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Anyone ELSE not make it to Fanning Island?


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:mad: We were also on the 11/3 sailing of the Wind. I agree with Tiggersgrl that we paid for a 10 day cruise with 4 sea days and the remaining days in ports. What we got was 5 sea days, missed ports and when we did make the ports we were hours late. Our group was really looking forward to the stop in Fanning Island. Instead all we got was a view of the island. This "engine" problem seems to be an ongoing thing on the Wind. They are having problems again on the sailing this week and I understand this has been going on since last spring. Yes the ship is clean, crew is wonderful, but I really wanted to see Hawaii. I and many passengers feel we did not get what we paid for. This was our 5th cruise. Our first on the Wind. I will never sail on the Wind again.


Estcstgrl -- Have you considered contacting NCL to inquire about some kind of refund/credit? We're planning on it. I think that the itinerary should have been revised on day one - before we even left Honolulu since they knew there was engine trouble. They could have taken us to other ports in the islands instead of making 1700 passengers use their "Hawaiian" vacation out at sea.

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A few years back we went on Carnvial Ecstasy to the Mexican Riveira and sailed straight into a hurricane. How they could not know that was out there was beyond me, maybe it changed direction or something, but we spent an absolutely MISERABLE full day and night taking turns throwing up in the toilet, with huge waves and lashing rain coming down on the ship...it was scary. When the captain got us out of trouble and out into clear water again, the announcement was made we wouldn't be making any of our scheduled stops, only making one unscheduled to Ensenada on the way back because of the hurricane. There was an absolute uproar on the ship. People were ticked that we were not going to the scheduled ports...HELLO they were being battered by a hurricane! The captain had to hold a forum to discuss the decision he made to take us out of the hurricane...there were even people claiming there was a hole in the ship! It was really ridiculos. So, what should have been a 7 day trip with four shore days ended up a 7 day trip with 5 days at sea...and even with the horrid night of seasickness and generally being scared, I still consider that the best vacation of my life.


We are going on the Wind next week. I'm glad I'm forewarned about the engine trouble, but I am goign on the cruise for the cruise. If we don't hit ports, so be it. Happens to every cruise liner. Unfortunatley unlike airlines you don't have an option to wait for the next one to come around to take you where you need to go. It's one ship, and if things go wrong then it's difficult to make the trip absolutely perfect. I'm sure you would have been more ticked off if you had arrived in Hawaii to realise that the ship wasn't going at all, and have to find your accomodation, your meals, your trips, etc completely unbooked and have to scramble around in that sense. Either way it isn't ideal, but the captain made the best decision he could....give the passengers the cruise, hope they could fix the problem while at sea and give them as many ports as possible.


For what it's worth, Carnival gave us a $100 voucher off our next cruise, so you may get some small compensation, but I wouldn't be looking for a lot. They have heaps of disclaimers about missing ports so they are covered well in that sense.

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Estcstgrl -- Have you considered contacting NCL to inquire about some kind of refund/credit? We're planning on it. I think that the itinerary should have been revised on day one - before we even left Honolulu since they knew there was engine trouble. They could have taken us to other ports in the islands instead of making 1700 passengers use their "Hawaiian" vacation out at sea.

Yes we are absolutely going to contact NCL as are most of the people in our group.

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Myself and my new bride spent our honeymoon on the wind that is referenced here that missed fanning Island. We too are disappointed to have missed fanning, but things do happen. Someone mentioned about other missing ports, but that was not true. we were late at other ports but NCL simply extended the time to embark. We feel that they made the best of the situation, on excursions that were cancelled (very few were) they offered alternate excursions at 1/2 price. The cruise itself was wonderful compared to other cruises. I like the days at sea and it sounds like fanning can be seen in all of a few hours. NCL readjusted the itenerary so we could make all our others ports and did a wonderful job. So all in all we only missed 2-3 hours on fanning! By the way NCL flew in two engineers from Germany on the day we left port to work on the down engine and they hoped to get the engines running, but the problems required parts that had to be shipped in. I cant believe how wonderful the cruise was and we only missed out 2-3 hours at one port. Hats off to NCL

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I am going to be on the Wind cruise that departs 11/24, and I agree totally with Tukkerlove. I'm glad to be forewarned about the potential for problems, but heck, I'm going to be on vacation! Someone is going to be making my bed for me! Someone is going to be cooking for me! Someone else will be cleaning the bathroom! I can get a drink with an umbrella pretty much any time I want! If that ain't heaven, then I don't know what is.

