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What's a 12 y.o. to do after 11pm?


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It's late and I'm tired too. Mostly of this thread, so this is the last for me for tonight. Here's the part of the OP's post in question:


will there be anything for us to do with our 12 y.o. until our teen (16) is done his "partying".?????


How could anyone misinterpet that? It point blank says "for us to do with our 12 y.o.". Us, meaning "we, the parents, the adults. The OP didn't change her statement one bit between the original post and when she came back later..not one bit.



Yes, it is late but night owl that I am, I'll give it one more try.


We all know a large percentage of parents affirmatively choose to let their kids, regardless of age, have free reign, at all hours, on a cruise. Whether the OP falls into this category, I can not say. But those of us who assume that the OP does fall into that category..........

I'm sure YOU have heard "innocent until proven guilty" a few times in your life..... assuming things is not good either. ;););):D:p

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Well, well, well...it's a fine pickel I've gotten us all into here.....

THANK YOU ALL for posting in this thread....let me say I've learned a lot!!!

I promise all the really "worried about my poor neglected children" people out there that we will ALL...together...be in our cabin by midnight so as not to turn into pumpkins!!!

I promise not to give the kids "shots" of anything! and I promise not to let them ROAM ALONE!!!!


Now lets all stop this nonscense and think "happy" thoughts!;)





PS....Not to be a nudge, but....what's the "blue Lagoon":confused:

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PS....Not to be a nudge, but....what's the "blue Lagoon":confused:


Blue Lagoon


Located on Deck 7;

accommodates 92.

In honor of the midnight snack, we bring you the Blue Lagoon 24-Hour Food Court. Whether you're hankering for a burger or a fast-wok dish, you can enjoy it all in a family friendly atmposphere day or night.



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Blue Lagoon


Located on Deck 7;

accommodates 92.

In honor of the midnight snack, we bring you the Blue Lagoon 24-Hour Food Court. Whether you're hankering for a burger or a fast-wok dish, you can enjoy it all in a family friendly atmposphere day or night.





Is this the Buffet restaurant? I'm hearing conflicting information. I don't know why the NCL website doesn't just LIST their restaurants. they aren't even in the brochures I was sent. Is the Garden Cafe the buffet, or is the Blue Lagoon? thank you :D

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Hey James, how's the job so far? Hope you're lovin' it.:)


Just gotta' disagree with you here a little.;)

I'm sure wondering around at night was the best part of the trip for you but....I've seen my share of 12 year olds wondering around the ship doing things they shouldn't be doing. Sometimes kids that age get very "brave" when they are are their own and do things they would never do when they're with their parents. In particular, remember one who had a very unfortunate fall, to say the least, on the Majesty before they put in the extra guards on the stairwells? It really didn't matter that his fare was paid like everyone else. Just sayin'.;)


As a parent of two grown children...I agreeeee with this post!

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Blue Lagoon was great our Favorite thing to do late night! great wings and fish and chips. Its a great place to be casual and hang with the kids.

Last cruise it was just me and my son he was 12 we had a great time

hope you do as well:)

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Wait a minute though folks. I'm sorry but many of you are blowing this way, way out of line. The OP specifically asked about things they could do WITH their child after 11 pm while waiting for the older child to finish the teen club activities. The teen club...again, not roaming all around the ship causing havoc....an organized activity.


We're not talking about a parent here who is allowing their teen to stay out all night long hanging with friends or allowing a preteen to prowl around the ship unattended. Everyone agrees that is a bad idea and shouldn't happen. and I'm the first one in line to say that there's no excuse for bad parenting. But that's not the case here and I think that the OP is really getting beat up on for something she has NO intention of allowing.


I also think that telling someone when their child should be in bed is ludicrous. To each his own. As long as the kids aren't infringing on your vacation, it's really not anyone's business what time someone puts their kid gets to bed. And as far as the comments about leaving kids home? Well, I'm not even going near that one.


Really folks, lighten up. All the OP did was ask a polite question.






Don't you just love all of the rude posts from the "I'm better than you" crowd and the kid haters?? For people who want to cruise without children on their boat: BUY YOUR OWN BOAT or vacation at a retirement home please.


OP: I am sorry that you have been attacked for asking a simple question. I wish we were on you cruise and our young adults could hang out together. I hope that you were able to skip over the preachers and see some of the good ideas for you and your family after dark.


We are from the West coast so to suggest that my "kids" go to bed at 8:00pm when sailing the Caribbean is just plain idiotic!


Hope you have a great cruise and will continue to ask quesitons on CC.

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Is this the Buffet restaurant? I'm hearing conflicting information. I don't know why the NCL website doesn't just LIST their restaurants. they aren't even in the brochures I was sent. Is the Garden Cafe the buffet, or is the Blue Lagoon? thank you :D


Garden Cafe is the Buffet and Blue lagoon is more like a fast food diner:)

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Is this the Buffet restaurant? ... Is the Garden Cafe the buffet, or is the Blue Lagoon? thank you :D

The Garden Cafe is a buffet, with set, posted, hours.


