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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Well, to another hot and steamy Saturday! Bad news is that I woke up at 2:30 and finally gave up and got up at 3:30. The good news is that I actually managed to doze off for another hour so should now be good for the day though I will probably wind down early.


Belle, Are you finding any time to take care of yourself? How is you Mom holding up? Wish there was something that we could do to help since we seem to have our fair share of aging parents to be dealt with among us.


Sheila, You do sound like your getting a bit excited!


Baby, If it wasn't so far away from us, I would sign up for an aqua class. I'm sure it will make exercise more fun. Keep an open mind and an eye out for deals for this winter and you may find something that you can't pass up. I am even seeing deals come through the the holidays which is extremely rare.


Carolyn, Are you home or gone? I think you mentioned it but when are they going back to school? Cheryl and Paul will be in NYC with the girls for all of next week. It seems that DGD2 and DGD3's best friends in the entire solar system moved to NYC in June and they are going to visit.

Their Mom is from there and they moved back so she could work on her advanced degree. I can't wait to hear all their stories.


Well, it is doc dance time. Went and picked up the office mail last night and they were there. Stole the portable rack back and will start working on clothes next since I really need to get it down even lower than what the airlines limit it to. Joe just can't handle any lifting at all and it is making him totally nuts. To make it even more challenging, it looks like we will do 2 nights in Mayfair followed by 2 nights in Kensington. Definitely going to take some careful planning and packing so I don't end up opening everything multiple times. However, there are much worse problems and we will have a wonderful time as long as I can keep him out of trouble.


Better run, need to get some house work done and then on to the spreadsheet and figure out what must go.


Hi to everyone else and hope you have a great weekend!

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Why 2 nights in Kenn and 2 in Mayfair? Don't forget to add in the taxi fare going between (which could easily be $50 or more depending on traffic etc). Any luck yet w/Priceline? My advice would stay in the 4* range.

As for me.. we were in NYC from very late Sat. night until Thursday. Stayed at my aunt's apt. Mike and Libby went to see Drousy Chaperone on lottery ($25 each for front row seats... can't beat that!!). Alex and I took a quick ride up to Met. Museum for a quick "look see" while the others were in the theatre. Mike went back home and unf. Aunt took a fall that night.. Got badly bruised (she's 93). So the next day we stayed in until she went out for her apt. at noon (which killed our day). Just "bummed" around the west side. Next day I stayed w/her to take her to visiting nurse to look at her arm (got 2 bad cuts and by then where she banged her head got a bad "shiner"). Didn't get out until 1:30PM with the kids and then we got to NintendoWorld at Rockefeller Center. Kids play with the Wii's for several hours (I just sat and relaxed -- still a bit shaken up and worried about Aunt). Weds. Alex and I were going uptown very early to have him wait for student rush tickets to Legally Blonde. We had hoped to get to theatre by 7AM. Well that didn't happen. Around 5ish in the AM there was a terrible thunderstorm w/lightening. Seems like the subways were all "washed out". Luckily after 2 tries we finally found the last train line that was working -- got to the theatre at 8:15AM with about 27 people in front of Alex. It didn't look good. Libby had her heart set on seeing this show. It was her birthday and that's all she wanted to do. Well Aunt had an outing to go to so I started heading down back to South Street Seaport area at 9:15AM... it was impossible.. tried all the busses.. Finally got on one at 10:30AM.. and then it took until 12noon to get to Libby. Aunt was waiting for me to bandage her arm and libby tried to do it but couldn't (I had a hard time doing it too) and then Libby & I tried to get back uptown in time for curtain. Alex got me a standingroom ticket to see Mary Poppins so I didn't need to just "hang out" somewhere while they saw the show. It all worked out OK but was a very stressful day. Add the fact that from Tues. I was trying to straighten out my Mom's insurance (they were dropping her Medicare Part D and on Friday I found out her insurance was dropping her from Cobra -- was supposed to be lifetime).

So even though I was away from home and all "stuff" follows me. We were hoping to go away someplace this week but now I have to wait for an important letter to make sure that Mom doesn't get dropped from insurance, include the POA and get it sent back registered ASAP. I can't afford to have it sitting at post office or worse not receive it in a week and then have them hopefully resend it in time. Maybe we'll do a day trip, we'll see.

