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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Sheila..Your beautiful inside as well

as the outside. Your wearing 8's and 6's.

Your slim..to me that's almost skin and bones! LOL

(I'll never see an eight!)




Wish you would come in everyday..I know that's

hard, I don't even make it every day but I try..you

try to. Maybe help if you post on the weigh-in

each Thursday.


I lost a lb this week and Sheila lost 2. Helps coming

on this board..keeps us talking..keeps us accountable.

Reminds us we have to eat better, drink our water



Have a good weekend. Hope to see you here soon.

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Belle, I keep trying but it doesn't quite work! Leaving for Mom's early tomorrow morning and won't be back until late Monday night so will try to check in on Tuesday. Haven't managed the treadmill the last couple of nights and will have to get my ap's cleaning and fixing at Mom's for the next couple!


Sheila, WTG on the VS! I will get back there one of these days but it is really slow!


Baby, Where is your water?


Linda, You need this time away! I am so sorry for everything happening that you can't control but you did take control by seeing a doctor and the time away will do you good!


Carolyn, great job on sticking to it!


OK, have to finish packing! One fun part of this is that I will be meeting an old cruising friend and another one that we will be sailing with next September before I go to mom's. Should be a great time and then it is get to work big time!


Have a great weekend!

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Belle, I keep trying but it doesn't quite work! Leaving for Mom's early tomorrow morning and won't be back until late Monday night so will try to check in on Tuesday. Haven't managed the treadmill the last couple of nights and will have to get my ap's cleaning and fixing at Mom's for the next couple!


Sheila, WTG on the VS! I will get back there one of these days but it is really slow!


Baby, Where is your water?


Linda, You need this time away! I am so sorry for everything happening that you can't control but you did take control by seeing a doctor and the time away will do you good!


Carolyn, great job on sticking to it!


OK, have to finish packing! One fun part of this is that I will be meeting an old cruising friend and another one that we will be sailing with next September before I go to mom's. Should be a great time and then it is get to work big time!


Have a great weekend!

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It's a gloomy Sat. here and I am sitting at the computer, drinking my water. Have a lot of "things" to do, but I am here instead. Won't say much about weight (awful pound is back). Speaking of "back", mine is much better. I did my exercise routine this morning for the first time in ages. I was very surprised that stretches that I have been doing for 25 years were not so doable. I hope that gradually I will able to do them again.


I haven't been here is a week. So much catching up to do. Here goes!


Donna..How was the birthday party? I have never been to Rainforest, but have always been fascinated by their decor!


When you wash Chico travellers, do you put the tops on a hangar or do you lie them flat? Does the hangar stretch the neckline?


I didn't know that microfiber dries more quickly. Thanks for that tip!


In Puntarenas we did the ship's tour to the Poas Volcano. It was 9 hours long. But we did enjoy it. We were warned that busses often break down and that it would be wiser to take the ship's tour. So we did! Lucky for us, it was clear when we reached the volcano. Often it is clouded over, so not too much can be seen. Although it was a hot day, up there I wore a winter jacket, hat and gloves!


Belle...I read about your ports and I am jealous! I have never been to the Canary Islands. Can't wait to read your report.


Glad you are going to the gym and doing so well!


Sheila...you are doing so well! Your weight is good and your recovery is good!



Carolyn...hope all is going along well!


Linda...sorry to read about your woes. You are right. The most important thing is that nobody lost their life. How are your dd and her boyfriend?


Is the trip in Nov. the one to Israel? Go! You will be so busy you will forget your troubles.And, you will find it fascinating.


You can post here anytime. We don't mind if you tell us your feelings. Sometimes after you write them down, you feel better. We are here and WE CARE.


Enjoy the day,all!

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Donna ~ Every time you post and ask Baby, "Where's your water?" it cracks me up! LOL Hope you're having a great weekend!


Baby ~ Glad your back is better!!!


Belle ~ You're doing really well. What size are you shooting for? You can get into any size that you want. You just have to keep on going for it. Mine has been a LONG journey. It has taken me 6 years. Patience, my friend, patience.