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:( On the 10/2 sailing we had to turn around enroute to Fanning because of a medical emergency. We were very disappointed because we had been really looking forward to it after hours of computer research about the island. We had brought along a large bag of school supplies and also picked up several soccer balls while in Hilo @ Wal Mart to take to the school on Fanning. We gave all to the girls at the reception desk and they were delighted to take them down on the next trip. I'm absolutely positive that they got there. :) After returning to the big island (we dropped off the emergency @ Kona in the middle of the night) we continued to cruise the islands and got a chance to view Molokai with a day time sail. It was very beautiful. We also returned to Kauai where we had been three days before. It was beautiful and we enjoyed the return. Next we were back in Hilo again and enjoyed a walking trip there. Then disappointment #2. We were to sail around 6 p.m. and view the volcano at night which, I understand, is wonderful to see. However, one of the stern lines got tangled in the prop shaft and divers couldn't get it loose until the wee hours of the morning so we missed that also. Our arrival the next day off Kona was late and a lot of tours were cancelled. We were able to go on ours which was in the afternoon. The shore excursion staff worked very hard to make everything go as smoothly as humanly possible. They had to listen to an awful lot of sore people b****ing at them when it wasn't their fault. When the first indident happened, the ship has to contact Miami and they make all the decisions about where the ship can go, etc. They have to coordinate with all the other cruise lines in the area as well as the ports. I agree that the Wind seems to have more trouble than most, but I must say we were treated with up to date info and patience. Go with the flow... enjoy where you are and make alternative happiness for the day. Don't give up on NCL and use that passport for other wonderful trips by land or by sea. It's one of the best investments you can make. ;)

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I don't know what cruise you were on but on the 11/3 sailing we were late into every port because of the engine. We missed the whole day at Fanning Island not 2-3 hrs. We were 4 hrs. late into Kona after they adjusted the itinerary causing problems for people like us who had booked excursions not thru the ship. We were also late into Kuwaii by 2-3 hrs. The only port we made on time was Mauii, the last day! Yes the cruise was nice but I also booked this cruise for the ports of call.

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My Husband & myself feel the same as Tiggersgrl regarding NCL - This is our 3rd cruise with NCL & our last but have been on 11 cruises with many lines - We booked this particular cruise since it was my husband's 65th birthday the day we were to be at Fanning & could not think of anything more special & wonderful to remember this occasion by than a once in a lifetime opportunity to spend this 1 day in the S. Pacific on a very special island that is inaccessible by any other means - We originally got favorable impression of ship when boarded - It was clean & people were friendly & courteous but no one rec'd. flower leis - Food started out good first 2 days & then deteriorated & was mediorce to terrible after that - We also read on this website re previous engine problems dating back to Apr. 2003 but felt NCL would not take out a ship that was in need of repair - They also went out again on day we disembarked with same engine problem - This is inexcusable - The wait staff in Terraces Dining Rm. usually very good -Scrambled eggs are inedible :mad: - Fruit was in short supply & many times was not ripe enough to eat - LeBistro Rest. is overrated & not worth extra $15 per person for steak that's the same as in other free rest's. The Pizzeria food is terrible - Entertainment was poor except for Jose & Patti in Observation Lounge who were wonderful - The comedian/juggler was the worst of any cruise & some people walked out - On day were to dock @Fanning Isl. were told would arrive late afternoon & no one could go ashore but tender for humantarian purposes - Tender only went to get documents signed & returned in less than 1/2 hr - Everyone was utterly disappointed when saw this awesome isl. with the most incredible colors of water imaginable that we would never be able to touch - The change in ports thereafter was ok if booked tours thru NCL - We had 2 tours canc'd., 1 @Kona & 1 @Kauai - We didn't come all this way & pay so much for a shpg. expedition - Our dream was to see beautiful settings in interior of isl. plus to have sufficient port time to see something - The port times were cut in half for Kona & Kauai - I also had problem with beauty shop - 1st. appointment beautician was sea sick - 2nd appointment they had a terrible superior attitude& said I cancelled & the shop was closed & beautician was onshore in Lahaina - NCL has robbed us along with the other 1700+ passengers of what we paid for in advance - They did give everyone 1 glass of wine the day survey forms were handed out - We & our travel agent feel NCL misrepresented itself & knew previously of engine problems - If everyone else ran a business like this you sure wouldn't last long - This is utterly thoughtless & they will continue to treat all future customers the same if everyone goes along with these tactics