Belle, hope things are holding up "ok" w/your Dad and you're taking a bit of time out for yourself. Hang in there... it doesn't really get better but you just learn to handle it as best you can.

Sheila, Bet you're really getting excited about the trip. I'm sure you're going to have a fantastic time.

Donna, Good luck with the planning. Hope you get a good deal on the hotel and Joe gets a bit stronger before you leave.

Baby, I've been getting e-mails for some tempting "deals" for the wintertime. I'm sure you'll find something that "suits" you.

Libby's calling for me so I better run.

At least last week I did an awful lot of walking. Didn't eat much and stayed low carb ... drank alot of water.... but the scale didn't budge an ounce. I'm really discouraged.


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Hi girls! Weekend was good. Got some exercise in on Sat. My eating wasn't too great. I need to really watch it on the weekends for a while.


Donna ~ I bet you're getting excited also! That will be nice staying in both Kensington and Mayfair. Your trip makes me want to go back to London and see the things we couldn't see last time. Where are you cruising to?


Carolyn ~ Your NYC trip sounds nice. Sorry to hear about your aunt falling though. Poor dear. I hope she's better now. Good think y'all didn't drown!


Baby ~ How's the aqua class going?


Belle ~ Parents any better? How about you? Doing OK? {{{HUGS}}}


Later, my friends! :D

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Reading your post just not writing. Sorry.


My father is home from hospital, came back

losing his ability to walk and a few other things.

He's on Hospice.

So in bed or carried to wheelchair, then carried

to recliner in living room. He's weak but eating.

Bored, sleeping a lot but reads or looks at T.V. some.

Asks all the same questions over and over.

My mother isn't doing well either.

So some days, I'm just going "crazy" with everything.

Today just wanted to stay in bed all day and not face the world!


I'm happy and envy you all at the same time.

Carolyn you had a nice trip to NY, Donna and Shelia you

have trips coming up. I'm sure Baby is planning something.

I just have to take one day at a time. No trips for us.


Sorry to vent to you all. Love my parents but it gets

to me sometimes. Plus all the other stuff I have to do

for them, all the paperwork ect.

My house is a mess. I don't want to do anything when

I come home from visiting them. If I take a day off

and plan to do things, I don't! Think I'll make a sign for

the front door....Quarantine! So know one will come in

an see the mess! LOL

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Belle ~ My heart just goes out to you! I know it is so trying taking care of elderly/sick parents. My parents just went through it with my DGM. I saw the toll it took on them and they had help. I can't imagine how hard it is for you and Jean by yourselves. I'm sending you a big {{{HUG}}} all of the way from Alabama! You can come vent to us at any time. It will make you feel better. At least you still have your sense of humor through it all. Is your DF still at the long-term care place or with you? We miss you!


Hi to everyone else! My weight isn't going anywhere, but that's OK. I started backing lifting weights and it always stalls. I'm at a weight now that I can live with just as long as the inches keep coming off. So, I'm no longer weighing and just going by how my clothes fit and the tape measure. It sure does make it easier on me. LOL


Bye for now. :)

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My weight has been up and down. Today it's O.K. All week it was up. Yesterday, I logged every morsel that entered my mouth!


Belle, so sorry you are going through a tough time. Don't worry about the mess. Your friends will understand. Hire someone to clean up, if you have to. (You are allowed to do that!) Make it a point to take some time for you. Go to a movie, read a book, have a beauty treatment. Something to get your mind off the situation.


Sheila, you must be getting so excited! Did you meet your Scottish friends on a cruise? (You may have told us, but I forget)


Donna...OMG I am posting without water! One minute, I'll go and get some!

O.K. I'm back with the water!


I love London. You will have a wonderful vacation. Thank G-d Joe is well enough to travel.


I enjoyed the aqua fitness class and I enjoyed the swim after. I didn't enjoy getting out of the pool, indoors, wet and dripping, stepping into soggy flipflops on a wet slippery floor! But I will return. I was too busy this week, so next week!!!


We have to cover our hair. I wore a shower cap. So yesterday I went out and bought a bathing cap. I think it's for kids! It's that small! What a waste!