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Hey ladies...

thought I'd "pop in" esp. since it's late here (2AM)

Things have been "touch and go" w/WOE w/me.. (last 3 days "off" and I'm paying for it.. oh, when will I 'learn") think what "kicked me off" was anniversary (we NEVER do anything) and then Mike leaving for travel (he's usually away on anniversary, it's 15 yrs I almost forgot, he should have left on Friday but didn't plan right). At least he's not in some "exotic" location (downtown Chicago lol) and will be earning mega points at Hilton (much needed for December trip lol). They're also trying to get him to go to SF for 3 days and then he's off to Atlanta for week (not staying anywhere "good" for us <re: earning stays>) and then off to Germany "again" (again not benefiting family other than earning miles). That and "family" stuff stressing me out. Unf. taking it out on kids which doesn't help. (try to catch myself there but doesn't always work)

Hope everybody's enjoying their weekend.


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Carolyn ~ What does Mike do that has him traveling so much? It sounds as if you're alone with the kids all of the time. I know how stressful that can be. Did y'all at least have a good anniversary? HAPPY 15TH!!!!!!!


Baby ~ LOL!! I don't blame you! ;)

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Funny, before I read Sheila's post, I was wondering the same thing. I, too, hope you got to celebrate.


We have friends who are importers and they (the husbands) travel a great deal. It is very difficult for the wife and kids. One of my friend's husband manufactures sweaters in Hong Kong and he spends weeks there at a time. Meanwhile, she has to manage the office....and the house. It's a big strain. (the rewards, however, are also big!!!!!)


Another one imports diamonds. He is in Europe and Israel for long stretches of time. Now, that he is getting older, we notice that he is going less and less.


The trouble with all the business travel is that it is really for the young. It gets to be too difficult.


We had a really nice day today. First...it didn't rain, like yesterday. We went out to brunch with friends, then we went to a museum. We were surprised to find out it was the museum's birthday and entrance was free!. We walked downtown and went shopping (bought nothing!). Then we went for Vietnamese food. Now, I am tired!


Take care, all!

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Baby..You have very interesting "outings".

You do fun and different things.

Sorry about the rain..good you didn't have any

today. No rain here but cool weather.

Baby glad your back is better.


Carolyn.. I've always wonder what your husband

did that he travels a lot. I always wish now that

I would of got into something that had traveling

when I was single.

Happy belated Anniversary Wishes! Hope your

feeling better.


Sheila..How are you feeling? Doing more exercising

without hurting yourself? Be careful.


Donna..Hope you enjoyed your long weekend.


I had a quiet but nice weekend here.

Got our air flights, not to bad. (was wondering what we were getting)

since Celebrity air. Also got the tours we wanted.


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Hi girls!! I didn't do too much over the weekend. I did pull up some dead flowers in the front yard. LOL


I get to start back my full exercise routine today. I'm really excited about being able to lift weights again. I promise that I'll take it easy. ;)


Baby, I agree with Belle. You do have interesting outings! Sounds like fun!!!


Belle ~ 5 WEEKS!!!! Lucky you!!!! I know you're getting excited!


It is raining and ugly here today. We need it so bad though so I'm not complaining.




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A killer! I am up over the awful pound....and I say I am going to get a grip! The question is..when. Today, I will try to be successful!


It was a fun outing yesterday. Because it was the museum's b-day, they served cake and coffee. So we got to talk to strangers! There were 2 older ladies who are taking a senior's course on museums at the local university. They are going on an organized trip to Quebec City this week to visit a museum. Very interesting. There are so many things to do if you want to. After staying in on Sat....and even Sat night...I was in that kind of a mood...we needed a good outing! Now, today, my cleaning lady is here and I decided to tackle my closet. So, EVERYTHING is on my bed! I would like to eliminate things I don't wear, but I find that VERY DIFFICULT. I need one of those TV people to come over and chuck things out!!!


Belle, you are going to have such a wonderful trip! I am soooo jealous!


Sheila, good luck with your exercise. If I ever finish the closet, I will do some,too. I feel bad telling you this (well, maybe not TOO bad!), but here it is a sunny day. But it is cold. The high will be around 56F. Maybe I'll go for a walk when it warms up. (It's much colder than that now...around 40F.)


Have a great day, all!

