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So far, I've been in the kitchen all morning! Taking my first computer break! Weight is up a little. Not too bad. But lots of eating coming up tonight and tomorrow night!


Aren't you guys busy preparing for Easter? Don't you have to make big dinners? Or are you getting away "Scot free"???!!!


Have a good one!

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Baby ~ enjoy Passover! Don't eat too much!! DH and I are really watching what we're eating so we're hoping to get away with not doing a family function on Sunday. My in-laws are divorcing so we might get our wish. If not, we'll just eat a little. Enjoy your family time!

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After so much preparation, the Seder is over. I hope everyone enjoyed it! Now ALMOST everything is put away. And..the good news it..I didn't gain. Now I have to watch it and try to lose a couple of poundsl.


Sheila, sorry to read about your in-laws. After so many years...it's really sad. Whatever you do on Sunday, just taste!

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After so much preparation, the Seder is over. I hope everyone enjoyed it! Now ALMOST everything is put away. And..the good news it..I didn't gain. Now I have to watch it and try to lose a couple of poundsl.


Sheila, sorry to read about your in-laws. After so many years...it's really sad. Whatever you do on Sunday, just taste!

Yeah for you Baby!!! :D We've decided to go out to eat on Sunday with my parents. I'll be good that way because I won't order dessert.

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No dessert. Agreed! We rarely order table d'hote in restaurants, and when we do, I am always sorry after. Too much food. Nowadays, I order only the main course. And usually, we have wine (never good for diets, though, because it somehow erases our best intentions!!) I find that I am better with the bread. I ask my DH first if it is worth the calories! If it's not fantastic, I skip it! I stopped ordering coffee because I want to drink less of it ( and I want to sleep!). Sometimes DH will order dessert and I will order a fork! Lately he has been watching himself (gained on the last cruise), so desserts have been out. When we go out with one particular couple, we always order 1 dessert for the four of us...just perfect!

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So many leftovers...and all of it way too heavy. Up 1 pound. Must be more careful and take it off quickly.


We will have a White Easter here! A little backward, wouldn't you say? Can't remember if we had a White Xmas. Winter did come late.


Who says there's global warming? I'd like to see a little of it!

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Baby ~ Only up one pound? That's pretty good! :D Well, our Easter plans have changed. Mom called last night and said we're eating with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins on Sunday. They've requested my delicious banana pudding. Oh boy! I guess Sunday will be my cheat day. Sigh.

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Hope everyone's well...

It's been a crazy week hear.. the "usual"

we didn't do "anything" for holiday (isolated from family... esp. w/Mom in home almost 2 hrs away-- same w/elderly aunt). Mom's b-day's Sat. so we'll drive down to see her (not looking forward to that-- will pop in for just a shorty-- I'm sure if I didn't I'd get the guilt--riot act from dear Diane) then drive down to NYC and see Aunt (saw her about 2 weeks ago but got to her house late <after seeing shows> and had to drive Mike to JFK in afternoon so really didn't have a visit with her. So we'll have it on Saturday evening. The kids are looking forward to having Chinese w/Aunt Stella -- she's always had a special "place" with me... always have been there for me -- she's 92 and has macular deg. so I feel it's important to pop in on her more often than we have in past... the kids have enjoyed their visits with her too the last few times (spent Thanksgiving w/her-- stayed at her place before we flew out to Hawaii in December and then 2 weeks ago) Also she's offered to help out w/Alex's tuition... (not that it matters for our visit but it will definitely help when we have to make the deposit). So we'll be busy tomorrow. It will help me 'cause I've been getting into my "poor me, pity" moods.

Of well, enough of a p-party.

Sheila and Belle... (linda too, if you're watching). Hope you have a happy Easter... Belle, hope things are stable w/your Dad... know what you're going through.. Mom's going for 3 Cats on Weds. and we'll have a better idea if she's in Stage 4 or not...

Baby, Glad you've made it through you're 2 seders (I'm sure everyone enjoyed them). Good luck w/your gown selection...

It's after midnight and I'm hoping to get on the road at a decent hour tomorrow.


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Wishing you all a Happy Easter! Hope the day goes the way you want it to!


Carolyn, wish you a great day,too,tomorrow! Glad you got to spend "quality time" with your aunt. She sounds so special. We also have a special aunt (she's the only one left. She is 96 and lives in Westchester and still drives a car! she is amazing!)


Hope your Mom is alright.


