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PCC - Am I Asking Too Much???


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I booked our upcoming cruise with a Personal Cruise Consultant last March. I had a nice relationship with her, as we’d booked our previous 2 cruises with her. We had several telephone conversations as well as informative emails; in December I found out she had moved to another position at HAL (that’s what I was told when she didn’t respond to an email after a month) and my file had been given to another PCC. I have left a telephone message and emails for this person and am having a hard time getting any satisfaction from him in the way of a reply. In the only phone call I did get from him, he indicated he was sending some brochures and his information to me at the end of Dec; I have yet to receive anything. Now comes my question – am I asking too much wanting a reply to my queries say within a few days of my making contact?


I phoned the general number and asked to speak to a supervisor, as I wasn’t happy having to wait for so long for information, wondering if my file should be taken over by someone with a lighter workload. A call came from another person who said that the PCC’s each had 10,000 customers annually and they get to customers whenever they can. She became quite testy when I suggested I wasn't getting the kind of service I had come to know and appreciate from HAL. After our conversation ended, I wondered if my PCC wasn’t there beside her providing excuses for her. I’m afraid to contact them again for fear my file will be flagged and we’ll be relegated to the worst cabin onboard, and the upgrade fairy will never ever find us. How long should one reasonably wait for replies to queries? Please be aware that I am not inundating the PCC with daily emails full of questions, but we’re talking about air to Europe, travel visas, letters of invitation, etc. Sigh.


Smooth Sailing! :):):)

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No, you are not asking too much. My PCC is always very prompt in returning calls and e-mails. I believe the longest I have ever waited is the end of the next business day. Generally she either answers right when I call or returns the call within an hour or so. Emails are just as quick. You might want to see about getting transferred to another PCC.

Good luck.


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I think this might be your hint to find a TA who will provide the personalized service and care that you expect -

- I wouldn't settle for less, and I don't think you should either.


I agree with Brian here. Depending on how much you know about booking yourself and how seasoned of a cruiser you are, I would think that either booking as a direct guest or through a TA might be better for you.


Here's another question... since the line itself isn't an agency, can the specific names be released? This PCC will no doubt still carry most of their clientele, but if it doesn't violate CC rules, I think the names of these 2 would be a good resource for all that use CC.


I hope everything works out for the OP, and that above all else, this isn't held against HAL for future bookings... just perhaps changes the way the OP MAKES those bookings

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That is unsatisfactory service and I would not continue to do business with that person.


Keep calling whoever/whatever number to find a new PCC to help you. That person does not deserve your business. IMO

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I think this might be your hint to find a TA who will provide the personalized service and care that you expect -

- I wouldn't settle for less, and I don't think you should either.

I couldn't have said it better myself.


Personally, I get the feeling that travel agents are in a far better position to service a customer than the cruise line. When I take a trip ... especially an elaborate one ... I want to know that I have an advocate in my corner who will make sure everything runs seamlessly for me.


Especially when it doesn't cost anything additional, why not use a TA ... and then make her work for your business?


I don't know how the PCC's at HAL or any other cruise line are compensated, but I would get the feeling that they don't get much of a commission ... probably more along the lines of a regular salary and a small commission rate. Because of this, they are really not as motivated as a travel agent to secure and keep my business. Also, the PCC represents one cruise line only. So, he's not likely to be forthright with you if it turns out that you've made a bad choice, and maybe HAL is not necessarily the best line for you and your family. But a travel agent doesn't work for any particular cruise line, and she is more likely to tell you if she thinks your choice of cruise line would not be a very good fit for you and your family.


I always prefer to deal with a travel agent ... just as I prefer to deal with a financial person who represents several investment venues and can guide me to the best one for my particular situation. And, especially since I'm not paying a dime additional to use that travel agent, it's simply a matter of "why not?"


Blue skies ...



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One really good reason to not use a TA is because there isn't a decent one left in your area.


We had a number of pretty good to excellent TA's locally but one by one they have all gone out of business the last several years. I can't think of any I would deal with.


I used a long distance TA for years very successfully for years but she left the business. I now deal with PCC and expect to get calls returned in a reasonable length of time. He knows that and obliges.


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One really good reason to not use a TA is because there isn't a decent one left in your area.