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I, too, cruised the 11/3 Wind. Did so having sailed this ship 4 years ago and was very pleased. Have cruised many times on different cruise lines. You guys need to give tiggersgrl a break. You weren't there.

The company and captain sent us out knowingly without an engine, a rookie could have figured it out the night we left. Many on the ship considered it unsafe.

Not only did we completely miss a port, we were so short in another, that we couldn't do anything at all except hit the area of shops at the port, that is seeing a lot ot Hawaii. And still some were told there wasn't enough time for everyone to go ashore.

Then, we were late still for other ports.

This was an anniversary trip for my husband and myself and our best friends. Our friends had never cruised before. My husband and I love days at sea, however we didn't know how it would be for our friends, so this seemed the perfect answer. 2 days, island, 2 days..... Instead we had 5+ days and our friends were absolutely miserable.

The worst of it was that we weren't the only ones disappointed, as I have never seen a ship full of so many P.O.'d cruisers. Typically cruisers are easy going, but not these folks. I saw and heard of things that I am sure these people would not normally do. They were just frustrated and angry.

On top of that, when people on shore asked what ship I was on, they said that the same ship had been w/o and engine on the earlier cruises.

So give tiggersgrl a break. You weren't there.

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I am married to cjaw1974. Just wanted to add to what she said.:mad:

I own my own business. If somebody purchases or leases something from me and I cannot fulfill my lease or contract, and knew I could not before said date of contract, I would at least inform them and the reasons, or give them a refund. It would be their decision based on TRUTH. :mad: Not on LIES and DECEPTION. I feel completely cheated and abused. I have been on several cruises on various lines. I think NCL owes me big time, as this situation, the way they handled an engine out, was deceptive and dangerous. :mad: What if we had trouble a thousand miles out with the main engine? Isn't there some maritime law regarding safety, especially when you knowingly put people at risk? I will also report to my credit card company, but the best advise I have was recommended to me. Contact the Department of Transportation. They gave NCL this contract and when they find out that they are knowingly selling these cruises and it is a crap shoot if you will make it to Fanning, or any destination, there will be retribution.

P.S. To the nut case who thought we didn't miss anything, From what I hear Fanning was exactly what I was looking and PAID for, a little bit of old Hawaii.:mad:

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The company and captain sent us out knowingly without an engine, a rookie could have figured it out the night we left.
I'm not trying to antagonize you with this question. I'm asking seriously. Would you rather have had your cruise canceled and given a future cruise credit? And how do you think 1700 other people would have liked that idea? I ask because it seems this ship has had engine problems in the past and the only thing that may get it fixed is a prolonged dry dock. Should NCL cancel say 2 months of cruises and give future cruise credit to thousands? Or is it better to have a cruise that misses one port? Again, I'm seriously interested in your perspective.


I'm sorry to hear that the Wind is having these problems now. I cruised the Wind four times between 1999 and 2001 and we never had engine problems.

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I am booked on the Wind next April. I hope to go to Fanning, as have been to all of the islands on land vacations. But, I know stuff happens. And I was on The Wind last fall, with no problems then.