We also have very little close family near us. Our Seder was 20, but the only relative was an 84 year old cousin. We had a few friends with their kids,my future daughter-in-law and her parents and siblings and one of my sons invited a few friends. Some of the young people were not Jewish and it was so nice that they also took turns reading in English from the Hagaddah. I guess they found the food interesting,too!


Sheila, I am still gaining weight. The leftovers are killing me! My son said to make lots and I did and I am eating. Enjoy your Easter dinner. Tell us about your banana pudding. I often make banana muffins...DH's fave. He'd probably love your b.p.!


Guess what! I bought a gown. Just brought it home. I can't believe it. I am so excited. The owner of one of the boutiques I visited phoned me to say that she got some new gowns in. When I tried on the one I chose, I had to laugh...it was ME! I always buy the same type of thing! I love it and I will be able to wear it to many future events. Now I have to find elegant AND comfy shoes. Does that exist?


Take care all!

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Hi girls!! Our Easter was hectic with church and then dinner with the family. It was a lot of fun, but we ate way too much. John and I both feel the after effects today. Makes me not want to eat too much on the cruise. Maybe that's a good thing!! LOL


Baby ~ I'm soooo excited that you got a gown!! I knew you would! I'm on the hunt for one myself. It is always a chore to find the "perfect" one. However, mine is just for the cruise so it is not nearly as important as yours. ;) I'll post the recipe for the banana pudding at the end. Don't say I didn't warn you! LOL BTW, I think it is so nice that you had so many for Seder. I'm sure they all had a great time. It was probably neat for the non-Jewish guest to experience some of your wonderful traditions.


Carolyn ~ So sorry that your DM is still suffering. I know it is so hard on you. I hope you enjoyed your visit with your aunt. Take care!!


Donna ~ Please post and let us know how you and Joe are doing.


Belle ~ If you're reading, I hope your DF and DM are doing OK.


Banana Pudding


8 oz. Cream Cheese (softened)

Vanilla Jell-o pudding (small box)

1 Cup Milk

1 Box Nilla Wafers

6 Bananas

Large tub Cool Whip


Mix the cream cheese, vanilla pudding, 1/2 tub Cool Whip and milk together until creamy.


In a glass bowl, place a small amount of pudding/cream cheese mixture around the inside of the bowl. Add Nilla Wafers all around the bowl. The wafers will stick to the pudding mixture. Layer as follows: wafers, bananas, pudding mixture until you reach the top of the bowl. Add the rest of the Cool Whip to the top. You can top with nuts, crushed wafers, and cherries, if desired. ;)

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I managed to gain 2 1/2 pounds over Passover. Lost 1/2 of it, so up 2 pounds. Gotta take it off quickly before it becomes the norm. Today, I plan to log everything that goes into my mouth. Will let you know tomorrow how it works out!


Sheila, glad you had a Happy Easter with your family. I have been overeating,too, and it gives me indigestion (aside from added pounds).


I am so relieved to find a gown. I thought it was a hopeless situation...but lo and behold....voila. You said I would find one, remember!


Now it's your turn to find a gown! To be honest, I don't bring one on a cruise. I bought Chico's outfits (where is Donna?) that I call "pretend formal"!!! They are easy to pack and comfortable and I think they look good on me.


Thanks for the recipe. I am going to copy it, now! Can I use Light Cream Cheese? And can I use 2% milk? I guess skim would be too watery. I think Cool whip is not fattening.


Hope everyone is doing O.K.


Have a great day! Here it is sunny for a change! High of 44! Tomorrow, rain & snow... again.

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Baby, I always use skim milk when I make the banana pudding. I've also made it with reduced fat Nilla wafers, low-fat cream cheese and lite Cool Whip...still good!!


I found and bought me a dress yesterday! I found it online. I didn't want to pay much for one because I also had to buy my son a laptop. So, I found it at newport-news.com for $49 on sale!!!! It is not a "ball" gown, but tea length. I love it! Here's a picture. Tell me what you think.



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Sheila, the dress looks very pretty. AND the price can't be beat! I guess you have to try it on and see how it looks and feels when you wear it. That's the bottom line.


I have never ordered anything on line. My friend's daughter lives in the States and she does all of the time. She buys and returns so much that my friend says the UPS men are at her door almost daily! When my friend was visiting her, they went to a local restaurant for lunch, one of the UPS men was there and he knew the daughter! My friend thought that was so funny!


I am going to try the recipe. It doesn't sound soooo fattening!