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OK.. here's the scoop on what Mike "does" (or doesn't do... according to him). He works for a biomed. company and he does R&D, regulatory and patent agent things.. meaning he can write patents (as an attorney w/o getting paid an attorney's salary), goes to government regulatory and standards meetings (these are sponsored by a local company and usually 2-3 times year and sometimes in "nice" locations... once Paris the one he missed in Zurich... think there's the one coming up in January in Christchurch NZ (which I'm encouraging him to go to... if the budget works)) And of course the medical trade shows, American Heart, Lung and Anesthesia shows... so he's on the road traveling from mid-April through early June and then right after Labor Day, usually around our anniversary (we NEVER celebrate.. he worked late so I "hit the ice cream" and then he left fairly early on Sat. since he had to drive down to LaGuardia.. what a pit of on airport to fly out of <if driving>) usually he's away during Alex's birthday and then he's got a BIG world-wide medical conference that he went to in Nov. that's always in Dusseldorf (just went first time last year... 1/2 million attendees.. huge pavillions of each continent... really sounded interesting). He was also editor of a medical book that was published last year (by Oxford Press) that he won an award on.. (that project took a good year "freelancing" in addition to his regular job).

So that's the scoop.

I've falled of WOE "again" realize that I gotta get a grip that we leave in 2 months.. though "who knows" what's happing in Kona. I'm trying to reach a "distant cousin" who lives in Hilo that we were hoping to meet. Spoke w/his parents in Las Vegas and they said everyone's OK so I'll try over the weekend.

I've gotta just eliminate the "crap" that Mike brings into house "for the kids" (ice cream and candy) since I just can't resist it myself.. I bought some candy for Libby at Costco but left it in car trunk and also told her we'll "see about opening it" after she get's her loot for trick or treating (begging for candy as we call it). She always "cleans up" and we NEVER get kids since we live on a private road w/NO traffic.


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The CC has been off..just came on and

it's time to go to bed.


Glad everyone is all right..even if having trouble

with your WOE! Me too went out to dinner tonight

but did go to the gym. Think I'm just staying even!!


Carolyn now we know your husband's job..I think! LOL

Carolyn congrats on his book.


Sheila and Baby can't believe 5 weeks..have so much to do.

Wish you all were going with me.


Donna and Carolyn you leave in Dec. for your trips.


Sheila how did the exercise go? Feeling all right?


Well better go to bed...

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Carolyn ~ Mike sounds like he has an exciting job...and an author! WOW!! Kudos! I hope you can get a grip on your WOE soon. Have you thought about trying a different WOE just to do something else? Just a thought...


Belle ~ CC has been off/on this morning also. I guess they are working on the servers again. My exercising went fine last night. My legs are a bit sore right now. It about KILLED me to do my crunches! I only did 30! I feel better for it though! Thanks for asking!!


Since several of you have done TA cruises, have any of you ever done the itinerary that leaves out of Spain and cruises to Italy? We're looking at that one for maybe 2008.

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Hi everyone!


Belle...you must be getting sooo excited. A month on a ship. You will have to tell us all about it.


Sheila...take it easy with the exercises. No injuries allowed!


Carolyn...Mike's work sounds very interesting. And a book...very impressive!


Try not to buy the junk. (I have to listen to my own advice!)


Donna...where are you? How are you doing?


Linda...hope you are checking in and hope you are feeling better.


I went to physio this morning...a great improvement...but not 100%. When I did my exercises that I have been doing forever, there were some I couldn't do. That was a shock.


Now I have to get ready .....pedicure time! Have to maintain this old bod!!!


Have a great day, all!

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He was an "editor" (wrote one chapter and "helped" a few of the contributors etc.)... luckily that project was finished over a year ago.. took up alot more time than he thought it would.

As far as WOE... right now I'm just trying to "get a handle" on anything (does that make sense). Just want to get control... would LOVE to lose a little but don't think that's in the cards (hormonal / age thing right now). Think I just want to feel "decent" (that's being realistic). I've tried watching the cals/fats etc. and that doesn't "work" either presently so I'm not sure what to do.

Thought about WW but am under the impression that it takes "too much thinking" (points etc.)


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Carolyn ~ LOL about the "too much thinking" with WW! You are correct though. However, once you've done it a while, it becomes second nature. You just do what works for you. Don't worry about losing weight right now and concentrate just on feeling healthier. Sometimes that's all we need. One tip I can give you though is that it increases your metabolism if you eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3 big ones. I swear by this! It really works. Good luck!