What I want to know is, does no one ever read their cruise contract? ALL cruiselines have the right to change your itinerary, for a good reason, or ANY reason! One shouldn't be cruising, if a missed port and delays will make you so upset!


When I was on the NCL Sea a few years ago, in Nov., we missed Cancun due to high seas, and it being a tender port. You know, I still haven't been to Cancun! And I will live just the same, if I never get to Cancun! I'd like to, but I'm not going to suffer unduly, if I never do get there!


I doubt very much that NCL will do anything for you folks. They may just remind you of the signed contract you have with them! Don't sign, and don't go cruising, if this is that important to you. I do understand being unhappy, but not so upset as to write a letter.

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I think NCL owes me big time, as this situation, the way they handled an engine out, was deceptive and dangerous. :mad: What if we had trouble a thousand miles out with the main engine? Isn't there some maritime law regarding safety, especially when you knowingly put people at risk? I will also report to my credit card company, but the best advise I have was recommended to me. Contact the Department of Transportation. They gave NCL this contract and when they find out that they are knowingly selling these cruises and it is a crap shoot if you will make it to Fanning, or any destination, there will be retribution.
Host Cecilia has already made the point that immediately came to mind reading your post and your wife's: Would you have preferred it if NCL had cancelled your cruise on embarkation day?


Going on from there, what qualifies you to say that it was unsafe to despatch the ship with one engine inoperative? How many engines does the ship have? What (other than your own emotion) makes you think that the cruise line either knew or thought that it was unsafe, and despatched you anyway?


The advice you've had is also unreliable. You don't seriously think the Department of Transportation gives cruise lines contracts to run cruises, do you? :rolleyes:

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:( My husband & myself agree with Tiggersgrl's comments regarding the Wind. We did the 3 day pre-cruise pkg @Marriott Waikiki & had a great time. We took this particular cruise out a selection of many other lines because we cruised on the Norway July '90 for 7 days to Caribbean & the Norwegian Sky for 17 day repositioning cruise from San Juan to San Francisco Apr '03 & left these cruises with favorable impressions of NCL. Also took this voyage because my husband would be celebrating his 65th birthday on Fanning Isl. & could not think of anything more special & wonderful to remember this occasion by than a once in a lifetime opportunity to spend this 1 day in the S. Pacific on a very special isl. that is inaccessible by any other means of transportation. NCL has not fulfilled its commitment to us & has broken our hearts. We originally got favorable impression once boarded ship as it was clean & everyone was courteous & friendly. By the way, no one rec'd. flower leis - The 1st. bummer. Had engine problems when left Oahu but didn't inform passengers until Nov. 5. We had read this website prior about engine problems but felt they wouldn't continue to run a ship in need of repair, but they did. Also were going back out on another voyage with add'l. 1700+ passengers with same engine condition & resulting in add'l. 1700+ passengers that would also get shortened Hawaiian experience. Poor mgmt. thinking. This is inexcusible. Wait staff in Terraces Dining Rm. very good. Food started out excellent on first 2 days & then deteriorated in quality but waiters still efficient. Scrambled eggs inedible anywhere on ship. Yuck. The steak served in LeBistro Rest. for add'l. $15 fee ea. was no different than for free in main dining rm. Fruit selection not sufficient & not ripe. Ran out of bananas 3 days into cruise & amt. of peaches & pears served diminised daily until they were also gone. Honeydue melon not ripe & watermelon was white & not red & ripe. Entertainment poor except for lovely & talented Jose & Patti in Observation Lounge, who were wonderful. Sea Legs @Sea was good. Comedian/juggler was terrible & some people walked out of performance. Buget must have been very low. The worst thing was missing Fanning. Were told @9am on that morning that would not reach isl. until afternoon & therefore no one could disembark, only 1 tender for humantarian purposes. Heartbreaking when saw this awesome isl. late in afternoon with the most incredible colors of water imaginable that we would never be able to touch. The tender did not take provisions to isl. only got documents signed so NCL would not be fined for not going to foreign port. Due to engine problems had to change balance of route which was no problem we felt for those who booked excursions through NCL but those who made private arrangements were out of luck. We then had to go through immigaration in Kona before disembarking. Origianl port time was to be 8-5, but were told repeatedly would arrive by 11:15 with noon the worst case. Well arrived @12:15 & lost out on our 6 hr. hiking tour but only found out when ready to board tender. Too late to book another tour so just walked around town & had lunch. We didn't pay this amt. of money to go on shpg. expedition in Hawaii. Our dream was to see beautiful settings in interior of isl. plus to have sufficient port time to see something. Next port of Kauai our tour for hiking also canc'd. Original port time was 8-5 but didn't get there until 11:30 or so. Late again. Also the beauty shop was another problem. 1st. appointment on formal night the beautician was sea sick & left me. The reception clerk had to redo everything as all the rollers felll out before got under dryer. 2nd appointment they were closed & stated with a superior attitude that I had canc'd my appointment & that beautician was in Lahaina. WHAT A FIASCO OF A CRUISE. NCL has robbed my husband & myself along with the other 1700+ passengers of what we paid for in advance. They gave everyone 1 glass of wine on night survey forms were issued though. NCL misrepresented itself & knew previously of engine problems since reference as far back as Apr '03 - Even with delay to ports & missing port, this ship still went out without repairs for next voyage. Our travel agent informed & will not recommend NCL in future. If everyone ran their business like NCL with no regard for its customers you wouldn't be in business long. We have been on many cruise on many different lines, in fact, have #12 booked for Feb. '05 with Princess & have never seen such thoughlessness prior. If everyone just goes along with this type of performance, NCL will continue to operate these types of vessels without thought to what their customers paid for.

