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I know I sound sound like an old fart but...


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Happy Stamper, I hope we meet on a cruise ship one day. I think I like you. :D


My DH has been retired for a few years now, so no suits required for work anymore. Yay! That does not negate the necessity for him to own one. Our social circles dictate the need for one. He would never be caught dead at a wedding, funeral or social event in anything less than a suit. And for him, it has to be stylish. No out of date suit for him. Gosh I love that man! :D


Maybe we can arrange a group cruise for us old farts. What do you think? :p


As for hats in the sanctuary - I am speechless!



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Don't feel like you have to spend a fortune on a suit if you don't wear one regularly. There are lots of options -- thrift stores, discount stores, etc. I know one place by us has tuxes for about $100, and tux shirts for $10. You can also find nice jackets on sale for about $50 (or less) if you look and catch the sales.


I made my husband get a suit for our upcoming cruise (and weddings and any funerals that might come up) and got it on sale at Penneys -- about $120.


I can totally understand that most guys don't wear suits all the time -- but a suit is like a punchbowl. You won't need it often, but when you need it there's nothing else that will do. :D

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mmacdcc - I love that - a suit is like a punchbowl! Very true. My husband has no need for a suit for work, but does own "punchbowl" clothes!


He decided he needed a new jacket this year and he actually enjoyed shopping for one.

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  • 3 months later...
mmacdcc - I love that - a suit is like a punchbowl! Very true. My husband has no need for a suit for work, but does own "punchbowl" clothes!


He decided he needed a new jacket this year and he actually enjoyed shopping for one.



My husband is a computer programmer...he wears jeans and t-shirts to work so he had no use for a suit either. However, we're going on two cruises this year and I told him he had to have one. We went shopping and he loved it. He liked the attention he received from the salesperson. He helped him pick a shirt/tie combinations and such. More importantly, he loved how he looked in it. He's so proud of it thay he now wears it to events that he would have just put on his sports jacket for before. Now I think I need to buy a punch bowl.....

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It's been well over a decade since I've owned or worn a suit -- last time was high school graduation, or maybe a funeral.


There's just not much call for a suit or even a suite coat in modern life. I have black dress slacks and white dress shirts for job interviews and dinner out at a good restaurant.


I am unclear on why I would choose to own a jacket which I never wear and which doesn't actually keep me warm nor dry?

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It's been well over a decade since I've owned or worn a suit -- last time was high school graduation, or maybe a funeral.


There's just not much call for a suit or even a suite coat in modern life. I have black dress slacks and white dress shirts for job interviews and dinner out at a good restaurant.


I am unclear on why I would choose to own a jacket which I never wear and which doesn't actually keep me warm nor dry?


How about because it looks good? :) I can't speak for all women of course, but I know that when men put a nice suit on it makes them look handsome to me personally. Same with a woman who wears a nice dress or skirt and shirt. She looks better dressed up like that than in her sweatsuit, right?


I work at a place where we have business casual but most of us just wear jeans and a shirt, unless we're going to be seeing the client, in which case the guys wear a suit and the women either wear a dress or a suit. I can't say I miss being uncomfortable at work but it does feel weird to me still when I"m sitting at a meeting and we're all in our jeans. I think it started with the dot.com people who really don't have to see the public. Most of my computer-type friends don't own many dressy clothes but they do own at least one outfit that they could wear to a wedding/funeral/out to dinner with that special someone. ;)

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There's just not much call for a suit or even a suite coat in modern life. I have black dress slacks and white dress shirts for job interviews and dinner out at a good restaurant.


I am unclear on why I would choose to own a jacket which I never wear and which doesn't actually keep me warm nor dry?


Using your logic, why would women ever wear dresses? "Modern life" absolutely has many occasions for suits and formal dress. Certainly if you have no desire to present yourself well to others (and I am obviously including appearance here), then go without. I feel differently, and dress in a manner that I am comfortable with.

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My husband doesn't own a suit. He doesn't need one, we live in the Philippines and people very rarely wear suits. For weddings, funerals and formal events men wear a barong tagalog - beautifully embroidered garment made from jusi or pina fabric with dark trousers. This is what my husband will be wearing on formal night.

I don't think people should be judged because they don't own a suit, a lot depends on the culture they were raised in or the different values they have, it is not necessarily that they are disrespectful. Remember not everyone on these boards and go on cruises are from the same cultural or social backgrounds.

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Hi Kes:) your husband's outfit sounds very appropriate (to me). And you are correct different backgrounds have different choices.


So, nonesuch, may I ask where you are from? And you are in your young 30s? You said:


"It's been well over a decade since I've owned or worn a suit -- last time was high school graduation, or maybe a funeral."


