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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Carolyn, Princess doesn't have the excursions up yet but they tend to be lock step in both price and style with X. It is Mercury so no pod problems. Joe's answer on weather problems is "So we have Christmas the next day!" I seriously think this is his attempt to wean me off excessive holidays. We keep saying that they are out of hand and never quite manage to get them in hand since it is too much fun shopping for the girls!


We did the islands in 11 days and it seemed to be plenty though we focused on two islands and only had 3 hotels during the time.


Ok, night all!

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Longer is better! LOL


Really 15 days is better..ALWAYS!


You'll love the Panama Canal Cruise..

It is interesting going thru the locks..

you'll like it better than you think you will.

Like Baby I like Aruba, we take a cab

to the beach for awhile, love swiming

there, water so blue, beach so white.

Then after look around town.


Cabo take the boat (3 decks) tours

around to the arches and such. Dec.

should see whales. Have restrooms

and free sodas. Also gone to Cabo Wabo,

just to say we've been.


Costa Rica has a market at the end of a very

long pier. People very friendly.


You can have a later or less Christmas when

you come back. Your "kids" will understand.

I'm not doing decorating or as much shopping

as usual and I'm coming home on Dec. 15th.


Carolyn..Never cancel your Hawaii trip. You deserve

to have a vacation. Ten days in the sun and sand.


Baby when is your cruise? April or May? Where?


Sheila..How are you?

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Hi girls! I'm doing fine. I'm on muscle relaxers and pain meds. I'm trying not to do too much. I'm still really swollen, but am amazed at how flat my stomach is now. I'm so happy! I had carried around that yuck for 18 years. Thanks for all of your well wishes.


Donna ~ Choices, choices!! You're one lucky girl!!!

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I haven't been on Xs boards for quite some time... trying to remember what was "the buz" on Mercury re: food and staff issues etc. since I know that things vary by ship in fleet.

With us and Hawaii... we fly into Big Island have 2 free nights at Hilton (though not sure if we really want to stay there since everything I read is that it's a destination in itself and it may cut down on our exploring the island... then we intend to go to volcano for a few days and fly out of Hilo after 5ish days. Then over to Kauaii staying at Sheraton (using points) and flying out on Dec. 27th around 10:30 at night so have 5 full days which I think will be sufficient there Not sure how much "hiking" LIbby or I will be "up for". Don't think our budget will allow any heli tours (4 seats can get a bit too pricey). That's why we're probably going between islands on a prop instead jet... hope it's a bit "more scenic" and connect in Mauii.

Now I'm planning next summer since FF tickets are loading into system for August. Have outbound flights "on hold" just need to figure out which islands to go to. Will probably want to go back to Big Island, not sure if we'll want/need to do Kauaii again.. then it's a toss up between Mauii and Oahu. We're "sitting" on 2 full Marriott point weeks and there's also the possiblity of renting a timeshare for a week. Our flight gets in on Sunday which "helps" with timeshare stuff... decisions/decisions.

Gotta get Libby ready to rest... Alex's reviewing Latin w/Mike


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Sheila, sounds like you are doing really well! So glad to hear it!


Carolyn, You mean go in December and then again in August? Now that would work for me especially if you can swing using FF's. They are getting harder and harder to use. As to the Mercury, had a really bad spell with noro and bleaching then had their captain pulled off for drinking. Been very quiet and appears to be back to normal at this point. This is the last of the Century class for us to go on.


Belle, I think that is part of his strategy. Figures I will get so tied up with cruise planning that I will chill a bit about Christmas and he just may be right! However, may not since I still think I have to have all the basic stuff out for our Thanksgiving dinner. Doing the full canal has always been one of my goals which is why we have never done any of the partial canals. Didn't want to hear, we already did that! We hop the bus down to the Marriott on Aruba and wonder back along the beach with stops for drinks and a little gambling. Never had less than a perfect day there! I have to remember which beach we went to on Curacao since it was absolutely fabulous. May have to do some digging for that info. Haven't even start on the rest so all input appreciated. Cabo Wabo is a definite per Joe!


Linda, How are you doing?