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I didn't know they had fat-free, sugar-free vanilla pudding. I haven't used Jello products in years!


When the gown arrives, let me know how it looks on you!


My weight is AWFUL. I am up the AWFUL pound and it hasn't moved in 3 days. Yesterday, I was at a luncheon and of course the catered food had lots of calories and probably additives. So, today, I hope will be better.


We had snow again, yesterday. Lots of it. Can't believe it. Global warming, where are you???? How can we take it seriously, when all we see is snow!


Hope everyone has a great day!

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Baby ~ I'm with you on the global warming thing. LOL I live in central Alabama and it has been up and down with the temps in the past few weeks. Today's high is suppose to be 80 degrees. On Sunday, it is suppose to be 59 degrees! Just nuts!!!


Yep, Jell-o makes a lot of good fat-free, sugar-free pudding mixes. Try them!! They even have cheesecake!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


My weight has stalled again also. I increased my calories to make my trainer happy, but it isn't working. I dropped them back down yesterday to get the last pounds off (4.5) and plan on increasing them after my cruise. Oh wait, I'm sure I'll have to lose them again after the cruise. LOL


WHERE IS EVERYBODY ELSE???????????? Baby and I can't keep this thread going all by ourselves!

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Still here, only second time on computer.

Don't want to disturb neighbor,she says it's

fine but still don't want touse to much.


Thank you for your kind words everyone

means a lot to me. Sheila tell Daniel thanks

for his concern too.


Things here aren't any better, in fact there

worse..don't know when I'll be coming home.

Now my father's mind isn't working right..body

getting stronger but his mind weaker.

Will need to find them a place up by me but

don't know what kind yet.


I'm really getting tired doing everything and

dealing with "people" at rehab. I want things

done now and they don't work that way.

They are nice people and know their busy but...

think things could happen faster or at least my way! LOL


Glad your all doing "pretty well" for all of you.

Baby glad you found a dress you like.

Shelia your cruies is in May. I want to come!!!!!


Everyone take care will try to write sooner.

Shelia tell everyone on the other thread that I said

Hello and hope they all are doing well.


Love and hugs from me to all of you.

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Belle ~ It is so good to hear from you. I'm sure you know how much you're missed by everyone on this board...not just this and the Countdown thread. Everyone misses your Thursday poems. I'm so sorry to hear that things aren't any better with your parents. It is really tough, I'm sure. Just know that we're all thinking of you. I'd love for you to cruise with us. Then I could give you a big ole hug!! Miss you!!


Everyone ~ Weekend eating is going well. I didn't exercise yesterday because I went clothes shopping instead. I guess walking and trying on all of those clothes was a little exercise, huh? LOL


Found out on Friday that I have to have surgery on my nose/sinuses. I'm not thrilled about it, but if it will get rid of these nasty sinus headaches, I'm all for it. I have them every day. I'm going to book it for July because we have too much going on now.


Take care!!!

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Glad you were able to pop on. What meds is your Dad on? Also (I'm trying to remember) how old is he? Is his sodium levels stable (not too low)? The reason why I ask is this is a very common "ailment" (condition) that MDs have a hard time controling in elderly. It also effects there mind a bit (problems w/memory etc.). Happened w/my Dad (and also found out that a dear friend of his had developed this same "condition/syndrome" at his funeral) and unless the MDs keep checking blood levels they will let it slide. Unfortunately now you need to be your parents' advocate since there's such a shortage of "good help" these days both in hospitals, rehab/nursing homes and the time MDs spend w/there patients in general that alot of times things slide. SInce your father is probably being treated for his cancer there may be a posibility that he may be getting "over medicated" for pain and that (too) may be affecting his daily functions. The MDs are very quick to blame "the disease" instead of looking closer to see if it's "something else" (especially if he's not being seen on a regular basis by MDs who are familiar w/him over a period of time). Don't know if you'd want to "talk" (know what it's like handling everything and being "displaced" from your family. If you'd like send me an e-mail (cmjaffe@cox.net) if you'd like to chat... I can give you a call (if you want). You're definitely missed here. Wish I could jump through the computer for you since (unf) I've been through this and also am going through it now w/my Mom (we're waiting for results from her cat scans on Wedsl .to find out what may really be going on w/her health).

Sheila, good luck w/surgery. Just think of your upcoming cruise.

Baby, how are the wedding plans going. I'm sure now that you have your gown you'll stay on track to keep that "pesky lb" away.