The Blue Lagoon, is a sit down, fast food, limited menu, open (almost) 24 hours a day.


(At least that is how it was on the Spirit, lact Oct.)



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For those who want a cruise without children on board....I would rather deal with children in hot tubs or roaming the ship than a childish adult....


I want a cruise without

... intoxicated adults

... deck chair hogging adults

... breast oggling men

... cue jumpers (at buffet or disembarking at ports)

... grumpy people who aren't happy with anything (regardless of age)


Now that's just plain funny!!! Amen.


That would seem to say that you have no plans to visit the places the ship docks several days a week... and that is fine... your children your choice on how they can spend their vacation time...


WHAT?? We, me and my kids, stay up on the ship until midnight or 1:00 every night and have never missed a single port or excursion. I am completely baffled by that weird statement :confused:

I can't take anymore of this nonsense...time for some tv.

Dear Mods: PLEASE close this thread ;).

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I'm reading that around 11 things tend to get a little "adult" & the teen club can hang until later than the tween club...will there be anything for us to do with our 12 y.o. until our teen (16) is done his "partying".?????


[With the emphasis on "with" meaning the 12 y.o. together with parent(s)]

I do think there will be very limited ship sponsored activities at that hour. One option I've not seem mentioned is the ship's Card Room. They will have a (small) selection of games, and you could always bring your own. Another activity would be to plan the next day's schedule, getting input from the 12 y.o. on what they might like to do. (Where - what breakfast, lunch, shore activities.) Talk about what they enjoyed that day, and what they least enjoyed.



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No I actually haven't but I have had to listen to disgusting jokes told by inebriated men..... I think the point has been made- NCL is family friendly. Families have the right to raise their children as they see fit (as long as it does not interfere with others), anyone who doesn't see it that way belongs on another line.


I am rarely in the hot tub and when I am, I am in there with my kids, supervising them, and I reserve the right to do that at 11 pm if I want to. Kids are full fare for those of you who don't travel with them ( and no they are not 3rd and 4th passengers in my case-I have 4 children and either get them an inside across the hall or a connecting balcony) and have every much a right to be there as the drunk adults!


To the OP, we have gone to the game room (they love that), gone in the hot tub, watched movies in the rooms, hit the end of the buffet for deserts and of course our all time favorite gone to Blue Lagoon for plates of french fries!


Yes, NCL is family friendly; it is also adult friendly. Sometimes I think some parents with minor children tend to forget that not all places onboard and not all activities are appropriate for children because the cruise line is marketing to and trying to please a broad demographic. That's why they have areas for kids, for adults, and for everyone. There are so many parents who claim that "I paid full fare for my child, therefore my child should be able to go everywhere, do everything, and have access to 100% of the ship." Which is, of course, the same as my claiming that "I paid full fare so I should be allowed to go everywhere, even the kids club." It's that attitude that bothers many adults (both parents and non-parents).


You've mentioned "drunk adults" several times as though all adults who travel without children are drunk. You know that's not true. It's a common thing though to take "kids behaving badly" (not yours; just the ones who do) and say, "Well, adults behave badly too..." as if that excuses the kids (or that is, the parents who are not controlling their kids). (And yes, I am a parent and grandparent.)


What you describe doing with your kids in the late evening sounds great and appropriate. As long as the places you go haven't been designated as for adults only, such as some of the hot tubs and certain pools.


When did a PRE teen become a "young adult"?


I agree. At that rate, we'll call 5-y/os "very young adults" pretty soon. Too bad that some parents/people think that children should be treated as "small adults." They aren't. They shouldn't be "seen and not heard" and they shouldn't be banished in the evening. But they don't belong everywhere and they don't belong in venues where adult activities occur (such as when parents insist on bringing their 10-y/o to the late night comedy show billed as "for adults only") with no regard for others.


I hope you do have a great family cruise. Pay attention to your kids and the rest of the passengers will appreciate it too. It is like I said before......when parents get in their head that they are on vacation and throw common sense to the wind....that things go bad. Remember that there are others wanting to enjoy their cruise experience too....and all will be well.


Right on! It sounds like that's exactly what lisid's family intends to do. That's the kind of parents we love to see cruising with their kids. It can be such a great vacation for all ages.



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Nothing good happens after midnight when you're not in your own bed, no matter how old you are . . . :D


Sorry, can't resist: But sometimes good things happen after midnight when I'm in my own bed with my DH;)...no matter how old we are.:D



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Since this has become a venting post for some, and a sharing of opinions by others, I will give mine, which I hold as mine and don't force on anyone else.