Baby, where is you water? What tops did you pick up at Chico's? I have a couple I am looking at. One has a mandarin collar and is very tempting!


Not sure how I did this weekend since we ate out so much but I do know that I haven't managed to get enough water. We actually feel like fall with cool wet weather and I really have to force the water. Also didn't manage the treadmill though walked enough yesterday to make up for it just leaving that lack for today.


Ok, time to get ready for work tomorrow and get some sleep!

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Sometimes I/we don't know how LUCKY

we are...Thinking about Donna's cruise

and I was thinking..I've been to Aruba

three times and Cabo four times!

Never even thought I would be going

to any of these places and now going to

Greece and the other countries.

Just think of the people who never go on

vacations, let alone cruises.

We are very "lucky girls" to take our

land trips and cruises.


Donna I know you'll like which cruise you

pick but 15 days is better?


Shelia hope your not in much pain and

feeling better. A flat "tummy"..Bet you feel

so happy..we're all happy for you but please

can we be a "little bit" jealous?


Carolyn You get to go to Hawaii twice?

That's wonderful! Rent a car and be sure

you see the canyon.


Baby Are you being good? I'm trying very

hard. Eating better but not exercising yet.

Trying to go to the gym tomorrow (Monday)

I'm posting my boring menus. Trying to keep

them plain and easy for awhile, so I won't

want to eat to much or extra atuff.


Everyone have a Good Week!

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Belated Happy Birthday.. (didn't realize... oh my)

Hope it was wonderful...

yes, we're going to Big Island and Kauaii in December.. need to figure out how many days where isn't we can't change flights (hard to come by). Out on Dec. 17th get in late and back late on Dec. 27th... otherwise things are still "up in air".

Have holds on outbound flights for August 5th to Maui, Big Island, Kauii which is sunday so we might be able to rent a timeshare (save some $$) and stay a week then fly to another island.. the kids will have several weeks off so it might work out... also still have enough Marriott points for full weeks... so we'll see.

Mike thinks I'm crazy.


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Belle...when was your birthday? Happy, Happy!


Yes..we all ARE lucky! I went to a meeting this morning and the speaker's topic was motivation. She said that we should write down 5 things for which we are grateful and read it before going to bed for 21 nights. She says that it works. If I remember, I'll try it tonight. (DH,too...but he'll squak!)


I wish I could say that I am being good...but I am so stressed right now. If you recall, we had work done last year in our basement. It took forever and this summer we finally hired someone else to fix a few things. The contractors were so awful. Anyway...I am busily returning things to the basement. My house has been cluttered since last Nov. I am doing the first night of Rosh Hashanna...so I have to get the living and dining rooms in order....besides cook. We will be 12 this year. Although I don't like to do it, I can squeeze 12 around the dining room table. I used to have many more people...lots of kids..and they ate in the sunroom...so the dining room never had more than 10...which I like. I didn't know if I'd have help until last week...so now at least I don't have that to worry about.


Carolyn..why does Mike think you are crazy? Because you want to go to Hawaii twice in one year? Well..one thing for sure..you'll feel like a "regular"!!


When we took our family to Alaska, we didn't do the helitours. We have never done them....a) I wouldn't spend all that money and b) I am afraid....speaking of which...yesterday a local father took his 10 year old on a small plane (he was a passenger, not the pilot) to fly over the city. The plane had problems and was forced to land on a city street...I kid you not....it was a miracle. The traffic light had just changed (or something like that) and that side of the street had no cars at that moment, so that it was a runway for them. Whew! I would never go on a small plane.


Sheila...how are you feeling? Hope you are healing nicely!


Donna...tell us as soon as you choose your cruise (am I poetic, or what!)


The Chico tops...one wasn't on sale. My cousin had the coupon so I got a discount and she got points! It's black with white embroidery around the neckline. I wasn't crazy about it, but my cousin and DH liked it and I wanted to buy something....so... The other 2 were on sale. One is black and has a few rhinestone buttons (for formal night...lol). The other is a print with elephants and other oriental motifs.


DH just came home...gotta get ready to go to bridge.


Have a good evening, everyone!