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NCL misrepresented itself & knew previously of engine problems since reference as far back as Apr '03 - Even with delay to ports & missing port, this ship still went out without repairs for next voyage.
I'd like your opinion as well. Would you have preferred to get to Hawaii and had your cruise canceled or even found out a month or so before that you were canceled? Or get the cruise you got? I guess, ideally, NCL could have canceled several cruises months ago before final payment was made so they could dry dock the ship for repairs. Having said that, if repairs are needed and parts are being sent in, should NCL not run the ship and cancel cruises while they wait for parts? I don't know what the right answer is but I am interested in what you think since you were there.
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I'll be on the Wind next week also. I have to say that I would really be disappointed if my time on the Islands was cut. I've only been on one cruise before, the RCCL, "Voyager" and I'm sure the Wind won't nearly measure.



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As someone else said, you paid for a 10 day cruise and that's what you went on. If you can't accept that missed ports are always a possibility on any cruise with any cruise line, I suggest you never cruise again. Then again, things can go wrong on any type of vacation. How can you have a good time if you're willing to throw your hands up in the air and swear off certain types of travel when something happens? If you travel enough, eventually you'll have sworn off all travel.

As someone who will be sailing on the Wind next week, I do find this disturbing. I have been checking these boards thru out the summer and others have stated that they missed the Fanning Island port due to engine problems or medical emergencies. Now I know that there are a few individuals on here who are in the industry and the need to defend NCL is natural. I too would be a bit concerned with being on a ship without land for 5 days and being late for ports due to mechanical problems. At some point, I would expect NCL to fix the problem.

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I just got off the phone with NCL and they said the itinary for the current sailing of the wind has been changed due to "rutter" problems. They were still probably going to make it to Fanning Island but they didn't find out until after they were underway, at least according to the rep I spoke with at NCL

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I'm not trying to antagonize you with this question. I'm asking seriously. Would you rather have had your cruise canceled and given a future cruise credit? And how do you think 1700 other people would have liked that idea? I ask because it seems this ship has had engine problems in the past and the only thing that may get it fixed is a prolonged dry dock. Should NCL cancel say 2 months of cruises and give future cruise credit to thousands? Or is it better to have a cruise that misses one port? Again, I'm seriously interested in your perspective.