1. Unsupervised (Which is NOT what the OP asked about) would not be wise for anyone after the sun goes down. I would include my DW in that too - remember the news in December/January?


2. Family activities, are always appropriate - unless they are in an inappropriate venue - which is I think the was OP's original reason for their question.


3. Some vacations are for mom and dad - that is required.;) However, when you can take the kids, I am sure they get quite a lot of enjoyment out of it too.:)


4. Most cruises in the Caribbean etc, are geared on a particular time line. Out of port at supper time, into port at sun-up. If you want a great cruise, follow that schedule. Don't be sleeping in until 8am, or you are going to miss out on the most beautiful part of the day. I enjoyed, immensely, sipping coffee on my balcony as we were piloted into Nassau. Very relaxing. That is my definition of a vacation.


4a. Expanding on the above, My DW and I retired around 11pm or so, although I don't think we slept before 2am...;) However, a 12 y.o. needs to have 8-10 hours of sleep a night. I'll argue that down to 8 hours, which means 11pm on vacation should be a reasonable bedtime. At home, in school, I certainly expect my 11 y.o. to be in her room by 9pm or 10pm. After all, the school bus leaves at quarter of seven.


5. Parents - not Governments:mad:, Popular Opinion, Lady at the end of the Street, Uncle Bob - decide what to do with their kids. God forbid the day that is not true. If you agree visit parentalrights - org.


6. So then my kids would be in bed, by 10pm, or earlier, maybe watching a movie or taking a bath (all girls - so that is two hour event) I'll be up at 4am, to enjoy the next port arrival, and we'll all be heading to breakfast at 8am. Of course if everyone was on this schedule, we'd be on Celebrity...:eek:

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I actually read the OP as what they could do as a family together. After I read the responses I see where it could be read as "where could we dump our 12-year-old". What could we do with, or What could we do with. Some of the "adult" responses sounded childish and rude. Since I read it the way the OP meant for it to be the first thing I thought of was a game of ping pong or as others mentioned, just hanging out on the deck and going over that days activities and what to do the next day.


I'm not sure the Majesty has a Blue Lagoon. Does anyone know for sure?

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I stopped reading this thread about 1/2 through because I felt like a lot of abuse was being heaped upon the OP for asking a legit question. I too took it as they were asking what they could do WITH their child, not how they could dump their child some where or on someone.


I also want to say that I love children. Being a gay man who will never have kids, I spoiled my niece and nephews rotten and now have the joy of doing that to their children.. However if you put me on a Disney ship where, in my mind, there are millions of children running around screaming with joy and excitement, I would literally probably jump overboard. I just cannot take a lot of kids at once like that. My niece once had her oldest son's birthday at Chucky Cheese and I told her that was the last time I would ever go there.


With that said, nothing warms my heart more than when I see parents with their kids on vacation, be it land or a cruise. I did not have that from my parents, so I love seeing families take vacations together. It is nice to see parents who actually like their kids and enjoy spending time with them. Even if we run into a "gaggle" (my favorite way to describe a group of excited kids...like little baby ducks) of kids on a cruise, I swallow my discomfort and let them pass or move onto some where else because I would rather give up that little bit, for them to get so much.


OP I am sure you are a good parent and I hope you and your family have a wonderful cruise.


For those who want a cruise without children on board....I would rather deal with children in hot tubs or roaming the ship than a childish adult....


I want a cruise without

... intoxicated adults

... deck chair hogging adults

... breast oggling men

... cue jumpers (at buffet or disembarking at ports)

... grumpy people who aren't happy with anything (regardless of age)



I do not let my children roam the ship without supervision. Maybe those of you travelling with obnoxious adults would afford us the same courtesy and appropriately supervise these childish adults.


I had to giggle at your posting cause it is so true.. LOL

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PS....Not to be a nudge, but....what's the "blue Lagoon":confused:


There isn't actually a Blue Lagoon (24 hour diner like place) on the Majesty. What they have instead is a place called Piazza San Marco whick is located on deck aft. It's just like the Blue Lagoon though. It's open 23 hours a day and serves "comfort" foods. Great for late night snacks.


Is this the Buffet restaurant? I'm hearing conflicting information. I don't know why the NCL website doesn't just LIST their restaurants. they aren't even in the brochures I was sent. Is the Garden Cafe the buffet, or is the Blue Lagoon? thank you :D


If you go to NCL's website and click on "ships" at the top, and then select the ship you are interested in, you can find out all about it...including restaurants available. Regarding your question about the Garden Cafe vs the Blue Lagoon, they are different restaurants. The Blue Lagoon is a 23 hour diner like place where people normally go for late night snacks etc. They do however serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, but it's not extensive meals like you get in the other restaurants. And, it has waiter/waitress service...it's not a buffet like the Garden Cafe is.



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Would you allow your 12 year old to wander around your downtown by herself at night?