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Well not really having Birthdays anymore

but it was Sept. 1st. Thank you for the wishes.


Carolyn I don't think your crazy going to Hawaii

twice in 8 months.You have miles and points..

Why not use them!

Why don't men think like us women? LOL


Baby sorry your stressed. It's good to have

company and bad...nice to have them but

you have to clean the house! LOL


Guess I'm different, I would love to go on a

helicoper ride. Almost did in Jamaica once, won

money in the casino, was going to book it and

it was full. Now they cost so much.


Donna did you decide? Tell Joe..we need to know..

giving us stress! LOL


Shelia How does it go today? Less pain I hope.

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Princess has been cancelled and Mercury has been booked! Treadmill is putting up a terrible racket trying to get my attention so that is where I am heading next. Have a pair of red capris that I want to take with to break the boredom of black and white. However, they haven't fit since we got home last Halloween from Galaxy so better get to it!


Have a great evening!

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OK.. so I won't seem "spoiled" we're "technically" not going to be going to Hawaii twice in a year... December trip will get us back home Dec. 28th (though I wish we could "squeak" a day or so longer.. flights just aren't there) and then have several outbound flights for beginning of August... now have to wait for return flights.


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Congrats Donna you got the longer cruise!

Did you get the cabin you wanted?

The "lady" in red is coming!


Carolyn know it's one trip to Hawaii this year

and one next year. Plus if your spoiled..so what...

you deserve it!


Shelia tell us hows it going?


Baby are you staying away on purpose? Don't!


Linda where are you.


I'm doing pretty good in eating not to good on exercise.

Will have a loss on Thursday. TEN weeks till my cruise.

Have to exercise more..plan on gym tomorrow after

I have a breakfast and a lunch out in the same day!

Can you believe?

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Hi friends! I'm doing fine!! I still get real tired, but that's OK. My pain is better so I'm able to move around more. However, walking kills my back as I can't stand up straight.


My doctor thinks I'm doing wonderfully! I've missed you!!!! Glad everyone is doing fine!


Belle ~ I hope you had a great BIRTHDAY! So sorry I missed it!!!


Take care, ladies!!! :D

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Hope you're feeling a bit of relief soon... know you've got back issues to start with so probably it's not helping you're recovery... take it easy and I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon. Don't know how the weather is in "your neck of woods" but I realize with my back it gets "aggrevated" around this time of year with the weather changing... if I sit on couch or in bed/lying down it's truly painful until I get moving for a bit...

know once you get through the initial healing you'll be feeling great and enjoying the results.

High everyone else. Day 2 (or 3) for me so it will be "the test" weather I can stay on track w/WOE.


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Hi everyone!


Carolyn...you have our permission to be spoiled! One year we had 3 cruises. Everyone teased me about it especially because I used to be anti-cruise! Just enjoy.


Sheila...sounds like you are on the mend. Each day I am sure that you will feel

better and better.


Donna...so you guys decided. I would have made the same decision!


Belle...I am up the awful pound. Having a difficult time. Over stressed. Today was a good day, though. Went to a lovely bridge luncheon at a country club. Lunch was delicious. There went the diet!


Terrible news...there was a shooting this afternoon at a local school. Fortunately, the only one killed was the shooter. But there were injuries (none life-threatening, as to the latest report). There are some very angry young people around. I just read "We have to talk about Kevin"...on the topic. Excellent, gripping book.

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Shelia..Glad you getting better each day, sorry

your back is hurting. Thanks for BD wishes.

Today had my Bunco, they got me a Birthday

Cake, one friend made me a beautiful blanket, another

took me to lunch..had a nice belated BD.

(some knew about others didn't)


Carolyn you can do it..keep your WOE..remember HAWAII!

I say take all the vacation you can. What is nice with Mike

traveling.. you have all these free miles. ENJOY!


Baby Glad to see you. You'll get that lb off, know you will.

I heard about the shooting on TV. That's so sad.


Quess what I made it to the gym today..now just have

to keep up with it.. Think Cruise!


Remember to help get ready for cruises/trips..weigh-in Thursdays..

Write your menu and exercise on it's post...It can help.