I am thinking graduation is when you are about 18~so you are in the 30 range?


Why would you have a suit? For those reasons, a funeral, a special occassion, a formal night on a cruise;)

Personally, I think your outfit would look much more "finished" if you had a jacket on over that white shirt.

I have a couple of black dresses but don't wear them very often. But I feel like It is better to have them, just in case.

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My 16 year old son has a black sports coat and dark tan dress slacks. He also has 5 ties and 3 dress shirts to go with the sports coat. When we purchased it 2 years ago, I spent maybe $75 on the jacket, thinking he would wear it maybe 2-3 times. Fortunately, he hasn't grown much in the last 2 years (he's 6'4") I think his major growth is out of the way. He has worn the sports coat probably 10 times in the last 2 years. We don't have occasion to dress up frequently, but he is prepared when the opportunity does arrive.


He is in the French Club at high school, he has gone to several school dances, we have taken 3 cruises since the purchase. He wore it to middle school graduation. My point is, you can get plenty of wear from a sports coat or suit if you have one. His friends are always very impressed when he wears it, even other boys, because dressing up just isn't part of the culture like it used to be. The look is just so much more finished than just a shirt and tie. I'm very glad that he enjoys dressing when the occasion calls for it and he understands why.

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In my experience people here in Kona don't normally wear suits either. Not for funerals , weddings or dinner our in the nicest of restaurants. They just don't have them. I even looked at Macys awhile back and they didn't even have one in stock. lol :) My DH bought a jacket at the Salvation Army last year for our first cruise because I made him! Heaven forbid we don't fit in! He kind of liked getting dressed up much to my surprise and this year I found him a beautiful suit on Ebay for $12.99 so he will be in that on formal nights. I don't really care what people wear. I love to people watch and look at all the different styles and flavors they have. Everyone is entitled to there opinions and the best I can do is agree to disagree on some small things like clothes and shoes and to respect you and treat you with loving kindness no matter what you are wearing or what that opinion might be.;)



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I have an age old question......Who and what gives any of us the right to judge? Are the dress codes clearly explained in the cruise literature? Has the person ever been on a cruise before? Is it a couple who has saved for years and years to celebrate a happy occasion and didn't know you need a fancy tux or dress for a dinner. What seems disrespectful to me is for someone to try and impose their values on me without even taking the time to know me as a person. I for one wouldn't choose to cruise with most of the persons who started and replied to this thread. And no I'm not some young thing who is insulted I'm 50+ yrs of age and a health care professional who has rubbed elbows with both the poorest and most destitude as well as those who are significantly more fortunate. I have no problem with those who enjoy dressing up etc.... to each his own as long as they donot treat me any differently because I might not be in sequins or dressed nautically correct by their standards. Common sense certainly should prevail in an employment situation and hopefully any applicant would be aware of dress codes. To attend a wedding or a funeral as long as someone is neat and clean just the fact a person took time to pay respect says a great deal more than what they wore. Another comment had to do with hats in church, before condemning the young man consider whether or not he has been taught not to wear a hat indoors period let alone in church. When I was young, women ALWAYS covered their heads while attending Mass.

queeng you seem like my kind of person. I bet you and your friends have fun and make people smile where ever you go. I don't travel the "foo-foo" circuit so I probably won't cross paths with most of you but if I do you'll recognize me as the one who is dressed in a clean T-shirt and cut-offs during the day, and probably similar in the evening(just a different pair of shorts and top). I will smile say hello and make an effort to be friendly no matter what you might be dressed in. If I find it offensive I may or may not open my mouth to comment depends on if I think it would be worth making the effort.

My point is lighten up, there are much more important things to worry about than such trivial matters in this life time. I can't speak for anyone else but for me life is to short and I don't have time to worry I'm to busy enjoying!!!:)

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vinceygirl - point taken but you have to realize that this is a "cruise fashion" board....people ask about various fashion issues and solicit opinions, which are given. I could see your point if someone were to criticize someone's clothing choice in a different venue but again..this is the place to discuss fashion choices on board a cruise.
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vinceygirl, To answer your first question, I think most of here are not judging, but giving honest opinions as they are asked. To answer your second question, yes the cruiseline does outline the dress codes in their brochures, very clearly explained.

I think you should perhaps cool off a bit and read through the posts here carefully. Most of the people who come here are very friendly and come here to ask questions and to share. It is a fashion board, of course we are going to discuss clothes. I'm also in my 50's and fairly conservative and quite friendly. I try my best not to judge and I will keep trying to help people here when I can. I love the excitment of new cruisers and value the opinion of people more experienced than I.