Instead of a cruise, we are thinking of going to Palm Springs this winter. Has anyone been there? Any info?


Carolyn, the kids must be thinking of Back to School already. The summer goes too fast. How is your aunt?

What are the lottery tickets? My kids have been in line for the twofers, but I never heard of the lottery.


Anyone I forgot? Have a great day, all!

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Baby ~ I think Belle has been to Palm Springs. Belle?


We did meet our Scottish friends on a cruise in 2004. We've been vacationing with them every year ever since.


We're not taking a cruise next year. We're renting a chalet in the Great Smoky Mountains during the summer and going to Walt Disney World in Oct. We haven't decided if we're going to Great Britain next year or not. Probably not considering our son will be going off to college next Fall. He's here local this term.


Glad you enjoy your class. Why do they make you cover your hair?

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Here's the "scoop" on lottery tickets... a few of the theaters have lottery. They reserve the front row for this. About 2 1/2 hrs or so you line up and submit your name. They then draw out the names and those who "win" have the opportunity to get front row seats for a terrific price (around $25 each -- a great savings over the $100 orchestra seats). Libby's used to "taking the chance"... sometimes we win (they saw Wicked, Chorus Line, Drowsy Chaperone and Hairspray this way)... sometimes you walk away. Alex got me a standing room ticket for Mary Poppins ($20 I think) which worked our well since I'm tall enough. Libby really wants to do this but she's under 5 feet so it wouldn't work.

Glad your enjoying the aqua class. It's great for you back. I know I did it for about 1/2 year when I was going for physio.. at the Y.. then the instructor quit and they didn't find another person to do it... too bad. It got me out of house in evening and really helped (though didn't see anything happen to scale).

As for me.. it's been a really LONG boring summer. Other than NYC we went nowhere and now I've got a terrible cold w/sinus problems. Had hoped to go away somewhere w/family but the kids couldn't decide. We need to be home next Thurs. evening for a parents/student get-together for newbies of Choate at the local country club. I've got "nothing" appropriate to wear that fits and I'm getting very frustrated. I've been very careful w/what I put in mouth the last week or so and the scale is moving very slowly. I went to store and tried on stuff (pants since I only have exercise pants) on and got VERY frustrated. They gap in waist and a bit snug in thigh... UGH. Even the higher end stuff doesn't really work. Last night I looked around Lord & Taylor w/Libby when Alex was at soccer practice (that's what Mike wanted him to do before starting school and another reason why we didn't go anywhere). Everything up to size 6 and then 1X, 2X stuff.. which thankfully I don't think I am. Maybe I'll look at some stuff this weekend.. if I feel better. Gotta start drinking more and maybe take a nap.

Hope everyone is well and having fun things planned for weekend. Belle... hope things settle down a bit w/parents.


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Just read your posts.... you know you can come "here" and vent any time. I know how you must feel. You've got the responsibility of your parents on your shoulders... their health and everything else.. and it's a TON... you think you've got it "under control" then WHAM the rug gets pulled away and something else comes up... Be gentle on yourself. Don't worry about your home re: messy... (I've given up on that the last few years... after closing up parents house and getting alot of that "crap" here... threw away too much though not sure about what I took... papers that multiply in the night... have to hold onto things for at least 5 years). As long as you don't have things "growing" or "crawling" around you're "ok".

Take care.. you're not alone... though you may feel it.


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Belle, there isn't anybody in the world that would handle it better. Your doing what must be done for them but you have to do what must be done for you too and if it means ignoring housework in favor of a bit of downtime then nobody is going to fault you. Vent often since it does help.


Carolyn, Not sure if Belle and I have it worse as only children or you do with a nuisance sibling. When do they actually had back to school. The reason for the two and two is that the first two nights just aren't working on priceline so we figured we could split them up and the different home base would help with our sightseeing too.


Baby, where is your water and stick to that class. It sounds like fun! So are you seriously considering next May! We are booked in the same cabin that we had on the last Galaxy TA. He got me fax and called me to ask for the cabin number that I wanted. I'm thinking that the fact that our 3/3/08 Century cruise was canceled by X (went charter) gave a bit of extra motivation since it was an on board booking.