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Baby ~ I've been watching the news in regards to the shooting at the college near you. How awful! I hope everyone recovers from their injuries. However, one has already died. Such a tragic thing to happen.


Belle ~ Glad you had a great day yesterday!!! Congrats on making it to the gym. Keep it up!! I can't wait to get started back. I really miss it.


Carolyn ~ I'll be fine soon. I should be standing up straighter next week. Our weather here is just plain hot and muggy. I'm getting so tired of it. I have to wear this compression garment also and it makes me itch. It is real bad in the heat. Send me some of your cooler weather, please!!!


Donna & Linda ~ How are you all doing?

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Belle, A Belated Happy B'day! We can try to run from them but they always catch up! Glad you had fun at your belated celebration!


Baby, Ok, now get that water and we are both going to behave!


Sheila, Wish we could send you some of this cooler weather! How long do you have to wait until you can exercise again! Out of all of us, you would miss it most!


Carolyn, It's not spoiled, it is smart! It is getting tougher and tougher to use FF's. Since Mike is collecting so many, you really need to use them at every opportunity! We know you'll make it through today without a single slip!


Linda, Life interfering with fun? We miss you!



TA DA! TA just emailed and we have cabin 8004 on Mercury! The wait seemed long before but now it really seems long! I have put myself in a very strange spot. I hate booking months and months in advance but now I am getting picky about cabins which means booking way in advance! Yikes! Then I have to wait which is not my strongest point.


Any ideas for Acapulco, girls?


Back to work!

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Donna I know we need Birthdays to show

that we're alive but do we need a number

to go with it? LOL Yes I had fun, TY

You got the cabin you wanted for your cruise

in Dec. That's GREAT! You just have 3 months to



Shelia Glad your doing better. How long does

Dr. think it will take you to get better and exercise.

I know you miss doing your exercise.

Your off work for awhile?


Carolyn and Baby How's your day going?

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We must of all had a busy weekend,

no one talked.


Hope everyone is well and happy.


Let's start talking again.


I was good Fri., Sat, semi-good Sun,

spent day in the city. Today hard to stay

on track. Tomorrow back to straight

and narrow.


Shelia glad your feeling better/good.

Baby, Donna, Carolyn you doing alright?

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Where's everyone?

I'm eating good today..went to the gym....

an extra bonus.. got a free foot massage

while I was there. (She's hoping I'll

get a full body one some day.) It was very good.

So it was good I made myself go workout.


Hope you all had a good day (Tues.) and

have a good Wed. too.

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Shelia..At least your here for a minute...

Where are the others?

Read on the other post you went back

to work already. Great that your healing

so fast.


Nothing new here, went to the city Sunday. (SF)

Yesterday went to the gym.

Just enjoying our nice weather, sometimes

sitting outside and reading.


Hope everyone is doing good.

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Guess I'm "up late".. was terribly tired this evening.. drifting off to sleep while Libby was doing homework (not being attentive Mommy) and then finally went downstairs to turn off lights at 9:30PM.. (Mike's in London "again"). So then I started checking AA.com to make sure we didn't lose our flight "holds" for summer (they've been "playing games" -- as well as I have too). Was going to finally hit the sack around 11PM when my DS decides to "check in" w/me (she's in Chicago and conveniently forgets the time difference and that I've got the kids and their schedule to deal with). She's claiming that I'm an "insentive and uncaring sister"... (esp. if I don't listen to her doggie "tales"...)

OK enough whining about "her".

I've fallen "big time" w/WOE... exercise has never come back seems like there's always "something" keeping me from gym. WIll try to get back tomorrow. Even when I "do" watch what I eat the scale continues to creep upwards and I'm getting very frustrated and ready to "give in" (and some nights I have out of frustration).

SSo tomorow's another day and I'll try to drink the water and get toi gym or walk. It's going to be busy with scheduling kids since I've got open school night at Alex's school going on until 8:30PM and then the drive home. Guess Alex will be in charge of making sure Libby's got her homework done... he's such a good "big brother" (or as Libby says at times "daddy Alex").

It's almost 12:30 so I better get to bed. 6AM's not that far away.


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