A ship is a small city with crew who have been away from home for months and other passengers who may be predators.


She should just hang out with you or go to the cabin and watch tv or read a book. IMHO

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My answer, having cruised with kids, teens and tweens, is to let him go walk around and look at things and check in with you if you are in the cabin. He'll be bored and exhausted after a day swimming and in the sun anyway. My kids love to order room service and watch movies at night.

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This thread is quite entertaining. Wish I was reading 'live' last night.


Couple of add ons....Re: backtracking from original statements: Veggie is the one backtracking. His original statement basically lumps ALMOST ALL parents into the same group = carefree, unsupervised, lack of discipline. I suspect that a small MINORITY of parents do not appropriately supervise their kids.


I would add to the list of adult offenses: Inappropriate language that I have to somehow filter from my children.


Finally, I have to call my local Child Protective Services office to report myself for allowing my 12 y/o to escort her sibs 7/9 to get a cookie before bedtime at about 10:30. What a terrible parent I am. They go to the cookie place and come back. Sometimes, I will secretly follow them to ensure all is safe (and to get my own cookie), but there are sometimes that I know my responsible kids will be back in 5 minutes.


The point is I know my kids will act appropriately. Don't tell us how to raise our kids or when we should go to bed. In exchange, I am pretty sure that my kids won't splash you in a whirlpool. I know they won't be running down the halls at midnight and I know they won't be dancing/gambling with you at Midnight

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CruisnGram, it is because some people don't pay attention unfortunately. You are right, the original post can't be misinterpreted. The sad [art for me was "anything for us to do with our 12 year old", like he's a burden. Poor kid.


Thank you for putting me out of my misery! LOL Seriously, I could not for the life of me understand why people were coming down so hard on the OP. It was driving me nuts.


I read and reread and read again her original posting and it always looked the same way to me: What activities can we attend with our 11 year old child after 11 pm. I just could NOT see it any other way.


I never even considered that the OP was saying: We want to do some adult things after 11 pm so where can we dump our kid.


I still maintain (and the OP has confirmed) that my original thought was correct...they were looking for things they could do in the company of their child after 11 pm. But at least now I understand why so many people were upset by the posting.



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OP, if you ever want to ask a kid-related question, I suggest you go to the Family board. There's a great wealth of info over there and the people are very friendly. I find that the other boards (not just NCL) do a lot of kid-bashing.


I don't have much to add to the other suggestions (cards, hot tubs/pools, movies, arcade, food) but I will add that the deck party is always tons of fun and usually starts at 10:45 pm, one day during the cruise. There are always tons of kids there. I'm not familiar with the majesty, but there may be a sports area, like a basketball court. I also think that he will meet other kids and would probably be happy just "hanging out" with a new friend (yes, supervised imo - the pool deck and above is a great place at night to let the kids hang out on one side while you keep an eye on them from a few tables away, enjoying the stars and the ocean).


Have a great time!

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OP, if you ever want to ask a kid-related question, I suggest you go to the Family board. There's a great wealth of info over there and the people are very friendly. I find that the other boards (not just NCL) do a lot of kid-bashing.


I don't have much to add to the other suggestions (cards, hot tubs/pools, movies, arcade, food) but I will add that the deck party is always tons of fun and usually starts at 10:45 pm, one day during the cruise. There are always tons of kids there. I'm not familiar with the majesty, but there may be a sports area, like a basketball court. I also think that he will meet other kids and would probably be happy just "hanging out" with a new friend (yes, supervised imo - the pool deck and above is a great place at night to let the kids hang out on one side while you keep an eye on them from a few tables away, enjoying the stars and the ocean).


Have a great time!


Great advice about the family board! Some of the comments here are way off base and have nothing to do with her question.

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Don't you just love all of the rude posts from the "I'm better than you" crowd and the kid haters?? For people who want to cruise without children on their boat: BUY YOUR OWN BOAT or vacation at a retirement home please.


OP: I am sorry that you have been attacked for asking a simple question. I wish we were on you cruise and our young adults could hang out together. I hope that you were able to skip over the preachers and see some of the good ideas for you and your family after dark.


We are from the West coast so to suggest that my "kids" go to bed at 8:00pm when sailing the Caribbean is just plain idiotic!


Hope you have a great cruise and will continue to ask quesitons on CC.



I'm sorry...but why exactly is it that you have more "right" to impose your children on people, than they have to prefer no imposition?


Buy your own boat, and sail it with your kids. That way they can stay up until 7a.m., without disturbing anyone else.


Would you let your kids roam in the middle of a big city at 2a.m. (or 11pm west coast time)? probably not. Not because of what your kid might be up to....but because of what nefarious-minded adults might be up to....which could put your kid at risk.


A ship this size is just like a city....you have no idea who the other people are, onboard...

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