Sheila, same here and have walked away from the scale in favor of clothes fitting and measurements. Sounds like some fun plans replacing cruises.


OK, last 24 hours have been busy with plans and changes. First we booked the East bound TA on Galaxy for May of next year. Great itinerary and great price plus Joe has always wanted to do an east bound. Second, X gave us our first ever upgrade on X and moved us from a cat 4 outside to a 2A balcony for our cruise next month. I hand picked the outside since it was over sized but the balcony is right by the elevators which will help with Joe. Next couple of weeks will involve more testing and then appointments set up with specialists to see if they can get him closer to normal. Meantime, packing light is major priority and keep port touring simple and easy is mandatory.


OK, better run! It's late and he still isn't really moving so need to get him going!


Hi to all the rest and have a great weekend!

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Hi girls! Not much to report....just doing the same old, same old.


Donna ~ I wish we were doing a cruise also. DH asked me the other day if I wanted to do a Western Caribbean cruise next Sept./Oct. I said, NO! Hello, hurricanes! I know they cruise around them, but don't want to take the chance. LOL


Hope Belle is doing OK.


Take care, ladies. :D

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Donna, I am SO tempted by the Galaxy TA next May. I found it late Thursday night and then we were off to Toronto. Now I called and the cabins available are not so great. ALSO, big question. We have to book with air because one ways from Rome are over $1900!!! Then we have to add the one way to Miami, which is over $200. Obviously, our own air is out of the question! So, when I asked at Celebrity if I can do air deviation because we would do this cruise only if we can add a few days in Rome, the agent answered that the question could not be answered unless I gave a deposit and had a booking. Is that ridiculous, or what. Why would I give a deposit if there is a strong possibility that I could not stay in Rome? They are so inefficient, it is incredible.


I will phone the custom air department tomorrow morning. According to her, they will give me the same answer. If I can't get the information, I will go back to Plan B which is a land trip to France. Plan A was the Century in July to Norway, but we are having doubts about this cruise.


Gotta go. Will write more later.


Hope you are all well!

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Donna, I am SO tempted by the Galaxy TA next May. I found it late Thursday night and then we were off to Toronto. Now I called and the cabins available are not so great. ALSO, big question. We have to book with air because one ways from Rome are over $1900!!! Then we have to add the one way to Miami, which is over $200. Obviously, our own air is out of the question! So, when I asked at Celebrity if I can do air deviation because we would do this cruise only if we can add a few days in Rome, the agent answered that the question could not be answered unless I gave a deposit and had a booking. Is that ridiculous, or what. Why would I give a deposit if there is a strong possibility that I could not stay in Rome? They are so inefficient, it is incredible.


I will phone the custom air department tomorrow morning. According to her, they will give me the same answer. If I can't get the information, I will go back to Plan B which is a land trip to France. Plan A was the Century in July to Norway, but we are having doubts about this cruise.


Gotta go. Will write more later.


Hope you are all well!


C2C already has his air deviation so it can be done! Not so sure that they have the best air option even for you but taking it is a safety net and you can always cancel before final payment. Joe is freaking but that is absolutely to be expected. He still wants the March Galaxy cruise which is definitely more expensive than this one so I'm thinking that this is a pretty sure thing even with all his noise. Add Joan, Terri and Gail at dinner for 12 nights next month and he doesn't stand a chance! It would be fantastic to get to cruise together so keep working on it!


Hi to everyone else. Have to run!


Have a great evening!

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Taking it one day at a time.

Been having ups and downs with

my parents. My father still hanging

in there. He's trying to be up beat.

My mother's attitude is the

pits. Making Dad's time here not the

best. Know most of it not her fault but

she makes it where you don't want to be

around her.


Thank you for all your kind thoughts and

concerns for my parents and me. Some days

are really hard.


Your all taking trips this year and now your

talking about a TA on the Galaxy! I loved our

25 days on her last year. I'm jealous!


Baby, I LOVE Palm Springs, Palm Desert ect.

What do you want to know? How long are

you going for?

Winter is the most exspensive time for hotels

and such. If staying for awhile, renting a condo

is a good idea.

Lots of places to eat there. Couple of places I

really like. I love sitting outside, eating, people watching.