We had a number of pretty good to excellent TA's locally but one by one they have all gone out of business the last several years. I can't think of any I would deal with.


I used a long distance TA for years very successfully for years but she left the business. I now deal with PCC and expect to get calls returned in a reasonable length of time. He knows that and obliges.


I agree 100% with you. My TA really hasn't done much to assist me with any issues I've had. I'm not the most patient person in the world and by the time she has gotten of her duff to do something I've already resolved my issue. More and more I am leaning toward dealing with the cruise line directly.

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Rita, PCC's don't work on commission at all. They are regular salaried employees. I like this as I know he will do his best for my small cruise as he will for a world cruise becasue he gets paid the same regardless of the cost of my cruise.

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Thank you for your responses - I've gotten to the point where I thought maybe I was just being a nag. DH feels I should give the PCC one more chance, so I emailed him with a simple request to please contact me as I need information for others who will be travelling with us as well. I received an "out-of-office" reply and he should be in tomorrow - I left my phone numbers both at home and at the office in the hope that he will call me. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks again, I really appreciate your support.


Smooth Sailing! :):):)


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I had a situation recently with an agent at HAL when I called to get information about a sailing. Later that day I had a confirmation on my emails. I had not told her anything definite and at that time I was not sure we wanted that cruise but she proceeded to book it. Those agents are all over the country and not even at HAL. I want an agent that I know!

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I understand why you would be annoyed with her making the booking but maybe it wasn't that bad an idea??


She might have seen space was limited, you did not give her a credit card so she couldn't charge you anything but she saved the space for you just in case you decided you wanted that cruise.


Deposit has to be made quickly so it didn't come out of inventory long but she preservfed your option.


Technically, sure....she should have asked if you wanted her to do that but I'm hoping a simple reply to her e-mail that you didn't want the cabin was all you needed to do to clear up the situation.


Actually, I think all t


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I understand why you would be annoyed with her making the booking but maybe it wasn't that bad an idea??


She might have seen space was limited, you did not give her a credit card so she couldn't charge you anything but she saved the space for you just in case you decided you wanted that cruise.


Deposit has to be made quickly so it didn't come out of inventory long but she preservfed your option.


Technically, sure....she should have asked if you wanted her to do that but I'm hoping a simple reply to her e-mail that you didn't want the cabin was all you needed to do to clear up the situation.


Actually, I think all the PCC's are in Seattle. Perhaps not all reservations agents, but all the Personal Cruise Consultants. Anyone have different info about that?




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One really good reason to not use a TA is because there isn't a decent one left in your area.

I've never dealt face-to-face with a TA in my life, but I've had some awfully close relationships with them over the years. I had one for quite a while whose knowledge of the cruise lines and even specific ships absolutely astounded me. She could tell you at the drop of a hat what cabins to stay away from and which were good bets. I have to be honest ... it would take me years to develop that level of expertise. But she's been in the business for years. In fact, we've sometimes talked on the phone for over an hour when I was making a booking.


So, personally I don't think there's any overriding benefit to dealing face-to-face with a TA. You can get superior service just as well over the phone and via email. The question to me is does that TA promptly return my calls, and if she happens to be away on a trip, does she have someone who is there to "pinch hit" for her and handle any problems that come up with her clients? And if she is on a trip, does she "take her office with her," so to speak? Does she check email daily and answer questions regardless of the fact that she's on a cruise?


It is those qualities that define a great TA to me ... not the fact of whether or not I can go to their office and talk with them. Let's face it, there are a lot of business people in our hometowns whose service stinks. I've run into plenty of them, as I would imagine have you. Give me a person who is service-oriented and I'm happy. Frankly, I don't care if they are based in Australia, just as long as they meet my needs and treat my business as though it is something they covet, it works for me.


Blue skies ...



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I had a situation recently with an agent at HAL when I called to get information about a sailing. Later that day I had a confirmation on my emails. I had not told her anything definite and at that time I was not sure we wanted that cruise but she proceeded to book it. Those agents are all over the country and not even at HAL. I want an agent that I know!
If you didn't give her a credit card number, then she didn't book it. All she did was place a courtesy hold on the cabin, for your benefit, so that you'd have the OPTION of taking it. Courtesy holds are only in place for a short time ... then if a booking isn't made, the cabin goes back into inventory. Happens all the time and it's standard practice.