I'm sorry to hear that the Wind is having these problems now. I cruised the Wind four times between 1999 and 2001 and we never had engine problems.

I can answer that question. YES. I would rather the cruise cancelled and given a credit. My concern is for safety here and I will be doing some research on the DOT website right now to find out what my rights are before I step on the Wind next week.

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I just got off the phone with NCL and they said the itinary for the current sailing of the wind has been changed due to "rutter" problems. They were still probably going to make it to Fanning Island but they didn't find out until after they were underway, at least according to the rep I spoke with at NCL

oh man. This is really disturbing. This ship is in need of repair. I just don't see this problem being fixed for the next cruise.

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oh man. This is really disturbing. This ship is in need of repair. I just don't see this problem being fixed for the next cruise.

JMO, but I think you should cancel your cruise, because you've worked yourself up into not enjoying it anyway. As I posted earlier, EVERYONE, Read your cruise contract! In it you have signed and agreed to their terms! They only promise you a cabin, food, and entertainment, for the length of the cruise! They TRY to get you to the ports of call listed on the itinerary!


Are all of you first time cruisers? Or not very many cruises? Or never read or comprehend your docs? I'm very sorry, and hate to sound mean, but this stuff happens all the time, on all the lines, at some point or another! It may be weather related problems, mechanical, or the emergency of a passenger. STUFF happens! Guess I'll give up, and go read something that makes sense to me. :( I apologize in advance, as I know I'm going to get lambasted.

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I guess most of you just don't understand, since yiou were not there. We paid $5000 for this cruise for 2 with air fare. Its a lot different than booking a 2 for 1 cruise during hurricane season to the Caribbean or Mexico. That could be bought for as little as $500 ea. for cruise + air. Don't you think you would want them to be honest & tell you exactly what is happening? At least give you an option prior to flying that far away. I understand medical problems & weather related problems but not continual mechanical problems that could result in the safety of passengers being in question. Remember this was happening off & on since 4/03. If we would have known about missing 3 out of 5 tours, which is a very bad ratio, we would have chosen to keep our air fare open & just book hotels in Hawaii. This way we didn't even get 1/2 of the time to vist ports. :(

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Well, you're right, I was not there. But, I have been around.


If you feel compelled to write to NCL, you will get much further if you write your letter kindly, not in anger. Make some comments about the good things about the cruise, as praise goes a long way. Then in a non-confrontational manner, let them know about your expectations and disappointments. You may be fortunate to receive a future shipboard credit, on another cruise. Good luck!

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I guess most of you just don't understand, since yiou were not there. We paid $5000 for this cruise for 2 with air fare. Its a lot different than booking a 2 for 1 cruise during hurricane season to the Caribbean or Mexico. That could be bought for as little as $500 ea. for cruise + air. Don't you think you would want them to be honest & tell you exactly what is happening? At least give you an option prior to flying that far away. I understand medical problems & weather related problems but not continual mechanical problems that could result in the safety of passengers being in question. Remember this was happening off & on since 4/03. If we would have known about missing 3 out of 5 tours, which is a very bad ratio, we would have chosen to keep our air fare open & just book hotels in Hawaii. This way we didn't even get 1/2 of the time to vist ports. :(

I think I can understand how your feeling with this particular cruise. Our upcoming cruise will be eliminating the island of Tortola due to machanical problems on Dawn. While I myself am not upset about it, nor do I think the problem with Dawn is a safety issue, I think your case I might be upset missing all those excursions. It's one thing to miss one island but it's another to miss most of the rest of the islands and miss out on 3 of your tours...due to problems with the ships engines that they actually knew about.

It's a toss up as to whether I would have wanted them to cancel the cruise. I know I don't want them to cancel ours...but Hawaii is a different story in my book. Most people who cruise Hawaii do it for the ports not the cruise. It's like Alaska....ya want to see Alaska, it's as simple as that. Good customer relations should have prompted them to issue some sort of compensation. Perhaps a small refund or shipboard credit. :rolleyes:

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