Everyone is so happy.

Everyone walks the town in the evening. (main street)

You can take the Tram up the mountain. Great views

from there. Take it up in day time, back at night. That

way get the day views and then all the lights at night.

They have a Follies Show there, in

Palm Springs,( not on the mountain) all the

cast is over 55, up to the 80's. All were in show business

at one time. What they do is amazing for their ages.

They usually have a guest star.

Every Thursday they close some of the main street

and have a Street Fair. Sell everything and have music.

There are a few casinos around too, they have big name

entertainers, slots and tables and food.

There's other theatres around that have entertainers,

plays and music. Plus the movie shows.

The main thing they have is..warm weather, pools..

winter cooler than summer of course but warmer than

where you are. In fact in winter they have a lot of

"snow birds" from Canada that come for weeks and months at

a time.


Hope everyone has a great week. Love you ALL! HUGS!

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Belle ~ Glad to hear from you! I know it is tough when one parent is in a foul mood and the other one is trying to be upbeat. At least your DH is trying. I guess your DM is just so sad that she can't help but be in a bad mood. I'm still sending you lots of hugs, love, prayers, and special thoughts from Alabama.

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Belle, Lots more hugs coming your way! Do they think that drugs would help your Mom? Sometimes that is the only way though it doesn't always work. Mine isn't on the mood ones (15 others) because the doctor said point blank that drugs wouldn't make her problems go away but just make her easier to handle (as in force out of her home). We have talked about this for a long time but it seemed so far away.


Every time I book anything, I wonder if we'll be able to go. We have gone through some rough times with Mom and are really lucky that they have leveled off at this point but I know it won't last forever. Just hoping to get Joe closer to 100% before the problems there start up again.


Sheila, you should be very excited right now!


Carolyn, When does school start back? How is your Mom doing?


Baby, Where is your water? Your definitely going to get a head start on behaving since we are cruising next month. We'll have to help each other next May! Better plan, lose everything + before so we don't have to worry about behaving!


Yes, Baby and I have booked the same cruise and we did it just in time since the price is skyrocketing. Joe really wants a specific Caribbean cruise so if the price comes down on that, I will have to switch but it is very unlikely that it will and even unlikelier that he'll know about it.

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School doesn't come fast enough... I've been sick and luckily Mike was able to pull his vacation days so that they weren't "lost".. weather's been icky rain and cool... definitely back to school weather. Libby got a great teacher so she's looking forward to going back. Know exactly how you feel about your Mom... holding up "ok" (for now which is great). Guess she knows that you can't jump on things since you've got Joe's issues to follow up on. Hope things are going in the "right direction" for a more complete recovery.

As for my Mom ... she's got a UTI which can't be treated with anything. Her blood work is coming back fine (kidney functions, CBC etc.. anemia even improving which is great since she's been on procrit for a long time now) so they've decided to just "wait and see". Realized that since we didn't have any "firm" vacation plans (ie. cruise or fly/land vacation) we didn't get to do anything. Had a feeling that this would happen and now will be more vigilant to follow through on this when the opportunity arises in the near future to avoid this situation for next year.

Belle, Prayers from CT that things hold with your Dad and you're Mother gets less difficult. Probably she's mixed up by everything and this may be her way of coping (esp. since she's no longer in her previous home)... doesn't make it any easier on you though. It's the pits being the main caregiver. Wish there was an easier way to go... any organizations that may help you?

Well, think I better get my hair washed (in the sink which means I got to get the dinner/breakfast dishes sorted out) and then take the kids out.

To bring myself back on topic for this thread.. I've been very careful w/eating (well sometimes not caring to eat) and (dare I post this since it might backlash now).. been good and the scale is finally moving ever so slowly. Still got a ways to go before I hit my pre-foot weight but it's not at the year high.


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Donna ~ I'm very excited! You should be also. Looks like you're leaving before me. What is the itinerary of your whole trip?


Carolyn ~ I'm really proud of you for sticking with your WOE! It's great that the scale is moving in the right direction!


Baby ~ Where are you?


Belle ~ How's your dear Mom & Dad doing?


I guess I'm doing something right....even staying off the scale. My pants are fitting looser and that is how I'm measuring my success. I've been working out really hard. My WOE is just OK, but my calorie allotment has increased since I don't have very much to lose.