Blue skies ...



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Rita, PCC's don't work on commission at all. They are regular salaried employees. I like this as I know he will do his best for my small cruise as he will for a world cruise becasue he gets paid the same regardless of the cost of my cruise.
Wow! I didn't know that. Thanks for the info.


It's interesting, but from what I understand TA's are told to treat EVERY client as though they were booking the most expensive world cruise. The reason? That client may only be booking a five-day getaway to Mexico, but if she enjoys the trip, she might very well tell 20 other people how much she enjoyed it and possibly even refer them to you. One of those 20 people, you never know, might very well book a world cruise down the line, and if they book it with you, then that little five-day Mexico getaway that you cheerfully booked and serviced will really pay off bigtime, huh? :)


Blue skies ...



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Originally Posted by sail7seas

One really good reason to not use a TA is because there isn't a decent one left in your area.



I've never dealt face-to-face with a TA in my life, but I've had some awfully close relationships with them over the years. I had one for quite a while whose knowledge of the cruise lines and even specific ships absolutely astounded me. She could tell you at the drop of a hat what cabins to stay away from and which were good bets. We'd sometimes talk on the phone for over an hour when I was making a booking.


So, personally I don't think there's any overriding benefit to dealing face-to-face with a TA. You can get superior service just as well over the phone and via email. The question to me is does that TA promptly return my calls, and if she happens to be away on a trip, does she have someone who is there to "pinch hit" for her and handle any problems that come up with her clients? And if she is on a trip, does she "take her office with her," so to speak? Does she check email daily and answer questions regardless?


It is those qualities that define a great TA to me ... not the fact of whether or not I can go to their office and talk with them. Let's face it, there are a lot of business people in our hometowns whose service stinks. I've run into plenty of them, as I would imagine have you. Give me a person who is service-oriented and I'm happy. Frankly, I don't care if they are based in Australia, just as long as they meet my needs and treat my business as though it is something they covet.


Blue skies ...















In my post I indicated I used a long distance TA very successfully for years. Perhaps you did not notice that. When you *snip* a quote, sometimes you lose the full concept of what was written.



This is what I wrote:





Originally Posted by sail7seas

One really good reason to not use a TA is because there isn't a decent one left in your area.


We had a number of pretty good to excellent TA's locally but one by one they have all gone out of business the last several years. I can't think of any I would deal with.


I used a long distance TA for years very successfully for years but she left the business. I now deal with PCC and expect to get calls returned in a reasonable length of time. He knows that and obliges.





A PCC is long distance, NO? I am in Boston. He is in Seattle.

I prefer a brick and mortar local TA to keep the business in the community and I always enjoyed the luxury of dropping in whenever I wanted to. I liked that if I walked in whatever I wanted got done then....right then!



Also.... didn't you comment the other night in a thread that you have recently become a brand new TA? Did I misunderstand what you wrote?





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I had a situation recently with an agent at HAL when I called to get information about a sailing. Later that day I had a confirmation on my emails. I had not told her anything definite and at that time I was not sure we wanted that cruise but she proceeded to book it. Those agents are all over the country and not even at HAL. I want an agent that I know!


I understand why you would be annoyed with her making the booking but maybe it wasn't that bad an idea??


She might have seen space was limited, you did not give her a credit card so she couldn't charge you anything but she saved the space for you just in case you decided you wanted that cruise.


Deposit has to be made quickly so it didn't come out of inventory long but she preservfed your option.


Technically, sure....she should have asked if you wanted her to do that but I'm hoping a simple reply to her e-mail that you didn't want the cabin was all you needed to do to clear up the situation.


Actually, I think all the PCC's are in Seattle. Perhaps not all reservations agents, but all the Personal Cruise Consultants. Anyone have different info about that?




Sail - I think you nailed it. AFAIK all the PCCs are in Seattle. I remember reading a while back that they have a reservation center in the midwest somewhere, but I don't remember where. Like you and others, I have had the same PCC for several years and have 'chatty' conversations whenever I call to ask about something. It doesn't matter that we are on different coasts, she has always been efficient and timely. I did deal once, a long time ago, with a reservation agent and all they were interested in was making the booking. The PCC department is more like a TA that only sells HAL products. Since I do deal with the same person all the time, I do feel that I know her.



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