Baby ~ Glad your back is better. You'll be able to do those exercises real soon. You just need to give your back time to heal. ;)


Boy, are my legs sore today!!! I did some squats using my stability ball and that works they legs good! I hope I can do them again tonight without too much pain. I'm not doing too much, I promise! :D

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Well, I am happy to report that I just finished my exercises and I have my water at hand! My weight, however, is not good....still that awful pound.


Sheila....don't overdo it! I don't want you to be so sore. If you do a little less, you will still get there.


Carolyn...I failed weight watchers 101!!! I still think in terms of calories. I can't change now. I think the junk is the killer.


Have a great day, all!

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Got back late Monday night and CC hasn't worked until the last half hour!


Belle, You have to be getting really excited! Great intineraries! I really think if we didn't have the canal, he would have gone for the TA with the price it is at now. Make sure you check it and if there is a huge differential then call your TA.


Baby, glad the back is getting better and that you have your water right next to you! Closet cleaning is about due at my house. Need to get at all three of mine since I need to get the cruise stuff organized but can't bring the rack out until after Thanksgiving!


Sheila, Just don't push it too hard! Don't want to put yourself on injured reserve since that would defeat the purpose.


Carolyn, Check on WW on line. It really isn't all that complicated and it does introduce some formal discipline.


Linda, Hope the meds are helping and your starting to look forward to the trip!


Well, Mom is home and seems to be doing ok. Had no luck talking her into assisted living yet again but she does seem to be managing. The phone transfer finally happened yesterday morning so I do feel better that her lifeline is now working again. I finally told her about the December cruise and she wasn't too happy about it. She is at the point of thinking that I should spend all spare time with her. There is no polite way to tell her that she is making me crazy and this is what will save my sanity. I did finally explain that the guest bed was going to kill someone one of these days. Not sure what is wrong with it but 2 nights is the max that I will even attempt to sleep on it then I will move to the couch. I could barely move Monday morning. Needless to say, diet went right out the window and still haven't managed to get back on track so that will be tomorrow's goal!


Have a great evening!


Ok, They are putting the windows in today so I better get packed up and get out of here soon to see what kind of trouble they have managed to get into.

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Donna I am getting excited!!!!!!!

The prices were this low when we booked..

(plus we got upgraded 5 floors..which is higher price

so even saved more)


Here in Calif. our air isn't cheap like back east so we

got a great package deal..25 days..all taxes..air..and ground

transportation. We could never get it cheaper then what

we paid. Our air flights aren't to bad. Only one stop in

between. Leaves a little later from San Juan then I wanted

but no big deal.


Just think you have a cruise coming up too..aren't we lucky?

Glad your mother is doing better.


Sheila easy..easy. We want you here..not so sore that

you can't walk to the computer!


Caroly in WW there is a core program. Don't count points.

Your doing Hawaii in Dec. right?


Baby it's only 25 days not a month..wish it was! LOL

I will tell you all about it. Some of the places that

you went to this year. Can't believe I'm going to

Greece. Remember when you went..I said I wanted

to go there so bad..and now I am! Unbelievable!!!


Linda hope your feeling better. Know your trip

is in Nov. Have a good time. Hope to see you before you leave.


Thursday weigh-in..please join us..keeps you accountable.

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Went to the gym today. Went Monday too.

Not as good as Sheila but trying to do better.



Also went out today and bought a few things for the

cruise just odds and ends. The other day

went out and got a new blouse, purse and

shoes. ALL on SALE!

Need some new bras and underwear, like them

new when I have to wash and hang in the bathroom

on the ship. Also need some tennis or walking shoes

in tan or brown for the cruise. No american white!! LOL


All right will leave now...You all have a good day!

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Good morning! I hope all of you are doing well today!!


I got my workout in last night even though I started late. I had a dental appt. first. In the past, I would've skipped the gym and used the appt as an excuse. I guess I'm making progress. :D


Belle ~ I'm really excited for you!!!! You're going to have so much fun! Can't wait to hear all about it when you return. BTW, I had fun at Victoria's Secret last week buying all new under garments. Maybe you need to make that trip. ;)


Donna ~ I know what you mean about some guest beds. Yikes!!! Good news about your DM and the lifeline being set up. I know that is a peace of mind for you. Don't worry about what your DM says about your trips....you do need them!


Hello to Baby & Linda!!!

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