Take care everyone.


ps as you can see since I didn't mention anything about my WOE it's been pretty darn bad. Been feeling lousy so not sure what to do.

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Seems like first chance to even look in just about forever!


Belle, prayers that they figure out what they are doing to him and get it straightened out quickly. Know you have lots of tough decisions so just don't be too hard on yourself and do take care of yourself!


Didn't really get to read much else though I do believe that was one hot dress that Sheila posted the picture of. Definitely going to look great!


Baby, where is your water and you now have "the dress" so time to behave yourself!


Linda, hope things are going ok down there.


Sheila, still sounds like you need a vacation.


Sissy, time to come out here for more motivation!


Joe is just not coming along like he should be and we aren't absolutely sure what the issue is at this point which means that I am constantly bugging him to decide who his cardiologist is and go see him. He keeps seeing specialists and they keep blaming each other. He is still having a difficult time with shortness of breath so all vacation planning before the September TA has been put on hold at this point and even that is becoming a bit questionable. I am walking brain dead with all this extra togetherness including the TV in the bedroom going until 2:00 AM every morning. Fortunately, Mom has had a few bad times but seems to be back on track so that helps a bit.


Meantime, rule of thumb has been gain not lose so need to get back on track. Hopefully, this week will do it since I just managed to get over the stomach flu that the dgd's left behind after Easter.


OK, better go yet again and get some more work done. Actually, thinking that it is about time I headed down to the treadmill. I spend weekends walking with him but it is definitely not enough so need to get some workout time in and it should help de-stress.

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Donna: I have been banned from posting on the Night owls thread. Long story and I am really not the one at fault. Please e-mail me at winmont at shaw dot ca. as I have been reading your posts but no way to answer.


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Donna ~ So glad you posted. I hate to hear that Joe isn't progressing as planned. Hopefully, he'll get to the right Cardiologist soon so they can see what's going on. My DM had open heart surgery several years ago and it took her forever to get back to full strength. She would get winded from just walking a few yards. Of course, she's older than Joe. Hang in there and I hope everything looks brighter for you and Joe.


Carolyn ~ I always feel rotten when I eat poorly. Maybe that is why you're not feeling well? Take care of yourself also!!!


Had a good weekend, but didn't get enough exercise in. Six weeks until our cruise and I'm trying to be so good...not perfect, but good. ;)

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We had another snowstorm last night! Geesh, when will it ever end?


Weight not so good. Still up the AWFUL pound. Harder to take it off than to put it on.


So happy to see so many poster all at once. Sheila and I were lonely!


Belle, I realize what a difficult time you are going through. The hurdles are not easy to overcome. Hang in there. You are strong and you have a sunny disposition which will help you get through this trying time.


Carolyn, you,too have a lot with which you have to cope. But, you have wonderful kids who bring you lots of "nachas". Is Alex going to Choate? (Do I have the right school?)


Donna, would I dare post to you without my water????? Hope Joe improves soon enough for you to take that cruise.


Sheila, did the dress arrive yet? Keep us posted. You will look gorgeous!


I have been working on the wedding list. That is difficult because I have to cut and I wish I could invite everyone. Weddings here are SOOO expensive, it is insane.


Hope you all have a good day.


Here it isn't snowing anymore. Now it is raining. They don't predict any sun until at least Wed. Yuch!

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Yup, Alex's is going to Choate (right school). He's going for a "look see" tomorrow even though they've got our deposit already cashed into their account (didn't waste anytime cashing lol). The good thing is his fave Math teacher is switching over to Choate and also he's going to be taking a 4 week Chinese course there this summer... they got approved for a gov't grant so the cost to us is "free" (yippee!! at least we're finally getting some $$benefit from our taxes though not directly from our high prop taxes which goes to local public schools). So even though Choate will be a bit more $ than Hopkins he'll be better off.


Just got stressed out today from dear sister (what else is new). Now she's got some "dental" problems. Of course she's got no dental insurance so everything's going to be "out of pocket". Seems like she's got decay in one tooth and a leaky filling that needs to be replaced. She doesn't know how much it's going to cost. Then she's got 2 crowns that aren't lined up right so it's almost $2k more for those... She's got nothing saved so she's calling me (since I'm still holding $$ from estate, otherwise she'd be going right through it). I really wonder if she really needs to crowns to be redone. THink it's kind of high. Maybe she should look around.

Gotta take care of the kids.


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