If I don't have anything nice to say, I try to say nothing at all.

BTW, welcome to the fashion board, you are very welcome here.
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The average temp for April is 79 high and 64 low with the record high being 85 and the record low being 59. I looked it up on the weather underground.
The weather is as unpredictable here as elsewhere but I think that March and April as well as October and November are my favorite months. We had lots of rain at the beginning of this year but none for a month or so. My DH is out on the high seas trying to catch a Marlin with my nephew today and they have a beautiful clear day for it.
How you ever been to Kona before? April is a popular month. In the spa business it is considered the "season" meaning busy time. Spring break and all that. I think anytime is a good time to visit. I see you are cruising these parts. Will you have time in Kona? Every island has its own flavor. They are all different. I am partial to this one of course but like we all say "Lucky we live Hawaii"
Let me know if I can be of any help to you on info here.
Aloha, Ginger
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[b]queeng.. Thanks for the info.. This will be our second time in Kona, the first many many years ago. We will be in Kona from 8am to 6pm. As of now, nothing planned.. Not sure if I want to take a Princess sponsored tour or just wander around on my own. Any suggestions.[/b]


[b]PS.. Love your name "Ginger".. Same as my wife's...[/b] :D
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You could rent a car and crusie around a little. Not to much to see right off the boat in town but get out of town a ways and it is much more beautiful. Go south and it gets tropical fast. Go north and hit good beaches(we are not know for beaches being the "youngest" island. But we have 'em) Feel free to email me if you want info. I feel bad we kind of stole this thread. lol [email="Queeng@hawaii.rr.com"]Queeng@hawaii.rr.com[/email]

I love my name too! My given name is Virginia but I have always been Ginger. I am named after a favorite Grandma.

PS I am jealous your cruise is so soon! Have a spectacular time.
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[quote name='HappyStamper']At the risk of sounding like my grandma I have to ask- Don't men wear suits for important occasions anymore? I am surprised by the number of posts that start with "My husband/boyfriend doesn't own a suit. Does he really need one?" What do these men wear when they attend a wedding or funeral? Same question for those asking if children need to follow the dress codes. My husband and son don't wear suits for work but they do own appropriate clothing for special occasions. And, no, we aren't made of money. We feel that wearing nice clothes shows respect for your hosts and that you recognize the importance of the event. My family and I will be enjoying our first cruise at the end of the month and will be following the guidelines for dining room attire as a sign of respect to our host, the captain, and our dinner companions. Just call me old-fashioned! :)[/QUOTE]

I agree with you 100 percent but I am afraid you are in for a letdown. People just don't dress anymore and that includes cruises. I do hate it because to me that was part of the aviance of cruising-I am beginning to feel I may as well spend a week at the beach instead of going on a cruise.

But this trend is not just cruiseships. We like to go the the smyphony once or twice a year. People used to dress formally for that- but now like 75% are dressed in khakis and you even see a few in blue jeans.

Same goes for weddings and even funerals. At my brother-inlaw's grave side service last year I met his ex-wife's daughter, (he was married 3 times-my sister was his first and third wife) this woman was around 40 or a little older and she wore a tacky tee shirt with writting on it and blue jeans to his funneral. I could not believe it and she was definetly old enough to know better.
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Knowing "better" isn't really the issue, I believe, but rather it is a matter of personal preference, in this case. Ask folks who dress casually at the symphony, and I'll bet that most of them are incredibly intelligent, and made an informed, lucid decision to dress as they did, rather than it being related to any lack of knowledge. I find myself in many circumstances where I'm comparatively overdressed, but that doesn't mean that either myself nor the folks dressed more casually are off-target -- just that we view attire differently.
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[quote name='bicker']Knowing "better" isn't really the issue, I believe, but rather it is a matter of personal preference, in this case. Ask folks who dress casually at the symphony, and I'll bet that most of them are incredibly intelligent, and made an informed, lucid decision to dress as they did, rather than it being related to any lack of knowledge. I find myself in many circumstances where I'm comparatively overdressed, but that doesn't mean that either myself nor the folks dressed more casually are off-target -- just that we view attire differently.[/QUOTE]
Maybe that's true, but I still think that most folks [B]DO[/B] know better, they just don't give a sh*t. We may live in a more casual world nowadays, but I still believe that certain occasions (weddings, funerals,etc.) call for a certain type of dress unless you've been told explicitly otherwise. But with so many people feeling so "entitled" to do whatever they want whenever they want, regardless of what others think, no one really cares anymore. And I think it's kind of sad. :(
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