz is very small but fun. The was a little flee market off the square. One of the cubicles belonged to Sergio da Ganiff(That is Yiddish for "the Crook"!!) He is so funny. He was one of the Hawkers on the beach. My DH took to him so much that he bought a heavy and useless fertility god (or godess)....like we need it! When my son gets married, he could inherit it!!!!


You could take a boat to the various beaches, which we never bothered to do. We stayed at the Sheraton, which is now the Barcello, and we found the beach was very nice for the Pacific.


In Puntarenas, we took the Celebrity tour to the Poaz Volcano. It was a wonderful day (we don't usually take tours, but this was worth it)


We love sitting on the beach in Aruba, watching the sunset.


Love Curacao,too. We have that on (as well as Aruba) on our next cruise. They shortened our Aruba stay from 11pm to 7pm....boo hoo.


The only negative would be the long drive the next day.


Yup...this is the cruise you should choose!


Question...we are elite...what does that give us if we go Royal Carib?



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Baby, wish I knew which way I was leaning! We are Platinum on Princess which means we get priority boarding and all their goodies including not having to look around for internet while in port. Te lower bar bill is because their drinks are half the price of X. Not a big deal since we don't really drink a lot but something to consider. As to laundry, I would really like to travel with less (even some of the Chico's can stay home!) and the laundry makes it much easier to do that. We do send a few things to trhe laundry on X but prefer not to drive that bill way up and it could happen on a 15 day. We would not be flying international which means we have some pretty serious luggage weight restrictions that it is costly to go over. Overall, the two cruise lines are pretty close! Each has some really neat things all their own but the experience is pretty close.


Now it does look like X is winning on this one. Joe found it so he is leaning a bit that way and everybody knows longer is better as far as I am concerned. We'll see if this TA can cough up the cabin that I want since it is also oversized along with that beautiful window.


I am going to print your info on ports since my research so far has been zip! I really didn't think I was ever going to convince him to do the Canal cruise and then he found the sale on Regal and then the Mercury deal. If we do Mercury then Connie, we will be one cruise short of going Elite on X and we will have done all the Century class. Of course, he was attempting to get out of hot water at the time and it did work! I'm sure we will finalize it in the next couple of days and then I can finally start doing some research!


You asked about the benefits so this is from the RCI website. Biggest is the nice discount on balcony cabines and the concierge lounge before dinner with free cocktails which would really cut our bar bill to nothing. Here is a link to the list: http://www.royalcaribbean.com/cas/benefitsLoggedout.do;jsessionid=0000J0HlAGHaeFD0JVS-KZ0ULXx:10ktmf25f#Diamond


Ok, have to check mail then start getting ready for bed. Did the Parade of Homes today and went through 22 models which were all well spaced so I am totally wiped out. Didn't come up with a single one that I would take as is but did come out with lots of ideas for a couple of projects we are working on and a couple new ones.



Everyone have a great evening!

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Just my 2 cents..

How are Princess excursions compared to X? (since you'll want to do "something" when in Panama and not sure if you have the option of doing on own or through cruise line).

You know the product on each ship so that's not an issue... which ship is X? Is it one that has been "docked" for prop problems.. if so you might not even have a cruise... keep that in mind that you may need to get insurance on that especially if you do your own air... sometimes X can be generous with adjusments and other times not.

Also keep in mind traveling back at Xmas... don't know what airport you'll be flying back to but keep in mind weather and "stuff" may make it difficult to get back "in time" IF the mother nature throws and wrench in things.

Have fun deciding.

I'm trying to figure out if we really want to go to Hawaii in Dec. for "just 10 days" and/or postpone it and rebank miles for a fee or just do 2 trips... decisions, decisions.


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