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Still here. My father had a setback.

I've been busy. Better today.

Thank you for your prayers and thoughts.

My main wish for him is not to suffer.

Why does life have to be so hard sometime?


Shelia and Donna are you geting ready for

your trips?

Donna what ports are you going to?

Shelia is it going to be warm or cold when you go

to your friends?


Baby you and Donna going to be on the Galaxy

next May together? I loved sitting by the windows

every morning in the indoor pool area for breakfast.

Those wonderful waffles. Loved looking at the water.

Oh the memories!


Carolyn kids in school now? You have some peace and quiet now.


You all be good this weekend. Thinking of you all. Hugs.

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Libby's starts school on Thursday... Alex goes to "training" on Saturday and registration on Monday...

Belle, hope you're Dad's as comfortable as possible and you've gotten a bit of time for yourself.

Libby's calling so gotta run.

Sheila, Donna... I'm sure you're trying to get your final travel arrangements in order. At least you're allowed a bit more luggage weight for overseas flights.

Baby, where are you... hope you're well and drinking your water. Don't stay away if the scale isn't 'kind" (it hasn't been so for me though I've been trying).


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Hi All,

Once again I've been following this thread everyday. Just lurking.


Belle--I feel so much for you. My prayers & thoughts are also with you. I don't understand why life has to be so hard. I guess we "were never promised rose gardens". Along with the good comes the bad. Getting older is never easy and watching loved ones do it is oh so hard. ((((Prayers & Hugs))))


Carolyn-- you make me realize how fortunate my sister & I are. We have a very good relationship, we are best friends, and she is my mother's main caregiver. You make me think even more of her than I already do and I would wish that everycare giver who has siblings had a relationship like we do. (((HUGS to you)))).


Donna-- I am so sorry to read of all your troubles. I don't know which is scarier, husband or Mom. Well, okay I know in my situation but hard to know for others. Am glad that Joe is improving and you are able to continue to cruise.


Shelia--- just in case I go back to "lurking" let me say...SCOTLAND---WOW!! That is one of my top places to visit. It is even better when you have friends who will show you the real Scotland. Enjoy every moment.


Baby---I loved reading about the wedding. It sound like everything came together just as everyone wanted. I'll bet you looked just wonderful, almost as good as the bride.;)


As for me, I'm hanging in. WOE what WOE???? If it doesn't move I'm eating it. There's alot going on in my life. When I saw Dr. and after we talked he said "I'm not going to say anything about your weight, you & I both know you need to get it off, and eating back under control, but that not going to happen now and all I'll do is stress you out more." At least he understands. Like Carolyn, same days I do well, and others.....


Hope life starts treating all of you wonderful ladies better.



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Linda ~ Hello! So good to "see" you on here. I hope things improve for you and you can get your WOE under control. Scotland is a wonderful and magical place. I hope you can visit one day.


Belle ~ {{{HUGS}}} sweetie! It is suppose to be around 55 degrees while we're in Scotland. Our friends said it is colder in the Highlands. I bought a new jacket yesterday that is fleece in the lining and rainproof on the outside. That's the only thing I've done to get prepared. LOL I hope your DF is doing better today. Take care!


Carolyn ~ Good luck getting the kids back to school. I know you'll be glad to have a little bit of "me" time during the day.


Donna & Baby ~ Hello! :D

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Sorry I haven't been on much.

My father isn't doing good. If

fact the nurse told me tonight he

only has 24 to 48 hrs to live.

It's so sad but good for him,

so he won't have to suffer any more.

You know what I mean.

It's hard for all of us but my mother

I don't know how's she going to act or be,

with all her problems. Only time will tell.


Please say prayers for my father that what

ever happens it is the best for him.


I might not get on for awhile, if I don't..


Donna have a great trips. Donna

hope Joe and your mother are doing well.


Shelia have a good time with your friends

on your vacation.


Baby hope your enjoying your swimming. Come

on here even if not losing.


Carolyn is it nice the kids are back in school?

Quiet time for you.


Linda so good to see you. Sorry your going thru

a lot of stress right now. Take care.


Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers.

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